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WCW Monday Nitro
September 11, 1995
LIVE from Miami, FL
Your Hosts: Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Steve "Mongo" McMichael
BUT the question is still lingering, who will be the fourth man of the Hulkamaniacs
Last week on the debut episode of WCW Nitro, "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall made his WCW debut, offering himself to be the fourth man of the Hulk Hogan-captained team - in exchange for a WCW title shot, that is.
He's Ammmmericannnnnnnnnnnnnn made.
He's got the red white and blue running through his veins.
He was born and raised in the U.S. of A.
He's got to be inspected, he's US grade.
If you mess with the flag, it's like a slap in his face.
"American Made" hit the PA system bringing out the WCW Champion himself Hulk Hogan along with his two Hulkamaniac teammates "The Macho Man" Randy Savage and Sting. This dream team trio interacted with the fans on their way to the ring before they finally climbed in. Hogan took the microphone and wanted to get down to business.He's got the red white and blue running through his veins.
He was born and raised in the U.S. of A.
He's got to be inspected, he's US grade.
If you mess with the flag, it's like a slap in his face.
Hogan said last week he and the whole world was caught off guard by the appearance of Scott Hall - and Hogan revealed that he didn't want to make a decision without consulting with his teammates. So Hogan handed the microphone over to Randy Savage.
"OOOHHHH YEAH!" Savage announced to the crowd to elicit a pop. Savage explained that there's no one he trusts more in this business than the two men standing in the ring with him right now. He's known and been friends with Hogan for over a decade and Sting almost as long. But everything he's ever seen or heard about Scott Hall is nothing but BAD NEWS. Savage said if he's going to be stepping into War Games with anyone - he has to know 100% that they have his back, and he cannot say that about Scott Hall.
Sting was next to weigh in, stating that Hall himself refers to himself as "The Bad Guy." "And, I tell ya one thing, fellas - I've been around for a while now... and I've had my fair share of people stabbin' me in the back... and I've learned... you just CAN'T TRUST A 'BAD GUY!'"
And the fact that Hall is obviously only wanting to be on the team for himself with the way he is asking for a title shot in return - who's to say he's going to care about anyone but himself inside War Games? Sting gave Scott Hall a big thumbs down in the partner department.
"Well, there you have it brother" Hogan decided, - he himself had a bad feeling about Scott Hall's arrival in WCW - Hogan didn't want the Hulkamaniacs out there to think he's only doing this as a way to duck a challenge from Hall for the WCW title, "Buy you know, brothers, these 24 inch python's don't back down from a challenge - and I got no problem giving him a match somewhere down the line - all he has to do is name the time and place, brother!"
But the Hulkster feels much more comfortable going to war with people he can trust - even if it meant being down a man. But there was going to be NO doubt in his mind that the Hulkamaniacs would walk out on top...soooo
= = = = =
After a commercial break, Bischoff welcomed us back as Eddy Guerrero was making his way down to the ring. Bischoff and his cohorts at the announce booth were busy still talking about the opening promo with the Hulkamaniacs - in disbelief that they would turn down someone willing to be their fourth man in War Games against the terrifying Dungeon of Doom.
In the ring, the bell was ringing to start the matchup between two men who were no strangers to one another. Much like the match from WCW Saturday Night featuring Sabu, we got more backstory on Benoit and Guerrero's history with one another in Japan - which they did a good job of telling in the story of the match as they went back and forth with counters to one another's moves - showing how well they knew each other. Heenan commented that they might as well be wrestling a mirror out there.
They went back and forth, neither man able to pick up a sizeable advantage on the other until Guerrero attempted a back suplex to Benoit, only to have Benoit slide down Guerrero's back and hit him with a Release German Suplex! Both men were slow to recover, but Benoit was up first and met Guerrero with a boot to the midsection before taking Guerrero back down to the mat with a snap suplex. Benoit pointed to the top turnbuckle and made a slit throat motion, which drew some cheers from the crowd.
Benoit climbed the turnbuckles....but before he could make his dive, he was SHOVED off the top turnbuckle to the canvas by an interfering Dean Malenko! The referee quickly called for the bell to signal a disqualification. The crowd booed loudly at Malenko for ruining what had been such a hard-fought matchup.
