UWF Velocity Dolph Ziggler and Chris Sabin vs Chris Masters and Drew McIntyre
The arena is quiet until Layla begins to walk out onto the stage with a huge smiled on her face followed by decent mixed reaction by the crowd.
Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce, The Former Ironman Champion, and my Fiance.....Chriiis Maaasters!
The second Masters steps foot on the stage, the mixed reaction turns into a loud chorus of boos. Chris as usual grabs his soon to be wife's hand and walk down the ramp. Before they climb into the ring, Masters gives off a few hateful insults towards the folks in the front row. They then enter the ring side by side and await for the crowd to quiet down.
You all have no idea how happy I am right now. I am a newly engaged man. I'm engaged to this beautiful woman beside me. And with her love and support, we will seal the deal as the power couple of the UWF. Now, I understand that I need to be focused for my match tonight but have you seen my opponents? First off, we got a man who believes he has a personality but when he crashes down to reality, he'll realize that he's just Chris Sabin. Then, we got Dolph Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler is a man that STOLE my Ironman Championship and lost it to and old sack of bones. Dolph, two weeks ago on Smackdown, I made a prime example out of Rick Martel to show everybody exactly what I'm capable of. I was angry at the fact that Dolph Ziggler got a fluke victory over me but, all that anger went away as soon as the love of my live accepted my proposal. And she convinced me that I can get the ultimate revenge tonight by finishing off what I started with you Dolph. She told me that all the insults you've thrown my way will all be turned into violence and used against you. Tonight is going to be just that. Violent.
My partner, Drew McIntyre, he's an impressive wrestler for sure, but I promise that I'll out shine him. I'm the show off tonight. Not Dolph. Not Chris Sabin. And not Drew McIntyre. It's the man with a massive build and a powerful arsenal of moves. Including my signature maneuver, the Master Lock. A move that Dolph Ziggler has been on the other end of for a few months now.....
Chris scratches his head for a second.
Would you look at me, I'm rambling. Why don't the rest of the participants in my match come walking out. Because I can ensure you all are awaiting your fan favorite, Dolph Ziggler, with high expectations. You're wrong. Dolph has tried multiple times to bypass my limitations but he's failed each and every time. There are no limits to my strength. I can keep on dishing out the pain and it won't stop until I ensure you're down for the three count. Because I'm the Masterpiece and I'm above average. You can't beat me. And if Sabin wants to try to get noticed, well you'll fall victim to the Master Lock as well. I'm handing out Master Locks like the beginning of gym class boys. You'll suffer the pain that Rick Martel suffered. And maybe just maybe you'll be in good enough shape to return to the ring for Smackdown next week just to be fed to this desperate crowd. Now why don't you guys head on out here so we can get this thing goin?
Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce, The Former Ironman Champion, and my Fiance.....Chriiis Maaasters!

The second Masters steps foot on the stage, the mixed reaction turns into a loud chorus of boos. Chris as usual grabs his soon to be wife's hand and walk down the ramp. Before they climb into the ring, Masters gives off a few hateful insults towards the folks in the front row. They then enter the ring side by side and await for the crowd to quiet down.
You all have no idea how happy I am right now. I am a newly engaged man. I'm engaged to this beautiful woman beside me. And with her love and support, we will seal the deal as the power couple of the UWF. Now, I understand that I need to be focused for my match tonight but have you seen my opponents? First off, we got a man who believes he has a personality but when he crashes down to reality, he'll realize that he's just Chris Sabin. Then, we got Dolph Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler is a man that STOLE my Ironman Championship and lost it to and old sack of bones. Dolph, two weeks ago on Smackdown, I made a prime example out of Rick Martel to show everybody exactly what I'm capable of. I was angry at the fact that Dolph Ziggler got a fluke victory over me but, all that anger went away as soon as the love of my live accepted my proposal. And she convinced me that I can get the ultimate revenge tonight by finishing off what I started with you Dolph. She told me that all the insults you've thrown my way will all be turned into violence and used against you. Tonight is going to be just that. Violent.
My partner, Drew McIntyre, he's an impressive wrestler for sure, but I promise that I'll out shine him. I'm the show off tonight. Not Dolph. Not Chris Sabin. And not Drew McIntyre. It's the man with a massive build and a powerful arsenal of moves. Including my signature maneuver, the Master Lock. A move that Dolph Ziggler has been on the other end of for a few months now.....
Chris scratches his head for a second.
Would you look at me, I'm rambling. Why don't the rest of the participants in my match come walking out. Because I can ensure you all are awaiting your fan favorite, Dolph Ziggler, with high expectations. You're wrong. Dolph has tried multiple times to bypass my limitations but he's failed each and every time. There are no limits to my strength. I can keep on dishing out the pain and it won't stop until I ensure you're down for the three count. Because I'm the Masterpiece and I'm above average. You can't beat me. And if Sabin wants to try to get noticed, well you'll fall victim to the Master Lock as well. I'm handing out Master Locks like the beginning of gym class boys. You'll suffer the pain that Rick Martel suffered. And maybe just maybe you'll be in good enough shape to return to the ring for Smackdown next week just to be fed to this desperate crowd. Now why don't you guys head on out here so we can get this thing goin?