WCW 1995: Going to War

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Sep 14, 2022
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WCW Monday Nitro
September 11, 1995
LIVE from Miami, FL
Your Hosts: Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Steve "Mongo" McMichael

Following the opening, Eric Bischoff's voice welcomed us LIVE to WCW Monday Nitro in downtown Miami, FL where TONIGHT the WCW World Heavyweight Champion HULK HOGAN would be in ACTION against the Dungeon of Doom's MENG as we are now less than ONE WEEK from an epic showdown between the Hulkamaniacs and the Dungeon of Doom.

BUT the question is still lingering, who will be the fourth man of the Hulkamaniacs

Last week on the debut episode of WCW Nitro, "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall made his WCW debut, offering himself to be the fourth man of the Hulk Hogan-captained team - in exchange for a WCW title shot, that is.

He's Ammmmericannnnnnnnnnnnnn made.
He's got the red white and blue running through his veins.
He was born and raised in the U.S. of A.
He's got to be inspected, he's US grade.
If you mess with the flag, it's like a slap in his face.

"American Made" hit the PA system bringing out the WCW Champion himself Hulk Hogan along with his two Hulkamaniac teammates "The Macho Man" Randy Savage and Sting. This dream team trio interacted with the fans on their way to the ring before they finally climbed in. Hogan took the microphone and wanted to get down to business.

Hogan said last week he and the whole world was caught off guard by the appearance of Scott Hall - and Hogan revealed that he didn't want to make a decision without consulting with his teammates. So Hogan handed the microphone over to Randy Savage.

"OOOHHHH YEAH!" Savage announced to the crowd to elicit a pop. Savage explained that there's no one he trusts more in this business than the two men standing in the ring with him right now. He's known and been friends with Hogan for over a decade and Sting almost as long. But everything he's ever seen or heard about Scott Hall is nothing but BAD NEWS. Savage said if he's going to be stepping into War Games with anyone - he has to know 100% that they have his back, and he cannot say that about Scott Hall.

Sting was next to weigh in, stating that Hall himself refers to himself as "The Bad Guy." "And, I tell ya one thing, fellas - I've been around for a while now... and I've had my fair share of people stabbin' me in the back... and I've learned... you just CAN'T TRUST A 'BAD GUY!'"

And the fact that Hall is obviously only wanting to be on the team for himself with the way he is asking for a title shot in return - who's to say he's going to care about anyone but himself inside War Games? Sting gave Scott Hall a big thumbs down in the partner department.

"Well, there you have it brother" Hogan decided, - he himself had a bad feeling about Scott Hall's arrival in WCW - Hogan didn't want the Hulkamaniacs out there to think he's only doing this as a way to duck a challenge from Hall for the WCW title, "Buy you know, brothers, these 24 inch python's don't back down from a challenge - and I got no problem giving him a match somewhere down the line - all he has to do is name the time and place, brother!"

But the Hulkster feels much more comfortable going to war with people he can trust - even if it meant being down a man. But there was going to be NO doubt in his mind that the Hulkamaniacs would walk out on top...soooo


= = = = =


After a commercial break, Bischoff welcomed us back as Eddy Guerrero was making his way down to the ring. Bischoff and his cohorts at the announce booth were busy still talking about the opening promo with the Hulkamaniacs - in disbelief that they would turn down someone willing to be their fourth man in War Games against the terrifying Dungeon of Doom.

In the ring, the bell was ringing to start the matchup between two men who were no strangers to one another. Much like the match from WCW Saturday Night featuring Sabu, we got more backstory on Benoit and Guerrero's history with one another in Japan - which they did a good job of telling in the story of the match as they went back and forth with counters to one another's moves - showing how well they knew each other. Heenan commented that they might as well be wrestling a mirror out there.

They went back and forth, neither man able to pick up a sizeable advantage on the other until Guerrero attempted a back suplex to Benoit, only to have Benoit slide down Guerrero's back and hit him with a Release German Suplex! Both men were slow to recover, but Benoit was up first and met Guerrero with a boot to the midsection before taking Guerrero back down to the mat with a snap suplex. Benoit pointed to the top turnbuckle and made a slit throat motion, which drew some cheers from the crowd.

Benoit climbed the turnbuckles....but before he could make his dive, he was SHOVED off the top turnbuckle to the canvas by an interfering Dean Malenko! The referee quickly called for the bell to signal a disqualification. The crowd booed loudly at Malenko for ruining what had been such a hard-fought matchup.

WINNER - Chris Benoit by disqualification at 6:53

= = = = =

Bischoff mentioned that of the rivalries in Japan, there might have been none more intense than Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko! Malenko was putting the boots to the fallen Benoit as the referee tried to restore some order to little success. Meanwhile, Eddy Guerrero was getting back to his feet and realizing what had just happened.

Guerrero grabbed Malenko by the arm from behind and spun Malenko around to face him. The two began to exchange some heated words before Malenko gave Eddy a firm shove. Guerrero shoved Malenko right back before the two got right in each other's face as Benoit was getting to his feet. Benoit started to make his way over to the duo.. when Guerrero and Malenko both turned and laid out Benoit with double punches!

Before any more damage could be done, SABU rushed down to the ring with a steel chair in hand! "There's no love loss between any of these men!" Bischoff exclaimed as Sabu connected with a chairshot to Guerrero's back! Malenko took a chair to the midsection before Sabu tossed the chair to the mat and delivered a facebuster to Guerrero onto the chair!

The crowd seemed to enjoy Sabu's extreme antics while Guerrero rolled out of the ring to avoid any further punishment. A groggy Benoit was staggering to his feet, which led to a stare down between Sabu and Benoit. An intense stare down between the duo was all we got as despite the fire we saw in Sabu's eyes as he stared down Benoit, Benoit smirked and stepped out of the ring.

As Benoit left the ring, Sabu picked up his chair and lifted it up in the air with one hand, getting a good reaction from the crowd.

= = = = =
After the break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by backstage with the brand new WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page along with his bodyguard Maxx Muscle and The Diamond Doll. As Okerlund asked Page about his upcoming rematch with The Renegade at Fall Brawl, Page managed to take the fat cigar out of his mouth long enough to say that wasn't what he was interested in talking about tonight. He wanted to talk about people who can't follow directions.

Page turned his attention to Doll, who proceeded to look sheepishly at the ground. DDP scolded Doll for just handing the title over to The Renegade last Saturday on WCW Saturday Night. Page reminded Doll of how long it took HER to scrub that title last week after Page won the belt just to get the Renegade's stench off the belt. Well, now she has to do it ALL OVER AGAIN!

Okerlund tried to reel the discussion back on topic, asking Page if he was afraid of the Renegade with how he ran away on Saturday. Page scoffed at Okerlund and asked him if he wanted a Diamond Cutter right now. Page said that of course he wasn't afraid of that punk. He explained he just didn't want to let the fans get to see their rematch for free.


That was the voice of The Renegade that called out to DDP. Hearing The Renegade coming, Page quickly took off, leaving Maxx Muscle and Diamond Doll behind. Muscle looked over at Doll and said "see ya!" before taking off in the other direction, leaving her alone with Mean Gene.

Ever the gallant hero, Okerlund was man enough to stand in front of Doll as The Renegade came into the shot. Renegade snorted and spit as he took the microphone and simply said that this Sunday...there would be NO RUNNING and NO HIDDING for Dallas Page! "THE TV TITLE WILL BE THE RENEGADE'S ONCE AGAIN!"

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As Brian Pillman made his way down to the ring, we got a recap from WCW Satuday Night's promo between Ric Flair and Brian Pillman where Flair commented on how Pillman reminded him of a young Flair before in the main event, Pillman put forth a valiant effort against Flair, only to walk out on the losing in. Tonight, Pillman was looking to bounce back against Jim Duggan.

Before the match even got underway, Duggan rallied the fans with a "U-S-A" chant that caught on quickly and got under Pillman's skin right away. But this only motivated Pillman even more and he quickly used his speed to outmaneuver Duggan and take the advantage. But Pillman quickly learned that it took a lot to keep Duggan down. A crossbody attempt by Pillman was reversed into a big powerslam from Duggan.

Duggan stomped around the ring and let out a HOOO! as he got down into a three-point stance position. He charged in looking for a clothesline, but Pillman ducked and when Duggan turned back around he was caught with a spinning heel kick from Pillman! Pillman didn't look back from here as he would climb out to the apron and hit the Air Pillman springboard lariat! Pillman hooked a leg and picked up the three count victory over Jim Duggan!

WINNER - Brian Pillman by pinfall at 4:11

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Coming back from commercials, we saw Brian Pillman returning from the ring only to be confronted by "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson.

Anderson wanted to shake Pillman's hand and congratulate Pillman on an impressive victory tonight. The Enforcer put his arm around Pillman and wanted to let Pillman know that Flair isn't the only one impressed with what Pillman has done so far in WCW.

He went on to say that Flair was right about one thing, he is a lot like Flair was at this point in his career. HOWEVER, Arn has known Flair for a long time - and that was not meant to be a compliment.

No, Flair is threatened by Pillman.

Arn said Flair wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but right now - Flair is scared. He's not the man he used to be. He's not a champion right now. He's not even headlining Pay-Per-Views right now.

"And what's most scary of all for him right now, is the fact that he doesn't have ole Double A in his corner any more to have his back...to do his dirty work."

Pillman wanted to know what any of this had to do with him. Anderson laughed and said, "you'll see." Anderson invited Pillman back to his locker room...where apparently Anderson had "a lot" to discuss with him.

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This would be "part one" of a challenge among three teams that got into a physical altercation on last week's Monday Nitro over who the number one contender to the tag titles should be - the winner of this match would advance directly to Fall Brawl while the loser would face The American Males on WCW Saturday Night for a "second chance" opportunity.

