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Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: Sabu vs. Orton- this was just the all around best match.
WM: Goldberg vs. Umaga- it was boring for me to read.
BP: The first promo by HHH was great, the best promo that I've read of yours.
WP: Kane talking in the first person. Why did he refer to himself as Kane?
AC: I didn't really like the ending of the RVD/Burke match... Everything just seemed thrown together at the last minute... Two main events in a row that end in a no contest, that's bad booking... Good luck with the move...
Plug: If you get time check out and review POI Episode 18.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
BM: Opener - I would love to see those two in a hardcore match but the finish didn't really make RVD look good with the roll up
WM: Umaga/Goldberg - Yes it was a great back and forth match but I don't reallylike it when Umaga is beaten by other monsters (well Goldberg ain't a monster but he has a lot of strength)
BP: HHH opening promo, wasn't 100% in character but I still liked it
WP: Kane promo, short and sweet I'll admit but still doesn't save it from being the worst promo.
AC: Well we've done a lot of storyline discussion on MSN and when you return from your leave I'll be looking forward to seeing if you use any of my plans and I hope you also build on what you got already...

Evil Austin

*Show opens and shows the happening of last week...*
(lol which was like nearly two months ago...:) ) ... Anyway back to the show.

JR: Welcome ladies and Gentleman to WAW We Are Wrestling... With three weeks until out next Pay Per View "World WAW III" We might get some great matches announced today..

King: Forget about that Pay Per View, the matches tonight are amazing.

*Sexy Boy hits and Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring.*

Shawn gets a mixed crowd reaction some boo's and a small group of fans give him a good pop...

Shawn Michaels: HHH...you wanted me last week and you got me, I superkicked your teeth right down your throat..If you want me so bad get your ass out here right now..

*Game hits and HHH comes down to the ring with both the World Titles.*

HHH: Now before you say anything, we need to know the whole world needs to know where do you stand ?! Shawn, I have known you a long time are you with me or against me ?! And I want an answer now.

Shawn Michaels: Hunter.....(about to say something.)

*No Chance hits and Vince and Shane McMahon come down to the ring.*

Vince McMahon: (walking down to the ring and speaking..) Hold on one god damn minute....

JR: What now..?

Vince: I also want to know what in the hell is going on? Shawn I thought you were with us but last week you super kicked me and my son Shane (with Vince) and Shawn you have some explaining to do...

Shane: Yea, that hurt when you did that..I expect an apology. From you and you! (both HHH and Shawn)..

HHH: And what if I don't apologize huh, what are you going to do about it ?

Shane (looks scared) : Tell them Vince, what your going to do about it.

(Vince has no idea and looks at Shane like he is an idiot for putting the pressure on him.)

Vince: Both you and your friend over here HBK are going to face each other tonight...

*Crowd pop.*

Vince: And if any of you decide to not compete in that match you will have to join the Vince McMahon Kiss my ass club.

King: Wow...can't wait for that match...Jr, weren't you a member ? (laughs)

*Booyaka* hits and Rey Mysterio makes his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: And coming down to the ring Rey Mysterio

*Kaz* hits and Kaz makes his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent Kaz

Match - 1 Kaz vs Rey Mysterio

Kaz and Rey Mysterio both crowd favorites are sure to put on a great match as they circle the ring, the bell rings and the match begins...these two men shake hands and than they lock up. Rey Mysterio kicks Kaz in the back of the leg and than again and again, Rey Mysterio than throws Kaz at the ropes and Kaz on the rebound shoulder blocks Rey Mysterio back down, Kaz runs at the opposite ropes and than Rey Mysterio lyes down and than Kaz jumps over him and Rey stays on the ground expecting Kaz to run at the ropes but Kaz stands there and than does a standing back flip onto Rey's back and squashes him with his body. Kaz rolls him him on his back for a pin fall but Rey Mysterio kicks out at a count of one and a half. Kaz lifts up Rey Mysterio after the springboard back flip to a pin fall, Rey gets lifted up to his feet and than throws him at the ropes and than Kaz runs at the ropes to the side and they meet on both of the rebounds and than Kaz grabs Rey Mysterio's head and slams it to the mat in a bulldog, Kaz than grabs the leg of Rey Mysterio and than takes him to the corner of the ring, Kaz jumps to the top rope and than goes for a split legged moon Sault on Rey Mysterio but Rey Mysterio gets his knee's up and gets them hard in the ribs and gut of Kaz. Rey Mysterio than uses the ropes to help himself up to his feet and once he is on his feet, Rey Mysterio runs at the ropes and dropkicks Kaz in the face....Rey Mysterio than picks Kaz up to his feet and than throws him at the opposite corner but Kaz reverses it and than throws Rey Mysterio chest first into the corner..Kaz than goes up behind Rey Mysterio and hits him hard clubbing him in the back..Kaz than hits a release German suplex on him.

