WCW 1992 Year in Review - The Year Bill Watts came to town and left his emmmm mark...

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The Last Outlaw

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Oct 9, 2022
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This is a really awesome thread to read. Looking forward to more of this.
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Saturday Night April 4, 1992 (debut show)

Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Eric Bischoff


Saturday Night becomes WCW's new Prime Time show on TBS and for over 3 years it would become the promotion's flagship broadcast before Monday Nitro debuts in September 95. The Saturday Night name had been used a number of times over the years including for the first time in the early 70s when Georgia Championship Wrestling used it (Georgia basically was a version of WCW because of their links to the NWA).

The idea of the new show was to keep the core of the old show, but replace the more dated elements with a more edgy, slick entertainment feel. This can be seen from the start as Jesse interupts the typical TBS style opening and insists that's no way to start a TV show, how about playing the music I brought in?! :lmao So its replaced with more jazzed up game show style music, almost like Wheel of Forture!:p

This was just like the opening of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me when David Lynch took a hammer to TP the TV show and introduced the more cutting edge film version. Damn maybe WCW were ahead of the curve?:cornette. The new look show tried to capture some of the feel of late night talk shows mixed with a more hip Saturday Night Live vibe. It would include a new serious sitdown interview segment, they would aim for bigger weekly matches too. Before the opening Lightweight match Ross and Ventura would spend a couple of minutes on ayslsis including showing how Pillman beat Liger for the title at Superbrawl.

WCW Lightheavyweight Title match: Flyin' Brian Pillman (C) VS. Brad Armstrong

This opening title match is a very solid wrestling match. Once again showing how underrated the late Armstrong was, typically the All American face Brad does a stellar job of playing the heel of the match and putting Pillman over strong. Of course classic Jesse tries to stir up shit suggesting that at some point in the match one of two faces will cheat:mark: Both guys start off with good sound wrestling, working on each other's arms exchanging armbars. Both have the same idea coming off the ropes with the Japanese arm drag but its Pillman who grounds Armstrong. Brad takes the first cheap shot of the match with a low fist, but is caught in a nice looking headscissors takeover in the corner, followed by a dropkick and arm drag into an armbar. Brian misques in the corner twisting his knee on the ropes, but is able to fend off a brief Armstrong comeback with a headscissors out of a tilt to whirl move. The Champ leaps onto Armstong's shoulders and hooks a rolling credle, but its a bit of a lax cover so barely gets two. We get a classic slow comeback from Brad as he fights his way back up, Pillman misses a dropkick is wrapped up in half an nelson from a sitting position, Pillman does a nice selling job. The oldest Armstrong then hits a smooth Northern Lights overhead surplex, leaping to the top rope, he's not as home up top as the champ, is a step too slow and Pillman hits a standing drop kick knocking Brad to the floor followed by crossbody off the apron. Brian smells victory going up top, but both men have the same idea with a double drop kick cancelling each other out. The champ scores a near fall from a crucifix (shades of Superbrawl). The next big move is from Armstrong who catches Pillman off the ropes with a powerslam, but a bit heelish he takes too long to make the cover and just gets two.

Smelling his first Light heavyweight Title, Armstrong goes for his superplex off the top, but Brian counters and hits a crossbody off the ropes, but the experienced Armstrong reverses into a pin and very nearly takes the title!:mark:. Pillman scores a two from a spinwheel kick, takes another high risk, but his top rope splash is met by knees to the gut, Armstrong hits a beautiful side Russian legsweep (normally his finisher), but Pillman is too close to the ropes, so close that his leg is already under it, so the ref stops the count. Brad gets pissed with the ref, this opens the door for the Air Pillman for the 1-2-3. The pair shake hands after the match, no doubt Armstrong will have another shot in the future. My only real complaint is with a longer match on a PPV it could have been even better. ***

Next up in a new look segment Ron Simmons is interviewed by Jesse and JR who talk about his career and his future in WCW. We get a recap of Simmon's Football career at Florida State (this sort of build suggests WCW have big plans for Simmons). The All American comes out in a smart looking blazer and suit, this isn't his normal style and if I had to guess he probably hated it?o_O. Coming out waving to the crowd in that suit he looked like a contestant from a game show:lmao. Simmons talks about his work with youths and the importance of role models, he even mentions the Magic Johnson case. Simmons makes its clear that he would love to be the first Black WCW Champion (not sure if they are planting seeds for later in the year or not?). Ross brings up the prospect of Ron facing Ventura's favourite wrestler Rick Rude, Simmons says Rude's a good wrestler but has had a lot of luck because of the outside interfearance from Paul E. etc... Simmons gets one over on Jesse putting him in his place when the Body claims that its his buddy Gene Deckerhoff running the team at Flordia State:p. Ron ends the segment by showing off his body proving he can match up to Rude in that department:mark:. Decent segment, Simmons came off pretty well. A little strange they didn't mention his current team with JYD and their feud with Cactus Jack and Mr. Hughes. The quality of these will depend on who's being interviewed as well as what they do with them, the more interesting ones will likely be the Hollywood Blonde style ones which don't just feel like standard interviews.

