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Apr 17, 2019
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One strange colonist sees the mention of one "Maven", along with a short clip of a beautiful, graceful dropkick, and decides that he, "Maven", will be worthy of the final spot.
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Mar 30, 2020
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Episode 001


Larry Zbyszko: Welcome to everyone tuning in throughout the Galactic Empire and a special welcome to all of the colonists right here on Terra for what is set to be the first wrestling event on this planet for centuries. My name is Colonist 010-FDA-617 - but from here on out, I will be assuming the identity of wrestling commentator Larry Zbyszko. Tonight - we will start with our very first episode of Power Hour, which is a reference to the original programme produced between 1989-1994 which means that tonight's episode will be the first in over a thousand years. One of my fellow commentators is waving their hand at me - so I am going to allow them to speak.


Joey Styles: Colonist 451-FRT-69 here - but from this point one I will be assuming the identity of Joey Styles, but I would remind you Larry we don’t want to break the illusion of what we are trying to do here - this is not the history channel, the colonists are watching this show for one thing and one thing only - some new fashioned wrestling action!


Larry Zbyszko: That is a very good point Joey and we find ourselves in a truly magnificent position as today will mark the beginning of King of the RIng 3000 as we will kickstart the greatest wrestling tournament of all time, with the eventual winner being crowned the inaugural World Championship Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. But before we even begin that journey, we need to know the bracket for the tournament. Joey the honour is all yours.

An infographic is uploaded to everyones’ viewing tablets revealing the bracket for the King of the Ring tournament.



Joey Styles: We have sixteen men that have been designated to enter into the tournament and I am extremely pleased to announce that tonight you will all witness the first two matches of the tournament as well as a lot of other great content. The first KOTR match that you will all witness will see John Bradshaw Layfield take on none other than Eddie Kingston. Larry can give the fans some insight into just what sort of match they should be expecting between these two men.


Larry Zybyszko: I have a better idea than that Joey.

Joey Styles: And what exactly is that?


Larry Zybyszko: Well we can cut backstage where Pamela Paulshock is speaking exclusively with Eddie Kingston ahead of what will be the first match in the history of the WCWF!


Joey Styles: Paulshock on deck! Check out those...


The camera cuts backstage where Pamela Paulshock has a microphone in hand is is standing next to Eddie Kingston.


Pamela Paulshock: Good evening everyone I am Pamela Paulshock and I will be your go to woman backstage where you can be sure you are notified with all the gossip and exclusive information. Standing to my right is Eddie Kingston, who will be one of two men competing in the first ever match in the history of the WCWF and will also help kickoff the King of the Ring Tournament. Eddie, what are your thoughts going into this contest?


Eddie Kingston: Pamela let get something on the record first. I am already a King of the people and so I don’t need to be brought out from the pages of history to once again prove that I am truly the most accomplished man in all of professional wrestling. Eddie Kingston is an artform - just standing next to me makes your life better. Even right now Pamela - you are starting to look better just by being this close to me. Don’t you feel better for it?

Paulshock clearly looked a little bit confused by the manner in which Kingston was addressing her.


Pamela Paulshock: But what are your thoughts on JBL this evening? You must be going into tonight’s contest knowing that if you get this first part right, you can really start to open doors for yourself.


Eddie Kingston: Pamela honestly I couldn’t give a crap about anything that Bradshaw thinks he can bring to the table, he is the definition of a manufactured athlete. He has never achieved anything on his own merit before, and I will have absolutely no problem in dishing out the whooping he will receive to know it is time for him to lay down on his back and be covered for the one, two, three. Do you know what I am saying?


Pamela Paulshock: I understand what you are saying, yes.


Eddie Kingston: Good, because after my victory you would be cordially invited to join me in my locker-room for an exclusive post-match celebration.

Pamela looked a little bit flustered by this comment, as Eddie chuckled to himself before walking away as the cameras returned to the ringside.


Larry Zybyszko: That man has absolutely no respect at all, honestly I would pay money to see Bradshaw lay him out tonight. I can’t believe he would make assumptions that a lady like Pamela would just turn up like some ratchet sidepiece. This man has no manners at all.


Joey Styles: I hate to break it to you Larry…


Larry Zybyszko: Hate to break what to me Joey?


Joey Styles: Pamela is a certified hoe Larry!


Larry Zybyszko: I won’t have you speak this way about a member of our backstage staff Styles.


Joey Styles: Give up the act Larry - she isn’t going to find you attractive if you act like some beta-female.


Larry Zybyszko: She isn’t? Are you sure?


