Womens Divison Seems To Be Getting More Interesting!

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
I wouldnt mind that TBH.

And that's why it should be done, because practically no one would care. Fact is the guys don't care if they see chicks, its an added bonus. In reality they're just there for the violence. And its not like the WWE is ever going to treat its women's division seriously.
May 7, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
Yeah the divas are getting interesting with the Mickie, Melina, and Beth Phenoix fued with Melina turning face. They should make Melina champ again

Hometown Kid

Yeah the divas are getting interesting with the Mickie, Melina, and Beth Phenoix fued with Melina turning face. They should make Melina champ again

Yup no doubt about that they just took the 4 good divas on Raw & gave them some actual storylines...Melina should be champ...she can wrestle & she's easily the best diva on the mic...


Or that, yeah. Send Beth and Victoria to TNA (the others you people claim are talented are just minnows in a guppy tank, sorry), and send the rest back to the strip clubs they were picked up from.

Maybe they are talented, but all I see when they enter the ring is girls wearing nothing trying to suffocate each other with their baby-chutes. You may point out that Gail Kim wears just as little, and i'm not denying that. It annoys me to no end that she's allowed to wear so little in a division that's meant to revolutionize how people see women's wrestling. Put some damn pants on, Gail, if I want to see that i'll go look at asian porn.

Ya but the divas dont even dress liek that anymore. I mean, Mickie wears a decent top and pants, same with belina, and beth and natalya and victoria wear proper wrestling gear as well. Again, the ones who dont are the "eye candy" people I pointed out, which has no effect on the womens division, because both wwe and tna has them.
And id like to point out, that if your argument is so much about you liking the womens/knockouts divisions because of wrestling, then you seem pretty hung up on the outfits they wear. Just watch your wrestling, because a diva wrestling in a normal bra and panties set wouldnt even be bad, because they are wearing the equivelant of what guys wear with their speedos. Ya know, the point of wrestling gear isnt to cover everything, or else Batista wouldnt wear what he wears, its to cover what needs to be covered. So if thats your problem, thats pretty dumb, because theres nothing wrong with that if they wore only bra and panties. But, if that is your problem, then thats pointless because I cant remember the last time a diva wore bra and panties on tna or wwe. Mostly, as I said, they wear more than they have to by wearing pants and a top.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Yup no doubt about that they just took the 4 good divas on Raw & gave them some actual storylines...Melina should be champ...she can wrestle & she's easily the best diva on the mic...

Are you sure you're not high? Am I the only one who remembers her press conference and all the crap that's come since? She's literally nails on chalkboard.

Hometown Kid

Are you sure you're not high? Am I the only one who remembers her press conference and all the crap that's come since? She's literally nails on chalkboard.

That was all the writers fault there, as long as she's not screaming or giving stupid press conferences as you said she flows very well...she's no John Morrison but...she's not Lena Yada either...


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
That was all the writers fault there, as long as she's not screaming or giving stupid press conferences as you said she flows very well...she's no John Morrison but...she's not Lena Yada either...

The writers didn't give her her voice, or delivery.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
Ya but the divas dont even dress liek that anymore. I mean, Mickie wears a decent top and pants, same with belina, and beth and natalya and victoria wear proper wrestling gear as well. Again, the ones who dont are the "eye candy" people I pointed out, which has no effect on the womens division, because both wwe and tna has them.
And id like to point out, that if your argument is so much about you liking the womens/knockouts divisions because of wrestling, then you seem pretty hung up on the outfits they wear. Just watch your wrestling, because a diva wrestling in a normal bra and panties set wouldnt even be bad, because they are wearing the equivelant of what guys wear with their speedos. Ya know, the point of wrestling gear isnt to cover everything, or else Batista wouldnt wear what he wears, its to cover what needs to be covered. So if thats your problem, thats pretty dumb, because theres nothing wrong with that if they wore only bra and panties. But, if that is your problem, then thats pointless because I cant remember the last time a diva wore bra and panties on tna or wwe. Mostly, as I said, they wear more than they have to by wearing pants and a top.
I'm not a fan of male wrestlers in speedos, fyi. Put some pants on, Batista. I came to watch wrestling, not a breeding ground for gay jokes.

As for TNA's eye candy, even their eye candy dresses more modestly than some of the Divas. And yes, what they wear DOES matter. Everyone I know pretty much refuses to watch a women's wrestling match, because they know it'll just be some overly sexified embarassment to professional wrestling. How am I supposed to go and tell them "wait, watch them in action, trust me, they're really talented!" when it's two girls in latex lingerie in the ring? An emphasis on women's wrestling means dressing in realistic athletic attire (Jaqueline), or something decent that suits the gimmick (ODB, Roxxi). Hell, even in TNA's eye candy department, The Beautiful People - the girls with a slut GIMMICK - dress modestly enough. SALINAS of all people wears pants most of the time. When I see that, I know the women's division is being taken seriously and that all emphasis is put on some badass wrestling with real storylines to back it up. When I see a girl out there in a bra and shortshorts, pulling splits to get into the ring, using the MuffStuff Submission Hold, I don't care if the big one can pull off a delayed fisherman's suplex and neither do the casual viewers who decided to see if WWE has gotten around to taking women seriously yet. All they see is more annoying sexualization, and then they change the channel.


I'm not a fan of male wrestlers in speedos, fyi. Put some pants on, Batista. I came to watch wrestling, not a breeding ground for gay jokes.

