Vladamir Kozlov= The Next Umaga???

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Millzy Pt. 2

Active Member
Nov 15, 2007
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Erie, PA
Montana REALLY drove me to make this thread

From Ask Montana A Question

Kozlov, i don't hate quite as much, although he's going to end up like Umaga. Get that monster push, Then lose to the champ, then float around for a while. Kozlov doesn't bring much to the table for me. Maybe he needs a manager.

Personally I really disagree with Montana, what seperates Kozlov from Umaga is that Kozlov actually has mic skills and actually gains more heat than Umaga ever will. And the fact that HHH's title reign sucks ass anyways which absolutely is extremely boring and stale. With Jeff Hardy fucking up again, it's time for a REAL heel to win the WWE title to win it on SD.




Kozlov=Umaga=Khali=any big foreign monster to ever enter the WWE.

Montana is exactly right. He is getting his monster push and will most likely be used to put faces over in main event fueds for a year or so. Then either get fired, become a comedy act and get fired, or just float around and job.

Secondly, was that a jab at Edge? Saying that SD needs a "REAL heel to win the title"? Edge is the best heel in the world right now and he has had several title reigns on SD.

Millzy Pt. 2

Active Member
Nov 15, 2007
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Erie, PA
Secondly, was that a jab at Edge? Saying that SD needs a "REAL heel to win the title"? Edge is the best heel in the world right now and he has had several title reigns on SD.
But CM54, isn't Edge injured right now? Now am I right or wrong? It's Kozlov's time to take the title from HHH


Kozlov has 1 thing that separates him. He can speak Semi-English. We don't have no gay manger following him around translating for him. He says what he wants to say. I personally think there is no way you can put Kozlov on the same level as Kahli.

Wrestling Station

Kozlov is actually a Sambu wrestler. Khali is just a poser. Thats a big difference right there


Kozlov is boring, we've seen this exact same gimmick 198452345623467764572561345156 times before. Why couldn't they just give Umaga Kozlov's push? Umaga is a better wrestler, and WWE already has like 50 monsters anyway


But CM54, isn't Edge injured right now? Now am I right or wrong? It's Kozlov's time to take the title from HHH

I'm not so sure putting the belt on Kozlov is a good idea right now.

Don't get me wrong. I have stated over and over how I am a fan of monster heels.

I don't think he has been built up enough to be seen as a threat to Triple H and that is just bad for everyone involved. Kozlov has beaten jobbers and beat up Hardy through sneak attacks. How does any of that make the fans think, "Holy Shit, HHH is going to lose!" If he goes over Triple H now, it will make the title a joke and make Triple H look weak.

In closing, Kozlov needs to work his way up the card. You can't go from squash match to WWE champion in one month. I like Kozlov. He should continue his undefeated streak for another year, then he would be a great challenger.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Kozlov isn't really anything new. Anyone from a non-English speaking country, who's big and strong can have this gimmick. I like that they're acutally using him, not just squashing Funaki for his check a week.

Only thing I don't like is his music. At first he had none, now he has his big theatrical tune boomin the speakers? A simple bass line would be sooo much better.


Nov 3, 2007
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From Parts Unknown
Umaga's a way better wrestler than Vladimir Kozlov. They should've held out and waited till Umaga was healthy then gave him the push their giving Kozlov. Kozlov doesent need a maneger either, I agree with Montana about the floating around part though.

The Rated R CMStar

what seperates Kozlov from Umaga is that Kozlov actually has mic skills

I know he has mic skills because of his past "Double Double E" character, but I seriously want to know how you make up that Kozlov has mic skills out of groaning and "I want competition" every now and then.

actually gains more heat than Umaga ever will.

Lol, just lol. Kozlov gains more heat than Umaga? Umaga was already on the level in which he's so good and popular as a heel, he even gets cheers from the audience. Kozlov gets out a Hardy chant or a HHH chant, but that's because of who's he beating, not because people are actually booing him.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Kozlov is just so boring to me, any time you have someone that kills jobbers for about 2 months straight, there's nothing interesting about it. he'll quickly be replaced by some other big guy once his hype dies down. if he was just a straight up Russian without the monster part, he'd probably get more heel heat than he already does.