Diamond Dallas Page and Cactus Jack VS. The Fabulous Freebirds
The odd couple team of DDP and Jack face the Freebirds who have gone full blown face which you can tell because their decked out in white;). This is decent enough for what it is, once again Page going nowhere at this point is the jobber of the match, he takes an akward looking double backdrop from the Freebirds. Jack and Garvin brawl outside, the Freebird takes a guard rail shot, followed by a backbreaker, wierdly Hayes standing nearby doesn't help his partner, but does pop Cactus with a quick right hand, Jack tastes the steel from Garvin. The former tag champs are two sharp for DDP, but the heels get a break with a Jack cheapshot from outside, leading to a double snap there on the ropes. The Madman hits a running legdrop. Page is off target with a high risk move, but connects with a Side Russian legsweep, before then missing an elbow drop, as Garvin and Jack brawl, Hayes hits the DDT for the 3 count. This booking makes sense since Jack is protected in defeat, but once again Page is the loser of the match. **

Ross and Ventura recap the history between Ricky Steamboat and US Champ Rick Rude, before Rude smashes through a jobber, Jesse lays into Steamboat over hitting Madusa in the heat of the moment, calling Ross sexist for saying she had no business in a man's place, before making his own dated sexist comment:rolleyes:. BTW the version of this show I watched (on YT) had a really crappy watered down version of Rude's theme (maybe from the Network?).

In the WCW Magazine, we get promos from Vader and Sting, Vader talks about having a PHD in pain and taking the champ to school:mark:. Sting responds by pointing out his experience of WCW compared to Vader. DDP once again looks like a jobber as he gatecrashes an interview with Austin and Madusa, only to be taken away by officials (remember in the storyline Page has been banned from doing press), DDP starts comparing WCW to Cold War Russia (somethings never change), the TV Champ and Madusa just roll their eyes.

Main Event WCW Television Championship (2 out of 3 Falls): Stunning Steve Austin (c) (W/ Paul E. Dangerously) VS. The Z-Man
Fun fact Zenk once held the TV title beating Arn Anderson, Austin's future Dangerous Alliance partner in the late 80s/early 90s? Z-man looks sharp in hot pink:D. The challenger gets the first near fall when countering an Austin hip block with a backslide, another quick pin attempt with a double leg takedown into a rolling credle for two, this sells the importance of getting the first fall for the challenger. Austin bounces back with a smooth back surplex for a two, the pace quickers allowing Zenk to hit a flying crossbody for another near fall. Z-Man hits a decent dropkick, but the Champ sidesteps a second one and hits a gut wretch slam. As Dangerously ties up the ref Z-man rolls Austin up, the move is reveresed and with a hand full of tights the TV Champion takes the first fall. This is different because the norm in these matches is for the face to take the first fall if they are facing a heel champion.

Zenk is still bitching at the start of the second fall, so is hammered from behind by Austin. As Paul E. ties up the ref, Austin runs Zenk into the guard rail, but he is then caught with a shot to the gut off the apron, and tastes the steel himself. Zenk neively headlocks Austin on the outside and is rammed into the post, the Champ rolls in and back out to break the count. The Stunning one zeros in on the hand slamming it into the rail. They both have spells grounding the other, working over the arm. We get a criss cross off the ropes and Z-man hits a Lou Thez press catching Austin off guard snatching the second fall tying things up 1-1. The Champ fires back with a nice surplex, but then is off target with a rolling leg drop on the ropes. Zenk hits a clothesline, followed by leaping double knees in between Austin's head. As Z-man misses in the corner, Paul E. tries to fire up Austin with the TV belt :mark:. Z-man hits a backdrop and a hit toss off the ropes, but Austin with good instincts kicks the challenger away. Zenk fires back with stereo dropkicks, but Austin catches him off the ropes with the Stungun for the deciding fall. I like how it was a counter move by Austin and how he looked tired doing it and when he made the pin. Compatative match, Z-Man was put over strong in defeat. ***

Seems like the 3 out of 2 falls main events will become a staple of Saturday Night's for awhile since next week we have another one for the US tag titles with the Champs Taylor Made Man and Valentine against the Freebirds. Overall a good start to life for the new flagship show.

