WCW 1995: Going to War

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Sep 13, 2022
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WCW World War 3 1995 - November 12, 1995

I’ve heard a lot of great stuff about this diary, so I’m very eager to get stuck in. I’m in the process of watching everything from the beginning of Monday Nitro and am currently in October 1997, so I definitely have the knowledge for this. The beginning of WCW Nitro was (no shit) a massive deal for the wrestling business. It’s such a moldable era in history, if nothing else because of the creative possibilities combined with the urgency involved with the emergence of the Monday Night Wars. That said, it truly is remarkable to compare the real life product from Halloween Havoc 1995, and the bullshit with the Dungeon of Doom, and how that compares to the Nitro product in, say, November 1996. It’s truly a different era, or so it seems like it.

Beginning with the World War 3 Pre-Show, Alex Wright was somebody management was very big on. I liked this segment with Diamond Dallas Page to tease the storyline that will surely gear towards the Diamond Doll going back with Wright. He was always better as a heel, but you can’t be blamed for wanting to try and get a young German kid over as eye candy. As to be expected, a lot of promos with much emphasis on the World War 3 60-man Battle Royal match - as it should be. I would definitely love to see you do more with Sabu in his time with WCW. Not to mention Brian Pillman. I hope Eric Bischoff doesn’t work himself into a shoot, brother.

Your attention to detail comes off very well, straight down to the last-minute promotion of pay-per-view sales that these pregame shows typically featured. I’m not shocked to see Sgt. Craig Pittman and Corporal Cobra overcome the Blue Bloods, as I always felt it was a forced team Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton had to make do and mend with. I’m hoping this will lead to its’ end, as I’m sure the WCW tag team ranks are healthy enough to survive without them.

Onto World War 3, very strong write-up to describe the card for tonight’s events. It was common place to see the WCW World Television Championship typically open these pay-per-view, particularly in 1995. Oftentimes, this was always my favorite division to watch from WCW. I am a little mixed on the idea of a Triangle match debuting here, as surely there were TV Division rules in play as well? It feels a little bit like a contrast. It is good to see Chris Benoit get his start here, though. Sabu on the card is always a strong addition, but with the WCW rules in play requiring tags (while realistic for the time), I’m not sure how this match would have been pulled off. Benoit getting the victory was a big surprise to me, and I can’t say I’m too mad about it. I am a little surprised that Diamond Dallas Page was the one who ate the fall, given he was the champion and Benoit beat him clean. I’m not sure what to make of the faction DDP has aligned with Maxx Muscle and Big Bubba Rogers, but I do like the concern shown by Diamond Doll. That zinger by Bobby Heenan was great. I suspect Benoit and Sabu against DDP’s goons is soon to come.

Oh god. “The Big Riggle”. That’s disgusting. But, at least it’s not the American Males. Wonder where Marcus Bagwell is right now? Jokes aside, I always liked Scotty Riggs, particularly in his iteration with Raven’s Flock. Win over Disco Inferno made sense, as Disco is a nerd and also pretty much of a popular jobber-to-the-stars at this point in his career. He would be a good lowercarder, but this was the right spot to get V.K. Wallstreet and Riggs over.

The Diamond Doll is all over this show, isn’t she! Talk about stirring up controversy.

I tend to forget all about the Road Warriors’ run in WCW, but then I recall that it isn’t too long after this where they are gone again without a trace. I’m surprised you decided to have Sister Sherri ditch Harlem Heat so soon, as I did think they had a unique chemistry. That said, Booker T and Stevie Ray never really needed a mouthpiece. Good retention of the WCW World Tag Team Championships for Harlem Heat, and I’m sure through the course of this diary, we’ll begin to see significant character growth out of the brothers.

Oh wow - an IWGP Heavyweight Championship defense on U.S. soil! I wonder what’s next - a WCW vs NJPW series at next month’s Starrcade? Big fan of the creativity behind this one, as Johnny B. Badd was very over at this point in his career. Sting being there to be his cornerman advocates B. Badd’s overness against someone the calibre of one of Sting’s oldest rivals, the Great Muta. I would like to learn more about this alignment with Scott Norton, though. Overall, a good title match with the right man going over. It feels like a clash of styles, but truly I believe this could serve to build Sting against B. Badd with a new attitude - and perhaps Sting and Muta for old times’ sake?

Harlem Heat’s interview was very on-brand, I liked the subject matter and the respect Booker T and Stevie Ray showed to the Road Warriors.

Wow, this is how you begin to build Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko. You know, it’s interesting. I read all about the idea of a Canadian Horsemen faction from Chris Jericho’s book, and how that bled into RSPW forum posts and Observer Newsletter reportings back in the day. I never really considered the idea this could be the vehicle to not only get Guerrero, Malenko and even Brian Pillman over. Maybe the Radicalz idea came later than anybody could have thought possible. It provides great shine to this “Revolution”, but in the end Ric Flair and Arn Anderson winning makes most sense. It added fuel to the fire of the youngsters, who will surely look to get their retribution tomorrow night on WCW Monday Nitro.

I wonder what the big idea is you have for WCW Starrcade next month. It was regarded unmistakably as their biggest show of the year, but at this stage it felt like simply another pay-per-view. I mean, never forget that Hulk Hogan defended the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against THE BUTCHER last year.

I couldn’t help but laugh a lot at everything Randy Savage had to say in his promo. How perfectly accurate, as his situation with the Dungeon of Doom continues on. I suppose he works better off as the heel, but I am surprised you decided to put him in command as the head heel. I get that the Giant wasn’t ready for the push he got, but that guy was still very impressive at that stage of his career. He was carried to some hidden gems in 1996.

I was surprised to see the 60-man Battle Royal match so soon, but it makes sense with all of the star power in this one. I always found the concept of writing a World War 3 show very fascinating - but in hindsight, when watching the 1995 and 1996 editions of the show: what a clusterfuck. How did those pay-per-view buyers ever do it via standard-def television?

A few forgotten relics in Ring 1. I barely remember what Mark Starr was even like as a competitor. Nice to see the Belfast Brawler in there with the likes of Ric Flair, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. The way you wrote this match was very well done with each ring having their own stories covered fully. I liked Meng having no interest in teaming with the Zodiac. If I was Meng, I would throw him out immediately - as I’m sure a lot of people would. I like the contrast in that Benoit is Four Horsemen through and through, while longtime buddies Guerrero and Malenko are the rebels. Strong final eight to advance. Alex Wright’s name looks funny in there with the likes of the other titans.

Ring 2 felt very lacking to me. It is nice to see Chris Kanyon here early. There truly is a big New Japan presence in this Battle Royal, isn’t there? I’m sad you didn’t go with Hugh Morrus for Bill Demott’s name. Ah well, maybe it’s for the best. Yeesh, this ring felt a little rough. I understood the big story here was Sting going up against the rabid pack of New Japan wrestlers, but that final eight is…a choice, to put it lightly. Still, at least it produces Arn Anderson, Masahiro Chono and Brian Pillman. I have absolutely zero recollection as to who Fury is.

It seems clear to me that Ring 3 was very lacking, as well. Notably it’s interesting to see Scott Hall arrive in WCW so early, and as a babyface. He was incredibly over, and it should be satisfying to see him get such a decent push in WCW in this period. I am wondering what happens when it becomes high time for the New World Order angle, though - if it ever comes. Who knows, maybe Kevin Nash never makes the jump. I’m sure with greater context I’ll understand after this show. I’m hopeful that you consider giving Mr. JL some momentum if you reach the stage to begin introducing the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. I’m perplexed as to why only four men advanced from Ring 3, but with the Giant killing everybody off, perhaps I’m not surprised. Good shine for the big man. I like the push for Diamond Dallas Page, even if it feels pretty soon. I’d like to see DDP and Scott Hall get a solid singles program at some stage.

Good blend of talent in the Final Ring stage. It’s nice to see a few surprises that can serve as fodder, such as Fury, Mr. JL, Alex Wright and Disco Inferno. It boiled down to the right five candidates, and I absolutely love the boost you’re giving to Meng. It was the right finish with the right guy winning. It effectively set up a big upper-card heading into next month’s Starrcade. I can imagine Hall and Randy Savage putting on a hell of a match, actually. I just wonder when Hulk Hogan’s deciding to drop in and ruin everything again. Outside of that, it looks like the Giant and Meng will be bound for Starrcade. I like the idea of that match.

Overall, this was a fantastic read, up and down. I thoroughly enjoyed this show and look forward to more.

White Rhyno

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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--- I'm not sure if I want to live in a world where Eaton and Regal job to Desert Storm om a preshow. :(

--- Very hot opening match. Loved the character work of Sabu and heel DDP. The Bubba, Doll and Max at the end was a nice touch.

--- Rigs with Wallstreet works. His look and bland personality are the perfect counter balance to Wallstreet at this point in his career. His ability on the microphone wouldn't be wasted on a bad gimmick that works better in a secondary role.

--- The Warriors and Sheri are just....a great twist I've never thought of before. The rub they would have given HH at this point would have really meant something in WCW. Sheri could have given them some life. Booker and Stevie could be a great cool face tag team.

--- planting a Sting and Badd program isn't something we haven't seen, but this a great twist on it. Nortan and Muta would have been an amazing combo in Japan and would have a great HBK/Diesal flavor if you decided to move them into a main event program.

--- The Horsemen will always be my favorite heel group so this match was a favorite. I will say I like how you are mixing up face and heel wins and having some really original finishes.

--- This match had to be hard to write and track, but the level of detail was just right. Its a lot of words and I'm sure it was a bear to write and keep track of. Hall winning really solidfys his debut/run. Really nice work.

Great PPV that was some really quality writing, Dubb.
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Thanks to everyone who gave me some votes in BTBOTM. Always appreciative of anyone who as much as reads, much less votes, so very grateful. And just as grateful for all the feedback from WW3. To answer @DTP 's questions, Fury is a repackaged Brian Adams/Krush, giving us an early taste of KroniK in WCW. And Bagwell was an EWR produced injury pretty early on in the BTB.

And here's the results for the predictions of WW3. Nitro should be up in the next day or so as we begin the march towards Starrcade!

White Rhyno: 10/13
Blaine: 9/13
EZ3: 9/13
MTK36: 8/13
RDT: 7/13
roy: 7/13
Stojy: 6/13


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WCW Monday Nitro
November 13, 1995
Live from Salem, VA

We open up with still photos from last night's Pay-Per-View event - World War 3 - with various photos that focus on the closing moments of the 60-man battle royal with the voices of Tony Schiavone, Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Steve McMichaels from commentary last night - in the end we cut to actual video footage of "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall standing tall in the ring as he proceeded to have a stare down with Randy Savage to end the show.

After the explosive Nitro opening montage - we cut to the arena where The Dungeon of Doom is ALREADY in the ring! The Giant, Meng, Wrath, Fury, Shark, and the Zodiac were all in the ring along with "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan in front of the others, who were all lined up like an army.

The only missing member was the champion himself, Randy Savage.

The Taskmaster was clearly disappointed in the outcome of the 60-man battle royal last night. "LAST NIGHT," Sullivan recounted, "...last night... the Dungeon had the perfect plan. We had the perfect plan to ensure that at Starrcade, the World Title would NOT be leaving the clutches of the Dungeon. The odds were in our favor! We had the numbers... WE HAD THE MONSTERS... WE HAD... THE.... GIANT..." The camera cut to The Giant, who sneered and shook his head, clearly both disgusted and upset. "Everything seemed to be going as planned. There were just three left... we had The Giant... we had Meng... all we had to do was dispose of that grease monkey, Scott Hall, and victory would be ours! He should have had NO CHANCE! He was across the ring from a SEVEN FOOT, FIVE-HUNDRED POUND MONSTER... and the fiercest, my savage man... the TONGAN WARRIOR... THE FACE OF FEAR! SURELY... SURELY... SURELY... that GREASY-HAIRED, TOOTHPICK CHMPING... NOBODY... LIKE SCOTT HALL... SHOULD HAVE HAD NO CHANCE!"

Taskmaster's tone had progressively gotten louder and more intense...but after that statement, he become quiet and simply whispered "Surely...."

The Taskmaster turned around to face his Dungeon before he walked over and stood directly in front of Meng.

Sullivan said, his intense demeanor returning. "I think we all know the answer to that question....don't we Meng?"

The Tongan native stood emotionless facing his angered leader. "All you had to do was stick to the plan. STICK TO THE PLAN! STICK TO THE PLAN! I know that head of yours is harder than a brick... but SURELY you could get those words through that thick skull of yours! IT WAS PRETTY EASY! You and Giant work together... eliminate Hall.. and then just step out of the way... let The Giant get his deserving win. HOW HARD IS IT? But that's NOT the way it went down... was it?"

Once again, Meng stood emotionless against the interrogation of The Taskmaster.

"WAS IT?!?!" Taskmaster said, a vein in his forehead nearly looking like it might explode. Even with the Taskmaster now in his face, Meng remained calm.

"WHEN YOUR MASTER ASKS YOU A QUESTION, YOU ANSWER HIM!" Taskmaster exclaimed before SLAPPING Meng right across his left cheek. Meng's lip curled up...

"How dumb are you? HUH? Well congratulations Meng, you've done it now. You've let everyone in the Dungeon down. You've let me down... and perhaps... perhaps even worse... you've let down our new Savior. You've let down Randy Savage!" Sullivan lifted up his hand and sent another SLAP across Meng's left cheek. Meng's face began to shake, clearly holding in his rage but continued to take the verbal and physical abuse from his "Master." "You can rest assured, Meng, there will be consequences for your actions. And the punishment will be severe. But I am not an unforgiving Master. You can still once again earn favor with me and you can earn favor with your Savior as well. And you can start to do to that... by getting on your knees.. and begging us both for our forgiveness."

When Meng did not immediately drop down to his knees, The Taskmaster belted out: "I SAID... ON YOUR KNEES!" and proceeded to slap Meng THREE more times across the face... and he would attempt a fourth slap...

But Meng GRABBED Sullivan's arm!

The rest of the Dungeon definitely didn't expect that, and the crowd was on their feet as a fire was seen in Meng's eyes as he bent Sullivan's arm downward. "UNHAND ME!" Sullivan demanded... but Meng used his free hand to CHOP SULLIVAN ACROSS THE THROAT!

Sullivan dropped to the mat, but the rest of the Dungeon reacted quickly - going after Meng!

Meng took out the Zodiac with a throat thrust, and battled off Wrath, Fury, and The Shark long enough to hit a Savate Kick to the Shark to lay him out.

But the numbers quickly overwhelmed Meng as Wrath and Fury delivered clobbering blows to Meng's back as The Giant walked over to join in. Wrath and Fury held Meng as Giant delivered a BIG BOOT to Meng's chest!

Meng hit the mat as Fury and Wrath put the boots to his back while The Taskmaster was getting back to his feet. The visibly upset Taskmaster barked out orders as the Zodiac and Shark recovered and joined in the mauling of Meng. The Giant moved back in and moved his fellow Dungeon members out of the way. He pulled Meng up by the locks of his hair before taking Meng by the throat and lifting the powerful Tongan up into the air...CHOKESLAM!

