WCW-The Reprise by Eyebrow2007

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Lol..... I didn't get banned for asking for reviews i got banned for flaming. And asking for reviews. Lol.... There were other reasons i stopped doing the other site..... I won't go into detail right now lol.....


Cool. Anyhow your review should be up in a couple of mins.

EDIT: I mean my review for your show.


Update Time

Next show should be up by wednesday.

Lookig swell i must say


WCW-The Reprise #2: Genesis

World Championship Wrestling


Thursday Night Thunder!

The opening video plays as the fans scream their loudest. Shane-O-Mac comes out and says that Monday Night Mayhem was a success raking in over 3 million viewers and he hopes tonight things will just get better! He says that he will not waist any more time and lets get the show started!

JR and Tenay introduce us to tonight’s show and we go into a overview of the matches. Tonight ‘The Murderer’ Red Rum will take on ‘The Loud Mouth’ Mr. Kennedy. Not to mention a match that AMW will be keeping an eye on as The Motor City Machine Guns take on The Rock ‘N’ Rave Infection to decide who will battle Americas Most Wanted at Souled Out for The Vacant WCW Tag Team Championships. And then our Main Event! Kurt Angle vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley! And that match will be for the WCW Championship. But first up Elijah Burke takes on Petey Williams.

There is a break before we come back in time to see the first match of the evening.

Petey takes control early on and hits various bone crunching moves. Petey goes to the top and performs a huge Moonsault but only gets a two count. Elijah strikes back with a few hard rights and slings Petey onto the ropes delivering a huge knee to the gut as he bounces back. He picks Petey up and goes for a Snap Shot Suplex. Petey quickly reverses it into a roll up pin but only gets a two count. Both men rest for a while and Elijah is first up. It looks like he could capitalize when out of nowhere Petey delivers a massive cross body. Petey quickly gets up. He grabs Elijah and signals for a Canadian Destroyer! He puts him between his legs and….. The lights dim. Umaga’s music plays as Petey and Elijah look on confused. Umaga comes out and clears out with rights and lefts flying around the ring. He delivers a Huge Samoan Drop to Elijah and a Samoan Spike to Petey. Both men are taken to the back by the Refs who dare not tell Umaga to stop.

Armando Estrada grabs a mic. He says that nobody can beat Umaga and nobody is better than him and to prove it he came out here and beat the hell into those puny flies!

There is a commercial Break before we come back as Todd Grisham is interviewing Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

Jeremy Borash asks Hunter if he thinks he has what it takes to beat Kurt Angle tonight. HHH replies that he has been through a lot in his time and has never given up. He says he is a 12-Time World Champion and you ask do you think you have what it takes? Of course I have what it takes! I am The Game! I am The Hunter! And I am ready! I have the scars to prove it. Hunter walks off leaving Borash scared senseless.

Next up the Motor City Machine Guns face off against the Rock ‘N’ Rave Infection right after the break.

We come back as JR and Tenay make their predictions on the main event. Tenay goes for Hunter while JR votes for Angle. They then tell you what is at stake in the match next and tell us of the importance of the match.

Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelly started out the match. Shelly got the upper hand early on and managed to get a tag to Chris Sabin. They did a few quick fire double team moves before Shelly left the ring to let Sabin deal with Rave. Sabin got on top Rave and managed to get a submission hold placed in. He held it for awhile before Rave got a tag to the ‘Big Man’ Hoyt who in turn delivered a massive Big Boot. Hoyt was all over Sabin who was in desperate need of a tag. Sabin was running out of options and at this point was trying anything and everything to get a tag. Rave got tagged back in and it seemed like game over for the Guns until out of nowhere Sabin hit a huge enzuguri kick sending Rave straight out of the ring! He crawls over and yes!! He makes he tag. Shelly is in the ring and the first thing he does is elbow Lance Hoyt off the apron. Then, all of sudden, he suicide dives to the outside taking out The Rock ‘N’ Rave Infection in the mean time. Shelly rolled Rave back in the ring. Sabin then came into the mix and the two did a couple of double team action before Shelly hit the ShellShock for the win.

