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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

here are my predictions

hardyz vs e&c vs dudleyz (dudleyz)
angle vs michaels (angle)
cena vs umaga (umaga)
hogan vs mcmahon (hogan)
undertaker vs lesnar (taker)
austinn vs rock (austinn)

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
This will be definitely a smoking show. Good luck on how will you work on it!

Here's my prediction

TLC Match = Edge and Christian
WM 21 Rematch = HBK
LMS Match = Cena
Street Fight = Hogan
Hell in a Cell = Undertaker
All Over Again = I would like to see Rock win here

Evil Austin

It will be up sooner than i thought it would I have wrote up all the matches and everything. Except the stone cold and rock match i am doing it now when its finished i post it give me about 45 minutes and it will be done.

- By the way this will be my first ever pay per view done by me on any thread i have ever done this is the first pay per view and i can't wait for people to review it every match is as good as the main event it will be like levi said "smokin"

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

hope its as good as youve built it up to be. from what ive read it should be mad

Evil Austin


*Pyro's go off as the first match of the Dejavu ppv begins*


Edge and Christion vs Dudley boys vs Hardy boys
Tables Ladders and chairs match - Wrestle mania 2000 rematch

bell rings as the match begins-

Dudley boys had gone to the outside of the ring and than had set up a few tables on the outside near the announce tables on top of each other three to be exact while EandC were beating up Hardy boys. The Dudleys came back into the ring with steel chair in there hands and had than hit the hardy boys in teh back. Edge and christion had than Knocked them down in the back. They had taken the chairs off the dudley boys's hands and than on Each of the dudley boys had hit the Conchertoe on them. Edge said to christion go attack the hardys while i set up the ladder. Edge had taken from under the ring a twenty foot ladder a huge ladder. He had than set it up in the centre of the ring near the dudley boys lying their on the floor. The hardy boys was too much for christion to handly and jeff and matt had thrown Christion over the top rope onto the floor and saw that edge was preety high up the ladder. They than dropkicked the ladder knocking edge over the top through the tables that the dudley boys had set up earlier. The Hardys had than lifted up Bubba dudley and put him lying down on the matt and than put brother D-von on top of him both men lying there motionless in the ring. Matt calls for jeff to hit the swanton bomb on them so he goes to the top rope and hits it but hte dudley boys move out of the way and Jeff is really hurt. Both member of the dudley boys are attacking Matt in the ring and than go for the 3D but than Christion comes in the ring and than hits than form behind with that chair. He lifts Edge up outside the ring and goes to check on him his partner on how he is doing. He rolls edge out of the two brocken Table mess and than rolls him in the ring. He goes to set the ladder up again but than Matt Hardy is slowly getting to his feet and gets up on the other side of the ladder with him. The Dudley boy Bubba is up and had gotten his own ladder than next to that ladder with Christion and Matt hardy at the top and had started to climb it.

Jeff hardy had started to climb that ladder with bubba dudley and than got powerbombed off it by D-von. Edge than got up and run at D-von adn spearing him through the second rope. He goes up to the top with Bubba. All four men are punching each other on the two ladders off it. The ladder with Matt and Christion gets knocked over when edge kicked matt off the ladder and than the ladder and christion went down with matt knocking all of the two men over the top rope and onto the floor. Edge looks over the top at the wreckage and than bubba punches edge in the face and than bulldogs him over the top rope. All men are down. It would take a few minutes until one of the 6 men get to their feet and the first man was Bubba Ray dudley and than not long after D-von dudley. and than Jeff Hardy, Jeff hits the twist of fate on Bubba and than starts rushing up the ladder but D-von does the same, D-von and Jeff are punching it out on the top rope. Bubba gets that second ladder up next to the ladder with D-von and jeff and than The dudley boys 3D Jeff of a twenty foot ladder. A few minutes Later E&C are up and Edge calls for Christion to go up the ladder and start climbing, so he does as Edge sets a table leaning against the ropes and one in the ring sitting up. He spears Matt Hardy through it the ropes one. Christion is just a few steps away from reaching the gold. In this few minutes The dudley boys are up and jeff is to his knee's The dudley boys had than gone up behind edge adn 3D'd him through that table and than the Dudleys push the ladder off the balance it has and christion goes flying nearly half way up the entrance ramp over the top rope. The dudleys catch the ladder and set it up in the ring. Matt and Jeff hardy had rolled under the ring getting a few weapons and than hits Bubba in the head with the trash can lid. D-von is up on the top and than Jeff runs up and while matt is holding D-vons feet and pushes him off the ladder. hitting his back on the canvas. Matt is screaming at Jeff win it for us grab the gold. Jeff looks around at the crowd, Looks at the gold and than looks at D-von He does his finger's sign and than hits the swanton bomb off the ladder both men are badly hurt at the bottom. Matt than went up himself and went for the gold but Christion had rolled into the ring with a steel chair in his hand and knocked the chair into the ladder sending matt flying over the top rope and onto the floor. The dudley boys had gotten back up and than with edge in the ring aswell had 3D'd edge and christion and had gone to the top of the ladder themselves. Jeff hardy had gotten his own ladder and than dropkicked the other two ladders off and over the top with the dudley boys on them and Jeff hardy had got the gold. The hardy Boys had won the match.