WINNER - Chris Benoit by disqualification at 6:53
= = = = =
Bischoff mentioned that of the rivalries in Japan, there might have been none more intense than Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko! Malenko was putting the boots to the fallen Benoit as the referee tried to restore some order to little success. Meanwhile, Eddy Guerrero was getting back to his feet and realizing what had just happened.
Guerrero grabbed Malenko by the arm from behind and spun Malenko around to face him. The two began to exchange some heated words before Malenko gave Eddy a firm shove. Guerrero shoved Malenko right back before the two got right in each other's face as Benoit was getting to his feet. Benoit started to make his way over to the duo.. when Guerrero and Malenko both turned and laid out Benoit with double punches!
Before any more damage could be done, SABU rushed down to the ring with a steel chair in hand! "There's no love loss between any of these men!" Bischoff exclaimed as Sabu connected with a chairshot to Guerrero's back! Malenko took a chair to the midsection before Sabu tossed the chair to the mat and delivered a facebuster to Guerrero onto the chair!
The crowd seemed to enjoy Sabu's extreme antics while Guerrero rolled out of the ring to avoid any further punishment. A groggy Benoit was staggering to his feet, which led to a stare down between Sabu and Benoit. An intense stare down between the duo was all we got as despite the fire we saw in Sabu's eyes as he stared down Benoit, Benoit smirked and stepped out of the ring.
As Benoit left the ring, Sabu picked up his chair and lifted it up in the air with one hand, getting a good reaction from the crowd.
= = = = =
After the break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by backstage with the brand new WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page along with his bodyguard Maxx Muscle and The Diamond Doll. As Okerlund asked Page about his upcoming rematch with The Renegade at Fall Brawl, Page managed to take the fat cigar out of his mouth long enough to say that wasn't what he was interested in talking about tonight. He wanted to talk about people who can't follow directions.
Page turned his attention to Doll, who proceeded to look sheepishly at the ground. DDP scolded Doll for just handing the title over to The Renegade last Saturday on WCW Saturday Night. Page reminded Doll of how long it took HER to scrub that title last week after Page won the belt just to get the Renegade's stench off the belt. Well, now she has to do it ALL OVER AGAIN!
Okerlund tried to reel the discussion back on topic, asking Page if he was afraid of the Renegade with how he ran away on Saturday. Page scoffed at Okerlund and asked him if he wanted a Diamond Cutter right now. Page said that of course he wasn't afraid of that punk. He explained he just didn't want to let the fans get to see their rematch for free.
That was the voice of The Renegade that called out to DDP. Hearing The Renegade coming, Page quickly took off, leaving Maxx Muscle and Diamond Doll behind. Muscle looked over at Doll and said "see ya!" before taking off in the other direction, leaving her alone with Mean Gene.
Ever the gallant hero, Okerlund was man enough to stand in front of Doll as The Renegade came into the shot. Renegade snorted and spit as he took the microphone and simply said that this Sunday...there would be NO RUNNING and NO HIDDING for Dallas Page! "THE TV TITLE WILL BE THE RENEGADE'S ONCE AGAIN!"
= = = = =
As Brian Pillman made his way down to the ring, we got a recap from WCW Satuday Night's promo between Ric Flair and Brian Pillman where Flair commented on how Pillman reminded him of a young Flair before in the main event, Pillman put forth a valiant effort against Flair, only to walk out on the losing in. Tonight, Pillman was looking to bounce back against Jim Duggan.
Before the match even got underway, Duggan rallied the fans with a "U-S-A" chant that caught on quickly and got under Pillman's skin right away. But this only motivated Pillman even more and he quickly used his speed to outmaneuver Duggan and take the advantage. But Pillman quickly learned that it took a lot to keep Duggan down. A crossbody attempt by Pillman was reversed into a big powerslam from Duggan.
Duggan stomped around the ring and let out a HOOO! as he got down into a three-point stance position. He charged in looking for a clothesline, but Pillman ducked and when Duggan turned back around he was caught with a spinning heel kick from Pillman! Pillman didn't look back from here as he would climb out to the apron and hit the Air Pillman springboard lariat! Pillman hooked a leg and picked up the three count victory over Jim Duggan!
WINNER - Brian Pillman by pinfall at 4:11
= = = = =
Anderson wanted to shake Pillman's hand and congratulate Pillman on an impressive victory tonight. The Enforcer put his arm around Pillman and wanted to let Pillman know that Flair isn't the only one impressed with what Pillman has done so far in WCW.
