Too bad the world isn't like that. How much you get paid is relative to how much revenue you generate for the company. Otherwise where would all the money come from to pay Curt Hawkins salary? Just the way the business works.
Sadly, very true.
Allow me to (calmly and jokingly) add onto this with an example: I work at a dollar store, Dollar Tree. I personally think that, because I earn the most open praise from consumers (whether it be directly to myself, to my coworkers
or to my managers), since I'm setting a good example and am earning a large share of profits that go straight back to the company directly from the branch, I should be earning a taller cut than the more lazy employees, right?
Wrong. Y'see it depends on the scope of the business that you look at. With my job, I'll earn minimum wage just like very other working cashier. When it comes to WWE, even with cutting corners like eliminating pyro and a LOT of customized stages at special events, those workers that do end up attracting more of a paying audience deserve a larger cut of the profits because they
earn it.
As for whether said performers
deserve such a large paycheck is a whole 'nother debate.