Next time Jesse makes his Worldwide debut.
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Worldwide April 11, 1992

Jesse Ventura debuts as the new co-host of Worldwide and that right there is a bit part of my youth watching him and Tony host Worldwide on Saturday or Sunday afternoon on ITV in the UK :mark:. Jesse is quick to remind Tony that they have previous. Think he might be talking about this?

Unpopluar opinion, but I actually prefer Jesse and Tony to Ross and Ventura.

Diamond Dallas Page and Vinnie Vinnie Vegas VS. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham
Lively enough opener. We get a brawl early between DDP and Rhodes, Dustin scores with the classic Bionic elbow and holds Page in place for Windham to hit a tapped fist forarm off the top on the arm. Jesse is all over Tony about Barry still having the tape fist and using it as a weapon:D. The pace quickens, the former NWA Champ blocks a hip toss attempt, hitting one of his own, Page is a little slow doing a kick away spot, a package off the ropes from the Texan gets two. Windham and Vegas brawl as the annoucers mock Vinnie's scary pink tights:p, the heel gets the wrong end of it, but hits a back surplex. The Natural takes a Vegas boot off the ropes. The future Diesel saves DDP from the pin after a Dustin flying clothesline. All four in the ring, Rhodes hits the running bulldog for the 3 count. Once again Page the whipping boy. **1/2

Jesse Curles VS. Johnny B. Badd
Standard Badd job match. He works up the crowd nicely with the gattoblaster before the match. Ventura is all over Badd for using a knockout punch as his finisher. Curles looks like some 1980s hair metal band member:lmao

Ron Simmons and Big Josh VS. Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson (W/ Paul E. Dangerously)
Former US tag champs against the current World tag champs. Bobby aims to give Arn an early edge on Josh with a cheap shot, but future Doink's power comes into play reversing a surplex attempt, hitting one of his own. Bobby saves the pin, Simmons cuts him off. A bearhug by Simmons is broken up. The heels double team the All American into the corner, Ron bounces back with clotheslines for both Arn and Bobby and football tackles for the champs too. Josh hits a monkey flip on Eaton off the ropes and his big stomp log roll. The tide turns when Simmons goes for a football tackle on Bobby, but Arn pulls his partner out the way and Simmons hits hard on the floor. With the ref tied up, Simmons tastes the steel, Bobby scores a two from a top rope double axe handle, but is then caught with a power slam off the top. Both men make tags. Joss hits the big sitdown splash off the top, Dangerously distracts Simmons and the ref as a nicely timed double axe handle off the ropes setting Bobby up for the pin. Arn and Ron wrestle as Simmons tries to break up the count. **1/2

In the WCW Magazine Bischoff hypes up Wrestlewar and the War Games. Anderson sends a message to Nikata Koloff, whether he can be trusted and if he's ready for the War Games. Bischoff also promotes the fourth coming Nintendo Top Ten Challenge. A weekly tournament on Worldwide where wrestlers at the bottom end of the top ten face off against the top half guys (giving the lower ranked ones the chance to shoot up the rankings). The top ten is frozen during the tournament.

Chip the Firebreaker VS. JT Southern
Bland match where the new comer Southern does most of the selling (is his push over already?). He pins that world beater Chip with a screwy rollup finisher hooking the ropes with his feet for the win. Sure Van Hammer was shitting his pants;). *1/2

Ricky Steamboat with his pretty looking nose plaster cuts a passionite promo at the expense of Rick Rude.

Marcus Bagwell VS. Big Van Vader
Vader pounds the rookie bell to bell, with clubbing forarms in the corner, back surplex and a clothesline. Bagwell barely gets a comeback, hitting a couple of drop kicks, but Vader comes back quickly bouncing Bagwell off the mat with a chokeslam for the pin. This is one squash that makes sense. Post-match the Masterdon carries on the attack with a running splash. Just as Vader is about to come off the top, Sting comes out and makes the saves. Him and Vader brawl and Sting for the first time this feud gets the upper hand, knocking Vader down with a top rope drop kick:mark:.

Next week The Taylor Made Man VS. The Z-Man in the main event. My next review will be the second WCW Saturday Night.



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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JT Southern was just so awful

He was, but I hear he had more talent than his run in WCW suggests. Could have just been his awful gimmick and what he was given to work with in matches.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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He was, but I hear he had more talent than his run in WCW suggests. Could have just been his awful gimmick and what he was given to work with in matches.
I've seen a couple of other companies he worked... and he really, really did not
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Saturday Night 11 April, 1992

Missy shows up just to annouce the real host of the show Jim Ross :lmao. He in return brings out the week's special co-host WCW Exc K. Allen Frey. How weird that Jesse is now on Worldwide every week but not Saturday Night. Frey looks like a more whezling version of film critic Gene Siskel:D. Listening to him talk wrestling is a bit like listening to someone's uncool Dad try it;). He's a total bore, and is mostly there to talk about WCW's attempts to crack down on rulebreakers. The fans really couldn't give a shit:lmao.

