Watched the series 15 years ago when I was a kid and I remember loving the fuck out of it despite "not getting" many parts of it. It's on my "to rewatch" list (+ the movie). I'm a big BIG Lynch aficionado.
pretty sure it's on netflix, but it used TPB and got both seasons for under 4gb. You have a fuckload of time, but to throw it out for others showtime is actually going to on demand the first two seasons in the months leading up.
I just am really excited for it all. The supernatural drama to set the stone, most people don't realize this was pre-ex files and really set the tempo. What bothers me most is the misunderstanding of why the 2nd season is set up as it is. They were getting fucked and thought nearly every episode after 7 was it's own. Fire Walk With Me is a dank movie as is the 2nd season ending, and they are finally getting work done to work towards Lynch's vision of more twin peaks (the prequel was supposed to be 1/3 movies)
I'm so fucking jacked for this, do you remember the end of the last season and have you seen fire walk with me? (the original was over 3 hours, it was forced to be cut down but all the new shit was released this year)