Moonlight Drive

Generic Gimmick #114

I like Koslov, but we have seen this SOOOOOO many times it is not funny. Umaga is the only monster needed on Smackdown, more than one and it is an overload of stupidity. Chucking Koslov into the Main Event was a terrible let me repeat TERRIBLE idea on creatives part. When Umaga returns, where's there for him? Sitting on his arse doing nothing just like he did on RAW.


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Ok I was going to wait untill after SmackDown to comment but some of the comments made so far are driving me insane. First things first. Vladimir Kozlov and Umaga should not even be mentioned together in the same sentence. They have nothing in common whatsoever. Here are the reasons why:

1. Umaga is a beast theres no denying that, but he is careless and crazy and not as fast as Kozlov

2. Kozlov is a trained fighting assassin. Sambo, kickboxing, judo, and mixed martial arts. Can Umaga/Kahli/Fill In The blank Monster heel claim to have those same credentials? The answer is NO.

3. Kozlov stands undefeated.

4. Kozlov has no known vulnerabilities. We can look at Kahli and Umaga and Big Show and see that they are all slow moving. This does not apply to Kozlov. He's as fast as he is strong

5. Most important than any of this however is that NO ONE knows anything about Kozlov. When preparing for matches it's customary to review video footage. Well I'm sorry but watching endless hours of him squashing jobbers won't tell you anything. This is the reason the main eventers are scared shitless of this guy. They don't know how to prepare for him. He can't get competition because none of the main eventers want to bruise their oversized egos

Umaga's a way better wrestler than Vladimir Kozlov.
see my opening statement. I give you 5 reasons why he's not

Kozlov is just so boring to me, any time you have someone that kills jobbers for about 2 months straight, there's nothing interesting about it.
Not Kozlov's fault. He's made it perfectly clear he want's competition. Rather than laughing at his broken English, perhaps they should have accepted his challenge. Now it's too late. Kozlov already has Triple H in his cross-hairs

he'll quickly be replaced by some other big guy once his hype dies down.
WHO?! Who Can take on this guy? Big Show??....Can he get out of the rocking chair long enough??

I like Koslov, but we have seen this SOOOOOO many times it is not funny. Umaga is the only monster needed on Smackdown,

Again...see my opening statement

Chucking Koslov into the Main Event was a terrible let me repeat TERRIBLE idea on creatives part.

Creative doesn't tell Kozlov anything. Kozlov does what he wants to do. He goes where he wants to go. He fights who he wants to fight. There seems to be this foolish assumption that Kozlov answers to a booker or some higher authority. Kozlov is a mans man. For someone like there is no order. While the rest of WWE Day-Care is kissing up to the boss and creative.... Kozlov is telling Creative to shove their "storylines" up their asses

Now onto more serious issues...

I look around and I see a lot of Triple H butt-boys trying their hardest to protect the good name of their beloved champion. I notice the way in which the try to downplay the threat of Vladimir Kozlov. The fact that it took this long to make a post about Kozlov is proof that Triple H...along with his faithful followers knew the threat of Kozlov existed ....but they chose to ignore it, downplay it, ridicule it, call it a useless push...do anything but FACE IT! I didn't want to be the one to have to say this but I think Kozlov was sent here specifically to take out the Game possibly for good. There has been speculation in other threads about the next superstar to retire HBK?? Tista??? Taker??? Did it ever occurr to anyone that it might be Triple H himself...looking for a way out. Look! We've already seen Big Show turn heel to avoid Kozlov's wrath. We've seen
Kozlov legitimately break Domino's rib cage. and now, as the video below shows, we see him last week target the world champion and completely lay him out! That takes some balls and I don't see any other heel doing this
What I see last week was the look of FEAR upon the face of the Game.. even though all the butt-boys will deny it...Take it from someone who has been watching him wrestle from the beginning, that's what it was. FEAR! It was a look of FEAR mixed with uncertainty. Surely Triple H had seen Kozlov in the lockerroom and was aware of his abilities but never in his wildest fears did he ever think Kozlov would target HIM. Triple H. I mean after all He is the MAN! Right? That's what all the fans tell him right? That's
what his massive oversized ego leads everyone to believe. The truth is this. While Triple H was going around insulting all the mid-carders he could find and letting them know he was the king, someone else was watching him from the shadows and taking notes. So go ahead WWE and take down all the videos and images you can find that portray Triple H in a defenseless position. Go ahead and protect your Champion Triple H any way you can. The question I have is....Who's gonna protect Triple H from VLADIMIR KOZLOV?!?!