Vader VS. John Collins & Jim Boss
Vader destroying two, sometimes three job guys became the norm around this time, it was pretty mark worthy at the time. A chokeslam on one and powerbomb on the other followed by a double pin for the Masterdon.

The Steiner Brothers smash jobbers John Peterson and Randy Starr with a Scott Frankensteiner

Nikita Koloff VS. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
The only opening Parker gets is after a sneaking cheapshot with his stick through the middle ropes on the blindside of the ref (did he teach his students this stuff?;)). The Russian Nightmare polishes him off with off with a flying shoulder block followed by the Russian Sickle. Post-match Bischoff has no luck getting answers from Koloff over his intentions at Wrestlewar. *1/2

We find out there's a Bunkhouse Brawl in the works between Windham/Rhodes and The Dangerous Alliance.

Barry Windham VS. Tracy Smothers
Solid enough TV match, once again Smothers is on fine crowd working form. Windham scores a near fall from a flying bodyblock. The heel gets some stuff in with a belly to back, followed by his karete kick. A Barry package almost steals the win, but the Young Pistol bounces back with a flying clothesline for a two. The heel gets caught up top and is hit with the superplex for the 3 count. **

In the WCW magazine we get more Wrestlewar hype, plus a bit on The Great Muta returning to the States, and DDP looks to grab Frey's attention by speaking out and giving away news. Page brown noses fans for support:lmao

In this week's sitdown interview Ricky Steamboat cuts a very realistic and passionite promo about his feud with Rude, and forthcoming US title rematch. Frey suggests that some of the trouble with Rude has been of his own doing and that the Dragon might be taking personal issues at home into wrestling (this could be an inside gag), Steamboat says its the opposite that the stuff with Rude and Dangerous Alliance has impacted on his home life.

2 Out of 3 Falls U.S. Tag Title Main Event: Greg Valentine and The Taylor Made Man (c) VS. The Fabulous Freebirds
The Birds dominate the ring early on, pinning the champs outside as the fans chart "DDT". A Hammer drop toe hold leads to a figure four attempt countered by Garvin. The Valentine has a rough landing from a backdrop. Hayes hits a double axe handle off the ropes across the arm. The Hammer ducks a Hayes roll up, Taylor's cheap shot from the outside sets the Freebird up for a Valentine elbow drop and the first fall out of the blue. Taylor struts:mark:. The Hammer looks blown up at the start of fall 2, this is far from his finest performance. Taylor's rolling snap neckbreaker just gets 1. The heels nicely cut off the ring, Garvin tags in and scores a series of twos following a clothesline and bodyslam. Taylor screws up destracting the ref allowing Valentine to take a Hayes DDT followed by a Garvin pin, 1-1.

In the final fall Hayes does a decent sell job for the champs. A backslide on Taylor is saved by Valentine, who is once again unsuccessful hooking on the Figure Four. Taylor almost pins P.S. with his twisting sitdown powerbomb. Garvin gets the hot tag and takes on both. The finish comes when Taylor rolls up Garvin into his own partner, the former York Foundation guy hooks the tights scoring the win 2-1. This was a slugglish main event. These two teams would have a much better match at the next PPV. **1/2



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Worldwide 18 April, 1992

Rick Steiner VS. Bubba Howard (great jobber name :mark: )

Jesse qustions how having cauliflower ears are really going to make Steiner look any worse?!:lmao. Steiner as strong as an ox power lifts Big Bubba upside down and plants him into the corner. Rick having fun puts the lesser known wrestler Bubba away with a belly to belly off the top.

Former U.S. Tag team champs Brian Pillman and Z-Man are booked to face each other for the Light Heavyweight title at Wrestlewar.

Cactus Jack VS. Dan Garza
Ventura: "If Steiner can get a degree from the University of Michigan so can Cactus Jack":lmao. Drills Garza with an elbow drop off the opron, followed by a double armed DDT for the pin.

Stunning Steve Austin and Larry Zybszko VS. Greg Casey and Scott Allen
Larry rips a fans sign up, now that's a proper heel:mark:. Larry pins Allen (who has French flag colours across his tights) with the Brainbuster.

Rick Steiner does a terrible job of promoting his team's Wrestlewar clash against Lizuka and Fujinami, claiming there are not the proper Japan tag champs and making some dated flag waving comments...