Winner's The Hardy Boys


Match - 2 Single match Kurt Angle vs Shawn Mciahels Wrestlemania 21 Rematch

bell rings and match begins -

Both men Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels locked up for a test of strength they locked arms and were pushing off eachother. Kurt lets him go and than tips him to the ground and gets on him on the back with a kurt chickenwing. Kurt has the Arm Bar in and Shawn Gets his legs around Kurts Head and Than pulls himself up. They stare down a few moments, They run at each other and lock up once more and Kurt the stonger of the two and the heavier grabs his head and than Gets him in a headlock. Shawn elbows him a few times in the gut and than Pushes him at the ropes and when he comes back Shoulder tackles him back down. Shawn gets back up and than Kurt runs at him to knock him down again but Shawn leaps over him and than Kurt puts the brakes and than turns around and than Arm drags him. And keeps his hand around his arm and gets him again in the Arm bar.
Shawn goes to do what he did last time and get his legs around the neck of Kurt Angle and choke him to let go and he gets his legs near the face adn kurt lets go on the arm, Grabs the legs and stands up holding the legs and changes postition so he has shawn in the ankle lock.

Shawn is thriving in pain, He tries to grab the ropes and than Kurt Pulls him back into the middle of the ring. Shawn is bitting his lip and trying to fight out of it but there is not much he can do. He geos for another rope and than Shawn gets pulled back into the middle of the ring. Shawn than does a summersult and rolls under kurt and kurt stops at the ropes and turns around to meet a superkick that was a centermetre away form kurts face. he puts is face down and than says i was this close to knocking your teeth down your throat. They take a break from pounding on each other as Kurt rolls under the bottom rope to catch his breath and recover. Shawn rolls under after him and hits his head on the audience barrier and than goes to throw him at the steel steps but Kurt puts the braks on and than throws shawn at the steel steps and shawn hurts the side of his head.

Kurt Picks shawn up and throws him under the bottom rope back into the ring, Kurt lifts him up and than Shawn tries to throw right hands but Kurt ducks and than in the centre of the ring German Suplexes him. He goes for a second German suplex and than a third one and hits it. He goes for the first pin fall in the match up and only gets a two count. He throws shawn at the ropes but shawn grabbs the ropes and stops and than kicks the leaning forward kurt angle adn DDT's him right centre in the ring. Shawn hits the Atomic drop and than hits him in the head to knock him down. Shawn goes up to the top rope for the diving elbow move and than does not hit the move becuase kurt angle the ring veteran moves out of the way as shawn hurts and lands on his back. Kurt lifts him up off the ground and goes for the Angle slam and hits it He goes for the pin but shawn micahels kicks out. Kurt pulls the strap down and than goes for the Ankle lock once more. After a few mintues of Shawn moving around the ring thriving in pain shawn gets to the ropes and than kurt has 5 seconds before he is DQ'd shawn got pulled back off the ropes so the 5 second count stops. he is back in the middle of the ring. Shawn goes for the sunset flip roll through He rolls under the legs of kurt angle still holding onto the legs with his face to shawn's ass sunset pin at the count of one Shawn breaks the count by standing up and than with still holding onto Kurts legs stands up and changes the way of holding the legs and shawn michaels has Kurt Angle in the Ankle lock. A while later Kurt Angle tapps out to his own ankle lock move.