With the damage done, Taskmaster lead the rest of the Dungeon out of the ring - leaving Meng on his back in the middle of the ring - as Bischoff questioned what this meant for the Dungeon as we headed to break!


After the commercial break - a quick recap of the opening promo saw us relive The Giant performing the Chokeslam to his Dungeon of Doom teammate, Meng...but in a "During the break" segment, we see that somehow, someway, Meng was able to get up on his own power after that all-out attack by his teammates!

Bischoff finally had the chance to welcome us to the show alongside Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Steve "Mongo" McMichael - obviously, a lot had already gone down in the opening moments of Nitro - and the road to Starrcade was already underway!

Bischoff pointed out that after last night, we now know what the main event of Starrcade will be as Randy Savage will put the belt on the line against the winner of the inaugural World War 3 battle royal - "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall.

Bischoff revealed that LATER tonight, Scott Hall will be on hand to discuss his win last night with "Mean Gene."

Bischoff then revealed that the fans watching tonight had a very special chance to decide WHO would challenge Harlem Heat tonight in the main event for the WCW Tag Team Titles! That's right, the fans would be deciding! The WCW Hotline number popped up on the screen with the choices:

*Ric Flair
*Johnny B. Badd
*Jim Duggan
*Chris Benoit

The top two vote vote-getters would team up to take on Booker T and Stevie Ray for the Tag Titles tonight!
It's just .99 cents a minute to make your voice heard! Kids get your parent's permission before calling!


MR. JL versus KOJI KANEMOTO (w/Sonny Oono & Scott Norton)

As the match got underway, we were reminded by Bischoff and company that Mr. JL had an impressive run last night in the 60-man battle royal - somehow defying the odds and making it to the top 12 before ultimately being eliminated by The Giant. No one certainly saw such an impressive showing coming from this masked luchador - but he put on a great effort. Koji Kanemoto was referred to as the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion by Bischoff - and Sonny Oono was proudly holding the title as they came to the ring - but that belt would not be on the line for this contest.

Koji Kanemoto was also involved in last night's battle royal, but was eliminated by one of NJPW's most recent targets - Sting. JL looked to continue on that momentum he gained in World War 3 against the skilled Japanese champion in Koji. After a back-and-forth start, Koji began to wear down Mr. JL and used more mat-based offense to take away JL's aerial attack. At ringside, Oono thought Koji had the match put away after a sitout suplex slam - but Mr. JL surprised him by kicking out just before the three count!

An attempt of a moonsault from Kanemoto saw Mr. JL roll out of the way as Koji hit nothing but canvas! The door was opened for Mr. JL to take advantage! After a wheelbarrow facebuster, Mr. JL went for the cover but only got a two count.

Ultimately, we wouldn't be rewarded with a clear cut winner here - as Sony Oono seemed to grow worried about Mr. JL's momentum - and sent Scott Norton into the ring after Mr. JL hit a sunsetflip powerbomb to Kanemoto. Norton assaulted Mr. JL from behind, drawing a disqualification!

WINNER: Mr. JL by disqualification at 6:19

Mr. JL may have won the match by disqualification but by the time Norton was done with him - he certainly did not look like a winner. Norton man-handled the smaller man, and drove him shoulder first into his knee with a vicious looking shoulderbreaker!

But Norton wasn't done! He pulled Mr. JL back up and lifted him up before SNAPPING him back to the mat in a quick release powerbomb! Mr. JL did an excellent job selling Norton's powerful offense as he literally folded over on the mat after the powerbomb.

Sonny Oono entered the ring and handed Koji Kanemoto the IWGP Junior Heavyweight championship before lifting up his arm to a warm round of boos from the crowd as we headed to break.


After the break, we come back in to the backstage area where "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat. Last night at World War 3, Harlem Heat managed to escape with their WCW Tag Team Titles against The Road Warriors along with the Heat's former valet Sister Sherri. Booker T and Stevie Ray both had big grins on their face as they wore their titles with pride. They said that no one should be surprised to see them still standing here tonight with the gold still around their waist. They once again called Sherri a curse to have as a manager, and that it should be pretty obvious to everyone around the world that what they said was true after last night. There was no one to blame but Sister Sherri!

Okerlund interjected, pointing out that Stevie Ray's use of the tag title belt played a pretty big role in the outcome... but Stevie Ray told Okerlund to shut his mouth - because in the end, all the matters was that Harlem Heat walked out as champions - a sight we all better get used to.

Okerlund shifted the discussion to tonight's show - where later in the evening, they would have to take on two opponents as chosen by the WCW viewing audience - Okerlund suggested that the champions would be at a disadvantage tonight, not knowing who to prepare for.

Booker T took offense, saying that they didn't become champions by mere coincidence - it doesn't matter what two people these "rednecks" want them to face - the result will always be the same. There's not any combo of people in this locker room that Harlem Heat would "sweat" facing. Booker assured us that the Heat would walk out champions once again tonight. Stevie Ray confirmed that he could in fact "dig that, sucka!"


THE RENEGADE versus SCOTTY RIGGS (w/V.K. Wallstreet)

Back in the ring, Scotty Riggs looked to continue his recent success under the guidance of V.K. Wallstreet by taking on the former WCW Television Champion, The Renegade. We were reminded that last night, Riggs picked up a big win over Disco Inferno in his PPV debut as a singles competitor - though later in the night, Riggs didn't fair as well in World War 3 when he found himself eliminated thanks to "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko. Heenan was surprised the "nursing home" let Zbyszko out long enough to compete in a battle royal.

And speaking of both Disco Inferno and Larry Zbyszko - Disco was going to be the host of a brand new segment on WCW Saturday Night called Saturday Night Fever and his first guest will be none other than The Living Legend himself! So there's a quick plug to tune in this Saturday Night for that.

But back in the ring, after a quick start from Riggs - he found himself in trouble against the energetic Renegade, who started to absorb the offense Riggs was dishing out. A hard headbutt from Renegade literally had Riggs "out on his feet." Renegade lifted Riggs over his head in a Military Press before dropping Riggs face first to the canvas. Renegade was clearly feeling the momentum as he made his way to the ropes and began shaking them frantically while Riggs was trying to get back up to his feet.

V.K. Wallstreet jumped onto the apron, providing a distraction - but Renegade hit Wallstreet with a right hand to send him off the apron back to the floor! Renegade turned around right into a boot to the midsection from Riggs! Renegade doubled over...THE BIG RIGGLE to Renegade!

Riggs quickly made the cover, hooking the leg - One, Two, Three!

Renegade kicked out, but it was too late! Riggs rolled out of the ring as Renegade got back to his feet, clearly upset about the loss.

WINNER: Scotty Riggs by pinfall at 5:34

After the match, Wallstreet lifted up Riggs' arm in victory from ringside while The Renegade argued with the referee in the ring. As Wallstreet and Riggs returned to the back, The Renegade appeared to snap as he lifted the referee up into the air in a Military Press before slamming him to the mat!

He wasn't done yet, as he bounced off the ropes and hit the Renegade Splash onto the referee!

Renegade finally left the ring, storming up the aisle as WCW officials rushed to the ring to check on the referee as Heenan commented that he always knew it was a matter of time before Renegade went off the deep end.


Coming back from the commercial break, we once again joined "Mean" Gene Okerlund backstage where he was with former WCW tag team champion - Too Cold Scorpio - who returned to WCW competition last night to take part in the World War 3 battle royal. Okerlund welcomed Scorpio back and Scorpio thanked Gene and confirmed that it was, in fact, good to be back.

Scorpio said he had taken a break from playing with "the big boys" but he was back and ready to bring some "funk" back to WCW. But this interview segment was soon interrupted by Scotty Riggs and V.K. Wallstreet.

Wallstreet took offense to this interview segment. "What is this? No one cares about this loser or whatever 'funk' is. This interview time should be for winners... winners like The Big Riggle himself, Scotty Riggs. He just WON his match. What has this loser done lately? Give this guy some interview time when he's actually won a match!"

Riggs then spoke up, "Oh wait a minute," - Riggs recognized Scorpio as the former tag team partner of Riggs' partner Marcus Bagwell. Scorpio confirmed, and mentioned that they had held the tag team titles together - "how many titles have you had?" Scorpio asked with a laugh.

Wallstreet stopped Riggs from advancing, lifting his arm out. "Here's the thing, my client doesn't need someone else... much less someone like Marcus Bagwell... to be a winner. He is a proven winner on his own."

Scorpio shrugged it off and looked down at Wallstreet's steel briefcase - "Well, how 'bout you fellas put your 'money where your mouth is' and step into the ring with Too Cold Scorpio?!"

Riggs looked ready for a fight, but Wallstreet told Scorpio that they "had better things to do tonight" - and with that, Wallstreet lead Riggs off screen. Scorpio shook his head and told Okerlund that he doesn't back down from anyone...and invited Riggs to face him one on one, this Saturday night!


We cut back to the ring, where WCW United States Champion Sting was already standing in the ring with a microphone.

"Salem, Virginia... the Stinger is feeling a little down tonight, I'm not gonna lie. Tonight was SUPPOSE to be the night I was gonna come out here and declare that I was headin' to WCW's biggest event of the year... that at Starrcade, the Stinger would be challenging Randy Savage for the WCW World Heavyweight Title. That at Starrcade, I was gonna get redemption for the Hulkster and take the title away from the Dungeon. The Stinger was gonna be WCW World Champion ONCE AGAIN!"

Sting shook his head with a half smile, "but that's not how the night went. I know I let all the little Stingers out there in the crowd down. And I let myself down. But I'm not here to dwell on the past... I'm here to look toward the future. New Japan showed at World War 3 that they want a fight. And me tell ya right now... THEY'VE PICKED A FIGHT... WITH... THE WRONG MAN! You boys want me? I'M RIGHT HERE! COME ON DOWN! THE STINGER WILL GIVE YOU A FIGHT! WOOOOO!"

Sting took off his United States Title and laid it down on the ground. "Right here! Here's the battle line! Oono... Norton... or how about... MUTA! LET'S DO THIS! LET'S GIVE THESE FANS A SHOW THEY WILL NEVER FORGET!"

Sting was waiting and after a brief pause - Sonny Oono appeared from the back, but it was not The Great Muta who was by his side, instead it was Scott Norton. Norton climbed the ring steps and sat down on the middle rope to allow Sonny Oono to climb into the ring.

Oono took his own microphone. "Ahhh, Sting... I can assure you that The Great Muta is very interested in fighting you. And it's not because he sees you as a challenge. No, it's because of that title you have right there. You see, Muta isn't just interested in conquering New Japan. He's interested in leading a full take over. And the first step... is that United States Championship! But Muta is the biggest star in the world. He's not going to work on your Sting's time. No, no. Oh, Stinger... you and Muta... you both have a date with destiny, this is true. But, it's not tonight."

Sting was not too pleased, but he did take the microphone and simply say "I see... well, that's unfortunate. Well, Muta may not be here... but I see that big boy is. And don't think I haven't forgotten what happened LAST NIGHT, EITHER!"

Norton smirked and began cracking his knuckles, but Oono pumped his brakes. "Not so fast" Oono said, "he doesn't work on your clock either! But... if you want Scott Norton... if you have that kind of death wish... then I can make that happen. NEXT WEEK... ON NITRO!"

"I'll be looking forward to it!"
Sting said with a grin, accepting the challenge. As Oono and Norton left the ring, Sting hung around to climb the turnbuckles for some photo ops for his adoring fans.

Who have the fans chosen to face off against Harlem Heat for the WCW Tag Team Titles? We'll find out - NEXT!


As we come back from the commercials, WCW Tag Team Champions - Harlem Heat were making their way down to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Both Booker T and Stevie Ray took moments to jaw jack with a couple fans at ringside before climbing into the ring. They handed off their tag belts to the referee and awaited their opponents.

Eric Bischoff said it was time to find out the results of the fan vote...

The first opponent walked through the currents and it was....NEW WCW Television Champion "The Crippler" Chris Benoit! The new champion walked out with his WCW Television Championship around his waist as Booker T and Stevie Ray didn't seem too worried in the ring. Benoit walked about halfway down the aisle and stopped, before turning and looking up the ramp....

The crowd provided a big ovation as "Also Sprach Zarathustra" hit the PA System! "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair sauntered out robe and all, to join his partner for the evening. Suddenly Booker T and Stevie Ray's demeanor seemed to change as they saw the former World Champion joining the current Television Champion in the aisle...it would be Flair and Benoit teaming up to challenge for the WCW Tag Team Championship!


The announce team was excited about the team up between Benoit and Flair - Bischoff revealed that Benoit just barely beat out Sting for the spot to team up with the Nature Boy. Flair started the match out against Booker T, and immediately looked to one-up the champion, taking Booker down and letting out a big WOO, which the crowd proceeded to echo. Flair locked back up with Booker and continued to outwrestle the younger brother of the championship duo, but once Stevie Ray made the blind tag to his brother, Ray attacked Flair from behind to take control.

Ray used his power advantage over Flair to swing the tables in favor of the champions...but a powerslam from Ray only got a two count on the Nature Boy. As Ray looked to pull Flair back to his feet, Flair scored with a jawbreaker that sent Ray stumbling backward into his own corner, allowing Booker to tag back in as Flair made the tag to Benoit. Benoit ducked a wild right hand from Booker, and proceed to hit some stiff chops to Booker before sending the champion into the ropes and decking him with a shoulderblock. The new television champion looked strong against Booker T, but as Benoit bounced off the ropes, Stevie Ray reached around with a hard right hand to the back of Benoit's head! Benoit stumbled right into a spinning sidekick from Booker T!

Booker brought his brother back in and the duo proceeded to send Benoit into the ropes and take him down with a double shoulderblock. Stevie Ray took over control, stomping on Benoit before picking up a nearfall off of sidewalk slam. Ray wasted no time after the nearfall, going right back on the attack. Stevie Ray would pick up another nearfall off of a backbreaker to the television champion. Ray pulled Benoit back to the Heat corner where Ray tagged in Booker. Stevie Ray held Benoit in a front facelock as Booker put a few cheap kicks to Benoit's midsection before Ray had to leave.

Booker picked up where his brother left off, continuing to stick it to Benoit while Flair tried to rally Benoit from the corner. However when Booker went for a back suplex to Benoit, Benoit flipped over Booker's back - landing on his feet before hooking Booker in a waistlock - RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!

With both men down, the crowd was solidly behind Benoit to get the tag to Flair. Flair was extending his arm as far as he could as Benoit made the long crawl over to Flair.... TAG TO THE NATURE BOY! In came Flair as Booker was getting up... a pair of knife edge chops had Booker reeling....Flair wasted no time getting the upperhand on Booker, soon sending Booker into the ropes and catching him in a sleeperhold! Before Booker could start to give into the hold, he broke it with a jawbreaker! Flair stumbled backwards and flopped to the floor as Booker rolled over and made the tag to Stevie Ray!

Ray slowly stalked the fallen Flair as he tried to regain his composure. Ray charged in, taking Flair down with a big clothesline. But Flair began to fight back as Ray tried to pull him up. A few jabs to Stevie Ray's lower midsection earned Flair some room to get back to his feet. Flair hit another pair of knife edge chops before taking the big man off his feet with a snapmare! Flair followed that up with a knee drop before he took Ray by the leg and signaled for the figure four! Flair tied up the champion's legs and dropped the mat, locking Stevie Ray in his signature submission hold!

