WCW-The Reprise by Eyebrow2007

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World Championship Wrestling

It is the year 2008. Shane McMahon has just come back and is looking to destroy his fathers creation, the WWE. This is Shane’s revenge for Vince firing him just three weeks after Wrestlemania. It is the reprise of WCW. Can Shane McMahon, with the help of a loyal few who left WWE with Shane, take a show with nothing, turn it into a show with everything and kill off the WWE? Only time will tell…..

The Roster

Shawn Michaels-Monday Night Mayhem
Kurt Angle-Thursday Night Thunder
The Undertaker-Monday Night Mayhem
Hunter Hearst Helmsley (Triple HHH)-Thursday Night Thunder
Leviathan (Batista)-Monday Night Mayhem
AJ Styles-Thursday Night Thunder
Abyss-Monday Night Mayhem
Red Rum (Rellik)-Thursday Night Thunder
The Rock-Monday Night Mayhem
Shelton Benjamin-Thursday Night Thunder
Kaz-Monday Night Mayhem
Matt Hardy-Thursday Night Thunder
MVP-Monday Night Mayhem
Mr. Kennedy-Thursday Night Thunder
Christopher Daniels-Monday Night Mayhem
Petey Williams-Thursday Night Thunder
Carlito-Monday Night Mayhem
Umaga-Thursday Night Thunder
Mark Henry-Monday Night Mayhem
Elijah Burke-Thursday Night Thunder

Tag Teams/Stables

L.A.X.-Monday Night Mayhem
Motor City Machine Guns-Thursday Night Thunder
Cryme Time-Monday Night Mayhem
The Rock ‘N’ Rave Infection-Thursday Night Thunder
Deuce ‘N’ Domino-Monday Night Mayhem
AMW-Thursday Night Thunder

Championship Belts

WCW Championship-Thursday Night Thunder
Undisputed World Championship-Monday Night Mayhem
WCW Television Championship-Thursday Night Thunder
Continental Championship-Monday Night Mayhem
WCW Tag Team Championship-Thursday Night Thunder
Continental Tag Team Championship-Monday Night Mayhem

WCW Pay-Per-View Events

April-Souled Out
May-Super Brawl
July-Spring Stampede
September-Great American Bash
October-Halloween Havoc
November-Road Wild
December-Fall Brawl
February-World War 3


Thursday Night Thunder will be on for one hour as will Monday Night Mayhem. All PPV's will be 2-Hours long.

Evil Austin

Well I guess its organized ? :confused: well good luck and check out my BTB if you feel like it.

CT Styles

Why not Monday Nitro? Anyway, it looks pretty good, similar backstory to my old WCW BTB. Why is their a WCW Title and WCW Undisputed Title? Isn't an undisputed title the merging of two world titles?


Apr 3, 2008
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Why not Monday Nitro? Anyway, it looks pretty good, similar backstory to my old WCW BTB. Why is their a WCW Title and WCW Undisputed Title? Isn't an undisputed title the merging of two world titles?

I think Mayhem & Thunder have different titles

CT Styles

Championship Section said:
Championship Belts

WCW Championship-Thursday Night Thunder
Undisputed World Championship-Monday Night Mayhem
WCW Television Championship-Thursday Night Thunder
Continental Championship-Monday Night Mayhem
WCW Tag Team Championship-Thursday Night Thunder
Continental Tag Team Championship-Monday Night Mayhem

Shouldn't the Undisputed title be the WCW title merged with something else, therefore making it one title? Because they are both world titles.


The WCW Undisputed Title is the merging of the old NWA Title.

Anyhow i will just let you know that i am very close to finishing my first show and it should be up within the next 15 mins.


WCW-The Reprise #1: The Beginning

World Championship Wrestling


Monday Night Mayhem!

Pyros go off to the sound of thousands of fans screaming in attendance. Kids in the front row scream at the camera as it passes them holding up “Vince Sucks!†signs. “Here comes the money!†plays as everyone goes crazy in anticipation. Shane McMahon comes out in a black suit. “Wooooo!†The fans scream a little louder. “Hello and welcome to WCW!!!†By now the fans are giving out deafening screams of joy. Shane welcomes us to the first ever Monday Night Mayhem. First off he thanks he fans for being here and then goes on to thank all the staff making this dream come true. Then he announces the two new commentators for WCW Mike Tenay and JR Jim Ross. He says that it is a what he wanted since the day WCW disbanded. He continues to tell the fans about how good it feels to be part of WCW once again before finally letting the show begin. The show kicks off with a three way dance. Mark Henry vs. Abyss vs. Leviathan.