The royal team of Regal and Eaton got some heavy "anti-foreign" heat from the crowd as Regal wiped his feet off before entering the ring. Regal demanded that his loyal subject Eaton start the match off against Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys.

Regal watched on in displeasure as The Nasty Boys dominated the early portions of the match against Eaton. Regal yelled some unpleasantries Eaton's way in an attempt to "motivate" him to fight back against the degenerates on the opposite end of the ring. He then took matters into his own hands as he lifted his knee up into Jerry Saggs' back as he was bouncing off the ropes. This gave Eaton the opportunity he needed to lay out Saggs with a lariat.

With Saggs down, Regal had no problem tagging himself in and picking up on the now downed Saggs. Regal worked over Saggs back and neck and kept things at a slow, methodical pace before locking in a chinlock one half of the Nasty Ones. Knobbs worked the apron, slamming his fist on the turnbuckles to try and rally the crowd behind Saggs, which started to work as Saggs began to battle his way up to his feet! Saggs fought free of the hold and whipped Regal into the ropes where he unleashed the Nasty Clubberin' punch combination to Regal.

Regal stumbled out of the corner into the PIT STOP from Regal. Regal dropped to his knees and crawled towards the corner spitting in disgust as Saggs made the fresh tag to Knobbs. Regal in turn tagged in Eaton, who ran into a double clothesline from the Nasty Boys. The Nasty Boys weren't done yet as Eaton staggered right back up to his feet into a double boot to the midsection and a Double DDT!

The referee turned his attention to getting Saggs to leave the ring...with the ref's back turned...Regal crawled back into the ring - LOW BLOW to Knobbs from behind! Eaton crawled over and made the roll up as the referee turned back around...Eaton grabbed a handful of tights as well - One, Two, Thre...Knobbs' save is a millisecond too late and the Blue Bloods have won!

WINNERS - The Blue Bloods by pinfall at 7:08
Lord Steven Regal left the ring victorious as a disgruntled Brian Knobbs took out some frustration on Eaton. Regal showed little regard for his loyal subject as they gave him a PIT STOP before finishing him off with a Trip To Nastyville.

But despite all this, it was the Blue Bloods who would be fighting for a shot at the tag titles at Fall Brawl while Nasty Boys would have to try again against the American Males on WCW Saturday Night!

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Speaking of the tag titles, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was backstage with Colonel Robert Parker and the WCW Tag Team Champions "Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck.

Col. Parker didn't seem to care which of the three teams battling for a title shot won, because the belts were not leaving the waists of the two men standing before us now. Okerlund suggested that Parker and his champions were making a mistake by worrying about who would become the number one contenders instead of focusing on their match with Harlem Heat this Sunday at Fall Brawl.

Parker said that they had nothing to worry about when it comes to the Harlem Heat - he has "made sure of that." Okerlund wanted to "hold the phone" - and demanded to know what Parker was suggesting.

Okerlund wanted to know if that suggestion had anything to do with his little "love affair" with Sister Sherri. Parker smiled and said all he could say was "no lady can resist the charm of a Southern Gentlemen." Parker slapped Slater and Buck on the back, drawing laughter from the champions. Parker led his champions off screen as Okerlund was left to wonder what tricks they had up their sleeve for Fall Brawl!

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MAIN EVENT: HULK HOGAN (w/Jimmy Hart) versus "THE FACE OF FEAR" MENG (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

In a preview of things to come for War Games, the captain of the Hulkamaniacs, Hulk Hogan stepped into the ring with the monster from the Dungeon of Doom - Meng.

The duo went nose to nose to start the match, and things got underway with a "test of strength" - which saw Meng take advantage of his sheer power and surprisingly take the Hulkster to the mat. But the fans rallied Hogan back, and Hogan started to balance out the strength test until Meng lifted his knee into Hogan's midsection to stop any chance Hogan had of rallying back.

Meng continued on the offensive early as The Taskmaster nodded approvingly at ringside. Meng was very impressive in his domination of Hogan - picking up a nearfall on the WCW World Champion after a Samoan Drop. Meng would eventually get Hogan in the corner and was unleashing his theatrical chops to Hogan when we suddenly saw the fire in Hogan's eyes light up as suddenly those stiff chops were having zero impact on the champion!

The crowd came alive as Jimmy Hart's voice could be heard even above the loud cheers from the crowd as he encouraged Hogan to battle back. Hogan fought his way out of the corner with a flurry of right hands that rocked Meng but did not take the monster down. The fired up Hogan scored with a headbutt...but it seemed to do more damage to Hogan! Hogan was staggered and Meng laid Hogan out with a headbutt of his own! Bischoff was surprised by the way Meng was able to stop the traditional Hogan "hulk up" so easily!

Meng continued on the offensive - hitting Hogan with an inverted atomic drop before laying him out once again with a savate kick. Things were looking bleak for the champion as he was slowly stumbling to his feet...Hogan turned and walked right into the TONGAN DEATH GRIP! Was this going to be it...was Meng going to get the victory over the WCW Champion heading into Fall Brawl?!

Hogan sold the pain of the move as he dropped to his knees. Meng yelled out incoherently as he tried to drive Hogan's shoulder's to the mat....but as the crowd got to their feet and cheered their hero on...Hogan began to show signs of life! Hogan slowly lifted up one knee...then the other! Hogan was back to his feet while locked in the normally paralyzing hold!


That was enough to release Meng's grip!
Clothesline from Hogan rocked Meng, but was not enough to take him down! A second clothesline from Hogan still only staggered the Tongan warrior! Hogan grabbed Meng by the arm and sent him into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Off the ropes, Hogan hit the BIG BOOT to Meng!


But Hogan was still fired up, he stomped around the ring and back over to Meng...he reached between Meng's legs, lifted him up... BODYSLAM to the mat! Hogan bounced off the ropes....LEG DROP! Hogan hooked Meng's leg...


Meng kicked out but it was too late! Hogan has picked up the victory heading into Fall Brawl!

WINNER - Hulk Hogan by pinfall at 11:33
Just as soon as the bell had rung, the rest of the Dungeon were out - Zodiac, Kamala, and The Shark had entered the ring and attacked Hogan before the referee could even raise his hand in victory! Hogan might have picked up the hard fought win over Meng, but the Dungeon were going to make sure he was more worse for wear heading into War Games!

BUT Hogan had backup! Sting and Randy Savage charged down to the ring to help out their teammate. But as Meng recovered and Hogan still down from the sneak attack - Sting and Savage found themselves in trouble against the numbers game.

"The Bad Guy" Scott Hall
rushed down to the ring and he was armed with a chair in hand! He met the Zodiac with a chairshot to the head that laid out him out. Sting and Savage managed to battle back against The Shark and with a double clothesline - sent the big man over the top rope to the floor! Meanwhile Hogan battled back against Meng as Kamala stalked him from behind! But Hall made the save, slamming the chair into Kamala's back! Kamala was staggered as Hall took a big swing with the chair that connected with Kamala once again and sent Kamala falling between the middle ropes and out to the floor as Hogan also sent Meng to out of the ring as well.

The ring had been cleared of the Dungeon - who Kevin Sullivan worked to regroup at ringside... but in the ring - Savage, Sting, and Hogan stood on one side - staring down Scott Hall on the other side.

Scott Hall took the microphone and told Hogan "it's not too late - the offer still stands."

Hogan looked to his cohorts before looking back to Hall. "Come on mang, don't let pride fool you - that's what these Coño's want. You NEED me, chico."

Hall dropped the microphone and extended his hand out to the middle of the ring. Hogan looked to the crowd, who seemed to heavily support the idea - but Sting and Savage still seemed unsure even after Hall's save tonight. Hogan took a few steps up to join Hall in the middle of the ring...he paused briefly for dramatic effect before accepting the handshake!

"There you have it!" Bischoff exclaimed, "Scott Hall WILL join the Hulkamaniacs inside War Games THIS SUNDAY!"

The show came to a close as Hall lifted up Hogan's arm in victory as Sting and Savage seemed less than thrilled in the background.


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Wrestling Observer News Recap

  • Vader has officially been suspended for the backstage fight with Paul Orndorff last week. There's still a chance he could be fired as well. He is technically under contract until 1999 but WCW could release him. It's almost a certainy he would end up in WWF if he is released while Japan would also be a possibility.
  • We can now confirm that Scott Hall was working without a contract with WWF,though he had given a verbal agreement to stay through the end of October while they negotiated a new deal, but WCW rolled up with an offer too good for Hall to pass up. The deal with WCW is a 2 year deal.
  • Speaking of contracts, Gene Okerlund's WCW contract expires and a new deal has yet to be reached. Okerlund has apparently tried to use returning to WWF as leverage but WCW doesn't think WWF wants him back, so they aren't balking.
  • Dave says we can expect to see more of Eddy Guerrero, Sabu, Dean Malenko, and Chris Benoit in the coming weeks. They've impressed in their house show matches.
  • Mr. JL, aka Jerry Lynn, has officially signed a WCW contract.
  • Talks of bringing in Lanny Poffo as a favor of Randy Savage have fallen apart for now.​


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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I had a thought. Since Scott Hall's very much doing the Razor Ramon bit here, do we still get a trademark infringment lawsuit against WCW from the WWF? If so, do we get Rick Bognar coming up as a fake Razor to bolster WWF's ownership of the character? How do Diesel and Shawn Michaels - both faces of the New Generation and friends of Hall's - feel about that? I can't imagine they're very happy about a pale imitation of Hall on WWF TV.


Sep 14, 2022
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WCW Saturday Night
September 16, 1995
Your Hosts: Tony Schiavone
& Dusty Rhodes

Following the standard WCW Saturday Night robotic intro - we IMMEDIATELY cut to backstage where we saw "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall working over the Dungeon of Doom's Kamala with a steel chair! Kamala was already down as we joined the scene. Hall was repeatedly slamming the chair into Kamala's kneecap.