As for TNA's eye candy, even their eye candy dresses more modestly than some of the Divas. And yes, what they wear DOES matter. Everyone I know pretty much refuses to watch a women's wrestling match, because they know it'll just be some overly sexified embarassment to professional wrestling. How am I supposed to go and tell them "wait, watch them in action, trust me, they're really talented!" when it's two girls in latex lingerie in the ring? An emphasis on women's wrestling means dressing in realistic athletic attire (Jaqueline), or something decent that suits the gimmick (ODB, Roxxi). Hell, even in TNA's eye candy department, The Beautiful People - the girls with a slut GIMMICK - dress modestly enough. SALINAS of all people wears pants most of the time. When I see that, I know the women's division is being taken seriously and that all emphasis is put on some badass wrestling with real storylines to back it up. When I see a girl out there in a bra and shortshorts, pulling splits to get into the ring, using the MuffStuff Submission Hold, I don't care if the big one can pull off a delayed fisherman's suplex and neither do the casual viewers who decided to see if WWE has gotten around to taking women seriously yet. All they see is more annoying sexualization, and then they change the channel.

Obviouisly were not going to agree on this, lol, and thats fine. But ill put my final opinion.

We all know that TNA has the better womens division, its jyst the way it is. And WWE in the past has been guilt of using ALOT of eye candy. And now, they are improving. They arent as good as TNAs women division, which is fine, but at least they're improving.
And you seemed to say they only have the two good wrestlers, but I disagree. I think they have a good core of actual wrestlers. Again, consisting of Mickie, Michelle, Melina, beth, Natalya, Victoria and Katie Lea.
Thats a good core of proper wrestlers.
And theres a few others who arent on that level but that can still wrestle.(Ashley, Candice)
The only eye candy is Kelly Kelly, Maria, Maryse and thats basically it. But that doesnt effect the division because they dont wrestler. The ones in the singles matches and the ones who do most of the wrestling in tag matches can all wrestle pretty well for the womens division.

Now as far as looks, theres nothing wrong with looking good. But it seems your talking about the stuff they wear. Well IMO, its pretty equal. To be honest, Im not delighted when Awesome Kong struts the ring in a skirt and then falls over, but I dont hear you getting mad at what she wears.
But in general, the wwe and tna women dress similar.
The eye candies still dont even dress down that much on either show, they both wear pants and a bra-top, although sometimes on wwe they wear skirts. But as far as the wrestlers, Id say its not bad on either side. Most women on both wwe and tna for the most part wear just wrestling tights and a top Nothing wrong with that IMO. But I see that on TNA too, but in general, I dont care which show it is, but I dont have any problems with the outfits. Nothing slutty about what they wear.
Im done now :laugh:

the dark knight

I don't find Beth boring at all. Infact, she's better than pretty much all the other Divas who just strut around like bimbos showing off their tits and ass.
thats exactly what i wanna see. and if you're gonna tell me "go watch porn", save it. been said a lot....

random porn is random, means nothing. trish stratus in the ring fully clothed > hardcore jesse jane action.

also, beth isn't boring but....she's just ugly. but that really makes her a good heel..i BOOOOOOOOOOOO everytime she wins. we all know wrestling's fake and its not just about WRESTLING. STORYLINES...idc if the divas cant wrestle for shit as long as we get interesting storylines. just like the thing between mickie and katie lea....i find mickie ugly and katie a bit...mannish. but im really looking forward to whats gonna happen next week.

Melina is soooo boring.
annoying and ugly too.


Both male and female wrestlers dress in skimpy little fuckin outfits, end of discussion. Would my first choice of outfit be a little leather speedo with my logo on my ass and crotch? No...it's just for the over the top entertainment value for both genders.


Traditionally, wrestlers would wear few (or skimpy, tight) clothes so that their opponents had less to hold into when grappling.

Mind you, ffwd through the decades.... My female housemate thinks Batista is great and she's certainly no wrestling fan... Could it have anthing to do with a physique like that wrapped up in nothing but a napkin sized bit of pvc? ...Surely not!!! : P


Aug 10, 2007
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It seems to me that womens wrestling is going back to the way it used to be. This is a touchy subject for alot of fans, the females in particular. We want to see women in the ring kicking ass not showing ass. The last couple years have been tough, what with having to stomach watching the likes of Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson prancing around the ring.

Womens wrestling will never be as marketable as mens wrestling. Not when what they have been offering up until now can be seen on any other show in bigger doses, and more explicitly. But it seems that some progress is being made. See, I knew there was some logic in that whole " to make it in the future, look to the past " theory.

If Beth is the new Chyna, I guess that would make Melina, Mickie, and Victoria the new Ivory, Jaqueline and Jazz. All we need now is the new Trish and Lita. Theres always going to be bimbos outside the ring, dressed like whores, trying to distract men from the task at hand. There always has been. The mistake the WWE made was to take those tramps away from the outside of the ring, and put them inside. They are mistaking looks for talent.

And it appears from the reaction of alot of the guys here at this forum, that they are not impressed with this. Im sure you guys arent the only ones who feel that way. Im sure that the scantily clad ring hookers will be a thing of the past the same day that Vince quits with the ' big man' thing. Lets not hold our breathe, in other words. I, myself am just pleased by the fact that we are actually getting some women who WRESTLE. Its hard to be 100% judgemental on the tramps turned into wrestlers method, since Trish Stratus also started off as eye candy, and she turned into one of the best womens champs ever. *crosses fingers for the womens division*