Match - 3 John Cena vs Umaga w/ Armaldo Estrada in a Last Man Standing match.

Bell rings and the match begins -

Umaga is on the early advantage due to his size and weight advantage throwing cena around and than throwing him at the ropes and leaning forward but cena kicks him in the shoulder and it does not faze umaga. cena goes to runs and knock down umaga but estrada is holding down cena's legs and than Umaga runs at him but Cena back drops him over the top rope and onto esrada knocking estrada out and probably for the hole match.
Umaga is up by the count of three and runs back into the ring. Cena runs at umaga to try and knock him down but Umaga hits the samoan drop on him in the middle of the ring. Umaga goes to the outside and grabbs the steel steps and takes them in the ring with him. Umaga runs at Cena's head with the steel steps and than gets triped over knocking umaga's head into the steel steps. Cena than moves the steps to the right a little and than gets umaga on his shoulders Umaga gets FU'd onto the steel steps. Everyone thinks this is it but the samoan bulldozer is up by eight.
Cena than goes to the outside in the mean time while the reff was counting to eight and gets the top off the announcers tables off and is ready for someone to go through it. He is holding the TV moniter and takes it in the ring with him. He runs at umaga to hit him in the head with it but Umaga just kicks the TV moniter out of cena's hands. Umaga runs and squashes cena in the corner and he is in position for the running to the bottom corner train reck move. Umaga hits it on cena. Umaga than drags the cracus of cena out of the ring and than they are fighting up on the entrance ramp. They are both trading blows up on the stage and than into the back locker room area. Camera men are trying to follow them so the viewers at home can see, cena seems to be winning the fights in the back locker room and than umag hits the samoan spike to the throat with that tapped up thumb. Umaga than finda a chair laying around and hits cena in the back with it. The reff that followed them out there began the count. Umaga did want to do more damage so he lifted cena up by the count of six. John cena gets dragged to the parking lot not far away and they see Mr McMahon's limmo Umaga puts cena's head on the side of the limmo near the wheels and than gets ready for the train reck move again. This time cena moves out of the way and umaga hurts his lower back on the car door. Cena than hits umaga's head on the window of a car and it brackes, Umaga in down on the floor for the moment. Cena goes to the top of the car and hits a 6 ft (from the roof of a car) 5 knuckle shuffle. He orders the reff to start to count. Umaga is back up on his feet unfazed by 5. cena tries to do some more dammage by running and knocking him down but he gets backdroped onto the hood of a car. Umaga than lifts him on his shoulders and samoan goes to samoan drop him when both men are standing on the hood of the car. Cena pokes him in the eye and than gets him in the FU positioin. He FU's him through the car and the reff begins to count. estrada had come out of no where and attacked the reff so that the count would not finish. Cena had noticed this and had than got estrada on his shoulders and than Umaga had helped his handler estrada and kicked cena in the face with a super kick like move and knocking cena down.

Estrada calls for more reff's to come over to count on cena and a reff comes out and starts to count Cena is up on his knee's by about seven. Estrada is starting to choke him and than cena pushes him off and run and tackes umaga. Umaga is getting hit in the head and smashed alot by cena and than went over to estrada and FU'd him so he would not interfeere again. Umaga had taken cena's head from behind him and rammed it into a car door and than onto the wall cena was in position for the train reck move against the wall and hits it. Cena is down the reff begins to count. Cena is up by about 9 and umaga is really angry cena a fighting champion is calling for more. Umaga runs at him and than cena moves out of the way and than does the you can't see me taunt and hits the FU tossing the side of his body onto the wall sending him to the next room in the lockerooms he had broken a whole in the wall with umaga going through it. Cena went through the whole and went out after umaga and hit umaga with a chair that was in the room and than the reff began to count.

