^^Oh dear, did your parents use you as a basketball when you were a baby??
Anybody else get that bizarre feeling that Maje$ty has been viewing my Flames for Dummies thread? >_>
Maje$ty, you are a worthless curry sucking son of a bitch. You think you're cool because you are 13 and act even more immature than most 13 year olds? Dude, you claim
Maje$ty, let me ask you. Where do you get your infinite knonwledge of everything that is the members of IWF? You seem to know everything about us, our mothers, our relationships, has your brown ass been floating around in my toilet or what?
Now you should proceed to the 'Flames for Dummies' thread. Read the thread. You will now relise everything you say has no base. It has no backbone. It is nothing but random jumblings of letters you managed to type on your keyboard. Stuff about mothers? Since whenever somebody off in a different country who knows nothing about me except what I post about wrestling says something about my mum it hurts me deep, since he knows so much
And white people jokes as just dumb. ROFL WHITE PEOPLE IN A PLANE IS SNOWWWW. Whites > Indians.