WCW security finally stepped in as the rest of the Dungeon of Doom showed up. Security protected Hall from the likes of Meng, The Shark, and The Zodiac while an upset "Taskmaster" kneeled down to check on Kamala.

He shouted for some medics who came running around the corner. Sting and Randy Savage walked into the shot to see what was going on and saw Hall grinning at his handy work. "This ISN'T how we work," Sting could be heard saying to the confident Scott Hall.

"You're welcome" was all Hall said as he tossed the chair aside and walked off.

Savage and Sting shared glances once again as Savage said "I don't like this at all, brother." Sting nodded in agreement as we cut to Schiavone and Rhodes.

= = = = =

Schiavone and Rhodes couldn't believe what they had just seen - the newest member of the Hulkamaniacs just made his presence felt by attacking Kamala with that chair just over 24 hours before the War Games match! "What a way to kick of WCW Saturday Night!" Shiavone exclaimed.


Speaking of Fall Brawl, this man Cobra was getting a warm-up tonight as he took on Mike Enos. At Fall Brawl he would be going one-on-one against his former commanding officer Sgt. Craig Pittman. Cobra interacted with the kids at ringside prior to the match, handing off his army beret to one lucky boy at ringside before entering the ring.

Cobra and Enos went back and forth to start the match before Cobra took firm control of the match. Enos got in some limited offense before Cobra laid out Enos with a big delayed vertical suplex. Enos was slow to his feet as Cobra measured him up from behind...once he was up, Cobra struck with the Cobra Clutch Slam!

Cobra got down, hooking the far leg. One, Two, Three!

WINNER - Cobra by pinfall in 4:13

= = = = =
Coming back from the commercial, "Mean" Gene Okerlund caught up with Cobra backstage.

Cobra started out by cutting your basic hype promo directed towards Sgt. Pittman - promising to get vengeance on Pittman for what he did to him in the Gulf War. But before the promo wrapped up, Cobra began acting strangely paranoid... looking back and forth to either side of the screen.

Okerlund wanted to know what was going on - Cobra asked Gene if he "heard that noise." Gene shook his head and said there was no noise. "Shhh..." Cobra hushed Okerlund... but Okerlund wasn't listening. He once again said there were no noises...

"My God man!" Cobra exclaimed, "you're going to get us both killed!" Cobra shoved his way past Okerlund and rushed off screen.

A confused Okerlund shook his head and sent it back to the ring.

= = = = =


As Muscle made his way to the ring, we saw a quick video from "earlier tonight" where WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page gave Muscle strict orders to make sure Renegade did not make it to Fall Brawl tomorrow night. Could Muscle follow through with that order against The Renegade here tonight?

In this slow brawl of a match, we saw Renegade dominate most of the offense against the physically imposing Muscle. Despite all his body strength, it was all Renegade early - that is until Muscle was able to rake the eyes of the Renegade. Muscle worked over Renegade in the corner before powerslamming Renegade to the mat. But Renegade seemed to absorb the move and popped right back up to his feet!

Muscle went back on the attack, locking in a sleeper to Renegade. It looked like Renegade might be going to sleep...but on the third lift of the arm, Renegade SHOWED LIFE as his arm rocked back and forth. Muscle shook his head furiously "NO" as Renegade shook feverishly as he rallied to his feet. JAWBREAKER to Muscle broke the hold and Renegade was quickly back up to his feet and energized.

A couple of clotheslines took Muscle to the mat. Muscle slowly stumbled up to his feet and walked right into a DDT from Renegade. Renegade raced around the ring before coming down on top of Muscle with the Renegade Splash! One, Two, Three!

Renegade with the win to pick up some momentum heading into Fall Brawl!

WINNER - The Renegade by pinall in 6:36

= = = = =


In the studio at the "command center" - "Mean" Gene Okerlund once again ran down the card for Fall Brawl. He then had a "special announcement" as joining him in the command center studio was IWGP Heavyweight Champion The Great Muta - along with the official translator for all NJPW stars - Sony Oono.

Oono revealed that the IWGP champion himself would be gracing the WCW with his presence at Fall Brawl. Muta spoke to the camera in his native tongue - to which Oono translated that Muta was putting out an open challenge to ANY WCW star who wanted to step into the ring with him...he fears NO ONE.

"Well there you have it folks!" Okerlund wrapped up the segment making it official that The Great Muta would indeed be in action tomorrow night at Fall Brawl!

= = = = =


Before the match got underway, we received a recap of the melee between four men from Nitro, two of which were to be in this match - Malenko, Sabu, Chris Benoit, and Eddy Guerrero. Much like during the Benoit/Guerrero match on Nitro, this match showcased these two rivals and showed just how well they knew each other as there were a lot of counters and reversals along the way - but it was Malenko who managed to ground the more aerial based Sabu - taking Sabu out of his more unpredictable comfort zone.

Malenko was methodical in the ring - completely cold and calculating - showing little emotion as he controlled the offense. "That's why they call him the 'Ice Man'" - Schiavone recounted. Malenko attempted to turn Sabu over into the Texas Cloverleaf...but Sabu managed to grab the ropes and block the turn. Sabu pulled himself out of the ring to get a breather, but Malenko came charging and went for a baseball slide only to have Sabu moved out of the way.

"The Ice Man" landed on his feet on the outside, but suddenly Malenko was in Sabu's element. Sabu tossed Malenko head first into the ring post before picking up a chair from ringside. The ref warned Sabu, but Sabu wasn't planning on using it on Malenko - no...instead he placed it on the floor in a seated position and backed up as Malenko began to get on his feet...Sabu charged in and springboarded off the chair, catching Malenko and hitting a DDT on the outside!

Both men were down and the referee was getting very high up in the ten count...but as Sabu got to his feet...he didn't seem to have much regard for the ten count. Sabu instead looked under the ring apron and pulled out a table!

Sabu sat up the table at ringside as the referee got to 10. The referee called for the bell, counting both men out.

WINNER - Double Countout at 7:43
The countout didn't seem to upset Sabu too much as he rolled Malenko onto the table. The crowd was looking forward to seeing some table breakage here as he climbed the apron, drawing some nice fanfare.

But as Sabu was positioning himself, Eddy Guerrero ran down to the ring! Guerrero rolled Malenko off the table as Sabu leaped onto the ropes and hit a springboard moonsault! Sabu literally BOUNCED off the table as it did not break!

Guerrero picked Sabu up and tossed him into the ring. Guerrero grabbed the chair off the floor and climbed into the ring himself. Sabu slowly got to his feet and walked right into a chairshot from Guerrero! Dean Malenko had finally recovered and headed into the ring as well. He grabbed the chair out of Guerrero's hands from behind! Guerrero turn around and it looked like we might get a confrontation between Malenko and Guerrero...but Malenko suddenly cracked a smile and offered his hand out to Guerrero! Guerrero shook it as they garnered some boos from the crowd.

Malenko slammed the chair down across the fallen Sabu's ribs before dropping the chair and leaving the ring with Guerrero, the two seemingly forming some kind of alliance...

= = = = =
After a commercial break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with The American Males (Scotty Riggs and Marcus Bagwell) as they prepared for their upcoming match against The Nasty Boys to try and advance to tomorrow night to battle the Blue Bloods where a shot at the WCW Tag Team Titles would be on the line.

The Males, despite being a newly formed tag team, were very confident about themselves - and had no doubt they'd be picking up the win tonight. But their promo was interrupted as a man with slicked back hair in a formal business suit and armed with a Halliburton briefcase walked into the shot. He identified himself as V.K. Wallstreet (Mike Rotunda) - and said he was new to WCW but he was not new to winning.

"I myself am a man of considerable wealth and success - and anything I have touched has turned to pure gold!" Wallstreet revealed he had come to WCW to find the next great stars who just need a little "push" in the right direction.

Wallstreet told Bagwell and Riggs he thought they definitely had "the look" - but they still were missing..something. That something was him. Riggs and Bagwell seemed disinterested, but Wallstreet handed him his business card and said to "be in touch when they changed their mind."

= = = = =


With the Blue Bloods already having a spot at Fall Brawl, would it be the American Males or the Nasty Boys taking that second spot? The crowd wasn't sure who to root for in this one - but the usual antics of the Nasty Boys ended up getting most of the fan support over the team with less experience together. Though Rhodes and Schiavone did mention that Bagwell has been a tag champion before and is known as a "tag specialist." But the more experienced Nasty Boys quickly took control and isolated Riggs - keeping each other fresh as they looked to make up for the loss on Monday night.

As the match wore on, Riggs continued to struggle to make the hot tag to Bagwell, only to have one of the Nasty Boys cut him off at the last second. Riggs' efforts did not go unnoticed by the crowd, as he started to get some cheers while trying to battle back against the Nasty Ones. After a swinging neckbreaker from Knobbs, he tagged in Saggs and then pulled Riggs up to his feet. They set Riggs up for a Double DDT, but Riggs shoved them both off into the ropes! Riggs ducked a double clothesline attempt, rolled to the corner and tagged in Bagwell!

Bagwell and Riggs charged in together and hit a double dropkick to both members of the Nasty Boys. Knobbs rolled out of the ring as Bagwell began taking control on Saggs. Saggs was in trouble as Bagwell took control, but when Bagwell made the pin after hitting a diving shoulderblock to Saggs - Knobbs was there to make the save after a two count. Before it could become a two-on-one advantage, Riggs was in to even up the odds! Riggs took Knobbs into one corner while Bagwell took Saggs into the other...they Irish Whipped them both at one another! Knobbs and Saggs collided!