Cena had won.

Winner John Cena


Wrestlemania return Match - Street Fight
Vincent Kennedy McMahon vs "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan.
Bell rings and the match begins -

Vince is there wanting to shake Hulk hogans hand but he just gets a scoop slam. Vince is really hurt. Hogan than scoop slams him again and than goes and hits the leg drop. He rolls under the ring and grabbs a steel chair to hit Vince with, he goes to hit vince in the head but Vince low blows Hogan and than out of no where He rolls up Hogan for the pin but hogan kicks out. vince takes his belt off and goes to whip hogan in the back.
Again and Again and Again, Until Hogan rolls over and grabbs hold of the leather belt that vince was using to whip hogan with and than yanks it out of his hand and than throws it into the crowd. Vince tries to punch hogan but hogan stops and blocks it and than points to the face of vince and hits him and than knocks him down and than runs at the ropes and hits a big boot. Vince afterwords pokes Hogan in the eye as he goes for a pin and Vince than with his few seconds of freedom to catch his breath he rolls under the bottom rope and than over the crowd barrior. Hogan runs over and grabbs him and pulls him back into the ring. vince is begging for mercy. Out of no where Vince's son shane mcmahon came out of the crowd and hits hogan in the back with a led pipe. Vince has a huge smile on his face and than shane is holding hogans head and hogan will be forced to join vince's kiss my ass club. Hogan see's what lyes ahead of him and than elbows shane in the gut and than puts shane's head in the ass of vince and than after words low blows vince. Shane than grabbs that same steel pipe from before and than htis him in the back of the head again with it and it knocks him down. Out of shane's pocket he picks up a pair of handcuffs and ties hogan to the top rope. in the middle of the ring and throws the keys away. Hogan is trying to fight back but they move out of his arms reach. Vince and shane are slapping hogan in the face. The crowd is in shock because there is nothing hogan can do about it. After a while of slapping and taunting hogan, Hogan starts hulking up, He starts shaking and than vine an dshane start to point and laugh at him because he can't hulk his way out of this one. Shane slaps him one more time and than he gets angry and hulks up even hards and than points at vince and shane. Hogan than ropped his hand off the cuffs and broke the cuffs chain link to the ropes he just has the cuff part on his wrist. He goes to punch the cuff part to the face of shane and vince and he does he made both of them bleed profusley. Huge crowd pop. Hogan than threw shane out of the ring over the top rope and began to finish his business with vince and the match. Hogan points at vince one more time and than atomic drops him and than tunes up the band...... nah ! i am just joking rofl. but yeah he scoop slams vince (not like he knows any other moves lol) and than runs at the ropes to go for the atomic leg drop but stops just before leaving the ground and shakes his head. He decides to gets a table from under the ring and put vince on it. He hits vince a few more times in the head and than shakes his head again he puts shane mcmahon on the table aswell stacked on top of each other and than goes up to the top rope and than hits a leg drop on both of them from the top rope through the table. He geos for the pin 1.............2................3.............. Hogans music plays and he dances around the ring and than leaves as the hell in a cell cage drops getting ready for the next match.


The bell rings and the match begins -

Brock lesnar is looking around and than up at the cell around him. Than looks at taker who has his eyes rolled into the back of his head and staring at him as if this is his home and knows it inside out. (he did invent the match and has the record for the most times in it.) Undertaker than runs at lesnar and punches him and again and again and again pushing him to the ropes he than starts to choke him and than throws him at the ropes and big boots him down. He goes out of the ring with that little bit between the ring and the cage and than grabbs from under it a steel chair and lifts it up above his head to hit lesnar with it but lesnar ducks and back drops him over the top rope and onto the other side gap bit. Lesnar tries to get out of the cage he goes to the door where the reff's are where they first got in the cage but they are locked in. Brock is shaking the cage as he does not want to be in this match with the undertaker. Brock lesnar than turns around to a fist of the undertaker knocking him down. He rolls him back into the ring and than gets him on his shoulders for the tomb stone pile driver but Brock realised what was going to happen and jumped off and went back to trying to get out of this match with the undertaker. Undertaker than hits the flying larriot over the top rope headbutting brock and the cage but as both men are down undertakers head is bleeding slightly because he had headbutted the solid steel lock that had kept them inside and the lock had brocken. The door was now possible to get out of but both men were down. Brock the first man to get up gets the steel steps and hits it on Takers head as he stands up and makes him bleed more and than hurts his ankle by smashing the ankle with it. Brock than noticces the slightly unlocked door.

