@Jeffry Fucking Mason A torn biceps can be a 6 month injury or a 4-6 week injury depending on how bad it is. If he had the bad one he out for WrestleMaina weather Undertaker said No or Not to the match with John Cena.
"Meltzer doesn’t know the injury’s extent other than Mysterio believes he tore the muscle during the match, where he teamed with Flip Gordon against Joey Mercury and Caleb Konley. According to those who saw Mysterio backstage after the bout, there was heavy swelling in his left arm.
As the match was going, Mysterio notified Mercury about the injury. Mercury was ready to call an audible on the finish, but Mysterio immediately set up a double 619 on his opponents before pinning Konley with a splash off the top rope."
Is what there saying in part of the match he got it in.