Knobbs stumbled around and was sent over the top rope by a double clothesline from Riggs and Bagwell! With Saggs alone in the ring, the American Males whipped him into the ropes and hit a double jumping shoulderblock to take Saggs down! Riggs and Bagwell were quick back to their feet and they lifted their arms up and bumped forearms as Saggs stumbled back to his feet...DOUBLE DROPKICK from the American Males! Bagwell made the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNERS - The American Males by pinfall in 8:15
Riggs and Bagwell celebrated as they will turn around and compete tomorrow night against the Blue Bloods for a shot at the WCW Tag Team Titles!

= = = = =


The young Bill DeMott had his work cut out for him against the veteran Arn Anderson in what would be a "warm up" match for Anderson as he prepared for Ric Flair at Fall Brawl.

This one was all Anderson with very little offense from DeMott. Schiavone and Rhodes used the match to hype up Flair/Anderson as Rhodes recounted how close Anderson and Flair were during his rivalry with Flair and how close their families were - Rhodes just couldn't believe how things had gone so South for this friendship. It was "unfathomable" for Rhodes to wrap his brain around the concept. Meanwhile, back in the ring - Anderson was putting the finishing touches on DeMott as he hit a Gourdbuster.

Anderson stood back as the crowd met with boos as he measured up a slowly recovering DeMott. Once DeMott was back up...SPINEBUSTER from Anderson! And that was all she wrote.

WINNER - Arn Anderson by pinfall in 3:07

= = = = =


Back in the command center studio, "Mean" Gene Okerlund ran down the rules for the heavily anticipated "War Games" matchup once again. Okerlund then announced the stipulations that have been added on to both sides.

If the Hulkamaniacs win: - Hulk Hogan will get five minutes INSIDE THE CAGE along with "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan.

If the Dungeon of Doom win: At Halloween Havoc, Hulk Hogan will have to defend the WCW World Title against any member of the Dungeon of Doom!

In a match already filled with huge implications, the stakes just got higher!

= = = = =

MAIN EVENT: "THE MACHO MAN" RANDY SAVAGE versus THE ZODIAC (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

Tonight's main event was one final preview of things to come inside the War Games as Savage squared off against the mysterious Zodiac. As expected, our commentating team did some heavy hype work for War Games.

After a hot start by Savage, a distraction from the Taskmaster helped The Zodiac attack Savage from behind and begin to take control of the match. Zodiac worked over Savage in the corner with rights and lefts before backing off and allowing Savage to stumble out into an atomic drop from Zodiac. After a boot to the midsection, Zodiac lifted Savage up in the air with a delayed vertical suplex. But the pinfall attempted only netted the DOD'er a two count.

Once Savage found himself locked in a sleeperhold, the crowd began to rally loudly behind Savage to get him back into the match. Savage began to make his comeback and broke the hold with some back elbows to send the Zodiac reeling. Savage staggered Zodiac with a flurry of elbow strikes before bouncing off the ropes and taking him down with a lariat. Savage was riding a wave of momentum that led up to setting Zodiac up for a piledriver, but Zodiac backdropped out of it!

Zodiac went back on the attack before sending Savage into the corner with an Irish Whip. Zodiac charged in, but Savage moved out of the way! Zodiac crashed into the turnbuckles and staggered over into a scoop and a slam from Savage! Savage pointed to the top turnbuckle, drawing a pop from the crowd.

Savage climbed the ropes and stood atop the turnbuckles, throwing his arms up to the crowd before flying off with the Flying Elbow Drop! Savage hooked the leg as Sullivan was slamming the apron in frustration - One, Two, Three!

WINNER - Randy Savage by pinfall in 9:56
As the referee lifted up Savage's arm in victory, The Shark and Meng began to walk down to the ring. They climbed into the ring and after a brief staredown - Meng and the Shark attacked! Savage was holding his own, but the numbers game quickly became too much for him, especially as Zodiac was getting back to his feet.

Hulk Hogan brought the calvary as he and Sting and Scott Hall rushed down to the ring to even the sides! The Hulkamaniacs now had the numbers with Kamala being attacked early by Scott Hall. Soon the ring was cleared of the Dungeon of Doom - but The Taskmaster had made his way up the aisle with the microphone.

"YOU WILL REGRET THIS" Sullivan yelled loudly into the microphone - "You have taken out our Ugandan Giant - did you really think you would get away with this? Oh no, Hogan - you are not going to win the war. You will regret the actions of your own little sheep..."

The Taskmaster revealed that Kamala would not be in any condition to wrestle at Fall Brawl - but he had a secret weapon... because his replacement was about to make his way out...it was none other than... a man he called...


The 7 foot beast appeared from the back to boos from the crowd.
The commentary team were in absolute awe of the sheer size of this man while Hogan and the Hulkamaniacs were all so drawn to the big man as he slowly walked down the aisle...they did not notice Meng and The Zodiac returning to the ring!

Zodiac drilled Hogan from behind as Meng attacked Sting! Scott Hall was dropped to the mat by a headbutt from The Giant! Savage ran at the Giant, but was grabbed by the throat, lifted high into the air, and driven into the mat with a massive Chokeslam! Hall was back to his feet but The Giant grabbed him by the throat as well - CHOKESLAM to the Bad Guy!

After fending off Meng and Zodiac, Hogan and Sting turned around into a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE from the Giant!

The Giant left out a primal roar before he pulled Hogan up by his throat - CHOKESLAM for THE HULKSTER AS WELL!

The Taskmaster grinned and nodded as he watched The Giant destroy the Hulkamaniacs single-handedly. Schiavone and Rhodes couldn't believe what they had just witnessed - what would this mean for the Hulkamaniacs tomorrow night at Fall Brawl with The Giant being inside the steel cage!

Schiavone gave us one last reminder to buy the Pay-Per-View as The Giant stood tall in the ring while the Hulkamaniacs regrouped at ringside.
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Sep 13, 2022
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Nitro Review: love Arn planting the seed of doubt in Pillman’s mind about Ric’s motives. I had Double A’s verbiage and cadence playing out in my head by your description. Solid promo. The war between Malenko/Benoit/Guerrero with the addition of Sabu making the save was great. Also makes me wonder how long Sabu will last in this world of WCW. Hogan saying no to Hall only to change his mind in the end of the night was perfect. Kinda surprised there wasn’t a DQ finish or no contest in the main event. Makes me wonder if the outcome at Fall Brawl may wind up differently then I imagine it would…
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Nov 14, 2020
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Love Hall continuing to completely act like a heel but team with the faces in this week's set of programming. The attack on Kamala and the issues the faces have with it is awesome. I'll touch on what it leads to later (because that's awesome as well), but have something else on this Hall angle. As much as I have enjoyed it, I do think Hogan flipped from not wanting Hall to wanting him on the team on Nitro. I know the numbers game were against them, but Hogan swore he didn't care previously, so that didn't quite resonate with me, but everything else with this has been so much fun.

If we get more paranoid Cobra, you might just turn me into a fan...

Renegade going over DDP's crony before their PPV rematch makes sense.

Pillman/Muta PLEASE!!!

Obligatory thumbs up for any sort of work that Malenko, Benoit, Sabu and Guerrero are doing together in here. Linking them from day one is something I like, and Malenko and Eddy having a partnership of sorts sets up an obvious tag match... Plus plenty of singles matches I'm sure. Kind of low key getting a Smackdown six vibe about them, which is exciting.

VK Wallstreet intro here by approaching The American Males was good enough. Expecting him to obviously take on another team when the white meat faces keep turning them down.

Savage going over in the main event is fine but not what we're here for. LOVE this debut for The Giant. Maybe it's strange that Sullivan wouldn't be using this 'giant' in War Games originally, but he's the perfect replacement for Kamala and automatically looks unstoppable. Glad he messed up everybody and stood tall. With the Hall angle running, I fully expect the faces to find a way to win at War Games, but man, all I really want is for The Giant to kill everybody and go on a Goldberg like streak even though he's already in possession of the title.

You are good at this stuff.
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Sep 14, 2022
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I definitely agree on how fast Hogan did a 180. I'll chalk it up to how fast the turnaround was to the PPV for the rush job, haha. Thanks for the feedback guys. And now here's the PPV Prediction post if anyone wants to predict. Will probably have the PPV up late next week.


September 17, 1995
Greensboro, NC


The Dungeon of Doom (The Giant, Meng, The Zodiac & The Shark) (w/The Taskmaster) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage & Scott Hall) (w/Jimmy Hart)

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

WCW Tag Team Championship Match
"Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck © vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)

WCW Television Championship Match
Diamond Dallas Page © (w/Diamond Doll & Maxx Muscle) vs. The Renegade

The Great Muta vs. Open Challenge to the WCW Roster

Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Match
The Blue Bloods vs. The American Males

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. Cobra

1. Who will be Great Muta's opponent?
2. Who will be the one to give up on the losing team of War Games?
3. What match will open the show?​
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Nov 14, 2020
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September 17, 1995
Greensboro, NC


The Dungeon of Doom (The Giant, Meng, The Zodiac & The Shark) (w/The Taskmaster) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage & Scott Hall) (w/Jimmy Hart)

I really wish The Giant would just squash everybody, but I feel like Scott Hall can’t lose here.

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Why not?

WCW Tag Team Championship Match
"Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck © vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)

Sherri to use her ‘charms’ on Col Parker.

WCW Television Championship Match
Diamond Dallas Page © (w/Diamond Doll & Maxx Muscle)
vs. The Renegade

Probably plenty of shenanigans but he’ll win.

The Great Muta vs. Open Challenge to the WCW Roster

Muta wins, Pillman looks incredible.

Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Match
The Blue Bloods
vs. The American Males

American Males lose so Wallstreet can keep trying to recruit.