Kaz rolls him over onto his back after Rey landing on his face from the Release German Suplex....Kaz hooks the outside leg for the pin fall cover on Rey Mysterio, The referee begins the count. 1...........2...!, Rey Mysterio kicks out at a count of two and a half. Kaz lifts up Rey Mysterio and goes to do something to him but Rey on his knee's hits him a few times in the lower gut. It makes Kaz groggy and turn around for a moment, Rey jumps to his feet with Kaz facing the ropes and with his back to Rey, Rey runs at the ropes and than dropkicks Kaz from behind and gets him in the 619 position...Rey Mysterio points above to the heavens and gets a good pop reaction, he runs at the ropes once more and goes for the 619 finisher on his opponent Kaz but Kaz than ducks underneath the feet of Rey Mysterio in the 619 and Rey does a 360 in the ring and lands on his feet, Kaz turns around and than clotheslines him down and almost takes his head off. Kaz stands up and than starts to play to the crowd, Kaz lifts up Rey Mysterio by the Mask and than kicks him in the gut and than runs at the ropes with Rey Mysterio groggy and leaning forward, Kaz hits a hard running knee to the face of Rey Mysterio and than Kaz grabs the head of Rey Mysterio almost straight away after the knee and hits a swinging neck breaker on him..He rolls him up for the pin fall....1............2............!, Rey Mysterio kicks out...

Kaz than picks up Rey Mysterio by the mast once more, he than throws him into the corner and than runs with Rey Mysterio and clotheslines him in the corner, Kaz than has Rey on his knee's and than grabs his legs and has him in the slingshot position...Kaz than instead of sling shotting him he rolls forward over Rey and has him in a pin fall like an up side down bridge sort of move. Kaz only gets a two count though..Rey won't give up. Rey Mysterio than gets thrown at the ropes once more by Kaz, Kaz than goes to dropkick him back down but Rey Mysterio holds onto the ropes and stops himself from going on the rebound which made Kaz fall from the Dropkick on his back on the mat. Rey than ran at Kaz grabbing hold of the legs and having him in the same pin fall Kaz had him in moments earlier. 1...........2.!, Kaz kicks out just as the referee counts to two...Rey Mysterio than runs at the ropes and than hits a leg drop on Kaz after the pin fall before he can get back up to his feet. Rey Mysterio than goes up outside of the ring and on the apron and goes for the "Drop of the dime" a leg drop mid air from the top rope on Kaz but Kaz jumps up to his feet as Rey leaped in the air and than dropkicks Rey in the upper chest and takes him out, Rey Mysterio falls to the ground in pain...Kaz rolls him up for a pin fall 1.........2........3! Rey Mysterio has lost this match up and Frankie Kazarian has won .....Lillian Garcia announces it. As the bell rings and the match is over.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Kaz


JR: What a great showing by both of these superstars....

King: I agree, both men gave it their all but Kaz was made the winner.....

In the ring.....

*Spirit Squad's music hit and they make their own way down to the ring..*

Lillian Garcia: At this time The Spirit Squad have asked your attention for a cheer..

The crowd doesn't like this and they boo the crap out of them,

King: Don't be like that to the Spirit Squad they are the Tag Team Champions..

JR: But when have they defended their titles....

Mitch: Ready ..... OK... (Spirit Squad are doing cartwheels and chanting in the ring at this time..)

JR: I hope to god that someone does something about this...

They finish their cheer and they are jumping around all happy and screaming...

As The Spirit Squad are about to leave the ring, ...........

*Bill Goldberg's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.*

Goldberg fireworks go off and he stares down at The Spirit Squad that were the ones who injured him last month......