There is a commercial break and when we come back we are backstage with Mr. Kennedy who’s arguing with Shane McMahon. Ken says that he better increase his wages or else. Shane replies or else what. He says that he may be retired but he stills knows how to fight! Kennedy says that him fighting would be a joke. He tells Shane that he will show him how to fight. Ken walks away laughing to himself saying “Fight? Shane McMahon? The only time he fought properly was against Kane and even then he got his ass kicked and now he says he can fight? Pfft..†The camera turns back to Shane. He runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head before leaving for his office.

Next up Ken Kennedy takes on Red Rum.

The match starts off with some pretty back to back action. About 3 minutes in Kennedy takes the advantage. He tries to anger his opponent and judging by this guy I am guessing it won’t be hard. Red Rum swings a wild left and Kennedy moves swiftly out of the way. Kennedy starts making jokes about Red Rum but soon pays the price when he turns round to be met by a violent clothesline. Red Rum starts to grab Kennedy’s hair when his foe sends a wild right hand to the lower regions. Kennedy picks up The Murderer and slams his head onto the turnbuckle. He kicks his opponent in the stomach and delivers a nasty DDT making Red Rum bleed profusely. Kennedy goes to the top rope to finish it off and yes!! He hits a thunderous Kenton Bomb! Kennedy sits up and smiles before…… He leaves the ring? Kennedy gets counted out as he walks away to the locker room smiling to himself. The crowd are confused and shocked and the show their disappointment by booing heavily at Kennedy. We take a break.

When we come back JR and Tenay are trying to get to grips on what just happened. JR says that he knows he has had some wage issues in the last week or so but really is their any need to go to this length just to get some attention? After a long discussion we see Jeremy Borash running after a limo shouting Ken. Come back here. He rolls his eyes and walks off.

Next up Hunter Hearst Helmsley takes on Kurt Angle

Five minutes into the match and Kurt is in the offensive. He delivers a series of elbows to the face of Hunter before tackling him to the ground and getting a few hard rights and head butt in. Kurt stands over Hunter and stamps a few times before picking his opponent up and delivering a huge European Uppercut taking HHH off his feat. HHH manages to bring himself up to vertical base. Hunter is resting on the ropes when all of a sudden Kurt runs at him with an elbow! HHH just about manages to move out of the way sending Kurt Angle flying over the ropes! Hunter rolls out of the ring and picks up Kurt by the his neck. He shouts in his face before slamming his face, hard, down onto the steel steps! HHH rolls into the ring and back out again to stop the count. He once again slams Kurt’s head into the steel steps. He goes for it again but Kurt stops it with his foot and elbows Hunter in the stomach. Kurt rests while he can because as soon as he gets up he knows Hunter will be their. Kurt gets up and is met by vicious left hand straight to the jaw that makes him fall back over the steps. Hunter picks Kurt up and drags him into the ring with him. HHH makes the cover but only gets two. Hunter delivers various moves to Kurt in the hope to secure for a good 3 minutes before Kurt makes a desperation punch to the face out of pure instinct. Kurt recuperates and goes on the offensive. He delivers a massive vertical suplex and then manages to deliver three punishing German suplexs! Angle screams and locks on a brutal Angle Lock! Hunter twists and turns, writhing in pain. Angle twists harder as Hunter gives out cringe worth screams. Hunter is crawling towards the ropes. He is so close but no!! Angle pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Will he tap? He is reaching breaking point! Hunter is so close to tapping! Hang on….. AJ Styles appears out of nowhere and delivers a huge dropkick to the chest of Kurt Angle! He delivers a massive clothesline to Angle sending him out of the ring while Hunter crawls out of the ring holding his ankle and screaming in pain.

Shane-O-Mac’s music hits as the crowd go wild. AJ says the reason he came out here was that he feels he should have been part of this match. He says that he is just as decorated as them, he says he is just as popular as them, so why leave him out of the match? Shane says that the reason he left him out of the match is the same reason he left The Rock out of the championship match last week. He says that he has been planning for months and now he can finally announce it. At Souled Out it will be The Rock vs. AJ Styles in an Interpromotional #1 Contenders Match in which the winner will get a shot at their respected brands Gold! The crowd go crazy but Shane interrupts them. He says he has one final announcement to make. He says that some of you may have seen Sting and Goldberg being named as two new wrestlers to be a part of the Monday Night Mayhem roster. He says do you seriously think I would let that brand have two new wrestlers and let you have none. He says that there are also two new additions to Thursday Night Thunder! They are both former, multiple time WCW Champions, they both have won numerous other titles from all over the world, they are Booker T and Scott Steiner! Both men stand on the left and right of Shane. Thank you and Goodnight!