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. Cobra

Paranoid Cobra FTW

1. Who will be Great Muta's opponent? BRIAN PILLMAN
2. Who will be the one to give up on the losing team of War Games? THE SHARK
3. What match will open the show? TV TITLE
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Sep 26, 2022
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The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage & Scott Hall)

Arn Anderson

Harlem Heat

Diamond Dallas Page

The Great Muta

The American Males

Sgt. Craig Pittman

1. Who will be Great Muta's opponent? Brian Pillman
2. Who will be the one to give up on the losing team of War Games? The Zodiac
3. What match will open the show? T.V. Title Match
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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September 17, 1995
Greensboro, NC


The Dungeon of Doom (The Giant, Meng, The Zodiac & The Shark) (w/The Taskmaster) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage & Scott Hall) (w/Jimmy Hart)

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson
vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

WCW Tag Team Championship Match
"Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck © vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)

WCW Television Championship Match
Diamond Dallas Page © (w/Diamond Doll & Maxx Muscle)
vs. The Renegade

The Great Muta vs. Open Challenge to the WCW Roster

Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Match
The Blue Bloods
vs. The American Males

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. Cobra

1. Who will be Great Muta's opponent? Brian Pillman
2. Who will be the one to give up on the losing team of War Games? The Zodiac
3. What match will open the show? Muta open challenge​
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Sep 17, 2022
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Favorite Sports Team
The Dungeon of Doom (The Giant, Meng, The Zodiac & The Shark) (w/The Taskmaster) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage & Scott Hall) (w/Jimmy Hart)

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

WCW Tag Team Championship Match

"Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck © vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)

WCW Television Championship Match
Diamond Dallas Page © (w/Diamond Doll
& Maxx Muscle) vs. The Renegade

The Great Muta vs. Open Challenge to the WCW Roster

Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Match

The Blue Bloods vs. The American Males

Sgt. Craig Pittman
vs. Cobra

1. Who will be Great Muta's opponent? Chris Jericho (I hope)
2. Who will be the one to give up on the losing team of War Games? Zodiac
3. What match will open the show?
Blue Bloods/American Males
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Sep 13, 2022
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September 17, 1995
Greensboro, NC


The Dungeon of Doom (The Giant, Meng, The Zodiac & The Shark) (w/The Taskmaster) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage & Scott Hall) (w/Jimmy Hart)

I'd bet the house on this one. I mean one side has the Zodiac on it. The Zodiac!

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

As much as Flair would love to put over Double A, it's time to get Flair back in the spotlight on top.

WCW Tag Team Championship Match
"Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck © vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)

Slater and Buck are like a decade too late to really be involved in title matches.

WCW Television Championship Match
Diamond Dallas Page © (w/Diamond Doll & Maxx Muscle)
vs. The Renegade

Yeah, I'm sure you, Dubb, was just chomping at the bits to put the Renegade over DDP.

The Great Muta vs. Open Challenge to the WCW Roster

Kinda of a weird one since you made a big deal of Muta with the IWGP Title. I'm gonna go against the grain on all this Pillman talk though as I think Pillman may get involved in the Horsemen match.

Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Match
The Blue Bloods
vs. The American Males

Sure why not.

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. Cobra

I guess this feud was such a banger that we couldn't fit a Benoit vs. Guerrero rematch on the card or something.

1. Who will be Great Muta's opponent? Let's go with gaijin Scott Norton
2. Who will be the one to give up on the losing team of War Games? The Zodiac
3. What match will open the show? DDP vs. Renegade
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Glad to see everyone rating the possibility of Dubb keeping the iconic moment of Zodiac being asked to quit and shouting "YES! NO! YES! NO!"
  • Haha
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Sep 14, 2022
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WCW Fall Brawl
September 17, 1995
Announcers: Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & Steve "Mongo" McMichael

A video recap of the events leading up to tonight's WAR GAMES matchup kicked things off before we cut to some fireworks on stage. The camera panned around the Asheville, NC crowd before panning up to the extra-long steel cage looming from the rafters above the atypical site of not one but two rings side by side beneath the cage.

Bischoff welcomed us and thanked the paying customer for tuning in - he promised we would not regret it. The three-man announce team gave us a quick rundown of what we could expect tonight, but of course, it was all leading up to the big War Games match later tonight between the Hulkamaniacs and The Dungeon of Doom. The talk, of course, centered around the debut of Scott Hall two weeks ago on Nitro, who managed to get himself a future title shot and a spot on Hulk Hogan's team tonight. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan doubted Hall's motives and said he probably shouldn't be trusted...but at the same time, he loved the strategy from Hall to get what he wants.

Meanwhile, we also got a recap from WCW Saturday Night that showed The Dungeon of Doom had an ace up their sleeve as well to combat the debut of Scott Hall...and it was the debut of a 7-foot, 500-pound monster named THE GIANT. Mongo commented on The Giant's size, noting he'd played football and stood across the line of scrimmage with some "real big boys" but no one ever the size of this man. He'd hate to be locked inside a cage with that guy.

But first, we kick the night off with some tag team action with a shot at the WCW Tag Team Championship on the line!


The high energy of the American Males helped get the crowd riled up to start the show, while the British smugness of Lord Steven Regal and his royal subject Earl Robert Eaton got plenty of cheap foreign heel heat from the North Carolina crowd.

Bagwell and Eaton started the match off for their teams and it was Bagwell who immediately took control of the early portions of the match. Bagwell and Riggs made frequent tags and looked impressive... until Regal scored a cheapshot to the back of Riggs' head as he bounced off the ropes. This was enough to allow Eaton to tag in his lordship. Regal came in and began to methodically pick Riggs apart and kept the match more mat-based and to his own advantage.

Regal was outclassing Riggs on the mat while Bagwell tried to rally the crowd behind his partner to get him to make the comeback. But Regal brought Eaton back in and the duo hit a double suplex to Riggs. Eaton kept on the attack, picking up a couple near falls before bringing Regal back in. Eaton held Riggs in an abdominal stretch while Regal put the boots to Riggs until the referee forced Eaton out of the ring.

Riggs finally got in some offense after coming back off an Irish Whip and hitting a flying forearm to Regal. It was a desperation move for Riggs that left both men down. It looked like Riggs was going to get the hot tag, but Eaton came charging in and dropped an elbow to the back of Riggs' head! The referee argued with Eaton as he went back to the corner, while a heated Bagwell got into a verbal argument with Regal.

Regal literally spit in Bagwell's face, which caused Bagwell to swing a punch at Regal! Bagwell climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Regal recovered and SHOVED Bagwell off the top rope! Bagwell fell, landing on his feet on the outside, but immediately collapsed to the floor holding his left leg in pain.

Regal and the referee were both distracted by the sudden injury to Bagwell, which allowed Riggs to sneak up behind Regal and roll him up!




NO! Regal kicked out!

Both men got back up to their feet and Riggs laid out Regal with a spinning back elbow, before heading to the ropes to check on his fallen partner. Bagwell was now receiving medical attention at ringside and after conversing briefly with the referee about the situation, Riggs turned his attention back to Regal...

Who scored a quick small package on Riggs!




WINNER - The Blue Bloods by pinfall at 9:17
Regal quickly rolled out of the ring and celebrated with Eaton as the duo had now earned a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Bischoff noted that the injury to Bagwell clearly through Riggs off his game and Regal was able to take advantage.

Riggs rolled out of the ring and checked on his partner with the referee. They called for medical attention - while Regal gave Eaton a verbal berating as they headed to the back. As medics helped Bagwell up, Bischoff noticed Bagwell could not put any pressure on his leg as the medics assisted him to the back. Bischoff hoped the best for Bagwell and would have an update on his condition as soon as they heard anything.

= = = = = = = = = =
Backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with The Hulkamaniacs team, led by Hulk Hogan. They hype up tonight's main event but the focus is on whether or not they could trust Scott Hall. Randy Savage confronted Hogan about how quick he was to change his mind about letting Hall into the team. Hogan and Savage got in one another's face while Hall leisure leaned against the wall in the background, chomping on a toothpick with a smirk on his face, seemingly enjoying the heated confrontation between the partners.

Sting butted in to allow cooler heads to prevail, saying that with the revelation of The Giant joining the Dungeon of Doom's team tonight, they need all the man power they can get. "Should we trust him? Maybe. Maybe not. But right now, we don't have much of a choice."

The segment wrapped up with Savage confronting Hall, pulling the toothpick out of Hall's mouth. "I've got my eye on you!" Savage warned, "and if you make us regret this...SO HELP ME GOD..."

"Eyyy...calm down Mach, everyone knows you can trust The Bad Guy."

Hall smirked again as he headed off screen while Gene Okerlund noted the "trouble in paradise" for the Hulkamaniacs but sent it back to the ring.

= = = = = = = = = =


As the dust had settled from the opening tag match, it looked like a lot of people in the crowd might have used this match to head to the concessions and/or restrooms - as there was little fanfare for this one. Cobra was ready to fight tonight and from the opening bell, he was taking the intensity to his former commanding officer.

Cobra showed little regard as he slugged away at Pittman to start the match. Cobra had to be warned several times early about closed fists as well as for choking Pittman. As the referee restrained Cobra, Pittman got up and barked at the referee to get control of the match. Cobra shoved the referee out of the way but ran into a knee very close to the groin that went undetected since Cobra had sent the referee out of position.

Pittman took control, and as he had Cobra on the mat...he stomped on Cobra's fingers and told Cobra to "BEG FOR FORGIVENESS!" Cobra refused, to which Pittman gave Cobra a knee to the face. The Sarge would send Cobra into the corner where he would repeatedly drive Cobra headfirst into the turnbuckles. The referee finally stepped in and pulled Pittman off as Cobra dropped to a knee and held his head in pain.

