UWF - Anarchy Roster

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Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: UWF Anarchy: Ziggler/Hardy vs Daniels/McIntyre

While Drew's last words echo throught the arena the crowd knows who's coming next. They know who's going to step out of that curtain and soon their wishes are answered as one of the biggest pops of the night hits the Anarchy area when...

"So You See the Writing on the Waaaaaaaaaaalllllll"
"No More Words" starts to play in full swing and out from behind the curtain, dancing to the beat, is Jeff Hardy. Jeff moves his way out onto the stage and thrashes about as he does to the crowds delight. Jeff throws his hands up in the "Gunz" taunt and a massive amount of pyro explodes from the stage around him. The fans cheer as Jeff jogs down the ramp towards the ring, bobbing his head in time with the music. Hardy runs and slides in under the bottom rope, into the ring. He rushes over to the far turnbuckle and jumps onto the second one, hitting his signature pose while flashbulbs go off in the audience.


Jeff hops down, and picks up a microphone from under the bottom rope. He goes and stands by his partner, Dolph Ziggler, and his music begins to fade. "Hardy!" chants break out as the crowd are trying to keep the spirits high as Jeff raises the microphone up, and speaks out.

Jeff Hardy: Establishment this... Establishment that... thats all I ever hear anymore. We all stand with the black cloud of the Establishment hanging over us, and we dont know which one of us is going to get hit next. I get it man, I do. It sucks to feel like that, always looking over your shoulder. It's how I've felt for weeks ever since I've been screwed six ways from Sunday by the numbers game. So I get it where we're all coming from. Guys like Daniels who thinks theres a conspiracy about not winning this match or whatever. Guys like my partner Dolph who was cost the Ironman Championship by Shawn Michaels, who hell, he may or not be part of the Establishment. I dunno man, but I feel your pain. But right now, theres a match at hand, and I know if any member of the Establishment show up... I dont think theres a damn person in this ring who wont jump on the chance for retribution.

Jeff tries to actually rally three of the four members in the ring to focus on the match at hand instead of the Establishment. But its not clear if it worked. Hardy continues on.

Jeff Hardy: I cant speak for Drew, but I sure as hell know I'd do that. But I can't focus on the Establishment right now, because I've got a match to win with you, Dolph. Top dogs or not, we're going to steal the show. Thats just a matter of fact. But if we dont work together and clear our heads man, we're gonna get run over by these two guys who got everything to prove and nothing to lose. The Establishment as cost us at every turn, and if we wanna stick it to em, man, we gotta get our heads on straight and pull out a win on Wednesday night. Thats all the matters right now, I've got your back man.

Hardy is looking at Dolph hoping that he's gotten the message, which seems to be received and now Jeff continues to speak.

Jeff Hardy: Chris, Drew.. you guys just got here and want to be at the very top. But, so does myself... and so does Dolph.. So one team has to break. You guys came from Smackdown like me, and whether you loved it or hated it, I know what it feels like to be in your position. But theres not a damn chance I'm letting another victory slide away from me. I may have beat Van Dam last week, but I felt hollow. I need more after what happened on Impact and at Bound For Glory. I need to climb back up that ladder, and if the only way to get back on that path is to beat you two guys and push you farther down the totem pole.. so be it. I'm not gonna sweat niceties man, I'm going to do every single thing I can to make sure I continue to build momentum on Anarchy. I want to be the International champion someday, and I cant afford to lose right now. And while Dolph and I have a common unity, and a common purpose, I can't say the same for you two guys. Drew, your partner doesnt even think he's going to win man. So I think you're already a man down. I hate to break it to you, but it's not going to be a good night on Anarchy for you both. Dolph and I are much, much hungrier for this than either of you two are or even combined. We've got weeks of frustration.. weeks of interference.. and we're going to take it out on the two of you whether you like it or not. And at the end of Anarchy, Hardy and Ziggler are going to stand tall and be one step closer to reaching our goals again. Count on it.

Hardy delivers an emphatic, to the point last few words. He looks determined and motivated, with a lot of pent up aggression inside. Hardy stands next to Dolph, as the two stare down their opponents for this Wednesday night.



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Re: UWF Anarchy: Morgan/Michaels/Masters vs The Establishment


The familiar music of the Establishment’s theme song “Bleeding Is A Luxury” by Atreyu hits the arena as The Big Show steps onto the stage. The crowd erupts in boos after the events of the past couple of weeks. The Big Show begins his slow walk down the entrance ramp, ignoring the wild chorus of jeers from the fans. He gets to the ring, stops for a second, soaking in the boos from the crowd before his facial expression turns to anger and he climbs onto the apron and steps over the top rope. An announcer goes to give him a mic but he snatches it out of the hand of the announcer. The announcer quickly retreats and The Big Show looks at the crowd with a frown on his face and the crowds boos echo around the arena.


The Big Show
: Now, shut up all of you. I’m sick and tired of being asked the same questions. Why has Vince Russo made the Establishment face each other? Are you going to fight your own family? The answer is quite simple, I just don’t know. I have no idea why Russo has made this match, but I’m sure he has a very good reason behind it. You see, I know Vince, and he ALWAYS has a reason for what he does, and I trust that he has made this match for the best. As for fighting my own flesh and blood, Matt Morgan and Shawn Michaels are no Establishment members, they have just come along and tried to cling on to what WE have created. I will have no problem dismantling them but Chris Masters, he has been in it from the start. He is one of us and now we have to fight him. I get it, it’s a test, it’s so Vince can tell the weak from the strong and I for one will NEVER let the team down again. At Bound For Glory, I let everyone down when I was beaten by Umaga and I swore that from that point forward, I would dispose of everyone who opposed me, friend or foe. Even though they are my allies, if winning this match enables me to get another chance, another shot at a championship then I apologise but I won’t go easy on you, I will pick you apart like I do to other opponents. I will show Vince that Bound For Glory was just a fluke defeat, and that I CAN be trusted. I will never let Russo down again, because he gave me an opportunity, he gave me the chance to show everyone what I really am, a GIANT, a giant who can knock out anyone on this roster with a single punch. Being in The Establishment is everything to me, without the Establishment I would still be the knucklehead getting laughed at, still the laughing stock of this business but no, now I’m not that laughing stock and I want to repay the faith that Vince Russo has shown in me, nobody has showed faith in me before, they’ve always taken me for GRANTED! They have all walked all over me until Vince Russo gave me the confidence boost I needed to kick-start my dominance over the Anarchy roster as a member of The Establishment.

The Big Show has an angry look on his face as the fans boo him intently.


The Big Show: I was so close, mere seconds away from capturing the Extreme Championship at Bound For Glory, but I come up short, which is not something that I say often, and it is the first time I have said it since coming here to Anarchy, it will also be my LAST! Next time I have that much of someone else’s blood staining my attire I can guarantee that I will be walking out the victor. I owe a lot to Vince, and so far, I have promised things and haven’t delivered. I can only be thankful that Vince still has faith in me, as plenty before me have been beaten up for their failures, yet I get another opportunity. People such as Seth Rollins, and Tyson Kidd have been beaten up, broken, and left in a crumpled heap for their failures yet I have a chance to redeem myself. I get a chance against Matt Morgan, Shawn Michaels and Chris Masters in another tag team match. You see, I’m used to these matches, these matches are I chance for me to prove my worth to Vince, to establish myself as the main man in this group, just like I did last week where I was the cause of all 4 of our opponents’ eliminations. I hit every last one of them with my weapon of mass destruction, and although I did not personally pin everyone, I caused the eliminations of them all. I knocked out Drew McIntyre. I knocked out The Ultimate Warrior, allowing Masters to eliminate him. I knocked out Christopher Daniels allowing Homicide to finish him off and finally, I KNOCKED OUT ROMAN REIGNS! I proved myself to be indispensable to The Establishment, I showed Vince that he was right to trust me, and to be perfectly honest, Vince will gain a lot of benefits due to our partnership. He won’t be attacked anymore, abused and those who oppose us will be tossed to one side.

Show continues his speech as the crowd turn up the heat.


The Big Show
: Now I have been getting other questions such as ‘What will happen if you let Russo down again.’ You see, I find these questions VERY disrespectful. I find these questions as questioning my ability. Now this question I can answer pretty easily; I WON’T! I have a point to prove, and I will never let Vince down again, starting last week, and continuing this week. It won’t be long until The Establishment are standing in this ring, in possession of every championship that Anarchy has to offer and I’ll be at the top of that movement as your GIANT International Champion.

The crowd cut off Show with a chorus of boos, Show soaks it all in and then moves over and stands face to face with Matt Morgan.