Joey Styles: You’re better focusing your mind on a wholesome woman Larry - and talking of wholesome women we have a pair backstage that have something they want to share with the rest of the WCWF Galaxy. Ladies take it away…


The IIconics are standing backstage with Billie Kay and Peyton Royce are standing backstage microphone in hand and are looking incredibly pleased with themselves.


Billie Kay: History is something that is never forgotten when it is properly documented, so I just wanted to take this moment to celebrate the fact that the two most iconic women in wrestler Peyton Royce and myself Billie Kay are extremely proud that we are featuring on the the first ever episode of Power Hour as member of the newly established WCWF. Don’t you agree Peyton?


Peyton Royce: I couldn’t agree more Billie - it is hard to believe that the most attractive and talented women in the history of wrestling are standing next to each other with everyone throughout the entire galaxy able to look upon us and recognise us as being nothing else other than iconic. But there is more to this than just allowing these worms and deviants to stare up us and fantasize, isn’t there Billie?


Billie Kay: There certainly is Pee, you see we want to open up our account right here on the very first episode of Power Hour by being the first women to claim the important W. So for any of your skanks, whores and ugly broads in the bag - we will be waiting in the ring later on tonight. Anything else you want to add Pee?


Peyton Royce: I think you’ve covered all the bases Bee - I just hope whoever comes out from the back can actually be considered as a serious challenge. I’d hate to bury some no name jobbers.

Billie Kay: I mean it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, I mean a win is still a win.


Peyton Royce: That is true Bee, that is so true. Either way - someone better show their faces otherwise we will start tearing up that whole locker-room area.



JBL vs. Eddie Kingston

The first match of the evening would be a very close encounter, in which both wrestlers would show their ability to strongarm their opponent and rely on the true benefit of being a powerhouse. The match would end though as the Texas Native would crack Kingston hard in the neck with the Clothesline From Hell to claim an early victory and advance to the next round of the King of the Ring Tournament.




Larry Zybyszko: Well Joey I have to take my hat off to JBL that was...


Joey Styles: Larry you aren’t even wearing a hat!


Larry Zybyszko: It's just an impression Joey, as I was saying JBL really impressed everyone in what was the first ever match in the history of the WCWF. The advantage he now has, is he has the ability to scout out the rest of the field and prepare himself for the next round with a little bit of respite.


Joey Styles: I am being informed from the back - that one member of our roster is sharing exactly how he feels about not being included in the shortlist as a member of the King of the Ring Tournament.


As the camera backstage, they would cut to a shadowy corner as the one they refer to as ‘The Icon’ Sting was lurking in the darkness and didn’t look especially happy.


Sting: If I knew I was going to be ignored, to be thrown to the side of the road and forgotten about for millenia then I would never have put all the effort I have during my entire career. To be standing outside looking in, as this company has the audacity to construct a King of the Ring tournament to crown the inaugural WCWF Heavyweight Champion and not include me in the mix - well this is simply just unacceptable. So on this day, I make a pact with my own dark soul as I promise that there will be retribution for this insult. And if those rolling the dice aren’t going to step out from behind the curtain and reveal themselves - then I am going to have to resort to martial law.

Sting then steps back into the shadows as smoke surrounds himself, only to fade away and for Sting to have completely disappeared from sight.


The IIconics (Billie Kay & Peyton Royce) vs. ???


Billie Kay and Peyton Royce would both be standing in the middle of the ring clearly waiting for some sort of pairing to appear out from the back, and both Australians would taunt the fans in the arena as for a while it seemed as though no one would actually be answering their challenge. That would be a very famous entrance theme would start playing throughout the arena…

As Alundra Blayze using her Madusa persona would appear from the back and having a massive smile on her face, as she would pause on the entrance ramp with a microphone in her hand and just smile at Billie and Peyton before breaking her silence.


So I was just sitting backstage earlier putting on my wrestling gear, strapping up my wrestling boots and doing a bit of stretching when I had to listen to the most excruciating sound of two banshees screaming into a microphone. And so to my great surprise, when I turned on the television in the locker-room to block out the sound I realised that the two ghouls screeching were both employed by the WCWF - which I just found really puzzling because quite honestly I don’t recognise either of you skanks.

Peyton and BIllie looked visibly annoyed as Madusa was casting some serious shade on them, and looked as if they were going to exit the ring and come for Madusa. Madusa would lift up her arm though as she would carry on speaking.


Madusa: Now before anything else is said or done - I made my way out from the back because I took it upon myself to scout the back and find someone that I have complete trust will offer me the best chance of nipping this situation in blood before either you sluts sprout into a bigger problem. So without wasting anyone else's time - Victoria!