He starts to shake and punch the door and than kicks it. He goes to pick up the hurt Undertaker and puts him on his shoulders for the F5 and F5's him through the cage door. the door is oppen and taker is F5'd onto the floor outside. Brock does not want to be in this match which was established earlier had started to run away from the scene he ran to the stage and than looked back at the undertaker who had stood up adn rolled his eyes back into his head and pointed at him and crossed his thumb across his throat. Brock than said i dont need this and tried to continue going through but the undertaker's dark powers stopped him from going he had dropped a cage of fire around brock and he was trapped inside. Undertaker started walking to the Brock lesnar trapped in a cage. He hits the cage with a lightning bolt and brock is scared. Taker takes the cage off fire off him and than chokeslams him right there on the stage. He picks him up and takes him to the reall hell in a cell cage and drops him there. Taker starts climbing to the top off the cage. Brock a few minutes later had stood up and than Brock had one look up at the cage and his animal instinct the next big thing had climbed up there with the undertaker. they were throwing right hands and than undertaker kicks him in the gut and than Last Rides him through the top off the cell to the middle of the matt. Undertaker had than jumped down to the middle of the matt and than Tomb stoned pile drived him in the middle of the ring. He had gone for the pin but the animal Brock Lesnar hard kciked out. Undertaker had gone for the triangle choke hold but Brock had used his power and strength to lift him up on his shoulders still in that choke hold postition and fell back squashing him. Brock lesnar shook off the pain and than Lifted Undertaker onto his shoulders and hit the F5 and had gone for the pin but undertaker had kicked out. Brock had gone out under the ring for the weapons that are there and had found himself a bag. He poored the bag all over the ring and it was revealed that the bag had held thumbtacked. Brock had put Taker back on his shoulders to put him through the thumb tacks but the undertaker blocked it into a DDT in the thumb tacks and than tomb stone pile drives him through the thumb tacks in the centre of the ring and had gone for the pin. He had than gone for the pin and picked up the win. As Undertakers music hits he gets up on the top of the cell and is on one knee doing that thing that he does as the next match gets ready.


Bell rings and the match begins -

Both men are walking and circling the ring as they stare at each other as they get ready to meet once more at a pay per view. The rattle snake stone cold steve austin was the first man to strike a blow punching down the bramha bull the seven time champion the third generation superstar the peoples champion the rock. He was stomping a mud whole in him a walking it dry, Rock had than once austin's back was turned gotten up and than punched him a few times in the face and knocked him over with that big one he does after. Both men are back up and we have another stare down.
Rock walks up to Austin and they both meet face to face man to man superstar to superstar icon to icon and they are talking trash to each other and than the rock had slapped austin in the face and austin did not take that likely and had started to throw right hands and than slapped Rock and smilled.

Austin had ran and started to throw right hands at him again but one of them the rock had blocked and than got underneath him and had tried to hit the Rock bottom but had got elbowed a few times in the face, Austin than kicked him in the gut and tried to hit the stunner and does. He has a huge smile on his face as if that was it and than goes for the pin. Rock had kicked out at two. Austin is arguing with the reff as the rock grabbs the tights and rolls him up for another only two count fall. Rock is standing there in position for the rock bottom and than hits it. he had gone than around to the head of austin lying there and went for the people's elbow and had hit that too. He got down on the matt and went for the pin Austin had kicked out. Rock is in shock. The Rock goes for the people's elbow again but as he throws the second elbow pad and runs from siide to side austin kicks himself up and than stunners him. The stunner had sent rock flying around the ring and he had crawled under the bottom rope to catch his breath. The reff had began to count but austin had gone out after him, hit him a few times on the pole and than on the announce table and pushed him back into the ring. He goes to throw him at the corner but gets blocked and thrown back into the corner where the reff is and squashes the reff and the reff is down and knocked out. Austin goes for the pin but not reff. He goes to the outside, He takes the top off the second announce table that was not broken down from the last man standing match and had gone for the stunner on rock but it was blocked and had gotton pocked in the eye and than Rock had hit the rock bottom through the spanish announcer table. The reff is slowly coming too and begins the ten count. Rock picks austin and rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope and goes for the pin but does not get the win, austin gets his foot on the bottom rope. Rock gets him in position for the sharp shooter and is holding him in it for a few minutes but for austin it seems like a life time being there in the middle of the ring. He eventually gets to the ropes and is forced to break the hold.