The Big Show: Matt Morgan, you see, if you were really as talented as you say you are, you would have been selected to be in The Establishment originally, like we all were, but it seems that Vince just doesn’t rate you. I don’t blame him either to be quite frank. You are just another average guy, one that doesn’t stand out amongst the rest. Guys like me, Homicide, Carlito, we stood out, and we turned heads on Anarchy for being that much better than the likes of you. You are just an individual and a rather second-rate one at that, The Establishment, we’re a team, and you will NEVER fit in with The Establishment no matter how much you dream. No matter how much you believe that Russo wants you to join the greatest group in the UWF, you just aren’t good enough.

The Big Show moves away from Matt Morgan, and turns his attention to Chris Masters.

The Big Show: At least you know where your loyalties lie, I don’t think any of us is happy about fighting you Chris, and hey, maybe you might fight with us come Wednesday. But you get it, Russo wants us to have this match for a reason, and we must do ourselves proud, and whether that means we have to fight you to show that we are the real deal then we’re going to have to do it. I’m sure Vince will reward us generously for the loyalty we are going to be showing to him, and I’m sure that we will show him that he is right to put his faith in us.

The Big Show lowers his mic
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UWF Anarchy: Roman Reigns vs. RVD


'Lose My Mind (Instrumental) begins playing throughout the titantron as Roman Reigns comes from the side of the entrance via the crowd, Roman stops by the barricade as he looks at the ring.


Roman Reigns then leaps over the barricade as he approaches towards the commentary desk where he snatches a microphone, Roman Reigns then hops up onto the apron as he steps into the ring.

normal_wwe_monday_night_raw_2013_02_25_720p_hdtv_x  264-kyr_mkv0087_1024x576.png

Roman Reigns:

Last week was inexcusable, I had Homicide down for the three count but the referee had refused to make the pinfall count. Is this what I've walked into? A company full of injustice that doesn't know right from wrong? I could defeat The Big Show on any given day but due to what that referee did last week... I lost. I cannot fathom to how the past two weeks have been, I'm full of rage, you're damn right I'm pissed off. My team wasn't the best team possible and I had to fight on behalf of my team, it just shows that my team are to blame as well. The fact we were down to me and there was still Homicide and Big Show left just proves I was the superior one on the team. You see, there's one thing this company has done right... Slot me in the main event, I was able to prove myself. Give me Big Show and I'll defeat him, given the fact he's nothing more than a puppeteer now... I've already proven myself, these losses, they don't mean shit to me. All these little dusty finishes to my matches, they don't mean shit now. I tell you what's up this week, my opponent.

Rob Van Dam, a man who's done nothing for the past month... A man who doesn't appear backstage or even cares for you people. Such a puppet, like the rest. Well Rob, I'm tellin' you one thing... I don't give a damn where the hell you are right now. The fact is you'll be somewhere hearing what I'm sayin', 'cos if you ain't then that's just bad luck... This week, I'm ending your career. Nobody is goin' to know who the hell you are, so all the things you've done in the past. It ends this week with me, this rage, this anger I've got... Yeah, you gon' get it this week Rob. I'm keepin' my self short, my actions gon' do all the talkin' this week!


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
UWF Anarchy: Warrior v Otunga

???: Lllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I won’t suggesting you don’t know or asking you to call anybody tonight for my name is Brad Maddox –

As usual, without music or fanfare, a smartly dressed Maddox steps out onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the crowd. He heads towards the ring.

- and I bring you pleasant tidings and great news! Tonight you are going to see a verbal sparring the likes of which you have never seen. That spar will take place between the new Icon, the new Warrior, the new face of Anarchy and the UWF. The best. The biggest. The most badass lawyer this side of Atticus Finch: David Otunga. His opponent? Some snivelling insane asylum escapee, the Ultimate Warrior.

Boos for the disrespect and some cheers for the Warrior echo around the arena now as Maddox climbs into the ring.


And so I ask each and every one of you the same question I tried to ask Vince Russo in the back – why is this match taking place? Does the UWF like to embarrass the old and decrepit? Do they like to give the fans the same matches week in and week out? Do they like to waste their most underutilised talent on butchering yesterdays competition? The answer to all these questions and more coming up this Wednesday on Anarchy!

Maddox seems pleased with himself.

Let’s face the facts here people. Everyone is talking about BrOtunga for a reason. Charisma, charm and entertainment are just some of the things people stop me in the street to comment on – I get it – but what people don’t realise is that David and I are actually exceptionally good looking too! Oh and incredible athletes but that’s neither here nor there when the opponent is the Ultimate Warrior. So! Without further ado…this man.


Boos ring out for the Harvard graduate and UWF superstar David Otunga who comes out dressed lawyere’d up for the first time in his current professional wrestling run. He points to Maddox and claps as he heads towards the ring. Otunga shrugs off anyone looking for a high five and climbs the steel steps methodically. He enters through the ropes and embraces Maddox who is engulfed by Otunga’s mass. David asks for the microphone and graciously receives it.

David Otunga: I’m sorry Warrior. This week, like every week, it’s all about me. I don’t care – and I don’t think anyone here cares – what or if you have something to say to me right now. I will see you Wednesday night for the most emphatic loss of your career. Don’t worry, hire me out of work hours and I’ll make sure your severance pay is more than reasonable.




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Re: UWF Anarchy: Warrior v Otunga

The Warrior appears on the titantron.

The Ultimate Warrior:

Behold the infinite might of the Ultimate Warrior. Behold the power of the one that cannot be contained. The power of one that cannot be fathomed. Behold the ultimate power of the one and only Ultimate Warrior. Something that you Brad will not ever be able to comprehend as you are one of those simple minded believers that only believe about things here. But you fail to see what is out there. What is out beyond this galaxy. What is out there beyond this universe. Because when the time is right there is a beam of power that strikes from Planet Warrior and all of the Warriorites and that is what enables me to do and show power unlike anything anybody has ever witnessed.

You dare speak ill of the Warrior and call him an asylum escapee because you do not understand the simplicity? Perhaps it is you that belongs in that same institution while your lawyer friend will be one to experience a beating unlike that ever experienced in his career because he has not ever come across someone with the might, the power, the speed, the cunning, and the abilities of the ULLLLLLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR! But the time is coming soon isn’t it Orangeunga.

You can flex your muscles and act like you have all of this strength but it does not come colose to comparing to the amount of strength and power that has been embedded inside of me ever since the dawn of time. When it comes time for Anarchy… you will come to terms and understand the true might of the Ultimate Warrior.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Anarchy: Morgan/Michaels/Masters vs The Establishment

HBK: Boys, boys, boys let's hold the phone here.

The crowd boos as HBK comes out from the back. HBK hustles down to the ring from the back

As HBK gets inside the ring he address everyone out in the ring and elsewhere

HBK: Come on guys, it's common logic out here. Now I am no rocket scientist or math major, but it's simple logistics out here with what is going on. All, Russo, is doing is challenging us. He's challenging you, Chris, you, Matt, you Big Show, all of us. This is what he's doing. We all know how dominant this group The Establishment is. Hell I left Raw to get away from this kind of crap, but you know what, I felt appreciated when Vince Russo came to me and asked me to be apart of something major here on Anarachy. I could have taken my ball home and been done with all of this, but I knew that I couldn't just do that because it would show weakness and show that I allowed Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon so far under my skin that I'd give it all up, but I didn't. I'm here and I am here with a bunch established guys who have been overlooked just like I was on Raw. This group of our who reign on the Corporation. It will reign over The "Real American's" brother. It doesn't matter who gets in our way because when we have this seven foot giant on our side, ain't no one going to stop us.

HBK slaps Big Show on his chest. Big Show smirks

HBK: Then you look at the rest of this group and the talent that is beyond overlooked and under appreciated from Matt Morgan to Carlito. This group may not the World Championship caliber like the Corporation and Hulk Hogan's "Real American's", but it certainly presents the real, raw, and athletic talent they all wish they had, brother! Now, all of us can argue about our match on Wednesday, but instead of arguing, let's just go out there and show why, Russo, put all of us together in the first place. Sure at the end of our match, one team will be left with knowing they beat the other and who even knows if the match even finishes out before a double count out or something. For all we know, this could be a test by, Russo, to see how tough we all really are. I don't about the rest of you, but let's just go on out there.

The guys in the ring are agreeing as the crowd boos

HBK: Hey don't you boo me because I made the right business move for myself. You should be booing other people that I won't keep mentioning. What you all want is for this group to explode, but it's not. Big Show hit it hard that you will sooner or later see the Establishment with every belt here on Anarachy and hell maybe we'll even over take, Raw, Smackdown, and TNA just for fun. DX tried to take over WCW and couldn't get in. Hunter failed at that, but Shawn Michaels will not fail in over taking the entire UWF with The Establishment!

