One Piece S04E15 "Operation Utopia Commences! The Swell of Rebellion Stirs!"
One Piece S04E16 "The Terrifying Banana Gators and Mr. Prince!"
One Piece S04E17 "The Key to a Great Comeback Escape! The Wax-Wax Ball!"
One Piece S04E18 "Merciless Mortal Combat! Luffy vs. Crocodile!"
One Piece S04E19 "Dash For a Miracle! Alabasta Animal Land!"
One Piece S04E20 "Rebel Army vs. Royal Army! Showdown at Alubarna!"
One Piece S04E21 "Alubarna Grieves! The Fierce Captain Karoo!"
One Piece S04E22 "Sworn on a Friend's Dream! The Battle of Molehill, Block 4!"
One Piece S04E23 "Big Opening Day Today! The Copy-Copy Montage!"