Victoria would emerge from the back and would have a massive smile on her face as she would embrace with Madusa as both would exchange words, only for Victoria to find her entrance music being suddenly cut as Peyton Royce had a microphone in her hand.


Peyton Royce:
I am sure that you both think you have incredibly high iqs - but if you really thought that this was ever going to be a fair fight then you are both dumber than you look I would suggest that you both watch your backs.

Before Victoria and Madusa could react, Toni Storm and Tenille Dashwood would appear from behind them holding a set of kendo sticks that they would hit both Madusa and Victoria in unison causing their target to fall off their feet. With this surprise attack taking place Billie Kay and Peyton Royce would exit the ring - in what would turn into a savage beating on the entrance ramp ending with Billie Kay kicking Madusa square in the jaw with the School Girl Crush only to demand a microphone.


Billie Kay: Iconic just became a four women fiesta. I-I-I-I-CONIC!

Result: Match Never Started


After the beating that Victoria and Madusa had just received Pamela Paulshock would be standing backstage with another female member of the roster Angelina Love.


Pamela Paulshock: Angelina after witnessing the horrific beatdown that just took place at ringside, you requested time to speak. What exactly was it that you wanted to get off your chest?


Angelina Love: Pamela I would be lying if I said that Madusa is without a shadow of a doubt one of the greatest women that has ever competed in this sport - so for a bunch of ungrateful nobodies to have to resort to a 4-on-2 mugging to get a couple of cheat shots that just isn’t going to sit well with me. Now historically I might have used numbers to my advantage, but everyone I have always done has always had a purpose. I am putting the Iconics on notice - and I can make a promise right now that I will be making an important phone call after tonight’s show to bring balance to the force.


Pamela Paulshock: Angelina any clues you want to give the fans on who exactly you might be calling?


Angelina Love: Pamela I think it is common knowledge that I make sure that the company I keep are always beautiful people.

Angelina would smile before replying.



Ric Flair vs. Jon Moxley

The evening’s main-event would be a truly brutal contest with both men going out of their way to really hurt each other and both men would hold nothing back. It wasn’t the prettiest wrestling match, but it was certainly one of the more brutal without either man actually bending the rules as the referee responsible for the match was very vigilant in keeping the match above board. Flair though would turn the match in his favour, as he would manage to lock Moxley in the the Figure Four Leglock to force Moxley to submit and thus allowing him to advance into the next round.

Ric Flair.


Larry Zybyszko: I think we can both say that this first ever episode of Power Hour has been a truly fascinating affair, wouldn’t you say so Joey?


Joey Styles: I rarely agree with anything that comes out of your mouth Larry, but I am comfortable in saying that wrestling is very much alive once more. Make sure you tune into our next episode of Power Hour which will be this Friday Night. A reminder that fans of the WCWF have the opportunity to watch our wrestlers twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday Night on the Intergalactic Sports Network. Good night!
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Fuckin' nice :WOW Excellent first start, this concept has a lot of legs


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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Episode 002

|| Segment One - Commentary Table ||

featuring Joey Styles & Larry Zbyszko


Joey Styles: Welcome everyone back to Power Hour on what is going to be an exciting Friday Night - in the first week of the calendar year. I am once again joined by my esteemed colleague, actually no that is a hundred percent not right, let me reword that. I am once again joined by the deviant extraordinaire that is Larry Zybszko.

Larry Zbyszko: I take offence to the word extraordinaire! I have been working too long to earn the title of deviant for an unneeded adjective to be placed before my name. I am however extremely pleased to be here tonight, especially with the information that we have just been given in regards to the scheduled matches for tonight’s show.

Joey Styles: I got to agree with you there Larry, which of them is really standing out to you old timer?

Larry Zybszko: Well I would be lying If I said I wasn’t excited about seeing ‘The Cat’ in action. Ernest Miller is a three time Karate World Champion which means he brings his own set of skills every time he steps into the ring and I think this is why Daniel Puder is the perfect opponent for him. Puder brings his own MMA experience into the ring, so we get to enjoy a real hybrid contest tonight.

Joey Styles: And almost as if we follow some sort of script - I am now being told that Daniel Puder is standing backstage right now, wanting to speak his thoughts ahead of his match with Miller later tonight.

|| Segment Two - Backstage Area ||
featuring Daniel Puder


Puder is standing backstage wearing a simple black tee which is emblazoned with the slogan ‘TOUGH ENOUGH’ across his chest in white Comic Sans. Puder has tape wrapped around his knuckles, but has a very serious look on his face as he begins speaking.