HBK lowers his microphone as he claps hands with everyone in the ring


The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: UWF Anarchy: Morgan/Michaels/Masters vs The Establishment

"I Spit in the Face of People who dont want to be cool"


Carlitos familiar catchphrase echoes throughout the arena followed by the now clearly recognizable guitar riff of the establishments theme, the crowd continues to boo not only Carlito but the faction that is almost fully formed in the ring


Carlito heads straight down towards the ring ignoring all the fans along the ramp, he climbs into the ring and grabs the mic

Carlito Mic 2.jpg

Carlito: Build it and they will come, never has Carlito heard truer words and as you can see by the fine talent that has been assembled in this ring, the Establishment was built and the stars followed. Last week Carlito and the other members of the establishment were put to the test against the four newest Anarchy acquisitions and of course the Establishment came out on top yet again continuing our run of dominance on Anarchy, in fact it is now at the point where no other member of the Anarchy roster wants to step up against us which leaves our leader Vince Russo with no choice but to book our own team against each other, well at least Carlito knows all of you fans will get your moneys worth.

The crowd boos as Carlito has a smirk on his face and continues to speak

Carlito: But you see this team is an extremely well oiled machine as proved last week but there is just one thing that is beginning to bother Carlito. Matt Morgan, while every other member of the establishment has come out here and stood by their team whether on opposing sides or not you have come out here and selfishly tried to insult as many people as possible. Now Carlito doesnt know how you did things over on RAW but this is Anarchy and The Establishment runs Anarchy and The Establishment is a team of Individuals all working together for a common goal. Now Carlito isnt sure if you have lost some blood flow o your head or if those steroids you seem to be popping have affected your brain who knows maybe your just not that bright but you dont seem to be much of a team player and Carlito thinks that that may not be somewhere you want to be, on the bad side of the Establishment, especially since anyone who has gotten in our way has been severely dealt with. So Carlitos message to you Matt is shape up or ship out or else the Establishment will be your downfall "son".

The crowd continue to boo Carlito and begin to chant you suck!

Carlito:Now as for Vince Russo booking us against each other Carlito has no idea, but Carlito has full trust in Mr Russo and Carlito is 100% sure that there is a reason behind this, like Carlito said before it may well be that the rest of the roster refuses to face us, it may also be because there is no real competition here on Anarchy so Mr Russo wants to actually challenge us, who knows by the end of it maybe Mr Russo will have a decision on which member of the Establishment will be competing for the title at Bad Blood all Carlito knows is that the Establishment is the most stable and dominating group in UWF history and your either with us or your against us, now that's cool!

ooc - I know its late guys and probably wont count but I just didnt want to completely no show, its just been a massive week​

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Before things go live, the scene opens up backstage to see The Big Show looking directly into the camera.

The Big Show: At Bound For Glory, I gave everything I had to beat Umaga, I almost had him beat, I was two seconds away from making Vince proud, I very nearly repaid the faith shown in me but ultimately, I was screwed. The referee involved did a fast count and I think we ALL saw what happened. I am just happy that Vince himself saw this and he has given me another opportunity, he has kept his faith and trust in me even when I let him down the most. I made a mistake and he accepts that people make mistakes, although in The Establishment we should not. Finally, for the first time in my career, I feel free; finally I have someone who understands The Big Show. Finally I have somebody who sees the man who last week, knocked out four people and he sees a GIANT! He sees me for who I am, and he accepts who I am.

All you people, all the so-called fans don’t care about who we are. You don’t give a damn about us. You just wanted to ridicule us, to get a buzz out of our misfortune. For 19 years you got a laugh out of my embarrassment, and I had NO CHOICE! If I didn’t do it, I’d have lost my job. 19 YEARS of my life dressing up as Fat Bastard or being covered in shit! You see, I just couldn’t take it anymore, even though it would mean I had real crisis, or would have to find a job in the local McDonalds I had to get out. I could not take any more of your crap, your laughter. It’s a shame that still people don’t see through your cheers, you are only cheering because you know that they are your puppets, you don’t give a crap about them being successful. You just want to take the piss out of their insecurities. You just want to call them fat, or watch their embarrassments. Well, I will NOT be embarrassed any more, all that I will be is a dominant giant, ripping through bodies and knocking people out.

Tonight, I face off against my allies, now I don’t know why, but I know Vince always has a plan. I know that tonight is a test, a chance to prove to Vince that we do have what it takes, all of us will prove that Bound For Glory was just a fluke. The Establishment will soon have all the championships on Anarchy and nothing anyone like Seth Rollins says can change that, Umaga and Rollins have only delayed the fact.

But back on to tonight, everyone in the Establishment is a team, everyone looks out for each other, apart from one man. One man only cares about himself, and one man will pay the price for his words. Tonight, I will knock out Matt Morgan, tonight I will establish that if you are only in this for yourself, and not for anyone else, then you are as just as bad as Rollins or Tyson Kidd.

The Big Show moves from view.

Things go live as the General Manager of Anarchy, Vince Russo, is seen standing in the middle of the ring, the fans in attendance not giving him a very warm welcome or friendly response.


Vince Russo: You know, it's funny to me that you're booing me so viciously right now, because for someone that's supposedly so hated in this industry and within this company, there sure was a lot of interest regarding my absence last week! Well my absence can be explained to you quite easily. Apparently the powers that be don't find the, "Russo swerves" as they've so affectionately come to be known as, entertaining at all anymore and aren't going to let it slide any longer. They aren't going to sit on the sidelines and watch me abuse my power, and that's why I've been on suspension without pay since Bound For Glory went off the air a few weeks ago. I was informed by the board of directors, even though I'm a member of the board, that the more I bend the rules, the more severely I'm going to be punished. Well ya know what, that was Bound For Glory, all brands under the same roof which means it was a company event and they had that jurisdiction. But this, this is the house that Vince Russo built, I am above the law because I created the law and in the confines of these walls, they can't touch me. So now that I have explained where I was last week and let you know that nothing's going to change, it's time to get down to some business, as it pertains to the upcoming Bad Blood event as well as the happenings going on for tonight's program.

Let's start with tonight. Tonight I have booked a six-man tag team match for the main event. Just like last week's eight-man tag, this match will be contested under elimination rules, but it's not just any match if you've noticed the participants. This match was booked out of the disappointment I feel for those I hold closest to my heart. Despite having all the support he could possibly ask for and a stipulation custom tailored to a man his size and intensity, Big Show still failed to defeat Umaga and leave as the Extreme Champion. The same goes for Homicide, despite having all the support he could ask for and even after setting his opponent on fire, Homicide still failed to leave as the International Champion because even though he defeated that twit Fandango, he wasn't able to see Tyson Kidd or Seth Rollins coming and, as a result, he left that night with nothing. Carlito failed me as well by allowing himself to fall to the other Modern Day Double Dragon, Derrick Bateman. How could you three allow yourselves to fall from grace like this? Out of the goodness of my heart, I brought you in and fed you and you ungratefully bit my hand, which is why you find yourselves in this match tonight against the Establishment's newest member Shawn Michaels, the man I hope will join the Establishment Matt Morgan, and the only one of you that didn't let me down at Bound For Glory, Chris Masters. I'm not going to kick you out of the Establishment, but after you're shamed by your own tonight, you're going to wish that I did.

We'll talk Bad Blood later on tonight, ladies and gentlemen. For right now, sit back and enjoy the show.

As Russo's music hits and he begins to exit the ring, the camera pans over to the commentary table where Joey Styles, Taz, and William Regal are sitting by.


Joey Styles: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of Wednesday Night Anarchy! I'm Joey Styles.

Taz: And by his side as always, the "Human Broadcast Machine" Taz.

William Regal: And along these two gents is the only man that can bring a true touch of class, William Regal. Gentlemen, we've got a great show lined up tonight.

Joey Styles: You're absolutely right, William. Like the battle of the powerhouses we're going to see when "Da Man" Bill Goldberg takes on the "World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry.

Taz: And in tag team action it's the "Show Off" Doff Ziggla' and Jeff Ha'dy taking on the team of the "Fallen Angel" Christa'pher Daniels and the "Chosen One" Drew McIntia'.

William Regal: And as Vince Russo just mentioned, in our main event it's going to be the Big Show, Carlito, and the "Notorious 187" Homicide taking on the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, the "Blueprint" Matt Morgan, and the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters.

Joey Styles: And in a revisit of their issues leading into and at Bound For Glory, the "Harvard Hercules" David Otunga takes on the one and only Ultimate Warrior!

Taz: But right now, it's Roman Reigns goin' up against my boy Rob Van Dam, baby!

The camera pans over to the ring and gradually pans upward as Christy Hemme is standing by with a microphone, ready to make the introductions as the opening bell sounds.



Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...


"All About The Power" begins to play as the crowd erupts into boos. It isn't long before the man the theme belongs to, David Otunga, makes his way from the back holding a cloak around himself with Brad Maddox in tow. As the fans continue to shower him with their disdain, he stops at the top of the ramp, throwing the cloak off of himself to pose.


