WCW 1995: Going to War

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Wrestling Observer News Recap

  • Fall Brawl has been met with mixed to negative reviews, according to Dave. Many were disappointed that the group of Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Sabu, and Dean Malenko were left on the card in favor of the likes of Cobra vs. Pittman and felt like too many heels went over on the show overall. Dave also reports that WCW realizes that up until now, the Dungeon of Doom has not come off in the best of light and are taking measures to make them more of a legitimate threat. The addition of The Giant and focus on Meng especially during War Games were a step in that direction.
  • The recently fired Steve Austin has shown up at ECW House Shows and is also scheduled to appear on ECW TV this week. He's still recovering from an injury, so he won't be actually wrestling for 6 more weeks or so. It should be noticed in his appearance at the house show, Austin got big reactions by mocking Hulk Hogan. Steve-O-Mania was definitely running wild.
  • Recent WCW signing Sabu is apparently pushing for them to bring in his uncle, The Shiek. No word on whether or not WCW actually has any interest in this.
  • WWF has been in discussions with Jeff Jarrett and Adam Bomb about new contracts, but as of now neither has signed new contracts.
  • Turner Broadcasting, which owns WCW, is officially planning a merger with Time Warner. This will make them the alrgest media conglomerate in the world which will include TBS, CNN, Time Magazine, The Atlanta Hawks, The Atlanta Braves, Sports Illustrated, HBO, Time Warner Cable, and more. WCW will only represent 1/20th of 1% of the total organization, just to show how huge this congolmoeration will be. No word on what this will mean for WCW now or in the future....
  • Results from In Your House 3: Triple Header
    Savio Vega defeated Waylon Mercy
    Sycho Sid (w/Ted DiBiase) defeated Henry Godwinn
    The British Bulldog defeated Fatu
    Dean Douglas (w/Bob Backlund) defeated Lex Luger
    Bret Hart defeated Jean-Pierre Lafitte
    Diesel & Shawn Michaels defeated Yokozuna & Owen Hart for the WWF Tag Team Championship while retaining the World Championship and Intercontinental Championships respectively..​


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Nov 14, 2020
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Fall Brawl was a solid starting block PPV. Loved the Cobra angle for some bizarre reason so go you, although Johnny B Badd was such a disappointing choice for Muta lol. I guess my only concerns worth mentioning are around the booking of the main event. I felt you booked yourself into a corner because you kind of don't want Scott Hall (big name recruit company is spending heaps of money on), or The Giant to lose their first big time match. Because it's you, I'm assuming you'll find a cool way to continue Hall's angle anyway, especially after the Savage issues throughout.

And I'm the biggest Meng fan as the next, so I appreciate him looking good, but I still think The Giant should have been the one getting the deciding fall here. He still dominated and threw people around afterwards, but it just didn't feel right from a booking standpoint that Hogan's biggest threat didn't get the cover. Unless you're holding off on Hogan/Giant for a substantial amount of time, this would have been the way to go.

Anderson/Flair was heaps of fun as well and that Pillman angle leaves us with so many questions now. Really good stuff there.

In this weird alternate universe, it would be crazy if Austin somehow found his way back in WCW. I highly doubt it but just sayin'.
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WCW Monday Nitro
September 18, 1995

"HELLO EVERYONE and welcome once again to the fastest, most exciting hour of professional wrestling you can find absolutely anywhere! We are LIVE and we are LOADED tonight on TNT!" - Eric Bischoff's voice welcomed us to the program as the cameras panned the audience before cutting to the announce booth where Bischoff was between Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Steve "Mongo" McMichael.

Bischoff reminded us that last night was Fall Brawl and that tonight there would be some "serious fallout" from War Games. "So go get grandma out of the outhouse, because you're not gonna wanna miss a thing!" - Mongo added. Bischoff promised tonight we would hear from members of the Hulkamaniacs after their tough loss at the hands of the Dungeon of Doom last night inside War Games - they also promised an update on the health of Marcus Bagwell - who had to be taken to a hospital last night after the American Males match against The Blue Bloods.

PLUS, in tonight's MAIN EVENT - The United States Title would be on the line as STING defends against the Dungeon of Doom's The Shark. Both of these men are less than 24 hours removed from the brutal War Games match...Bischoff was amazed that either man was going to be able to step into the ring tonight - so it's no telling what could happen tonight!


As Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero made their way down to the ring, we got a clip from WCW Saturday Night showing Guerrero and Malenko's sudden "alliance" as they double-teamed Sabu.

As has been the norm recently with these guys - Malenko and Benoit put on a great show to open up Nitro. The two classically trained and well versed matt technicians went back and forth for most of the match, with both men holding brief advantages - but neither was able to capitalize and pick up a three count after multiple near falls for both men. During the match, Bischoff hoped that we would be able to find out more information about how Malenko and Guerrero were able to set aside their differences, but for now it was clear they were on the same page as Guerrero distracted the referee which allowed Malenko to score a low blow to Benoit.

Malenko seemed to now have the momentum and was soon looking to lock in the Texas Cloverleaf to end the match. He locked it in, but the "Wolverine" Chris Benoit's superb ring presence allowed him to quickly reach the ropes to break up the submission.

Malenko quickly got to his feet and stomped on the back of Benoit's head to get the upperhand. "The Ice Man" would continue on the attack and eventually went for a German Suplex, but Benoit fought it off with a pair of back elbows. A go-behind from Benoit allowed him to instead execute a Release German Suplex!

The ball was suddenly in Benoit's court, and after a snap suplex, he made a "cutthroat" motion before climbing to the top turnbuckle! Benoit was going for his Swandive Headbutt.....

IT CONNECTED! Benoit made the cover as Eddy Guerrero looked to try and enter the ring to break it up...but he wasn't fast enough!


WINNER - Chris Benoit by pinfall at 9:19

The bell rang and Benoit wouldn't even have time to get back to his feet before Guerrero climbed into the ring and started putting the boots to Benoit. Once recovered, Malenko joined in to make it a double team attack on the Canadian. Benoit tried to fight back, but the numbers were too much...

That is until SABU rushed down to the ring with a steel chair in hand!

Sabu slid into the ring. However, Malenko and Guerrero saw the Arabian coming and quickly left the ring before they could have another close encounter with Sabu's chair.

Sabu had his eyes locked on the retreating duo of Malenko and Guerrero as Benoit got to his feet and realized that he had himself an "unlikely ally" in Sabu. Benoit grabbed his arm and pulled him around... and there was a brief, intense staredown between the two where it looked like the two former rivals were about to reignite...but instead, Benoit extended his arm out to Sabu!

"A peace offering?" Bischoff questioned, but Sabu didn't seem interested in Benoit's show of respect. Instead, he hit the mat and rolled out of the ring, heading back up the aisle with his chair as Benoit was left by himself in the ring.

= = = = = = = = = =

After the break, we come back to find "Mean" Gene Okerlund standing in the middle of the WCW Monday Nitro ring. Okerlund welcomed us back and introduced his guest - he was a member of the Hulkamaniacs last night and many are pointing the "finger of blame" right in his direction. He goes by "The Bad Guy" and he certainly seems to be living up that name - Scott Hall!

Scott Hall made his way down to the ring to a largely mixed reaction from the crowd. With his hair slicked back and a toothpick behind his ear, Hall sauntered down the aisle and entered the ring to join Okerlund. Mean gene wanted to get some answers from Hall - he wanted to know if Hall shouldered most of the blame for the Hulkamaniacs loss in War Games.

"Hey yo!" Hall started out, before pausing as the crowd reacted. "Now you listen here 'Scheme Gene'...when I agreed to be a member of Hulk Hogan's little band of 'merry men,' I never once promised a victory, now did I? I went out there last night... I put my own skin in the game... I put my own butt on the line... with four psychopaths in the same ring... and but I did go into that ring last night with every intention of doing WHATEVER it took to win. Now unfortunately for him and unfortunately for the team... Ole' Macho Man was in the wrong place... at the wrong... time."

Scott Hall paused as some boos began to make their way through the audience. "Look, I know what Macho Man and Hulkster and the lil Stinger are gonna want from me. They're probably gonna march out here and say that Scott Hall needs to apologize. That I should look them in their eyes and BEG for forgiveness...."

"But... nah... that ain't gonna happen, chicos. I went out there last night and I did EXACTLY what I said I was gonna do. Win or losing wasn't part of the equation. So yeah, we lost. So what? Time to move on. And what's next on the agenda for The Bad Guy is rrreeeeeallllll simple. The deal was... I joined the Hulkamaniacs... I gotta title shot. Nothin' on there said we had to win. So I've already talked with Commish Nick
(that's Nick Bockwinkel, Bischoff points out from commentary)... and the match IS gonna happen. The Bad Guy.... versus... Hulk Hogan... for the WCW Heavyweight Title... NEXT WEEK...ON NITRO!"

♫♫"Pomp and Circumstance"♫♫

The music could only mean one thing and sure enough "The Macho Man" Randy Savage walked out from the back to interrupt Hall's interview time with Okerlund. Savage was looking a little "worse for wear" with bandages on his forehead and around his forearm. That being said, he also looked to be all business as he climbed into the ring and confronted Hall.

"Let's just cut the crap, alright?! I know what happened last night. Hulk Hogan KNOWS what happened last night. THE STINGER KNOWS what happened last night. MEAN GENE KNOWS WHAT happened last night. ALL THESE FANS KNOW WHAT HAPPENED last night.... and yes even YOU, SCOTT HALL, YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT! Last night, you picked up that crowbar... and you took a swing! But you didn't swing at just anyone. You weren't takin' a swing at a member of the Dungeon of Doom. YOU TOOK A SWING AT ME. What happened last night... WAS ON PURPOSE! AND I KNOW IT! WE ALL KNOW IT!"

"I told Hogan...I TOLD HIM...I TOLD HIM YOU COULDN'T BE TRUSTED. I KNEW IT ALL ALONG. And last night...oooooh last night you PROVED IT inside that cage, OOOOOHHHH YYEEAAAHHH you did!"

"This is all you wanted. All you wanted was a shot at the WCW title. So who cares if we won or loss? You should've NEVER been allowed to join the team and if it had been up to me, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE JOINED IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

"Well, chico, too bad it wasn't up to you. Now was it?"
Hall smirked. "Who made the decision? One man. The one man that eeeevverryone here in the Dubbya Cee Dubbya lives and dies bye. Everyone in this company falls in line for the Hulkster. But the times are changin'. The Bad Guy....he don't answer to anybody, you understand? Unlike, YOU, Macho Man...I'm not a YES-MAN to the almighty Hulk Hogan. And if you didn't want me on the team, maybe you should've grown a backbone for once in your life...and done something about it!"

Savage's face was growing redder and redder as Hall egged him on. "But then again...you've spent your entire career living in the shadow of the Hulkster, so I guess you're just kinda used to it, huh? All of Dubbya Cee Dubbya is blinded by the Hulksters shadow...but its time for a change. Starting next week...it's The Bad Guy's WCW."

Hall shoved the microphone into Savage's chest, brushing past him to leave the ring, leaving Savage fuming. As Hall made his way up the ramp, Savage finally called back out, "This isn't over! You can walk away all you want! That big mouth of yours is writing checks you won't be able to cash...and I gaurantee you this...YOU WILL GET...WHAT'S COMING TO YOU! OOOOOOH YYYYEEEEAAAAHHHHH!"

= = = = = = = = = =

Backstage, Booker T and Stevie Ray were discussing the firing of Sister Sherri last night.

Booker T was wondering if perhaps they were too harsh on her, but Stevie Ray stood by his decision - he emphasized that they had given her too many opportunities and it just came back to bite them each and every time. Booker finally relented and agreed that it had to be done. Just as they had reached this consensus, in walked V.K. Wallstreet complete with a business suit and Haliburton briefcase.

He introduced himself to the men and held out his hand for a handshake, which Booker T and Stevie Ray just simply looked at and then back up at V.K. Wallstreet without saying a word. Wallstreet laughed it off and ran his extended hand back up through his hair to try and play it off. Wallstreet said that he couldn't help but notice they were "suddenly in the market for some managerial services."

Wallstreet made his pitch, not too dissimilar to the one he made to The American Males on WCW Saturday Night - claiming all the wrong that Sister Sherri had done, he could make right. He assured them that he could take them back to the tag titles, because everything he touches turns to GOLD.

"Nah, fool" Booker T said - "we're done with that mess." Stevie Ray said Harlem Heat were their own team and if they were going to have anyone managing them, it wouldn't be a suit like him.

"Well, here's my card...I have a feeling you might be changing your mind," Wallstreet said as he tried to extend out his business card.

Stevie Ray took the card and ripped it up, "I don't think so, SUCKA." Stevie Ray picked Wallstreet up and physically moved him out of their way as Harlem Heat walked off.

= = = = = = = = = =


As Brian Pillman made his way down to the ring, Bischoff led us into a replay of last night at Fall Brawl when Pillman came down after the Anderson/Flair match, and appeared to be aligning himself with Arn Anderson as he assaulted Flair with the chair, only to also lay out Anderson with some chairshots! Heenan called Pillman wackier than rabid raccoon while Bischoff wondered what was going on inside Pillman's head.

Flyin' Brian would receive a mixed reaction from the crowd as he went up against the perennial heel Big Bubba. After an open flurry of quick striking offense from the more agile Pillman, Bubba was able to catch Pillman off the ropes in an attempt of a crossbody. Bubba turned it into a front powerslam and from there he started using his strength and power to his advantage to ground his opponent and simply wear him down. Big Bubba found himself in the driver's seat here, but Pillman kept kicking out of each pinfall attempt and showing his resilience.

After a backbreaker, Bubba set up Pillman for the "Bubba Spike" powerbomb, but Pillman was able to reverse it mid-move into a head scissors take down! Flyin' Brian was slow to his feet, but once he was up, he struck the recovering Bubba with an enziguri! He then would go on to lay out Bubba with a Tornado DDT before climbing out onto the apron.

Bubba slowly started to get to his feet, but once he was up, Pillman came into the ring with the Air Pillman springboard clothesline! He then dropped down, hook the far leg...ONE, TWO, THREE!

WINNER - Brian Pillman by pinfall at 6:33

After the match, Brian Pillman remained in the ring and demanded the microphone.

"I suppose you people want some sorta explanation for my actions last night."

The crowd as well as Eric Bischoff from commentary agreed.

"The last couple weeks, I've felt like a kid caught between two parents getting a divorce. Both trying to convince me why I should come live with them instead of the other. I lost count of how many times I've had phone calls from both Ric Flair and Arn Anderson.... I don't really understand how I ended up caught in the middle of their little domestic dispute... And I certainly never asked to be in the middle of it."

"But on one side I had Ric Flair... THE NATURE BOY himself.. a real legend in this business. And he keeps tellin' me of how much he reminds me of a younger him. And then there's Arn Anderson... telling me that HE was the reason Flair had been so successful in his career. Telling me that with him in my corner... I could be... the NEXT... RIC... FLAIR! All I had to do was help Anderson take down Flair once and for all. Imagine that... me... the NEXT RIC FLAIR. THE NEXT NATURE BOY! WOOOOOOOO! WOOOO! WOOOOO!"

Pillman cackled before suddenly shifting his facial expressions, getting very serious during a long pause.

"Here's the problem.... I am NOT the next Ric Flair. I AM... THE.. OOOONNNNLLLYYY BRIAN PILLMAN!"

The crowd gave Pillman a decent-sized positive reaction to his assertion.

"I don't want OR NEED Arn Anderson's help. I don't NEED Ric Flair's help. I AM... MY OWN MAN. I am going to be a STAR in this business and it isn't going to be because of Arn Anderson or Ric Flair. I don't need to rid anyone's coattails to the top of WCW. I WILL DO THAT MYSELF!"

The music of Arn Anderson hit the PA system as "The Enforcer" himself made his way down to the ring, receiving loud boos from the crowd. Anderson did not look pleased to say the least. He climbed into the ring and immediately got in Pillman's face.

"Boy, I don't think you understand what you've done."

Pillman remained calm as The Enforcer was in his face.

"You've made a serious mistake and I don't think you even realize it! You've just missed out on the CHANCE of a lifetime. I'm the man behind so many legends in this business. Sid Vicious... Sting... Lex Luger... Paul Roma... and of course, Ric Flair. They each have one thing in common... they've become stars with The Enforcer by their side."

"I really thought you had what it takes to be a star in this business. But after last night... you've changed my mind. Your decision-making skills are seriously lacking, my boy. You're mentally unstable. You're a wild card. A loose cannon, even. And THAT is why... you, Brian Pillman... will NEVER amount to ANYTHING in this business!"

Anderson continued to stare Pillman down, looking for a reaction - but Pillman grinned - "We'll see Arn, we'll see."

Pillman back up and flipped himself out of the ring, heading up the aisle while Anderson continued to grimace in the ring as he watched Pillman back his way up the aisle.

= = = = = = = = =

After the break, we come back to the announce booth where Eric Bischoff wanted to address the health of one Marcus Bagwell. He showed us the clip of the fall Bagwell took off the top rope during the American Males match against the Blue Bloods at Fall Brawl. As the video concluded, Bischoff revealed that Bagwell had in fact suffered a broken leg and was going to miss considerable time as a result. And while last night, the Blue Bloods had won the match, the WCW Championship Committee did not feel the match ended fairly due to Bagwell's injury... and after how controversial the ending of the WCW Tag Titles match was... the Commitee has decided...

Before Bischoff could finish his statement - Lord Steven Regal and Earl Robert Eaton invaded the announcement booth. Regal was trying to say something to Bischoff, but we could not make it out. Heenan offered up his headphones to Regal, "here you go, your highness."

Regal put the headphones on and called this decision by the WCW Championship Committee to be a travesty and a crime against the Queen! The Blue Bloods won the match fair and square. Regal pointed out that this is a dangerous sport and sometimes injuries happen... and robbing them of their deserved title shot would not sit well with him or his homeland.

While Regal continued his protest, Harlem Heat stormed out from the back to add their two cents. Stevie Ray shoved Regal away, taking the headphones from him. "If anyone's getting the next title shot - it's Harlem Heat, SUCKA!"

Stevie Ray contested that the ending of their tag match at Fall Brawl was "tainted" and thus they deserved another shot... and the WCW Championship Committee clearly agreed with them.

Bischoff tried to restore order, finishing the announcement he was trying to make... and that on WCW Saturday Night - The Blue Bloods and Harlem Heat would square off for a shot at the WCW Tag Team Titles! Regal and Eaton didn't seem too thrilled about having to once again fight for a shot, but Booker T and Stevie Ray nodded their heads in approval as they watched Regal and Eaton scurry away.

= = = = = = = = =


Noticeably absent from ringside was the man behind the Dungeon of Doom, Kevin Sullivan.

Both Sting and The Shark both were still showing some ill effects from the War Games match
, and it showed during the match. Having been on the losing end, Sting especially seemed worse for wear - and as a result, it allowed Shark to use that power advantage he has on Sting and really take it to the US Champion. Bischoff pointed at on any other night, most people would probably say Sting would be a lock to retain - but given what happened last night, anything is possible!

After a corner splash from Shark, Sting staggered out of the corner and falle face first to the mat. Shark bounced off the ropes and hit a running elbow drop to Sting!

Shark went for the pin - One, Two, Th...Sting got his shoulder up!

Shark got up and continued to put the punishment on Sting as he walked across Sting's stomach on the mat. The US Champ slowly got up to his feet before The Shark picked Sting up and locked him into a bearhug. Referee Randy Anderson checked in on Sting who was starting to lose consciousness. Anderson lifted up Sting's arm once and then twice...both times it fell limp. The crowd began to cheer loudly to get their icon back into the match. In the third lift, Sting suddenly started to show some life...his arm stayed up!

Sting used some earringers to make Shark drop the hold! He then lit up Shark with some stiff chops before dropping the big man with a dropkick! Shark got back up to his feet, but Sting whipped him into the corner. Sting charged in.....


Sting grabbed Shark by the arm and whipped him into the opposite corner...a second STINGER SPLASH! Shark started to stumble out of the corner...Sting took him by the head and dropped him with a bulldog! The US Champ got back to his feet and made his way over to the corner. He climbed the turnbuckles as Shark staggered to his feet...FLYING CLOTHESLINE from Sting took him right back down to the mat! Sting then went to the adjacent turnbuckles and climbed back to the top...FLYING STINGER SPLASH to Shark!

One, Two, Three!

Sting survived to retain the US Title!

WINNER - Sting by pinfall at 7:31

Sting barely had time to recover when he was attacked from behind by MENG! Meng clobbered Sting before sending him into the ropes and decking him with a savate kick. The Zodiac joined Meng in the ring to make it a two-on-one as The Shark started to pull himself up as well to make it three on one!

