List of favorite wrestlers go on.
Farooq became my favorite during the APA days, along side JBL. I enjoyed the gimmick a lot, two guys beating the shit out of people or drinking, honestly for some reason made me mark. Around that time, also dug around Farooq's career looking into his Nation of Domination stuff, and WCW stuff, and I was impressed. Sure he wasn't the best wrestler or best mic worker, but he did have a passion for this business that I can still see even when he shows up just to say

: . Nowadays when I see him, I get reminded of my grandpa for some reason too. Must be the old black man thing I suppose.
Shawn Michaels is a tough one. I always enjoyed him as a face when I was a kid, but hated him as a heel. As I moved away from being a casual in this sense and began to appreciate works of heels and faces, I began to enjoy HBK on another level. Someone who can get hated so easily, and yet so easily loved. He began to climb the list into my favorites, sadly soon enough he would retire.
Undertaker, is simple. My dad always talked(and still does) to me about wrestling, and he is a huge Undertaker fan. It more or less rubbed off onto me, but I have always enjoyed the Undertaker since growing up. Even when Taker was a heel I could not hate him. That creepy aura he had around him, the power he had and just the gimmick amazed me.
JBL is basically the same for HBK. I loved him when he was in APA, but hated him as JBL until I drew away from casualness. Looking back, he's one of my favorites, I'll even put him in my top 5 because his heel work was just amazing. His mic work is just GOAT in my opinion as a heel during his time. I wish he had another world title reign, honestly he deserved it.
Daniel Bryan, since he came to the WWE. I saw him in Ring of Honor for very little, and bought a PWI magazine that had him in it. The thing that made him stood out the most, was that his in ring skills was the highest rated in the magazine, but they had him low because of no gimmick. I honestly wanted to see him in a match really. By the time he had gone into NXT, I had internet access freely. His matches in NXT were interesting, his moveset caught my interest real quick, so I looked up more moves and was amazed by the submission moves he knew. Instantly became a fan of him because of his skill in ring, and was just hoping that he would get a good gimmick. His feud with Miz, defiantly pushed him in the right direction. I'm more than glad to see him where he is today.