Christy Hemme: From Hollywood, California. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-nine pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Brad Maddox, the "Harvard Hercules" David Otunga!

David and Brad make their way down the ramp with Brad remaining ringside as David slides into the ring and poses for the crowd again.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...


The theme of the Ultimate Warrior begins to play as the fans are on their feet, roaring with excitement. Soon the man himself steps through the curtain and starts jumping up and down to get everyone psyched up for the match ahead.

Christy Hemme: From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. The Ultimate Warrior!

Once he feels they're good and energized, he sprints down the ramp towards the ring as fast as he can.


Warrior slides into the ring and gets to his feet, walking over to the nearest ropes and grabbing the top one, shaking it wildly.


He releases it and begins beating his chest as the ring bell sounds again and the match gets underway.

Warrior and Otunga look at each other. Otunga goes as he poses, and Warrior is ready to go. Otunga is talking to Maddox, but Warrior wastes no time as he grabs the hips of Otunga, and he suplexs him. Warrior screams as Otunga seems already woozy. Otunga gets up by the ropes, and Warrior charges at him and clotheslining him over the top ropes. Warrior starts to celebrate in the ring as the fans cheer like crazy seeing this going on.

Joey Styles: The Ultimate Warrior looks to continue his streak

The Ultimate Warrior is in the zone as he goes outside of the ring. Warrior is about to go and picks up David Otunga and throws him back in the ring. Otunga gets up as Warrior is in the ring, and hit a huge clothesline on David Otunga. Otunga is dazed and confused as the Warrior begins to feed off this crowd as they cheer him on. Warrior goes, and he picks up Otunga and puts him on the top turnbuckle. The Warrior goes as he begins punching Otunga a bunch of times as Otunga feels dazed and confused. Warrior goes to the top rope and hits a huge superplex onto David.

Joey Styles: That Warrior going full on assault on David Otunga

William Regal: Yes, and I have been hit by Warrior before let me tell ya he dosen’t go easy.

Otunga is down as he is getting up, and Warrior charges at him, but the daze Otunga falls down before Warrior can level him. So Warrior totally misses the move as he goes near the post and he holds his ground. Otunga is on the opposite post standing there trying to recover, and Warrior goes charging after him. Otunga moves out of the way as Warrior hits the turnbuckle post. Otunga goes and he takes advantage getting a quick roll up.



No Warrior kicks out of the move. Warrior gets up quickly and so does Otunga. Otunga goes as he begins hitting some punches at the Ultimate Warrior, and Warrior just stands there and takes them. Otunga is shocked by this as he keeps on chucking Warrior with more punches and Warrior is still standing absorbing all the shots. Otunga stops as Warrior stands there, and he screams like crazy. Otunga goes as he backs up, and he tries to hit Warrior with a clothesline, but instead Warrior goes and he catches him hitting a power slam. Warrior goes and he hooks the leg as he counts.



Otunga kicks out of the move. Warrior goes and he picks up Otunga and he throws him to the post. Warrior goes as he gets on top of the turnbuckle and he starts to hit him with a bunch of fists to the face. Otunga though goes and he grabs the big Warrior. Warrior goes as he is surprised by the strength of the David Otunga goes and he power bombs Warrior down onto the mat. The fans are surprised as Otunga is down on the ground. Otunga goes and he gets up. Otunga is woozy, and Warrior is getting up quickly. Otunga goes and hits a big running necbreaker right onto Warrior and hooks the leg.



Otunga gets up as he is upset that he can’t finish the Ultimate Warrior. Otunga goes to Maddox, and points in an area. Otunga goes and Maddox goes and he grabs a steel chair on the outside and slides it in the middle of the ring. The fans boo, as Otunga grabs a steel chair. Otunga goes and he awaits for Warrior to get up. Warrior gets up as he hits the steel chair right in the face of Warrior and the refs call for the bell.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner, by Disqualification The Ultimate Warrior.

David Otunga won’t stop as he keeps wailing the Ultimate Warrior with the steel chair. The fans boo as Otunga goes, and he puts the chair in between the neck of the Ultimate Warrior.

Taz: Oh my god he is looking to break the Ultimate Warrior’s neck…. I love it.

Joey Styles: Taz this is sick and you know it.

David Otunga goes as he hits a dropkick on the chair, and the chair around the neck snaps on the Ultimate Warriors neck. The Ultimate Warrior spits blood as it is streaming out of his mouth; the referee separates Otunga from Warrior. Otunga leaves in the ring with Maddox, and they walk up the ring hearing a chorus of boos. Otunga poses on the top of the stage.

Joey Styles: This makes me sick.

William Regal: I think Otunga was trying to show us his toughness.

As we see Warrior laid out in the ring the EMT’s come out. The EMT people are setting Warrior onto the stretcher. The fans are all silent, and Warrior is getting carried off the stage in the stretcher. The fans are silent, and Otunga is still on the top of the stage. Otunga goes and he attacks the EMT people and the fans boo. Otunga grabs one end of the stretcher as he instructs Maddox to go to the other end. The lift it up and bring it to the side of the edge. They both stand the stretcher off and launch it off the side of the edge, the fans boo as Otunga goes and he poses as Anarchy fades away to the fallen stretcher.



Coming October 31st!

As Anarchy continues, the live cameras are sent backstage to where Paul Heyman is standing alone prepared to speak.


Paul Heyman: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Paul Heyman and I am the manager and personal advocate of Alex Riley and Anarchy's most dominant superstar Matt Morgan. And tonight, one of my clients finally gets what he's worked so hard for. Tonight, "The Blueprint" firmly establishes himself as the crown jewel of Anarchy. Everyone else walks on egg shells when Matt Morgan is around because they know that he is the deadliest and most destructive force that this brand has ever seen.

Heyman: And when I say that I want all of you to understand that I'm not just doing my job. I'm not just hyping my client up as something that he's not; I'm telling one hundred percent fact. Matt Morgan is better than everyone else on this roster. Just ask Jeff Hardy, just ask Bill Goldberg; ask anyone who has ever been put in front of Matt Morgan on Anarchy and they'll tell you the same. And tonight Matt Morgan adds three more names to his list of victims as he takes part in his first of many Anarchy Main Events. Tonight, Matt Morgan single-handedly takes out The Establishment.

Heyman: Rumors have been going around that Vince Russo is looking to recruit Matt Morgan to join The Establishment. The dirt sheets have been running rampant about how Matt Morgan is going to leave Paul Heyman and join up with Vince Russo and his eccentric assortment of talent. Now it's no secret to everyone that Vince Russo despises Paul Heyman and vice versa. I despise everything about him. From the way he's run this brand to his worked religious beliefs. And given our history, it would be a huge kick to my groin if he stole my top client away from me. But that's not going to happen

Heyman: And that's not going to happen because tonight, whether Vince Russo likes it or not, I'm going to be in Matt Morgan's corner. Both myself and Alex will be out there to take care of our friend. Both Alex and myself will be out there as Matt Morgan does what Matt Morgan always does and that's absolutely destroy people. And there's nothing that anyone can do to stop us.


We remain backstage where we see Santino Marella looking at his puppet cobra.


However it isn't long before Josh Mathews sees him and gets excited to interview Santino.

Josh Mathews: Santino, Santino, could I please have a word with you?

Santino Marella: If-a you don'ts seeings that I am busy speakings to this-a cobra, I am very disappointings.

Josh Mathews: What are you disappointed about? I wanted to ask you, over the past two weeks... You've been trying to find Roman Reigns. Yet tonight he has a match with Rob Van Dam and has stated he'll end his career. Are you worried about the actions of Roman Reigns?

Santino Marella: This-a everythings I am disappointings about Joshi, this-a the reasonings! When I having debuts two weeks ago I have sayings that I wantings the tag-a gold. But this-a company doesn't likings me, this makings me very upset. I have been eatings pizza and nothings else, look at my belly. I am getting very fat like my Nonna, this-a not good for me! I must keep a-healthys but you do not understandings... Roman is-a very dangerous man, he can hurtings Mr. Van Dam and I am-a very worried about this. But most importantly I am wonderings about my tag-a competition because I have been seeings everyone else is involved but us... Why are we not beings involved, the focus too much on Mister Roman is-a upsettings me. So next week if I do not gettings a matchings on the card, I will be issuing a very speciality!

Josh Mathews: And that is? I understand you haven't been booked yet.