Goldberg points at them and screams at them that they are next...


King: We are back from a commericial break and we are ready to start the next contest...

*Christian's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.*

Lillian Garcia: And making his way down to the ring, Christian

King: The Captain of Charisma Christian...

*Finlay and Hornswaggle's music hit and they make their own way to the ring with a good pop.*

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent Finlay accompanied by Hornswaggle.

JR: And the man that loves to fight.

Match - 2 Fit Finlay with Hornswaggle at Ringside vs Christian

Christian looks over at Finlay's bastard Son Hornswaggle and eyes him to make sure that he will not get in the ring and cost him the match he has his eyes on him...but he has his eyes off Finlay for a split second as the Bell rings and the match begins, which is not good...Finlay runs and grabs Christian's arm and throws him at the ropes and than clotheslines him down wit his lifted up left hand. Fit Finlay than picks up Christian and puts him in the corner of the ring, he than starts to stomp on him in the corner and kick him. Finlay grabs the right hand of Christian and goes to Irish whip him in the other corner across the ring but Christian rakes Finlay in the eyes being a classic heel and Christian kicks Finlay in the gut and than throws him at the ropes, Christian than hits him in the face with a hard forearm to the face and jaw area. Christian than takes him to the middle of the ring and goes for his finisher early in the match the "unprettier" Christian has him in position for it and than Finlay pushes him at the ropes and than on the rebound Christian shoulder blocks him down and than goes outside of the ring on the other rebound and drags Finlay out with him pulling him by the legs.​

Once Fit Finlay was on the outside of the ring near the fans 'Barricade' he than throws some hard haymaker right hands at the face of Fit Finlay, Finlay than throws some hard rights and lefts of his own. Back and forth they go on the outside of the ring this doesn't look like any individual will get a clear advantage so early in the match. Fit Finlay than gets raked in the eyes by Christian temporarly blinding him outside of the ring. Fit Finlay than gets thrown at the turnbuckle pole and than falls back down back first in pain..​
Christian gets some crowd heat and he stares down at Fit Finlay's son Hornswaggle the midget. Fit Finlay than slowly gets to one knee as Christian rolls his son (Finlays), Hornswaggle into the ring, Christian goes into the ring and than runs at the ropes and than lifts his leg slightly up and does a "small" big boot on Hornswaggle knocking him out. Finlay now see's this and than runs into the ring after Christian in an engraged mood.

Finlay runs at Christian to get retribution for his son Hornswaggle and than runs and tackles Christian down. Finlay than once he has Christian tackled down lifts up a hurt Hornswaggle and than throws him into the gut of Christian like a tad pole splash but standing up not from the top rope. Finlay than picks up Christian to his feet and takes him to the middle of the ring and than kicks him in the gut, Finlay goes for his finisher the Celtic Cross on Christian but as he lifts Christian up, christian's tag team partner Edge runs in at ringside and than distracts the referee as Finlay hits the move on Christian which knocks him out. Finlay goes for the pin fall on Christian but the referee is busy with Edge and can not count to three. Finlay goes up to Edge on the ring apron and than gives him a hard right hand to knock him over the ring apron but Edge ducks out of it and than grabs the head of finlay and than sends his throat into the top ring rope chocking him. Finlay moves back a few steps and than Christian rolls him up grabbing the tights and the referee goes for the pin fall 1.......2.........3!!! Christian and Edge steal one..

Lillian Garcia: And your winner Christian....