Daniel Puder: I just want to make it clear that this whole tournament is nothing but a waste of time - who in their right mind wants to sit on a fake throne, have a fake crown placed on their head and have to pretend to be a member of some sort of royal family. The whole concept is cliche, cheesy and straight up stupid. If the prize at the end of the line wasn’t the WCWF World Heavyweight Title, there is no chance that I would be lowering myself to be involved in such an embarrassing concept. As I look at the bracket for this tournament - after I make light work of Miller tonight, I am guaranteed to face another trash opponent in the next round, which makes me very happy. It is always a great feeling, knowing that I have been lined up to face a jobber, clearly management recognises me as a top talent. So I am relishing the opportunity of facing Ric Flair for the World Title at Starrcade at the end of the month - I just hope he is going to be tough enough!

Puder then grins as he turns and walks away.

|| Segment Three - Commentary Table ||
featuring Joey Styles & Larry Zbyszko


Larry Zbyszko: Is it just me or is that young man exactly the sort of role model that the new generation of citizens on this planet need. He is a shining example of how you should approach life.

Joey Styles: I feel as though I am meant to disagree with you, but he certainly had the qualities of an alpha male and I am sure he would offer strong genes to a ritual and mating partner. I guess that means we are both members of the ‘Daniel Puder Fan Club’. Before we speak his praise anymore, we really should talk about another match in the KOTR tournament as it will be tonight’s opening contest. What are your thoughts Larry?

Larry Zbyszko: Well Joey I think I am going to follow the bookies tonight and firmly back Chris Benoit tonight. As much as I recognise that Maven brings a lot of potential to the table, I just don’t see Benoit falling short tonight.

Joey Styles: For the second time tonight, I find myself agreeing with you. Thank the Gods they’ve started to make their entrances - I’d be concerned if I carried on agreeing with you.



Maven vs. Chris Benoit

The match was a comprehensive thrashing for Maven, who simply just couldn’t but with the pace or the technical skills that Benoit brought to the ring with him. And as soon as the window of opportunity presented itself Benoit locked Maven in the Crippler Crossface and force his opponent to tap out.

Winner: Chris Benoit


|| Segment Four - Food Court ||
featuring Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford & Stu Bennett


Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford are sitting opposite each other at a table, topping up on their protein and seem to be mid conversation.

Kip Sabian: Babe I am telling you this not just as someone that has an invested interest in your success, but also someone that recognises wrestling talent when I see it. And I just don’t think you are quite at the level to compete with some of the girls at the moment, you just need to spend a little bit more time working on your craft.

The sounds in Penelope’s voice is one of clear annoyance.

Penelope Ford: Kip! You’re my boyfriend, you are meant to be supportive of me!

Kip Sabian: Babe if I didn’t care about, I would just lie to you and just tell you whatever I thought you wanted to hear. Is that the sort of relationship you want?

Penelope Ford: Well no…

Kip Sabian: So what do you want me to say?

Penelope Ford: I just, it's just I uh-uh…

The pair would find themselves interrupted as Stu Bennett would slam both his hands on the table, instantly gaining not only the duo attention but also everyone else in the room. The due would look up as Stu would nod and smile.

Stu Bennett: Do us a favour you American trollop go for a walk, the men need to have a conversation.

Stu would sit down without asking, as Penelope would look shocked and turn to Kip.

Penelope Ford: What did he just call me?

Stu Bennett: I called you a trollop - it's an English way of calling you a slut. Now scram - I need to talk to Kip about a career changing opportunity I have for him.

Before Kip had seemed hostile, but as soon as Stu said career changing his focus seemed to change as he would look directly at Stu but offer words to Penelope.

Kip Sabian: Babe can you just give us five minutes.

Penelope Ford: But he just called me a slut!

Kip Sabian: Babe don’t fuck with my career!

Penelope looked incredibly pissed off, but pushed up to her feet and walked off as Bennett looked incredibly amused about the whole situation.

Kip Sabian: So you're going to tell me what this is all about, as we both know I am going to get it in the neck for me not defending her honour.

Stu Bennett: A slag is still a slag no matter how much you love her, and what I’ve got up my sleeve is far more lucrative. You might not know this Kippy, but I currently hold the position of the Commissioner in WCWF and as you know the winner of the King of the Ring tournament is going to end up being the first ever World Heavyweight Champion. However, we do have a side project in place. And I want to involve you in it.

Kip Sabian: Involve me how?

Stu places a bag on the table and opens up and removes a title belt that he lays on the table.