Santino Marella: No Joshi, you do not understandings. I am an Italian Stallion, I havings the look to be the facings of the company! If you-a disrespectings me then I shall-a invitings you to a fightings in the ring! But my speciality, it's-a wrestling match, a very simple match. Just me and an opponent, any opponent it doesn'a worryings me... but I'm-a tellings you... I must findings Mister Roman but I have yet to findings him. I know he-a in the buildings right now but this-a worryings... Oh, there's just too much on my mind! Firstly I must be worryings about Robbie, I must be worryings about the tag-a division, I must be worryings about me not havings a match yet! There's just-a too much! Maybe I shall do what Roman does and start beatings up people, Mister Roman is-a very strong. But don't you-a worryings about me... We best be lookings for Roman. In-a fact, I do not wantings a match next week but I am going to be-a ringside by Mister Roman.

Josh Mathews: But you just said you're upset because you don't ha-

Santino Marella: Uh-Uh-Uh, you-a stop speakings right now! I know what I a sayings! Next-a week, Roman will be a-wrestlings, I am not a challengings, I am watching Roman from the ringside and I am watching Roman defeatings his opponents, all in-a due time we shall be Champions! But if-a you givings me a match, I will be a-happy! It doesn'a matterings to me no more, I have been a-waitings...

Josh Mathews: San-

Santino grabs the microphone from Josh Mathews and shakes his head indicating no. Santino then walks off as things return to the ring.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...

'Lose My Mind (Instrumental) begins playing throughout the titantron as Roman Reigns comes from the side of the entrance via the crowd, Roman stops by the barricade as he looks at the ring.


Christy Hemme: From Pensacola, Florida. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty-five pounds. Roman Reigns!

Roman Reigns then leaps over the barricade and then hops onto the apron as he steps into the ring.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

"The fear I see when I look in your eyes,
makes you believe I'm one of a kind.
The fear I leave in the back of your mind,
makes you believe...make you believe I'm...


Rob Van Dam walks out from the backstage with the fans going wild, looking ready to compete as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring.

Christy Hemme: From Battle Creek, Michigan. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty-seven pounds. The "Human Highlight Reel", Rob...Van...Dam!

Rob Van Dam picks up the pace and takes off running as he slides into the ring and tucks and rolls, ending up on his feet as he leaps straight up and then lands back on his feet, hopping back and forth to keep himself psyched up for the match ahead as the ring bell sounds.


The bell sounds and Reigns rushes Van Dam, backing him up into the corner. Reigns lowers his shoulder and drives it directly into Van Dam’s midsection. Van Dam gasps for air as Reigns pulls back and does it again. Mister Wednesday Night grabs his midsection as Reigns grabs him by the arm and Irish whips him across the ring towards the other turnbuckle. Van Dam hits the turnbuckle hard and stumbles out and Reigns charges across the ring and delivers a flying forearm directly to Van Dam’s skull…

Tazz: There’s that flying Superman punch that Reigns has become known for!

Reigns takes Van Dam down with that move and drops down before going for the first cover of the match…



Van Dam kicks out!

Reigns grabs Van Dam by the ponytail after he kicks out and lifts him to a knee. Reigns wastes no time driving his knee right into Van Dam’s stomach which doubles Van Dam over. Reigns proceeds to lift Van Dam onto his shoulders and spins him around before tossing him off and catching him head first with a modified cutter…

Regal: Wow! I haven’t seen Reigns use that maneuver since his days in Florida Championship Wrestling!

Van Dam is driven face first onto the mat and Reigns goes for another cover…



Reigns grabs Van Dam’s head off the mat!

Styles: It looks like Roman Reigns isn’t quite done with Van Dam yet!

Tazz: Well sometimes when you’re in the driver seat after coming off a loss, you want to dominate as long as possible.

With Van Dam still on the canvas, Reigns gets back to his feet and drops back into the far corner. Reigns gets into a three point stance as Van Dam begins pulling himself to his feet…

Regal: This may be very unpleasant for Master Van Dam!

As Regal finishes his sentence, Van Dam gets to his feet and turns around. As he does, Reigns rushes across the ring and almost cuts Van Dam in half with a vicious Spear…

Styles: Good Lord!

Van Dam’s body turns inside out and hits the canvas. Reigns then proceeds to go for a cover…



Tazz: It’s academic!





Christy Hemme: The winner of this match as a result of pinfall; Roman Reigns!


Styles: Roman Reigns ran through Van Dam in minutes.

The official raises Reigns’ arm high in the air but he shrugs it off. He’s obviously not happy with his competition tonight and he plans on doing something. Reigns slides out of the ring and lifts up the ring skirt, reaching underneath for something to use…

Tazz: What the hell is Reigns doing?

Regal: I don’t know but this night might be going from bad to worse for Van Dam.

Reigns finds what he’s looking for and pulls it for underneath the ring. It’s a table! The fans cheer in response to the revelation. A massive “We Want Tables†chant breaks out as Reigns slides in the table in the ring and goes in after it himself. Van Dam has still yet to recover from the Spear which gives Reigns ample time to set the table up in the middle of the ring. Van Dam is on his hands and knees, trying to use Reigns as a way to get to his feet. Reigns screams at the top of his lungs before putting Van Dam’s head between his legs, wrapping both arms around Van Dam’s waist and hoisting him high in the air…

Tazz: This won’t be good!

Reigns waste no time thrusting Van Dam through the table with an unbelievable powerbomb.

Styles: Oh My God!

The table shatters into several pieces as Van Dam lies amongst the wreckage. Reigns stares at Van Dam’s fallen body before exiting the ring as Anarchy heads elsewhere.



Don't miss UWF RAW, now on Mondays!


Backstage Brad Maddox looks flustered and confused. For what feels like 20 seconds he can’t get his words out until finally.

Brad Maddox: Where did this couch come from?

The camera pans to see Otunga already showered and in his streets taking selfies with his phone. He looks pissed Maddox has interrupted.


David Otunga: Brad, what did I tell you about knocking?

And how did you get changed so quickly? Also, knocking?! This is just a corner of a corridor – look around you man!

Very funny. What’s up?

What’s up? Are you seriously asking me that? You’re about to get a piece of the Mad Ox’s mind if you keep that up. Why are you sat here when there’s wrestling to watch – a craft to perfect. You’re damn near the best superstar on this roster –

Otunga stands up and gets in Maddox’s face.

Near the best?

Ok ok the best but you could be better!

You’re damn right I can be better. I can run faster and jump higher and lift more and beat everyone that is damn well put in front of me – I mean have you seen me? - but why should I be paying any respect to the guys in the back or the guys in the ring when I don’t get the credit I deserve. Look at Bound for Glory – we stole that show! We were the MVP’s of our team and Hassan gets all the credit. Hell, what have Sting and Warrior done since I dismantled them? That’s right – fallen further down the pole, further back in line – but where should that leave us? Top of the show? Nah, curtain jerking. I’m sick of it. We are BrOtunga and, as much as it ruins my reputation saying that, we deserve more than this, man. The best in the business should be fighting for the titles and that’s what’s best for business so if Russo doesn’t buck up and this show doesn’t start giving us what we deserve, well…

…Sorry. You’re right. You stick it to them Dave and I’ll see what I can do about things going forward…screw the rest of the guys; this is our time and we’ve –

- got to stop asking for what we deserve –

- and just take it.

The two men finally see eye to eye and embrace in a bro hug. Maddox walks off screen still looking perplexed by the couch’s appearance…


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...





Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd explodes in cheers! After the drums kicks in, Ziggler makes his way out onto the stage. Ziggler, as cocky as he can be, struts over to the end of the stage. Ziggler throws his arms in the air, hyping up the fans as he does his signature spin, with his back now facing the cameras. Ziggler shakes his hips, as he faces the cameras once again as he continues his entrance down the ramp, soaking in the cheers from the fans in the process.


Christy Hemme: From Hollywood, Florida. Weighing in at two hundred and thirteen pounds. He is the "Show Off", Dolph Ziggler!

Ziggler enters the ring and doesn't do any further posing, he just gets ready for the match ahead as Christy continues the introductions.

Christy Hemme: And the partner...

Anarchys sold out arena is pumped up as they await the arrival of one of their favorite superstars. The lights dim and a familiar guitar chord his the PA system

"So You See the Writing on the Waaaaaaaaaaalllllll"

"No More Words" starts to play in full swing and out from behind the curtain, dancing to the beat, is Jeff Hardy. Jeff moves his way out onto the stage and thrashes about as he does to the crowds delight. Jeff throws his hands up in the "Gunz" taunt and a massive amount of pyro explodes from the stage around him. The fans cheer as Jeff jogs down the ramp towards the ring, bobbing his head in time with the music.

Christy Hemme: From Cameron, North Carolina. Weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds. The "Charismatic Enigma", Jeff Hardy!

Hardy runs and slides in under the bottom rope, into the ring. He rushes over to the far turnbuckle and jumps onto the second one, hitting his signature pose while flashbulbs go off in the audience. Jeff hops down, and picks up a microphone from under the bottom rope. He gets to the center of the ring, and his music begins to fade. "Hardy!" chants break out as the crowd are trying to keep his spirits high.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

"What's that metronome I hear?
Perhaps the end is drawing near.
You never hear the shot that takes you down."


