That's bullshit though, why would one person ever NOT want to know their husband or person they trust dearly is lying to them, breaking their commitment and all of those vows that are set before the ceremony.
Because there are people who place a higher value on their love or their children or the fact that they have been friends with their spouse for many, many years. There are cases where one partner is no longer sexually active and the other is and seeks their fulfillment elsewhere. The non involved partner may not be sexually active anymore but that doesn't mean that they want to hear that their spouse is stepping out on them because in every other aspect, their relationship is great.
Some people will make compromises in their relationships for whatever reason because their relationship is happy in almost every other way.
Also, none of this justifies how one is a 'low-life' for not allowing one to live out their life as a lie.
Because it is not your place to say anything. If it was your friend then, fine, I can understand that. But in this case it wasn't your friend and despite your altruistic protestations, we all know they're bullshit. And that's what I mean. The only reason you would have contacted LKP's wife or whatever was for your own personal amusement and any attempts to deny that is a flat out lie.
Will they be more happy? Yes, for the time, but how much longer? 95% of the time shit like this will come out anyway or another altercation will occur instigated from the same behavior.
Nice job at making up statistics.
On the point though you're making assumptions regarding someone else's life. Not your place to do that, nor do you have the appropriate knowledge to make an informed decision on the matter.
Seriously, cut the white knight shit out. It's bullshit and not very becoming of you.
No one would want to waste their life, knowingly; a false sense of happiness. Not to mention the other parties who would get hurt if the one committing the offense keeps fucking around with other people and other people's heads, that sounds familiar.
So, it's okay for you to reference your past incident but it's not okay for me? What's that word that starts with H I'm looking for? And just for the record, for some people having children and raising them is more than enough. Not to mention who are you to tell these people that their happiness is false? It's not false because what they are feeling is real. And despite what you might think, telling them what is going can in actuality be far more harmful than letting things stay quiet. Do you have any idea how many people have committed suicide at the end of a badly failed relationship?
Now, I'm not saying that you should never say anything to anybody but it should only be in cases where you know the person and have a personal relationship with them and can reasonably judge how the person is going to react.
No, I had to leave immediately after, sorry.
You will never again turn your back on me or leave when I am talking to you. Comprende?