^^^One of my favourite posts ever.... So knowingly entrenched in Kayfaybe.... Awesome!


Ok I was going to wait untill after SmackDown to comment but some of the comments made so far are driving me insane. First things first. Vladimir Kozlov and Umaga should not even be mentioned together in the same sentence. They have nothing in common whatsoever. Here are the reasons why:

1. Umaga is a beast theres no denying that, but he is careless and crazy and not as fast as Kozlov

2. Kozlov is a trained fighting assassin. Sambo, kickboxing, judo, and mixed martial arts. Can Umaga/Kahli/Fill In The blank Monster heel claim to have those same credentials? The answer is NO.

3. Kozlov stands undefeated.

4. Kozlov has no known vulnerabilities. We can look at Kahli and Umaga and Big Show and see that they are all slow moving. This does not apply to Kozlov. He's as fast as he is strong

5. Most important than any of this however is that NO ONE knows anything about Kozlov. When preparing for matches it's customary to review video footage. Well I'm sorry but watching endless hours of him squashing jobbers won't tell you anything. This is the reason the main eventers are scared shitless of this guy. They don't know how to prepare for him. He can't get competition because none of the main eventers want to bruise their oversized egos

Umaga's a way better wrestler than Vladimir Kozlov.
see my opening statement. I give you 5 reasons why he's not

Kozlov is just so boring to me, any time you have someone that kills jobbers for about 2 months straight, there's nothing interesting about it.
Not Kozlov's fault. He's made it perfectly clear he want's competition. Rather than laughing at his broken English, perhaps they should have accepted his challenge. Now it's too late. Kozlov already has Triple H in his cross-hairs

he'll quickly be replaced by some other big guy once his hype dies down.
WHO?! Who Can take on this guy? Big Show??....Can he get out of the rocking chair long enough??

I like Koslov, but we have seen this SOOOOOO many times it is not funny. Umaga is the only monster needed on Smackdown,

Again...see my opening statement

Chucking Koslov into the Main Event was a terrible let me repeat TERRIBLE idea on creatives part.

Creative doesn't tell Kozlov anything. Kozlov does what he wants to do. He goes where he wants to go. He fights who he wants to fight. There seems to be this foolish assumption that Kozlov answers to a booker or some higher authority. Kozlov is a mans man. For someone like there is no order. While the rest of WWE Day-Care is kissing up to the boss and creative.... Kozlov is telling Creative to shove their "storylines" up their asses

Now onto more serious issues...

I look around and I see a lot of Triple H butt-boys trying their hardest to protect the good name of their beloved champion. I notice the way in which the try to downplay the threat of Vladimir Kozlov. The fact that it took this long to make a post about Kozlov is proof that Triple H...along with his faithful followers knew the threat of Kozlov existed ....but they chose to ignore it, downplay it, ridicule it, call it a useless push...do anything but FACE IT! I didn't want to be the one to have to say this but I think Kozlov was sent here specifically to take out the Game possibly for good. There has been speculation in other threads about the next superstar to retire HBK?? Tista??? Taker??? Did it ever occurr to anyone that it might be Triple H himself...looking for a way out. Look! We've already seen Big Show turn heel to avoid Kozlov's wrath. We've seen
Kozlov legitimately break Domino's rib cage. and now, as the video below shows, we see him last week target the world champion and completely lay him out! That takes some balls and I don't see any other heel doing this
What I see last week was the look of FEAR upon the face of the Game.. even though all the butt-boys will deny it...Take it from someone who has been watching him wrestle from the beginning, that's what it was. FEAR! It was a look of FEAR mixed with uncertainty. Surely Triple H had seen Kozlov in the lockerroom and was aware of his abilities but never in his wildest fears did he ever think Kozlov would target HIM. Triple H. I mean after all He is the MAN! Right? That's what all the fans tell him right? That's
what his massive oversized ego leads everyone to believe. The truth is this. While Triple H was going around insulting all the mid-carders he could find and letting them know he was the king, someone else was watching him from the shadows and taking notes. So go ahead WWE and take down all the videos and images you can find that portray Triple H in a defenseless position. Go ahead and protect your Champion Triple H any way you can. The question I have is....Who's gonna protect Triple H from VLADIMIR KOZLOV?!?!

HAHAHAHAHA. Awesome. Is this Charismatic Edge's alter ego?