"Broken Dreams" starts playing throughout the PA System as the fans let out a mixed response. Drew Mcintyre comes out to the stage and pauses as he looks out at the crowd with a serious look on his face. Mcintyre then commences to walk down the ramp towards the ring.

Christy Hemme: From Ayr, Scotland. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty-four pounds. He is the "Chosen One", Drew McIntyre!

He then climbs up the steel steps and goes between the ropes as he enters the ring. He gets ready for the match ahead as Christy continues the introductions.

Christy Hemme: And the partner...


As the song kicks off, the crowd surprisingly cheer. Daniels looks around confused for a mere second before simply shrugging it off. He walks down the ramp in a cocky way with that cocky smile of his.

Christy Hemme: From The City of Angels. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-four pounds. He is the "Fallen Angel", Christopher Daniels!

He pays no attention to the fans before he enters the ring and poses, garnering a mixed reaction from the fans this time.


Hardy kicks it off with Daniels as the fans cheer like crazy seeing the two circle around the ring. The two men tie up and Daniels gets the upper hand as he arm drags Hardy, and he kicks him in the back. Hardy gets back up quickly, and he does an arm drag as well, and almost mimics Daniels with a kick to the back. Daniels gets back up quick as he looks mad, and he starts to doing array of leg kicks, and body kicks. Daniels goes and he runs to the ropes, and bounces off of them, Hardy ducks underneath him, and kicks him in the gut Hardy grabs Daniels head, and tries for a vertical suplex, but Daniels reverses momentum, and he lands on his feet. Daniels goes and he lifts Hardy’s head and lifts him up, but Hardy reverses the momentum. Hardy goes down, and he hits a swinging neckbreaker. Hardy goes for the cover.


No Daniels kicks out of the early attempt. Hardy goes and he picks up Daniels, and he twists him arm around, and he brings it down to loosen it up. Hardy goes for it again, but Daniels brings Hardy close to his body, and he hits an STO onto Hardy. Daniels goes and he rolls to a headlock as the fans are cheering at the intense battle that is going on between both men right now as Daniels has the Head Lock. Hardy begins building his base up as he shoulders Daniels. Daniels is still holding the move, Jeff goes as he hits a back suplex right onto Daniels. Hardy goes as he crawls to his corner, as Daniels is still on his butt absorbing the pain. Jeff Hardy goes and tags in Ziggler. Daniels gets up as he goes after Ziggler. Ziggler goes and he lifts Daniels up high in the sky and Daniels lands right on his face. Ziggler goes and he starts to wiggle his ass. Daniels gets up and he gets behind the back superkicked to the face. The fans cheer as Ziggler goes and hooks the leg.



No kick out by Daniels.

Joey Styles: Ziggler looks like he might steal the show tonight.

Ziggler goes and he throws Daniels to his teams corner. Ziggler tags in Hardy, as Hardy goes back in. Ziggler and Hardy show great team work whipping Daniels into his own corner. Drew blind tags him Hardy goes after Daniels, but Daniels elbows him in the face. Daniels goes and he bounces off the ropes, and he hits him with a backwards elbow. Mcintyre goes and he starts to beat down on the wounded Hardy. Hardy is down on the ground, and Mcintyre backs off the ropes, and hits a huge elbow. To the skull of Hardy. Hardy gets up, and Drew grabs him immediately. Drew lifts Hardy up and hits a huge brainbuster onto him. Drew goes for the cover.



No Jeff Hardy kicks out.. Drew goes as he picks up Jeff and he throws him the post. Drew goes and he looks like he is trying to set up a superplex right onto Jeff Hardy. Drew is in pauses as he goes and he tries to do the superplex, but Hardy is not budging. Drew is trying, and trying as he even screams, but Hardy is holding his ground well in this location. Hardy goes as he punches the face of Drew at least five times, and Hardy goes and grabs Drews neck area. Hardy goes and he hits the sideeffect from the top rope right onto Drew Mcintyre.

Joey Styles: Wow what a move by Jeff Hardy.

Jeff goes as he gets up, and he await for Mcintyre to get up. Drew gets up, and Jeff kicks him in the gut. Jeff grabs the head, and he screams . Jeff goes for the twist of fate, but Drew pushes him off. Jeff goes to the ropes, and he stops himself. He turns around to attack Drew, but Drew hits an atomic drop on him. Hardy holds his lower crotch area and he goes as he hits a scoop slam onto Hardy. Drew Mcintyre goes and he hits a knee right into the face of Jeff Hardy. Hardy is down, and Drew goes and he locks in a half boston crad.

William Regal: A half boston crab, just as lethal as a full boston crab.

Drew holds the half boston crab tight as Jeff Hardy is screaming in pain and he is trying not to tap. The fans boo like crazy as they start chanting "Hardy". Hardy is trying its hardest not to tap out. He is just crawling, and he is just trying his hardest to reach the ropes. The fans are clapping like crazy, and so is Ziggler on the apron. Hardy is trying to get to the ropes as the fans cheer like crazy. Hardy finally goes and he grabs the ropes as the fans cheer, and Drews let go of the hold. Hardy is getting up as Drew charges at him with a clothesline. Hardy though ducks under and says Drew flying over the top rope.

Joey Styles: Drew just went airbourne!

Drew is down on the outside as the fans cheer like crazy as Hardy is crawling to Ziggler. Ziggler is reaching out as he is excitied to get in. The camera pans to Mcintyre on the outside as he is up, and he slides into the ring with great speed. Drew grabs the leg of Hardy as he is trying to make sure Hardy dosen't get to the corner. Hardy goes and he kicks Drew off of him as the fans cheer. Hardy goes and he leaps as he tags in Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler goes and he levels Mcintyre with a clothesline. Mcintyre goes and he clotheslines him again. Mcintyre gets up this time as he gets hit by a dropkick and Ziggler screams as he does his trademark ass shake. Ziggle grabs Mcintyre and he hits the fameasser. Ziggler goes for the cover.



Daniels comes in and he breaks up the pin onto Mcintyre. Daniels is beating on Ziggler when all of a sudden Jeff Hardy goes and he hits a twist of fate right onto Daniels. Daniels rolls out of the ring. Jeff Hardy is standing there as the fans cheer like crazy, and when all of a sudden Mcintyre is up and he looks to attack Hardy, but the fans cheer in an uproar as he hits the Zig Zag onto Mcintyre. Ziggler points to Hardy, as Hardy takes off his shirt as the women scream like crazy. Hardy goes to the top rope as he hits a swanton right onto Mcintyre. Ziggler goes for the cover.




Christy Hemme: Here are your winners Dolph Ziggler, and Jeff Hardy



UWF Smackdown, now on Saturdays!


As Anarchy returns from commercial, we open up on Vince Russo inside his office sitting behind his desk working on some paperwork. Suddenly the camera pans out and changes angles as none other than Smackdown's co-General Manager enters the room.


Zack Ryder: What a turning point in the success story that is the story of the "Long Island Iced Z", being able to walk onto Anarchy as a representative and the co-General Manager of Saturday Night Smackdown. Last time I was here, JBL allowed himself to fall asleep at the wheel bro, he didn't protect his Cabinet like he promised and as a result, Sting and the Purveyors of Poison threw me and Darren Young out of the window of a parking garage, bro. But that's the difference between NXT and Anarchy, and that's the difference between you and JBL. When you say you're going to have someone's back, you have it bro, just look at the Establishment. I mean, they're so dominant that...

Vince, having stood up from his desk and walked around it, walks up to Zack and cuts him off.

Vince Russo: Zack, Zack, Zack, I appreciate the respect, but you don't have to butter me up, I've seen what you've been doing with Smackdown and I like what I've been seeing, and that's why I called you here. You aren't very punctual though, what took you so long?

Zack Ryder flashes a wide smile.

Zack Ryder: Sorry bro, when the chicks ask for Z, I can't help but agree. Limearita?

Zack holds out a can, offering it to Vince, who gets up and walks around his desk, taking the can and setting it on his desk.

Vince Russo: Thanks, I'll drink it later. Anyway, I like what you've been doing with Smackdown, and I just wanted to tell you face-to-face how much I'm looking forward to our brands coming together and putting on a great show at Bad Blood.

Zack Ryder: You know it, bro! Taipei Death Match, six-man tag team match, U.S. Title match, and...what've you got planned?

A sinister smile appears on Vince's face.

Vince Russo: All will be revealed in due time, my new friend, all in due time. For right now...

Vince stops mid-sentence as he looks past Ryder at someone offscreen, as the camera pans out to reveal Chris Benoit standing there. Ryder slowly turns around and, when he sees him, steps backward so that he and Russo are side-by-side.