*Chrisitan's music hits and he leaves the ring with Edge.*

In the ring MVP's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.
MVP: I am the MVP of this company and I am a former United States Champion, Brock Lesnar has been lucky to beat me at the last pay per view but that was only because he was lucky but I don't need luck to beat Brock Lesnar I can beat him one two three because I am M..V....P!
(He does a few taunts to the crowd and brock lesnar as the crowd boo's and gives him heat.)
JR: He is so full of himself.
king: He should be he is better than Brock Lesnar and everyone knows that.
MVP: Now if Brock Lesnar isn't too scared to come out here I say hand that title over to me now instead of embarresing yourself and saving yourself to loosing to me one more time.
JR: Lesnar would never do something like that.
No Answer from Lesnar....
MVP: I understand you are scared to step in the ring with me but take a deep breathe and everything will be ok..
King: How nice is he...
*Lesnar's music hits and the crowd goes nuts.*
Brock Lesnar comes up face to face with MVP and MVP opens his mouth again....
MVP: Now give that title to me, and save yourself the embarresment of loosing to MVP..
(MVP gets hold of the title in Lesnar's hands and tries to grab it but Lesnar is holding it tight and he can't.)
MVP: What are you doing...
Brock Lesnar than clotheslines him inside out and leaves him in the ring.
Match - 3 Mark Henry vs Jeff Hardy
Mark Henry gets lots of crowd heat as he circles the ring with Jeff Hardy, The Bell rings and the match begins, Mark Henry locks up with Jeff Hardy, Jeff kicks the worlds strongest man in the gut and makes him groggy but for only a split second as Jeff runs at the ropes he gets slammed by Mark Henry when Henry grabs him in mid air and does a spinning (tilta world) side walk slam. Mark Henry stands on his stomach with one foot and has a lot of confidence in the damage he has done and than orders the referee to count to three. 1....2....., no Jeff Hardy kicks out at the count of two and a half. Mark Henry than picks up Jeff Hardy in an enraged mood and than throws him in the corner of the ring. Mark Henry than starts to pumble him with hard right hands, Mark Henry takes a few steps back and goes to squash him in the corner by running at him full force with all of his weight.​
Mark Henry misses Jeff Hardy as Hardy moves out of the way and Mark Henry hits his chest hard into the steel ring corner. Mark Henry than groggily moves onto one knee and than Jeff Hardy runs at Mark Henry and goes to hit him with the mid air mule kick to the gut in the corner but the worlds strongest man swats him away like a fly he flicks his legs up and sends him flying over the top rope amazingly Jeff hardy lands on his feet on the apron holding onto the top rope. Jeff hits him in the jaw a few times from the apron and than has him wabbling back a step or two, Jeff now goes onto the top rope and hits the whisper in the wind on him. He gets a great pop from the crowd and hooks the inside leg for the pin fall but Mark Heny kicks out just before the count of two.​
Jeff Hardy than looks at Mark Henry as he is slowly getting back to a vertical base, he can't believe it. Usually this move knocks his opponent out. Jeff than stomps on his back and kicks Henry in the ribs as he is down. Jeff Hardy than runs at the ropes and than dropkicks him in the jaw. Jeff Hardy looks at him and than as he is on his back, looks at the crowd and knows what he has to do next. Jeff Hardy leaves the ring and than goes up on the top rope in the corner of the ring and goes for a Swanton Bomb finisher on Mark Henry, he leaves the ropes and leaps into the air. In mid air Mark Henry moves out of the way and Jeff Hardy misses him, he crashes to the mat below and hurts his back in the process.​
Mark Henry than after a referee count to 6 gets up. Mark Henry lifts Jeff Hardy up on his feet and than goes for his finisher the Worlds Largest Slam. He lifts him up in a scoop slam position and than goes for it but the resilliance of Jeff Hardy leads him to counter it into a swinging DDT, sending Mark Henry's head into the canvas in the middle of the ring. The referee begins to count in the middle of the ring once again, leading him to a five count where Jeff Hardy uses the aid of the second rope to help him to his feet. Jeff Hardy than near the ropes goes onto the top rope once more and takes a high risk and goes for his finisher....Jeff leaps in the air and than hits the Swanton Bomb on Mark Henry. He gets a massive crowd reaction and than rolls him up for the pin fall. 1......2.....3!!! Jeff Hardy has won the match.​
Winner Jeff Hardy
Lillian Garcia: And your winner Jeff Hardy
*Jeff's music hits and he leaves the ring.*
Mark Henry grabs the mike after all of this.
Mark Henry: HHH, you are the Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, but I am someone you have never beat. I am the Worlds Strongest Man and I am challenging you HHH for that World Heavyweight Undisputed title which will look good around my worlds strongest weist.