Rock goes for the manhaton drop but gets blocked and than Stunner'd by austin and he is stomping a mud hole and is walking it dry. Austin than pulls him into the middle of the ring and than goes for the most embarresing thing to do is to use the opponents finisher move on them and he tries to do the peoples elbow and hits it. Rock had than gotten up not long after and than hit austin with his own finisher the stone cold stunner and he kicked out of it. Both men are staring down at each other once again. Rock had gotten the early advantage after the stare down and had hit the spine buster and goes for the sharp shooter once more but austin pulls him in and turns it into a craddle pin but does not get the three count out of no where as soon as he stands up the rock hits the rock bottom on austin and than goes for the pin but again austin kicks out what do these men have to do to each other to get a pin fall victory ?

The Rock puts stone cold steve austin in the corner and the groggy austin gets put up on the top rope and than super plexed. Both men are down centre of the ring. Both men are hurt and knocked out. The reff begins the ten count. The rock is slowly on him knee's but than out of exhaustion he drops back down and than the reff continues the count and he gets to ten and it is announced as a draw via count out. The show ends and the crowd goes wild Both men are helped to the back with a huge crowd pop as the show goes off the air.

Comments please i would like to know what you guys thought on it being the first ever pay per view i ever did.And i want to know what you guys thought of it. oh and by the way this did not have any promo's becuase this was a dejavu ppv were everything had already happened and were remaches and did not really need backstage interviews on what they were thinking.... usually i would put them in but not this pay per view.

Thank you for reading and commenting.



Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
BM: All Over Again, Rock and Steve
WM: n/a
BP: There was no promos lol
WP: again, no promos
AI: Good job, looks like you put alot of effort into the matches. Quick question, when you starting your weekly shows?

ooc: Get your ass on MSN DX 3:16 lol.....jk.

Evil Austin

BM: All Over Again, Rock and Steve
WM: n/a
BP: There was no promos lol
WP: again, no promos
AI: Good job, looks like you put alot of effort into the matches. Quick question, when you starting your weekly shows?

ooc: Get your ass on MSN DX 3:16 lol.....jk.

I am going on msn now. BY the way my weekly shows start in about a day and a half i have the show debut show ready to be posted but i just i will post it once i get a couple of reviews from the pay per view.

Evil Austin

My first waw weekly show will be posted in about well its ready to be posted now but i am waiting for more than one review i want to know what you guys thought of my first ever pay per view i ever did. some advice for future ppv's or even a comment.


CT Styles

BM: Rock/Austin

WM: -

BP: None

WP: No Promos

AC: Good first PPV and great idea for a PPV I really enjoyed it keep it up.

Oh and check out WWE: Big Time.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Wait, you sure that Hogan would be able to hit a superkick? I dont think he would be able to lift his leg that high at his age.....

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Wait, you sure that Hogan would be able to hit a superkick? I dont think he would be able to lift his leg that high at his age.....

b/m: i liked umaga vs cena
w/m: none all were good
b/p: uh none
w/p: none again
good first show, was enjoyable to read, but i only got two predictions right

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Hell in a Cell and the Austin/Rock one

Worst Match:

Additional Feedbacks: Well I was impressed! This show is amazing, never thought you could deliver an explosive event like this. BTW, I agree with wwerko619, can Hogan really do that? He might break his back when he do a superkick right now! lol...