But the numbers game was evened up as Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage rushed down to the ring with Jimmy Hart following up behind them with megaphone in hand. Hogan and Savage entered the ring and went straight for Meng and Zodiac. Hogan sent Meng out of the ring with a clothesline while Savage tossed Zodiac over the top by his hair. Hogan and Savage then worked together to double clothesline the massive Shark over the top rope to the floor!

Hogan and Savage helped Sting to his feet the stand victorious in the ring...

However, suddenly the broadcast was interrupted as we cut to The Dungeon of Doom where "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan stood next to the throne of The Master with The Giant in turn standing directly behind Sullivan.


Hearing the Taskmaster calling out to him, Hogan turned along with Sting and Savage towards the video screen.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I am glad to see you and your friends working so well together after last night! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"BUT that may not be the case much longer. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Let's not forget, that because my Dungeon of Doom WON LAST NIGHT... YOU, HULK HOGAN, must defend the WCW World Championship against ANY MEMBER OF THE DUNGEON OF DOOM at Halloween Havoc.

"But Who...OH WHO...will it be? HAHAHAHAHAH"

"It could be anyone after. Perhaps...it'll be this SEVEN FOOT MONSTER beside me..." The Giant gave a sinister grin as he rubbed his hands together, almost drooling at the possibility of getting his hands on Hogan. The Taskmaster continued, "That's the beauty of it Hogan! You will NOT know who your opponent will be... UNTIL THE NIGHT OF! That's right, I'm not giving you the benefit of knowing your challenger before he walks down that aisle at Halloween Havoc! I want you to twist... I want you to squirm... I want you to SWEAT... I WANT YOU TO HAVE NIGHTMARES about who your opponent will be! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Hulk Hogan threw his arms up in the air and yelled out to the screen, "I'll take on anyone, brother! How about you stop being a coward and come out here yourself!"

"It's coming Hulk Hogan. The end is near! Just look around you now... look at those you call friends... how well do you know your friends? Because not everything is as it seems for you! The Dungeon of Doom formed to end Hulkamania... and I've taken every step imagineable to make sure that happens. But your opponent at Halloween Havoc is not your only mystery that will keep you up at night... because someone... someone VERY close to you Hogan.. has SIGNED A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Hogan looked around to Sting... to Randy Savage... to Jimmy Hart... while questioning what the Hell Kevin Sullivan was talking about.

"Oh the things that will keep you up at night, Hogan! THE END IS COMING! HALLOWEEN HAVOC WILL BE THE END OF HULKAMANIA...





The video began to fade out as Sullivan had his sinister grin on his face, The Giant let out his own laughter. We cut back to the ring where Hulk Hogan seemed to be paranoid about everyone standing in the ring with him. Hogan wanted answers, "What is he talking about Jimmy?!" Hogan asked of Jimmy Hart, who shook his head furiously, insisting he had no idea what Sullivan was talking about.

Eric Bischoff pointed out that the Taskmaster's mind games were already taking effect! Hogan would need to get his head on straight or he may not even make it to Halloween Havoc as champion, because, remember - next week he has to defend against Scott Hall!

The show faded out as Savage and Sting tried to calm down the paranoid Hogan.
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I am here for the era of Scott Hall as WCW World Champion next week on Nitro (not really expecting that). I am liking the characterization of him of like a lone wolf type.

Glad to see Sabu getting an angle in the Benoit/Guerrero/Malenko deal

I can't stand the Dungeon of Doom as a serious threat so I hope we move past that rather quickly after Havoc.

I'm curious how you'll get the US title off Sting as I assume there's way bigger plans for him.

This was a fun Nitro.
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WCW Saturday Night
September 23, 1995
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & Dusty Rhodes

The normal Saturday Night intro transitions into a recap of the ending of WCW Monday Nitro where "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan revealed to Hulk Hogan that "someone close to him" has "signed a deal with the Devil" to ensure that Hogan does not leave Halloween Havoc with the WCW World Title.

Tony Schiavone welcomed us to WCW Saturday Night - reminding us of what went down on both Fall Brawl and Nitro between Hulk Hogan and the Dungeon of Doom. Rhodes and Schiavone then moved into what was on hand for tonight as later on tonight - Harlem Heat and The Blue Bloods would meet to determine who will receive a WCW Tag Team Title match on WCW Monday Nitro this week!

And there's also going to be a Television Title match with Diamond Dallas Page putting his title on the line! Plus tonight we would hear from "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall as he prepares for his big WCW World Title match against Hulk Hogan! We'd also have Jimmy Hart to discuss what happened at the end of Nitro - does Hart know who might be the "person close to Hogan?" Rhodes mentioned that if anyone might have some insight, it'd be Jimmy Hart.


Kicking things off this week was the masked luchador Mr. JL taking on the army sergeant Craig Pittman. Schiavone brought up the "strange" ending to Pittman's match with Cobra at Fall Brawl that saw Cobra attack the referee while he was checking on Pittman - giving Pittman the DQ win. But perhaps even stranger was when Cobra carried his fallen opponent to the back across his shoulder! Unsure of what it all meant, Schiavone hoped we would find out some more information from Pittman or Cobra himself soon.

But in the ring, Mr. JL used his speed advantage early, but his valiant effort soon proved to be for naught as Pittman used his power to ground Mr. JL and turn the match in his favor. As Pittman dominated the offense, Cobra appeared at the top of the entranceway...and was cheering on his former commander. "That's it, sir! Show him what an army man is made of!" Pittman himself seemed unsure of what to make of what was going on, but continued on the attack, finishing Mr. JL off with the Juji-gatame cross armbar, forcing Mr. JL to tap out.

WINNER: Sgt. Craig Pittman by submission at 5:01

Cobra continued to give his former commanding officer an ovation before saluting the victor as Pittman had his armed raise. Pittman stared down Cobra, clearly unsure of the entire situation.

= = = = = = = = =

We cut to "Mean" Gene Okerlund who was standing by with Johnny B. Badd as he prepared for some in-ring action tonight.

Badd was still fuming over his match with The Great Muta from Fall Brawl. Badd commented on how these guys coming in from New Japan have talked about how "honorable" they are - but how did Muta beat the Badd One? With some of that "disgusting green mess," as Badd himself described it. He said Muta got "lucky" against him at Fall Brawl - and if he had to do it again, it would be Badd walking away victorious.

He hoped the little "midget" Sony Oono was listening because he was demanding a rematch!


Badd was looking to get back in gear after his loss to Muta at Fall Brawler as he took on a foreigner of a different taste - the hard hitting Irish Belfast Brawler. Brawler lived up to his name, doing just that - using his hard hitting offense to wear down Badd. But Badd began to use his speed to his advantage as he ducked a clothesline attempt from Brawler and connected with a standing dropkick to level the Irishman.

After heading to ringside, Brawler found Badd crashing down on top of him as he came out of the ring with the Bad Mood somersault plancha! Both men were sent crashing to the floor. Badd was back up to his feet first, but outside the ring proved to be more of the Brawler's area of expertise as he sent Badd crashing into the ringsteps.

Back on control, Brawler finally sent Badd back into the ring. He climbed the turnbuckles, but took some time to jeer with that was chanting "U-S-A" in his direction. This allowed Badd to recover. Getting back to his feet, he pulled Brawler's legs out from under him - sending him crotch first across the turnbuckles. Badd followed through with the BADD DAY top rope Frankensteiner!

Badd quickly went for the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNER - Johnny B Badd wins by pinfall at 6:49

= = = = = = = = = =

Backstage, "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright had requested some interview time with "Mean" Gene Okerlund.

Wright wanted to remind us that a couple weeks ago right here on WCW Saturday Night - he had a Television Title match against Diamond Dallas Page. Wright pointed out that he won the match by count out - and thought it would only be fair for him to receive a rematch.

Okerlund thought that was a fair point, but Wright insisted that Page continues to duck him and refuses to even consider giving him a title match. This is why Wright asked for this interview time - to "air his grievances" to the world and the WCW Championship Committee. But "fair is fair" and "Das Wunderkind" wasn't afraid to take matters into his own hands. With that, Wright walked off - leaving Okerlund to wonder exactly what Wright had up his sleeve!

= = = = = = = = = =


Disco Inferno danced his way down to the ring which the kids at ringside really seemed to get a kick out of. Disco handed off his disco "shades" to one lucky boy at ringside before entering the ring.

Once at ringside, Page handed off his Television Title to Diamond Doll while once again instructing her to make sure no one else got their hands on it. Doll forced a smile as Page turned his cheek and asked for a kiss. Doll seemed reluctant as she planted a smooch on the champion's cheek.

The match went back and forth early, with Page taking a few breaks to complain to the referee about Disco "cheating" - saying Disco was pulling his hair. The referee warned the innocent Disco, which allowed Page to come in with a cheap boot to the midsection. Despite his attempt to underhand his way to victory, Page found Disco to be tougher to put down than he thought as the "dancing fool" fought back.

Disco unleashed a punch combination that saw Disco intertwine some of his dance moves before leveling Page with a clothesline, eliciting a big response from the crowd. Disco would continue his offense, going for a pinfall after a Russianian legsweep - but only got two. As Disco was pulling Page up, DDP snuck in a thumb to the eye which slowed Disco down enough for Page to retake a firm control.

However, Alex Wright suddenly made his way down to the ring - leatherjack and all. Wright stopped at ringside and exchanged glances with the Diamond Doll. Wright approached Doll and began conversing with her, opening up his jacket and showing off his abs to Doll - who began to turn red as she fanned herself, seeming to like what she was seeing from "Das Wunderkind." DDP's bodyguard Maxx Muscle interjected at ringside to stop the flirting, shoving Wright away. Muscle threatened Wright, telling him to leave - all the while this had caught Page's attention.

Page told Muscle to "take care of it" - but as he did so, Disco snuck in with the ROLL UP!




DDP did manage to kick out just in time.

Disco tried to take advantage, immediately going for a piledriver, but Page countered with a double leg takedown! Page then held onto Disco's legs and CATAPULTED him into the turnbuckles! Disco stumbled out of the corner into the DIAMOND CUTTER!

Page made the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall at 9:18

As Dallas had his hand lifted in victory, he kept his eyes on Alex Wright, who made the "title belt" motion around his waist as he pointed at Page in the ring.

= = = = = = = = =

WCW HOTLINE: "Mean" Gene Okerlund pimped out the WCW Hotline where you can call and find out IF "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall might be bringing some of his "friends" from another promotion to WCW as well?!

PLUS, Okerlund mentions that word that there could be a new championship belt added to WCW in the near future, what will it be? You can find out by simply calling 1-900-909-9900!

= = = = = = = = = =

After the break, it was time to hear from "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart. "Mean" Gene Okerlund had him in the interview station backstage and Okerlund immediately got to the meat and potatoes of the matter at hand - does Jimmy Hart have any idea who the "turncoat" who has apparently made a "deal" with "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan?

Hart was very jittery, even for him. He said he didn't want to turn this into friends blaming friends as that's what the Taskmaster wants - but Hart has to do something. He said it took hours to calm Hogan down Monday night - but Hart has told Hogan to not worry about it, because Jimmy would take care of figuring everything out for him.

Hogan has enough to worry about with the title match against Scott Hall on Monday. Hart said that IF there even really is a "turncoat" - he would definitely figure it out!

Okerlund wanted to know if he had any "suspects" or at least any "hunches" on who it might be. Hart said he had a few ideas...but wasn't going to name any names just yet. But he was going to be taking good hard looks at everyone this weekend, and hopefully, on Monday he'll have some answers!

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"The Professor" Mike Tenay joined Schiavone and Rhodes for commentary on this match as we get to see the alliance between Eddy Guerrero and Malenko for the first time in tag team action.

Tenay used this match to put over a special segment that will air on Monday Nitro that will profile all four of the men who's lives have been intertwined for several years now - Chris Benoit, Sabu, Dean Malenko, and Eddy Guerrero. Tenay revealed that he recently was able to sit down with all four of them individually to get more insight on what brought them to WCW and where this deep-seated hatred comes from. Schiavone was certainly amped and couldn't wait to watch the piece on Monday.

The action in the ring was intense, as the Nasty Boys used their size advantage to work over Guerrero and Malenko. Knobbs and Saggs definitely could use a victory here tonight, as wins for the Nasty Boys had been few and far between lately. Malenko brought Knobbs down to size with a chopblock that allowed him to bring in Guerrero. The door had been opened, and Guerrero took advantage.

After a monkey flip to Knobbs, Guerrero followed up with a senton splash before attempting a pinfall....One, Two, Thre...Saggs broke up the pinfall attempt. Guerrero and Malenko continued to control the offense - double teaming Knobbs at any chance, until Knobbs found a comeback inside him and ducked a double clothesline attempt from Malenko and Guerrero, hitting them with a double clothesline of his own.

This allowed Knobbs to make the hot tag to Saggs. Saggs came in and took out both Malenko and Guerrero with right hands before performing a PITT STOP to Malenko. Just when it looked like Saggs and Knobbs were in the driver's seat - an attempt of a double team move turned bad when Guerrero reversed an Irish Whip attempt - sending Saggs colliding with his own partner who had been charging in for a clothesline!

Guerrero hit a dropkick to Knobbs - sending him out of the ring, allowing Malenko & Guerrero to pick up Saggs and hit a DOUBLE BRAINBUSTER to Saggs!

Guerrero followed through with the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko by pinfall at 8:09

= = = = = = = = =

After the commercial break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund had caught up with The Nasty Boys - who were busy arguing with each other over yet another loss.

Okerlund tried to calm them down to get a word in for the interview, but the arguments continued. Saggs and Knobbs were finally quieted as V.K. Wallstreet interrupted things. Wallstreet was once again dressed for business as he gave out a similar sales pitch we've seen over the past couple of weeks to other tag teams.

Wallstreet pointed out how the Nasty Boys have been on a "slide" recently, but that he had the tools necessary to turn them around, right back on the "winning track." Wallstreet once again mentioned that everything he touched turned to gold and that he could give them just that - tag team gold. Wallstreet handed them his card, and told them to "sleep on it" and get back to him.

Wallstreet walked off before they could give any kind of response. Saggs looked down at the card, while Knobb gave him a punch to the arm and said "you're kiddin' me right?" Saggs shrugged before walking off - while Knobbs was left standing in disbelief with Okerlund. "There's no way Gene, NO WAY!" Knobbs headed after his partner as Okerlund kicked it back to the ring.

= = = = = = = = = =

SCOTTY RIGGS versus MENG (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

As Riggs made his way down to the ring for singles competition - Schiavone and Rhodes showed us the clip from Fall Brawl where Riggs' partner Marcus Bagwell took a hard fall to ringside that resulted in a broken leg that is going to keep Bagwell out of action for a "considerable amount of time." So tonight, Riggs begins his attempt to enter singles competition. And that competition is the unenviable task of going up against the "Face of Fear" - Meng. Could Riggs' success in tag team translate into singles success? Well, going up against the likes of Meng isn't the best way to start out.

Riggs tried valiantly to hang with Meng, but especially early on - Meng completely no-sold Riggs' offense and unleashed a stiff barrage of attacks. Riggs kept TRYING his best to fight back, but it was to little avail as Meng would only briefly be staggered, but battled right back. Despite the best efforts from Riggs - Meng soon had him locked in the Tongan Deathgrip. Riggs dropped to the mat, allowing for the three count.

WINNER: Meng by pinfall at 3:43

"Could Meng be the one who challenges Hogan for the title at Halloween Havoc?!" Tony Schiavone wondered after the impressive victory for Meng, reminding us that we won't know until Halloween Havoc which member of the Dungeon of Doom would be challenging Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Title. Rhodes pointed out that he certainly made his case tonight, and no doubt Hogan was taking notes before called Taskmaster's strategy of keeping the opponent a secret the "ultimate mind game."

= = = = = = = = = =

Speaking of World Title matches, this Monday on Nitro - "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall would get the title shot he was "promised" as part of the deal that lead him to be the 4th member of the Hulkamaniacs at Fall Brawl. The WCW Title would be on the line as Hulk Hogan took on Scott Hall this week on Monday Nitro.

Earlier tonight, "The Professor" Mike Tenay had the chance to sit down with Hall.

We cut to video of Hall sitting in a chair inside WCW Studios with Mike Tenay sitting in the chair facing him. Tenay thanked Hall for the time. Tenay wanted to know what brought Hall to WCW. "Easy - 'dey say d'is is where da Big Boys play - Da Bad Guy is as big as they come, chico. And not only am I here...I'm here to stay."

The Professor also wanted to know about his desire to be champion, and how much of a role that played in it. Hall replied, saying that he had held all sorts of gold...he had held gold 'up north' - but the biggest prize is that belt Hulk Hogan has. So naturally, if you want to get the biggest prize in sports - you gotta come to WCW.

Tenay asked about War Games - and how some didn't like the fact that he forced Hogan's hand to get a title shot. Hall just simply stated, "you gotta do what you gotta do." Hall pointed out that Hogan has not exactly been a "fighting champion" and not just anyone gets title shots it seems. Hall once again stated that everyone in WCW was blinded by the red and yellow of "Hulkamania" - but if they would take off their "rose-colored glasses" - they'd see that Hogan isn't the hero everyone thinks he is.

Tenay then brought up Randy Savage - and the confrontation the two had on Nitro. Hall said he wasn't going to apologize for what happened inside War Games - inside that battleground - things happen that you just don't have control over. He said Savage had a few too many loose wires in his head and he takes things too personally.

TBut this Monday, "if Savage knows what's best for him...he'll stay OUT of the The Bad Guy's way."

= = = = = = = = = =

MAIN EVENT: HARLEM HEAT (Booker T & Stevie Ray) versus THE BLUE BLOODS (Lord Steven Regal & Earl Robert Eaton)

In their first action since firing Sister Sherri at Fall Brawl after she caused them to lose in the tag match against the champions Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck - the Harlem Heat were looking to earn another shot at the champions. The winner of this match would get that title shot this MONDAY on Nitro. "What a huge show it's going to be," Schiavone pointed out with there being two title matches in one night.

The Blue Bloods were fighting with a chip on their shoulders as they felt they already had rightfully earned a title shot already
since they beat The American Males at Fall Brawl, but the WCW Championship Committee didn't like that they only won because of the severe injury to Marcus Bagwell.

Harlem Heat started out strong as Stevie Ray used his strength to overpower both members of the Blue Bloods. Regal in particular seemed disinterested in matching up against the brute, so after being ineffective in his offense, he had quickly tagged in Eaton and sent him in to "do his dirty work." Eaton didn't fair any better, in fact, he probably performed even worse against the former tag champions. Ray gave Booker the tag and they hit a double-back suplex to Eaton.

Booker went for the cover - but Regal entered and stomped on Booker's back to break up the count. Regal quickly left the ring before Booker could retaliate, but Booker was focused on the action at hand and went back to work on Eaton. Eaton would reverse an Irish Whip attempt sending Booker instead into the corner of the Blue Bloods - where they would double team him as Regal held onto his arms and allowed Eaton to get in some cheap jabs. Regal asked for the tag, and the duo began to double-team kicking him down into the corner. Booker's partner and brother Stevie Ray tried to intervene, but that distracted the referee - only allowing Regal and Eaton to combine their boots in a double choke to the cornered Booker.

Regal and Eaton took turns working over Booker - specifically targeting his upper back and neck in an attempt to weaken him up for the Regal Stretch. However, once Regal locked Booker in his signature submission - Stevie Ray entered the ring and broke it up! The referee warned Stevie Ray and sent him back to his corner - and as he did so - Eaton came into the ring and joined Regal in some more double-team stomping!

Eaton left the ring before the referee returned to the action. After Regal was unsuccessful at a pinfall attempt, he tagged Eaton back in. Eaton went back to work on Booker and would eventually lock him in a chinlock. The crowd began to rally behind Booker in the submission, helping him fight his way back to his feet... using what energy he had left in the tank to hit a back suplex to Eaton!

Both men were down!

Booker slowly crawled to the corner and got the HOT TAG to Stevie Ray!

Ray charged in...CLOTHESLINE to Eaton. Eaton rolled right back to his feet only to eat another clothesline from the powerhouse. Steven Regal chose to watch from the apron as Stevie Ray picked apart Eaton instead of coming in to take part in the hot tag exchange. As Stevie Ray set up Eaton for a powerbomb - Regal finally entered the ring and attacked Ray from behind with a forearm shiver!

The referee quickly lost control as Booker entered the ring to even up the odds. A Harlem Sidekick from Booker was enough to send Regal falling through the ropes to ringside. With Eaton left alone in the ring, the Heat were able to put away Eaton with the Big Apple Blast (Bear Hug/Side Kick combo)

Stevie Ray made the cover - One, Two, - Booker knocked a recovering Regal off the apron, THREE!

WINNER: Harlem Heat by pinfall at 14:55

As Harlem Heat have their hands raised up in victory, Schiavone makes sure to remind us that they will now receive a tag title shot THIS MONDAY on WCW Monday Night Nitro, along with the big main event between Hulk Hogan and Scott Hall for the WCW World Heavyweight Title!