J.T. Southern criuses past Randy Starr with a pancake surplex in another sloppy outting. Southern gives us some of his guiter licks post match in an interview, playing over Tony and calling the likes of the Freebirds and Van Hammer wannabes.

The Taylor Made Man VS. The Z-Man
Zenk drives Taylor outside with a drop kick. Taylor grounds his foe and slows the pace down with a nice hammerlock. The face kicks away after a crisp Taylor hip toss and hits an arm drag followed by arm bar. Taylor gets a hair pull on a test of strength, Z-Man's bridge bounces him back. The match drags a bit at this point. Made Man grabs the ropes from an armbar as Jesse shits on the ref:p. Both have sore arms, Taylor hits a jawbreaker, heel cuts off Zenk's comeback dragging him outside by the tights. The Cruserweight counters a move back in, rolling Made Man up for a near fall. A Taylor backbreaker gets two, he focuses on Z-man's leg, finally Zenk hits an enzuigiri kick for two an half. Taylor hits a belly to back surplex as the pair excange pin attempts. Taylor just escapes from a belly to back. The two go back to the test of strength, the US tag champ catches Zenk low. When Taylor grabs the ropes on a Z-Man sunset flip, the ref knocks his hands off allowing the former Can-Am Connection member to get a two count from the flip, before he's decked by a Taylor clothesline. Zenk runs Taylor into the rail, hits a powerslam, instead of going for the pin he connects with a superkick, at which point Valentine hits the ring. He's decked by a superkick two, the fight goes on in the ring. The finish looks a bit contrived as you can tell they are waiting for Valentine to do his spot, which is to grab Zenk's foot on a superplex, under it down as his partner crashes down on top and gets the pin. ***

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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Power Hour May 2nd 1992

Marcus Bagwell & Z-Man VS. John Peterson and Paul Lee
Not bad for a job match. Paul Lee looks like a Playboy Buddy Rose knockoff and is quite entertaing with it:D. Z-Man looks lively, and takes most of the match. Bagwell does bugger all, but does pick up the win on Peterson with his fisherman surplex. * 1/2

J.T. Southern VS. Randy Starr
Standard, lifeless Southern win with his pancake front first surplex. One fan charts "Boring":p. Southern is now teaming with Scotty Flamingo.

Jim Ross looks at the history between Ricky Steamboat and Rick Rude, questioning if and why the Dragon has been acting out of character lately. Paul E. Dangerously and Madusa claim Steamboat has been stalking because there's not much happening at home because of his wife being turned off by Dragon's screwed up face. A nice touch of realism to the interview as Paul E references "Bonnie" the real name of Steamboat's wife. He also references the film Fatal Attraction when describing Steamboat's actions:D.

Nikita Koloff VS. Joe Cruz
The Russian Sickel gets the job done. Koloff confirmed in the last couple of days that he wants to be Sting's friend:lmao

Cactus Jack VS. Brad Armstrong
Entertaing match, these two gel nicely. Jack attacks the high flying before the bell, but Armstrong fires back shooting the wild man outside the ring, diving down on him with a double axe handle outside. Back inside he works on the arm and hits a smooth dropkick, before hooking on a sleeper which is short lived as Jack shows his ring smarts dropping his foe across the middle rope. They brawl outside, with Armstrong scoring a sharp European uppercut. Jack nearly sneaks the win following a surprise small package, Armstrong then returns the favour with a rollup but doesn't have the strength to keep the brawler down. Jack counters a top rope move with a stiff elbow to the jaw, followed by a double arm DDT for the win. **1/2.

In the latest edition of Missy Does the Mail:lmao, the host claims Sting cannot trust Koloff at Wrestlewar and that the Russian Nightmare is setting the Stinger up for the big one. We see footage of Koloff's interview on Saturday where he asked a Native American fan who her fave wrestler was, she replies Sting to which Koloff responds that Sting's his fave too:lmao
Missy also plays Bishchoff's interview with Sting from the WCW Champs Home. Missy says its a big mistake Sting going into the War Games less than 100% that afterwards its not a Romantic Date with her awaiting but a rematch with Vader:mark:. Sting recently picked up a rib injury from Vader.