King: He is speaking all but the truth...
JR: He has to earn a match with the champ in my opinion. He just lost to Jeff Hardy so that makes Hardy closer to him.
King: No it doesn't.
Backstage in the locker room hallway
referee's doctors and officials are standing around a body that is lying there motionless and trying to help him. As the camera men get in closer they realise that the man knocked out was the co GM of the business The Rock.
JR: Those Damn McMahons ....
King: How do you know it was the McMahons ?
JR: Well its pretty obvious isn't it ....
King: But the McMahon's are not the only ones that have a thing out for the Rock...
JR: I don't know but next week there better be some retribution..
Match - 4 CM Punk & Homicide vs JBL & Chavo Guerrero (With Bam Neely at ringisde)
CM Punk and Homicide get the bigger crowd pop being the faces in the tag team match up, CM Punk starts this match off for his team up against JBL. The Bell rings and the match begins, As they circle the ring Punk and the help of Homicide are clapping their hands and trying to get the crowd involved in the match up. JBL goes up to CM Punk and kicks him hard in the gut. JBL than throws him at the ropes and leans forwards hoping to nail him with a back body drop but JBL than gets kicked in the shoulder and CM Punk grabs JBL's head and slams it to the mat below with a "whiplas" effect. CM Punk than goes up to Homicide and tags him into the match he gets a good pop as Homicde enters the ring. During his time JBL was crawling over to his corner trying to tag in his partner Chavo Guerrero but just before he could Homicide runs at Chavo in the corner and knocks him over the apron and to the outside. Homicide goes to run at JBL but the "body guard" of Chavo Guerrero, Bam Neely at ringside holds Homicide in place against the ropes by the legs. JBL gets up and starts to pound and ground at him and than throws him in his corner. Chavo is up at this time and JBL tags him into the match, Chavo and JBL stomp on Homicide in the corner until the count of five where JBL goes back into his corner of the ring in the apron.
Homicde gets kicked in the gut by Chavo Guerrero and than thrown at the ropes Homicide reverses it using his strength over Chavo and than throws Chavo at the ropes Chavo at the ropes than gets kicked in the lower back, kidney area by CM Punk.
JR: Two can play at that game ... its only fair they have Bam Neely at ringside.
King: Thats not fair at all. Bam is at ringside not in the match.
JR: What match are you watching?
Homicde than grabs hold of Chavo after he was kicked in the back against the ropes and lifts him up and slams him down in a manhatton drop like move slaming him on his neck and head area. Homicde goes for the pin fall the first one in this match up so far. 1..............2..........! Chavo Guerrero kicks out at a count of two. Chavo goes to tag in his partner he reaches his arm out to him but he is too far away from his corner. Homicide lifts up Chavo Guerrrero up to his feet and in the middle of the ring goes to lock him in a bear hug submission hold. He does and Chavo Guerrero is thriving in pain. Chavo refuses to tap out but the three man aunslaut they have to verse with Bam Neely at ringside is too much when Bam goes up on the apron and the referee has his back to Homicide and Chavo being distracted by Bam, at this time JBL runs in the ring and runs at the ropes and clotheslines from hell's Homicide down and out. Chavo goes on him for a pin fall as JBL moves back into his corner.1.................2....! CM Punk saves the match for his team and partner by runnng in a kicking Chavo in the back of the head to stop the third count.​
CM Punk is hitting the top turnbuckle and getting the crowd involved in this match trying to will Homicide over to his corner. The crowd start LAX chants and Homicide is slowly crawling over to his corner, as Chavo is slowly crawling over to his corner trying to tag in JBL. Homicide in the last ounce of breathe leaps in the air and tags in his partner CM Punk, Punk runs and drop elbows Chavo in the same area he kicked him in earlier just before he could tag in his partner JBL. Punk drags him to the middle of the ring and than begins to stomp on him. CM Punk than lifts him up on his shoulders and goes to hit the GTS "Go To Sleep" on him, he has him on his shoulders but Chavo a ring savvy veterain rakes CM Punk in the eyes and makes his way to the mat below with CM Punk temporaraly groggy and blind for a moment, Chavo kicks him in the gut and than goes for a suplex on him and than hits all three being the three amigoes on him. He goes for a pin fall...1....2....! CM Punk kicked out, he can't believe it. Chavo than stomp on him and goes up to his corner he goes for his finisher the Frog Splash.​