Schiavone said we just CAN'T miss Nitro this Monday!


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Wrestling Observer News Recap
Don't read too much into the WCW Hotline Tease on WCW Saturday Night this week. Gene pulled people into dialing the hotline with a tease of Scott Hall possibly bringing some "friends" with him. Shawn Michaels and Diesel (Kevin Nash) are still under WWF contract, for now anyway.

As revealed on Nitro, Marcus Bagwell was injured during the match at Fall Brawl. The result of the match was changed on the fly which explains the weird booking of the tag championship number one contendership situation. Originally American Males were going to get a title shot immediately on this week’s Nitro.

WWF has been looking to add some familiar names after the loss of Scott Hall. So far they've brought back Rick Rude and Bam Bam Bigelow. But what they're really hoping to do is get some payback on WCW and steal one of their upper midcarders/main eventers.

Some possible shake-ups are coming to the Dungeon of Doom. Don't be surprised if, within the next month, it looks much different which could mean new members joining or current members being removed (or most likely a combination of both?).

Ric Flair wasn't on television this week after Fall Brawl as he needed to have cataract eye surgery. Flair is expected to miss a few weeks of action to recover and the attack from Pillman helped explain his absence.

Sound like any plans to bring in the Sheik to appear alongside Sabu have fallen apart. Sounds like Sheik is not in the best of shape at the moment and doesn't want to make public appearances until he can walk to the ring without a limp.

Vader was seen on the sidelines at a recent Colorado/Oklahoma college football game. He's still under a WCW contract as of right now.
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WCW Monday Nitro
September 25, 1995
Announcers: Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Steve "Mongo" McMichael

Previously on WCW Monday Nitro: An altercation between former Hulkamaniac teammates Randy Savage and Scott Hall led to Scott Hall announcing he would be challenging for the WCW World Title against Hulk Hogan this week due to the stipulations he had set for joining their team for War games; Meanwhile, "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan revealed that not only will Hogan not know who his challenger at Halloween Havoc will be until the match itself - someone "close to Hogan" has "signed a deal with the devil" to make sure that Hogan does not leave the event as the champion!

EARLIER TONIGHT: Harlem Heat was busy preparing for their big WCW Tag Team Title tonight. As they are preparing, in walked their former manager, Sister Sherri. "What do you think YOU'RE doing here?" Stevie Ray immediately belted out as Sherri entered.

Sherri asked for just a moment of their time - she wanted to be given "one more chance" tonight - she promised she wouldn't get in the way and would help them walk out with the WCW Tag Titles tonight. Stevie Ray shook his head and explained that Sherri had been given ENOUGH "second chances" - and she was fresh out.

Sherri looked over to Booker for a second opinion, but Booker agreed with his brother - stating that tonight they would win the titles WITHOUT Sister Sherri in their corner.

From there, the WCW Nitro opening video aired and we were then welcomed LIVE ON TNT by the broadcast team, led by Eric Bischoff. Bischoff reminded us that tonight was a HUGE episode of Nitro as not only would we get ONE title match in the form of a tag team title rematch as Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater defend the tag titles against Harlem Heat - BUT we also get a WCW World Heavyweight Title match as Hogan defends against "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall!

Bischoff reminded us that this was LIVE TV and that ANYTHING could happen, and that did mean we could very well see a title change hands tonight!

And we would be kicking things off right away with the first of those title matches!


So without Sister Sherri in their corner, Harlem Heat had one more attempt at the WCW Tag Team Championships after earning the shot on WCW Saturday night against The Blue Bloods. The champions were as confident as ever as the match got underway - and even got the early advantage over the challengers as they worked over Booker T. But Booker would turn the tide in the Heat's favor as he saw a backdrop attempt from Dick Slater coming, and countered it with a swinging neckbreaker!

Booker T made the tag to his brother, and they proceeded to drop Slater with a double back suplex before Booker left the ring. Stevie Ray began to dominate the offense against Slater until Col. Parker got involved - reaching in and grabbing Ray's boot as he had run into the ropes. Ray didn't trip, but it was enough to have him turn around and address Parker while Slater recovered. Ray turned around into a boot from Slater followed by an atomic drop. With Ray reeling, Slater tagged in Bunk and they leveled Ray with a double clothesline. The match would proceed until the referee began to lose control as illegal men on both sides kept getting involved to either break up pinfall attempts or break up an ensuing double team after a tag.

The end of the match came as the referee was truly losing complete control - all four men had entered the ring in an all-out brawl. Booker and Slater ended up spilling out to ringside, while Buck isolated Ray in the corner. Buck charged in with a splash attempt, but Ray moved out of the way! Buck collided with the turnbuckles before stumbling out into Ray...who lifted Buck up and slammed him into the mat with the 110th Street Slam! But as Ray went for the pin - Col. Parker had climbed to the apron and distracted the referee! Meanwhile, Slater re-entered the ring with one of the tag titles - driving it into the back of Stevie Ray's head!

Ray hit the mat, and it looked like we might have some deja vu from Fall Brawl...but Sister Sherri stormed down to the ring, shaking her head vigorously! She GRABBED Parker by his suit jacket and pulled him down off the apron. Parker tried to say something, but Sherri put one finger up to Parker's lips to quiet him - before grabbing him by the head and pulling him into a gigantic kiss! But as she had the liplock applied to Parker, Sherri brought her knee right up to Parker's groin! Sherri released the kiss as Parker doubled over in pain before dropping to the ground.

Slater stood at the ropes, sending some harsh words Sherri's way...but little to Slater's knowledge - Booker T had returned to the ring and was waiting behind Slater! Slater turned around into a Harlem Sidekick!

Booker immediately made the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNERS - Harlem Heat by pinfall at 8:31

Sherri grabbed the Tag Titles and entered the ring with Harlem Heat as Stevie Ray was getting back up to his feet. She handed them the belts before grabbing one of their arms each, lifting them into the air in victory.

But Stevie Ray and Booker both yanked their arms down, out of Sherri's hands. "THIS DON'T CHANGE NOTHIN'" - Stevie Ray was heard yelling as the Heat took their titles and headed out of the ring - leaving Sherri alone in the ring.

The crowd seemed to sour on Harlem Heat for their actions as they headed up the aisle, not even giving one glance back at the dejected Sherri in the ring.

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After the break, The Renegade was back in live action for the first time since losing to Diamond Dallas Page at Fall Brawl, failing to recapture the WCW Television Championship. Renegade was looking to get back on track against the villainous Big Bubba.

Bubba tried to match The Renegade punch for punch, but Renegade's punches proved to have more impact than those of Bubba's. The match would spill to ringside, where Bubba would try to cheat to get the upper hand on Renegade including utilizing a camera cable as he choked Renegade before being forced to release the hold by the referee, threatening disqualification.

Back in the ring, Bubba attempted to get a pin fall over Renegade, but Renegade powered out. Renegade summoned all his energy and battled back against Rogers - eventually slamming him to the mat with a front powerslam and finishing him off with the Renegade Splash. Renegade made the cover and picked up the three-count victory.

WINNER - The Renegade by pinfall at 4:42

As The Renegade had his armed raised in victory, "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart made his way down to the ring. Hart joined Renegade in the ring and took the microphone. Hart reminded us that he was on a "mission" from Hulk Hogan to find out who had turned his back on the Hulkster and "signed a deal with the devil" to help The Taskmaster take the World Title off of Hogan at Halloween Havoc.

This is why he had come out to the ring tonight - because after reviewing all the "likely suspects" - he felt like The Renegade could have the most to gain by joining forces with The Dungeon of Doom. The Renegade stared a hole right through Jimmy Hart, breathing heavily with a scowl on his face as Hart began to make his points as to why he doubted Renegade. He claimed Renegade and Hogan were good friends...and that it was Hogan who brought Renegade to WCW in the first place - but Hart pointed out that Renegade hasn't really lived up to the "hype."

What better way to make up for that than to turn on the very man who brought him to "the game?" That'd certainly make an impact!

Renegade wasn't interested in listening to Hart attack his honor - so he confronted Hart, lifting him up by his colorful jacket. Sting and Randy Savage rushed down to the ring to break things up. Savage pulled Hart to safety while Sting pulled Renegade aside in the corner. "SEE! SEE WHAT I MEAN" Hart screeched into the microphone - Hart said the man was hot-tempered and COULD NOT be trusted. Savage looked over to Sting and stated that Hart had a point. Savage said he knew a few things about "madness" - and that Renegade was showing all the signs of the madness it would take to join the Dungeon. Renegade tried to charge out of the corner at Savage, but Sting held him back.

Sting asked Renegade to calm down, turned to Hart, and told him to "call off his search." Sting continued, "Don't you see - this is EXACTLY what Kevin Sullivan wants! This is all CLEARLY all a big ruse to get us pointing fingers at one another? They want to get into Hulk Hogan's head... have everyone so darn paranoid that they are able to steal the title at Halloween Havoc! But NO! That's not gonna happen! I'm not fallin' for the mind games... Macho's not falling for it... and it won't work on Hogan either! And if... IF there really is a turncoat, I will definitely have Hogan's back at Havoc to make sure the Dungeon isn't walking away with that belt!"

Hart seemed to reluctantly agree with Sting, and even offered a handshake out of apology to Renegade, but Renegade snarled at Jimmy - wanting nothing to do with his own former manager. He turned his back to Hart and left the ring. As Renegade stomped up the aisle, this only seemed to justify Hart's thought process even more - as he tried to plead his case to Savage and Sting further.

= = = = = = = = =
After the break, "The Professor" Mike Tenay's voice was heard over a pre-packed video package that featured Tenay's separate sit-down interviews with Dean Malenko, Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Sabu. It was revealed during this segment that at Halloween Havoc - a tag match has been signed that will put the newfound alliance of Malenko & Guerrero up against the uneasy alliance of Benoit and Sabu.

The video spliced together shots of interviews with each man together with B-roll footage of them in action either in NJPW, house shows, or the television events they've appeared at recently. Malenko and Guerrero both stated they had come to WCW because they were "the best wrestlers the world had to offer" so naturally being in the top wrestling promotion was the perfect fit. Benoit seemed to think otherwise, as he revealed he had bested all three of these other men time and time again...but they keep following him, hoping that one day they could defeat "The Crippler."

Each time the video cut to Tenay asking Sabu a question, Sabu would not respond - instead, he would just stare intensely at the camera.

The video continued as Guerrero and Malenko explained their alliance. They felt that while alone they could do great things in WCW - together - there would be NO ONE that could stop them. Malenko referred to himself as "The Man of 1,000 Holds" and Guerrero pointed out his family tradition of winning. Guerrero stated WCW had never seen anything like them. Malenko promised that their alliance was only the beginning of something much, much bigger.

As the discussion turned to Halloween Havoc, Guerrero and Malenko did not seem to worried - as Malenko pointed out there was NO WAY that Benoit and Sabu would be able to coexist as a tag team. When Tenay asked why Guerrero simply laughed and suggested Tenay ask Benoit about it. So, that was a natural segway to Tenay asking Benoit about his teaming with Sabu.

Benoit gave a toothless grin before admitting that there was definitely no love loss in their relationship. Benoit asked Tenay if he had ever heard the story of why they call him "The Crippler." Tenay said he hadn't, but wanted to know.

Benoit recanted the incident in which during a match with Sabu, he literally broke Sabu's neck in the ring. Benoit said that that's not something a man is willing to forgive very easily - and he said he didn't blame Sabu one bit. Benoit stated that it didn't matter much to him whether or not he and Sabu are able to "get along" for their match - the fact is, Benoit has been beating these guys for years - and he doesn't need to be teamed up with Sabu to do it again. Benoit said he didn't want or need Sabu's help - he would have no problem adding Guerrero and Malenko's names to the ever-growing list of victims of The Crippler.

The segment wrapped up with one last look at the silent Sabu as Tenay asked him about teaming with Benoit - and if Sabu would be able to get along with Benoit for the purpose of the tag match at Halloween Havoc. Sabu stood up from his interview chair and started to approach Tenay - which was enough to have Tenay get up and back away. Sabu then turned to the camera, and walked over - giving us an up close and personal look at Sabu's scarred face. Sabu loudly and slowly said just a few words...


Before Sabu could finish, the feed cut to static.

= = = = = = = = =


Back to in-ring action, Joe Polaco was making his WCW debut. The "Portuguese Sensation" as referred to by Bischoff, had his hands full with the flamboyant Johnny B. Badd. Badd wasted no time making a statement in the ring against Polaco, as we are reminded of his request for a rematch with IWGP Heavyweight Champion The Great Muta after Muta used "green mist" to defeat Badd at Fall Brawl.

Polaco only was able to get in limited offense against Badd before Badd battled back and laid out Polaco with his left-hand knockout punch - Tutti Frutti. Badd then pulled Polaco over to the corner where he climbed the turnbuckles and came off the top with his shooting star press finisher - Wild Thing! The three-count was academic from there.

WINNER - Johnny B. Badd by pinfall at 3:09

As Badd got to his feet, he spotted NJPW's Sony Oono at the top of the aisle, clapping sarcastically.

Oono pulled a microphone from his jacket and called Badd a fool for demanding a rematch with The Great Muta. Oono told Badd that he should've considered it an HONOR and a PRIVELEDGE to even be in the same ring as the IWGP champion...he was lucky to be able to walk out on his own two feet - so he should be counting his lucky stars - but to DEMAND a rematch...Oono called Badd pathetic.

He would NOT be granted a rematch...HOWEVER, there are those willing to show just what NJPW can do when someone attempts to disrespect them..

As Oono finished his last statement, NJPW's Masahiro Chono and Kensuke Sasaki came from the crowd - sliding into the ring and attacked Badd from behind! Badd hit the mat as Chono and Sasaki put the boots to his back while Oono watched on with delight from the entranceway.

Chono and Sasaki pulled Badd back up to his feet. Sasaki held up Badd as Badd bounced off the ropes and LAID OUT Badd with the Kenka Kick!

Chono and Sasaki left the ring, joining Oono in the aisle, where Oono lifted up their arms to a warm round of boos from the crowd.

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WCW Saturday Night Preview: From the WCW Studio - Tony Schiavone and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes were given time to promote this week's WCW Saturday Night - which was going to be headlined by a match to determine who would challenge Sting at Halloween Havoc for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship! Meng would take on Brian Pillman for those number one contendership honors. Also on the show, the WCW Television Title would be on the line as Diamond Dallas Page defends against "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright! So tune in this Saturday on TBS for all this and much more!

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It was the match that literally brought Scott Hall to WCW - a shot at Hogan's WCW championship. And after his harsh words about the hold Hogan has on WCW from Saturday Night, Hall would have a lot to do to back up those words in the ring. In reference to that interview from WCW Saturday Night, Heenan compared Hall to a "modern day Robin Hood."

Hall was up to the challenge and met Hogan head-on. The duo started the match with a lock-up, that saw Hogan using his strength to take an early advantage over The Bad Guy. But after controlling the offense early, Hogan would attempt a bodyslam on Hall - only to have Hall escape - sliding down Hogan's back. Hogan turned around into a pair of straight right-hand jabs from Hall that sent the champion reeling. Hall took advantage of having the champion on the ropes and took control of the offense.

After a diving bulldog - Hall attempted a pinfall on the champion: One, Two, KICKOUT!

Hall didn't let that frustrate him and instead went back on the attack before attempting another pinfall after a belly to back suplex. Hogan once again was able to kick out after two. Hall would continue his attack, locking Hogan in an abdominal stretch - but as the referee checked in on Hogan - Hogan's eyes grew wide as his arm began to shake frantically. The crowd knew what was coming, and even Hall did as he shook his head equally as frantically.

Hogan HULKED UP as he escaped the submission by flipping Hall across his back to the mat! Hall stumbled to his feet and was met by the dramatic finger point of Hogan - "YOU!" Hogan unloaded some hard punches to Hall before sending him into the ropes with an Irish Whip for what appeared to be an attempt at the Big Boot, but Hall saw it coming as he grabbed the ropes to stop his momentum.

Hall then ducked through the ropes to the ringside.

Mongo called Hall "cowardly" for ducking to ringside - but Heenan called it intelligent as anyone knows there's no stopping Hogan IN the ring when he's hulked up.

Scott Hall cautiously climbed back in the ring as the match seemed to be getting ready to reset...when THE DUNGEON OF DOOM had hit the ring! Meng led the way alongside The Zodiac and The Shark! The referee quickly had to call for the bell and throw the match out, much to the chagrin of the fans. The boos overwhelmed the stadium.

WINNER - No Contest at 6:17

Meng and Scott Hall brawled with one another, spilling through the ropes to ringside as Hogan was holding his own against Zodiac and the Shark! Hulk sent Zodiac over the top rope before hitting a big boot to an incoming Shark. Shark was staggered but Hogan scooped him up...BODYSLAM to the big man!

Just as Hogan was standing tall in the ring while Hall sent Meng head first into the ring steps... THE GIANT appeared from the back! The Giant lumbered down to the ring as Hogan spotted him. Hogan was ready as The Giant climbed into the ring, and met him with some right hands - but The Giant no-sold Hogan's offense and lit up Hogan's chest with a back open-handed chop!

Hogan was staggering as The Giant sent him into the corner, lifting up his huge boot to Hogan's throat. Hall was not pleased at ringside as he watched his title match end because of The Dungeon's intrusion - so Hall folded up David Penzer's chair at ringside and climbed into the ring!

Hall approached The Giant from behind and swung the chair - sending it crashing into The Giant's back! It was enough to cause The Giant to drop his choke on Hogan. The Giant turned to face Hall and The Bad Guy drove the chair into his massive midsection.

Hogan exited the corner and teamed up with Hall to fight The Giant off. The team up of Hall and Hogan was enough to send The Giant over the top rope! The Giant landed on his feet at ringside and stumbled back up the aisle before he regained his composure as he slowly backed up the aisle - keeping his eyes on Hogan in the ring.

While Hogan was busy staring down the Giant from in the ring, Hall grabbed Hogan by the arm and spun him around!

Hall gave Hogan a boot to the midsection to double Hogan over before lifting Hogan up and dropping the champion with his signature crucifix powerbomb that Bischoff called Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy!

The show came to a close as Hall stood over the champion, extending his arms in a crucifix - while The Giant watched on with a big grin on his face from the top of the entranceway. It wasn't the match he wanted, but tonight... The Bad Guy was standing tall to end the show!


WCW Halloween Havoc
October 15, 1995
Current Card

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hulk Hogan (c) vs. A Mystery Member of the Dungeon of Doom

WCW United States Championship Match
Sting (c) vs. Meng OR Brian Pillman (winner of their match this week on WCW Saturday Night)

Tag Team Grudge Match
Chris Benoit & Sabu vs. Dean Malenko & Eddy Guerrero



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WCW Saturday Night
September 30, 1995
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes

WCW Saturday Night opened with a replay of the final moments from WCW Monday Nitro which saw The Giant put an early end to the WCW World Title match between champion Hulk Hogan and challenger Scott Hall - but after Hall helped Hogan fend off the Giant - it was Hall who got the last word in over the champion, laying out Hogan to end the show with his trademark crucifix powerbomb - Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy.

We panned the audience as the voices of the WCW Announce Team of Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes welcomed us to another edition of WCW Saturday Night. Tonight we would hear from "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan from the Dungeon of Doom. He would be responding to The Giant's actions from WCW Monday Nitro as well as the chaos he's caused in Hogan's camp as we continue to head towards Halloween Havoc, where Hogan was set to defend the WCW World Title...but he has no idea who it's going to be!

Schiavone also revealed there were some "big" matches tonight - as the WCW Television Title would be on the line as Diamond Dallas Page defended against "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright, which Dusty Rhodes admitted he was looking forward to after Alex Wright's interaction with the Diamond Doll last week.

Then in tonight's main event, we would find out who Sting would be defending the United States Championship against a Halloween Havoc when Brian Pillman takes on The Dungeon of Doom's Meng! Schiavone also promised that we would hear from the NEW WCW Tag Team Champions - Harlem Heat!


Kicking things off in the ring this week on WCW Saturday Night was one of the stars of NJPW - Masahiro Chono taking on the martial arts expert, "Sugar" Ray Lloyd. Schiavone recalled WCW Monday Nitro, where Chono and his fellow NJPW star Kensuke Sasaki showed up and assaulted Johnny B. Badd after Badd had continued to plead for a rematch with IWGP Heavyweight Champion The Great Muta.

Schiavone put over Lloyd's work as a martial arts champion, and Lloyd showed off some of his skills as he used a variety of kicks with his "educated feet" to get in some offense against one of the bigger names in NJPW. Lloyd even picked up a very close nearfall off of a spinning back kick to Chono's chest.

