Ok I'm just gunna run off your ideas, cause I can't really think of anything major that I'd like to change. I'm actually fairly content with everything, atm.
Mysterio in ME: Lol. I would only agree to this if you mean that he has some shitty little match with Jericho/Edge over the title. One match. That's it. He doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the title, no matter how well he sells merch.
It's not just the Merch, imo, he's easily the best in ring performer in the WWE atm. I like him. Lots.
Pushing R-Truth: I agree. It's too early. A nice mid-card fued, non-title, would be nice. It'd be nice to see some character to him, too.
Nah, kill him off. He sucks, imo.
The Miz' Stardom: Why the fuck do you just want to push everyone? The guy's fucking young, he's talented, and people love to hate him. He's got a LOONG career ahead of him. No need to rush into it, and then have everyone turn around and say "they fucked it up" because they rushed it. Play this thing out with Show, maybe even put him into a solid US title fued. He doesn't have to win a major title within 3 years, imo. None of the new guys need to.
Because I don't wanna wait to long. They're missing how great he could be in the Main Event. He's better than the majority of the WWE upper-tier lot, and he's ready. He's had four year in the 'E now, if you think they'll fuck it up now, that won't be any different any time in the future.
Swagger's killing: I'm curious to see how he goes at ME. If it's ANYTHING like his attempt to actually GET the MiTB briefcase at Mania, then shut him down. You never know though, he might make this title run rather interesting.
He's very over rated by the WWE, and they're making him big because of his size. They can't be jobbing him out one minute, and then suddenly think everyone will be okay with him possibly beating Orton.
Re-title Orton: I could go either way with this. I just hope, if he goes to SD, he puts Swagger over. Win or lose, that's his main priority.
I'll agree that Orton should put Swagger over if they're serious about pushing Swagger. I think though, that he should pick up the title eventually, so we can see how he fairs as a face when he is put under pressure as a champ who will have to cut a few promos.
Edge as a heel: I think play this face run out a bit longer. See how the rosters look after the draft, if they need a new heel - turn him. Otherwise I think his face run is fun. It's to the point where people cheer him (even though he was such a great heel) because they just respect/admire him.
He's appealing to the crowd, but his actual character is sucking bad. I guess it's fair to let his face character blossom a tad more, but I've got very little faith it'll turn into somethine good.
Trips Heel: Same as Edge.
He's been face for a while now, ever since returning back in 2006 for the DX revival. I think it's time he went back to heel, but he will have to rip into HBK if that's to happen.
Undies Toodle-oo: I agree. Though it seems as though he's going to push for 20-0 at Mania, so I can't see it happenin anytime soon.
I wish they'd just get him off quick. He's doing well on a part time basis and every match he has is coming off as epic and awesome, but his performances are deteriorating, sadly. They should cut it off quickly before his amazing history is dented by his age.
Credible Tag Teams: I definitely agree with this. Their tag team division is so lackluster, especially since they have them on both shows! There's soo much room for improvement here, it's not funny.
Yes. Get Hart Dynasty some extra time on TV so we can have at least one team who are potentially gonna go onto become legends.
NXT: Can't comment, haven't been watching it.
It's rlyrlyrly boring.
One thing that popped into mind is: US/IC TITLE FUEDS! If it means taking the title from Miz because of his tag team reign, so be it. Why have the titles if you are going to have a champion that only defends his tag titles, and the other that has all his losses exsponged? Dumb!
Mhm. Atm they've just got a person holding the title, the title switching hands every 4-5 months and then having random matches on PPV's set up from nothing for the title. Wish they'd make the titles a bit more credible by having people srsly feud over them.
Oh, and as for Yoshi - meh. Could be a fun little push onto the card.