Stu Bennett: This is the Gift of the Gods Championships and as you can see there there are seven medallions that make up the title, but as of now the medallions must be won individually. Once seven men possess seven medallions they will compete in a one-off match with the winner winning the Gift of the Gods Championship.

Kip looked a little bit confused.

Kip Sabian: So it's a championship belt?

Stu Bennett: Not quite - you see if you win the Gift of the Gods Championship, you earn yourself a shot for the World Heavyweight title at time of your choosing with the only condition being that…

Kip Sabian: I’m in!

Stu Bennett: You’re in? Good. That is great, well I suggest you get your wrestling gear on, because you will be competing in…

Stu looks at his watch.

Stu Bennett:...in about five minutes time.

Kip immediately stood up and smiled at Stu before shouting at Penelope.

Kip Sabian: We’ve got a match! MOVE!



Kip Sabian w/ Penelope Ford vs. Heath Slater

The match would be a fairly interesting affair, although Penelope Ford would ultimately play a key part in the result. Towards the latter stages of the match she would jump onto the apron to distract the referee which would allow Sabian to kick Slater square in the groin before nailing his opponent with the Sliced Bread to claim the victory. Sabian would be presented with one of the medallions for the ‘Gift of the the Gods Championship’ by the referee after the match and it was clear that Kip was very pleased with his prize.

Winner: Kip Sabian


|| Segment Five - Commentary Table ||
featuring Joey Styles & Larry Zbyszko


Joey Styles: Kip Sabian just claimed an important victory and claimed the first medallion in this new initiative that Stu Bennett has put together, what I am wondering though Larry is in regards to Benett how high up the ladder is he going to be you reckon. He was claiming to be the Commissioner of the WCWF but as it stands we have no margin to compare him to anyone else. Thoughts?

Larry Zbyszko: Until we know otherwise I think we need to treat him as the highest power, I think it would be unwise to question his authority. If he has enough power to introduce a title belt that is able to earn someone a shot at the World Title, then he is someone you really should avoid pissng off.

Joey Styles: That does make a lot of sense, and I have been reminded that we will have a third programme of the week that will air this Sunday Afternoon and it will be known as Velocity. The original version aired between 2002-2006 and so we are extremely pleased to bring back this piece of history to your devices every Sunday.


Larry Zbyszko: Up next we have the scheduled King of the Ring match between The Cat and Puder. Join us after the break!



Daniel Puder vs Ernest ‘The Cat’ Miller

The match would prove to be quite a long lasting encounter with both men throwing everything to the win and the fans were treated to what was closer to the historic UFC fights of the 21st century than a traditional wrestling match. The match would end when ‘The Cat’ had seemed to get extremely brave as he had mounted the turnbuckle and leaped off looking to connect with an elbow drop on top of a laid out Puder. However at the last moment Puder would stand up and smash his forearm square into Miller’s jaw and then manage to cover the knocked out Miller for the win.

Winner: Daniel Puder

The show would end with an updated version of the King of the Ring tournament bracket.

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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The Daniel Puder Renaissance is upon us :garrett


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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Episode 001

|| Segment One - Backstage Private Interview Room ||

featuring Joey Styles & Madusa

The first episode of Velocity begins with Joey Styles and Madusa sitting opposite each other in one of the private interview areas backstage, there is a wooden table between the pair and it is clear that this area is clearly used an office space and other administrative affairs when a live show isn’t taking place.

Joey Styles: Madusa I want to thank you for agreeing to do this interview with me tonight, it is honestly a pleasure to have you in a flesh as an active member of the World Championship Wrestling Federation’s roster.

Madusa: It is a pleasure to be a part of the second coming of professional wrestling Joey, although I wish my first day as a member of the WCWF had been under better circumstances.

Joey Styles: That is the talking point, and so the obvious question I have to ask is what are your feelings towards the Iconics?

Madusa: I must admit I am still a bit confused why Billie and Peyton decided that they needed the help of two other individuals in order to gain an advantage of myself and Victoria. I would have thought that as two talented women as deplorable as their personalities are, they would have welcomed the challenge of two talented women.

Joey Styles: The question I suppose on everyone's mind is, what is next? What are the next steps that you are going to take?

Madusa: Well it is really quite simple - on Tuesday Night I am going to kickoff the show in the middle of the ring surrounded by a few close friends and invite Peyton, Billie and the rest of their motley crew down to the ring and we can hash this problem we have like adults.

Joey Styles: And so I wonder, will Angelina Love being a part of this trusted friendship group joining you in the ring.