Triple H15

New Member
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
really loved the show best match was the hell in a cell with rock and austin the two greatest wrestlers ever keep up good work.

Evil Austin

Thanks man i just wanted a few reviews before i put the next / first show of the weekly shows up. By the way to others ie people that have reviewed my show should i in future ppv's have the layout like this and just six matches or do you think that i should put in promo's the only reason i did not put them in now was cause this is the first time i ever did i ppv and i wanted to see if you guys were feeling it.

- so in future ppv's should i have it like this or add promo's in between ?

Evil Austin


Break down show -

Vine music hits and he makes his way towards the ring

Vince: I am the owner of Beat Down, I have the superior rosters better than the other show implosion over at monday nights. We will be living up to our name and beating down the compettition and proving that we are the best wrestling buisness in the world. for example we will have a number one contender match for the world heaviweight title undertaker vs randy orton and we will have Booker T defending his hardcore title against Jeff hardy. Now lets get the show on the road.

*No chance hits and Vince leaves the ring.*

Match - 1 MVP vs Super crazy
bell rings and match begins-

MVP has the ealry advantage knocking him down and than throwing him at the ropes and than clostlining him. Montel goes for the pin but crazy kicks out. Montel lifts him up with a headlock and super crazy elbowes him a few times in the gut and than runs at the rope to do something but gets whipelashled / pulled down hard by his hair from mvp. mvp throws him at the corner and is pounding on him. He does his ballin taunt getting a bit confident he turns around to hurt some more of crazy but get drop kicked for his troubles. Super crazy does a standing back flip pin but only gets a two count. mvp gets monkey fliped to the centre of the ring, crazy goes to the top rope for a diving move but mvp moves out of the way. He geos for his finisher and hits it. He goes for the pin and gets the win.

Winner MVP

Backstage -
APA is seen backstage in their bar room which is not a room just with the wooden door and behind it a table like they used to have in their prime. They are seen with beer on the table, cigars in their mouths and bradshaw is dealing the cards:

suddenly Vince shows up.

Vince: (sitts down on the table with them.) men, we are all gentlemen here. I have some good news and bad news for the American Protection Agency.

Faarooq: What is it?

bradshaw is dealing cards to everyone including vince

Vince: Well the good news is, that the tag team champions the 5 men spirit squad are going to be hard to beat and have challenged any team of two to vs them in the coming weeks.

Bradshaw: And the bad news ?

Vince: Well the bad news is that well i don't know how to break this to you but this space here is for champions only and well since the spirit squad are the champions they have asked me to tell you that you have to move your stuff and move out of this area now and no more bars here until you guys are champions.

cigars drop from the mouths of the apa

the repo men come out of no where and take the door and the table and move everything away leaving APA with nothing.

Faarooq: Damn!!

Match - 2 The Dudley Boys vs Carlito and Chris masters
bell rings and the match begins-

Bubba is in the ring with carlito and carlito is throwing the left hadns, the south paw of his that is so powerful. He thrwos him at the ropes and than backdrops him. He drags him by the arm's to the corner and tags in his partner Chris Masters. Both men are poudning and stomping on Bubba for a few seconds until Carlito. Masters goes fr the master lock and than Bubba ducks out of it and than hits kinda like an FU roll over thing on his knee's. Bubba looks around and than gets the master lock on Masters, He holds it in a few seconds and than hits the bubba full nelson drop on his ass. He tags in D-von and than lifts up Masters leg and than D-Von goes up to the top rope adn does the face - groin wuzzap thing that they do and than goes for the pin but he kicks out.

Masters is going for a tag but D-von will not let him grabbing onto his leg and dragging him to his corner. He beats on him in the corner a bit and than tags in Bubba and bubba goes behind masters and they try to hit the 3D but carlito came out up behind Bubba and hit the back cracker. Masters had than got D-von in the master lock and after a mew moments He taps out.

Winners Carlito and Chris Masters.

Spirit sqad the five of them the tag team champions are in the ring doing their promo:

Mitch: Ready. Ok. (then the others dance around and to cartwheels and shit).

It goes on a few minutes already and the crowd is not happy of this time waster.