However, an attempt of a Northern Lights Suplex was blocked by Chono and reversed into a spinning DDT! This proved to be the turning point as from here it was all Chono, who finished Lloyd off with his running arched big boot finish - The Kenka Kick. Chono made a nonchalant pin and got the three count victory.

WINNER: Masahiro Chono by pinfall at 4:29

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Backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with one half of tonight's main event - Brian Pillman. Okerlund first wanted to get some comments from Pillman about his attacks on both Arn Anderson and Ric Flair.

"I am NOBODY'S LACKEY. I am NOT going to be anyone's follower! And I certainly don't need either one of them to be my 'mentor!' I AM MY OWN MAN! I am the ONLY Brian Pillman! And TONIGHT... my march up the WCW ladder really begins. Tonight... I'm going to earn a shot at the WCW US Title... and I'm going to go on to win the US Championship... and then... ITS THE WORLD!"

Pillman cackled into the microphone before walking off screen. Okerlund reminded us to stick around, because that match would be tonight's Main Event!

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After the break, we see a prepacked video of Sgt. Craig Pittman standing in what looks like a football field, dressed in full command gear with a whistle in his mouth. He yelled out commands as we see Cobra come running into the shot.

Cobra stopped infront of Pittman and doubled over, trying to catch his breath. "YOU GOTTA DO BETTER THAN THAT, MAGGOT!" Pittman barked out - Pittman continued his loud, overbearing voice that if Cobra wanted to show the enemy who's boss - he was going to have to first show Pittman that he was worthy of being on the "front lines" with him.

"SIR YES SIR" Cobra belted out.

"Now drop and give me fifty!" Pittman commanded, and Cobra eagerly dropped and began doing push-ups. "We don't have much time left!" Pittman called out as Cobra continued to do push-ups - Pittman said that they would be going back into the "desert" next week, so he needed Cobra to be in his "tip-top shape" so that we don't have a repeat of what happened "last time."

Pittman walked away from Cobra and looked into the camera, telling us the next week - he was bringing "Operation: Desert Storm" to WCW, and that WCW would NEVER be the same again.

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SABU versus THE ZODIAC (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

Schiavone and Rhodes would use this match to discuss what we learned on WCW Monday Nitro about the rivalry between Sabu and Chris Benoit where Benoit earned the nickname 'The Crippler' from the incident where he broke Sabu's neck in the ring. It was here that Schiavone noted that Sabu and Benoit were going to have to learn to put aside these differences - because at Halloween Havoc a match HAS in fact been signed that will put the newly formed alliance of Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero against an 'uneasy' alliance to say the least - Sabu and Chris Benoit! Rhodes called that match a crate of dynamite just ready to explode!

This match itself was not much to write home about, as The Zodiac tried to ground the high-risk Sabu to keep him out of his element and as a result it turned into more of a slow brawl with several restholds sprinkled in courtesy of the Zodiac. Leslie had Sabu locked in a chinlock, but the crowd began to get behind the daredevil Sabu, allowing him to find some energy to make a comeback. Sabu fought his way to his feet and broke free with a few back elbows, allowing him to run to the ropes. He then came off the ropes as Zodiac swung a wild clothesline at the Arabian wrestler, but Sabu ducked it, hit the opposite ropes with a springboard and went flying back with a leg lariat that took Zodiac to the mat!

Sabu continued to ride the momentum, sending Zodiac into the corner and hitting Air Sabu to Zodiac! Zodiac stumbled out of the corner, but Taskmaster reached into the ring and helped pull Zodiac to the safety of ringside! As Sullivan tried to help Zodiac regroup, Sabu LAUNCHED himself out of the ring with a somersault plancha that connected with both Zodiac and Sullivan! All three men were down as the referee began the ten count.

Sabu was up first, and grabbed Zodiac by the hair and send him back into the ring. Sabu came back into the ring with a springboard legdrop before going for the pin...

One, Two, Threeeee....NO! KICKOUT by the Zodiac!

Sabu climbed back out onto the apron and waited as The Zodiac slowly staggered to his feet...Sabu then came into the ring with another springboard, this time catching Zodiac by the head and hitting a Tornado DDT!

With Zodiac laid out, Sabu stepped over and locked in his variation of the Camel Clutch called the Arabian Clutch! The referee checked in on The Zodiac, who could not fight off the pain and he gave up!

WINNER: Sabu by submission at 8:06

After the match - as Sabu had his hand raised in victory - The Taskmaster gave The Zodiac an earful as they headed up the aisle in defeat.

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We cut to the back, where "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with the new WCW World Tag Team Champions - Harlem Heat. Booker stated that it felt good to FINALLY have the belts back around their waists where they belong - Stevie Ray agreed, saying that no more "fruit booties" would ever get their hands on these titles ever again. But Okerlund wanted to know about their status with Sister Sherri after she help-Stevie Ray cut off Okerlund before he could finish the word "helped" - to correct him, stating that she had NOTHING to do with how they won these belts. He stood by the fact that they did NOT need her to win.

"My, my my, aren't we deceiving ourselves,"
Lord Steven Regal was heard saying as he entered the shot along with his partner Earl Robert Eaton. Regal said that you would have to be "as blind as a bat" to not realize their title victory was as tainted as tainted could be.

Regal stated that Harlem Heat haven't won a match without the help of "that little wench" in as long as he could remember, and even AFTER they rid themselves of her services - she still managed to play a part in the outcome of the championship match. Regal shook his head in disgust and said that if they were true HONORABLE champions like Regal would be if he was champion, he would vacate the belts on principle.

"SUCKA," Stevie Ray nearly yelled in Regal's face, "you ain't champion now are you? NO! You're not - cuz you had your butts handed to you by the real champions LAST WEEK."

Regal smirked and agreed that "Yes, you did manage to get lucky last week...but I assure you sunshine, it wouldn't happen again. And, if you want to be fighting champions, you would put those belts on the line against us once again. After all, we RIGHTFULLY earned a shot to begin with... a title shot that you boys nicked right from us."

Stevie Ray told Regal that it "wasn't gonna happen." They lost their shot last week fair and square. Booker agreed, telling him that if they want to have a title shot, they're going to have to DO SOMETHING to earn it.

Regal grinned and "I have a feeling that you will regret those words, my good chap." Regal then looked to Eaton and summoned him - saying he had a match to prepare for.

= = = = = = = = = =

Elsewhere backstage, we cut to a shot of Scotty Riggs preparing for his upcoming match against the man we just saw - Steven Regal.

As Riggs was taping up his wrists, V.K. Wallstreet entered the locker room. "Not you again," Riggs said as Wallstreet entered with a big smile on his face.

"Now hold on just one minute and hear me out. I know I've already approached you and your partner about doing business together... but I can't help but notice that your circumstances have recently changed! I was hoping you might be willing to.... reconsider... that original offer I made to you. You've been a tag team wrestler... and you've had a little bit of success, I suppose. But now you run the risk of getting lost in the shuffle without a tag partner."

Riggs tried to interrupt, but Wallstreet once again cut him off. "But that doesn't have to be how it is. With my help, you wouldn't need a partner to rely on. I can make you a success as a singles star. You'll be the next big thing in WCW! Trust me... I'll get you to some gold."

Wallstreet reached into his sports coat pocket, retrieved another card, and handed it over to Riggs, who does indeed take the card that is handed to him. "I don't need an answer right now. Feel free to sleep on it... but just remember, everything V.K. Wallstreet touches... turns to gold, baby. I've already given you once chance at greatness... I suggest you don't let this opportunity pass a second time."

Riggs looked down at the card, but didn't have much time to think about what he was going to do because he had to get out to the ring...his match was up next after the break!

= = = = = = = = = =

LORD STEVEN REGAL (w/Earl Robert Eaton) versus SCOTTY RIGGS

Riggs was looking for some sort of retribution against the team responsible for putting his partner on the shelf - but with no one in his corner and Eaton in Regal's corner - the odds were definitely going to be stacked against Riggs tonight.

Riggs wasted no time - going right after Regal from the opening bell, unloading a barrage of rights and lefts. Riggs backed his Lordship into the corner, where the referee was forced to restrain Riggs from continuing his assault. Regal dusted his feet off in the corner and regrouped, ready for action - this time they started with a shoulder and collar lockup. This time Regal was able to get the upper hand on Riggs by outwrestling him down to the mat. Regal made sure to add insult to his offense, literally wiping Rigg's face into the mat as he had him locked in crossface chickenwing.

Despite Regal's best efforts to get Riggs to tap out, Riggs hung in there and refused to give up. Riggs was able to counter a German Suplex attempt with a go-behind before connecting with a dropkick to the middle of Regal's back. With the tables turned, Riggs was able to take control of the match and would soon pick up a nearfall after hitting Regal with a jawbreaker followed by a fist drop - but Regal would get his shoulder up after two.

Riggs looked to hit a Fisherman Suplex to Regal, but Regal used some knee strikes to fight off the move and in turn, downed Riggs with a double underhook suplex!

His opponent now in trouble, Lord Steve Regal wasted no time as he locked in the Regal Stretch! The referee checked in on Riggs, and this time there was no escaping the submission - Riggs had no choice but to give in and tap out.

WINNER - Lord Steven Regal by submission at 6:11

Eaton entered the ring to celebrate the victory with his "Lord." Regal stuck his nose in the air and sneered at the fallen Riggs before leaving the ring with his partner.

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Back in the interview station, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page along with The Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle. In just a few moments, DDP was to go out and defend the Television Title against "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright.

Page said he wasn't sweating some "pretty boy" from Germany - frankly, he couldn't wait to teach the young punk a lesson. "There's just some things you don't do - and you do NOT put your hands on another man's property." DDP held up the WCW Television Title and said "THIS - is my property." Page then turned to The Diamond Doll and wrapped his hand around her arm - "And THIS is MY property." Page warned Alex Wright to NEVER lay his hands on either, EVER again.

With those powerful statements, Page pulled Doll off screen as Maxx Muscle followed them. Okerlund sent us to break - promising that Television Champion would be up NEXT!

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WCW Hotline: "Mean" Gene's voice tells us why we should call the hotline this week - Okerlund has the "inside scoop" on V.K. Wallstreet - who is he and what are his plans in WCW? And just who might end up accepting his offer? Mean Gene reminded us that Halloween Havoc is just around the corner - we already know a couple of matches, but what else is in store for the card? Call now and get an early sneak peek at just what other matches could end up on the PPV. Call now to find out before everyone else!

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Page was clearly still a little steamed at Wright for his actions last week - showing off Diamond Doll at ringside - and attacked Wright as he was still trying to take off his leather jacket. This attack gave DDP the early advantage as he stomped him down on the mat. The referee would finally have to pull Page off as his attacks became too borderline cheap as he used his closed fists to wail away at Wright in the corner.

But after the warning, Page continued on the attack - completely controlling the offense. He would eventually literally toss Wright out of the ring to ringside. While DDP distracted the referee in the ring, Maxx Muscle snuck around the side of the ring and gave Das Wunderkind a boot to the ribs as he was trying to recover! Diamond Doll seemed to show concern for Alex Wright, as she moved in close to him and kneeled down to check on him.

DDP joined them at ringside, and immediately pulled Doll away from Wright. Page could be heard verbally berating Doll for showing concern for Wright. However, this only gave Wright time to recover...he got to his feet and grabbed Page from behind, spinning him around and delivering an elbow shiver to Page! Wright then slammed Page head-first into the apron and rolled him back into the ring. Alex turned his attention away from DDP to check on the emotional Doll following the berating given by Page. Wright tried to make sure Doll was okay - but as he did so, Page hit a baseball slid that sent Wright crashing into the guard rail!

Page once again confronted Doll before walking over to ring announcer David Penzer and snatched his WCW Television Title from him! Wright started to get to his feet, but Page lifted up his boot and shoved Wright back into the guard rail with his foot. DDP bent down in front of Alex and told him "THIS IS THE ONLY TIME YOU GET TO TOUCH MY PROPERTY!" - before he laid out Wright with a shot from the WCW Television belt!

The referee called for the bell, disqualifying Page.

WINNER - Alex Wright by disqualification at 4:22

Diamond Dallas Page didn't seem to care about the outcome - he ordered Muscle to pull Wright back up, only to have Page lay him out with another shot from his title belt!

Page told Doll to come with him to the back, but Doll seemed legitimately concerned about Alex Wright's well being - which only frustrated Page more, "I SAID - LET'S GO!" Page demanded, this time grabbing Doll forcefully by the arm. Doll reluctantly headed to the back with Muscle and Page while officials helped Wright up to his feet.

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After the break, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes recapped the ongoing Hogan/Dungeon of Doom drama and the "search" "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart had been on looking for the person "close to Hogan" who has signed a "deal with the devil." This lead us to a replay of the incident on Nitro where Hart accused The Renegade of being the turncoat.

In a pre-recorded segment - "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan was in the Dungeon of Doom with The Giant. The Taskmaster cackled about how pleased he was at watching the chaos unfold among Hogan and his friends. Sullivan said that Sting was right about one thing - this was all a part of his plan to end Hulkamania - but he was wrong, there IS indeed a rat in the Hulkamania camp! And at Halloween Havoc, that rat would reveal himself to be as dark and sinister as the Taskmaster himself!

Sullivan said that nothing pleased him more than to see how paranoid Hogan is - worrying about who he will face at Halloween Havoc. Would it be the 7-foot monster standing before him now, The Giant?

The Giant nodded as he spoke up. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this opportunity? I would LOVE to be the one who CRUSHES HULK HOGAN!"

The Taskmaster said he MIGHT get his chance at Halloween Havoc...but it could also be the man who will no doubt earn a US Title shot tonight and go on to defeat Sting at Halloween Havoc for the US Title - MENG! "Imagine," Sullivan presented, "Meng walking out with both the US Title and World Title in one night! That would certainly be the ultimate domination for the Dungeon of Doom!"

"But better yet... maybe, Hulk Hogan, it will be the devil himself... Kevin Sullivan. That's right, maybe I'll be the one who steps into the ring and does the dirty deed myself."

Taskmaster laughed, and said there were so many possibilities...but there would be no answer...until Halloween Havoc! "So keep looking over your shoulder every second of every day Hogan...because the end of Hulkamania...is...NEAR!"

Sullivan and Giant both let out their evil laughs as the video faded out.

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview: In the WCW Studio, Eric Bischoff was with Steve "Mongo" McMichael to hype this week's Monday Nitro LIVE on TNT. They hyped that the road to Halloween Havoc will continue - Bischoff had received word that "The Macho Man" Randy Savage planned to CALL OUT "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall for his actions last week on Nitro, Bischoff promised us that we won't want to miss the opening minutes!

Also this week on Nitro, they'll be partners at Halloween Havoc, but maybe they'll be able to hash out their differences in the ring before the Pay-Per-View, because this Monday Chris Benoit and Sabu will face off in singles action! Bischoff reminded us once again that anything can happen on LIVE TV, so you won't want to miss a thing this Monday night!

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FOR A SHOT AT THE UNITED STATES TITLE: BRIAN PILLMAN versus MENG (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

The bold, young Pillman showed no fear facing off against the Tongan Monster Meng. From the opening bell, he used his speed to avoid the attack of Meng and targeted his legs with some swift kicks and dropkicks. However, despite his best efforts in the brisk offense - Pillman was still unable to bring the powerhouse off his feet. A couple of dropkicks to the chest from Pillman had the Tongan rocking, but when he took to the top rope for a flying crossbody - Meng caught Pillman in the air and proceeded to powerslam him to the mat!

This proved to be a turning point as now it was all Meng as he overpowered Pillman. Meng would attempt a pinfall after a backbreaker, but Pillman got his shoulder up at the last second! Pillman would start to battle back as he hit a jawbreaker to the Tongan as Meng was pulling him to his feet. This had Meng staggering once again, which allowed Pillman to Irish Whip him into the corner. He followed it up by running in with a splash to the corner to Meng before unleashing some stiff backhand chops to Meng's chest.

But the more chops Pillman hit, the more Meng seemed to absorb them. Meng let out a primal yell before grabbing Pillman by the throat and reversing their positions in the corner! He then proceeded to hit his own stiff chops to Pillman in the corner that left massive red handprints on Pillman's exposed chest! Meng continued on the attack until he sent Pillman into the ropes and went to lift him up for a Samoan Drop, only to have Pillman escape down his back and finally take the monster down with a sleeper slam!

However, Meng was pretty quick back to his feet, but Pillman came running in with a leaping leg lariat that took him right back down! Pillman had found the momentum, and looked to take advantage as he climbed out onto the apron to go for his springboard clothesline known as Air Pillman - but as he leaped back into the ring, Meng met him with a thrust right to the throat in mid air! Pillman hit the mat and rolled out of the ring...

Just as "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson had made his way down to ringside. The referee was busy warning Meng about the attack on Pillman's throat...with the referee's back turned, Anderson attacked the recovering Pillman on the outside! Anderson lifted Pillman up and hit the SPINEBUSTER on the floor!

The Enforcer then pulled Pillman right back up and set him on the apron before backing up the aisle to boos from the crowd. Pillman struggled to find the energy and willpower to grab the ring ropes and VERY slowly pull himself up in the ring as Meng just stood back and let him use his energy.

Once Pillman was up, he staggered over to Meng right into the Tongan Death Grip! Given the effects of the spinebuster on the outside from Anderson, Pillman was quickly on the mat in the hold with his shoulders down - One, Two, Three!

WINNER - Meng by pinfall at 9:53

The Taskmaster climbed into the ring to lift up the arm of the victorious Meng - who would now go on to challenge for Sting's United States Heavyweight Title at Halloween Havoc!

Meanwhile, Anderson seemed pleased with his handiwork at the top of the entranceway. The show came to a close with The Taskmaster and Meng victorious in the ring.
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Wrestling Observer News Recap

Following the events on WCW Saturday Night, Brian Pillman vs. Arn Anderson has officially been added to the card for Halloween Havoc.

WCW is developing a November Pay-Per-View that is supposed to be their version of Royal Rumble. No word yet on the specifics except that they are looking to outdo WWF's thirty entrants.

TNT is said to be very pleased with the first several weeks of the live broadcast of Nitro. Right now the plan remains that Nitro will stay at one hour, however - after the new year, an expansion to two hours to match Raw's current format is likely

Not too long after Hall's jump, Peter Joseph Polaco was released from WWF. This is only of note because Polaco was a close friend of Scott Hall's. While Hall was always known to be close with top names like Shawn Michaels and Diesel - some speculate whether or not WWF took out some frustration by releasing the former Aldo Montoya. But in a sign that perhaps Hall already has some influence backstage, Polaco has already shown up on WCW television - granted it was in an "enhancement talent" capacity. Right now, there are no immediate plans for Polaco outside of using him as just that - an enhancement talent.

Speaking of enhancement talent, some road agents have been looking closely at some of the work being churned in on a routine basis by some of the current talents regularly used. There are talks that perhaps one or two could be given a "promotion" into a more prominent role with WCW. Among the talent who has impressed the right people within the company include Devon Storm, Bill DeMott, and Chris Kanyon. It is unknown which, if any or maybe all, will become more than enhancement talent.

WWF has reached out to Tom Brandi (known as Johnny Gunn in ECW and has made some appearances under that name in WCW) about joining the company as a motorcycle cop similar to Erik Estrada from CHiPS. A show that has been off television for over a decade. Vince is always one to stay on top of pop culture. Dave says, "Next thing you know they'll want to bring in Chris Cruise as an announcer and give him an astronaut gimmick based on Larry Hagman in I Dream of Jeannie."
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WCW Monday Nitro
October 2, 1995
Announcers: Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Steve "Mongo" McMichael

Previously on WCW Monday Nitro: "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart continued his search for who has signed a "deal" with "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan to help the Dungeon of Doom in their ongoing quest to end Hulkamania. This search lead to an accusation of Hogan's friend The Renegade, which did not sit well with the former Television Champion. Cooler heads managed to prevail when Sting and Randy Savage interjected themselves. Elsewhere, in a rematch from Fall Brawl - this time Harlem Heat were successful in regaining the WCW Tag Team Championships as Sister Sherri abruptly ended her affair with Colonel Robert Parker, helping her former clients pick up the victory. Though after the match, Harlem Heat did not welcome her back with open arms as she might have hoped. And in the main event, Hall's attempt to cash in his earned World Title shot was abruptly ended when The Giant interfered - but in the end, it was Hall who laid out Hogan and stood tall at the end of the show.

After the Nitro open, Eric Bischoff's voice welcomed us to WCW Monday Nitro LIVE on TNT. The camera panned the audience before cutting to the announce booth where Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Steve McMichael welcomed us to another week of the best wrestling you'll find on television tonight. Bischoff reminded those who might've missed it - on WCW Saturday Night, Meng earned another shot at the United States Championship currently held by Sting after it was Meng who Sting beat in June for the vacant title. But, tonight - they will be on opposite sides of the ring as Sting would team up with Randy Savage to take on Meng and The Giant!