Chavo Guerero leaps into the air and Cm Punk puts his knee's up and blocks it, Punk is slowly getting to a vertical base using the ropes as an aid of leverage while Guerrero is rolling around the ring in pain. Chavo makes it to his feet moments later holding his gut and Punk lifts him up on his shoulders once more. Punk goes for the GTS once more and nails it this time. Punk goes for a pin fall JBL runs in the ring but at the same time Homicide does as well, Homicide does a flying headbutt like he does and knocks JBL out of the ring through the second rope and to the outside as the count has already gotten to three. This match is over and the crowd goes wild.​
Backstage -
A clip is shown of HHH seen taping his fingers and wrists up and walking out as HHH's music hits and he comes down with both world titles.
Seconds later in HBK's locker room it is shown him in gear and praying with his hands together and on his knee's...He is getting ready for their battle coming up.
JR: No matter how many times these two get in the ring every time it ends up exciting and surprising me.
King: Lets go to the "tale of the tape"
*Has only ever gotten a pin fall victory over HHH at Summerslam 2002 and Survivor Series 2003.
*Has only beaten Shawn Michaels at Armageddon 2002 and Bad Blood 2005 in Hell in a Cell
HBK and HHH have tied at
Royal Rumble 2004, Raw January first 2003
Main Event - HHH vs HBK
(Stipulations : Whoever looses joins "Kiss my ass club" next week)
Shawn Michaels and HHH lock up, Shawn Michaels kicks HHH in the gut and than throws him in the corner, HHH reverses it and throws HBK in the corner and on the rebound Shawn Michaels gets one armed clothesline down. Shawn Michaels than lyes down on the mat as HHH runs at the ropes and than Shawn Michaels jumps up and dropkicks HHH down. HBK on the way down grabs hold of HHH's head and now has in the center of the ring in a headlock. HHH elbows HBK a few times and goes to throw him / push him at the ropes but HBK goes forward a few steps and than stops as he holds the headlock tight in around the head of HHH. HHH than elbows him once more and than usues his strength power game over HBK to lift him up off the ground and back drop him in the middle of the ring. HHH free's himself from the headlock and than instantly runs at the ropes and drops a knee on HBK's head. HHH lifts HBK up to his feet using the left arm and than throws him in the corner of the ring against the turnbuckle. HHH starts to pound and ground attack him there and throws lots of rights and lefts at HBK in the corner.
HBK than reverses the attacks by HHH and throws a few rights to the head of HHH of his own. HBK than lifts HHH up off the ground and than hits an atomic drop on him with his knee going in between both legs of HHH. HBK than hits him once more so he would fall down in the corner on his back. HBK goes up on the top rope and goes to hit a diving elbow which he is famous for. HBK goes to hit it but just before he leaves the turnbuckle and jumps in the air HHH had the where'withall to roll out of the ring under the bottom rope. HBK goes back to the mat and gets off the top turnbuckle in the corner. HBK than looks at HHH near the ring barricade catching his breath and than HBK grabs hold of the top rope and leaps over and takes HHH down with a flying over the top rope cross body. HBK than gets up to his feet with a good pop and gets in the ring to break up the ten count, he rolls HHH into the ring with him. HBK gets the first pin fall in, in this match up. 1..........2....! HHH kicked out at two and a quarter almost.
Shawn Michaels than picks HHH up and throws him at the ropes he leans forward for a back body drop move on HHH but HHH puts the breaks on at the ropes and stops it happening, HBK still leaning forward HHH kicks him as hard as he could in the shoulder sending him flying back to the mat. HHH tries to end this match as fast as he could and than picks up HBK and has him in the pedigree position for his finisher to end this match possibly but HBK back body drops him this time and than after Sending HHH to the mat HBK turns around and superkics him out of no where as HHH got up to his feet. HHH ggets knocked down and knocked out with the Superkick out of no where on him by HBK. HBK goes for the pin fall hooking the leg. 1................2................3!!!
Shawn than leaves the ring and see's Vince and Shane standing there up on the entrance ramp clapping him on....​
Suddenly a bit of a rumble goes off a shake of the arena... a few second almost earthquake like feel.​
JR: What was that ?
King: I don't know ?
Another rumble hits ....​
JR: This is getting weird .....
Than the lights go out pitch black darkness...​
King: It can't be .....!!
*A great pop heard around the arena goes off*
The Lights go back on and right in the ring with HHH lying there on his back next to him is a Blue and Silver Harley Motorcycle...​
king: What in the hell is going on ?
*Show goes off the air*