The match starts out with all three monsters staring at each other. They, all of a sudden, break into a massive brawl. Leviathan and Abyss team up to take down The World’s Strongest Man and eventually take him out of the ring. Then Abyss and Leviathan fight it out for them selves with huge rights and lefts. Leviathan takes the upper hand and delivers various, brutal moves. He drives his shoulder hard into Abyss’ gut. He brings him out of the corner and scores with a huge Power bomb! But, instead of Leviathan making the three count Mark Henry gets in the ring out of nowhere and makes the cover. Henry gets up and celebrates after making the first elimination but turns round to a violent Spine Buster. Leviathan makes the cover and picks up the win.

After a fantastic match we come to a break and are told not to go away as next up we see Carlito take on Christopher Daniels in a Fatal-Four Way Qualifying match in which a new Continental Campion will be crowned.

We come back and Shane McMahon is in his office. He sits there in front of his Laptop staring into space when suddenly a knock on his door wakes him up forcing him to drop his pen. He picks it up only to bring his head back up and see a unlikely figure in front of him. “What are you doing here?â€

We come back to ringside as JR and Tenay talk about who they think the unexpected visitor could before going in to introduce the next match, Carlito vs. Christopher Daniels.

The match kicks off with Carlito taking the upper hand. He hit’s a Dropkick and a Moonsault and looks to be closing in on his opponent. Carlito grabs Daniels by the head and take him to the outside of the ring. He lifts his head up and slams it down on the steps. The crowd boo him emphatically as he turns round and rants at them. He drags his enemy back into the ring and hoping to finish him off. He grabs him round the head turns him around and delivers a brutal Back Stabber. Carlito cover but no! Daniels kicked out. Carlito is shocked. He covers him again but no! Carlito gets up in frustration and leaves the ring. Daniels looks around confused and all of a sudden Carlito comes out of nowhere and cracks his foe in the back of the head with a steel chair. Everyone is shocked as Carlito leaves the ring. He is disqualified as officials come and see to Christopher Daniels.

After the match the camera goes back stage as Shane McMahon leaves his office. Jeremy Borash is waiting outside for him and asks him who was it he was talking to. Shane replies saying “Don’t you mean who where they you where talking to?â€

JR is in the ring and says that he has just heard word from Shane McMahon concerning Souled Out and tonight’s next match. He says that at Souled Out it will be LAX vs. Cryme Time vs. Deuce and Domino in a Three Way Tag Match for the Continental Tag Team Championships and up next LAX will take on Cryme Time. A break takes place and when we come back we see Leviathan walking through the corridor. A couple of backstage camera men are talking and quickly scramble away into a room in the corner as they see Leviathan coming their way. The beast stops outside the door to the room, laughs and walks in….

Hernandez and Shad are first into the ring. After a huge brawl Shad gets the break through with a Big Man’s Lariat. He tags in JTG who goes straight to the top rope. But, just as he is about to leap Homicide runs down the ring apron and takes out his leg leaving him hung up on the turnbuckle. The men in the crowd all share his pain as Mike Tenay says “Now that has to hurt.†While Shad is seeing to JTG, Homicide gets a rollup on his foe but the ref refuses to count as he is not the legal man. After a few harsh words Homicide picks up JTG from the turnbuckle and delivers ground shaking Superplex. He tags in Hernandez who delvers a Leg Drop to the already injured JTG. Hernandez picks him up and goes for a DDT but amazingly JTG escapes and makes a desperation tag. Hernandez is just taking in what happened when he is met by a huge Big Boot thundering towards him. Hernandez starts bleeding from his forehead. Shad picks him up for an STO and he delivers it. But Shad does not realize that while Hernandez was lifted up he made a tag. Homicide enters and delivers Da Gringo Killa to pick up the win.

