This Guy
Yo, you guys forgot about Super Smash Bros: Brawl. It apparently is supposed to take the Wii to the #1 system and be the #1 game for quite some time. I own the Super Smash Brothers Melee for Gamecube...whitch is old as hell and I never play ( got a PS3) and it is good.....I recommend getting it in Feb.
How can Smash Bros take Wii to #1 when its already the # 1 System?
Brawl is pushed back till march.
True. March 9th, is the official date now.
Mario Galaxy > all
Its like the n64 Mario, but way better. The engine is great, you never have any problems with controls, camera, etc. I recommend this game.
Its the official sequal to Mario 64, couldn't agree more with you there Rell. Back after the Mario 64, Nintendo debut a tech demo called Mario 128. Everyone thought that it would be the sequal to Mario 64 and loved the game engine and the inovative style. Nintendo used it as just what it was a tech demo, and evey Mario game has used aspects of it since, including Mario Sunshine, the Paper Mario games, etc. Super Mario Galaxy uses all of them. I got a free copy of it, and because during the September to January we get a lot of free stuff from the vendors I hadn't gotten around to playing it (like many others). I had been slowly working through my 360 collection and one day felt like something different and finally cracked my Galaxy open. I've barely stopped playing since.