He went on to say that Flair was right about one thing, he is a lot like Flair was at this point in his career. HOWEVER, Arn has known Flair for a long time - and that was not meant to be a compliment.
No, Flair is threatened by Pillman.
Arn said Flair wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but right now - Flair is scared. He's not the man he used to be. He's not a champion right now. He's not even headlining Pay-Per-Views right now.
"And what's most scary of all for him right now, is the fact that he doesn't have ole Double A in his corner any more to have his back...to do his dirty work."
Pillman wanted to know what any of this had to do with him. Anderson laughed and said, "you'll see." Anderson invited Pillman back to his locker room...where apparently Anderson had "a lot" to discuss with him.
= = = = =
This would be "part one" of a challenge among three teams that got into a physical altercation on last week's Monday Nitro over who the number one contender to the tag titles should be - the winner of this match would advance directly to Fall Brawl while the loser would face The American Males on WCW Saturday Night for a "second chance" opportunity.
The royal team of Regal and Eaton got some heavy "anti-foreign" heat from the crowd as Regal wiped his feet off before entering the ring. Regal demanded that his loyal subject Eaton start the match off against Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys.
Regal watched on in displeasure as The Nasty Boys dominated the early portions of the match against Eaton. Regal yelled some unpleasantries Eaton's way in an attempt to "motivate" him to fight back against the degenerates on the opposite end of the ring. He then took matters into his own hands as he lifted his knee up into Jerry Saggs' back as he was bouncing off the ropes. This gave Eaton the opportunity he needed to lay out Saggs with a lariat.
With Saggs down, Regal had no problem tagging himself in and picking up on the now downed Saggs. Regal worked over Saggs back and neck and kept things at a slow, methodical pace before locking in a chinlock one half of the Nasty Ones. Knobbs worked the apron, slamming his fist on the turnbuckles to try and rally the crowd behind Saggs, which started to work as Saggs began to battle his way up to his feet! Saggs fought free of the hold and whipped Regal into the ropes where he unleashed the Nasty Clubberin' punch combination to Regal.
Regal stumbled out of the corner into the PIT STOP from Regal. Regal dropped to his knees and crawled towards the corner spitting in disgust as Saggs made the fresh tag to Knobbs. Regal in turn tagged in Eaton, who ran into a double clothesline from the Nasty Boys. The Nasty Boys weren't done yet as Eaton staggered right back up to his feet into a double boot to the midsection and a Double DDT!
The referee turned his attention to getting Saggs to leave the ring...with the ref's back turned...Regal crawled back into the ring - LOW BLOW to Knobbs from behind! Eaton crawled over and made the roll up as the referee turned back around...Eaton grabbed a handful of tights as well - One, Two, Thre...Knobbs' save is a millisecond too late and the Blue Bloods have won!
WINNERS - The Blue Bloods by pinfall at 7:08
But despite all this, it was the Blue Bloods who would be fighting for a shot at the tag titles at Fall Brawl while Nasty Boys would have to try again against the American Males on WCW Saturday Night!
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Col. Parker didn't seem to care which of the three teams battling for a title shot won, because the belts were not leaving the waists of the two men standing before us now. Okerlund suggested that Parker and his champions were making a mistake by worrying about who would become the number one contenders instead of focusing on their match with Harlem Heat this Sunday at Fall Brawl.
Parker said that they had nothing to worry about when it comes to the Harlem Heat - he has "made sure of that." Okerlund wanted to "hold the phone" - and demanded to know what Parker was suggesting.
Okerlund wanted to know if that suggestion had anything to do with his little "love affair" with Sister Sherri. Parker smiled and said all he could say was "no lady can resist the charm of a Southern Gentlemen." Parker slapped Slater and Buck on the back, drawing laughter from the champions. Parker led his champions off screen as Okerlund was left to wonder what tricks they had up their sleeve for Fall Brawl!
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MAIN EVENT: HULK HOGAN (w/Jimmy Hart) versus "THE FACE OF FEAR" MENG (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)
MAIN EVENT: HULK HOGAN (w/Jimmy Hart) versus "THE FACE OF FEAR" MENG (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)
In a preview of things to come for War Games, the captain of the Hulkamaniacs, Hulk Hogan stepped into the ring with the monster from the Dungeon of Doom - Meng.