So Far Card - None announced ....



Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
* Welcome back DX *

BM: CM Punk & Homicide .vs. Chavo Guerrero & JBL, I really got into this match, and it was well written tbh. I also liked your Shawn Michaels .vs. Triple H match. Really good, and all your matches this week wernt bad, but my least favorite would be Finlay .vs. Christian.

WM: None, read above.

BP: First one, and last. I know who that is in the last promo, haha. And the first promo wasnt bad either. But you seem to have rushed your promo's this time it looks like. It could just be me....I dont know.

WP: Read above.

AI: Good show! World WAW III is going to be good, and your shows are great to read, il be reviewing your next show.:clap_1:

CP: Check out VWE: Violent Wrestling Entertainment if you like.
Apr 9, 2008
Reaction score
you should have had a commercial before spirit squad came down. its hard to know what are promos or segments. hhh vs hbk was my favourite match. i enjoyed the one night storyline with jerry lawler making jokes at jr. they wasnt really a bad match. and for the best and worse promos. i dont know which were promos and which were segments.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Segments and promos are the same thing.

BM - Kaz vs Rey Mysterio, good fast paced action, enjoyed it, the HHH vs HBK match was good too but i didn't enoy it as much.

WM - Mark Henry vs Jeff Hardy, Jeff had a little more offence in this match then he sohuld have and it is unrealistic with him beating Mark.

BP - Last one, just because it was so good, not in a written way, more in a mysetrious way, even though it is obvious it is Taker.

WP - Mark Henry, too short and there was a couple of spelling mistakes, and he just wouldn't ask for it after he lost.

AC - Good show, looking forward to World Waw III.

Evil Austin


There were some Mysterious sighting of a Bike in the ring with HHH at the end of last week's broadcast. No one has any idea of what it is and will we see it again this week ? Will we get some answers this week ? Stay tunned to find out.
HHH had lost to Shawn Michaels in a good match where the looser was to Join Vince's "Kiss my Ass" club this week, HHH has never kissed anyones ass and he doesn't plan to but when its Vince McMahon and all the power he has who knows ? Can he make the King of Kings bow down and kiss his ass ?
Speaking of GM's The Rock was found knocked out backstage at WAW last night, the great one will be here this week via sattelite from his home town of Miami Florida and he has his eyes set for the colperate who is it ? who could it be ? what is happening.
Mark Henry is on a path of destruction to the Champion HHH, HHH has his own problems and doens't even blink an eye at Mark Henry but Henry is on a mission and n one seem's to stop him after he squashed Jeff Hardy last week.
The MVP and Brock Lesnar rivalry is getting heated, they both have had battles that will sure go down in the history books in the past few months and only time will tell where this rivaly will lead after Brock refused to lay down for MVP and give him the US title back.

Confirmed Card for this week's WAW Show -

Jeff Hardy vs Brock Lesnar
Kane vs Booker T
Mark Henry vs Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles - Handicap 2 vs 1 match
Edge and Christian vs Finlay and Hornswaggle
HHH kisses Vince's ass

The Rated R CMStar

Jeff Hardy vs Brock Lesnar
Kane vs Booker T
Mark Henry vs Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles - Handicap 2 vs 1 match
Edge and Christian vs Finlay and Hornswaggle
HHH kisses Vince's ass Not happening, lol

Check out BTW, show has been posted


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Hmmm.... I wonder what the bike thing is about :shifty:

You got a lot of mysteries going on and I wonder what you have planned for this storyline with The Rock.

I'm wondering where you're gonna go with the Brock/MVP feud. This could be huge if you do it right.

Jeff Hardy vs Brock Lesnar
Kane vs Booker T
Mark Henry vs Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles - Handicap 2 vs 1 match, I was thinking that Jeff might make the run-in and help AJ/Rey win but he's too busy getting squashed by Brock lol.
Edge and Christian vs Finlay and Hornswaggle, PLEASEEE do NOT let F and H win, PLEASE!
HHH kisses Vince's ass, HHH won't but I bet someone else will

Good preview and I'm looking forward to the show!
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