Chris Benoit: Not to break up this love fest of mutual respect, but once again, Zack's forgetting that he's not the only one in charge of Smackdown. Any meeting you want to have with Zack, any discussion you want to have regarding Smackdown, you have it with me too, understand?

Russo walks forward and gets in Benoit's face.

Vince Russo: Ya know, I've always hated the idea of co-General Managers.

Russo and Benoit have a tense staredown as the camera pans out further, revealing that the Establishment is surrounding Benoit on his left, right, and behind him. Chris turns his head slightly, shooting a look in the direction of his left, then turns his head the other way and shoots a look in that direction, before returning his focus to Russo again.

Chris Benoit: You're going to have to do better than that, Vince.

Benoit snaps his fingers and suddenly The Kliq appear to the right of Russo, the Modern Day Double Dragons appear to the left of Russo, and Sting appears behind him as the crowd pops huge. Russo turns around quickly and then leaps backward out of the group.

Vince Russo: Where did they come from?

Chris Benoit: You're going to have to play the numbers game with someone that can't play back from now on, Vince, I don't get bullied on my turf and I'm certainly not going to come over here and get bullied on yours.

The Establishment brush past Benoit as they come face-to-face with Smackdown's guys, with the staredowns going as follows: Show and Nash, Carlito and Bateman, Hernandez and Hall, Homicide and Fandango, Masters and Devon, Konnan and Sting, and Triple H and Michaels. The crowd is going nuts when Benoit walks over to his guys.

Chris Benoit: Alright boys, message received.

Benoit exits the room as one by one, the Smackdown guys gradually follow him, taking their eyes off the man they're each respectively staring down at the last possible second. Russo walks over to the Establishment and dismisses them as he and Ryder come face-to-face again.

Zack Ryder: Talk about bad blood.

Vince Russo: Woo Woo Woo, you know it!

Ryder looks at him puzzled and Russo shrugs then leads Zack over to his desk as Vince walks around it and sits in his chair and Zack sits down in a chair on the opposite side of the desk. The two men begin discussing something as things return to the ring.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...


The theme of Goldberg begins to roar over the PA system triumphantly as the camera pans backstage to his locker room door where it can be seen jarring slightly before it opens and the man himself walks out and begins his way down the backstage hallway.


The "Goldberg" chants are heard throughout the arena, passionately and loudly as well as proudly in unison as the big man is drawing closer to the gorilla position.


As Goldberg makes his way through the curtain, his trademark fireworks begin to go off as he throws punches and kicks and leaps to get some adrenaline going as the crowd is eating up every second of it.


Christy Hemme: From Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty-five pounds. He is "Da Man", GOOOOOLLLLLLLDDDDDDBERRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!

The chanting of his name continues as he arrives at the end of the ramp and enters the ring, getting ready for the match ahead.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...


"Some Bodies Gonna Get It" by Three Six Mafia begins to play as the fans aren't sure how to respond so they do so with a mixed reaction of cheers and boos as Mark Henry makes his way from the backstage and appears before them, wasting no time in making his way down the ramp.


Christy Hemme: From Silsbee, Texas. Weighing in at four hundred and twelve pounds. He is the "World's Strongest Man", Mark Henry!

Henry makes his way to the end of the ramp and climbs up onto the ring apron, stepping through the ropes and entering the ring. Mark looks at his opponent as the match gets underway.


Goldberg and Henry tie up as the fans cheer. Goldberg goes as he drives Henry to the corner. The fans are chanting for his name as Goldberg goes, and he does a bunch of shoulder shoves in the corner. The fans are chanting his name still as Goldberg goes back and he hits a huge shoulder shove into the corner. Henry bounces off the corner, and Goldberg picks him up with ease as he has him high in the air. Goldberg drops him down with a huge military press. The fans cheer as Goldberg looks like he is making easy work of Henry.

Taz: Wow Goldberg looking really impressive right now.

Goldberg goes as he picks up Henry, and he gets him in a powerslam position. Goldberg goes and he hits a running powerslam. The fans cheer as Goldberg comes and he jumps up as the fans cheer like crazy. Goldberg goes and he backs up by the opposite turnbuckle. Goldberg stands there as Henry is getting up and Goldberg just levels him with a huge spear cutting Mark Henry in half. Goldberg gets up as he does the throat gesture saying its over.

Joey Styles: Seems like Goldberg is looking to end this.

Goldberg goes as he picks up Henry and has him up. People are impressed with this strength as Goldberg goes, and he hits the jackhammer on Henry. Goldberg goes for the pin.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Goldberg!!!

Joey Styles: Goldberg looked in rare form here tonight on Anarchy.

William Regal: Especially with how dominating Henry was last week.

Goldberg gets his hand raised as he just looks on at the down Henry, Goldberg goes as he just leaves the ring with a grand look on his face. Goldberg goes as he leaves the area and Anarchy fades to black after that thrilling match.



UWF Impact, now on Fridays!


Hernandez, and Konan are shown backstage as they are in the room that L.A.X is normally in. Konan begins to talk to Hernandez

Konan: Yo fool ya think he will get over it soon. I mean ya know me ese' I am down to talk for days, but I ain't the one looking for revenge or retribution ya know.

Hernandez: I hope so... It is not the same not hearing Homicide scream, yell or get angry about anything.

All of a sudden Sin Cara pops up, and he has the microphone in his hand

Konan: Ey Mistico what up?

Mistico just puts the microphone in the face of Konan

Konan: Hey Hernandez I got a brilliant idea. Ey Mistico. El homicidio es en la otra habitación para entrevistar.

Sin Cara nods as he goes on, and Hernandez speaks to Konan

Hernandez: Why did you tell him that Homicide is in the other room for interviewing?

Konan: Ya see Misitco will just keep putting the microphone into his face, and that right there sir will piss off Homicide.

Hernandez: Ahh Genius.

Sin Cara goes into the other room as Homicide is sitting there still silent. Sin Cara goes and he puts the microphone to the face of Homicide. He gets no response from Homicide. So Sin Cara instead puts the microphone in his face again. Homicide speaks softly

Homicide: Get the microphone out of my face

Sin Cara goes and he just puts it closer, when all of a sudden bam. Homicide just whacks Sin Cara. Homicide starts beating down Sin Cara, and Homicide begins to scream, and he begins to ramble in anger at the down Sin Cara

Homicide: AHHHHHHH!!!! I told you to get that damn Microphone out my damn face. Shit Mistico your so damn stupid and you don't even realize it. You want to know why I am pissed off Mistico do you? I am pissed off because I actually won the International championship. That stupid Fandango is finally gone from my life, and L.A.X could have had everything. Hell I had a damn celebration all planned out. I was going to have Ariane Grande there she was gonna sing the way and I was gonna dance with her in the middle of that ring. Floyd Mayweather was gonna come and sign me to a Team Money contract, and then after wards the Mexican president was going to hand me a damn key of Mexico. Now though that is all gone, because Seth Rollins had to use a stupid ass briefcase that gives him a stupid ass shot for my title.

Damn it. Damn it. Screw you Mistico.

Homicide enters the other room

Homicide: Man who ever sent Mistico they are gonna be a dead man, bet ya it was that damn women. Whats her name Taylor. The lady probably needed a damn interview from me. Don't these idiots know that I am having a hard time in my life right now. Don't these people know that we failed, that we are not getting the celebration we deserved. I am gonna go bitch out Taylor for sending Mistico. Don't worry fools I will be ready for my match.

Konan turns to Hernandez and speaks

Konan: Heeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss Baaaaaaaaaaaack

The screen fades to black as Anarchy moves on


Christy Hemme: The following contest is an elimination six-man tag team match and it is your main event! Introducing first...


"Sleeping Giant" begins playing and the fans begin to boo as the know that the arrival of one of Anarchy's biggest draft picks is about to arrive. Matt Morgan makes his way out onto the stage and for the first time since arriving in UWF, there is nobody with him. Alex Riley and Paul Heyman are not in the arena tonight and Matt Morgan will be going at this alone. Morgan stands on the stage and checks his imaginary watch before posing and having the pyrotechnics go off behind him.


Christy Hemme: From Fairfield, Connecticut. Weighing in at three hundred and ten pounds. Representing G.E.N.E., the "Blueprint", Matt...MORRRRRGANNNNNN!!!

Once the pyro ceases, Morgan makes his way down the ramp and towards the ring. Morgan reaches the bottom of the ramp and leaps from the floor to the apron before stepping over the top and into the ring.

Christy Hemme: And the partner...


Suddenly, the theme music of the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters begins to play over the PA system as the man himself appears before the crowd, illiciting a lot of boos from the fans. He is coming out to his own theme music so as not to associate himself with those in the Establishment being punished tonight. He is wearing his Ironman Championship around his waist and has Layla behind him as he throws his arms out to his sides and poses for the crowd as his pyro goes off.