Also tonight, WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page would be in action and we'd get to see partners at Halloween Havoc, Sabu and Chris Benoit enter the ring as opponents - perhaps tonight they will be able to settle their differences!

But to kick things off tonight, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing in the middle of the ring. Okerlund explained that there is a man in the back who asked to start things off tonight because he needed to get some answers...so Okerlund said there would be no reason to waste anytime as he introduced "The Macho Man" Randy Savage.

"Pomp and Circumstance"
brought out the Macho Man to a big ovation from the crowd. Savage climbed into the ring and walked over to Okerlund. Savage took off his sunglasses and placed them on his head before he began to address the crowd.

"I THINK I've made it pretty clear from day one... from the moment that lil slimeball Scott Hall... walked into this company on the first episode of Nitro... I made it clear... that he SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED! I warned Hogan... I told him... I said that letting him into War Games would be a MISTAKE. AND LOW AND BEHOLD... THE MACHO MAN WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ABOUT THAT ONE!"

Savage paused, licking his lips as his face grew red with anger.

"And then LAST WEEK... Hogan once again thinks he could trust this little rat. And ONCE AGAIN... ANOTHER CHEAP SHOT! JUST LIKE AT WAR GAMES! Scott Hall struck again! All while the Dungeon of Doom watched on... loving every minute of it. And with Kevin Sullivan throwing around accusations of who Hogan shouldn't be trusting... it sure seems to me... like the one man with the most to gain... the one man who ever since showing up in WCW... has done more to HELP the Dungeon of Doom than anything... the one man who would not HESITATE ONE SECOND to sign a deal with the Devil it meant giving him what he wanted... and that man is SCOTT HALL! OOOOOOOHHHH YYYYEEEAAAAHHHHH"

Not sitting back and letting his name be tossed around like that, "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall interrupted as he made his way down to the ring to a solid mixture of boos and cheers. Hall sauntered down the aisle and cooly entered the ring, tucking his toothpick behind his ear as he approached Savage.


Hall paused as a pop went through the crowd. Randy Savage was not pleased.

"Well, Nacho Man... I heard you sayin' my name... so I figured I'd come out here and let you say these things to my face."

"So what? You think you're gonna to intimidate the Macho Man? Not gonna happen!"

"Listen, Mach... I've been pretty clear since I showed up down here... my intentions should be pretty obvious. I came here for that big gold belt. I'm not here to make friends... The Bad Guy isn't on the side of The Taskmaser just as much as he isn't on the side of Hulk Hogan. I'm on... the side of one man... and that's M-E. Scott Hall."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I DON'T BUY IT. NU-UH! It's all just a little too convenient, isn' it? You show up just when we needed a fourth man for War Games. You weasel your way onto the team... you help the Dungeon of Doom earn a title shot at Halloween Havoc by knocking me out... 'BY ACCIDENT...' and all that's left is for your BIG REVEAL at Halloween Havoc. AM I RIGHT? I WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU BEFORE AND I KNOW I AM NOW!"

As Savage was laying out his conspiracy theories, Hall seemed to be struggling not to laugh. "I gotta say, chico.... you got quite the imagination, don't ya?"

"But you forgot... Mr. Ominious Kevin Sullivan said that this little traitor you guys have been on a search for is a friend of the Hulkster. And I think it's pretty clear by now, MACH... me and Hogan... we are NOT friends, chico. Never have. Never will be."

Hall smirked as he continued, "But... I do happen to know someone who IS friends with him. Someone closer to Hogan than perhaps anyone else... someone standing in this ring with me... looking right at me... RIGHT NOW... MACH."


"Easy! Easy Mach! Look, if you gotta problem with me... I got no problem steppin' into the ring and resolving things The Bad Guy's way. You don't like me and I don't like you... why don't we... settle this... at Halloween Havoc?"

Mean Gene almost blew his lid at the proposal as he asked Macho Man what he thought.

"I would... love NOTHING MORE... than to beat the grease out of your stupid little hair of yours... after Fall Brawl... the MACHO MAN owes THE BAD GUY some payback... so... YOU'RE ON! OOOOOH YEEEEAAAHH!"

Hall cracked another smile as he extended his arm out for a handshake in agreement with the match. After much deliberation, Savage reached out to take the handshake - Hall snatched his own hand back and ran it through his hair. Hall smirked as he backed out of the ring and headed up the aisle while Savage kept his eyes locked on Hall from in the ring.

"There you have it folks" Okerlund summarized - it would be Scott Hall versus Randy Savage at Halloween Havoc!

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After the break, Bischoff took us back to a recap of WCW Saturday Night where Diamond Dallas Page warned "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright of the dangers of touching his 'property' - in the form of both the WCW Television Title as well as The Diamond Doll. We then saw the end of their TV Title match that saw DDP getting disqualified after laying out Wright with a shot from the WCW Television Title after Wright had stepped in to check on Doll who had been a little 'roughed up' by Page prior.


Dallas Page brought out his usual entourage of Diamond Doll and Muscle with him - but Doll was sporting a new fashion statement - as the dress she wore was now wrapped from top to bottom in fabric clearly identifying her as "PROPERTY OF DDP." Bischoff called it downright degrading, while Heenan thought it was a brilliant idea and might use it himself. "What if she gets lost?!" The Brain pointed out. Mongo was surprised Page didn't label his Television Title with the same material, but Heenan called Mongo dim and told him the title belts already have a nameplate!

Ever the gallant gentleman, Hacksaw Jim Duggan seemed very disgusted by the entire scene - and himself showed concern for Doll during the match. Page, however, was very motivated to make a statement during the match and looked strong against Duggan - making sure to literally kick the veteran while he was down. Page stomped on Duggan's fingers as he attempted to pull himself to his feet. The crowd met Page's tactics with loud boos, which began to get to Page causing DDP to lash back out at the crowd - demanding that they shut up and show him some respect!

When Page noticed some fans at ringside spending more time looking at the Doll at ringside than him in the ring, he left the ring and literally got in the face of the male fan. "DID I TELL YOU THAT YOU COULD LOOK AT HER?" Page screamed. Page said he was a CHAMPION and deserved respect. The fan seemed to ignore Page's demands, but this had given Duggan enough time to recover and he attacked Page at ringside!

Suddenly in the driver's seat - Duggan sent Page back into the ring and would pick up a nearfall. Duggan did not let up as he hit Page with an atomic drop before dropping the champion to the mat with a leaping shoulder block.

HOOOOO! Duggan cried out, earning the crowd's echo back of his trademark cheer. Page crawled to the corner as Duggan stomped around the ring with a thumb up to the crowd before bending down into a three point stance. As Page used the turnbuckles to pull himself up, Duggan charged in for his three-point stance clothesline, but Page dodged Duggan!

Duggan's own momentum send him crashing into the turnbuckles...Duggan stumbled out of the corner into the DIAMOND CUTTER from Page! DDP made the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNER - Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall at 6:06

Page pulled away from the referee when he was having his hand raised - and insisted that Doll bring him his Television Title and that SHE be the one to raise up his arm in victory. Doll did so with a forced smile. But as Page was celebrating, Alex Wright showed up at the top of the aisle with a microphone in hand.

"Congratulations champ... that was certainly a big win for you... but please do not forget that Das Wunderkind now has not ONE... but TWO victories over you!"

DDP shook his head in disagreement from the ring, disputing the facts.

"I had a feeling you'd be too afraid to step into the ring with me once again... but that's okay. Because I went to the WCW Championship Committee myself... and whether you like it or not... at Halloween Havoc... you'll be defending that TV Title against me! And this time it'll be THREE FOR THREE!"

This news did not thrill DDP in the ring - but Wright wasn't done yet. "That's right Dallas, at Halloween Havoc... I might just have to leave... with... ALL OF YOUR 'PROPERTY'!" He said that at Halloween Havoc - he might just leave with ALL of your"property."

Wright glanced over at Doll and winked before turning and heading to the back. Page caught Doll smiling as she watched Wright disappear backstage, which only led to some more verbal abuse from Page as we headed to break.

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As the two competitors made their entrance, Bischoff reminded us of the interviews last week that revealed this duo's history with one another - and how it was Benoit who broke Sabu's neck in the ring. Heenan did not understand how in the world these two could ever coexist in a tag team scenario. He followed it by saying Halloween Havoc would be a cakewalk for Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko.

The two circled each other to start the match - measuring each other out to see who was going to strike first. It was Sabu who finally made the first move, literally diving for Benoit's leg, but Benoit was able to avoid the attack. Sabu went for another single leg attack, but Benoit once again dodged it and this time began stomping on the back of Sabu's neck on the mat. Sabu fought his way to his feet where Benoit took him by the arm for an Irish Whip, but Sabu reversed it and sent Benoit into the ropes.

Off the ropes, Sabu took Benoit down with a high knee. It looked like this was going to be a high-impact, fast-paced matchup between these two long-time rivals - but ultimately we would only get a tease as Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko stormed the ring as Benoit was holding Sabu in a waistlock. Malenko and Guerrero both drilled Benoit from behind with a pair of elbow smashes that drew a disqualification as Benoit and Guerrero began to put the boots to a fallen Sabu as well. The referee called for a double disqualification.

WINNER - Double Disqualification Draw at 3:19

As the bell rang furiously, Guerrero and Malenko picked up Sabu and tossed him out of the ring through the middle ropes before they turned their attention back to Benoit. Benoit tried to fight off both men, but the double team was too much. Guerrero climbed to the top turnbuckle as Malenko lifted Benoit up into a fireman's carry before dropping him into a gutbuster! Malenko moved out of the way as Guerrero came off the top with a Frog Splash to Benoit!

As Sabu recovered, he grabbed a chair from ringside and slid into the ring - but Guerrero and Malenko quickly headed for higher ground - leaving Benoit laying as Sabu was left wielding the chair alone in the ring.

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After the break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund returned to the ring - "Ladies and gentlemen - your WCW World Heavyweight Champion HULK HOGAN!"

The crowd got to their feet as the champion himself did indeed appear from the back. Hogan climbed into the ring and joined Okerlund in the
center of the ring to discuss his title match against an unknown member of the Dungeon of Doom at Halloween Havoc.

"Let me tell you somethin', Mean Gene... I can't help but feel a little handicapped... going into Halloween Havoc without knowing exactly who my opponent is gonna be brother. But let me tell you brother, the Hulkster and all the Hulkamaniacs... WE DON'T BACK DOWN FROM A CHALLENGE, JACK!"

"But if there's one thing that really is making the Hulkster sick and tired is the consant mind games coming from the man who ironically lacks a mind of his own...KEVIN SULLIVAN."

"Gene, you know that I've always kept a close circle of 'brothers' in this business... because you never really know who you can trust. And if what The Taskmaster is saying is true... then maybe I need to go back... and re-evaluate every friendship I've made over the years. And to do that, I gotta start right at the top. And there's no man who has been by my side longer than my good friend... my lil buddy... THE MOUTH OF THE SOUTH himself... JIMMY HART!"

At the mention of his name, Jimmy Hart was making his way down to the ring, shaking his head in disbelief that Hogan would even think he might be the traitor in the midst. Hart joined Hogan in the ring, "Say it ain't so Hulkster!" Hart whined, "you know I've always had your back! You can't really think I'd be behind this?"

"You know I don't want to believe it, brother. But quite honestly... I'm having trouble knowing what to believe other. After watching you confront another one of my friends... The Renegade last week... and watching Scott Hall and Randy Savage pointing fingers at one another... I don't know, brother... I just don't think I can trust anyone right now. Not until Halloween Havoc."

Jimmy continued to act defensive - but as he pleaded his case to his longtime friend...The Renegade came stomping down the aisle. Hart immediately ducked behind Hogan as if to use Hogan as a shield. The Renegade snatched the microphone forcefully out of Okerlund's hands...

"HOGAN! JIMMY HART! Don't think that The Renegade has forgotten your accusations! Don't THINK that The Renegade will let you continue to befoul his reputation as a RAT."

The Renegade tried to grab Hart, but Hogan stepped in between them. Renegade reached up took Hogan's shirt collar and pulled him in close.

"I may not be the traitor - HOGAN, but you can rest assured that our allegiance is OVER!"

Renegade released Hogan and left the ring to a confused reaction from the crowd.

As Hogan and Jimmy Hart continued to argue in the ring, "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan walked out from backstage and stood at the top of the aisle. He laughed into the microphone - getting the attention of Hogan in the ring. Sullivan said what we are all witnessing is a "thing of beauty." Sullivan couldn't be more proud of what he has witnessed the past couple of weeks... "Hulkamania is literally unraveling before our very eyes! And if you think the nation of "Hulkamania" is in chaos now...just wait until Halloween Havoc!"

"The end is near Hogan! The final countdown has begun!"

Sullivan let out another evil laugh as Hogan kept repeating "THIS ISN'T OVER YET SULLIVAN" in the ring as we headed to break.

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Before "The Enforcer" made his way down to the ring, we were shown video footage from WCW Saturday Night showing Arn Anderson attacking Brian Pillman outside the ring, costing Pillman a shot at the United States Championship at Halloween Havoc. Bischoff pointed out that it was that incident that led to a match being signed for Halloween Havoc between Anderson and Pillman.

Disco Inferno's fun babyface persona has garnered him a lot of fan support lately, but unfortunately for the fans and Disco, the dancing machine was outmatched against veteran Arn Anderson tonight. While the announcers mostly talked about how Pillman had turned down the chance to be the so-called "protégé" of both Anderson and Ric Flair, Anderson was busy picking apart Disco in the ring.

Disco would attempt to battle back against Anderson, even picking up a nearfall off of a swinging neckbreaker that was preceded by some smooth Disco dancing from the babyface. But an attempt of a piledriver was blocked by Anderson and reversed into a backdrop! Anderson didn't let the offense slip away from him this time, and soon put away Disco with the spinebuster for the three count.

WINNER: Arn Anderson by pinfall at 3:48

As per usual, Anderson's demeanor in a victory was that of little emotion - he simply circled the fallen Disco, as if to measure him up for some more punishment - but Brian Pillman sprinted down to the ring, looking for some payback for Saturday night.

Pillman slid into the ring and met Anderson, tackling him to the mat with a double leg take down. Pillman unleashed a flurry of right hands to the pinned down Anderson before a pair of WCW officials were able to restrain Pillman off of Anderson. Anderson rolled out of the ring and had a wiped away a trickle of blood from his lip. Anderson actually smirked as he watched Pillman being restrained as more officials entered the ring and helped hold the irate Pillman back.

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WCW Saturday Night Preview: In the WCW Studios, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes were at the desk to give us a preview of why we should tune in to TBS on Saturday Night this week. Schiavone revealed that the Dungeon of Doom would be introducing their newest members - a fearsome tag team known as Affliction. Speaking of new tag teams, the "reunited" Cobra and Sgt. Pittman will make team up for the first time in a WCW ring to take on The Nasty Boys. Plus, in the main event - "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall will take on The Shark from the Dungeon of Doom!

= = = = = = = = = =

Backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with the former valet for the now WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat - Sister Sherri. Okerlund wanted to know what was going through Sherri's head after helping Harlem Heat win the titles, only to continue to be rejected by them. Sherri said she was frustrated - she felt like she had put so much time and effort into helping Harlem Heat...they'd be through so much together, but she made one mistake - had one distraction - and they drop her like she meant nothing to them. She had hoped that reason would win out when she took out Colonel Robert Parker last week - but she still finds herself now talking to Mean Gene without a client.

"Excuse me, I hate to intrude" Lord Steven Regal proclaimed as he entered the shot along with his tag partner Earl Robert Eaton. "I don't mean to be rude, but I couldn't help but overhear your little predicament. And, well, I thought that perhaps I could be of some assistance."

"You see, I think we all want to find out just what kind of tag team champions we have. Are they gallant heroes? Knights in shining armor, as it were? If they were, they'd definitely want to come to the rescue of a damsel in distress, wouldn't they?"

Regal glanced over to Eaton, who nodded and began advancing towards Sherri...

"Hey now!" Okerlund said, "what do you think you're doing!" Gene tried to step in between Eaton and Sherri, but Regal warned Okerlund to stay out of this "sunshine."

Regal pulled Okerlund out of the way as Sherri nervously backed up until her back was literally against the wall. Eaton grinned as he moved in to Sherri, but Sherri reached up and clawed Eaton's eyes!

"YOU LITTLE..." Eaton exclaimed before grabbing Sherri by the hair and tossing her to the ground!

"Where are the champions at Mr. Okerlund" Regal wanted to know, "what kind of champions would stand for this?" Regal wanted to know. "Can we get some assistance back here!" Okerlund called out for help - it came in the unlikely form of pair of enhancement talents, Devon Storm and Ace Darling, who ran into the shot and quickly separated Eaton from doing anything else to the fallen Sherri.

Storm backed Eaton down while Darling leaned in and checked on Sherri. "Who the bloody Hell are you two?" Regal asked sarcastically as Eaton rejoined his side.

"My, my - you two don't know what you're getting yourself into - sticking your noses where it doesn't belong." But Regal didn't seem interested in following up with that threat - atleast not now. Regal instructed Eaton to leave with him - insisting they would "deal" with these two later.

= = = = = = = = = =

MAIN EVENT: THE GIANT and MENG (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan) versus "THE MACHO MAN" RANDY SAVAGE and STING

On one side of the ring you had the United States Champion Sting teaming with the fan favorite Macho Man while on the other side of the ring you had the Dungeon of Doom represented by the number one contender to Sting's title - Meng and the 7-foot monster simply known as The Giant. The match got started with Macho Man up against Meng - which saw Macho Man unable to strike much effective offense against the Tongan Warrior. But Macho dodged Meng's own stiff attacks and finally took the Tongan down with a scoop slam followed by a kneedrop.

Savage tagged in Sting, who climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit a flying clothesline to Meng to send him to the mat. Sting energized the crowd and kept on the attack to Meng, who kept battling back from anything the faces threw at him as if it didn't even phase him. Bischoff had to wonder how Sting was going to be able to keep Meng down long enough for a three-count tonight OR at Halloween Havoc. And "good luck getting him to submit" - The Brain added.

Sting ran into a stiff throat thrust from Meng, leveling the US Champion and allowing the heels to start to control the offense. The Giant was tagged in and made the big step over the top rope and began imposing his will on the Stinger. The Giant's offense was slow but definitely very effective and Sting sold like a champ for the monster. The Giant and Meng took turns literally beating the face paint right off Sting while Macho Man was busy trying to rally the crowd from the apron. With Meng back in the ring, Sting countered a backdrop attempt with an attempt of a sunset flip, but Meng held on and sat down on the attempt for a pin of his own -

ONE! TWO! THRE....SAVAGE with the save!

Savage left the ring at the behest of the referee while Sting tried to rally back once again - this time hitting some hard punches to Meng and following it up with a discus punch that staggered Meng enough to allow Sting to bounce off the ropes and take Meng down with a crossbody. Sting rolled to the corner and tagged in Savage.

Savage picked up where Sting left off, climbing to the middle turnbuckle and hitting a flying axhandle to the recovering Meng. Savage would control the offense long enough to send Meng into the corner with an Irish Whip. Savage pointed back to the Stinger and tagged him in so Sting could run in with a STINGER SPLASH!

Sting whipped Meng into the opposite corner and charged in with another STINGER SPLASH! Running bulldog out of the corner by Sting to Meng! The crowd was coming alive as Sting took Meng and turned him over into the Scorpion Deathlock!

The referee was checking in on Meng when The Giant charged in with a CLUBBING blow to Sting's back! The Giant ignored the referee as he wrapped his palm around Sting's throat - only to have Savage attack The Giant from behind. The Giant no-sold Savage's attack, but dropped Sting and turned his attention to Savage, grabbing Savage and literally tossing him over the top rope to the floor! The Taskmaster pulled a crowbar out from his overcoat as he moved in for a cheapshot on Savage....but Scott Hall had sprinted down to the ring!

Hall snatched the crowbar from Sullivan! The startled Sullivan backed off as Hall wielded the crowbar. Hall pointed the crowbar towards Sullivan.

However, as Randy Savage staggered to his feet at ringside, he found Scott Hall standing over him with crowbar in hand! Feeling threatened, Savage shoved Hall and pulled the crowbar away from him. Savage wanted to know what Hall thought he was doing. The referee had joined them at ringside to attempt to restore order but this only allowed a double team to continue on Sting in the ring!

Sting fell victim to The Chokeslam from The Giant! Meng, being the legal man, made the pin while the referee slid back in - One, Two, Savage finally noticed the pin but made the save too late - THREE!

WINNERS: The Giant & Meng by pinfall at 11:31

As the show came to a close, Scott Hall backed up the aisle - watching in the ring as Randy Savage tried to fight off Meng to prevent any further damage to his partner Sting, but The Giant assaulted Savage from behind with strikes from his massive right arm.

