WCW Saturday Night April 4, 1992 (debut show)
Hosts: Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Eric Bischoff
Saturday Night becomes WCW's new Prime Time show on TBS and for over 3 years it would become the promotion's flagship broadcast before Monday Nitro debuts in September 95. The Saturday Night name had been used a number of times over the years including for the first time in the early 70s when Georgia Championship Wrestling used it (Georgia basically was a version of WCW because of their links to the NWA).
The idea of the new show was to keep the core of the old show, but replace the more dated elements with a more edgy, slick entertainment feel. This can be seen from the start as Jesse interupts the typical TBS style opening and insists that's no way to start a TV show, how about playing the music I brought in?!

So its replaced with more jazzed up game show style music, almost like Wheel of Forture!
This was just like the opening of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me when David Lynch took a hammer to TP the TV show and introduced the more cutting edge film version. Damn maybe WCW were ahead of the curve?

. The new look show tried to capture some of the feel of late night talk shows mixed with a more hip Saturday Night Live vibe. It would include a new serious sitdown interview segment, they would aim for bigger weekly matches too. Before the opening Lightweight match Ross and Ventura would spend a couple of minutes on ayslsis including showing how Pillman beat Liger for the title at Superbrawl.
WCW Lightheavyweight Title match: Flyin' Brian Pillman (C) VS. Brad Armstrong
This opening title match is a very solid wrestling match. Once again showing how underrated the late Armstrong was, typically the All American face Brad does a stellar job of playing the heel of the match and putting Pillman over strong. Of course classic Jesse tries to stir up shit suggesting that at some point in the match one of two faces will cheat

Both guys start off with good sound wrestling, working on each other's arms exchanging armbars. Both have the same idea coming off the ropes with the Japanese arm drag but its Pillman who grounds Armstrong. Brad takes the first cheap shot of the match with a low fist, but is caught in a nice looking headscissors takeover in the corner, followed by a dropkick and arm drag into an armbar. Brian misques in the corner twisting his knee on the ropes, but is able to fend off a brief Armstrong comeback with a headscissors out of a tilt to whirl move. The Champ leaps onto Armstong's shoulders and hooks a rolling credle, but its a bit of a lax cover so barely gets two. We get a classic slow comeback from Brad as he fights his way back up, Pillman misses a dropkick is wrapped up in half an nelson from a sitting position, Pillman does a nice selling job. The oldest Armstrong then hits a smooth Northern Lights overhead surplex, leaping to the top rope, he's not as home up top as the champ, is a step too slow and Pillman hits a standing drop kick knocking Brad to the floor followed by crossbody off the apron. Brian smells victory going up top, but both men have the same idea with a double drop kick cancelling each other out. The champ scores a near fall from a crucifix (shades of Superbrawl). The next big move is from Armstrong who catches Pillman off the ropes with a powerslam, but a bit heelish he takes too long to make the cover and just gets two.
Smelling his first Light heavyweight Title, Armstrong goes for his superplex off the top, but Brian counters and hits a crossbody off the ropes, but the experienced Armstrong reverses into a pin and very nearly takes the title!

. Pillman scores a two from a spinwheel kick, takes another high risk, but his top rope splash is met by knees to the gut, Armstrong hits a beautiful side Russian legsweep (normally his finisher), but Pillman is too close to the ropes, so close that his leg is already under it, so the ref stops the count. Brad gets pissed with the ref, this opens the door for the Air Pillman for the 1-2-3. The pair shake hands after the match, no doubt Armstrong will have another shot in the future. My only real complaint is with a longer match on a PPV it could have been even better. ***
Next up in a new look segment Ron Simmons is interviewed by Jesse and JR who talk about his career and his future in WCW. We get a recap of Simmon's Football career at Florida State (this sort of build suggests WCW have big plans for Simmons). The All American comes out in a smart looking blazer and suit, this isn't his normal style and if I had to guess he probably hated it?