Madusa: Myself and Angelina have never had a one on one conversation before, but the fact that she has already spoken out about thinking the attack that took place was uncalled for means that I would very much welcome her to join me in the ring. And I know your next question is going to be, who she was referring to, which of course I have no idea whatsoever. Although I do hope all four of the Iconics are listening - because I can promise all of you the same thing. Pain. Real unadulterated pain.

Joey turns to the camera and smiles.

Joey Styles: Thank you Madusa for joining us at this time, I can now send you to the commentary table where you will all get the chance to meet the Velocity table team.

|| Segment Two - Commentary Table ||
featuring Renee Young & Kevin Kelly


Renee Young: Happy Sunday to everyone at home. I am joined by my esteemed colleague Kevin Kelly and I am Renee Young and welcome everyone to Velocity. The best place on this newly repopulated planet to watch wrestling action on a Sunday afternoon. Kevin why don’t you take on the honours of letting everyone know what action they have in store today.

Kevin Kelly: Thank you very much Renee. We will see two more matches take place in the first round of the ‘King of the Ring Tournament’ which in turns will lead us to discovering our first two match ups in the quarter finals. The first match that we will witness will see Hardcore Holly taking on Nick Bockwinkel in our first match on tonight’s card, whilst later on in the evening we will have an allout classic as Harley Race will take on Mr. Perfect. But that isn’t all is it Renee?
Renee Young: That is right Kevin. Our main-event this afternoon will see Bayley go one on one with Torrie Wilson, a match that is surely going to turn some intergalactic heads, as well as an exclusive announcement from the WCWF Commissioner.

Kevin Kelly: And with the first match set to begin - I am going to enjoy watching the action with the best seat in the house. Right next to Renee Young.

Renee Young: Awww you’re sweet Kevin.



Hardcore Holly vs. Nick Bockwinkel

Nick Bockwinkel would be totally dominant in his match against Holly and make light work of him, with the match ending in a very short space of time as he would drop the Alabama local on his head with a piledriver from the turnbuckle that would wipe out Bob Holly and secure Bockwinkel the victory.

Winner: Nick Bockwinkel


|| Segment Three - Backstage Area ||
featuring Pamela Paulshock, Tetsuya Naito & Kris Wolf


After the match the camera would cut backstage to Pamela Paulshock who was standing backstage with Tetsuya Naito and Kris Wolf, with it being unclear why Naito and Wolf were standing with each other. Pamela would smile as she realised the camera had been turned on.

Pamela Paulshock: At this time I am joined by Tetsuya Naito who is accompanied by Kris Wolf. Some time this week Tetsuya will face The Undertaker in their first round match of the KOTR tournament. What are your thoughts ahead of the match? Tetsuya looks a bit confused and taps Kris on the shoulder.

Kris Wolf: Unfortunately at this time Tetsuya comprehension of the English language isn’t at the level well he will be able to speak for himself, so I have been employed to be his spokesperson. And I can inform you all that Tetsuya is relishing the opportunity to face The Undertaker in the ring on Tuesday Night. He is so excited in fact - that he is hoping that some of his close friends will broker deals and join him in the WCFW in the coming weeks.

Pamela Paulshock: Well I was…

Pamela finds herself being cut off.

Kris Wolf: You had your question. This interview is over.



The match between these two classic talents was just what the audience would have wanted for a Sunday afternoon as it proved to be some good clean wrestling, with both Race and Henning showing off their craft and technical ability creating a true story in the middle of the ring and it quickly became clear that Mr. Perfect was taking on the role of the villain and would push the boundaries just enough to not get caught but not enough to be deemed as being dirty. Mr. Perfect would claim the victory by hitting Race with the Perfect Plex but planting his feet on the middle ropes to claim some leverage unseen by the match official to claim the victory under controversial circumstances.

Winner: Mr. Perfect

After the match an updated KOTR bracket would be shown on the titantron.


|| Segment Four - Video Package ||
featuring Stu Bennett


The video package would begin with an infographic of the recently revealed ‘Gift of the Gods’ Championship and would feature highlights of Kip Sabian claiming the first medallion, with six more shown as being still up for grabs before cutting to a shot of a well dressed Stu Bennett who would begin speaking.

Stu Bennett: As all of you savages know, there are still six medallions up for grabs and I must tip my hat to Kip Sabain who claimed the first of seven medallions on Friday night. However, I am very pleased to be able to reveal two more matches that will be taking place this week during our weekly scheduled Power Hour shows. Which I will remind you all, can be watched everything Tuesday and Friday night on the Intergalactic Network. One of our first clashes will see two giants come face to face as the original Andre the Giant will go one-on-one with Kevin Nash. I am sure you will all be looking forward to what no doubt will be an epic contest. But that isn’t all you great fans have to look forward to - as a young talent known as The Rock will face off against an individual known simply as Dustin Rhodes. I will keep all you loyal fans updated - as the final four medallions will be contested for in some unique and worthwhile matches!