The duo went nose to nose to start the match, and things got underway with a "test of strength" - which saw Meng take advantage of his sheer power and surprisingly take the Hulkster to the mat. But the fans rallied Hogan back, and Hogan started to balance out the strength test until Meng lifted his knee into Hogan's midsection to stop any chance Hogan had of rallying back.
Meng continued on the offensive early as The Taskmaster nodded approvingly at ringside. Meng was very impressive in his domination of Hogan - picking up a nearfall on the WCW World Champion after a Samoan Drop. Meng would eventually get Hogan in the corner and was unleashing his theatrical chops to Hogan when we suddenly saw the fire in Hogan's eyes light up as suddenly those stiff chops were having zero impact on the champion!
The crowd came alive as Jimmy Hart's voice could be heard even above the loud cheers from the crowd as he encouraged Hogan to battle back. Hogan fought his way out of the corner with a flurry of right hands that rocked Meng but did not take the monster down. The fired up Hogan scored with a headbutt...but it seemed to do more damage to Hogan! Hogan was staggered and Meng laid Hogan out with a headbutt of his own! Bischoff was surprised by the way Meng was able to stop the traditional Hogan "hulk up" so easily!
Meng continued on the offensive - hitting Hogan with an inverted atomic drop before laying him out once again with a savate kick. Things were looking bleak for the champion as he was slowly stumbling to his feet...Hogan turned and walked right into the TONGAN DEATH GRIP! Was this going to be it...was Meng going to get the victory over the WCW Champion heading into Fall Brawl?!
Hogan sold the pain of the move as he dropped to his knees. Meng yelled out incoherently as he tried to drive Hogan's shoulder's to the mat....but as the crowd got to their feet and cheered their hero on...Hogan began to show signs of life! Hogan slowly lifted up one knee...then the other! Hogan was back to his feet while locked in the normally paralyzing hold!
That was enough to release Meng's grip! Clothesline from Hogan rocked Meng, but was not enough to take him down! A second clothesline from Hogan still only staggered the Tongan warrior! Hogan grabbed Meng by the arm and sent him into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Off the ropes, Hogan hit the BIG BOOT to Meng!
But Hogan was still fired up, he stomped around the ring and back over to Meng...he reached between Meng's legs, lifted him up... BODYSLAM to the mat! Hogan bounced off the ropes....LEG DROP! Hogan hooked Meng's leg...
Meng kicked out but it was too late! Hogan has picked up the victory heading into Fall Brawl!
WINNER - Hulk Hogan by pinfall at 11:33
BUT Hogan had backup! Sting and Randy Savage charged down to the ring to help out their teammate. But as Meng recovered and Hogan still down from the sneak attack - Sting and Savage found themselves in trouble against the numbers game.
"The Bad Guy" Scott Hall rushed down to the ring and he was armed with a chair in hand! He met the Zodiac with a chairshot to the head that laid out him out. Sting and Savage managed to battle back against The Shark and with a double clothesline - sent the big man over the top rope to the floor! Meanwhile Hogan battled back against Meng as Kamala stalked him from behind! But Hall made the save, slamming the chair into Kamala's back! Kamala was staggered as Hall took a big swing with the chair that connected with Kamala once again and sent Kamala falling between the middle ropes and out to the floor as Hogan also sent Meng to out of the ring as well.
The ring had been cleared of the Dungeon - who Kevin Sullivan worked to regroup at ringside... but in the ring - Savage, Sting, and Hogan stood on one side - staring down Scott Hall on the other side.
Scott Hall took the microphone and told Hogan "it's not too late - the offer still stands."
Hogan looked to his cohorts before looking back to Hall. "Come on mang, don't let pride fool you - that's what these Coño's want. You NEED me, chico."
Hall dropped the microphone and extended his hand out to the middle of the ring. Hogan looked to the crowd, who seemed to heavily support the idea - but Sting and Savage still seemed unsure even after Hall's save tonight. Hogan took a few steps up to join Hall in the middle of the ring...he paused briefly for dramatic effect before accepting the handshake!
"There you have it!" Bischoff exclaimed, "Scott Hall WILL join the Hulkamaniacs inside War Games THIS SUNDAY!"
The show came to a close as Hall lifted up Hogan's arm in victory as Sting and Savage seemed less than thrilled in the background.