Cobra rolled out of the ring, trying to shake off the cobwebs as Pittman paced back and forth in the ring. Cobra appeared to be talking to himself at ringside before he grabbed a chair from ringside and slid into the ring. Cobra charged at Pittman with the chair, but Pittman ducked!

But Cobra spun around and connected with a chairshot to the head as Pittman was turning around! The referee immediately called for the bell.

WINNER - Sgt. Craig Pittman by disqualification at 5:53

= = = = = = = = = =

Cobra was breathing heavily as he walked around the ring holding the chair.. .Cobra smacked the chair up against the side of the turnbuckles in frustration. Suddenly Cobra began stumbling around, dropped to a knee, dropping the chair.

Meanwhile, the referee was checking on Pittman. Cobra seemed confused about where he was...but suddenly he ran to the referee...and locked the referee in the Cobra Clutch! He dragged the referee away from Pittman and held the hold until the referee passed out! Cobra ran up to Pittman and could be heard saying "I got you Sarge!" Cobra slid out of the ring and pulled Pittman to ringside. He lifted Pittman across his shoulders in a fireman's carry and walked to the back, repeating "I got you!"

"Well...that was certainly a strange turn of events,"
Bischoff said as Cobra disappeared to the back, carrying Pittman.

= = = = = = = = = =
Backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by to first give us an update on Marcus Bagwell. Okerlund revealed that he has been taken to a local hospital - Okerlund told us to tune in to Nitro tomorrow night for an update on his status.

Okerlund then brought in The Renegade who had some choice words for his opponent WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page. Renegade said that Page had been doing a lot of running and hiding since he took the Television Title from him...Renegade once again reiterated that there was no more running and certainly no more hiding. Because The Renegade was coming for Diamond Dallas Page - RIGHT NOW!


After losing the belt to Diamond Dallas Page on the first episode of Nitro, The Renegade was looking to get the belt back - but once again he was going to have to contend with Muscle and Doll at ringside.

Page seemed more interested in avoiding Renegade at the start of the match as he ducked a couple of lock-up attempts and attempted a couple of cheap shots that did not phase The Renegade. DDP then continued to dodge the match by going to ringside - but The Renegade wasn't going to let Page get the count out victory - so he gave chase...even with Maxx Muscle trying to step in as Page darted up the aisle - Renegade decked Muscle and tossed him out of the way and ran after the champ.

He caught up to Page just as he was getting to the curtains, and grabbed a handful of Page's hair! Renegade ran with DDP back down to the ring and threw him back in the ring just in time. Renegade started to climb back into the ring, but Page jumped in with a cheapshot to Renegade as he was climbing in. Page used that to his advantage and tried to pick up a quick near fall, but Renegade powered out.

Renegade soon retook control of the match, dominating the offense as the champion was clearly in trouble. After a handspring back elbow, Renegade began trying to pump up the crowd, hinting that the match could be coming to an end soon. Renegade pulled DDP up and hit a front powerslam!

Muscle began to panic at ringside, sending Doll to the other side of the ring to distract the referee. As she did this, Renegade bounced off the ropes to go for the Renegade splash, but Muscle reached in and tripped Renegade! He fell to the mat, but was quickly right back up to his feet!

Muscle climbed to the apron and Renegade was in Muscle's face...he grabbed Muscle and PULLED him into the ring!


Renegade let out a primal scream...but when he turned around, he ate the DIAMOND CUTTER from DDP!

DDP made up the cover and the referee had no choice but to make the count -




WINNER - Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall at 6:29
Page wasted no time leaving the ring once again, taking the Television Title with him. Muscle and Doll joined him as he headed up the aisle in victory while The Renegade started to recover and punched the mat repeatedly in frustration. He absolutely dominated the champion tonight, but all it took was that Diamond Cutter that came out of nowhere for Diamond Dallas Page to walk out of Greensboro still the WCW Television champion.

= = = = = = = = = =
Once the ring had cleared, Sony Oono lead the IWGP Heavyweight Champion The Great Muta down to the ring. Both Muta and Oono took microphones in the ring. Muta spoke first, in fluent Japanese, which earned him a lot of boos from the crowd.

Oono told the crowd to be quiet to not be disrespectful to the IWGP Champion. He wanted them to show him the same respect they would give the WCW Champion Hulk Hogan. Just comparing the two once again drew boos from the crowd.

Oono translated for Muta, saying that tonight there was an open challenge to anyone in the WCW locker room who thought they could match up against Muta. Oono said Muta was confident he could defeat anyone WCW had to offer, and if WCW had any sense of pride - someone would answer his challenge.

"Here comes Johnny B. Badd.
You don't wanna make him mad.
He's as pretty as a picture.
He looks just like Little Richard!
Don't be fooled by his looks.
He's got a mean left hook.
So, if you don't wanna end up sad,
don't mess with Johnny B. Badd."

Based on the sound of that music... answering the call would be....

Johnny B. Badd!

JOHNNY B. BADD versus THE GREAT MUTA (w/Sony Oono)

Johnny B Badd got the crowd energized with his confetti blaster as he prepared to defend WCW and America against the IWGP Heavyweight Champion. The pop of confetti drew a pop from the fans, especially the kids at ringside.

Badd was up to the challenge of taking on the IWGP champion, as he went toe to toe with him from the opening bell - not wanting to let down WCW in this one. But a distraction from Oono allowed Muta to take control. As Muta showed off his offensive move set, Badd showed his resilience as he kept battling back against everything the champion threw at him.

Muta sent Badd into the corner before running in with the handspring back elbow and then running out of the corner with a one-handed bulldog to Badd. Muta made a nonchalant cover..




Bischoff mentioned that you have to have more authority in a cover here in WCW if you want to win.

Muta continued on the attack, sending Badd back into the turnbuckles once again. He placed Badd on the top turnbuckle and began to set him up for a Frankensteiner, but Badd fought Muta off and shoved him off the turnbuckles down to the mat! Badd stood up on the top turnbuckle as Muta began to get back to his feet - FLYING CLOTHESLINE!

Both men were down, but it was Badd who recovered first. He was back in the match now as he took Muta back down with a swinging neckbreaker. Badd hooked Muta's leg for the pin...




Badd didn't let that hinder his momentum as he continued on the attack, eventually laying Muta out with a fireman's carry swung around into a facebuster. Another pinning attempt by Badd..




Badd grabbed Muta and pulled him to the corner and pointed to the top turnbuckle which got a pop from the crowd. But before he could ascend the turnbuckles - Sony Oono climbed onto the apron! Badd got in Oono's face as the referee joined in, telling Oono to get off the apron. Badd decided to leave that to the referee, but when he turned around he got GREEN MIST to the face from Muta!

Badd was blinded!

Spinning savate kick from Muta! Badd bounced off the ropes and fell right back into Muta who lifted him up - RIB BREAKER! He then finished things off by climbing the top turnbuckle and hitting the Moonsault!




WINNER - The Great Muta by pinfall at 9:22
Sony Oono climbed into the ring and lifted up Muta's arm along with the IWGP Championship in the air in victory while Badd rolled out of the ring, grabbing a towel to wipe his eyes. Once no longer blinded, the disappointment was evident on Badd's face as he headed back up the ramp, stopping to look back in disgust at the celebration in the ring. Bischoff put over the effort from Badd tonight and given the result of this one, no doubt he'd love a second chance at that IWGP Championship!

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Bischoff sent us to a video recap of the upcoming WCW World Tag Team Title match that focused heavily on the ongoing "love affair" between Colonel Parker, manager of the tag champions Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater, and Sister Sherri, the manager of the challenging Harlem Heat. Would that budding romance get in the way of Harlem Heat's efforts to win back the WCW Tag Team Titles?


Before the match even started, Robert Parker was already shooting looks over to Sister Sherri, which caused Stevie Ray to pull Sherri aside and try to keep her head in the game. Sherri assured Stevie that she was ready to take care of business.

Booker T wasted no time going after Bunkhouse Buck to start the match - catching the defending champion off guard with an onslaught of well-placed punches and kicks. It was clear from the get-go that this was going to be a real hard-fought, a no-punches-pulled brawl between these two teams that clearly despise one another. The referee was going to have his hands full with not just making sure things stay clean in the ring - but he would have to watch the antics of Parker and Sherri at ringside as well.

As the action continued in the ring, it was hard to ignore the looks between Sherri and Parker at ringside. Parker approached Sherri at ringside and leaned over to whisper in her ear, which caught the attention of Stevie Ray, who was the legal man. Ray yelled at Sherri to get away from him - which allowed Dick Slater to attack Stevie Ray from behind! This opened the door for the champions to take firm control of the match.

The champions stayed in control, picking up a few nearfalls over the challengers, but were unable to put the Heat away. After a gutwrench suplex from Slater to Stevie Ray - Slater went for a knee drop - only to have Ray roll out of the way! Both men were slow to recover, but once both men were back up, Stevie Ray hit an inverted atomic drop to Slater before sending him into the ropes and taking him down with a high knee strike.

Ray tagged in Booker and the duo was suddenly back in control of the momentum. Bunkhouse Buck tried to make the save for his partner, but ran into a boot to the midsection from Stevie Ray followed by a bicycle kick from Booker T!

Things were swinging in the advantage of the former champions when Col. Parker climbed into the second ring! Parker approached the ring ropes, getting the attention of the referee and Harlem Heat. But in came Sister Sherri to the second ring as well! She wasn't happy with Parker's distraction, and was going to let him know it!

It looked like it was becoming a "lover's quarrel" in the second ring, but Parker took Sherri by the shoulders and planted a big kiss right on her lips. A furious Stevie Ray left the main ring to join his manager and Parker in the second ring. Stevie Ray literally PULLED Parker off of Sherri...who had turned a deep shade of red and was fanning herself furiously from the kiss. Dick Slater went to the aid of his manager, which led to a brawl in the second ring between Ray and Slater!