Bayley vs. Torrie Wilson

The match would be an interesting contest although it was always Bayley that was leaving with the victory as she was simply far more talented in regards to anything that Torrie brought to the ring and the match would end with Wilson being spiked with the Hugplex!

Winner: Bayley
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Dreams are Endless
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FUckin' nice Race/Perfect on Velocity


Aug 3, 2011
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Bobcore shooting on his next opponent.
  • Haha
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Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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Dreams are Endless
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que? youve confused me there

Hardcore Holly will be angry that he wasn't victorious, and wrestle his next opponent very "stiff."


Aug 3, 2011
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Thank you, Chris for your nuanced interpretation of my East Texas dialect.


Dreams are Endless
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Episode 003


The Rock vs. Dustin Rhodes

The second week of live action from the World Championship Wrestling Federation would move straight into action, as the third episode of Power Hour would begin with the scheduled ‘Medallion Match’ between The Rock and Dustin Rhodes. The fans would be treated to a real eyebrow raiser as The Rock would be extremely charismatic and very much play to the crowd and within a few minutes of working the match had very much found himself over with the fans, and would take multiple opportunities to play to the fans. He could be compared to an animal playing with their food as he actually seemed to be toying with Dustin, as there were a number of opportunities that he could have wrapped up the match but chose not to take it. In a moment of confusion though Dustin would fall out over the ring ropes and the referee would exit the ring to check if Dustin was medically cleared to continue. With The Rock left alone in the ring, Cody Rhodes would appear from underneath the ring apron and proceed to catch The Rock totally off guard as he would nail Rocky with the Cross Rhodes before quickly exiting the ring. Dustin would seem to have noticed this attack as he would slide back into the ring and disguise the illegal move by elbow dropping onto the Rock and then pulling his leg up for the cover. The referee not having seen anything, would hurry back into the ring and make the three count.

Winner: Dustin Rhodes

|| Segment One - Ring Area ||
featuring The Rock


After the conclusion of the match and once the Rock had recovered, he would demand a microphone be passed to him as he would look visibly vexed and to only make the situation worse he would be forced to watch a replay of the events that had taken place on the titantron of Cody spiking him to steal the win for his older brother.

The Rock: Cody Rhodes. Cody fucking Rhodes. You no good dirty monkey poop stain on the bottom of my shoe. You have angered The Rock by involving you in business that you have no need to involve yourself in. If you need to help your brother out in life, I would suggest you wait until after I kicked his candy ass and then you could lie him on his back and change his soiled diaper because there is no doubt he dropped a number of bricks after the beating he received from ‘The People’s Champ’. But The Rock does not blame the referee for not using their eyes, nor does he blame the Commissioner for not leaving his office and restarting the match, nor does he blame Dusty Rhodes for mating with multiple women to produce multiple insignificant children. No, no, no the only person The Rock blames is Cody Rhodes. So little baby Cody - coochie coo coochie coo the Rock challenges you to a match - at what will be the greatest show that the galaxy has ever witnessed. At the first ever pay per view in the history of the WCPW - Starrcade! I will expect you to accept my challenge, or I will beat your ass all the way around this whole wide world.

The Rock pauses for a second and smiles.

The Rock: If you smell-el-el-el-el-el-ell - what the Rock - is - cooking!

The scene ends with The Rocks iconic music playing over the PA system.

|| Segment Two - Commentary Table ||
featuring Joey Styles & Larry Zbyszko


Joey Styles: Welcome everyone to Power Hour and what an electrifying start to the show. Dustin Rhodes earns himself a medallion and joins Kip Sabian as one of two men currently in possession of the tokens needed for the ‘Gift of the Gods’ Championship - although not without the help of his brother.

Larry Zbyszko: And it now looks as if we are on the verge of having ourselves our first official match set up for Slammiversary, if Cody Rhodes accepts that is. Although, I don’t think Cody is in a situation where he can afford to say no otherwise he will totally lose all respect of not only the locker-room but all the fans around the milky way.

Joey Styles: I don’t think Cody cares much about what anyone thinks about him Larry. I think that is his whole shtick, but I doubt he is going to want to be considered as a coward though.

Larry Zbyszko: His actions speak for themselves. His is a yellow bellied son of a bitch, for pulling a move like that.

