Vince Needs To Push More Stars

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New Member
May 19, 2009
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North Georgia
well i like them..but what i mean is that wwe isnt just going to focus on superstars wrestling vince wants them to be "entertaining" which means they new new segments like back in the attitude days..lets not forget that wwe is pg so vince wants something aimed for kids(hornswoggle)

I say he'll go back from PG once again. He's done it before. They were PG like in the 1980's and when the attitude era came back around it was TV-14 and now it's gone back maybe we need another monday night wars for that haha.


The new PG rating the WWE is going for will honestly help someone like CM Punk if booked correctly, maybe the creative team will start to factor in his "straight edge superstar" element into his character thus making him someone who parents would not mind having their children watch, and thus shelling out more money for merchendise, t-shirts etc. Punk could really become one of the big faces on the WWE if they are going to stay with the "family friendly" stchick.

Punk has already been given a WHC title run and regardless of how crappily booked it was it shows that the WWE has faith in him and expect him to be around for awhile and he is over as fuck, something that after Hardy leaves SD will need, a hugely over face to combat Edge as the shows top name

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
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i think the only thing holding back cm punk is that hes covered in tatooes, which many parents dont want their kids lookiing up to that, other than that he has what it takes to be a top baby face

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

There are two things holding WWE back from pushing new talent to the next level.

-WWE's writers suck buffalo cock and can't create storylines for talent to save their ass.

-Talent being too lazy and relying on the shit sucking creative staff to come up with ideas for them. If talent wants to get noticed and get over they need to speak up and voice their ideas. Even if the idea sucks they are still being heard and noticed.


New Member
May 19, 2009
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North Georgia
like what Raven and the Honky Tonk Man have said.

The problem with the wrestling business today is that the wrestlers don't have much say at all in there own characters.


Well there are a few exceptions from what I have read and stuff HBK has alot of control over his character and that's understandable being that he has been around the block a few times.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Yep and Jericho is also very hands on with his feuds. That's why he and select others get TV time and pushes. I can guarantee if 85% of the WWE roster would have been active during the 70s and 80s they wouldn't have lasted a year and they sure as shit wouldn't have been successful.


That is true, but then again the market wasn't nearly as large as it is today.



Sure Spiralshock will set me straight if I'm wrong, but I took his comments to mean that being so 'hands-off' about the path of your career wouldn't have seen you get very far in the 70's & 80's.

As for your comment about the market being bigger, there are FAR less places to wrestle in front of a decent size crowd than there was during those days.


I mean in the majot companies like the WWE. The market is I think alot larger and broader then it was in the 70's.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
There are two things holding WWE back from pushing new talent to the next level.

-WWE's writers suck buffalo cock and can't create storylines for talent to save their ass.

-Talent being too lazy and relying on the shit sucking creative staff to come up with ideas for them. If talent wants to get noticed and get over they need to speak up and voice their ideas. Even if the idea sucks they are still being heard and noticed.
True. Very true. Mick Foley amended Vince's original plans for him to get the Mankind character, and Scott Hall basically created the Razor Ramon himself by imitating Scarface, which Vince had never seen but loved the ideas of the character. He does listen. It would be nice if the WWE had more confidence in most of it's wrestler's to ad-lib their promos more instead of reciting the blandness that is fed to them though.

The thing with alot of the younger talent WWE tries to push is very ring ready, they are just too green on the stic. Knox is awful on the vocs, anyone on ECW not named Christian, hell even Jeff Hardy is pretty bad and he's a top shelf guy. I think an easy way to help the green stic bunch is a good mouthpiece manager. Too bad none are to be found on the WWE roster. Learning with an expierienced talker helps A.) Protect the worker and keep him over, something the E is having trouble with, and B) gives them an easier learning curve as they can slowly ease themselves into promos gradually, until they are polished enough to work a promo themselves. Look at how well Heyman worked out for Lesnar. Originally he never said a word, just kicked ass, and by the time Heyman left him he was quite passable on the mic, and by the time he left he was solid (remember the Mariachi/Eddy thing?).


There are two things holding WWE back from pushing new talent to the next level.

-WWE's writers suck buffalo cock and can't create storylines for talent to save their ass.

-Talent being too lazy and relying on the shit sucking creative staff to come up with ideas for them. If talent wants to get noticed and get over they need to speak up and voice their ideas. Even if the idea sucks they are still being heard and noticed.

I know it's news and rumours and no one knows for sure, but apparently someone suggested a heel Cena turn at one of their latest meetings. Vince blasted the shit out of him. So, fear of getting embarrased and berated is definately one of the things that would hold people back from voicing storyline/character ideas.

Moonlight Drive

There's shitloads of young talent getting air time & ringtime, more so than some of the veterans. I don't think it's possible for anymore peopleto get pushed.


^^^LOL... Absolutely....

Funaki can't cover jobbing duties for the entire damn company!

I know it's news and rumours and no one knows for sure, but apparently someone suggested a heel Cena turn at one of their latest meetings. Vince blasted the shit out of him. So, fear of getting embarrased and berated is definately one of the things that would hold people back from voicing storyline/character ideas.

Equally speculative on my part, I admit, but maybe that was suggested by someone that it was deemed should know the current company directives/mission... (A writer or sumthin')?

It's been acknowledged on numerous occasions that Vince likes guys that wanna get involved and shoot ideas about for their OWN characters.

...Willing to entertain the idea that if it was indeed Cena himself who said "how about turning me heel, boss" he would have probably not received the kind of response you mention.


You know what id like to see? Ted dibiase becoming his own guy. Kinda like his dad but with loads of charisma and a punchline better than "everyone has got a price". He should speak up and go for it. What is the worst that can happen? No? So go for it young teddy.