The Freebirds VS. The Taylor Made Man and Greg "the Hammer" Valentine
This feels like the 25th match these teams has had in recent weeks, but its a step up from their Saturday Night match. Surviving some early big blows from the Hammer, the Birds take control with a clothesline and back drop on Taylor. Gavin grounds Valentine with a nice drop toe hold into the armbar, as the Birds tag in and out successfully for the next few minutes. Valentine gets a backbreaker, but then Taylor is double teamed, before the Hammer turns the tide with an axehandle off the top, followed by the headbutt to the groin, he is unsuccessful hooking on the figure four. A Valentine knee from outside the ring, sets up Gavin up for a Taylor swinging neckbreaker and near fall. A Valentine shoulder breaker gets two. Hayes gets the hot tag and takes on both the heels. In a confusing moment Gavin is dumped outside, at which point the ref appears to call for the DQ, but then counts a Hayes near fall a moment later when the heels butt headso_O. Outside Taylor hits a piledriver on Gavin, then saves his partner from a DDT. Hammer locks on the figure four, as Taylor dives onto Haye's knees trying to cripple him. The ref does throw the match out now. Guess this makes it personal. The teams will meet for the US Tag Titles at Wrestlewar. ** 1/2.

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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Oh yeah the US Tag Titles are still a thing

Yeah pretty pointless title, but I do quite like Valentine and Taylor as a team, underrated.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Worldwide May 2, 1992

Jesse makes a crack of how he was in Georgia a few weeks back helping Jack Nicklaus on the 13th hole:lmao

Ron Simmons VS. Sonny Trout
Home State boy Simmons gets a decent reaction as he puts the jobber away with a sidewalk slam.

Scotty Flamingo (W/J.T. Southern) VS. "Jumpin" Joey Maggs
Maggs one of my fave job guys gets some offensive in, with outwrestling the future Raven a couple of times. Flamingo is concerned with messing up his pretty hair:D. In a rage he dumps Maggs outside, catches him with a sharp elbow off the ropes and a smooth tranistion into a clothesline, followed by the match winning piledriver. This gimmick really isn't Scott Levy, but he stil does a decent job with it. *1/2
Later Jesse interviews Flamingo who brags about being born with the silverspoon in his mouth, and challenges Light Heavyweight Champion Brian Pillman.

Ventura also interviews Rude and Madusa who once again accuse Steamboat of stalking Madusa. The US Champ warns the Dragon to stop focusing on his lady and to keep his eyes on focus on Rude.

Big Van Vader VS. Steven Greene and Carl Robinson
Vader dumps Robinson across the top rope from a gorrila press. Both job guys get choke slams, and a Big Splash followed by a double pin.

With Sting on the shelf until War Games (he was legit injuried by Vader at a houseshow), the main focus for the Wrestlewar main event hype is again Koloff, as Bischoff declares the WCW Saturday Night interview, he declares the "the cold war between Koloff and Sting is finally over":lmao
Jesses throws some shade on both Nikita and Jim Ross, saying he doesn't believe either, so expects the interview to be nothing but a pack of lies:p. Ventura and Ross had heat at the time, so I'm guessing this was a shoot from Jesse. Nikita also puts himself forward to face Vader in Sting's place (which would become the main event on house shows the next few weeks). This has been a decent enough storyline and makes sense given the history between Sting and Koloff before Nikita left WCW in 91. The problem is its been overplayed and has taken the focus off the rest of guys involved in the match and the gimmick of the match itself. The War Games has a special history and that should have been used as a big part of the hype for the PPV.

Ricky Steamboat & Nikita Koloff VS. Tracy Smothers & Richard Morton
Steamboat will also be a part of the team at Wrestlewar so this match makes sense. Steamboat and Koloff make for a decent pairing, its just a shame that the solid heel team of Smothers and Morton are brushed aside so quickly. Steamboat outsmarts Smothers on a criss cross, putting the breaks on, making tag to Koloff who pins Smothers with the Russian Sickel.

Nintendo Top Ten Challenge Match One:mark:: The Taylor Made Man (No.10) VS. Rick Rude (W/Medusa) (No.1)
One of the most pointless min tournments kicks off with an all heel affair as Taylor ranked number ten faces the number 1 seed. Apart from the chance to shoot up the rankings there was little at stake, but I did mark for it as a kid;). Rude dominates with a some hard blows and a thrust to the throat, but ducks his head too soon, taking a Taylor clothesline for 2. Nice selling from Rude for the next couple of minutes as Taylor works over his arm and wrist. The US champ catches the US tag champ wrapping his leg across the ringpost, and scores a two from a swinging neckbreaker. Tayor fires back with the classic poke to the eye and an atomic drop, but reinjuries his knee setting him up for the Rude Awakening and pin. Solid match, but would have been better with a few more minutes. Also heel vs. heel always a bit weird. **1/2

Next Week its Steamboat VS. Catcus Jack. Bischoff runs down the Wrestlewar card before Jesse and Tony close out with promos from Steamboat and Jack.

One other bit of news, Jake Roberts is about to agree a deal with WCW around this time after making his final WWF appearance the month before at Wrestlemania 8. Roberts turned down a new Titan deal after a promised booking/road agent gig fell through, he would debut in the next few months. More on this soon.