Souled Out!

Souled Out Card So Far

Interpromotional #1 Contenders Match;
AJ Styles vs. The Rock

Continental Championship Match;
Cristopher Daniels

WCW Tag Team Championship Match;
AMW vs. The Motor City Machine Guns


You can do a review for my previous show within the next 24-Hours. Don't post anything about my previous show after 24-Hours. Can't let my BTB get cramped :)

The Rated R CMStar

This show was good. However, I would say that there was way to many run ins. Practically there was a run in on every match, so maybe we could have gotten more clean victories.

As for the promos, even for a recapped show, maybe you could try with doing the promos, as they are normally easier, on a full lenght mode, and keep the recap just for the matches.

Great work nonetheless

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Your show is very easy to get into, I like the feel of it and the writing style. Good job, Souled Out looks good too.


Hey guys. sorry there have been no shows as of L8 but they will come soon.

I am from now on doing my BTB like this

First i will post the events leading up to the next PPV then i will post the PPV in full. I will just keep doing that so on average there should be 12 Thunder and Mayhem recaps and 12 full PPV's.



Souled Out Build Up!

WCW Roundup!
The Past Four Weeks

Key: Matches at Souled Out
Build Up

Red Rum vs. Scott Steiner;
Show #2 of Thursday Night Thunder Showcased Red Rum taking on Scott Steiner in the first ever WCW Television Championship Match. Scott Steiner just about won it becoming the first ever Television Champ of the new era of WCW. The very next week Red Rum challenged Steiner again but missed out in a very close encounter. The next week after that Red Rum again asked for a shot but was turned down by Shane McMahon, but, he did get a chance to enter a Battle Royal later on in the night. In the end it came down to Mr. Kennedy and himself but Kennedy for some reason left the ring declaring Red Rum the winner as he gained his final chance at getting his hands on the Gold.

Umaga vs. Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Petey Williams and Elijah Burke;
During the first ever Thursday Night Thunder Umaga interrupted a match between Petey Williams and Elijah Burke destroying both men leaving them broken and beaten. Then, the very next week, he yet again, interrupted a match this time including Matt Hardy and Shelton Benjamin. One week later the four victims of Umaga’s violent attacks came asking for answers. Umaga came out and made it clear that the reason he attacked them was to assert his authority before, once again, brutally attacking these four innocent men. So, the stage was set, Shane-O-Mac decided to make at Souled Out, Umaga vs. Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Petey Williams and Elijah Burke!

L.A.X. vs. Deuce ‘N’ Domino vs. Cryme Tyme;
In the first week of Monday Night Mayhem Shane McMahon announced that at Souled Out it would be L.A.X. vs. Deuce ‘N’ Domino vs. Cryme Tyme. This, originally, was to be a match that would determine two champions with no harsh feelings but oh, how that changed. During that show L.A.X. took on Cryme Tyme and barely won. The next week L.A.X. took on Deuce ‘N’ Domino but unfortunately lost. Then the next week after that Deuce ‘N’ Domino lost to Cryme Tyme. With so many near falls between them everyone was unsure as to who would win. Well, Deuce ‘N’ Domino thought they were sure to win, but, as did Cryme Tyme and L.A.X. Soon all three teams broke into a brawl with security guards eventually having to break it up. Who will win this heated rivalry over the Continental Tag Championships?