The strong and powerful Stevie Ray was in a world of pain - but refused to submit to the submission. Ray used his strength to pull himself and Flair from the center of the ring - slowly making his way to the ropes. Ray would finally reach the bottom rope and forced Flair to break up the hold.

Flair got back to his feet and put a few more stomps to Ray's knee before he made the tag back to Benoit. As Stevie Ray started to get back to his feet, Benoit met him with a headbutt right to the head before he lifted the big Ray up and dropped him to the mat with a backsuplex. Benoit got back to his feet and made the slit throat motion, signaling he was about to head up top for the Swandive Headbutt! But as he made his way to the corner, Booker T charged in and hit the Harlem Sidekick to Benoit!

The referee quickly went over to cut off Booker T from doing any more damage and began trying to get Booker out of the ring... Ric Flair started to enter the ring to help his partner, but he was PULLED TO THE OUTSIDE by Brian Pillman!

Pillman was joined at ringside by Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero and the trio worked together to send Flair CRASHING into the ring steps! The trio backed off Flair as the referee turned back to the action in the ring...

With Flair down at ringside...Benoit was left alone in the ring with no one to make the tag to! Stevie Ray tagged in his partner and they proceeded to work together to hit the Big Apple Blast to Benoit! Booker made the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNERS: Harlem Heat by pinfall at 10:03

The champions retain, thanks in large part due to an attack on Ric Flair from the Triple Crown!

Pillman, Guerrero, and Malenko stood tall at the top of the ramp - watching in satisfaction as Ric Flair struggled to pull himself up at ringside.

Up Next...World War 3 winner Scott Hall speaks!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing in the middle of the ring as we came back from the commercial break. He wasted no time introducing us to the winner of the first ever 60-man battle royal known as World War 3 - "THE BAD GUY" SCOTT HALL!

The crowd was on their feet as Scott Hall sauntered out from the back with gold chains around his neck and a toothpick in his mouth. The always calm and cool Hall climbed into the ring to join Okerlund in the middle of the ring. Okerlund congratulated Hall, as Hall smirked, "Heeeey yo, Geeeenee-o. I gotta say, I'm just glad last night I found you backstage and got to rub that head of your for good luck." Hall proceeded to rub Okerlund's balding head again as he laughed.

Okerlund wasn't quite as amused, and pulled himself away from Hall and recomposed himself as he brushed down his suit. "But yeah, mang, in all seriousness... last night was a huge moment. Last night, I proved to the world that when I showed up here on Nitro... the first ever Nitro... that when I told the world that night that I belonged where... DA BIG BOYS PLAY... that I MEANT it. And now... here we are... Da Bad Guy has officially arrive.d Da Bad Guy is da numero uno... contender... chico."

"And the best part of last night... after all the trash talkin'... after avoiding me at Halloween Havoc... after all the stuff he's put me through since I arrived... and how hard he's gone out of his way to NOT get in the ring with me... since I outlasted 59 other men last night... there's not... a... DAMN... thing... Randy Savage can do to avoid getting in the ring with me this time. At Starrcade... I finally get my hands on that little weasel."

Okerlund questioned Hall about the Dungeon of Doom and if their prescience was any cause for concern for Hall. "Gene-o, I've seen a lot of things in my life. Growing up in Cuba... mang, I saw things on good days that would make the Dungeon of Doom look like a basket of puppy dogs. Then I came to America... and I had nothin', mang. Not a dime. Not a penny. I had to work my way up to where I am now. You think it was easy, mang? You think I never found myself in a dark alley with people much scarier than Randy Savage? Savage ain't nothin, mang. He's all talk. He's a scumbag. He's got no backbone. He knew the only way he could ever become World Champion was to sell his soul out to the Dungeon of Doom. So no, I'm not scared of him. And I'm not scared of some Tongan with a bad hair day or a seven foot Frankenstein reject." Hall proceeded to do an imitation of a slow walking Frankenstein before continuing, "nah, mang. I find it pretty hard to be afraid of a group who's total IQ might equal that of a thirteen year old. No way, Jose."

Almost on cue, the WCW Champion, Randy Savage, himself walked out from the back, dressed in black and white with the big gold belt around his shoulder. Savage ignored the boos as he headed down the aisle and climbed into the ring. Savage approached Hall and Okerlund, pulling the microphone over to his side. "You know something Hall... .you really are about as dumb as you look. Have you not been watching? Have you not been keeping up? Have you not seen THE MADNESS I've caused? It's pppppprrreeetttttyyyy funnnnnny, oh yeah, that you'd have the cojones to come out here and run your mouth and insult our intelligence, yyyeeahhh. Because you'd have to be pretty dumb to not be scared of what I can do with the Dungeon by my side. WHAT YOU NOT SEEN WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF NOW? DID YOU NOT SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO HULK HOGAN? I DESTROYED HULKAMANIA. The so-called indestructible force in this business...and with the Dungeon of Doom..I CRUSHED HIM. HE'S GONE. HE'S NEVER COMING BACK! What makes you think you will be any different? Because you won't be...oooohhh yyyeeaaahhhhh."

Hall remained cool and smirked, "yeah, you guys really did a number on Hogan, no doubt about it, chico. How could I not know? That's literally all you've talked about since then. What have you done SINCE then though? Huh? All you've done is TALK about it. We get it. But know this, mang, there's a lot of differences between what happened at Halloween Havoc and what's gonna happen at Starrcade. First of all, The Bad Guy... I ain't Hulk Hogan. I'm a lot cooler than he ever was. And for two, Hogan never saw you comin'. For some unknown reason, he didn't see the snake you are. He actually considered you a friend. That's a mistake. The Bad Guy.... I don't got no friends, mang. And I've known you were a piece of garbage since the moment I got here. You can't surprise me chico... I already know what I'm up against."

Randy Savage wasn't amused as he stared down Hall. "Oooohhh, you are definitely big a fool as you look. You may act big and bad right now... you may act like you're not scared... but I know that deep down... dddddddeeeeeeeeeeeppp down underneath all that oil and grease... I know... I know... that you are trembling in fear at the sight of the Dungeon. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You aren't ready for this. But you're wrong about one thing. Hulk Hogan wasn't wrong. He was my friend. I considered him my best friend in the world, yyyeeaahhh. So let that know... what I'm willin' to do... for this belt right here, oooooh yeah. I was willing to CRUSH MY OWN BEST FRIEND. I SOLD MY SOUL TO THE DEVIL FOR THIS! So if I was willing to do that to someone I actually cared for... what does that mean for you, HUH? This belt means more to me than anything... more than any friendship... and you better believe I'm gonna destroy anyone who wants to try and take it from me. And with the power of the Dungeon behind me... no one can stop me. NO ONE. So... Scott Hall... you are fooling yourself. You may tihnk you're not scared now... but I promise you this... you will be."

"You want to talk about being scared, chico? How about when you ducked out on our match at Halloween Havoc?"
Hall retorted.

Hall's own confident smirk had faded as he stared into the cold, and eerily calm face of the Dungeon's "Savior." After a long pause, Hall finally responded. "What's that? Some kinda threat?" Savage simply shrugged his shoulders. Hall moved in closer to Savage, the two now staring eye to eye in the middle of the ring. "I told you, mang, I'm. Not. Scared." Hall proceeded to toss his toothpick right into Savage's face.

Randy Savage lost it as he charged and tackled Hall to the mat! Savage unloaded rapid-fire punches to Hall on the mat before Hall was able to roll over and get on top. Hall fired back with punches of his own! WCW officials and security quickly entered the ring and pulled the two apart! Security tried to separate the two in the ring, but Savage broke free and charged at Hall, blindsiding him with a right hand! Hall hit the canvas and Savage began putting the boots to Hall until security was able to restrain him once again.

As security pulled Savage out of the ring and began to force him up the aisle...Hall was being helped to his feet in the ring. Hall attempted to go after Savage but was held back in the ring by security. "LET GO OF ME!" Hall demanded, but it was on deaf ears. The restrained Savage turned around at the top of the ramp to see Hall trying to fight his way free - Savage gave a twisted smirk knowing that his cheapshot was the last laugh..at least for tonight.

The show faded out as Hall was finally calming down while being restrained by security.


Current Card for WCW Starrcade
Sunday, December 17, 1995

starrcade logo main event.jpg

WCW Championship Match

Randy Savage (c) vs. Scott Hall


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WCW Saturday Night
November 18, 1995

Tony Schiavone and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes welcomed us to this week's edition of WCW Saturday Night! The duo joined us in studio where they hyped up Starrcade and sent us to a video recap of the showdown the occurred between WCW World Champion Randy Savage and his challenger at Starrcade - "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall. Rhodes talked about the "fear" that the Dungeon of Doom has been putting in the hearts of the WCW locker room since they were formed...but it looks like Scott Hall knows a thing or two about staring fear down, because "no sir, he's not going to back down!"

They transitioned into tonight's events - the main event tonight would be a match for the WCW Television Championship - as the newly crowned champion "The Crippler" Chris Benoit would be defending against one of the members of Triple Crown - "The Man of 1,000 Holds" Dean Malenko!

There was a lot more action tonight - but Schiavone was oddly excited about a new interview segment Saturday Night Fever that would be hosted by Disco Inferno with the first ever guest being "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko!


We get things started tonight with some fast back and forth action between two young stars with some international flavor as the young German Alex Wright took on the Luchadore from Mexico - Super Calo. As this match went back and forth - Schiavone brought up World War 3 - where Alex Wright was able to eliminate his recent rival Diamond Dallas Page. Of course, it was Wright who had been providing a "safe harbor" of sorts to Page's valet Diamond Doll - but that seemed to change at World War 3 when the Doll came to Page's side after Page was put through a table by Sabu after losing the TV title.

There would be no Page, Doll, or his bodyguards tonight - as Schiavone noted they had taken the week off to heal up after World War 3, but Schiavone did reveal that this week on Monday Nitro - Page would get his rematch for the Television Title against either Benoit or Malenko depending on the outcome of tonight's match. With no worries about outside interference of Page and his entourage - Wright was able to wear down the luchadore Calo enough to eventually put him away with a hangman's neckbreaker!

WINNER: Alex Wright by pinfall at 5:49

After the match, Wright showed his appreciation to some fans at ringside with a barrage of high fives.


As Johnny B. Badd was making his way down to the ring for the next match of the evening, we were informed that "Mean" Gene Okerlund was able to get a few words with Badd before the match.

We cut to the studio where indeed Okerlund was with Badd. Okerlund wondered about Badd's reaction after losing to Great Muta at World War 3 and the snubbing of his "coach" Sting's handshake. Badd tried to downplay the non-handshake by saying how "disappointed" he was in the moment to let down both Sting and WCW by not being able to put away Muta.

But Badd was ready to put that loss behind him and move forward... he wanted to personally thank Sting for what he taught him and that he could continue to have the Stinger's back in this war against NJPW!



From a battle against NJPW to a battle against a Canadian in Scott Borders, Badd obviously wanted to get back on the winning track by taking on the more unknown Borders. Much like last week where Borders was able to generate some foreigner heel heat just by wearing some wrestling trunks with the Canadian Maple Leaf on it - the crowd once again was all over Borders with some U-S-A chants in favor for Badd.

The Canadian was able to get in some limited offense against Badd, including a nearfall off of a spinning spinebuster. The end of the match would come when Borders attempted to go to the top rope, only to have Badd fall across the top rope - causing Borders to lose his balance and end up falling down onto the turnbuckles groin first. Badd joined Borders on the top turnbuckle... BADD DAY frankensteiner to Borders! Badd then climbed back up to the top to finish things off with the Wild Thing shooting star press - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Johnny B. Badd by pinfall in 4:22

Badd celebrated after the match by shooting his confetti gun into the crowd.


WCW Hotline: This week's rumors that Gene Okerlund wanted to get us to spend .99/minute listening to included a big name WCW star who's contract is up after Starrcade... what is this star's status on resigning? And what WCW stars are heading to Japan to represent WCW?

Kids, get your parents' permission before calling!


After the break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with a team who came up short of winning the tag titles at World War 3 - The Road Warriors along with their valet Sister Sherri. Okerlund wanted to know if Hawk and Animal put any blame on Sherri for their loss Sunday night on Pay-Per-View, as their rivals Harlem Heat seemed to point to Sherri as the reason for the loss.

Animal pointed out that they've never been the kind of people to place blame anywhere for a loss... they're not here to make excuses - they do their talking in that ring. And they assured us that they would be getting another tag title shot very soon.

Sherri added that she was "sick and tired" of hearing Booker T and Stevie Ray bring up her name... whether they want to admit or not, Sherri had a lot to do with the success Harlem Heat has had as a tag team - and she was already working with the Championship Committee to get The Road Warriors a rematch.

At the mention of a rematch for the Road Warriors, in walked Sonny Oono along with Masahiro Chono and Kensuke Sasaki.

Oono disagreed with Sherri and seemed to think that one shot was enough for the Road Warriors - Oono stated that in NJPW, they value their title shots and if you don't win the match, it's back to the bottom where you have to WORK your way back up.

Oono stated that they value their titles and every title shot...Oono then went on to suggest that NJPW wasn't just targeting Sting and the United States Championship - no, the NJPW has their eyes set on the Tag Team Championship as well!

The Road Warriors weren't backing down from the NJPW contingent, instead it was Sherri who suggested if Chono and Sasaki want to prove themselves as contenders, the Warriors would have no problem taking them on! Sherri even stated that she would see to it that the match happens TONIGHT!

Oono grinned and told Sherri that "they had no problems agreeing to those terms." With that, it looked as though a big tag team match had been set up for later in the evening!


TOO COLD SCORPIO versus SCOTTY RIGGS (w/V.K. Wallstreet)

Before the match got started, we were treated with a recap of the altercation between these two from Monday Nitro which saw some mention of Scorpio's past tag team with Marcus Bagwell, who just so happened to also be Riggs' partner prior to Riggs joining up with V.K. Wallstreet. We were reminded that Bagwell remains sidelined with an injury to his leg that he sustained in a match against The Blue Bloods.

Scorpio attempted to garner some fan support with some flashy moves early - using his speed to outmaneuver Riggs. Even when Riggs began to get the upperhand using his strength, he sent Scorpio into the corner with an Irish Whip before charging in behind him, only to have Scorpio pull himself up on the turnbuckles to avoid the incoming Riggs! Riggs collided with the turnbuckles as Scorpio came back down, wrapping his legs around Riggs and rolling him up into an impressive cradling pinfall - but Riggs would get out after two.

Riggs would eventually leave the ring to regroup with Wallstreet - only to have Scorpio come flying out of the ring with a slingshot corkscrew body press that took out both Riggs and Wallstreet at ringside! Scorpio would emerge from the bodies and send Riggs back into the ring, before taking to the air once again with slingshot legdrop! A pinfall attempt would one again just get two, as Riggs got his foot on the ropes.

Scorpio was looking very impressive as the match continued, but no one - including the referee or Scorpio noticed Wallstreet placing his steel briefcase on the apron. After a sitout powerbomb, Scorpio once again went for a pinfall - but Wallstreet jumped onto the opposite apron to distract the referee!