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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Saturday Night May 9, 1992

This week's guest co-host is country music star Randy Owen, I guess because he's local and is 92 WCW 92's idea of a celebrity :p. He seems like a legit nice guy and does lots of charity work so that's something right?...

Z-Man VS. Bob Cook
Standard match, but Cook is a fun old school job guy. Z-Man gets it done with a super kick and lackluster drop kick off the top. Zenk will face his former US Tag partner Flyin Brian for the Light Heavyweight belt at Wrestlewar. Next week Pillman will be the guest host so expect something to go down then?;)

Nikita Koloff VS. Mr. Hughes
Decent enough power match, Hughes did a good job in getting heat and giving Koloff his heroic victory. At first Koloff can't knock Hughes down, he then out smarts him with a drop kick sending the Bodyguard outside. We get an old school strength of test which Koloff is winning until a kick to the gut, Koloff comes back tying up the arm for a couple of minutes, before a well placed heel to the balls on the blindside of the ref puts the heel in control. Hughes drops his weight across down onto the Russian Nightmare on the ropes for a two count. Then the crowd killing chinlock. Slow face comebacks are cut off with a knee to the gut. Finally Koloff is back in the game with a boot in the corner, reverse elbow off the ropes, a body slam and flying shoulderblock off the ropes. The Russian Sickel is blocked by Hughes who then misses a leg drop on the ropes setting him up for the match winning Sickel. **

In the next segment WCW looks to cash in the Jerry Springer style talk show craze as Rick Rude with a scary looking shirt is the latest guest for the sitdown interview spot. Randy Owen asks Rude why he left the WWF:adr. Taking the chance to blast the Fed, Rude says that for a long time he was Intercontinental Champion which put him in line to face the WWF Champ but that he was held back (he did face Warrior in the main event of Summerslam 90), so decided to move onto bigger and better things:lmao. JR then questions Rude about the claims that Steamboat has been lusting after Madusa at which point the US Champ brings out his girl. Taking over the segment Rude takes questions from the fans. One woman wants to know how she can be Rude's girl?:p. The next woman backs up Rude's claim saying she's been having an affair with Steamboat, before being intrupted by a woman saying she's having an affair with the Dragon, we're off to Springerland as the women jaw and run each other down. JR wants security:lmao. Later the other woman is staking claim:D. I just hope at a later date we get it confirmed that these women were plants:russo2.

Vinnie Vegas runs over some unannonced jobber with the Snake Eyes.

In the WCW magazine Eric Bischoff reports that last Sunday the Steiner Brothers defeated Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton in a steel cage match for the WCW Tag titles in Chicago. Great for the live fans, but there were no TV cameras there just photos from the WCW Magazines:rolleyes:. The Steiners also look to regain the IWGP tag belts should they beat Tatsumi Fujinami and Takashi Iizuka at Wrestlewar. Doing nothing to put Funjinami and Iizuka over, Scott describes them as stepping stones, and Rick makes some cartoony racial stereotype comments:rolleyes:
There's in-fighting with The Dangerous Alliance as cameras capture Paul E. and Zbyszko aruging backstage.
Plus the announcement of the NWA Tag Title tournament featuring International teams including a canadian wrestler called "BEEF WELLINGTON!! :lmao :lmao.

Diamond Studd VS. Rob Campbell (with Brutus Beefcake style tights:D).
This is Studd's WCW comeback. Wet behind the ears Campbell cheap shots Studd from the bell, but Studd drags him outside and starts pounding away with a clothesline and hard chops. The jobber bravely fights back, but to a no return as Studd puts him away with a choke slam, followed by a back surplex off the top and the move which would soon be called The Razor's Edge. JR pushes the prospect of a Studd-Dustin Rhodes feud. It never happened, this is his final appearance for WCW (until 96). Later in the month Scott Hall joins the WWF becomes Razor Ramon a much more successful character and the rest is history.

Scott Flamingo (W/ JT Southern) VS. Brad Armstrong
Armstrong is one step ahead early on and sharper on the wrestling exchanges, with a smooth armdrag counter, and a tight hammerlock. As the pace quickens Armstrong avoids his foe with a nice leapfrog, Scotty gets a nice reversial of a headlock into a hammerlock. Brad scores a two count from a sunset flip. Flamingo ducks a cross body as the face crashes outside, Levy then hits a diving crossbody outside before some dancing:D. A comeback is cut short with a back drop for two. After some scrappy shots, Armstrong hits two top rope crossbodys, for some reason he doesn't go for the pin on either. Flamingo bounces outside to regroup. The finish comes after Southern hooks Armstrong's foot on a surplex, holding it down as Flamingo gets the pin. **1/2