Shane McMahon comes out and says that earlier on this evening he had an unexpected visitor in m his office. He tells us that WCW is just going to get better and better from now on in as there are two new additions to Monday Night Mayhem! But, they are not any normal superstars, they are both former WCW champions, both former WCW Tag Champions…. The first is Sting! Sting comes out in his original attire as the fans scream so loud that it almost takes out any other noise in the arena. Sting says a few words including how disappointed he was about WCW disbanding. Shane says to the fans but that’s not it as we also have a second addition to Monday Night Mayhem….. Bill Goldberg! Goldberg runs up the ramp and into the ring as the fans cheer him on. After a few words of his own Sting jumps back into the ring. Goldberg and Sting stare at each other for a moment and it looks as though there will be a brawl but instead the two embrace in a hug and then celebrate together. Shane McMahon says, after both men have left, that’s not all as next up Shawn Michaels takes on Undertaker for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship!

The match kicks off with neither man really getting the upper hand. There is plenty of back to back action with all sorts of moves. Finally Undertaker breaks away from the slug feast like action and hits a snake eyes and big boot. He lifts his opponent up for a Tomb Stone but Michaels breaks free. Shawn does everything in his power to get away from the Phenom but Undertaker keeps on top of him not giving him room to breath. But, out of nowhere Shawn hit’s a huge right hand that takes the Dead Man back. Shawn hits another and another before slinging Undertaker onto the ropes and hitting a brutal Atomic Drop. Shawn starts tuning up the band and the crowd knows what happens next. He taps the canvas once, twice, three times and bam! He hit’s the Undertaker square in the jaw! HBK gets to the cover but no! Amazingly Taker kicked out at two. Shawn says “That’s enough!†He climbs to the top of the turnbuckle, plays to the crowd, signifies the people elbow and jumps but no! Taker caught him by his neck. He gets up and is just about to hit a Chokeslam when Shawn kicks him in the stomach and out of nowhere hit’s a second Super Kick! HBK crawls to the opposite ring corner trying to catch one breather, one moment of bliss. He reaches it and looks at The Undertaker. Then, like in a horror movie, The Dead Man just gets straight back up to a sitting position. But, the sudden shot of energy is short lived as HBK hit’s a third Sweet Chin Music just seconds after Undertaker gets up! Shawn, with his last ounces of energy, crawls over to The Undertaker and gets the three count.

The show closes as the new champion celebrates in the ring. All of a sudden the whole of the Monday Night Mayhem roster come down to the ring. Shane McMahon is in the middle of them and he says that he hopes we enjoyed the first ever episode of WCW-The Reprise!

CT Styles

Best Match: Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker and Cryme Tyme vs LAX. A thing I didn't like about the Taker/HBK one were, how the hell does Taker catch Michaels in position for a Chokeslam when he is in midair performing an elbow drop? Cryme Tyme vs LAX was good, it flowed the best out of all of them I think.

Worst Match: Leviathon/Henry/Abyss. It's three big monsters, bound to be a boring match. Wasn't that bad though.

Best Promo: Weren't many promos, maybe the last one with Goldberg & Sting.

Worst Promo: Not enough to Judge.

Additional Comments: It was a fairly good show, you need more promos and they need to be more in depth. And something I hate to tell you but, if you write your shows in recap it probably won't be successful. People around here don't like recap I've heard so you may not get much reviews. Maybe work on writing out matches in full, same with promos. Because you wanna have a successful BTB that people read right?


Ty for the review. I will carry on doing recaps and hopefully turn to Full when i am ready. Once again thanks.

Evil Austin

Good show, I mean I am not a big fan of recaps but I guess this was an alright recap to read.... Ill probably read the next show.


Will you give a review too?? It would be much appreciated.... And of corse you can expect one back..... Anyhow.....


Kennedy threatens to leave after an arguement over his wages.....

HBK the Champ! Taker says not for long.....

Goldberg and Stingare back. But at what price....

First ever episode of Thursday Night Thunder tonight....​


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Feb 8, 2008
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The show hasn't been up one day.....

It is set out too hard to really read, you need to set5 it out better and make the promos better as it is hard to read them in recap but the matches were good, i am just not a fan of recaped matches. Taker and HBK should have an interisting feud, i will be reading.
Apr 12, 2008
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You got banned on that other forum for asking for reviews, don't do it here. I will get a review up soon.