Joey Styles: Lets not get too hung up on it though, as we have so much more to come from tonight’s show. Our next match tonight will see Monty Brown take on Davey Boy Smith, but before we have our penultimate first round match in the KOTR tournament we are going to join Pamela Paulshock who has an exclusive interview backstage with a number of very cool dudes.

|| Segment Three - Backstage Area ||
featuring Pamela Paulshock, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman & Shawn Michaels


Pamela Paulshock: Thank you for joining me at this time everyone, my guests at this moment are three active members of the New World Order; Scott Hall, Sean Waltman and Shawn Michels. They have informed me that they have come to talk about their good friend and fellow stablemate Kevin Nash’s upcoming match against Andre The Giant. Which one of you gentlemen would like to take the floor first?

Scott would smile (as it would be apparent that all three men were holding individual microphones) as he stepped forward.

Scott Hall: Hey Yo! I know you are all wondering where Big Sexy is at this moment in time and I hate to break it to you all that he isn’t present in the arena tonight. You see he is in some motel room somewhere outside our next stop with a plethora of rats that he is spending sometime with to prepare himself ahead of his big match. But - we are just here setting the scene and reminding any eager beavers that there will be no interruptions taking place on Friday’s match - otherwise…

Shawn would cut in.

Shawn Michaels: Otherwise I will have to tune up the band and reintroduce them to the greatest song that has ever been written in all of sports entertainment - the Sweet Chin Music! Just to go off topic, but I just want to say that Madusa was looking smoking hot this Sunday gone on Velocity - and I was certainly feeling my own degree of velocity admiring her puppies. My, oh my, oh my…

Waltman would tap Michaels on the shoulder.

Sean Waltman: Shawn just come down there buddy, just come down. We don’t want to scare the fans and you certainly don’t want to put your foot in your mouth and scare the women backstage.

Sean looks back at the camera.

Sean Waltman: So remember if you’re not with us - then you are against us. NWO FOR LIFE!

The trio would then walk off camera, as the show would cut to a commercial pause.



The British Bulldog vs. Monty Brown

The first King of the Ring match of the second week of the WCWF would also prove to be the shortest match in the company's history at 15 seconds. As soon as Davey Boy stepped into the ring, Brown would rebound himself off the ropes and connect with the Pounce that would catch the British Bulldog totally off guard as Monty would claim the quick pinfall and advance himself in the tournament with the knowledge his next opponent would be none other than Chris Benoit. Brown would look over the moon, whilst Davey Boy would just look confused upon the realisation of what had just transpired.

Winner: Monty Brown


|| Segment Four - Video Package ||
featuring Angelina Love & ?


A short video package would be aired with highlights showing the Iconics with new additional Tenille Dashwood and Toni Storm attacking Madusa and Victoria as Angelina would speak over the video.

Angelina Love: On the very first show in the history of WCWF, a group of trailer trash hailing from the forgotten land filled with former limey convicts decided they would jump Victoria and Madusa and forever desecrate what could have been the first women’s match in the history of this company. Instead they took it as an opportunity to get a cheap shot in and so the history books will now always skip over this chapter as the record officially shows the first match being between Bayley and Torrie Wilson. This Sunday Madusa, Victoria, Angelina Love and a fourth woman will be present in the ring to call out the Iconics and send out a challenge that will change the face of women’s wrestling in this new era of professional wrestling. It is said that the best way to catch a big fish is to offer a great prize on the end of the hook. It is therefore my pleasure to reveal who the fourth woman who will be joining us in the ring will be. She is most certainly someone I would consider beautiful, but most likely not the person that you were predicting it would be. She is of course…

A second video package would then play as Angelina’s voice would slowly fade out.






The video would with a black screen as a similar voice would speak after a few seconds of silence.


Tessa Blanchard: I am the only competition you should be worried about.



The Undertaker vs. Tetsuya Naito

The main-event of the evening would be a really intense fight between The Undertaker and Naito that would last well over twenty minutes. Naito would look as if he had won the match a number of times, as he had hit the ‘Dead Man’ with numerous Destinos but would look on in shock as every single time he would go to pin his opponent The Undertaker would sit up much to Naito’s shock. Naito would springboard off the ring ropes as he would look to take out The Undertaker with a flying double knee smash only to be caught in mid-air around the throat by Taker, who would hoist Naito up into the air and nail him with a Chokeslam that would seal the deal and claim him the victory.

Winner: The Undertaker

Power Hour would come to a conclusion with an updated version of the King of the Ring bracket, with all the first round matches having been fought in the tournament - the matches for the second round had been decided.

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