2 out of 3 Falls TV Title Main Event: Stunning Steve Austin (W/ Paul E. Dangerously) (c) VS. Barry Windham
Austin enjoys his belt and plays the stalling game. Stiff rolling headlocks from the champ, Windham doing his best to stay off his back and roll Austin up. Barry surplex but Austin holds onto head. Belly to back surplex breaks it, stiff rights. Windham cooly steps over Austin and adjusts for a drop kick, Champ off target with elbow drop. Challenger back body drop, big right sends Austin outside. Windham grounds Austin back inside with headlock. Boot and running lariet out of the corner almost gets three for Windham. Nice surplex, float over, Austin just about gets the arm up before 3. Short clothesline gets Stunning Steve a two. The heel uses the ropes on a headscissors. Barry fires back with a DDT, but then takes a shot from his already bleeding mouth. Fighting back the Texan wins the first fall after a superplex.

Austin elbows Barry over the ropes early in fall 2, followed by a double axe handle off the apron. Nice gut wretch for a two count, beautiful snap surplex also gets two. The Champ hooks on a camel clutch:mark:. A headbutt to the groin breaks contact. Hard Austin clothesline not enough. Windham's dazed expression on turbuckle shots look so good. Austin stun gun levels things up. Austin dominates first part of 3rd fall keeping Windham outside before a surplex back in. Barry off target with a drop kick and is almost put away. Second rope elbow only gets two. Windham's back gives way on a bodyslam, Austin leads on top and almost gets the pin. Windham's loose leg knocks the ref down, Paul E. chucks Austin the belt, but the champ misses with it, Windham rolls him up off the ropes as Randy Anderson recovers, 1-2-3! New TV Champ:mark:. Post match Austin nails Windham and nicks off with the belt. ***1/2

Coming next time we return to the Nintendo Top Ten Challenge as Wrestlewar draws near.
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Worldwide Wrestling May 9, 1992

Stunning Steve Austin (W/Madusa) VS. Chip "the Firebreaker"

Note I got this and the last Saturday Night review the wrong way round, on this show Austin is still the TV Champion. Madusa is wearing a smoking hot white dress:Smitten:. Bit of a nothing match, Chip is god awful. Austin wins clean with the Stungun. **

Dustin Rhodes VS. Bobby Eaton (W/ Paul E. Dangerously)
Enjoyable match. There's a nice slingshot spot where Dustin deliver's multiple bionic elbows on Eaton. Slowly Bobby works his way into the match with a thumb to the eye, kneeing Dustin outside. The Natural blocks a Bobby post shot, but then is off target with a running clothesline hitting the steel. Eaton zeros in on the arm for the next few minutes, grounding Rhodes as Dangerously cheekily holds Bobby's hand on the blindside of the ref, before getting caught. Rhodes getting a second wind scores a near fall from a flying bodyblock. Eaton is caught on the top and takes a rocketlauncher. Dustin hits the bulldog, but Paul E. distracts the ref, as The Diamond Studd runs in, drops the leg on Rhodes, drapping Bobby's arm across for the 3 count. This was meant to be setting up Studd joining the Dangerous Alliance in the coming weeks (that would have been interesting?), but that never happen since Hall soon jumped ship to the WWF. ***

In the WCW Magazine we get a recap of an angle from a recent Saturday Night when Paul E. and Madusa once again speak out against Steamboat, Dangerously calling the Dragon a perv. It ends with Steamboat appearing above them doing breathing fire just like his WWF stint.

Scott Flamingo with JT Southern beats John Peterson with a piledriver. After a second piledriver post-match Johnny B. Badd comes out, decks Southern and gets in Scotty's face.

In another squash Vinnie Vegas runs through Randy Starr with his snakeeyes.

A fired up Dangerously says he intends to sue K. Allen Fry for trying to censor him and take away his livelyhood. On electric form as always Paul E. makes reference to Mike Tyson and his current woes (big news in 92).

Nintendo Top Ten Challenge: Cactus Jack VS. Ricky Steamboat

Much better than last week's match, you've got a top heel and babyface at the top of their games. The Dragon is still wearing the nose guard, take note modern wrestling:rolleyes:). The former NWA Champ uses his quickness early on, with sharp take downs, quick jabs, a DDT and double leg cradle both getting twos. Jack zeros in the Dragon's nose, striking it to change the tide. The madman hits his elbow drop off the apron. Steamboat does a beautiful skin the cat move back inside, but the heel is waiting, nailing the Dragon with a clothesline, the impact sends both outside. Jack gets the upperhand back inside, but misses a near in the corner, Steamboat scores with a nice top rope crossbody for the win. ***

Next week the main event is Nikita Koloff VS. Big Van Vader.