. Coming out waving to the crowd in that suit he looked like a contestant from a game show

. Simmons talks about his work with youths and the importance of role models, he even mentions the Magic Johnson case. Simmons makes its clear that he would love to be the first Black WCW Champion (not sure if they are planting seeds for later in the year or not?). Ross brings up the prospect of Ron facing Ventura's favourite wrestler Rick Rude, Simmons says Rude's a good wrestler but has had a lot of luck because of the outside interfearance from Paul E. etc... Simmons gets one over on Jesse putting him in his place when the Body claims that its his buddy Gene Deckerhoff running the team at Flordia State

. Ron ends the segment by showing off his body proving he can match up to Rude in that department

. Decent segment, Simmons came off pretty well. A little strange they didn't mention his current team with JYD and their feud with Cactus Jack and Mr. Hughes. The quality of these will depend on who's being interviewed as well as what they do with them, the more interesting ones will likely be the Hollywood Blonde style ones which don't just feel like standard interviews.
Diamond Dallas Page and Cactus Jack VS. The Fabulous Freebirds
The odd couple team of DDP and Jack face the Freebirds who have gone full blown face which you can tell because their decked out in white

. This is decent enough for what it is, once again Page going nowhere at this point is the jobber of the match, he takes an akward looking double backdrop from the Freebirds. Jack and Garvin brawl outside, the Freebird takes a guard rail shot, followed by a backbreaker, wierdly Hayes standing nearby doesn't help his partner, but does pop Cactus with a quick right hand, Jack tastes the steel from Garvin. The former tag champs are two sharp for DDP, but the heels get a break with a Jack cheapshot from outside, leading to a double snap there on the ropes. The Madman hits a running legdrop. Page is off target with a high risk move, but connects with a Side Russian legsweep, before then missing an elbow drop, as Garvin and Jack brawl, Hayes hits the DDT for the 3 count. This booking makes sense since Jack is protected in defeat, but once again Page is the loser of the match. **
Ross and Ventura recap the history between Ricky Steamboat and US Champ Rick Rude, before Rude smashes through a jobber, Jesse lays into Steamboat over hitting Madusa in the heat of the moment, calling Ross sexist for saying she had no business in a man's place, before making his own dated sexist comment

. BTW the version of this show I watched (on YT) had a really crappy watered down version of Rude's theme (maybe from the Network?).
In the WCW Magazine, we get promos from Vader and Sting, Vader talks about having a PHD in pain and taking the champ to school

. Sting responds by pointing out his experience of WCW compared to Vader. DDP once again looks like a jobber as he gatecrashes an interview with Austin and Madusa, only to be taken away by officials (remember in the storyline Page has been banned from doing press), DDP starts comparing WCW to Cold War Russia (somethings never change), the TV Champ and Madusa just roll their eyes.
Main Event WCW Television Championship (2 out of 3 Falls): Stunning Steve Austin (c) (W/ Paul E. Dangerously) VS. The Z-Man
Fun fact Zenk once held the TV title beating Arn Anderson, Austin's future Dangerous Alliance partner in the late 80s/early 90s? Z-man looks sharp in hot pink

. The challenger gets the first near fall when countering an Austin hip block with a backslide, another quick pin attempt with a double leg takedown into a rolling credle for two, this sells the importance of getting the first fall for the challenger. Austin bounces back with a smooth back surplex for a two, the pace quickers allowing Zenk to hit a flying crossbody for another near fall. Z-Man hits a decent dropkick, but the Champ sidesteps a second one and hits a gut wretch slam. As Dangerously ties up the ref Z-man rolls Austin up, the move is reveresed and with a hand full of tights the TV Champion takes the first fall. This is different because the norm in these matches is for the face to take the first fall if they are facing a heel champion.
Zenk is still bitching at the start of the second fall, so is hammered from behind by Austin. As Paul E. ties up the ref, Austin runs Zenk into the guard rail, but he is then caught with a shot to the gut off the apron, and tastes the steel himself. Zenk neively headlocks Austin on the outside and is rammed into the post, the Champ rolls in and back out to break the count. The Stunning one zeros in on the hand slamming it into the rail. They both have spells grounding the other, working over the arm. We get a criss cross off the ropes and Z-man hits a Lou Thez press catching Austin off guard snatching the second fall tying things up 1-1. The Champ fires back with a nice surplex, but then is off target with a rolling leg drop on the ropes. Zenk hits a clothesline, followed by leaping double knees in between Austin's head. As Z-man misses in the corner, Paul E. tries to fire up Austin with the TV belt

. Z-man hits a backdrop and a hit toss off the ropes, but Austin with good instincts kicks the challenger away. Zenk fires back with stereo dropkicks, but Austin catches him off the ropes with the Stungun for the deciding fall. I like how it was a counter move by Austin and how he looked tired doing it and when he made the pin. Compatative match, Z-Man was put over strong in defeat. ***
Seems like the 3 out of 2 falls main events will become a staple of Saturday Night's for awhile since next week we have another one for the US tag titles with the Champs Taylor Made Man and Valentine against the Freebirds. Overall a good start to life for the new flagship show.
Next time Jesse makes his Worldwide debut.