It looked like Scorpio would've had the 3 count, but there was no ref! Scorpio got up and confronted Wallstreet as Riggs crawled to the corner! Riggs grabbed the briefcase...and when Scorpio turned around...Riggs DECKED him with the briefcase! Riggs tossed the briefcase out of the ring and made the cover as Wallstreet jumped down to free up the referee...One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Scotty Riggs by pinfall in 7:53

Post match, Wallstreet picked up his briefcase and joined Riggs in the ring to lift up his client's arm in victory as the crowd met them both with boos. The duo left the ring as Scorpio began to struggle to get back to his feet...


"SUGAR" RAY LLOYD versus SCOTT NORTON (w/Sonny Oono)

The fancy feet of the martial artist Ray Lloyd was up against some very stiff competition of powerhouse from NJPW - Scott Norton. As Lloyd used his educated leg work to try and bring down Norton, it was become very clear, very quickly - that those kicks were going to not be very useful against Norton's powerful frame. Norton would soon catch one of those kicks before pulling Lloyd up in the air by his legs and slamming him back first into the canvas.

As Norton proceeded to stalk Lloyd and pick him apart slowly...Schiavone and Rhodes focused on Monday Nitro - where we found out this week that while Sting was hoping to get his hands on The Great Muta - he would instead get a shot against the man who attacked him from behind two weeks ago - the man currently dominating the action against Ray Lloyd. They both agreed that Sting should be more of a challenge to the NJPW brute, but tonight - it was all Norton.

Norton delivered a sickening shoulder breaker to Lloyd before finishing him off with his Release Powerbomb! Norton made a very nonchalant cover as he knelt down next to Lloyd and placed both hands across his chest to pick up the three count.

WINNER: Scott Norton by pinfall at 1:45


WCW Monday Nitro Preview: Eric Bischoff was in the WCW Studio to provide us with some hype for this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro! The WCW Television Championship would be on the line as Diamond Dallas Page gets a rematch for the title against the winner of tonight's main event! Meanwhile, US Champion Sting will get to take on the man who attacked him from behind two weeks ago after his WCW Title match... Scott Norton of NJPW! Plus, WCW Champion Randy Savage was sure to be hand.. and so will his challenger "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall - which could be an explosive combination again this week!


AFFLICTION (Wrath & Fury) (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan) versus THE VILLAGE (G.I. Joe Polaco and Cowboy Kendall Windham)

The Villaged return to action once again this week as Polaco came out in full camo gear while Windham looked more natural in his cowboy hat and carrying a bullrope down to the ring. But these newfound friends had their work cut out for them as they took on the powerful duo from the Dungeon of Doom - Wrath and Fury.

Polaco and Windham both seemed overwhelmed early by the sheer size and strength of the Dungeon of Doom pairing - but they both showed a ton of heart as they did their best to hang in there and not give in to defeat. Meanwhile, Schiavone and Rhodes discussed the current state of the Dungeon - because while Affliction was looking strong in the ring - on Nitro we saw Meng take some verbal abuse from ringleader Kevin Sullivan before Meng ultimately ended up on the receiving end of a five on one beatdown from the Dungeon of Doom in the ring.

Back in the ring, Kendall Windham was showing that he had some fight left in him as he began to fight his way back against Fury - unloading some hard right hands of his own, showing that he too had some strength and power in him. Even Sullivan seemed surprised at ringside as Windham took Fury down with a bulldog before dropping a legdrop across the throat! Windham went for the cover - One, Two, Fury powered his way out!

Windham looked to continue his comeback, but an attempt to Irish Whip Fury ended up being reversed, sending Windham into the ropes and running right back in to a big boot from Fury! After Fury made the tag to Wrath, the duo lifted Windham up into the air, only to drop him face first to the canvas with a double flapjack.

Polaco attempted to enter the ring to help out his partner, but would ultimately receive a double big boot from the Affliction duo! Wrath and Fury put a finishing touch on the match by hitting the Double Chokeslam to Windham. Wrath made the cover and picked up the decisive three count victory.

WINNERS: Affliction by pinfall at 5:01

With the match wrapped up, "The Taskmaster" climbed into the ring and seemed to indicate to Affliction that they weren't done yet! Wrath and Fury grabbed Polaco off the mat and lifted him up, giving him a DOUBLE CHOKESLAM of his own!

Taskmaster then pointed to Windham as he was starting to show signs of life on the canvas, which to Sullivan was clearly a "no-no." Affliction pulled him back to his feet, delivering another Double Chokeslam!

As Windham and Polaco were left laying on the canvas, Sullivan took the microphone. "How can anyone not FEAR this?" Sullivan pointed to the two prone bodies on the mat. "Anyone... anyone who could say... beyond a shadow of a doubt... that the Dungeon doesn't strike fear into their hearts... is a BOLD FACED LIAR! And that's right, I'm talking about you, Scott Hall! You may want to look and act like a tough guy, soon... soon... soon....... you will not be able to hide anymore. SOON SCOTT HALL... you will know the TRUE MEANING OF FEAR!"

"In fact... since you are so adamant you aren't afraid of the Dungeon... then how about this? This Monday... ON NITRO... you'll take on these two men right here... the two men who just destroyed the competition tonight... my newest monsters... Wrath... Fury... AFFLICTION! I'll even be nice and say if you can find someone willing to team with you, which I don't think you will because you've proven since you got here that you don't play well with others... but I'm guessing you'll not find many people willing to step into the ring with the Dungeon... because... THIS... THIS IS WHAT FEAR LOOKS LIKE!"


After the break, we came back to the ring which was set up with some shag carpet...a disco ball lowered from the top of the arena as the lights dimmed. This could only mean on thing - the debut of Saturday Night Fever!

"Disco Fever" hit the PA system, bringing out our host for this new segment - Disco Inferno. Disco boogied his way down to the ring to the delight of the kids at ringside before climbing into the ring and doing some more disco dancing before the music died out and the lights came back up.

"Alright, alright, alright - let's get this party started, baby! I gotta pinch myself because this just don't even seem real. Because being able to host my own show here on WCW Saturday Night is like a dream come true, daddio! Aaaannnnnddd speaking of dreams coming true, it's a huge honor to have this man as the first ever guest on Saturday Night Fever. He's a true 'LIVING LEGEND' in this sport... a man who certainly needs no introduction, but I'm giving him one anyway... join me in welcoming to the party... THE LIVING LEGEND... LARRY... ZBYSZKO! COME ON DOWN, BABY!"

The crowd gave Zbyszko a nice ovation as he walked down to the ring. Larry climbed the apron and gave the crowd his trademarked salute before joining Disco in the ring. Disco welcomed him to the party, "Come on in, baby! There's some cause for celebraiton here tonight! The first ever Saturday Night Fever... one living legend in the ring... and one future legend by his side!" Larry grinned and nodded his head as the crowd gave him some respectful cheers. "And I gotta congratulate you on your... decent... run in your return to WCW this past Sunday... you had a nice little run in World World 3... now, granted, it wasn't quite as nice as the top 20... like me, of course."Disco gave Larry a playful pat on the back, showing he saying it only in jest.

Zbyszko smirked, "Yeah, yeah, you did good, kid. No doubt about it. And this past Sunday wasn't so much about how far I went or how long I lasted, it was about getting back out there. Because for a while now, people have been tellin' me that it was over. Time to hang up the boots and tights... saying I just didn't have it anymore. Saying that it was time to go out to pasture and call it a career. And for a moment... I thought about it. Maybe they were right? Who knows... but deep down in my heart... I think... they are one hundred percent... WRONG!"

A small "LARRY, LARRY" chant broke out - prompting Larry to soak up the cheers and give another salute to the crowd. "I gotta say, it definitely sounds like these fans want to see more of the Living Legend! So it's good to hear you aren't going anywhere any time soon. But, where does an accomplished wrestler like you go from here?"

Before Larry could respond - the interview segment was interrupted as Scotty Riggs and V.K. Wallstreet made their way down to the ring! Larry stood with his hands on his hips as the pair climbed into the ring. Riggs got in Disco Inferno's face before grabbing the microphone and forcefully snatching it from the host's hands. Riggs then turned the microphone over to his agent, V.K. Wallstreet. "That's a valid question," Wallstreet proposed - "Where DO you go from here Larry? We've both been in this business for a while, haven't we, Larry? We've seen people come. We've seen people go. And we both know we've seen people... overstay their welcome. Because, let's face it, there's NOTHING marketable about a washed-up, has-been. These people may be chanting your name now, but it won't last. Nostalgia only lasts for so long. Because what people want now isn't the old. They want the new. The EXCITING. That's what sells tickets! That's what makes money! And THAT is what Scotty Riggs brings to the business! LOOK AT THAT FACE" The camera zoomed in over to Riggs who tilted his head and posed for the camera. "The fact that you even are getting this interview time is a waste of time and energy! You don't deserve the spotlight! Riggs does! This whole interview is a JOKE!"

"You know what I think Riggs deserves,"
Zbyszko questioned, "A lesson in respect! I just happen to be a licensed teacher in just that subject." Zbyszko began to unbuckle his belt, whipping it off and looking ready to lay a beatdown to both Riggs and Wallstreet.

"Woah, keep your pants on, old man," Wallstreet stated, "no one wants to see their senile grandpa running around in his underwear! I know sex sells but not for you! Listen, you may call yourself the 'Living Legend,' but face the facts... you're no Hulk Hogan. You're no Ric Flair. You're not the Rolling Stones. You're not the type of act that people want to see come back for one last tour. The type of act people pay good money for to see one last time. The fans may be chanting your name now, but this could be the last time you walked out of the ring and they could never see you again... and it wouldn't matter. They won't remember the last thing you did. The last words you said. You're nothing to them." Wallstreet paused... "Unless...." Walstreet turned to Scotty Riggs, "unless you had te right opponent! Sometimes the right opponent makes all the difference in the world! And if anyone was going to make some money in a match against Zbyszko...it'd be the next legend of this business - Scotty Riggs!

"Well let' s do this then!"
Larry called out as he began to unbutton his shirt.

But Wallstreet put the brakes on once again. "Not so fast. Riggs actually put in the work tonight already and got an impressive win. All in due time, old man. Because while Riggs would certainly love to end your little comeback tour right here tonight... these people only paid the price of ONE admission which is only good for ONE Big Riggle! Now I could go back and charge all these people DOUBLE for another one here tonight, I don't think these people can afford that! But don't you worry... the Big Riggle will put the Living Legend out to pasture... soon enough!"

The segment came to a close as Riggs taunted Zbyszko with a flex before leaving the ring with Wallstreet - leaving Zbyszko unsatisfied in the ring.


TEAM NEW JAPAN (Masahiro Chono & Kensuke Sasaki) (w/Sonny Oono) versus THE ROAD WARRIORS (Hawk & Animal) (w/Sister Sherri)

Earlier in the night, while Sister Sherri had suggested that the Road Warriors would be asking the WCW Championship Committee for another tag team title shot, Sonny Oono felt like one shot was enough and that his New Japan teaming of Masahiro Chono and Kensuke Sasaki deserved a title shot instead. As a result, this match was made for tonight and clearly, there was some serious implications for the tag team division on the line here.

It was a slugfest early between Chono and Animal, but soon it was Animal who was able to use his raw power to get the upperhand on Chono before bringing Hawk into the mat. Hawk wrenched back Chono's arm and began working it over with multiple shoulder thrusts to Chono's shoulder before taking the NJPW star to the mat with an armdrag. Hawk continued on the attack until he would attempt a diving fistdrop only to have Chono roll out of the way. Chono made it to the corner and tagged in Sasaki. Sasaki and Hawk circled each other before locking up. After a bit of a stalemate between the duo in the lockup, Sasaki was able to push Hawk off into the ropes, only to have Hawk come back with a shoulderblock that Sasaki absorbed. Hawk bounced off the ropes again and hit a clothesline to Sasaki that was also absorbed by Sasaki who exploded with a clothesline of his own that took Hawk to the mat. Sasaki was showing some impressive power of his own against the veteran team.

After taking control of the match, Sasaki transitioned the match into some more mat based offense as he tried to wear down Hawk with some submission holds - including locking Hawk in a standing inverted figure four. Hawk showed his pain on the mat, but furiously shook his head "NO" when asked by the referee if he was going to submit. Sasaki would eventually release the hold himself in order to dish out some more punishment before bringing Chono back into the ring. Chono stalked Hawk as he tried to pull himself up, only to have Chono take him right back down to the mat with a lariat.

Chono pointed over at Animal and yelled out what one could assume was some obscenities which lead to Animal trying to enter the ring, but was cut off by the referee - allowing a double team to take place between Chono and Sasaki on Hawk.

Team New Japan continued on the offensive against Hawk, picking up a few more nearfalls before Sasaki put Hawk on the top turnbuckle to set him up for a Frankensteiner, only to have Hawk start to battle back! Some hard right hands wore down Sasaki and sent him backwards, away from the corner...allowing Hawk to perch on the top turnbuckle - FLYING CLOTHESLINE to Sasaki!

Both men were down and it became a race to make the tags... they both made the crawl to their own corner and made the tag at the same time! Animal charged in, he and Chono both hitting each other with a clothesline, but Animal's showed more force and Chono hit the mat while Animal absorbed his blow! Chono rolled back to his feet only to be sent into the ropes and then BACKDROPPED to the mat!

The crowd was solidly behind the Road Warriors who had swung the momentum in their own favor... Sasaki attacked Animal from behind, but Hawk was there to even the odds! All four men were battling in the ring as the referee was losing all control of the match! However it was a clothesline from Hawk to Sasaki that sent both men falling over the top rope to the floor!

Back in the ring, Chono tried to slow Animal down with a rake to the eyes, which did slow him down enough to allow Chono to hit an inverted atomic drop before taking him to the mat with a Russian Legsweep! Chono went for the cover, but Animal kicked out at two. Chono allowed Animal to pull himself up before he went for his Kenka Kick, but Animal ducked! Hawk lifted Chono up and slammed him to the mat with a scoop slam! Animal pointed up to the sky as he began to pull Chono back to his feet as Hawk returned to the ring and climbed the turnbuckle, but Sonny Oono jumped onto the apron to try and provide a distraction - but Sister Sherri pulled him down off the apron!

Oono began arguing with Sherri, who responded by providing a stiff slap to Oono's face! As Oono and Sherri were going at it - they both proved to be enough distraction to give Sasaki enough time to climb the apron and shove Hawk off the ropes and groin first across the top ring ropes!

Animal attacked Sasaki on the apron, slamming him head first into the turnbuckles - sending Sasaki off the apron to the mat...but when Animal turned around, he was caught out of nowhere by the KENKA KICK from Chono! Chono made the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNERS: Team New Japan by pinfall at 10:03

The announce team was in shock that Team New Japan had pulled off what could only be considered an upset to them. It was truly a big victory for Chono and Sasaki, who Schiavone and Rhodes both agreed would have a strong argument for a WCW Tag Team Title shot!


