This Guy

Okay yesterday in another thread I said mark my words right now and I stated that I believe it was the Coach. Some people I think thought I was joking, but I was serious. And I dont usually disagree with Montana but in this case I do.
Coach may be a logical suspect but to be blunt so would anyone else in the WWE. Triple H was fueding with McMahon before he left, Mick Foley has been fired and hired, as has JR, Bret Hart was screwed, Lashley got stripped of the title, and so on. Everyone has a motive. But here is why I think it will be revealed to be the Coach.
I believe that Vince has decided the fans have gotten bored with the Mr. McMahon character. Lets be honest, Vince has been playing the heel for over 10 years more or less. I think Vince wants to return to being the character Vince McMahon. The Fan favourite loving Vince who believes the faces can do no wrong and the heels need to be fined and suspended when they break the most minor of rules. There is only one way to get to that point. take Vince off tv for quite some time. I believe when its all said and done, The Coach will be revealed as vince's would be killer. Reasons? It will be revealed that after Vince lost the ECW Title that The Coach got Vince on medication making him all mellow as he appeared to be on Raw. It will also be revealed that The coach used Vince's mellow state to minipulate him into signing a binding deal making him the new boss over all of the WWE in the event of vince's death. The Coach's motives will be that he was sick of being mis treated by Mr. McMahon. Stating times such as when Vince said that the sight of his bald head made him sick just like Lashley and so forth. When Vince finally returns to tv he will be more like the vince of the old (pre-1995) and will make fewer appearences on TV and when does will be that fun loving vince that most of the current fans never saw because they weren't watching wrestling then.
That is what I believe is going to happen. I'm willing to bet on it. (BTW stay tuned for betting event about this)
The only other possible outcome of this which I think doesn't serve any good final purpose is that vince staged his death to get his haters like Lashley, JR, Cena, Triple H, HBK, and so one slowly but carefully show remorse and start to speak good of Mr. McMahon just to have Vince show up and say "I knew that deep down you all knew what a great man I was, and now I've proved it, because I fooled you all!" that one of course doesn't do anything in the end to help the product in any way so I'm positive its the Coach.
Coach may be a logical suspect but to be blunt so would anyone else in the WWE. Triple H was fueding with McMahon before he left, Mick Foley has been fired and hired, as has JR, Bret Hart was screwed, Lashley got stripped of the title, and so on. Everyone has a motive. But here is why I think it will be revealed to be the Coach.
I believe that Vince has decided the fans have gotten bored with the Mr. McMahon character. Lets be honest, Vince has been playing the heel for over 10 years more or less. I think Vince wants to return to being the character Vince McMahon. The Fan favourite loving Vince who believes the faces can do no wrong and the heels need to be fined and suspended when they break the most minor of rules. There is only one way to get to that point. take Vince off tv for quite some time. I believe when its all said and done, The Coach will be revealed as vince's would be killer. Reasons? It will be revealed that after Vince lost the ECW Title that The Coach got Vince on medication making him all mellow as he appeared to be on Raw. It will also be revealed that The coach used Vince's mellow state to minipulate him into signing a binding deal making him the new boss over all of the WWE in the event of vince's death. The Coach's motives will be that he was sick of being mis treated by Mr. McMahon. Stating times such as when Vince said that the sight of his bald head made him sick just like Lashley and so forth. When Vince finally returns to tv he will be more like the vince of the old (pre-1995) and will make fewer appearences on TV and when does will be that fun loving vince that most of the current fans never saw because they weren't watching wrestling then.
That is what I believe is going to happen. I'm willing to bet on it. (BTW stay tuned for betting event about this)
The only other possible outcome of this which I think doesn't serve any good final purpose is that vince staged his death to get his haters like Lashley, JR, Cena, Triple H, HBK, and so one slowly but carefully show remorse and start to speak good of Mr. McMahon just to have Vince show up and say "I knew that deep down you all knew what a great man I was, and now I've proved it, because I fooled you all!" that one of course doesn't do anything in the end to help the product in any way so I'm positive its the Coach.