The referee was trying to get some sort of order back while Bunkhouse Buck had grabbed one of the tag titles from ringside! Buck snuck up behind a distracted Booker T and nailed him in the back of the head with the tag title! Booker hit the mat, and Buck quickly discarded the belt and made the cover! The referee gave up on containing the second ring when he noticed Buck had the cover! He quickly re-entered the main ring and made the count - One, Two, Three!

The champions have stolen one from the Harlem Heat thanks to the distraction caused by the affair between Parker and Sherri!

WINNER - Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck by pinfall at 11:52

Buck and Slater quickly exit the ring as Stevie Ray stormed back to the ring but it was too late. Parker regrouped with his team, handing them the tag titles that they had retained successfully tonight.

Stevie Ray helped his brother to his feet in the ring, and the pair stare down Sister Sherri, who pleaded for their forgiveness.

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SUNDAY - OCTOBER 29 - 1995


"There's Nowhere To Hide!"

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Backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund had caught up with a very, VERY upset Harlem Heat team and a very apologetic Sister Sherri.

Sherri kept repeating how sorry she was and that she didn't understand what happened. Stevie Ray put down Sherri for the way she has repeatedly cost them matches ever since this thing with Robert Parker started. If Sherri can't keep her head in the game, she can't manage the Harlem Heat! Sherri looked to be on the verge of tears as Stevie Ray continued to berate her work ethic before finally breaking down telling Sherri that she was FIRED!

Stevie Ray stormed off in a huff as Sherri tried to talk some sense into Booker T. "Please Booker," she pleaded, "talk to him!"

Booker simply shook his head in disgust and followed his brother off screen. Okerlund put a hand on Sherri's shoulder as some sort of relief, Sherri promised that she would make it up to Harlem Heat and win their trust back!

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After a video package recapping the long and storied past between these two, Anderson made his way down to the ring to boos from the Asheville crowd. Bischoff noted that it was rare for Anderson to receive so much hate from a North Carolina crowd. Flair on the other hand received a loud and welcoming ovation from his home state crowd. The two exchanged words before the start of the match, but this one quickly degenerated into a brawl.

The two former friends' brawl could not be contained to the main ring - no they would spread their battle out into the second ring and eventually to ringside. Anderson took control on the outside as he viscously choked Flair with a camera cord while the referee made a five count before forcing Anderson to let go. He warned Anderson, threatening him with a DQ if things escalated any further. Anderson took the warning in stride as he went back on the attack - tossing Flair into the ring steps head first. By the time Anderson sent Flair back into the ring, Flair's forehead was gashed with blood starting to make its way down the side of his face. Anderson made that gash on Flair's forehead a point of attack as he repeatedly slammed Flair's head into the turnbuckles.

Anderson continued to go after Flair on the offense, but didn't seem too interested in going for the pin - instead, he just continued to dish out more and more punishment to Flair. After a Gourdbuster, Anderson pulled Flair to the middle of the ring and locked in his own version of Flair's signature Figure Four!

The referee checked in on Flair, who shook his head violently 'NO!' Flair used whatever energy he had left inside him to pull himself to the ropes to break the hold after a five count. Anderson wasted no time going back on the attack, however. The crowd grew louder and louder in its attempt to rally Flair. When Anderson placed Flair's head under his arm for his DDT, The Nature Boy finally began to fight back! Some jabs to Anderson's midsection managed to back Anderson off of him! Flair then stood firmly on both legs and unleashed several stiff chops to Anderson's chest - sending loud "WOO's!" through the packed arena.

Flair bounced off the ropes and fell down on Anderson's legs with a chopblock! The bloodied Flair was slow to his feet, allowing The Enforcer time to recover as well. Flair went back on the attack but was showing signs of fatigue as he tried to hit a belly to back suplex, only to have Anderson fight it off with a back elbow. Flair was staggering as Anderson whipped Flair into the ropes...SPINEBUSTER!

Could it be all over for the Nature Boy? Anderson was slow to get back to his feet, but once again did not go for the pinfall.

Instead, he once again pulled Flair back to the center of the ring...and locked in another Figure Four! The crowd was on their feet trying to rally Flair once more, but Flair was looking in bad shape as he had trouble just keeping his shoulders off the mat to prevent a three count while being locked in his own signature submission.

But Flair was still refusing to submit...with the crowd on his side, Flair began lifting his right arm high in the air to try and reverse the submission! The crowd continued to cheer louder as Flair used every bit of fortitude left in him to try and turn the submission over as Anderson tried to keep the momentum on his side.

But FINALLY, Flair rolled the hold over! The pain was now bearing down on Anderson's knees as he was trapped in the hold in the middle of the ring! The referee checked in on Anderson as he tried to crawl to the ropes - but Flair managed to push himself up on his own arms, giving himself more leverage and causing more pain to Anderson!

The pain became too much for Anderson to bear...and HE TAPPED!

WINNER - Ric Flair by submission at 15:31

Flair collapsed on the mat, allowing Anderson to free himself and crawl to the ropes. Flair slowly stumbled to his feet as the referee lifted up his arm in victory. The celebration was short-lived, however, as Anderson returned to the ring with a chair and smacked it across Flair's back!

Flair hit the canvas as boos echoed through the crowd. Anderson lifted the chair up once more and brought it down across Flair's back. Anderson circled the ring with a chair in hand as Brian Pillman made his way down to the ring.

"What's HE doing here?" Mongo wondered as Pillman joined Anderson in the ring while Bischoff reminded us that both Anderson and Flair had had recent interactions with Pillman, including a hard fought WCW Saturday Night match between Flair and Pillman.

Anderson smiled as Pillman climb in. He took a look at Anderson's handiwork and then glanced over to The Enforcer. In response, Anderson made his way over to Pillman, offering him the chair.

The two locked eyes before Pillman took the chair from Anderson. "What's going on here?" Bischoff wanted to know as Pillman circled the fallen Flair who started to struggle to recover. Flair made it up to his knees...and Pillman SLAMMED Flair across the head with the chair! Pillman smirked as the crowd booed heavily at his sudden alliance with Anderson...

The Enforcer grabbed Pillman's arm and lifted it up, celebrating his new allegiance with the youngster...but as Arn turned his back, Pillman swung the chair and connected it right into Arn's back!

Arn fell to his knees as Pillman delivered a second chair shot to Anderson's back, leaving Anderson lying on the mat. Pillman left the ring to a mixed, confused reaction from the crowd as the announcers were left to wonder what this was all about.

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MAIN EVENT - WAR GAMES: THE HULKAMANIACS (w/Jimmy Hart) versus THE DUNGEON OF DOOM (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

The big steel cage was accompanied by fireworks as it lowered down onto the double rings. "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan led his team of monsters down to the ring: The Shark, Meng, The Zodiac, and finally the big seven-foot monster The Giant.

"American Made" brought the fans to their feet as Hulk Hogan led his Hulkamanis down to the ring, joining him were Sting, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage, and their newest "ally" in the battle - "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall.

Bischoff and the team ran down the rules for the event one more time before we found out who would be starting out for each team. As a reminder, it's one man at a time entering the cage for each team until all eight competitors were in. The opening segment is five minutes, one-on-one. After that five minutes, another competitor would enter every two minutes. Once everyone's in the ring, a winner can only be determined by submission, surrender, or being knocked unconscious. There are no pinfalls. No disqualifications or countouts.

And the extra stipulations for the match: IF The Hulkamanics win, Hulk Hogan gets five minutes alone in the cage with The Taskmaster. IF the Dungeon wins, Hulk Hogan will defend the WCW World Title against a member of the Dungeon of Doom at Halloween Havoc!

Starting the match off would be STING from the Hulkamaniacs and The Zodiac for the Dungeon. The door was locked by referee Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson, who would be manning the door. Sting and Zodiac took their time in the first ring before locking up. Zodiac used his power to quickly take advantage on Sting as the five minute clock in the corner of the screen was clicking down. Zodiac sent Sting into the corner and charged in for a clothesline, but Sting moved out of the way! Zodiac slammed hard into the turnbuckles and Sting took advantage, climbing the ropes and pounding his fist ten times down onto Zodiac's skull as the crowd gleefully chanted along. Sting hopped back down and took Zodiac down with a bulldog out of the corner.

As the clock continued to tick down, it was all Sting dominating the action in the ring.

The five minutes were up and at ringside, referee Nick Patrick made the coin toss at ringside....Kevin Sullivan smirked and nodded with a devlish smile as the Dungeon won the coin toss and sent in The Shark!

Sting was waiting on The Shark as he entered the ring. Sting met the the big man with rights and lefts, before spinning around and hitting a discus right hand to stagger the big man. With the mammoth of a man staggering, Sting then climbed the turnbuckles - FLYING CLOTHESLINE to the Shark took the big man down!

But as Sting was getting up, The Zodiac had recovered and clobbered Sting from behind with an axhandle. This allowed Zodiac took control as The Shark got back to his feet. The duo worked together to slow Stinger down. Zodiac whipped Sting into a waiting Shark who leveled Sting with a clothesline as the crowd showed their disdain for the Dungeon with some loud boos.

Shark and Zodiac continued their double team with the Shark locking Sting in a bearhug as the two-minute clock was starting to come to a close. Zodiac was getting in some cheap shots as Shark was working on putting Sting to sleep. At the end of the two minutes, it was the Hulkamaniacs turn to send in a man and it would be "The Macho Man" Randy Savage!

Savage came in guns ablaze - taking out an incoming Zodiac right away with a big lariat. Shark dropped Sting as Savage came over and the two began to exchange blows - but Shark quickly put a stop to Savage's momentum with a knee to the midsection followed by a big forearm shiver to Savage's back! Shark lifted Savage up into a Gorilla Press, slamming his back up against the top of the cage before TOSSING Savage over the top rope into the second ring!

