who were the old mods again?
Other forums = Lord of the rings sized paragraph posts.
This Forum = that porn-o mag with funny cartoons.
Just sayin', we kick it casual, others be all uptight nazi g-lords, ya' heaRd?!
I completely understand what you are saying, and I would be more than willing to stop being sarcastic and whatnot if the people who actually signed up here wouldn't be on the same educational level as a Blaze or LKP. Seriously. I post at other forums (not just wrestling) and I can honestly say I've never seen a forum with as many morons as this one has had. Now granted a lot of them have left like the aforementioned Blaze and LKP, as well as Famous, CAPSLOCK, and a lot of other people, but even when they leave, people who sign up here seem to be on that same level or they just sign up and leave anyways. I'm sure if we cleaned up the forum, had actual staff who knew what they are doing, and people who care to promote the forum in a proper way, it would be a much more enjoyable, much more frequented place.
Or you could offer ways of generating activing around here instead of bitching about how things are now. If you're not going to be part of the solution, what's the point of these types of threads?
So, am I the only one who feels the forum is fine as is? Yes, we can use more members. Other than that, I don't really see a problem. Little things like certain threads not being pinned doesn't bother me at all. Like seriously, who cares? (fuckin Lucas...) if there's traffic in the said thread, its gonna be at the top of the page regardless. There's actually a decent amount of discussion going on at the moment.
I actually like the fact that this forum isn't strict and uptight. Relaxed rules (Y)... We're like the ECW of wrestling boards.
This is pretty much the only forum I visit regularly, aside from lakersground.
I am a smurf.
No offense to Outsider, but doing this to members, hurts the forums reputation as well.