Christopher Daniels vs. Kaz vs. Sting vs. Goldberg;
During week one and two of Monday Night Mayhem both Kaz and Christopher Daniels qualified for the Fatal Four Way Continental Title Match. But, WCW was left with a dilemma. The Fatal Four Way match that they promised may not of been able to happen as there was no other wrestlers who fit into the match. But, when all seemed lost, Shane McMahon came out and said that there will be a Fatal Four Way match as he promised and it will be Christopher Daniels vs. Kaz vs. Goldberg vs. Sting! Who will win this sure to be classic match.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker vs. MVP
MVP Gets To Choose The Stipulation;
In the Main Event of the first week of Monday Night Mayhem Shawn Michaels defeated The Undertaker in a gruelling match to become the first ever Undisputed World Champion of the new age. But, the next week, instead of soaking in his first night as Undisputed World Champion, he was to be savagely beaten before he could come out to the ring and make his speech. In the third week of Monday Night Mayhem the attacker was revealed as MVP who thought that he deserved a shot at the title at Souled Out. Instead he and The Undertaker were to be put in a match to decide who would be the #1 Contender for Shawn’s Undisputed World Championship at Souled Out. MVP won by hitting The Undertaker with a steel chair behind the ref’s back. So, MVP had won unfairly just when it looked as though Undertaker had it in the bag. But, all was not lost as Shane McMahon came out and said that Taker had one last chance as was to be entered into the Undisputed World Championship Match at Souled Out. Just one week away from Souled Out, McMahon announced that it would be MVP vs. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels in a non-title match in which the winner would get to choose the stipulation for the Title Match at Souled Out. MVP won it, once again, by cheating behind the ref’s back! So, who will win and what stipulation will MVP choose?

Motor City Machine Guns vs. AMW;
During the debut show of Thursday Night Thunder the Motor City Machine Guns defeated the Rock ‘N’ Rave Infection to gain entry into a match with AMW for the WCW Tag Team Championship. The next week Shelly faced off against Elijah Burke and almost got the win if it wasn’t for the AMW members coming in and distracting the ref. The next week the Guns confronted AMW and all hell broke loose! Who will win this heated affair over the WCW Tag Team Championships?

AJ Styles vs. The Rock;
During the very first episode of Thursday Night Thunder, AJ Styles caused the match between HHH and Kurt Angle for the WCW Championship to go to a No-Contest. He demanded a reason for not being a part of that particular title match. Shane-O-Mac came out and said that he was going to be in a match with The Rock at Souled Out in which the winner would receive a title shot for their respected brands anytime within the next three months. For the next couple of weeks AJ Styles and The Rock snuck attack each other during interviews and speech’s until they finally met just three days away from Souled Out during the final episode of Thursday Night Thunder before Soule Out they confronted each other. Within no time at all there were bodies flying everywhere. Luckily Security came in time to break it up but what will happen when there are no security? What will happen when there are no exceptions? What will happen when these two men with massive egos go one on one?

HHH vs. Kurt Angle;
During the first episode of Thursday Night Thunder HHH and Kurt Angle fought over the WCW Championship but came to a No-Contest after interference from AJ Styles. The next week they fought again but came to another No-Contest after a Double Count Out. They fought another time for the title but yet again went to a No-Contest after neither man could answer a ten count. So, finally, Shane-O-Mac made the match. It would be HHH vs. Kurt Angle at Souled Out for the WCW Championship! And, this match was to be, to avoid another No-Contest, a No-DQ Match!

Other Talent;
Leviathan-Fought every week against the like of Mark Henry and Abyss. Won every match
Abyss-Jobbed to Leviathan
Mark Henry-Jobbed to Leviathan
Booker T-Broke his wrist just before his debut show. Has been inactive since.
The Rock ‘N’ Rave Infection-Inactive since losing to the Motor City Machine Guns

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
redruM vs Scott Steiner

Umaga vs. Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Petey Williams and Elijah Burke

L.A.X. vs. Deuce ‘N’ Domino vs. Cryme Tyme

Christopher Daniels vs. Kaz vs. Sting vs. Goldberg;

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker vs. MVP


AJ Styles vs. The Rock;

HHH vs. Kurt Angle;

The Rated R CMStar

redruM vs Scott Steiner

Umaga vs. Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Petey Williams and Elijah Burke

L.A.X. vs. Deuce ‘N’ Domino vs. Cryme Tyme

Christopher Daniels vs. Kaz vs. Sting vs. Goldberg;

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker vs. MVP


AJ Styles vs. The Rock;

HHH vs. Kurt Angle;

Build up looks great, it should be a good show. Check out BTW, new show has been posted


Ty for thepredictions fellars. CMS i am working on your review now and Headfirst for Hardcore i shall be reviewing your next show for sure.