Shark stepped over the ropes and joined Savage in the second ring. Shark stalked Savage as he attempted to pull himself up...Shark moved in, but Savage met him with a headbutt to the big gut of Shark before hitting a jawbreaker that left the big man staggering. Meanwhile, Sting was getting back to his feet in the other ring and turned his attention to The Zodiac. Sting had the upperhand on Zodiac in one ring while Savage was working on taking the Shark off his feet in the other.

Back in the second ring, Savage ran into a big sidewalk slam from the Shark that halted his momentum. But as Sting tossed Zodiac head first into the side of the cage, he noticed his partner in trouble. Sting springboarded from one ring to the other - taking the Shark down with a clothesline!

All four men were down as the clock hit zero and MENG entered the cage. Sting pulled himself up and met the Tongan warrior as he was getting to his feet, but Meng leveled Sting with a big headbutt. Savage was up next on Meng's sights as he hit a trio of viscous chops to Savage before headbutting him to the mat as well.

The Zodiac joined all five other men in the second ring and the pace of the match slowed down considerably as the next two minutes while waiting on the next man was spent with Meng working over Sting while Shark was working over Savage and Zodiac was taking turns helping double team both men.

The clock hit zero - bringing in "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall! Hall entered the ring and the Zodiac quickly came over to meet in him in the first ring. Hall blocked a right hand from Zodiac and fired back with one of his own. Hall rocked Zodiac with a few punches before pulling Zodiac into a wristlock and executing a barrage of shoulder blocks to Zodiac that finally sent him down to the mat. Hall confidently put his boot right between Zodiac's eyes as he tried to get up to his feet.

Hall then pulled Zodiac back to his feet and placed his head between his legs. Hall held out his arms in a crucifix before lifting Zodiac up and hitting his crucifix powerbomb to Zodiac!

Meng left Sting lying in the second ring to join the first ring - attacking Hall from behind. Hall fought back against the Tongan, but his punches did not seem to phase the monster. Meng then leveled Hall with a stiff throat thrust. Meanwhile, back in the second ring - The Shark went for a big splash to fallen Savage, but Savage rolled out of the way! Shark hit the canvas hard and was slow to get back up...but once he was to his knees... Sting charged in with a one-handed bulldog to the Shark!

Savage joined Hall in the first ring, flying off the top rope and hitting Meng with a flying axhandle!
Just as it looked like the Hulkamaniacs were getting control, the clock hit zero and the Dungeon sent in their final participant - THE GIANT! The Giant entered the cage and immediately started decking any Hulkamaniac in his sight - Savage was laid out with a right hand, followed by Hall. Sting re-entered the first ring and charged at The Giant, but Giant side-stepped him and tossed Sting into the side of the cage head first!

The Giant showed off his dominance as he took out both Savage and Hall with a double clothesline as they were getting to their feet! It had become the "Giant show" as he was dominating the action in the ring - he pulled Sting up and lifted him up in a double-hand choke lift! The Giant was choking the life out of Sting before literally tossing him into the side of the cage once again! Sting slumped over between the ring ropes and the cage, going limp in between the two.. The Giant then pulled Hall up by his hair and tossed him back into the second ring where The Shark was waiting. Shark was joined by The Zodiac to double team Hall in the second ring. At ringside, Hulk Hogan was chomping at the bit watching as his team was clearly in trouble. He was ready to get into the cage.....the crowd was ready for him as well...

The crowd counted down with the clock: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 BUZZ!

entered the cage to a big pop from the crowd. Hogan made a B-Line for the Giant - wasting no time at all. He hit the massive man with right hand after right hand after right hand to stagger him. From the corner of his ,eye he saw the Zodiac charging in, and he turned and hit a big backdrop to the Zodiac! Hogan turned back to the Giant and hit him with a lariat that sent The Giant stumbling into the turnbuckles. It was now Meng who charged in, but Hogan moved and tossed Meng head first into the cage.

Meng landed back on his feet and staggered around, only to have Hogan grab him and tossed him head first into the side of the cage again! Hogan turned around...INTO A BIG BOOT FROM THE GIANT! The quickly put a stop to The Hulkster's momentum and as we geared up for the final phase of War Games - we had The Shark battling Hall in the second ring while in the first ring Meng had focused his attentions back on Sting, Zodiac on Savage, and The Giant placed his big boot across Hulk Hogan's throat on the mat. Jimmy Hart circled the ring shouting into his megaphone - trying to get the Hulkamaniacs to fight back - but it was not looking good for them at this moment as it was all Dungeon.

The Dungeon continued to dominate - Meng locked in the Tongan Death Grip to Savage, but before a submission could be recorded, Sting managed to break it up. However, The Shark quickly put a stop to any chance Sting had of rallying a comeback for the Hulkamaniacs as he attacked Sting from behind.

Meanwhile, Hogan was suddenly coming back to life as The Giant was working him over in the corner with back elbows. Hogan fought his way out of the corner with a flurry of punches before running and hitting the Giant with a clothesline! Scott Hall meanwhile had laid out The Shark with a clothesline and joined Hogan in attacking the Giant.

Hogan and Hall surprisingly work together here well as they took turns hitting right hands to the big man before they joined forces to lock the Giant by his head...DOUBLE SUPLEX to the Giant! It took two "Hulkamaniacs" but the duo had managed to lay The Giant out! Bischoff noted that Hogan's trust in Hall was clearly paying off!

The tide looked to be turning as Sting hit a big Stinger Splash to Meng in the second ring! Sting then grabbed Meng and hit a Tornado DDT to lay out the Tongan! Sting pulled himself back up and turned Meng over in the Scorpion Deathlock! But The Shark was able to make the save before Meng could submit to give the win to the Hulkamaniacs.

Outside the ring, Jimmy Hart noticed the Taskmaster pulling something out of his robe..."is that...it's a crowbar!" Bischoff realized.

Hart saw The Zodiac reaching through the side of the cage where Sullivan was standing. Hart ran around and tried to prevent Sullivan from putting the crowbar into play, but Taskmaster shoved Hart to the ground! Sullivan slipped the crowbar through the side of the cage into the waiting hands of the Zodiac!

Zodiac immediately laid out Savage with a shot from the crowbar! Zodiac wrapped the crowbar around Savage's throat and began to choke Savage violently. This was all legal and this could end the match for the Hulkamaniacs!

It looked like Savage might pass out, but Hall came out of nowhere to hit a low blow to the Zodiac! While Hogan had his hands full fight off a comeback from the Giant, Hall reached down and picked up the crowbar off the ground. Hall grinned before he laid out the Zodiac with a shot between the eyes with that crowbar. As Hogan was starting to get the bad end of a Giant comeback, Hall attacked The Giant from behind with a crowbar shot to the back of Giant's legs! Hall then entered the second ring and added to his list by taking out The Shark with the crowbar!

The crowd was loving Hall using that crowbar against the Dungeon. At ringside, The Taskmaster was less than thrilled about the situation as Hall had single handedly taken out the Dungeon with that crowbar, including the massive Giant! There was just one man left standing from the Dungeon and he was clearly Hall's next target...

Hall headed back to the main ring and measured up Meng...but Meng ducked and Hall accidentally nailed a recovering Randy Savage with the crowbar!

Before Hall could react, he was laid out with a Savate Kick from Meng!

Hogan rushed over to make the save, but The Giant was back up and grabbed Hogan from behind in a nerve hold! Hogan dropped to a knee before the Giant spun him around and grabbed him by the throat...CHOKESLAM!

The WCW Champion was laid out as Meng locked in the Tongan Death Grip to the fallen Savage! Sting would attempt to make the save, but he too fell victim to a CHOKESLAM from the Giant!

Referee Randy Anderson rushed into the ring to check on Savage and found Savage to be completely out cold while locked in the devastating Tongan Death Grip. Anderson lifted Savage's arm, and when it fell - he called for the bell.

WINNERS - The Dungeon of Doom by knock out at 25:43

"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan entered the ring to join his victorious foursome. Bischoff pointed out that this meant Hulk Hogan would be defending the WCW Title against someone from the Dungeon of Doom at Halloween Havoc!

The onslaught continued after the match as The Giant pulled a now bloodied Savage up by his throat and delivered the Chokeslam to him as well. The Taskmaster laughed maniacally as Hulk Hogan struggled to get to his feet...but The Giant picked Hogan up into a Gorilla Press and threw him headfirst into the cage!

The PPV came to a close with the Dungeon of Doom standing victorious in the ring as all four members of the Hulkamaniacs had been left lying on the mat.
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Dang Bagwell with the injury angle already. Hopefully it's just to comeback as a singles.

The trust or not to trust Scott Hall deal is fine, but I wish somehow the heel side had a stronger roster (this is an issue I have with what actually happened irl with this match too).

Is...is Cobra doing a PTSD angle?

DDP beat the Renegade :eek:

I knew it wasn't gonna be Pillman vs. Muta. Glad Muta beat Mero though.

I see the future of WCW in Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck! (the sooner Harlem Heat moves on the better).

Wooo Halloween Havoc. Let's do better than a monster truck match...

I'm actually all for babyface Ric Flair. Swerve with Pillman bashing Double A too though sets up some cool stuff.

I gotta say that I struggle to buy this Dungeon of Doom team beating a team with Hogan, Savage, Sting and a debuting Scott Hall on it, miscommunication or not. If they had to win, I would have liked to see Giant or Meng win on their own merits to boost them and perhaps Hall messes up in a post-match scrum. I don't know. I mean the Zodiac just won a main event.

Lastly, the lack of face triumphs bothered me, but that's just a me thing.

It's a Dubb show so it's still great and well written, I just hated the booking. Onto Havoc!
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