We came back from the commercial break where we got a quick interview with Triple Crown in full force, as Dean Malenko was about to make his way down to the ring for tonight's main event for the WCW Television Championship. Pillman looked into the camera as he began to speak. "The Triple Crown is just getting started here in WCW! We have already made an impact on some legends in the business in Flair and Anderson... and it was only a matter of time before we start getting CROWNED with actual championships. And tonight, Malenko... gets to do just that against a man he is no stranger to. Tonight, Malenko is going to get that WCW Television Title from Chris Benoit!"

"Benoit," Malenko added, "I hope you haven't got too attached to that title in the last six days... because tonight... it's coming home.. to the Triple Crown! You may be a master mat technician, but tonight you're going to be just another victim... to one of my 1,000 holds."


"THE MAN OF 1,000 HOLDS" DEAN MALENKO (w/Brian Pillman & Eddy Guerrero) versus "THE CRIPPLER" CHRIS BENOIT ©

"The Professor" Mike Tenay joined Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes for the play-by-play of the match, to offer his insights on the continued history between these men and also to remind us some rules of the Television Championship. Tenay reminded us that while most TV Title matches have a 10-minute time limit - if it's a Main Event, it's 15 minutes! And on Pay-Per-Views it's 20 minutes. With that in mind, Benoit and Malenko were ready to get underway in the ring.

These men clearly were no strangers with each other, given their recent rivalry that spilled over into WCW just a few months ago when they debuted - but tonight was the first time they met with WCW gold on the line, so the stakes were obviously much higher. Benoit kept a cautious eye on Pillman and Guerrero at ringside, but kept his focus in the ring on his opponent. The two started the match with a face off in the middle of the ring that lead to some trash talking between the two rivals before Benoit surprised Malenko with a double leg take down out of nowhere before Benoit started slamming the side of Malenko's face with some stiff right hands before the referee stepped in to pull Benoit off. Benoit received a warning from Benoit about using "closed fists" as Malenko slowly pulled himself to his feet. Benoit moved in after his warning and went right back on the attack to Malenko with his strong intensity.

Benoit worked Malenko over into the corner, continuing to hit some hard right hands mixed in with some kicks to the midsection and chops to the chest. Malenko showed some intensity of his own as he battled his way out of the corner with some high knees to Benoit's midsection. The duo continued to battle back and forth in the corner with one man getting in some offense before the other battled out and reversed their roles. Tenay mentioned you could tell how much these men truly despised each other with the intensity they were putting into their attacks.

Malenko was finally able to take the upperhand in the match as he pulled Benoit out of the corner and lifted him up into the air - keeping him held up in the air in a delayed vertical suplex before finally dropping Benoit on his back to the mat. Malenko went for an early pinfall, but Benoit got his shoulder up quickly. Malenko continued on the attack - including a few more early pinfall attempts that saw Benoit continue to kick out. With the early pinfalls not working out in his favor, Malenko turned his attention instead to some submission holds as he locked in a chinlock to the Crippler. As the referee checked in on Benoit, the Television Champion began to pull himself up and used some elbows to break up the submission hold. Benoit battled back against his challenger - going on the attack and soon having Malenko literally backed up against the ropes. Benoit fired off some stiff knife edge chops to Malenko's bare chest that echoed through the arena. Off the ropes, Benoit snapped a hard back elbow into the charging Malenko to send the challenger to his back on the mat. The champion was in firm control until Eddy Guerrero leaped up to the apron. Benoit took out Guerrero with a right hand, but walked into another high knee from Malenko to allow Malenko to retake control of the match. Malenko went back on the attack, and a tiltawhirl slam from the Man of 1,000 holds set up Benoit for another pinfall attempt - One, Two, Th...kickout by Benoit!

At ringside, Pillman could be heard yelling at the referee about "slow counts." But Malenko was not deterred and continued on the attack. Malenko would soon try to turn Benoit over into a half Boston crab, but Benoit furiously tried to block the turn...enough to prevent Malenko from executing the submission, but Malenko dropped an elbow down onto Benoit's ribs to prevent any comeback from the champion.

Chris Benoit looked in trouble as Malenko set him up for possibly a snap suplex, but Benoit hooked his leg around Malenko's to prevent the move! Benoit then countered by rolling Malenko to the mat into a cradling pinfall attempt - One, Two, T...Malenko escaped!

Malenko was up to his feet first and quickly stomped on Benoit a few times before pulling the champion back to his feet. Malenko sent Benoit into the ropes...Malenko hit the mat as Benoit jumped over him, but off the ropes a second time, Benoit slid between Malenko's legs! Benoit was back to his feet as Malenko turned around into a dropkick from the champion! As Benoit was turning the tables on Malenko, he would soon set Malenko up for a powerbomb, but Malenko countered with a double leg take down to Benoit!

Malenko held onto Benoit's legs and turned him over into the Texas Cloverleaf!

The referee checked in on Benoit, who was refusing to submit. Benoit fought his way with what energy he had left in the tank to reach the bottom rope! One, Two, Three, Four, Five...Malenko finally released the hold to avoid the disqualification. As the referee warned Malenko, his back was turned to Benoit, allowing Pillman to come over and choke Benoit across the bottom rope!

As much as Schiavone stated he was enjoying the match, he noted that we were starting to close in on the 15 minute time limit! With that in mind, Malenko set Benoit up on the top turnbuckle and began to climb up with him. Malenko pulled Benoit up into a fireman's carry, but Benoit began to fight back! Malenko dropped Benoit back across the top turnbuckle in a seated position - but Benoit continued to battle back...hard right hands from Benoit had Malenko teetering until Benoit finally shoved Malenko off the top turnbuckle to the mat!

Benoit stood up on the top turnbuckle...DIVING HEADBUTT to Malenko!

Benoit rolled over ontop to make the cover - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Chris Benoit by pinfall at 13:49

Benoit rolled off of Malenko, successfully retaining his Television Championship in a hard fought match...but as Benoit was still on his back on the mat - Eddy Guerrero came flying off the top rope and hit a FROG SPLASH to Benoit!

Pillman climbed into the ring as well and he and Guerrero began putting the boots to Benoit! Guerrero pulled Benoit up to his feet, but only to have Brian Pillman deck Benoit with a stiff superkick! Malenko slowly pulled himself up and joined in on a three on one "mudhole stomping" to the Television Champion. Our announce team wondered how Benoit would be able to recover from this attack as he has to defend the title again in two days against former champion Diamond Dallas Page!

WCW Saturday Night came to a close as Triple Crown stood tall in the ring as the crowd rained in boos on the trio.


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WCW Monday Nitro
November 20, 1995
Live from Macon, GA

PREVIOUSLY ON MONDAY NITRO: "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan was none too happy that the Dungeon of Doom failed to win the World War 3 60-man battle royal, and it was Meng who took the blame and as result, verbal abuse, from the leader of the Dungeon - that is until Meng could take no more, and took the Taskmaster by the arm - only to end up on the receiving end of a beatdown from his teammates that ended with a Chokeslam from The Giant; Sting laid down a challenge to NJPW and The Great Muta - but there would be no match, instead Sonny Oono revealed Sting would be taking on Scott Norton this week; World War 3 winner "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall went face to face with his opponent at Starrcade - WCW Champion "The Macho Man" Randy Savage - in a segment that ended with a pull apart brawl...

The voice of Eric Bischoff welcomed us LIVE as live could be on T-N-T...Bischoff was joined at the announce booth as usual by Steve "Mongo" McMichael and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Bischoff built up tonight as a huge event...where we would see title action as Chris Benoit defended the TV title against former champion Diamond Dallas Page...we would see the STINGER in action tonight in a match made last week as he would take on NJPW's Scott Norton! And in tonight's main event, The Dungeon of Doom's AFFLICTION would be stepping into the ring with the number one contender to Randy Savage's title - Scott Hall!

If Hall could find someone to team with him, it would be a tag match...but Heenan noted that Hall hasn't been exactly "making friends" since he showed up in WCW....and Heenan said he certainly wouldn't trust Hall as far as he could throw him.

But first tonight, we head to the ring for Television Title action!

DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE (w/Diamond Doll, Big Bubba, & Maxx Muscle) versus "THE CRIPPLER" CHRIS BENOIT ©

The former television champion had his entire entourage with him tonight, after his bodyguard duo had recovered the formerly prodigal Doll, who had come out in concern for Page when Page was put through a table at the hands of Sabu (with an assist from Benoit himself). Having just lost the title to Benoit at World War 3 in the triangle match, Page was cashing in his rematch clause and looking to earn the title back.

It's starting to become expected in the TV Title division, but this was another high-intensity back-and-forth matchup. Page was able to match the intensity of Benoit as he was clearly motivated to win back the title. After some back-and-forth offense, Benoit showed his superior mat skills as he out-wrestled Page and started to build some momentum, only to have Page escape a waistlock with a back kick to Benoit's groin that went undetected by the referee.

This put the momentum back in the challenger's hands as he took control. After a nearfall off of a back suplex from Page, DDP sent Benoit into the corner and began working over the TV champ...only to have Benoit fight his way out of the corner and reverse their positions! With Page now cornered, Benoit executed a series of stiff chops in the corner before pulling his challenger out and taking him to the mat with a snap suplex!

A pinfall attempt by Benoit would only result in a two count, but Benoit kept on the attack. But a distraction from Big Bubba on the apron allowed Page to attack Benoit from behind! With Page back in control, he went for a pinfall fof of a tiltawhirl slam, but Benoit got his shoulder up after two.

Showing some frustration, Page pulled Benoit back up once again and continued on the attack, soon getting another pinfall off of a sidewalk slam. One, Two, kickout by Benoit! Page was to his feet and began arguing with the referee...which allowed Benoit to sneak in a roll up! One, Two, T..kickout by Page!

Page took out his frustrations as both men were getting to their feet by hitting a hard clothesline to Benoit. Page pulled Benoit back up and sent him face first to the mat with his Diamond Clash belly-to-back inverted mat slam. With the champion laid out, Page signaled that the end was near for Benoit and that he would be going for his Diamond Cutter finisher! Benoit slowly got to his feet as Page went for his finisher, but Benoit shoved him off into the ropes!

Off the ropes, Benoit ducked a clothesline from Page before taking DDP down with a hard lariat! Page slowly staggered up to his feet and swung a wild right hand at Benoit, only to have Benoit DUCK and hit a Release German Suplex to Page! Benoit stood up on his feet before heading to the top turnbuckle!

The crowd was on their feet as Benoit came off the top...SWANDIVE HEADBUTT! Benoit rolled over onto Page and made the cover while Bubba and Muscle were livid at ringside, trying to yell for Page to get up...One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Chris Benoit by pinfall at 7:19

Muscle and Bubba quickly entered the ring as the bell rung, but Benoit was out of the ring before he could be ambushed! Benoit had a big grin on his face as he took his TV Title and lifted it up in the air at ringside while Bubba, Rogers, and Doll attended to Page in the ring. Bubba tried to help Page to his feet, but a frustrated Page shoved Bubba away and began verbally assaulting all three as they left the ring.


After the match, we cut to outside the arena where "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall was arriving to the arena - gym bag in hand. As he approached the doors to the arena, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was quick to approach him as we headed inside. Okerlund wanted to get Hall's thoughts on tonight's main event and if Hall planned to find a tag team partner to go up against the Dungeon of Doom's Affliction. H

all stopped, turned, and shook his head at Okerlund. He simply stated that "The Bad Guy ALWAYS has a plan." That was apparently the only answer Okerlund was going to get, as Hall brushed his way past Hall and headed towards the locker room.


When we came back from the break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing in the middle of the ring to introduce a man who requested some interview time tonight...and that man was none other than "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko! As Larry made his way down to the ring, Bobby Heenan wondered how much interview time this guy wanted, noting he was the guest on the first-ever Saturday Night Fever this past Saturday with Disco Inferno. But the reason Larry Zbyzsko wanted this microphone time was because of that segment, as he had a "bone to pick" with Scotty Riggs and V.K. Wallstreet. He suggested that they both "put their money where their mouths are... and face me in the ring... like MEN! I don't care which one of you it is, either. Either one of you can come on down and step into LarryLand. Or, hey, why not both of ya? But let's do it... RIGHT NOW!"

The crowd seemed interested, but as Larry and Gene waited in the ring...there was no sign of either Riggs or Wallstreet.

"Well, Gene, it's exactly what I thought. They're both nothing but a couple of cowards. And you know something else..."

Suddenly, "The Living Legend" was cut off when some music hit the PA system.

But it was not the music associated with Riggs and Wallstreet, no - it was that associated with the Triple Crown! Brian Pillman lead Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko down to the ring, joining Okerlund and Zbyszko in the ring.

Pillman took the microphone. "I've had about enough of this!" Pillman shouted as the fans booed him loudly. "Why... WHY... WHY... are you ALL OVER TELEVISION?! It's disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! It's one thing for you and those side show freaks to take up time on Saturday Night... but this is PRIME TIME, baby. And it's disgusting that someone like you can just request some TV time and it's given to you on a silver platter. Meanwhile, if we want some interview time... we've pretty much have to hijack it like we're doing now!" Pillman eyed Zbyszko, who had his hands on his hips, shaking his head. "The Living Legend, huh? You've got a lot in common with the Ric Flairs and the Arn Andersons of the world... you just don't know when to quit, do ya? You don't realize when time has passed you by. But just like theirs, your time is up, old timer. OUR TIME IS NOW! And if you're looking for a fight tonight, then we have no problem making an example out of another so-called 'legend.'"

Larry smirked. "You're right about one thing... I did come here tonight looking for a fight. And while you're not who I was looking for... I wasn't going to be satisfied if I left the ring without one. Sooo... Gene, how about you step aside, you go grab us a referee... because... YOU'RE ON!"

As Okerlund left the ring...we had a referee heading to the ring...it looked like we had ourselves a match, and it was up next!


"THE LIVING LEGEND" LARRY ZBYSZKO versus BRIAN PILLMAN (w/Eddy Guerrero & Dean Malenko)

From the opening bell, it was clear that Pillman's intentions here were to outclass Zbyszko in this "human game of chess" and show that he is the future of WCW. Pillman used his speed to his advantage which allowed him to avoid being trapped in one of Larry's submission holds. Pillman bounced off the ropes and hit a crossbody block onto Larry, picking up a nearfall. But as they both got to his feet, Larry showed he had some speed left in him as he grabbed Pillman and rolled him up into a schoolboy pinning predicament! One, two, kickout by Pillman!

The tables began to turn in Larry's favor as he took the fight to the mat to work over Pillman. Zbyszko locked in a reverse chinlock to Pillman, but Pillman was not submitting. The Living Legend would release the hold before he pulled Pillman back up and laid him out with a spike brainbuster! Zbyszko with the cover! One, Two, Thr...kickout by Pillman!

Zbyszko continued on the offensive, soon setting up Pillman for a piledriver - but Pillman countered it with a double leg takedown! Pillman then held onto Larry's legs and tied him up and locked in a Figure Four Leglock - a clear message being sent to Ric Flair! The referee checked in on Zbyszko, who was fighting the pain and refusing to give up....Zbyszko pulled himself towards the bottom rope and finally grabbed the ropes to break the submission.