Savage fell victim to a Chokeslam from The Giant - leaving the Dungeon of Doom standing tall with Giant and Meng in the ring along with the ringleader Taskmaster joining them to stand tall over Sting and Savage - while Hall did not seem too interested in making the save for the two fallen men.

The show faded out on a shot of Taskmaster lifting up the arms of both The Giant and Meng in victory.


WCW Halloween Havoc
October 15, 1995

Current Card

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Hulk Hogan (c) vs. A Mystery Member of the Dungeon of Doom

"The Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall

WCW United States Championship Match
Sting (c) vs. Meng

"Flyin'" Brian Pillman vs. "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson

WCW Television Championship Match
Diamond Dallas Page (c) vs "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright

Tag Team Grudge Match

Chris Benoit & Sabu vs. Dean Malenko & Eddy Guerrero
Last edited:


Sep 14, 2022
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team

WCW Saturday Night
October 7, 1995
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes

A recap of the ending of WCW Monday Nitro as a "misunderstanding" at ringside between Scott Hall and Randy Savage allowed The Giant and Meng to pick up a pinfall over Sting in the main event of Nitro.

After the WCW Saturday Night intro, it was Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes IN STUDIO to call tonight's action, which would be headlined by the man of much controversy lately in WCW - "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall taking on one of the larger men in the Dungeon of Doom - The Shark! But also tonight in action would be a new tag team from the Dungeon of Doom and much, much more!

BLACK MAGIC versus EDDY GUERRERO (w/Dean Malenko)

While Schiavone and Rhodes continued to comment on how strong the Dungeon of Doom looked at the end of Nitro - the masked African American "luchadore" Black Magic was making his way down to the ring to open up the show. Facing off against this masked man was Eddy Guerrero, who was looking to get a victory under his belt as we head towards Malenko and Guerrero's big tag match at Halloween Havoc against Chris Benoit and Sabu.

Schiavone and Rhodes' conversation would mostly center around building up that tag match, and how Sabu and Benoit were going to have to be able to find a way to coexist against Malenko and Guerrero, who had proven to be cohesive in their outings together thus far. In the ring, Black Magic matched Guerrero's speed early, but this one quickly turned in the direction of the Latino Guerrero. A brainbuster from Guerrero set up Black Magic perfectly for a Frog Splash to seal the deal and pick up the victory.

WINNER - Eddy Guerrero by pinfall in 3:29

Dean Malenko entered the ring after the match and lifted up his partner's hand in victory. Schiavone noted that this duo was going to be a difficult one to stop, even for Benoit and Sabu!


In a pre-recorded segment in the Dungeon of Doom - we saw "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan standing alone at first.

"As the Dungeon continues its quest towards its ultimate goal of ending Hulkamania once and for all... others from around the world of darkness have begun to take notice... others are wanting to be part of this movement. There are those...in this world... who would love nothing more to cause the pain and DESTRUCTION of not just HULKAMANIA...but to the REST OF WCW! The pain...the suffering...THE AFFLICTION...is coming to WCW. Tonight, the Dungeon of Doom grows even stronger...


This IS the BEGINNING OF THE END for all other WCW tag teams.




This is all coming for WCW."

Two large men joined the shot, now standing behind Kevin Sullivan, brooding intensely. The eagle-eyed fan instantly would recognize these men as Bryan Clark who was Adam Bomb in the WWF; and Brian Adams who was Crush. Kevin Sullivan introduced us to their new names as they join WCW:





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THE ARMSTRONG BROTHERS versus THE AFFLICTION (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

Scott and Steve Armstrong were already in the ring, nervously awaiting their opponents for the evening. They were introduced as Wrath and Fury - the team we had just seen the introductory video package for - the Dungeon of Doom's newest team - The Affliction. The Taskmaster led them to the ring - both men dressed in robes and wearing almost medievalesque helmets on their heads. The two monsters climbed into the ring with Sullivan before removing their robes and helmets.

As the match got underway, it was pretty evident that this was going to be a one-sided affair. The monsters Wrath and Fury looked dominant in the ring as neither Scott nor Steve Armstrong was able to put a dent into the beasts. After taking out Steve Armstrong with a big boot, Wrath tagged in Fury. They teamed up to hit a Double Back Suplex to Steve. Scott Armstrong ran in, but ate a Double Big Boot from the twin towers.

This was the beginning of the end as Wrath lifted Scott up for a Power Bomb as Fury came flying in with a diving clothesline! Fury made the cover and this one was academic. It was an impressive debut for the newest team in the Dungeon of Doom.

WINNERS - The Affliction by pinfall in 1:17

Rhodes commented as Sullivan lifted up the arms of the two monsters in the ring, that WCW certainly had a lot to worry about as the Dungeon of Doom just got even scarier!

= = = = = = = = = =

Backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with The Renegade. Okerlund wanted to get the Renegade's thoughts on being accused by Jimmy Hart of being the traitor in Hogan's "inner circle."

Renegade called Jimmy Hart a "snake in the grass" and that he could not be trusted. He called Hogan a "fool" for keeping such a snake on his shoulder...but he certainly did not need to worry about The Renegade betraying him - because The Renegade wanted nothing to do with Hogan ANYMORE!

The Renegade revealed that Hogan approached him earlier and wanted to apologize to The Renegade for ever doubting him and apologized on behalf of Jimmy Hart. Renegade was not interested in any of Hogan's apologizes - but did reveal that this week on WCW Monday Nitro, he would be taking on The Giant in one on one action...and that he planned to "cut The Giant DOWN TO SIZE...HOWEVR....I AM NOT DOING THIS FOR YOU...HOGAN. OH NO, THIS IS FOR THE RENEGADE!"

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WCW Hotline: Gene Okerlund's voice attempted to entice us into spending some money on learning the latest dish in WCW before you can see it ANYWHERE else! It looks like WCW might be looking to debut a new "talk show" segment on WCW Saturday Night. Okerlund says we won't believe who might be lined up to host this segment! Okerlund said that the WCW tag division really seems to be heating up - and there are more teams wanting to make an impact in the tag division. What "free agent" tag teams out there might be wanting a spot in WCW, and when can we expect to see them in a WCW ring? And could any of these teams possibly end up with Sister Sherri in their corner?? Call now to find out before everyone else!

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Schiavone reminded us that this past week on Monday Nitro - Alex Wright revealed to Diamond Dallas Page that it would be he who would be receiving a WCW Television Title match at Halloween Havoc. Rhodes commented that Wright certainly seems to have DDP's number recently, as Wright has two victories...even if they were both either by countout or disqualification. But a win, is a win - so says The American Dream.

Schiavone was more interested in the dynamic of the Diamond Doll...he admitted he couldn't help but notice the looks that had been exchanged between Wright and the Doll recently, and with the way Page has treated her - he wouldn't be surprised if Wright left Halloween Havoc with the title and the Doll!

But tonight, it was Page's own personal bodyguard Muscle who was trying to take care of Wright before we even get to Halloween Havoc - and he was having some success, using those huge muscular biceps of his to his advantage to wearing down the number one contender to the Television Title.

Muscle continued to use those big arms of his to try and put Wright out with a sleeper hold, but before the referee could check Wright's arm a third time...Wright proved to still have some life in him and broke the submission with a jawbreaker. The young German had the momentum swinging in his favor as his opponent for Halloween Havoc - Diamond Dallas Page - made his way down to the ring to attempt to put a halt to Wright's growing momentum in the match. Page climbed the apron - engaging in some verbal sparring with the youngster as Maxx Muscle recovered behind him. Maxx charged in to attack Wright from behind, but Alex moved out of the way!

Muscle collided with his boss Page, sending DDP off the apron as Wright latched in a waistlock and hit the Bridging German Suplex to Muscle!

One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Alex Wright by pinfall in 5:42

Muscle rolled out of the ring and joined Page who had made his way up to the aisle - clearly upset with Muscle for not being able to "take care of business" against Wright in the ring. Wright, on the other hand, had a huge grin on his face as the referee lifted up his arm in victory. Schiavone noted this was a huge victory for "Das Wunderkind" and he has certainly been on a roll lately - could we be looking at the next WCW Television Champion?!

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Backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund had caught up with the young tag team of Devon Storm and Ace Darling who had surprisingly come to the aid of Sister Sherri on WCW Monday Nitro when she was being harassed by The Blue Bloods. After watching a replay of the incident, Okerlund wanted to get Storm and Darling's thoughts.

Storm admitted that they couldn't just sit idly by and watch a couple of British Bullies act like that towards a woman - someone needed to put them in their place, and if it wasn't going to be Sherri's former clients Harlem Heat - Storm and Darling had no problem defending a lady.

Okerlund wondered if Storm & Darling were attempting to win over Sherri as her possible new clients. Darling stated that it would be an honor to have someone like Sister Sherri in their corner, but that's not what this is about...this was about putting a stop to their bullying and not letting them lay their hands on a woman.

In walked, Lord Steven Regal and Earl Robert Eaton - as Regal laughed and sarcastically responded, "Well aren't we just the Knights in Shining Armor?" Regal said he could see right through their little act of chivalry...this wasn't about that at all, Okerlund was onto something when he said this was all just a big act to get "the little wench" on their team.

Regal pointed out that the "amazing" team of Devon Storm and Ace Darling hasn't exactly been setting the world on fire with their impressive winning ways, "now have they?" Regal reminded them that he promised to take care of them...well, that time had come...because their match was up next!

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The veterans Regal and Eaton seemed very eager to squash any hopes the young duo of Storm and Darling had at victory tonight. The offense on Storm and Darling was extra stiff from Regal as he looked to make an "example" out of the young team for their interference in their confrontation with Sister Sherri while also trying to showcase why they deserve a shot at the WCW Tag Team Titles.

Despite the best efforts of Regal and Eaton to keep Storm and Darling down, the more inexperienced team was looking to prove a point of their own...and they were not going down without a fight. As Darling fought back against Eaton, Regal voiced his displeasure to Eaton from the apron - but this only distracted Eaton, allowing Darling to hit a dropkick right in Eaton's back! Darling tagged in Devon Storm and together they sent Eaton into the turnbuckle with an Irish Whip before Darling then Irish Whipped Storm towards Eaton. Devon showed off his athleticism by adding handspring into a clothesline to the cornered Eaton.

A standing moonsault from Storm picked up a nearfall but was broken up by Regal.

When Ace Darling tried to interject, the referee cut him off, allowing Regal to stomp on the back of Devon Storm's head before pulling him up and hitting a butterfly suplex! Regal left the ring as the referee relegated Darling back to his corner. Eaton would make the tag to Regal, who charged in with a knee to the recovering Storm's face. Regal took control briefly before sending Storm into the ropes. Storm leapfrogged a backdrop attempt from Regal, then bounced off the opposite ropes and hit a crossbody to Regal to take him down!

But as Eaton distracted the referee, Regal scored a LOW BLOW to Devon Storm to quickly halt his momentum. A back suplex laid out Storm, allowing Regal to lock in the Regal Stretch!

In came Darling to try and break it up, but Eaton took out Darling! Storm tried to fight off the submission, but the pain was too much and he was trapped in the middle of the ring...Storm had no choice but to tap.

WINNERS: The Blue Bloods by submission in 9:02

After the match had concluded, Regal refused to release the Regal Stretch - continuing to apply the submission to the young Devon Storm. Ace Darling slid back into the ring and ducked a right hand from Eaton before moving in and hitting a Northern Lights Suplex to Eaton! Sensing trouble, Regal released the submission and rolled out of the ring before Darling could make the save for his trapped partner. Darling picked up Eaton and dumped him out of the ring to join his partner at ringside.

Regal helped his loyal subject back up to his feet and the duo headed up the aisle but did not return to the back without turning back to face the ring. Regal grabbed Eaton's arm and threw both of their arms up in the air in victory, only to receive a warm round of boos from the crowd. Back in the ring, Darling knelt beside his partner to check on him as he recovered from the Regal Stretch.

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In the back, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was with Johnny B. Badd to discuss his recent altercation with NJPW and Sony Oono. Badd reminded us that he had IWGP Heavyweight Champion The Great Muta RIGHT where he wanted him at Fall Brawl, but the "dastardly Muta" found a way to win that was quite clearly "outside the rulebook." Now he said that Sony Oono, that "little man" was refusing to grant a rematch for "The Badd Man." Badd stated that if he couldn't get his hands on Muta - he'd have no problem making a joke out of either one of the cronies that Oono had attack him FROM BEHIND last week. "Just bring it on!" Badd challenged.

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After Kensuke Sasaki and Masahiro Chono showed up to attack Johnny B. Badd on behalf of Sony Oono and NJPW, Masahiro Chono was successful last week on WCW Saturday Night in singles competition - how would Kenske Sasaki fair?

Schiavone was sure that Johnny B. Badd was watching this match closely in the back, because he certainly had a "future date" with one of those two men. It was pretty clear from the lack of an intro for Scott Borders that this one was going to be a one-sided affair. Susaki was dominant here, wasting no time putting a punishment on Borders. A Northern Lights Bomb laid out Borders which was enough to set him up for the step-over head armbar known as the Strangle Hold Gamma!

Borders did not last long in the submission before he was tapping out.

WINNER: Kensuke Sasaki by submission in 2:20

Sony Oono climbed into the ring and lifted up Sasaki's arm in victory as Schiavone and Rhodes talked about his dominant performance and how these NJPW stars could really make an impact here in WCW.

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview: In the WCW Studio, Eric Bischoff was by himself this week to hype up this week's WCW Monday Nitro. The Renegade would be looking to make a statement and show Hulk Hogan and the world where he stands as he takes on The Dungeon of Doom's behemoth - The Giant! We would also hear from the new WCW Tag Team Champions - Harlem Heat - perhaps they'll be able to answer for their lack of action to help their former valet Sister Sherri last week on Nitro. Also in action, would be WCW United States Heavyweight Champion Sting as he takes on another member of the Dungeon of Doom - The Zodiac. Would The Zodiac be looking to weaken up Sting as he prepares to defend against Meng at Halloween Havoc! It's the last Monday Nitro before Halloween Havoc, so Bischoff assures us that you shouldn't miss it!

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Sgt. Craig Pittman was teaming up for the first time with his former subordinate turned rival turned subordinate...Cobra, or as he was introduced now Corporal Cobra. The Nasty Boys were looking to get off their recent losing slump - while Desert Storm was looking to make an impact in their first match together as a team. The military team was very vocal during the match, especially when Cobra was in the ring and Pittman was on the apron as Pittman would shout out commands to Cobra, who would repeat his commander's instructions before obeying.

The Nasty Boys seemed out of sorts during the match, as they have not been on the same page for weeks now, and their miscommunication continued to showcase in this match. After Cobra and Pittman controlled most of the match, Jerry Saggs began to battle back as he executed two consecutive lariats to Cobra before tagging in Knobbs. The Nasty ones looked like they may be getting back on the same page as they first hit Cobra with a double hiptoss before dropping a double elbowdrop to the Corporal. The referee had to escort Saggs to his corner to even the odds, but this allowed Pittman to enter the ring and attack Knobbs from behind with a double axehandle! Knobbs fought back against Pittman, sending Pittman out of the ring, but this had given Cobra enough time to recover!

With Knobbs backed turned, Cobra locked in the Cobra Clutch to Knobbs! He pulled Knobbs back towards the middle of the ring and laid him out with the Cobra Clutch Slam! Cobra made the cover - One, Two...Saggs looked to be climbing into the ring to make the save, but outside the ring - Pittman grabbed Saggs' foot to prevent him from doing so - three!

WINNER: Operation: Desert Storm by pinfall in 6:58

Cobra and Pittman left the ring with an impressive victory in their debut outing as a tag team. But the aftermath in the ring was not looking good between the duo of Saggs and Knobbs. Once Knobbs was back up to his feet, he complained to Saggs about the loss, which led to a shoving match between the two tag team partners.

From the back, V.K. Wallstreet came down to the ring to join the arguing partners. Noticeably absent from his usual attire was his steel Halliburton briefcase he had been seen with each and every time he had approached a wrestler in the back. He did however have a microphone and began to speak as he headed down the aisle.

"Gentlemen...Gentlemen...let's not let our tempers get the best of us? That's not a good look for your image! How do you expect to be a marketable tag team if you're fighting amongst yourselves?"

Saggs and Knobbs stopped their arguing long enough to turn their attention to Wallstreet as he climbed into the ring.

"Now I recently offered you boys a proposition. And you know, I don't believe you exactly said no to the offer, did you? And by the looks of things...if anyone needs my services, it's you two. Just look at you...I don't think you can get much..lower..at this point. I think you can use the touch of Wallstreet to get that 'spark' you need to get back to that tag team gold. What do you say?"

Knobbs and Saggs leaned into one another but didn't need to discuss it very long before Knobbs walked over, getting into Wallstreet's face so that he could be heard on the microphone.



And we will NEEEEEEVVVVEERRR sell out to....a man..in A SUIT!"

Wallstreet smirked, "Ya know, I figured you would say that...."

"But that's okay! Because the fact of the matter is this...I would NEVER be able to represent to stains on society like you two! To have Wallstreet on your side...you have to have some class. Some dignity! And you have to be...CIVILIZED. And clearly, the NASTY BOYS are NONE of those things!"

Saggs and Knobbs weren't even mad at Wallstreet's comments. They seemed to take pride in those words, shrugging their shoulders and agreeing with him.

"HOWEVER...it just so happens...I have found someone who does want to represent those things. Someone who is about to sky rocket straight to the top of WCW because everything I touch...turns to gold! This man...is going to be the FUTURE of WCW!"

From out of nowhere, Scotty Riggs entered the ring from behind the Nasty Boys - his hair slicked back and wearing a suit as well...and in his hand was the steel briefcase normally carried by Wallstreet!

Riggs smacked the briefcase across the back of Jerry Saggs! When Knobbs turned around to try and help his partner, Wallsteet jumped Knobbs from behind - sending him to the mat where Riggs and Wallstreet both began stomping on his back.

With both members of the Nasty Boys laid out, Wallstreet took Riggs' arm and lifted it up while Riggs lifted up the briefcase with his other arm to boos from the crowd.

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MAIN EVENT: THE SHARK (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan) versus "THE BAD GUY" SCOTT HALL

As the match got underway, Schiavone and Rhodes began discussing the altercation on Nitro between Hall and "The Macho Man" Randy Savage which led to a match between the two being signed for Halloween Havoc. They discussed the likelihood of Hall being the one turning his back on Hogan, but ultimately they agreed that Hall has never represented himself as a friend of Hogan in any way, shape, or form - so it wouldn't really make sense for him to be the traitor.

With all that said, Hall went at the much larger Shark from the opening bell - repeatedly hitting him with some hard right hands that rocked the big man, but was not enough to take him down. The Shark battled back and would ultimately begin to use his size to his advantage to take control. Shark hit a couple of corner splashes to Hall before laying him out with a sidewalk slam that would get a two count. The powerful punishment from Shark continued as he scooped up Hall and slammed him to the mat before taking his huge nearly 500 pound body and WALKED across Hall's chest.

Hall continued to sell the effects of the offense from Shark as he rolled to ringside to try and regain some composure, but Shark was on the hunt and followed him to the outside. But Hall proved to have a plan as he met Shark with a boot to the midsection and whipped Shark into the steel ring post! The brawl on the outside proved to be to be beneficial for the Bad Guy, as he took control and rolled the big man back into the ring. Hall dropped an elbow across the Shark's chest before hooking the near leg for a pinfall, but Shark kicked out.

Hall would attempt to set up Shark for his Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy finish, but Shark proved to be too much for Hall to lift up, and Shark backdropped his way out! This opened the door back open for Shark, who hit an Atomic Drop to Hall before locking Hall in a bearhug submission! Shark was trying to squeeze the life out of the Bad Guy, and it looked like it might be working as the referee checked Hall's arm twice only to have it fall both times. But on the third time, the crowd had rallied behind Hall enough to bring him back and keep that arm up! A pair of earringers from Hall helped free himself from the Shark's tight clutches.

Hall hit a pair of right hands before hitting a third discus right hand that staggered Shark even more. Hall bounced off the ropes and hit a lariat that finally took Shark to the mat! Hall began to pull Shark up, but Shark shoved Hall backward! Hall charged into a POWERSLAM from the Shark!

One, Two, Thre...KICKOUT by Hall!

The end of the match came as Shark actually looked like he was going to take to the turnbuckles as he climbed to the middle turnbuckle for what looked like to be an attempt at a version of a Bonzai Drop, but Hall recovered and attacked Shark from behind with a clubbing blow to his back. This stopped Shark in his tracks on the turnbuckle, allowing Hall to put his back to Shark's back...Hall grabbed Shark's arms in a crucifix from the turnbuckles and walked out of the corner...SAY GOODNIGHT TO THE BAD GUY!