Through the crowd with a huge pop Bradshaw and Faarooq come out of no where with faarooq holding a led pipe and knocking down and beating the shit out of the 5 members Faarooq beats the shit out of 3 with the pipe and than the last two Bradshaw than clostlined from hell'd them all of them are knocked out in the ring.

JBL: You guys, had the nerve to take away our bar. You guys had the nerve to challenge any team in the roster well we just took your challenge!

Faarooq: Damn!!!!

as they leave the ring and help spirit squad to the back we get ready for the next match of the evening.

Hardcore Title match Match - 3
Booker T vs Jeff Hardy

the match starts off with jeff running and dropkicking his adversery booker t and than runs up onto the top rope and hits the whisper in the wind. He goes for the pin but Booker T wants his title and kicks out, Jeff hardy had than hit him a few times and than had ran to the outside. booker T had run under the ropes around to follow him and hits him in the back just as he is setting up a table on the outside. Booker Hits his head on the table and puts the table in the ring against the ropes. Booker than had gone for the scizzor kick but jeff hardy had moved his head and than got him in the twist of fate. He had hit it and had gone for the pin but was not a three count. Jeff goes under the bottom rope and than grabbs a tash can with a trash can lid. He puts the can on booker t and than dropkicks the trash can on him covering his head. he than puts the top on the trash can lid on his face and goes up to the top rope for the swanton bomb and hits it he goes for the pin but not a three count he goes up for it again but out of no where RVD comes up through the crowd and than pushes him off the top rope. RVD had than gone and hit the five star frog splash on Booker T and had been rolling around the ring in pain of hitting the trash can lid aswell. Kurt Angle wants the title aswell and is now in the ring and had angle slammed rvd and as he pulls down the straps goldberg comes in the ring out of no where and hits a spear on kurt angle through the table lying in the side and than goes for the pin but Jeff hardy kicks the goldberg and breaks up the pin. Goldberg jackhammer suplexes him (the other finisher he does) and hits it. He than goes to the outside and gets a base ball bat and than hits everyone in the head with it. Kurt, rvd, booker, jeff and than busts them open. He went for the pin on hardy but not a three count. He than turns around and spears rvd and than geos for the pin and gets the win.


Backstage - The spirit squad with their heads bandaged up walk into the lockeroom of the apa and the promo starts

kenny (leader): Why did you do that to us ?!

JBL: why did you take our bar away from us ?!

Kenny: You say you want a title shot against us.

Faarooq: Yes . yes we do.

Kenny: (looks at the squad) well there is five of us and two of you i guess next week we can take you guys on.

*spirit squad leave the area.*

JBL: And they call us drunk.

Faarooq: Damn!

Match - 4 Main Event Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker in a number 1 contenders match for the world heaviweight title
bell rings and the match begins -

orton tries to get an early advantage but it does not work. Undertaker with his punches the best pure stricker in the business today is giving it to him and than throws him at the ropes and big boots him. He picks him up by the arm twists it and goes up to the top rope and does that walking over the top rope move on randy orton but orton runs at the ropes and with one leg going west and one going east that was not good. Orton went on the early advantage and started uppercutting and does a backbreaker. Goes for the pin but undertaker kicks out.

orton throws him at the ropes and leans forward aiming to do a backbreaker but undertaker puts the breaks on and grabbs his head and hits a ddt. Undertaker runs at the ropes and hits the leg drop and than goes for the pin. Orton had kicked out. Undertaker throws him at the ropes but Orton blocks it and than throws taker and the rope where the reff is and the reff is knocked out. Orton notices this and quickly takes the turnbuckle padding off the corner and than undertaker runs and squashes him against the corner. Undertaker see's this hits ortons head on the un-padded top corner with the snake eyes and than hits the last ride. He goes for the pin but still no reff. The reff is getting shaked by taker and when taker turns around orton low blows him and than hits the RKO and goes for the pin.

Undertaker kicks out orton is complaining to the reff and as he turns around he hits the tomb stone pile driver on orton and than goes for the pin. Undertaker his gotten the three count and had won. Undertaker is the number one contender for the world heaviweight title held by shawn michaels.

show ends

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