After a few stomps, Pillman climbed to the top turnbuckle as Zbyszko pulled himself up...Pillman came off the top looking for a crossbody, but Larry met him with a fist to the midsection as he came flying in!

Pillman slowly stumbled to his feet and was met with a boot from Zbyszko who then took Pillman by the head and sent him head first into the top turnbuckle! Larry then went for a second turnbuckle slam, but Pillman blocked it! Back elbow to Larry...Larry was stumbling and Pillman hit an ENZIGURI! Zbyszko slowly staggered back to his feet into a waiting SUPERKICK from Pillman! Zbyszko hit the mat and Pillman hooked a leg - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Brian Pillman by pinfall at 5:49

Pillman snatched his arm away as the referee tried to lift it up in victory. Pillman called in the rest of the Triple Crown - and in they came, including Dean Malenko who was armed with a steel chair! Guerrero and Pillman put the boots to the fallen Zbyszko before Malenko moved in and brought the chair down across Zbyszko's hip! Malenko then put the chair down, placing Zbyszko's ankle inside the folded chair! Pillman started to climb the turnbuckles - "They're going to break his ankle!" Bischoff cried out..

Before Pillman could come down off the turnbuckle - Ric Flair and Arn Anderson rushed down to the ring to make the save for their fellow veteran! Pillman saw their rivals coming and quickly leaped down off the apron. Pillman rolled out of the ring as Anderson and Flair hit the ring, taking on Guerrero and Malenko head on. Punches were wildly exchanged between the four men, but Flair and Anderson quickly got the upperhand and sent the Triple Crown duo packing from the ring, joining Pillman at ringside!

The Triple Crown regrouped as Flair and Anderson checked in on Zbyszko.


Backstage, Diamond Dallas Page was in his dressing room - giving some verbal abuse to his bodyguards Big Bubba and Maxx Muscle - asking them why he paid them the "big bucks" if they can't even help him win! Diamond Doll was not anywhere to be found. As Bubba and Muscle did their best to apologize to their boss, there came a knock at the dressing room door.

Page opened up the door to find a young man holding a large bouquet of red roses. "Delivery for a 'Diamond Doll'" - the flower delivery boy stated. An annoyed Page gave a cold stare to the delivery boy before snatching the flowers away from him and saying he would take them.

"A tip is customa...." was all the delivery boy could get out before Page slammed the door in his face.

"Sure was nice of you to welcome Doll back with some flowers," Muscle complimented...

"Shut up doofus," Page said, "these ain't from me!" Page glanced through the bouquet until he found the note attached.

"I'm still here for you - A.W." Page read. "What is this bull..."

Page was cut off as Diamond Doll returned to the dressing room. As she shut the door, she noticed Page holding the large bouquet and her eyes lit up. "Oh Dallas! I knew you still cared!" She ran in and leaped into Page's arms with a hug. Muscle and Rogers shared a look to one another before looking back at Page, who glared at the duo and seemed to indicate that they best keep their mouths shut. Page discreetly slipped the note into his back pocket.

"Well you know," Page blurted out, "...Um...only...the best...for you, I guess. Whatever. Here." Page said as he pushed the flowers into her arms. "C'mon boys...we got somethin' we need to discuss."

As Page left the room with Muscle and Bubba, we faded out on the shot of Doll admiring her new roses by bringing them up to her nose and taking in their aroma with a giant grin on her face.


After the break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund was standing by with a riled up "Nature Boy" Ric Flair who just got back from the ring where he made the save for Larry Zbyszko - keeping his ankle safe after an assault at the hands of Brian Pillman and Triple Crown.

"PILLMAN! I'm done with the games! I thought me and Arn had taken care of business at World War 3 - but obviously, these young punks just don't know when to be smart... and to realize that they are not just outmatched but... OUTCLASSED, WOOO! But I guess that's the problem... at World War 3 there's one thing I didn't do... and that's get my hands on you, Pillman! Because YOU are where this all started! A few months ago, I saw something in you. I saw potential. I saw... a little bit... of NAITCHA BOY in you! We could've rode together! I could've shown you what it means to be a... be a stylin'... profilin'... limousine ridin'... jet flyin'... KISS-STEALIN'... WHEELIN' N' DEALIN'.... SONOFAGUN! WOOOOOOOOOOO! But you DIDN'T! YOU MADE YOUR BED, BRIAN PILLMAN, AND NOW... IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO LAY IN IT! Because I want YOU this time. I don't want Dean Malenko again. I don't want Eddy Guerrero! I WANT YOU! I WANT BRIAN PILLMAN! ONE ON ONE! MONO A MONO!"




"You run your mouth about it being YOUR TIME? Well, if it is truly YOUR TIME... if you TRULY WANNA BE THE MAN... WELL... YOU GOTTA BEAT THE MAN... AND YOU'RE LOOKING AT... THE MAN... RIGHT NOW, PAL! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So man up... and I'll see you at Starrcade."


WCW Saturday Night Preview: Tony Schiavone was in the WCW Studio to give us an idea of what was on tap for this Saturday's WCW Saturday Night. Operation: Desert Storm would face perhaps their most difficult "mission" yet as Corporal Cobra steps into the ring with the Dungeon of Doom's GIANT. Elsewhere, a shot at the WCW Television Championship will be on the line as Sabu does battle with The Triple Crown's Eddy Guerrero. Plus we will hear from WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat as they respond to questions about who the number one contender to their tag titles should be! Tune in for all this and much more, this Saturday night!



Sting has stated his intentions of getting his hands on IWGP Champion The Great Muta - but tonight Sting would have his hands full with the powerhouse Scott Norton. Prior to the match, Bischoff sent us to the replay from a couple weeks back when Norton made his WCW return, aligning himself with the company has he been making a name for himself in - NJPW, as he attacked Sting from behind after a grueling match against WCW Champion Randy Savage. It was US Champion Sting that NJPW wanted to make a statement against - and Norton would have his chance tonight in this non-title match.

Despite starting the match with high energy - Sting soon found out that Norton's power was not to be underestimated. Norton overpowered the Stinger, and proceeded to pummel the US Champion from one corner of the ring to the other. Oono was clearly pleased at ringside as Norton continued to literally beat the face paint right off Sting. A massive Samoan Drop from the powerhouse netted him a two count nearfall on the US Champion. Norton wasted no time going back on the attack as he pulled Sting back to his feet and once again scooping Sting up and this time driving his weight ontop of the smaller man with a powerslam!

Norton hooked Sting's leg - One, Two, Thr....Sting just barely got his shoulder up!

Norton took a different approach after that nearfall and locked Sting into a bearhug as he attempted to squeeze the life out of the fan favorite. The crowd rallied behind the "Franchise" of WCW....and Sting began to find some energy deep down in his reserve. Sting hit a couple of "earringers" to Norton before unleashing some hard right hands to Norton's forehead to finally break himself free...but Sting charged right into a hard lariat from Norton to take him right back down to the mat!

Norton went back on the attack, but when he sent Sting into the corner and charged in with a body avalanche attempt - Sting moved out of the way! Norton crashed into the turnbuckles and Sting took advantage. Atomic drop from Sting had Norton staggering...and with Sting feeling his second wind...Sting fed off the energy of the crowd as he somehow found the strength to LIFT Norton up...and BODYSLAM the big man to the mat!

The crowd loved seeing Sting show off his strength, but he wasn't done yet. Sting now showed off his agility as he leaped up to the top turnbuckle...FLYING SPLASH to Norton!


NO! Norton kicked out!

Sting backed off as Norton began to pull himself up...Sting charged in with a pair of clotheslines to rock Norton before bouncing off the ropes....BULLDOG to Norton! Sting made his way over to Norton's legs and began to turn him over into the Scorpion Deathlock...but in came Kensuke Sasaki and Masahiro Chono from the back! Chono and Sasaki jumped Sting from behind as he had the Deathlock in place...forcing the disqualification.

WINNER: Sting by disqualification at 9:45

Sting was taken to the canvas by Chono and Sasaki as they continued to put the boots to him...but it was Johnny B. Badd and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan who had Sting's back tonight! The duo, who have had their own issues with Team New Japan in the past, came storming to the ring...Jim Duggan armed with his trusty 2x4! Chono and Sasaki quickly ducked to ringside, but with Norton left in the ring...Duggan decided to treat him with a 2x4 to the back! The 2x4 SNAPPED in half!

Norton was staggered, but it still took both Badd and Duggan teaming up to send Norton over the top rope to the floor to join Chono and Sasaki at ringside with Sonny Oono.

As Sting got to his feet, he thanked Duggan and Badd for having his back - but he wasn't done...he wanted the microphone! Sting called out to Oono as he was leading his contingent to the back. Sting said that he clearly has some "friends" as well and they wouldn't mind another helping of NJPW action either...so how about NEXT WEEK, Oono pull together three of his "finest" - maybe find where The Great Muta is hiding and pull him into some IN RING ACTION....but whatever six men he wanted in the ring against the combo of Sting, Badd, and Duggan!

The faces in the ring stood united in their American and WCW pride as it would appear we had a big six man tag team match for next week!


After the break - WCW World Champion Randy Savage made his way down to the ring along with "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan and the ominous duo of Affliction. As the four men climbed into the ring, Randy Savage took the microphone.

"FFFFFFEEEAAARRRRRR... is a funny thing. Sometimes... you know it right when it's looking at you, oooh yeaahh... but sometimes... it's disguised as bravery. Scott Hall... you can lie to yourself all you want about not being afraid to stare into the darkness of the Dungeon... but I can look into those eyes of yours and I know the truth, oooh yeaahh. So let's see just how unfearing... you really are. Because these two men... Wrath... Fury... they've been UNSTOPPABLE since they've arrived. OOOOOOH YEAH! And you want to know the scariest part... despite all the carnage they've left in their way so far... THEY AREN'T SATISFIED! THEY ARE HUNGRY FOR MORE! And tonight... SCOTT HALL... they want... YOU'RE BLOOD! And they're going to CRUSH YOU... with.. their bare... hands... OOOOOOOOOH YEAH!"!

Without much delay, The Bad Guy himself slowly made his way down from the back, sauntering down the aisle with his trademarked toothpick tucked in behind his ear. Hall stopped midway up the aisle and pulled a concealed microphone out from his leather vest. Hall ran his free hand through his slicked back hair before taking the microphone.

"Just as I suspected.... no one DARED to join you tonight! Or perhaps your own hubris is going to be your dooooooooom!"

Hall simply smirked as he brought up the microphone. "The Bad Guy fears nothing...but while I may not be scared, I'm also not DUMB."

"Because... I actually... DID... go get myself a partner."

Hall paused as Savage began shouting at Sullivan off mic, clearly unhappy with the fact that someone was actually willing to team with "The Bad Guy."

"SAY 'ELLO TO MY TONGAN FRIEND!" Hall exclaimed as he pointed towards the entrance way...and out stomped the Dungeon's own MENG! Taskmaster was beside himself while Savage was clearly furious in the ring. The wild-eyed Tongan stomped down to join Hall, who cautiously gave his new partner a pat on the back before they headed to the ring!

AFFLICTION (w/The Taskmaster & Randy Savage) versus "THE BAD GUY" SCOTT HALL and "THE FACE OF FEAR" MENG

Bischoff and company were clearly as surprised as Sullivan and Savage that Hall had enlisted the help of Meng...but Bischoff did remind us that it was his own teammates that assaulted Meng last week as punishment for Meng's apparent insubordination during World War 3. It seemed as though that might've been the last straw, so to speak, for Meng and the Dungeon. Although The Brain seemed to think Hall might not be as smart as he claims to be - "what kind of idiot would team up with a member of the same group you're fighting!"

But it did not seem like Meng and his former Dungeon buddies were on very good terms, as Meng started the match off against Fury and immediately showed no remorse as he unleashed some stiff chops to Fury's chest. Hall had a big smirk on his face as he watched his newfound "friend" picking apart the Affliction duo that had up until now, seemed so dominant in tag team action. "I don't know who's side he's really on," Mongo commented, "but all I know is...I wouldn't want to be on his bad side!"

At ringside, Taskmaster was shouting out to Wrath and Fury, clearly frustrated that the powerful combo couldn't seem to lay a dent in the Tongan! Taskmaster, himself, got involved - climbing the apron to distract Meng...which worked as Meng charged in, looking to attack his (former?) master, but Sullivan leaped down off the apron before contact could be made...Meng turned around and walked right into a DOUBLE BIG BOOT from both Wrath and Fury! Meng was finally laid out on the mat as the referee got Fury out of the ring, leaving Wrath to take control.

Meng still proved to be difficult to keep down, but Wrath and Fury took turns trying to wear the Tongan out - bending the rules as far as they could without being disqualified - including multiple choke holds both on the mat and to a cornered Meng. After being whipped into the ropes, Meng had his back slapped by Hall to make Hall the legal man! However, Meng would duck a clothesline attempt from Fury before turning around and taking Fury to the mat with a savate kick! The referee had the unenviable task of telling Meng to leave the ring as Hall took over where Meng left off.

Hall fired off some fast right hands to the big man. Hall's offensive momentum continued until he tried to lock Fury in an Abdominal Stretch, only to have Fury hiptoss his way out of it! Fury made the tag to Wrath and the duo proceeded to hit a double vertical suplex to Hall. A pinfall attempt by Wrath got a two count before Hall kicked out. Affliction had reassumed control of the match as they worked over the number one contender to Savage's title, while Savage watched on with approval from ringside. "CRUSH HIM" Taskmaster could be heard yelling from ringside as Wrath lifted Hall up into a double arm choke lift. After a five count, Wrath released his grip - sending Hall crashing to the canvas. Wrath continued on the attack, soon picking up another nearfall on Hall after a gutwrench suplex.

After putting some boots to Hall, Wrath tried to pull him back to his feet - only to have Hall surprise him with a jawbreaker! Wrath was left stumbling as Hall pulled himself up...Hall took advantage of a weakend Wrath as he drove him down into the mat with a bulldog! Hall slowly made the crawl to his corner and made the tag to MENG!

Wrath made the tag to Fury, and Fury was met with a wild round of chops from Meng before Meng sent Fury into the ropes and showed his strength as he hit a big BACK BODY DROP to Fury! Wrath tried to make the assist for his partner, only to be on the receiving end of some more chops from the Tongan and then being sent to the mat with a headbutt! Meng turned his attention back to Fury, driving his knee into the recovering big man's midsection before delivering a headbutt to him as well. The Tongan would continue his attack and soon send Fury into the ropes to go for another back drop, but this time Fury saw it coming and met Meng with a kick to the face! Meng was staggered as Fury made the tag to Wrath. Wrath and Fury proceeded to double team Meng as Fury held him and Wrath hit repeated kicks to Meng's midsection. As Hall tried to enter the ring to make the save, Randy Savage grabbed Hall's feet and tripped him up! Savage then pulled Hall to ringside where the two engaged in some harsh words at ringside, all as the referee was too concerned with trying to get the illegal Fury out of the ring.

Not wanting to take any more trash from Savage, Hall fired a right hand to the champion! Savage fired back and the duo began brawling around ringside...but Meng was left by himself in the ring at the mercy of Wrath and Fury!