Hall looked exhausted from hitting the move, but managed to crawl over and hook a leg - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Scott Hall by pinfall in 8:33

The Taskmaster was obviously NOT pleased with the Shark's loss as he shook and watched on from ringside - but tonight it was "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall standing tall as WCW Saturday Night came to a close!
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Wrestling Observer News Recap
  • WCW Saturday Night saw the debut of two new members of the Dungeon of Doom. Many will recognize them as a couple of noteable WWF midcard "big men" - Brian Adams and Bryan Clark - otherwise known as Crush and Adam Bomb, now going by Fury and Wrath as the tag team known as Affliction. Clark's contract recently expired and he elected not to resign with the WWF, citing unhappiness with the direction of his character. After an initial strong push out the gate, the Adam Bomb character remained mostly directionless. Adams' situation was a little more tricky. As Crush, Adams had some decent success including an Intercontinental Championship run and a notable feud with Randy Savage. In March of this year, he was arrested for steroid purchases and possession of an illegal firearm. He was fired on March 25 from the WWF. His friendship with Savage has helped facilitate Adams getting this new contract with WCW.​
  • Could more former WWF talent be heading to WCW? Another couple of names that have been linked to discussions have included The Barbarian and The Warlord, with the thought they could be brought in as a tag team. With the addition of Affliction though, this may change as there may not be a need to bring in two "powerhouse" teams back to back.​
  • Could Starrcade be a NJPW/WCW crossover show? There are on-going discussions between WCW and NJPW about making Starrcade a WCW vs. NJPW show, with even more talent coming in. We've seen the likes of Muta, Jushin Liger, Kensuke Sasaki and Masahiro Chono in recent weeks alongside Sony Oono. Could there be more NJPW talent on it's way to WCW?​
  • A couple other contract situations going on in WWF. As we've previously reported, Jeff Jarrett continues to be in negotiations with WWF about returning. There's a bit of an internal debate going on as many think it sets a bad precedent to welcome him back after he walked out on the company, while others have defended him, calling him a "model employee" before the walkout and he was justified in thinking the plans the had for him were detrimental to his character. As of now, neither party have come to an agreement. Meanwhile, Tatanka's another one is currently in some legal issues that could prevent WWF from bringing him back. Dave didn't have many details but Tatanka's suspension is more of a pre-emptive measure related to some allegations that are currently being investigated.​
  • Over in the WWF, Bill Watts will be taking over most of the creative responsibility. This will allow Vince McMahon to spend more time with his corporate executive responsibilities. Though it's said Vince will probably retain the final say and can overrule Watts in the end. It is expected that Watts will be focusing on trying to bring up the TV ratings and give more attention to Raw especially with less major angles taking place on shows like Superstars in order to compete with Nitro.​
  • WWF ran a poll on Raw asking fans to vote on if they think O.J. Simpson was guilty. While they seemed to have good intentions by promising to donate the proceeds of the vote to abused children's charities, they have received a lot of backlash because the charities were never contacted about this and believe it or not, they didn't like their names associated with a double-murder case. WWF has issued an apology.
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WCW Monday Nitro
October 9, 1995
Announcers: Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Steve "Mongo" McMichael

Previously on WCW Monday Nitro: A confrontation between Randy Savage and Scott Hall lead to a match between the duo being signed for Halloween Havoc; Speculation continued about who the traitor in the Hulkamania camp was - The Renegade confronted Jimmy Hart and Hulk Hogan about Hart's accusations the week prior and defend himself while ending his association with Hogan as a result; in a main event tag match - Sting and Randy Savage teamed up to take on the Dungeon of Doom's The Giant & Meng. When Taskmaster tried to bring out a crowbar to use, Scott Hall came to ringside and pulled the crowbar from his hands, but when spotted by Savage wielding the crowbar, an altercation ensued outside the ring, while inside the ring Sting was laid out by The Giant with Meng picking up the three count victory over the United States Champion.

Eric Bischoff welcomed us to the show alongside Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Steve "Mongo" McMichael. Bischoff reminded us that we were now less than one week away from Halloween Havoc, where Hulk Hogan would have to defend the WCW Heavyweight Title against literally the unknown. Tonight, one of those possible contenders - The Giant would be stepping into the ring against a man that's on a mission to step outside the Hulkamania shadow - The Renegade.

Bischoff also said we would hear from WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat. Bischoff also assured us that Randy Savage, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, and the rest of the Dungeon of Doom are all in the building tonight...so ANYTHING could happen tonight LIVE on TNT.

STING versus THE ZODIAC (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

But we start things off tonight with non-title action as Sting looked to pick up a win over another Dungeon of Doom member to get some momentum heading into his match with Meng at Halloween Havoc, while The Zodiac was no doubt looking to weaken Sting up for his teammate.

Sting fired up the crowd early and was looking to make short work of The Zodiac, but a distraction from Sullivan at ringside allowed Zodiac to attack the Stinger from behind to gain the upperhand. After an atomic drop, Zodiac laid out Sting with a big lariat before going for the cover - but only got a two count on Sting. Zodiac looked to continue on the offensive, but as he pulled Sting up, Sting battled back and dropped him with a Diving DDT.

The crowd was solidly behind Stinger as he hit a pair of Stinger Splashes to Zodiac before hitting a running one-handed bulldog out of the corner. Sting walked over to Zodiac's legs and turned him over in the Scorpion Deathlock! The referee checked in and it was not long before Zodiac was tapping!

WINNER: Sting by submission in 5:32

Sting climbed the turnbuckles and tossed his hands up to a pop from the crowd while Taskmaster snarled at ringside. Bischoff proclaimed this a "big momentum gain" for Sting heading into his US Title defense against Meng this Sunday!

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Backstage, Big Bubba Rogers was getting ready for his match tonight when in walked WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page.

Bubba was startled, and looked ready for a fight, but Page eased the tension, "Woah, woah there hoss. I come in peace! "

Bubba lowered his arms as Page continued. "Now...correct me if I'm wrong their big boy, but I've heard you used to be a prison guard, am I right?

Bubba nodded, "Yup, you got that right!"

"And you've done some bodyguard work too?"

"Yup! One of the best."

Page smiled, seeming bpleased with Bubba's answers. "That's perfect because I think I have a job for you...I've got a lot to protect.."

"Aw yeah, you mean that purty lil' thing you with you to the ring?"

DDP smirked and nodded. "You got that right!" Page then motioned toward his WCW Television Title, "Just look at this baby!"

"But I'll also want you to make sure nothing happens to my Doll too. And don't worry about the pay, I gotcha covered, my man."

"You got it, what do you need from me?"

"Well you got Alex Wright tonight, right? How about you make sure that boy can't walk out of the ring tonight...if ya know what I'm sayin'."

Bubba grinned, rubbing his hands together while nodding his head. "Crystal clear....boss!"

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After Maxx Muscle failed to take care of Wright on WCW Saturday Night, it appeared as though Diamond Dallas Page was looking for another way to take care of Wright before Halloween Havoc - so enter Big Bubba Rogers, who suddenly had a different outlook on his match with the young German tonight.

Rogers wasted no time taking the stiff hits to Wright - looking more viscous in the ring than he has in quite a while since joining WCW. Despite the hard-hitting attack from Rogers, Wright hung tough and telegraphed a backdrop attempt from Rogers, taking him down with a swinging neckbreake! Wright outmaneuvered Bubba, picking up a couple of quick nearfalls before Bubba scored a poke to the eye of Wright to slow the smaller wrestler down.

Bubba locked Wright in a chinlock to keep the match more at his speed, but Wright wasn't about to submit. Bubba would eventually release the hold before driving his knee down into Wright's lower back. After a delayed brainbuster, Rogers rolled out of the ring and returned to the ring with a steel chair in hand!

The referee tried to stop Bubba, but Bubba shoved the referee to the mat and cracked the chair across Wright's back - drawing the disqualification.

WINNER: Alex Wright by disqualification at 5:33

Rogers clearly did not care about the result of the match, but was more interested in following up with his deal to Diamond Dallas Page as he slammed the chair across Wright's back again! Rogers brought the chair down two more times into Wright's back before dropping the chair to the mat and pulling Alex back to his feet.

He lifted Wright up and dropped him onto the mat with his powerbomb known as the Bubba Spike!

Satisfied with the damage he had caused, Big Bubba left the ring and headed up the aisle - where Diamond Dallas Page greeted him, who also seemed to be happy with the work Bubba had done.

As medics were attending to Wright, a close-up of a handshake between Bubba and Page revealed a roll of bills being exchanged between the duo.

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WCW Saturday Night Preview: In the WCW Studio, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes greeted us to discuss this week's WCW Saturday Night, also known as the LAST show before Halloween Havoc! This week on WCW Saturday Night, Sabu and Chris Benoit will team up to get some much-needed experience working together so that they will be able to match up with the more cohesive Dean Malenko & Eddy Guerrero at the PPV! Plus, "The Professor" Mike Tenay has a sitdown interview with Brian Pillman as he prepares for his big match against "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson. Plus all the top stars will be on hand as we gear up for the "scariest" Pay-Per-View of the year!

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After the commercial break, Eric Bischoff's voice is panicked as we immediately cut to the back where WCW United States Champion Sting was seen laid out backstage.

WCW officials and medics had already gathered around. Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage joined the chaos - both men wanting to know what happened, but no one seemed to have any answers. "This is how we found him," one WCW official responded.

"This is the handiwork of...Dungeon of Doom...OR...MAYBE IT WAS THE TRAITOR!" Hulk Hogan told Savage, who leaned down to examine Sting's body on the ground.

"Hold the phone...what do we have here?" Savage reached down, finding a crowbar lying on the ground next to Sting. "Oh I know EXACTLY who did this.... I'm gonna handle this... OOOOH YEAH!"

Savage walked off as Hogan was left shaking his head as he watched the medics attend to the Stinger.

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Elsewhere backstage, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat.

Okerlund commented that he was at a loss for words for what we had just witnessed to the United States champion, but he was here with the tag champions, and wanted to first get some thoughts about what happened last week on Nitro when The Blue Bloods attempted to get the attention of the champions by "bullying" their former valet, Sister Sherri. Okerlund wanted to know where the champions were and why they didn't help.

"LOOK HERE SUCKA," an aggrivated Stevie Ray responded, "I've already said over... AND OVER... again and I'm gettin' a little tired of repeatin' myself. We don't got no ties to Sister Sherri anymore! None what-so-eva! So her business... it ain't our business! It's hers! And nlike Sherri, we don't stick our nose where it don't belong, ya dig?"

"With all do respect, Stevie Ray, the fact that Regal and Eaton were only doing it because they wanted another shot at your tag titles... kind of makes it your business, does it not?"

"I don't like your tone, Gene!"
Booker T interrupted, "We already said those fruit booties had their chance, and they lost to us int he first place. I don't know what they're tryin' to prove."

"Well, then can I ask if you are worried that perhaps Sherri might find another team to..."

"Let me stop you right there, Gene. Me and my brotha, we ain't worried 'bout nothin, ya dig? Harlem Heat is the top tag team in WCW... nah, in the WORLD! Sherri's damaged goods as a manager. Ain't no tag team in the WORLD that is gonna work with her and her tainted reputation. And if they did, they'd be no one to sweat, ok? Harlem Heat are gonna be the tag champs for a long... LONG time. Now can you dig that..


Before Booker T could finish his "sucka," Lord Steven Regal and Earl Robert Eaton came from off-screen - attacking the tag champions from behind!

Okerlund headed for safety as Booker T and Stevie Ray began to battle back against the sneak attack. Before things could get too heated, more officials were there to break it up.

"It's certainly been a chaotic night for our backstage officials," Bischoff pointed out as the two tag teams were held apart from any further brawling.


JOHNNY B. BADD versus KENSUKE SASAKI (w/Sony Oono & Masahiro Chono)

As Badd made his way down to the ring, we revisited WCW Saturday Night's promo where Badd stated if he couldn't get his hands on The Great Muta again, he'd gladly take out any of Oono's other NJPW stars....and it would appear that tonight that would be Kensuke Sasaki, who was accompanied to the ring by fellow NJPW star Masahiro Chono and their manager/translator Sony Oono. Bischoff mentioned the impressive win Sasaki had on WCW Saturday Night, but that Johnny B. Badd would certainly be more of a challenge.

The motivated Badd went right at Sasaki, which seemed to take the Japanese star by surprise. After Badd controlled the offense early, Sasaki headed to ringside to regroup. Badd followed Sasaki to the outside, which would prove to be a mistake. Oono provided a distraction to the referee as Masahiro Chono attacked Badd with a cheapshot from behind! Chono and Sasaki then grabbed one of Badd's arms and whipped him hard into the ring steps. Chono backed off as Oono climbed off the apron.

Sasaki rolled Badd back into the ring and picked up a nearfall before going back to work offensively - picking apart Badd and focusing his offensive attack on his neck. Sasaki would lock in a Boston Crab in attempt to get him to submit - but Badd refused to give up and would use some fan support to help himself reach the bottom rope. Sasaki used up his entire 5 second count before releasing the submission.

Sasaki would continue to control the offense until he went for a German Suplex, but Badd flipped back landing behind Sasaki's back and hit a back suplex of his own! Both men were down, but Badd recovered first and used the opportunity to retake control.

Badd looked to be on his way to victory as he sat Sasaki up on the top turnbuckle and hit his super frankensteiner called the BADD DAY to Sasaki!

But the move left Badd down as well! As Badd was starting to recover, Oono once again climbed the apron to distract the referee. Masahiro Chono slid into the ring as Badd was getting up...KENKA KICK to Badd!

With Badd laid out, Chono left the ring while Sasaki began to recover. Sasaki wasted no time taking advantage of Badd, locking in the Strangle Hold Gamma. When the referee checked on Badd, he was unresponsive to the submission! The referee called for the bell, awarding the match to Kensuke Sasaki!

WINNER: Kensuke Sasaki by submission at 9:12

Post match, Sony Oono and Chono entered the ring to join the victorious Kensuke Sasaki. Oono lifted up the arms of both men as the NJPW continue to look strong in WCW competition.

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After the commercials, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage walked down to the ring with no entrance music. Savage clearly had a purpose as the Macho Man was all serious and had the crowbar he found lying next to the attacked Sting in the back. Savage climbed into the ring and took the microphone...


The crowd was solidly behind The Macho Man as he paced back and forth in the ring.

"Ever since Scott Hall has shown up here in WCW.... things have just gone completely crazy! It was Hall's fault we lost War Games... and now there's not a DOUBT IN MY MIND... that he's working alongside "The Taskmaster" and the Dungeon of Doom!"

"All he's done is sit idly by and watched as me... Hogan... Sting... get assaulted week after week by the Dungeon and he has done NOTHING to help! AND now, this Sunday... before he has to defend the United States Championship against Meng, A MEMBER OF THE DUNGEON... Sting gets LAID OUT BACKSTAGE... and what do we find at the scene of the crime?"

Savage held up the crowbar in the air, garnering some boos from the crowd.

"Well if it isn't the BAD GUY'S weapon of choice? The same weapon that struck me in War Games that lead The Dungeon to victory. The same weapon he was using last week on Nitro... which lead to yet another victory by the Dungeon! I just KNOW that you wanted to plant this crowbar right between my eyes last week! You may have a silver tongue... and SOME PEOPLE may be buying your lies... BUT NOT THE MACHO MAN."

"BUT THE CHARADE ENDS NOW! You've gone TOO FAR attacking Sting! So how about you get out here... RIGHT HERE... RIGHT NOW... WE DON'T GOTTA WAIT TIL SUNDAY!"

Answering the call, "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall made his way down to the ring as Savage dropped the crowbar and the microphone, and motioned for Hall to join him in the ring for a fight. Hall cautiously walked around the ring...but instead of entering the ring, Hall took a microphone from ringside.

"Hey yo," Hall said, which only caused Savage was getting more and more upset in the ring. "Hey mang... all you're doin' right now is just provin' how much of a 'hot head' you really are. You just keep jumpin' to some wild and crazy conclusions."

"How about you stop and think for a moment... or is that too hard for ya Mach? If i wanted to knock you out... with or without the crowbar... I'd just do it, mang. I don't need to be sneaky about it. And everytime I've been holding that crowbar... I was TAKING it from a member of the Dungeon so they couldn't use it! So... if anything, you should be THANKING me!"

Savage shook his head in the ring, clearly not believing Hall's words.

"Look...chico...I promise ya, I didn't have anything to do with the attack on Sting. If you guys wanna focus all your attention on me... you're just waistin' your time. But if you wanna get your hands on 'The Bad Guy,' you'll have to wait til Sunday... because that is when I'll be beatin' you. When it counts... not tonight."

Hall put the microphone back down and turned away, heading back up the aisle as Savage was furious in the ring. Savage kicked the ring ropes in frustration as he picked the microphone back up. "That man is the biggest LIAR in the WCW," Savage commented "And this Sunday... the whole world will see I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! And I'll be right there to say I told ya so. OOOOOOOH YEAH!"

Savage tossed the microphone down in frustration and headed to the back.

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WCW Halloween Havoc Preview: Bischoff, Heenan, and Mongo took the next segment to rundown the Halloween Havoc card - noting that a NEW match had been added tonight. It would be Johnny B. Badd taking on NJPW's Masahiro Chono! Also scheduled for the PPV:

Chris Benoit would team up with his arch rival Sabu to take on their common enemies - Eddy Guerrero & Dean Malenko.

Diamond Dallas Page would defend the WCW Television Championship against "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright
- would Wright be in any condition to wrestle after the attack from Big Bubba? Tune into WCW Saturday Night for an update on his condition!

Can Brian Pillman take the next step in his career as he takes on "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson?

The Dungeon of Doom's Meng will have big advantage as he challenges for the United States Championship after the attack on Sting tonight!

If the previous segment was any indication, the match between Randy Savage and Scott Hall could be as intense a battle we've seen in a long time in WCW!

And in the main event, Hulk Hogan will defend the WCW World Championship against a member of the Dungeon of Doom...but "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan has stated he won't reveal WHO until the match itself!

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MAIN EVENT: THE RENEGADE versus THE GIANT (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

After being accused of being the "traitor" in the Hulkamania camp - The Renegade was out to prove himself against The Giant, but as he stated it wasn't so much that he was proving anything to Hogan - it was for himself. The Renegade was his usual high octane self as he shook the ropes violently as he waiting the lumbering seven foot Giant to make his way down to the ring with the Taskmaster by his side.

Renegade wasted no time going after the monster, showing no fear. But even the usually hard hitting punches of the Renegade seemed to have little to no effect on the 500 pound man. Giant sustained the original outburst of offense from Renegade, and proceeded to level Renegade with a hard headbutt!

TGiant was impressive as he dominated the typically dominant Renegade - tossing him into the corner and choking him with his gigantic right boot. After the five count, The Giant released the choke, but immediately scooped up The Renegade with ease and slammed him to the mat. As the onslaught continued, The Taskmaster was watching on with delight at ringside.

Renegaded show some spirit as he kicked out of a pinfall attempt following a Military Press slam. The crowd rallied behind Renegade as he fought off The Giant with some wild right and left hands in one last attempt of making a comeback against the big man. Rocking The Giant with some more right hands he then bounced off the ropes and went for a running clothesline... but it had NO EFFECT ON THE GIANT!

His eyes widened, Renegade ran to the ropes once more, but this time ran right into a BIG BOOT! The Giant pulled him back up by his hair, and clutched him by the throat...CHOKESLAM!

The Giant placed two hands firmly on The Renegade's chest - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: The Giant by pinfall at 4:49

Bischoff couldn't believe how dominant The Giant looked as Heenan noted that Renegade 'never stood a chance.'

After being declared the winner, The Taskmaster joined The Giant in the ring - but The Giant wanted a microphone. And like most 7 foot, 500 pound men...he got what he wanted.

"HOGAN! I WANT HOGAN!" The Giant yelled out into the microphone, turning to The Taskmaster. "Please.... let it be me! Choose me, Master! I've waited so long... I want to get my hands on Hulk Hogan. I would love NOTHING MORE THAN TO BE THE ONE TO DESTROY HULKAMANIA THIS SUNDAY!"

Taskmaster seemed deep in thought but before he could respond...

HULK HOGAN himself came storming down to the ring! Sullivan wanted The Giant out of the ring before Hogan got there, but Giant didn't seem interested in retreating this time. He clearly wanted to get his hands on Hogan.

Instead, it was Taskmaster who fled the ring while Hogan climbed in. Hogan confronted The Giant in the center of the ring, the two men began an intense staredown to close the show.

"Will this be our match on Sunday night?! We still don't have an answer!" Bischoff proclaimed as the WCW copyright logo appeared on the screen.

He encouraged us to tune in to WCW Saturday Night and order Halloween Havoc...the show faded out just as it looked like Hogan and The Giant were getting ready to brawl.


