Interesting thread. Glad my opinion sparked some conterversy.
I dont mind the vladimir Kozlov push. I think he has a good character, although there really isn't anything special abotu the guy. Getting a Umaga push really isn't that bad. Razor Ramon had a similar push to start, its all about adjusting once he's had a loss or two under his belt. Umaga has done great imo, for not talking. Vladimir still gets very little reaction from the crowd. All most people have seen was squash matches from Kozlov. I think the more people see him in the ring, the more they will see his flaws. Bottomline, his main goal as a wrestler is to get over. So far, he hasn't done so.
I liked his character SO MUCH MORE in ovw...
Also Kozlov's headbutts are so lame. He's going to hurt his neck eventually.
WHEN SANTINO DID IT!!!! yes Santino can wrestle for those that never seen his OVW stuff.