The duo took Meng by the throat and walked to the center of the ring...looking to finish him off with their Double Chokeslam...but before they could lift him up, Meng fought back! Meng thrusted his thumb right into the throat of Wrath, and then did the same to Fury! Both members of Affliction were left staggering, holding their throat in pain! Meng LEVELED Fury with a stiff savate kick! Meng let out a primal yell as Wrath staggered right into the TONGAN DEATH GRIP from Meng! Wrath dropped to his knees as Meng continued to tighten his grip on the submission until Wrath fell back first to the mat....ONE, TWO, THREE!

WINNERS: Scott Hall and Meng by pinfall at 11:33

Hall broke away from his brawl with Savage after sending the champion crashing into the ring post. Hall joined Meng in the ring as Meng STILL had the Tongan Death Grip locked on Wrath! The referee was trying to break up the hold - threatening to reverse the decision, but Hall moved the referee aside and tried to talk some sense into Meng.

Meng finally let go of Wrath, but briefly looked as if he was going to attack Hall! Hall backed off and held up his hands in the air, showing he meant no harm to his "Tongan Friend."

The Taskmaster reorganized the Dungeon with Savage and Affliction making their way back up the aisle...Savage turned back and looked to the ring where Hall was perched on the top turnbuckle, his arms in the air victorious while the savage Meng continued to pace around the ring, seemingly unsatisfied with the mere victory.

The show came to a close as Hall and Savage locked eyes one last time before an upset Savage turned his back to his challenger and disappeared behind the curtains.


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WCW Saturday Night

November 25, 1995

WCW Saturday Night kicked off first with a recap of last week's show which featured a hard-fought contest between The Road Warriors and Team New Japan that saw New Japan pick up a huge victory over the veteran tag team. From there, we faded to footage from WCW Monday Nitro that saw Sting taking on NJPW's Scott Norton that ended in disqualification thanks to an attack from Masahiro Chono and Kensuke Sasaki - only to have Sting's allies against New Japan - Johnny B. Badd and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan make the save. The segment ended with Sting throwing down a challenge for a "six man" tag match next week on Nitro!

From the video recap, we fade directly to an interview that, according to the subtitles at the bottom of the screen, was conducted "earlier today" as "Mean" Gene Okerlund had managed to get an interview with WCW World Tag Team Champions - Harlem Heat. Okerlund wanted their thoughts on the current tag team division, and if they felt like either the Road Warriors or Team New Japan deserved a title shot.

Booker T and Stevie Ray both agreed that since they had already beaten The Road Warriors at Halloween Havoc - they had already had their shot and lost...but they also didn't see why they should defend their titles against a team that isn't even employed by WCW!

"Listen sucka, here's what's up. Me and by brother... we don't care about this war or whatever's goin' on between WCW and NJPW. All we care about are these straps, right here. If we wanted some gang warfare, we can just go back to the streets of Harlem. So if anyone is looking for us to take a side... well, it ain't gonna happen!"

However the face of WCW, the United States Champion himself - STING and his newfound ally in Johnny B. Badd took some offense to that as they overheard the interview and inserted themselves into the interview, walking in on the soht. "Now wait just a minute here, Stevie Ray! If there's one thing I don't like... is someone sittin' on a fence. And this fence-sitting I'm hearing from the two of you is giving those tag titles... A BAD NAME! You call yourself CHAMPIONS? What's that say on those belts... oh yeah... it says W-C-W! And REAL champions stand up for the company they represent... THEY GO TO BATTLE for those belts you worked so hard to wear!"

Badd backed up Sting. "You know something, Stinger... it seems to me like maybe our tag team champions... are nothin' but a couple of COWARDS!"

It would appear that those were "fightin' words" - as both Booker T and Stevie Ray were clearly riled up by the accusations. "EXCUSE ME? Tell me he didn't just say that, brotha!" exclaimed a frustrated Booker T turned to his brother.

"Look fellas, let's just talk this over. You boys don't want to defend the honor of WCW with those tag belts against NJPW? You want to defend them against a couple of actual WCW contracted wrestlers? Well... I see two contracted WCW wrestlers... STANDING RIGHT HERE! Me and Johnny would be happy to beat you for those belts and then we can do WCW some justice by showing the world why WE ARE the top wrestling company in the world. WOOOOOOO!"

Not backing down from Sting's comments, Booker T accepted the challenge and told the duo of Sting and Badd that they would see them later tonight!


We cut to the WCW Saturday Night set, where Mr. JL was making his way down to the ring to some scattered cheers from the crowd. Awaiting him in the ring was his opponent for the evening, Devon Storm. As Mr. JL made his way down to the ring, Tony Schiavone and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes welcomed us to the show and both we very excited about the main event that the interview we just saw had set up - later tonight, in the main event - the WCW Tag Team Championship would be ON THE LINE as Harlem Heat defended against Sting and Johnny B. Badd!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the action on tap for tonight...as later, Eddy Guerrero and Sabu would step into the ring for a one-on-one contest with a shot at Chris Benoit's WCW Television Championship on the line - and the 7-foot monster from the Dungeon Of Doom - The Giant - would be in action as well! But first we had to the ring!



Schiavone and Rhodes were still clamoring about the big WCW Tag Team Championship match later tonight - while in the ring, Storm and Mr. JL got off to a fast, back-and-forth exchange to start the match. Schiavone and Rhodes finally transitioned into the match as the excitement was picking up as Mr. JL was sent to ringside as Storm performed a suicide dive that sent both men into the guard rail. "I guess that's why they call him Dangerous Devon" - Rhodes surmised.

As the match continued, Sonny Oono appeared in the aisle with IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Koji Kanemoto - which allowed Schiavone to remind us how Mr. JL had a surprising run into the top 20 in World War 3 and then came very close to pulling off an upset victory over Koji Kanemoto last week on Nitro!

As Koji and Oono watched on, Devon Storm came off the top looking for a moonsault, only to have Mr. JL roll out of the way. Storm hit the canvas hard, and would never really recover. Mr. JL continued to ride his recent wave of momentum as he executed a Tornado DDT to pick up the three count victory on Devon Storm.

WINNER: Mr. JL by pinfall at 5:11

As Mr. JL was having his arm raised up in victory, he caught sight of Koji Kanemoto at the top of the entranceway. Kanemoto lifted up his IWGP Junior Heavyweight championship while Mr. JL pointed in his direction and made the "title belt" motion around his waist. Before we headed to break, Schiavone commented that he hoped we would get a rematch between these two very soon!



Sgt. Craig Pittman
commanded his subordinate, Corporal Cobra in a pre-recorded segment as the duo trained inside a gym. The heavily perspiring Cobra stopped in his tracks, mid jog, and stood up straight and tall. Pittman slowly walked around Cobra, measuring him up before standing pacing back in front of him.


"Sir, Yes Sir!"



Pittman went on, projecting his voice as he exclaimed that tonight, Cobra was going to be up against the biggest, nastiest of men either of them had ever seen on the battlefield. You don't find men like this in the desert, no sir. He doesn't know what they were putting in the water wherever this Giant was born... But don't lose hope! Pittman told Cobra to keep in mind David vs. Goliath....and remember those wise words... "the bigger they are, the harder they fall. AND TONIGHT...THE GIANT WILL FALL!



"DIRTY" DICK SLATER and BUNKHOUSE BUCK (w/Col. Robert Parker) versus MEN AT WORK (w/Disco Inferno)

While the Men at Work tag team name had historically been just Chris Kanyon and Mark Starr - since the duo had been infused in this disco-themed "Village People" personas - it would appear the "Men at Work" name was going to encompass the entire group, as tonight the pairing was the construction worker Kanyon and "Cowboy" Kendall Windham.

The former tag champions Buck and Slater have been in a real slump since losing their tag titles to Harlem Heat - and hoped that this would be the match to get them back on track. Their experience and track record of success against the newer team definitely put them as the "favorites" - and the duo certainly looked strong as they worked over Chris Kanyon after Windham had been successful early on for the Men at Work duo. At ringside, Disco kept the fans into the match with his antics - including providing a distraction to the heels as he did some disco dancing on the apron - much to the chagrin of Robert Parker.

After a nearfall on Kanyon, Slater began to pull the smaller man to his feet, only to have Kanyon battle back and out of nowhere, hook Slater and drive him face first to the mat with an impressive looking reverse STO! The move took a lot out of Kanyon, but he was able to make it to the corner and tag in Windham!

Windham came in and took control like the hoss he is - taking out both Slater and Buck with some right hands and then a pair of Big Boots. As Disco worked the crowd at ringside, Windham measured up a recovering Buck....and nearly took his head off with a stiff LARIAT, which Dusty Rhodes said was "shades of his father Blackjack Mulligan!" Windham made the cover - One, Two, Three! Huge win for the Men at Work group!

WINNERS: Men at Work by pinfall at 6:28

After the match - Disco celebrated with Windham and Kanyon, while an irate Col. Robert Parker confronted the losing Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck in the ring. The southerner was so upset, he flung his trademark white-brimmed hat to the mat and stomped on it. He chewed out his clients some more before he turned his back to them and left them alone in the ring, storming up the aisle.



It was a battle of European powers tonight on WCW Saturday Night, as the young German Alex Wright was up against the smug Englishman Squire David Taylor - and he certainly had the advantage with Lord Steven Regal in his corner. Schiavone and Rhodes used the match to reflect back on Nitro, when Diamond Dallas Page intercepted a beautiful bouquet of red roses that were intended to be for The Diamond Doll - with a note curiously signed A.W. Schiavone could only assume that based on what we've seen with Wright trying to protect Doll from Page and his entourage, that the A.W. was in fact, Alex Wright.

Schiavone's brilliant deductions aside, this match saw Squire David Taylor control most of the match - keeping Wright grounded to the mat with a variety of rest and submission holds to try and wear down the German. But Wright was able to muster up a valiant comeback, and would eventually cap the comeback off with the Hangman's Neckbreaker that was enough to put Taylor away for the three count finish!

WINNER: Alex Wright by pinfall at 4:33

As Wright celebrated his victory, we headed to the break - but not before a cut screen hyped up The Giant in action next against Operation: Desert Storm's Corporal Cobra!


As we came back from the commercial break, we saw Alex Wright returning from the ring...only to be surprised from behind by Diamond Dallas Page, who shoved Wright from behind up against the wall. Page spun Wright around as his bodyguards Maxx Muscle and Big Bubba joined the scene.

As Wright found himself surrounded by Page and his entourage, with his back literally against the wall...Page told Wright that he was only going to give him ONE warning. "I don't wanna see you anywhere near my Doll... I don't wanna see you talking to her... I don't wanna see you in the same room together... and I ESPECIALLY don't wanna see any more... gifts... comin' to her from A.W."

Wright half smirked, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Not amused, Page shoved Wright harder, back up against the wall once more. "Like I said... this is your ONLY warning. You are lucky to even be standing here after that stunt you pulled on Monday. Next time... you won't be so lucky."

Page walked off as Muscle and Bubba stood behind - giving threatening stares to an uneasy Wright before they finally laughed and followed their boss off the scene. Wright let out a breath of relief as we faded back to the ring.


CORPORAL COBRA (w/Sgt. Craig Pittman) versus THE GIANT (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan)

Pittman stood in the ring with his subordinate, Corporal Cobra, as The Taskmaster led The Giant down to the ring. Cobra's face remained emotionless as he showed no signs of fear of what was sure to be his impending doom against the monster stepping into the ring across from him. Pittman stood by Cobra's side, shouting orders to Cobra as the bell rung. "CHARGE!" Pittman shouted, and in ran Cobra - immediately attacking The Giant's tree-trunk like legs...but The Giant stood tall - as if the attack from Cobra was like the buzzing of a gnat.

Giant clobbered Cobra across the back with a hard forearm shot that sent Cobra to the mat. Pittman shouted for his man to "GET UP!" Cobra did just that...and was rewarded with a massive clothesline from The Giant. Pittman paced frantically - continuing to encourage Cobra to get up...but he stood no chance against the massive Giant.

After toying with Cobra for just a little bit longer, Giant lifted up Cobra by the throat...CHOKESLAM! Not leaving his man behind, Pittman charged into the ring...but ran into a BIG BOOT from The Giant. The Giant then lifted up Pittman for a CHOKESLAM of his own!

The crowd booed as The Giant rolled Pittman and Cobra side by side...and proceeded to pin both of them! One...Two...Three! "Is there ANYONE who can stop this man?" Tony Schiavone wondered aloud.

WINNER: The Giant by pinfall at 2:29

The Taskmaster climbed into the ring with his standard evil cackling as he joined The Giant in the ring. The Giant stared down at the tag team he had single-handedly destroyed and began to cackle as well....the duo continued to laugh at his handiwork as we faded to break.


WCW Hotline: The voice of "Mean" Gene Okerlund gave us our weekly tease of what he could tell us on the WCW Hotline this week. It claimed that a certain former WCW Television Champion had been suspended for his recent actions....but who in the world could it possibly be?! And when can we expect to see him back on television? Okerlund also said that right now we have two confirmed matches for Starrcade, but he had the inside dish on what other matches we could expect to see! Kids, as always, get your parents' permission before calling.


"OFFICER" ACE DARLING (w/Disco Inferno) versus DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE (w/The Diamond Doll, Maxx Muscle, and Big Bubba)

Could Ace Darling mirror the success of the other "Men at Work" competitors tonight? Unfortunately for Ace, DDP seemed to have some built-up frustration to let out based on a run-in earlier in the night with Alex Wright. Page would nearly get himself disqualified on multiple occasions, but would each time assure the referee it "wouldn't happen again." Meanwhile, Disco Inferno showed some concern at ringside and tried to repeat his success from earlier in the night and did some more disco dancing...but it would not work as well this time as Big Bubba and Maxx Muscle were there to provide some intimidation to Disco...Disco backed off, telling him he "didn't want any trouble."

Back in the ring, Page continued on his relentless attack...but after being pulled off of a choke hold by the referee...Page watched as Darling began to get back to his feet. Page moved the referee aside and charged in, but was taken down by a drop toe hold from Darling! A surprised Page staggered back to his feet and walked into a Northern Lights Suplex from Darling! One, Two, kickout!

Close call for Page and he was clearly reeling as Darling had turned the tables on the former Television Champion. Just when it looked like Darling might be the second "Men at Work" upset of the night, he went for a superkick, only to have Page catch his foot! Page spun Darling around in a full 360 before jumping up...DIAMOND CUTTER! Page made the nonchalant cover as he leaned back against the fallen Darling - One, Two, Three.

WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall in 4:51

After the match, Disco helped Darling to the back while in the ring, Page refused to let the referee raise his hand...and instead ordered Doll to do so. Though Doll seemed to be happy to do so...she had a big smile on her face as she lifted up Page's arm in victory.


WCW Monday Nitro Preview: Eric Bischoff was joined in the WCW studio this week by Steve "Mongo" McMichael, where they teamed up to hype up what we could expect to see this week on Monday Nitro. As we found out last week, we would see a big six man interpromotional match as Sting, Johnny B. Badd, and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan represent WCW against a trio from NJPW. Though they weren't sure which three it would be, Schiavone and Mongo both agreed they hoped we would get to see IWGP Heavyweight Champion Great Muta in the same ring as US Champion Sting.