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WCW Saturday Night
October 14, 1995
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes

The show kicked off with a replay of the ending of Nitro that saw Hulk Hogan staring down the 7-foot monster The Giant. After the WCW Saturday Night intro, Tony Schiavone and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes welcomed us to the show and promoted the fact that Halloween Havoc was a mere 24 hours away! After what we witnessed on Nitro, the big question on everyone's mind was - would it be The Giant who would challenge for Hulk Hogan's WCW World Heavyweight Title tomorrow night?! Schiavone stated we probably wouldn't get that answer until the match itself - however, there was a lot of action tonight heading into the event.

We would get to see a preview of tomorrow night's tag match as Sabu and Chris Benoit would team together for the first time in tonight's main event against the former tag team champions Dirty Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck.

We would also hear from Brian Pillman in a sit-down interview with "The Professor" Mike Tenay as he prepares for his big match against Arn Anderson tomorrow night. All that plus the champion Hulk Hogan was here tonight, as would be the Dungeon of Doom and WCW Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page!

But for now, Schiavone kicked it to the ring where we'd start the night off with some tag team action.

DEVON STORM and ACE DARLING versus MEN AT WORK (Chris Kanyon & Mark Starr)

After being competitive against the Blue Bloods, but coming up short last week - the young Devon Storm and Ace Darling hoped to fair better against the construction worker team of Chris Kanyon and Mark Starr. Storm and Darling looked strong here against Kanyon and Starr, but that's not to say Starr and Kanyon didn't get in some offense.

However, Chris Kanyon seemed to notice that one of the turnbuckle pads seemed to be out of place, and being the perfectionist for symmetry that he was as a construction worker, he had to stop to fix it. He asked Starr to get his tape measurer, and as Starr went to get it - Devon Storm executed a well-placed dropkick to Kanyon's back. Kanyon collided with the turnbuckle before stumbling backwards into an Inverted DDT from Devon Storm!

Storm hooked Kanyon's leg - One, Two, Three!

WINNERS: Devon Storm & Ace Darling by pinfall at 3:11

Storm and Darling would not have much time to celebrate, because after the match - "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan lead his new monster duo Wrath and Fury - Affliction down to the ring - sending them into the ring to attack the celebrating Storm and Darling.

Storm and Darling attempted to fight back, but had little success in doing so. Wrath sent Storm into the ropes while Fury sent Darling in and the duo hit dueling BIG BOOTS to both men. They then took turns hitting their Double Chokeslam to both Storm and Darling.

Just for fun, Affliction did the same to both Kanyon and Mark Starr.

With the four competitors from the previous match laid out, "The Taskmaster" took the microphone.







"That's the sound of the clock ticking away the seconds until Hulkamania is DEAD!" Sullivan pointed to the four bodies on the mat, "This is NOTHING compared to what will happen to Hulk Hogan tomorrow night! The MOMENT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR IS AT HAND! TOMOROW NIGHT...THE WORLD WILL WITNESS...



Sullivan maniacally laughed into the microphone before dropping the microphone and leading Affliction out of the ring.

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JERRY FLYNN versus SCOTTY RIGGS (w/V.K. Wallstreet)

The new look Scotty Riggs was complete with slicked back hair and a fancy suit that matched the one we've seen V.K. Wallstreet sporting since he showed up in WCW. In Riggs' corner was the aforementioned Wallstreet who was, as always, carrying his steel briefcase with Riggs to the ring.

The kickboxer Flynn showed off his fancy footwork again Riggs, but Flynn's initial outburst of offense would come to a halt after Riggs caught a sidekick attempt from Flynn and lifted him up into a spinebuster! From here, Riggs controlled the offense and looked impressive in his first outing with Wallstreet in his corner.

Riggs finished Flynn off with a Double Underhook Facebuster that Schiavone mentioned was called the Scott Market Plunge. Riggs made the confident pinfall to pick up the one-sided victory.

WINNER: Scotty Riggs by pinfall at 3:02

After the match, V.K. Wallstreet celebrated the victory with his new client, lifting up his arm to a scattering of boos from the crowd.

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Backstage, we see Sgt. Craig Pittman coaching up his subordinate Corporal Cobra in preparation for his upcoming match. As we come in, Cobra is just finishing up performing some push-ups. As he got to his feet, Pittman tossed him a towel and congratulated him on a successful workout.

But there was more work to be done - because Pittman has received some new information from intelligence. Pittman said that it would appear "the enemy" has begun using disco music in an attempt to distract our forces and lure us into a false sense of security before ATTACKING!

Cobra found this to be a disgusting tactic and the use of disco music truly was a war on the ears. Pittman said that it was up to Cobra to put a stop to this - and the way he can do it is by taking out the man responsible for the disco music - Disco Inferno.

Cobra nodded in agreement - that match was up next!

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WCW Hotline: "Mene" Gene Okerlund's voice tempted us to spend some money calling the WCW Hotline this week to get the latest dirt on what could be going down tomorrow night at Halloween Havoc. Who is the traitor who The Taskmaster has teased turning his back on Hogan tomorrow night? Okerlund has some inside information on who the two most likely candidates are! NJPW has a big match tomorrow night as Masahiro Chono will step into the ring with Johnny B. Badd. But Okerlund has heard some more NJPW talent could be on their way! And speaking of NJPW - their champion The Great Muta apparently has his eyes set on someone in WCW...and if Okerlund is correct, it could mean for a big showdown at this year's Starcade PPV!

Want more dirt? Call 1-900-909-9900 now!

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DISCO INFERNO versus CORPORAL COBRA (w/Sgt. Craig Pittman)

Cobra had been given orders from his Sargeant - so now he had to go out and take care of Disco Inferno. Schiavone and Rhodes wondered about the current mental state of Cobra, who has apparently reverted back to his days in the Gulf War...with his mission on his mind, Cobra went all out in his attack on Disco Inferno.

Cobra had to be threatened disqualification on a couple of occasions due to blatantly choking Disco right in front of the referee. As the referee was providing one of these warnings to Cobra, the ref had his back to Disco - allowing Pittman to reach into the ring and choke Disco across the bottom rope as well! Cobra went back on the attack, but Disco finally found an opening for some offense as he was lifted up into a Fireman's Carry by Cobra...Disco escaped down Cobra's back and hit Cobra with an inverted atomic drop!

A swinging neckbreaker from Disco would get him a two count. Momentum was certainly in Disco's favor after hitting a Russian legsweep to Cobra. Disco then bounced off the ropes, only to be tripped up by Pittman on the outside! Disco turned his attention to Pittman - exchanging some words with him...but this proved to be a huge mistake, as this allowed Cobra to sneak up from behind and lock in the Cobra Clutch!

Cobra pulled Disco back to the middle of the ring in the submission before turning it into the Cobra Clutch Slam! Cobra hooked Disco's leg - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Corporal Cobra by pinfall in 7:29

After the match, Sgt. Pittman congratulated Cobra with a pat on the back and could be seen telling him "Mission Accomplished" as he lifted up Cobra's arm in victory.

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Back in the studio, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes did some hype work for Halloween Havoc - but more importantly, there were a couple of attacks from Nitro that have left the status of a couple of wrestlers for the PPV in question. Namely that of Alex Wright and US Champion Sting. Schiavone said that both men are obviously still feeling the effects of their attacks...but both are refusing to sit out due to the high stakes of their matches. They both won't be 100% of course...but Schiavone had to respect their worth ethic.

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We cut to the locker room, where Diamond Dallas Page was with his team of Maxx Muscle, Diamond Doll, and his newest bodyguard, Big Bubba Rogers.

Page spoke very highly of Bubba's work on Monday - and even though Wright has been cleared for action on Sunday, there's no way he's going to be 100%. Page said he wasn't worried, but he still needed to have a plan. He told Bubba and Rogers that they each had their duties and they knew them well...he didn't need to go over them anymore.

But Doll, she was going to play a pivotal role in what happens on Sunday and he needed to make sure she understood what needed to be done. Doll seemed hesitant, clearly not comfortable with whatever Page was planning.

"Do YOU understand?" Page repeated himself.

Doll turned her head away from Page, who grabbed her by the face and turned her back around so that her eyes were locked on him.

"Can I count on you Doll?" Page demanded to know.

Under duress, she finally caved. "Yes, okay I'll do it!"

Page smirked before he turned and noticed the camera. Page was not pleased with the camera being in on his planning - and promptly kicked the cameraman out.

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Elsewhere backstage, the cameras cut to WCW World Champion Hulk Hogan with "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart as well as "The Macho Man" Randy Savage.

The cameras cut in mid-discussion - as all three men were voicing their opinion on the attack on Sting from WCW Monday Nitro and who the traitor could be. Hogan continued to be visibly shaken by everything that has occurred. "I just don't know who I can trust, BROTHERS. So...I've made a decision. I don't want ANYONE at ringside tomorrow night for the title match!"

Jimmy Hart seemed offended that Hogan didn't even want him in his corner. "Not even me, Hulkster? Not even me? Say it ain't so, Hulkster!"

Hogan tried to reassure his old friend, "No offense, it's nothing personal, brother. I just got to do everything within my power to make sure Taskmaster doesn't get the best of me tomorrow night! No distractions!"

"But Hulk..."
Hart protested - only to be interrupted by Savage.

"No, he's right. This is for the best. But you listen to me Hulk...I got your back and I'll be watching closely backstage... and if anything fishy at all starts to happen...ANYTHING AT ALL... I'll be out there to even the odds."

Savage and Hogan shared a bro handshake, "I appreciate that Mach...but brother, I gotta tell ya... I'm just so darn SICK and TIRED of these mind games. It's gotta stop! I'm gonna go out to the ring tonight... and put an end to this tonight before Halloween Havoc!"

Savage nodded, "Get 'em Hulkster... OOOHHHH YEEAAAHH!"

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"The Washington Post" hit the PA System, which could mean only one thing - the entrance of the fan favorite "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, who marched down to the ring with the American Flag in one hand and his trusty 2x4 in the other. The fans joined him in a loud "HOOOO" as he entered the ring before the patriotic veteran took the microphone.

Duggan stated that he had a "bone to pick" with a few individuals who have came into WCW thinkin' they could just run over the competition. Duggan said that not only were they disgracing this great company that he has put so much blood, sweat, and tears into - but they're also disrespecting this country he loves so much.

He, of course, is referring to Sonny Oono and his NJPW stars. Duggan commended Johnny B. Badd for standing up for WCW and that he would have his back, because there's no one who loves his country or this company more than him.

The words of Duggan brought out Sonny Oono, who said that Duggan's words sounded a lot like a "challenge." Duggan said that if that's how Oono took it, then yeah - why not - Duggan said send out anyone, and he'd take care of them on behalf of WCW and the good ole U-S-of-A. This sparked a U-S-A chant from the crowd.

Duggan's request would be granted as Oono sent out NJPW sensation Jushin "Thunder" Liger to answer the call.

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Despite being the smaller man up against Duggan, Liger still did a good job putting up a fight against Duggan - using his speed to his advantage. Granted, having Oono in his corner definitely helped. Duggan definitely had some trouble keeping up with Liger, whose agility allowed him to escape Duggan's offensive attack on multiple occasions.

Liger nearly scored a pinfall after leapfrogging Duggan and rolling him into a cradling predicament - but Duggan mustered out. Ultimately, Duggan's power would allow him to ground the nimble Liger and turn the tables in his favor.

A powerslam from Duggan had Oono nervous at ringside, but there's not much he could do but watch as Duggan got down into his three-point stance as Liger began to get to his feet. Duggan charged in with his clothesline to lay out Liger before he finished Liger off with the Old Glory jumping knee drop!

Duggan hooked Liger's leg - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Jim Duggan by pinfall at 5:57

Masahiro Chono and Kensuke Sasaki hit the ring after the bell, attacking Duggan from behind!

Before too much damage could be done - Johnny B. Badd rushed down to the ring, picking up Duggan's 2x4 before sliding into the ring. A 2x4 armed Badd was enough to chase of Sasaki and Chono, who regrouped with Liger and Oono in the aisle as Badd helped Duggan to his feet in the ring.

Badd lifted up Duggan's arm while the Team New Japan retreated to the back.

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In a pre-recorded sit-down interview, "The Professor" Mike Tenay was seated across from a surprisingly cool, calm, and collected Brian Pillman.

Tenay started by saying that it was no secret that Pillman had been known to be unpredictable, but he wanted to try to get inside Pillman's head and better understand him. Tenay took us back in Pillman's history, reminding us of the Hollywood Blondes tag team and how there is some history between Pillman from that time frame...in which the Hollywood Blondes had a heated rivalry with Ric Flair and Arn Anderson back then.

Tenay wondered if his actions when he was attacked by Anderson and Flair had anything to do with that old rivalry. Pillman said all that was "water under the bridge" at this point - Pillman stated that he has never been given much of an opportunity to shine as a singles wrestler, he's spent most of his time in WCW as a tag team performer. "But I know I have what it takes to be a Main Eventer in WCW. I know what I'm capable of and being in a tag team was holding me back. I just needed to do something to make a mark. Something to stand out. And at Fall Brawl... I did just that on two so-called 'legends' of this sport."

Tenay brought up the fact that both Flair and Anderson must've been impressed with what they had seen from Pillman since both had tried to
get him "under their wing," so to speak.

"I'm not going to lie, Tenay. It's an honor to be mentioned in the same phrase as Flair and Anderson. But they just didn't understand. I didn't want to be the next Nature Boy or the next Enforcer..." Pillman began to cackle a bit, as his calm and collected demeanor seemed to be fading. "It's actually kinda ironic..I suppose... that Anderson wanted to help make me a star.... that after Sunday night at Halloween Havoc... after what I'm going to do to the Enforcer in the ring... after he gets... Pillmanized.... hahahahaha... he will have played a big part in making me a star after all! Hahahahaha!"

"Where does Brian Pillman go from here if you were to beat Arn Anderson on Sunday?"

"If? IF? IF? IF? IF?" Pillman seemed insulted that Tenay added the IF, his voice becoming quite unsettled. "Believe me when I say this and I will only say it once. THERE IS NO IF about it, Tenay! Hahahahaha! And this is only the beginning! I am DESTINED for BIG things! And Halloween Havoc...is only the beginning. ONLY THE BEGINNING!"

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As the segment with Tenay and Pillman wrapped up, we immediately headed to the studio where "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with the man Pillman would be facing at Halloween Havoc - "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson. Okerlund basically wanted to get a rebuttal from Anderson after watching that interview.

Anderson scoffed at everything Pillman had to say. "I'm afraid Brian is just a young and dumb fool who couldn't see an opportunity right in front of him. I helped make Ric Flair who he is and Brian has all the talent in the world to become even BIGGER than the Nature Boy. He just needed The Enforcer by his side. But I'm now starting to see the truth. The truth is, he just doesn't have it up here," The Enforcer pointed to the top of his head. "It's not just about the talent. It's not just about the look. You gotta have it up here. You gotta have that mental fortitude. It seems that there's a screw loose in that young man's head. And you have to be just plain stupid to make the mistake of attacking me at Fall Brawl! So... maybe I was wrong. So instead of building young Brian up and making him the star he wants to be...this Sunday...I'm going to CRUSH his dreams because I can guarantee you that Pillman's not walking out of Halloween Havoc. And The Enforcer...always lives up to his guarantees!"

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For the first time, Sabu and Chris Benoit would team together to get some experience together before their big tag match tomorrow night at Halloween Havoc - but their hands would be full taking on the most recent former WCW Tag Team Champions.

Benoit and Sabu didn't get off to a great start to the match, as both men wanted to start the match - but it was Sabu who ultimately got the nod. Sabu took control early before Benoit took it upon himself to tag himself in. Sabu didn't seem happy but headed to the apron as Benoit picked up where he left off - immediately taking control of the Slater. Sabu would soon return the favor, tagging himself in.

As an argument ensued between Sabu and Benoit - Bunkhouse Buck attacked Sabu from behind. When Benoit tried to make the save, the referee stepped in and forced Benoit out to the apron. Slater and Buck double-teamed Sabu behind the referee's back while the referee was warning Benoit. This turned the tables in the favor of the former tag team champions, who picked up a few nearfalls on Sabu - but Benoit was there to make the save for his reluctant partner.

Sabu would finally summon some offense as he ducked a clothesline from Buck, spun around and connected with a leg lariat to Buck. This allowed Sabu to make it to the corner to make the tag to Benoit. Chris Benoit charged in and lit up both Buck and Slater with some stiff chops that echoed through the arena. An attack from behind from Slater briefly gave the heels an advantage, but as Slater had Benoit against the ropes, he charged in only to have Benoit backdrop him over the top rop to the floor!

Buck then charged head on at Benoit - taking both men over the top rope to the floor with a clothesline! Sabu entered the ring as the other three men were recovering at ringside...Sabu bounced off the ropes and went flying through the middle ropes in a suicide dive! Benoit moved out of the way at the last second as Sabu took out both Slater and Buck!

Benoit pulled Buck back to his feet and rolled him into the ring. With Buck laid out, Benoit climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit a Diving Headbutt to Buck! Benoit followed up with the pin - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Chris Benoit and Sabu by pinfall in 9:41

In the ring, Benoit had his arm raised in victory by the referee while Sabu staggered to his feet at ringside. Sabu didn't seem interested in joining his partner in the ring to celebrate and instead headed back up the aisle while Benoit kept his eyes on him from the ring. Schiavone and Rhodes wondered if they could continue to coexist to find a way to get another victory tomorrow night at Halloween Havoc!

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Schiavone and Rhodes welcomed us back to the show as it was about time to wrap things up for the evening. But not before one last chance to run down the card for the Pay-Per-View. But as they finished the hype job - Hulk Hogan came storming down to the ring with no entrance music. Hogan climbed into the ring and took the microphone.

"OKAY TASKMASTER. I'm done, brother. No more games. I'm not waiting anymore. The world doesn't want to wait anymore! I want you to come out here and let us all know who my opponent tomorrow night is gonna be... RIGHT NO! Why don't you just MAN UP, BROTHER and step into the ring and face me yourself instead of one of your cronies!"

Hogan waited for an answer, but there was no sign of Kevin Sullivan or any of the Dungeon of Doom making an appearance.

"I knew it! The Dungeon of Doom is the Dungeon of DUMB! Just let this be a listen to all the Hulkamaniacs out there... bullies may act big and tough... but they're actually more scared of you than you are of them! That's what the Dungeon is, brothers - just a bunch of scared bullies!"

Hogan waited once again for a reaction - and this time he got it as The Giant made an appearance from the back!

"Now we're talking! Come on big boy!"

Hogan nodded his head and threw the microphone down, motioning for the monster to join him in the ring. Hogan was clearly ready for a fight, but The Taskmaster himself jogged down from the back and cut The Giant off. Sullivan could be seen frantically shaking his head, encouraging the Giant to in fact, not enter the ring. The Giant stopped in his tracks. "

"This is not the time," Sullivan was overheard by the cameras. "Not this way! We do this on OUR terms," Sullivan continued. At first Giant seemed a little ticked off, but Sullivan calmed him down and the duo began to head back up the aisle.

Hogan grabbed the microphone once more. "KEVIN SULLIVAN - YOU YELLOW-BELLIED COWARD!"

Sullivan took a microphone from the entrance way to respond to Hogan. "Hogan. Hogan. Hogan. You can talk all you want...but the clock is approaching zero. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. HULKAMANIACS - take one last look at your hero...Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The End of Hulkamania is upon us! Hahahahahaha!"

With that, Taskmaster disappeared backstage with The Giant while Hulk Hogan was left alone in the ring.

"Can you believe these guys? Dungeon of Doom is nothing but a bunch of frauds, brother. And tomorrow night...I'll expose them as just that! I promsie you Hulkamaniacs...the HULKSTER is bringing his 24-inch Pythons and the WCW World Championship to Las Vegas tomorrow night...and I'm going to be leaving with that title! SO WHATCHA GONNA DO DUNGEON OF DOOM...WHEN HULKAMANIA...RUNS WILD ON YOU....



With that, Hogan ended the show with his signature poses for the crowd as Schiavone and Rhodes reminded us one last time to order Halloween Havoc if you haven't already!
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WCW Halloween Havoc
October 15, 1995

Prediction Template - Final Card

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Hulk Hogan (c) vs. A Mystery Member of the Dungeon of Doom

"The Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall

WCW United States Championship Match
Sting (c) vs. Meng

Brian Pillman vs. "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson

WCW Tag Team Championship Match
Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) (c) vs. The Blue Bloods (Lord Steven Regal & Earl Robert Eaton)

WCW Television Championship Match
Diamond Dallas Page (c) (w/Diamond Doll, Maxx Muscle & Big Bubba) vs "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright

Tag Team Grudge Match
Chris Benoit & Sabu vs. Dean Malenko & Eddy Guerrero

Johnny B. Badd vs. Masahiro Chono (w/Sony Oono)

1. Who is Hulk Hogan's traitor?
2. Who will represent the Dungeon in the Main Event?
3. What is the opening match?

4. What is the longest match?
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