Cthac-Atorasu - 5 Votes
Ithotu - 1 Vote
Ath-Yolazsth - 1 Vote
Cthac-Atorasu wins the vote...
The invisible web of Cthac-Atorasu is beginning to envelop the town of Shiokawa... Combat encounters are now inescapable...
Players, Select Shiokawa's History (Two Buildings at Most):
Home - Rest at Home, Replenishing Stamina/Reason, But Costing DOOM
Shop - Spend funds to buy items, visiting the shop costs DOOM, and replenishing the store of items also costs DOOM; Warning: Do not anger the doggo shopkeep.
Police Station - Spend Experience to Gain Funds. Visiting costs DOOM.
Occult Shop - Spend funds to buy items, visiting the shop costs DOOM, and replenishing the store of items also costs DOOM.
Vending Machines - Spend funds to buy items. Visiting the vending machines costs DOOM. Items cannot be replenished.
Schoolyard - Attempt to recruit allies, visiting costs DOOM.
Library - Learn Spells or Gain Experience, doing either costs DOOM.
Doctor's Office - Spend Funds to heal injuries, Costs DOOM to enter. Some status effects cannot be healed...
Pharmacy - Spend Funds to buy items, entering and replenishing items costs DOOM.
Hardware Store - Spend Funds to buy items, entering and replenishing items costs DOOM.
Monument - Spend Stamina to Lower DOOM.
Illegal Den - Spend funds to buy items, entering and replenishing items costs DOOM.
Witch's Tree - Gain a curse to grant a wish: +2 Stamina, Learn a Spell, or +2 Money... Doing this more than three times will have... dire consequences...
Neighbor - Gives you a potential ally under certain circumstances, and allows for a mystery.