Elsewhere, the WCW Television Championship will be on the line as Chris Benoit defends against the winner of the upcoming match right here on WCW Saturday night between Sabu and Eddy Guerrero.

PLUS, after Meng turned his back on The Dungeon of Doom on Nitro when he choose to team with "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall this past week on Nitro, we could expect a response from the Dungeon's leader "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan this week! Bischoff assured us it would be another action packed week of LIVE action, only on TNT!


EDDY GUERRERO (w/Brian Pillman & Dean Malenko) versus SABU

This match would decide the number one contender for Chris Benoit's WCW Television Championship...and the winner would not have to wait very long to get a title shot, because the winner would face off against Chris Benoit, THIS MONDAY on Nitro! (Just for those who missed the preview directly before the match). Both Schiavone and Rhodes agreed that no matter who won tonight, we would get an amazing match this Monday on Nitro...both of these men obviously had a lot of history with Benoit...Sabu has continued to be an uneasy ally while still being one of his biggest rivals, but The Triple Crown has had its share of run-ins lately with the WCW Television Champion.

This hard-fought match spent almost as much time outside the ring as it did inside, as Sabu managed to keep an advantage on Guerrero on the outside while also fending off Pillman and Malenko. Sabu rolled Guerrero back into the ring just as the referee was nearing a double count out...Sabu re-entered the ring with a slingshot legdrop. Sabu made the cover on Guerrero, but Guerrero managed to get his shoulder up in time before the three count. Sabu continued on the offensive and would attempt the Arabian Piledriver on Guerrero, only to have Guerrero escape and slide down Sabu's back! Sabu turned around into an enziguri from Guerrero that left both men down!

Both men slowly got to their feet, but it was Guerrero who struck first with a knee to the midsection before lifting Sabu high into the air and driving him into the mat with a big brainbuster! Guerrero slowly pulled himself up and walked over to the corner where he made a slow climb to the top turnbuckle...Guerrero came off the top looking for his Frog Splash, but Sabu rolled out of the way!

Once again, both men were slow to recover, but this time it was Sabu striking first once both men were up - taking Guerrero out with a spinning heel kick. After a jumping DDT from Sabu, Guerrero found himself locked in Sabu's Arabian Clutch! Would Guerrero submit?

Pillman slowly climbed onto the apron - getting the attention of the referee. With the ref's back turn, we saw Guerrero tapping out to the submission! But Malenko attacked Sabu from behind! Malenko lifted Sabu up onto his shoulder and dropped him into a GUTBUSTER!

Malenko pulled Sabu to the middle of the ring and helped Guerrero to his feet before leaving. Pillman climbed down off the apron as Guerrero climbed to the top turnbuckle. Guerrero once again came off looking for his Frog Splash...and this time it CONNECTED! Guerrero hooked Sabu's leg - One, Two, Three!

WINNER: Eddy Guerrero by pinfall at 8:43

Pillman and Malenko climbed back into the ring to celebrate with Guerrero - as the Triple Crown stood tall in the ring, Schiavone hyped up the TV Title match now set for Nitro as the Triple Crown will have a shot at gold this week against Chris Benoit!


After the break, we joined "Mean" Gene Okerlund backstage where he introduced his guest...the WCW World Heavyweight Champion "The Macho Man" Randy Savage! In walked the champion, dressed in a tight black shirt, jeans, and a black and white "MADNESS" bandanna around his head while the gold belt was around his shoulder. Okerlund reminded us that in a few weeks, this man would be defending that title against "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall at Starrcade.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the date, Okerlund... I don't need the reminders.... because... in those just few short weeks... not only will the world witness the Macho Man retaining this WCW Championshi belt, yyyyeeeahhhh... they will also witness... the destruction of another so-called... 'fan favorite'... here in WCW. Ooohhhh yyeeaaaahhhh. I've said it once and I'll say it again, Okerlund... I sold my soul for this belt... I helped The Taskmaster do the thing he couldn't do by himself... I betrayed my own best friend... because WCW needed it. WCW needed a new savior. And until the fans accept me as that savior... I will continue to lead the Dungeon to destroy more and more... to destroy ANYONE who stands in our way! In.. MY... way."

Okerlund pointed out that Hall doesn't seem too worried about the Dungeon or Savage or their attack on Hogan. Okerlund stated that he knew Hall wouldn't go down without a fight, and wondered if Savage was underestimating his opponent at Starrcade. After all, Hall had just one-upped the Dungeon on Nitro by recruiting their own former member as an ally in Meng.

Savage scoffed at Okerlund's ideas. "Meng... Meng will be dealt with seperately. Meng made his own mistakes and soon he will pay for them. But Hall... he continues to play a foolish game... but he has no idea what he's done. He has no idea what's in store for him... yyyeeaaaahhhh. You want to play with fire, Hall? You want to laugh in the face of fear? I promise you... after what happens to you this Monday night... you will realize just how much you should fear the Dungeon. How much you should fear... The Macho Man. OOOOHHH YYYEEEAAAHHHH."

Okerlund tried to get Savage to elaborate on just what he was talking about. "Let's just say... The Bad Guy might not be making it to Starrcade." Any further attempts from Okerlund were ignored as Savage headed off screen. Okerlund sent us back to the ring after stating we would all have to wait til Nitro to see what Savage had up his sleeves.




Sting and Badd had the crowd riled up before the match got underway, much to the chagrin of our champions, Booker T and Stevie Ray. Sting and Booker T started the match against one another and quickly got things underway with a collar and elbow tie-up that saw both men struggling to get the advantage. This and an ensuing tie-up resulted in a stalemate that would ultimately lead to Booker T using a sucker punch to Sting to get the first crack at offense in this championship match-up. But Booker's offensive advantage was fleeting, as he whipped Sting into the ropes, only to have Sting ducked a clothesline attempt and come back with a jumping clothesline of his own!

Sting used his high-energy offense to take over on one half of the tag team champions - eventually laying out Booker T with a bodyslam before tagging in his partner, Johnny B. Badd. Badd tried to match Sting's high energy in the ring and picked up where he left off on Booker. While Badd continued to control the offense, he did not see Stevie Ray making the blind tag to Stevie after an Irish Whip into the ropes. While Badd lifted Booker up with a backdrop, he was attacked from behind by a hard forearm to the back from Stevie Ray. This blindside by the now legal Ray allowed Ray to take control - using his slow but hard hitting brawling to work over Badd. The offensive slowed as Ray took control, and Ray would go on to pick up a nearfall on Badd after a powerslam, but Badd got his shoulder up at the last possible second. As Ray argued with the referee about a slow count, Badd tried to pull himself up - but Ray turned his attention back in time to send Badd back to the mat with a clothesline!

As Ray continued to control Badd, Ray stopped to talk some smack to Sting on the apron. This drew Sting into the ring, but the referee quickly cut Sting off. Sting argued, but this only allowed Ray to bend the rules as he placed his boot across Badd's throat while Booker T snuck around the floor and reached in to hold down Badd's boots to keep him from escaping the choke. Sting finally left the ring, but not without some damage being done to Badd. However, Badd would once again get his chance to make the tag to Sting after Ray went for a fist drop, only to have Badd roll out of the way. Ray was back to his feet, favoring his hand...but Badd leaped to the corner and tagged in Sting! Sting climbed to the top turnbuckle...FLYING CLOTHESLINE to Stevie Ray took the big man down! Sting ran to the corner and knocked Booker off the apron with a right hand! Sting went for the cover - One, Two, Thre...KICKOUT by Ray!

The fresh Sting met a recovering Stevie Ray with a barrage of right hands that staggered the tag team champion. But when Sting ran to the ropes, he ran into a big boot from Ray! Ray stumbled to the corner and tagged Booker T back into the ring. Booker and Stevie Ray teamed up to take Sting to the mat with a double hanging vertical suplex. After Ray left the ring, Booker went for the pin, but once again only got a two count on the US Champion. Booker T continued where his brother left off, taking control of the Stinger...but after sending Sting into the ropes, he would go for a backdrop only to have Sting come back in and counter it by leaping into the air and dropping Booker with leaping DDT that left both men on the mat!

Both men were slow to their feet...but recovered at about the same time. Booker and Sting exchanged right hands until Booker got the upperhand with a knee to the midsection. Booker T stepped back and measured Sting up before going for his Harlem Sidekick, but Sting CAUGHT his leg! Sting used a legsweep on Booker's free leg before tying up Booker and turning him over into the Scorpion Deathlock to a pop from the crowd!

The referee began checking on Booker, but before he could submit and crown us new tag champs - Stevie Ray was there to break up the hold with a forearm shot that sent Sting to the mat! The referee began to admonish Ray, while Booker rolled out of the ring and headed to David Penzer's seat where he grabbed one of the tag titles! Booker slid back into the ring and looked ready to clock Sting with his belt, but Johnny B. Badd intercepted!

Badd yanked the belt from Booker...but just as Badd got his hands on the tag title, the referee turned back around to see Badd holding the belt! The referee quickly ran over and began arguing with Badd over who was trying to use the foreign object - all the while, Booker T scored a LOW BLOW to a recovering Sting! Badd finally left the ring as the referee put the belt back at ringside! Booker T took Sting down with a Scissors Kick before going for the pin!

One, Two, Three!

Sting with his shoulder up!

Badd rallied the fans behind Sting, encouraging one more comeback from the Stinger. Stinger fought his way free from Booker T with some right hands before finally decking Booker with a discus right! Sting made it to the corner and got the tag to Badd!

Badd charged in, keeping Booker from making the hot tag to Stevie Ray! Badd hit a hard left hand to Stevie Ray on the apron that sent Ray to the floor! Badd then scooped up Booker and powerslammed him to the mat! Badd pointed to the top turnbuckle!

But before he could make that climb to try and finish off Booker - Masahiro Chono and Kensuke Sasaki hit the ring! The NJPW jumped Badd from behind, immediately drawing the disqualification.

WINNERS: Sting and Johnny B. Badd by disqualification at 15:02

A Kenka Kick from Chono laid out Badd before Sting could climb back into the ring to try and help out his partner. Sting began exchanging blows with Chono, holding his own until Sasaki joined in the attack from behind! Meanwhile, Stevie Ray reached in and helped pull Booker T out of the ring.

Sting found himself at the mercy of both Chono and Sasaki as Sonny Oono had also appeared at ringside, watching on approvingly. As Ray and Booker were making their way out unharmed...Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal blew by them, rushing down the aisle!

Hawk and Animal slid into the ring and went right at Chono and Sasaki! Rights and lefts were flying wild until both Hawk and Animal worked Sasaki and Chono against the ropes...a pair of clotheslines dumped both members of Team New Japan to ringside!

The crowd gave a big ovation fo the save by the Road Warriors, who proceeded to help Sting and Badd both up off the mat. Stevie Ray and Booker T remained neutral to the battle, but watched on as spectators from the top of the aisle with their championships in hand while Oono tried to regroup Team New Japan at ringside.

Saturday Night came to a close as Hawk and Animal stood victorious in the ring with Sting and Badd - lifting up their arms in victory to close out the show! Schiavone reminded us to tune into Nitro, where Sting, Badd, and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan would do battle in six man tag action against NJPW!


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Nov 14, 2020
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Windham and Kanyon as a team with Disco as their manager may be one of the strangest teams to read on paper. Gives them something to do though, and gives us more Kanyon so I’m all for it. Obviously they were always going over the makeshift team of Storm and Enos but that’s not the story here. The story is surrounding Parker making himself known in his, erm, quest to acquire Windham as a client (I'm assuming that's where this is going). Teased well here to progress the angle and Kanyon and Disco being confused about it all adds all the more intrigue. Would love to understand what Windham's reaction to all this is. Kanyon and Disco question him, but what's his response/body language like? Still, solid progression here.

Again, feels like some more logical, well thought out booking with Kanemoto's opening challenge being excepted by me hero, JL. Considering this is the second time JL has been prevented from defeating Kanemoto thanks to interference, it looks like we'll eventually get these two in a title match. Maybe at Starrcade? I don't know. Either way, seems to be ticking along nicely even if your title challenger sucks.

Harlem Heat proving a point by defending WCW is a nice wrinkle after being accused of not helping out by Sting. A really clever way for them to help but not really help, yet still have the character motivations to say that they have now helped. Wow, I just confused myself.

I honestly thought this might just be a Saturday Night throw away match with Riggs getting the win since he's the one involved in the higher profile angle. Instead, we go the booking 101 route of wrestler A (Larry) interferes to cost wrestler B (Riggs) the match. A win for Duggan too, which I don't really care about. Really hoping Riggs and his awesome gimmick go over at Starrcade as well.

Triple Crown/Pillman antics are amazing. Pillman challenging the supply closet to pull the wool over everybody's eyes and not seem scared of Flair is so good. Really great segment here.

Feel like a bit of a broken record at this point but the continuation of the Page/Wright/Doll stuff here was good as well. I like that instead of the potentially more typical route of wrestler beats wrestler they're feuding with lackey, you actually had DDP be smart about it here. The mistreatment of Doll, the brass knucks, all really good stuff to allow Bubba to get the win. Wright goading Page into the high stakes match at Starrcade works as well. More really good stuff here.

Starrcade looks great by the way. Wins for Meng and Norton please.

Regal's basic mistreatment of throwing Taylor in a match that he wouldn't want to deal with is great. The technical reasoning of Regal's character only participating in wrestling matches, yet this sort of match being fit for a knight is all kinds of awesome. The nervousness from Taylor was a nice way to put over the predicament he's in here too. As for the match itself, booked really well. Sabu looks great by winning, and smashing Regal with a chair. Thumbs up.

Man, Pillman has been the star of this show for sure, as the faking of the injury is another great tactic to get him heat from the crowd. Seems like a show with people volunteering their buddies (Regal with Taylor, now Pillman with Eddie). I know it's in a different type of situation, but not sure they both basically needed to be executed back to back. Still, Eddie/Flair is an absolutely banger as expected, and Eddie gets protected whilst Flair looks good with the DQ. Triple Crown trying to take out Flair afterwards only for Benoit to make the save obviously hypes more than one Starrcade match to which is good.

For a Saturday Night show, this was a lot of fun. Everything looks to be running really smoothly as we edge ever so closer to the big one. Great work, Dubb.
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WCW Heavyweight Title Match:
"The Macho Man" Randy Savage © vs. "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall (5 points)

US Title vs. IWGP Title Match: Sting © vs. The Great Muta © (4 points)

The Giant vs. Meng (4 points)

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman (4 points)

WCW World Tag Team Titles Triangle Match: Harlem Heat © vs. Team New Japan (Masahiro Chono & Kensuke Sasaki) vs. The Road Warriors (3 points)

WCW Television Title Match: "The Crippler" Chris Benoit © vs. Eddy Guerrero (3 points)

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Alex Wright (2 points)

Scott Norton vs. Johnny B. Badd (2 points)

Scotty Riggs vs. "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko (2 points)

BONUS: (1 point each)
1. In the triangle tag match, which wrestler will be the one getting pinned/submitted.
2. What match will open the show?
3. What will be the longest match on the show?
4. What will be the shortest match on the show?

Prize: Winner can choose a challenger for the TV Title at an upcoming show.​
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