LMFAO!!! Samoa Joe pwns Batista in so many ways, he knows how to wrestle, I am pretty sure he isn't on drugs and can cut a good promo. Batista has the same basic moves as any other big guy on steroids, just ask Bobby Lashley and his spear. Yeah Batista can sell out a show and hype better but that is only because he is in WWE, they chose to push him and make him M/E and pretty much eveyone WWE do that with selld out shows because WWE tends to sell out alot more. If Joe was doing what he does in WWE he would be WAY more liked because so much more people watch WWE then ROH and TNA. Joe is an alright choice since he is pretty much an ROH legend and can put on great matches but they could have had anyone, Low Ki would have been good or Christopher Daniels since he would actually be Daniels and not Curryboy...Anyways, Joe > Big Gay Dave!
The point went waaaaaay over your head Jerry Lennie
Like I said, Joe is a more entertaining in-ring performer than Batista, but that doesn't necessarily mean a lot. Seriously, Ring Of Honors entire roster including guys like Rhett Titus and Eddie Edwards (aka nobodies) are probably better in-ring performers than Batista, does they mean they're "> Batista"? When it comes to wrestling, drawing is honestly the only thing that matters. Look at Hulk Hogan....meh, I dont feel like getting into it, we could go all day and I dont have the time lol...smh, I have a kaedon'esque mind state these days...disgusting.
and ROH announced Joe vs.....wait for it....TYLER BLACK hmy:
cant say I saw that coming
With Aries, Danielson, and Nigel already in matches, we're probably gonna get something along the lines of Samoa Joe vs Tyler "I kick out of finishers, people go ape shit, I still lose xD" Black...