Christy Hemme: From Los Angeles, California. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty-five pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Layla and representing the Establishment, the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters!

The power couple of the UWF then proceed to make their way down the ramp as Layla remains ringside and Chris enters the ring.

Christy Hemme: And the partner...


"Sexy Boy" begins to play over the PA system as the crowd erupts into boos. Shawn comes dancing onto the stage arrogantly and makes his way down the ramp in the same fashion before dropping to his knees and posing as his stage pyro goes off.


Christy Hemme: From San Antonio, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds. Representing the Establishment. The "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!

Shawn gets off of his knees and continues down the ramp as he enters the ring and prepares for the match ahead.

Christy Hemme: And the opponents...


The fans erupt into fierce booing as "Bleeding Is A Luxury" by Atreyu begins to play, signaling the impending arrival of the Establishment. The "World's Largest Athlete" Big Show, the "Notorious 187" Homicide" and Carlito make their way through the curtain and begin heading towards the ring.

Christy Hemme: From Bed-Stuy Do or Die, Brooklyn, New York; The Caribbean; and Tampa, Florida respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of eight hundred and seventy-six pounds. Representing the Establishment. The team of Homicide, Carlito, and the Big Show!

All three men make their way to the end of the ramp and enter the ring as the match gets underway.


Carlito and Masters start off the fans are not happy either way you look at it. The two men lock up as Masters pushes Carlito off of him, as Carlito is admired by his strength. Carlito gets up and he goes and kicks the lower half of Masters legs. Carlito goes and he grabs the head of Masters hitting a head and arm throw. Carlito has the hold locked on, but Masters strength goes and he is getting up quickly. Masters hits a back suplex right onto Carlito. Carlito is down on the ground. Masters goes and he begins to wait for Carlito to get up. Carlito gets up as he gets locked into the Master lock. Carilito is stuck in the Master lock as Masters holds the move, and he begins to twist and turn Carlito like crazy. Carlito is stuck in the hold the referee begins raising his arm signaling an elimination.

Christy Hemme: Carlito has been eliminated.

Carlito is escorted out of the ring as Big Show is placed inside of the ring. The fans boo like crazy as Big Show goes and he grabs the throat of Masters. Masters going and he kicks the gut of the Big Show, and Big Show holds his stomach in pain. Masters goes and he charges at the Big Show, but Big Show picks him up as he spinebusters him. Big Show backs up as Masters is getting up. Big Show goes and he hits a giant Spear right onto Masters. Big Show goes for the pin.



No kick out by Masters. Big Show goes and he picks up Masters and he throws him into the post. Big Show begins slapping the chest of Masters a bunch of times as the fans are going “ohh†after every slap to the chest. Big Show then just throws Masters to the side like he is nothing. The Big Show goes as he looks pumped up. The fans just boo, and Masters is now up by the other corner post. Big Show charges at him and he knocks him down. Masters is down, as Big Show backs up and he is loading up.

Joey Styles: Big Show is loading up.

Taz: Joey this is not right, my boys are fighting each other right now I am so torn.

Big Show goes for the knockout punch, but Masters goes and he catches it. Big Show is shocked by the strength of Masters, and so are the fans. Big Show is trying to drive the fist, but Masters goes low real quick and he hits a bodyslam right onto the Big Show. Which causes the fans to be shocked like crazy seeing the strength of Chris Masters in full effect. Masters goes as he rolls to his corner tagging in the big man Matt Morgan. Morgan goes as he enters the ring, and he drops and elbow right onto the Big Show. Morgan wastes no time as he picks up the down Big Show, and he hits the hellevator on him. Morgan goes for the cover.



No kick out by the Big Show. Morgan goes as he backs up and he awaits for the big man to get up. Big Show is getting up, and Morgan hits the carbon footprint right on the Big Show. The referee goes and he makes the cover.



No Big Show kicked out again.

Taz: Damn Big Show is mega tough!

Joey Styles: What will it take to get this man out of the match?

Morgan looks pissed off as he tags in Shawn Michaels. Michaels goes to the top rope and he hits his trademark diving elbow right onto the Big Show. The fans cheer like crazy as Shawn goes and he kips up but this time more cocky than ever. Shawn goes and he backs up as he goes tuning up the band. The fans cheer as Shawn goes and he keeps on stomping the ground. Shawn keeps on going, and Big Show gets up as he gets superkicked right into the face of the Big Show. Shawn falls down cockily as he goes for the pin.




No Big Show kicks out.

Taz: WOW!

Shawn looks shocked as hell as he can’t believe the big man kicked out of the Sweet chin music. The fans cheer like crazy as we see Shawn pissed off at this. Morgan points at Masters to come in. Shawn reluctantly tags in Masters, and Masters goes and he tries to hit a Master lock on the already woozy Big man. Big Show goes and he gets locked into the Master lock. The fans boo like crazy as Chris Masters goes and he twists and turns the big man as Big Show is down as the referee raises his arms and Christy Hemme speaks

Christy Hemme: Big Show has been eliminated.

Joey Styles: Homicide now is all alone.

Homicide enters the ring slowly as he looks at Masters, and he smiles at Homicide. Homicide goes in and tells him to: “Lay Downâ€. Masters is looking at him confused. Homicide is ordering him to do so. Masters goes and he responds with: “Whyâ€. Homicide goes and he speaks::â€Otherwise Russo will get rid of you dumb assâ€. Masters turns around as he tries to think about a situation when all of a sudden Homicide goes, and he rolls up Masters and he holds the tights. The referee makes the count.




Christy Hemme: Chris Masters has been eliminated.

Chris is shocked as Homicide is laughing at him. Homicide backs up and he feels the big man Matt Morgan behind him. Homicide goes and he tells the same thing to Morgan. Morgan goes and he wastes no time hitting the carbon footprint right onto Homicide leveling him completely. Morgan goes, and he picks up Homicide and hits the hellevator. Homicide is down on the mat, and the fans cheer for Morgan a bit just because they hate Homicide. Morgan backs up as he celebrates and then all of a sudden Shawn blind tags him as Morgan stops celebrating, and he stares at Shawn. Shawn goes and he backs up as he hits sweet chin music right into the face of Matt Morgan fans are stun.

Taz: What the hell is going on?

Shawn goes and he covers Homicde.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner Shawn Michaels, Matt Morgan, and Chris Masters.

Joey Styles: Shawn Michaels just superkicked Matt Morgan.

Taz: What in the hell is going on?

The fans cheer for Shawn, but Shawn dosen’t seem to care as he is acting cocky as he heads up the ramp. Homicide is being checked on by Hernandez, and Konan. Morgan is looking on at Shawn who is on top of the entrance ramp posing .



Coming October 27th!


The shot goes to outside the building as we see BG James and R-Truth hanging around outside.


R-Truth: I tell ya man there is some crazy shit that happens here on Anarchy. There's that big ass gang called the Establishment who kicks the holy shit out of everyone. I mean did you see that 8 Man tag last week man? Just pure madness. They have that new Ironman Champion Chris Masters, they have that Carlito guy there, hell they have possession of the entire friggin' LAX! And to boot they have Vince Russo bein' part of the whole thing. The biggest friggin' blueberry in the wresslin' business is running Establishment, I mean what in God's name does that mean for us?! I thought I was done workin' with that man a long ass time ago and to be honest I don't feel like starting now. Why if I ever had to look at that man in the face I would punch him in the nose and make sure that he nosebleeds to death. I don't know how much longer I can hold out here in this friggin' brand. I mean I feel so constricted and everyone seems to be watchin' us everywhere we go. Ya feelin' me dawg?

BG is apparently staring into oblivion but snaps out of it and looks to R-Truth.

BG James: Sorry man I wasn't paying attention.

R-Truth: What! You're kiddin' me man! You gotta listen to me I'm not sure I can take this kind of shit anymore man. I mean I swear that I see Vince Russo looking through that window there. See him man? Now look he's waving at us! Shit!

James: Truth, what the hell is the matter with you?

R-Truth: Nothin's wrong with me man.

James: That's a load of shit man, you're getting paranoid over nothing. We've been over on Anarchy for a week and already you're losing your cool over nothing. Yesterday you were freaking out over seeing LAX following you across the city, another time you swore you saw Chris Masters stalking you at the gym. Now you see Vince Russo waving at you through the damn window? Man whatever kush you're smoking you should stop because I'm getting annoyed over how paranoid your becoming. We haven't made any enemies yet man, we've only had one match on Anarchy and that was against The 3MB. And no offense to them but I doubt those skinny bastards can do anything to ambush us.

R-Truth seems to be calming down but looks around agitated, then grabs James by his shirt and starts shaking him.

R-Truth: Where's Rey?

James: He's inside still, why?

R-Truth: Man we have to get him, I think the 3MB may be up to somethin'!

James: ...what?

R-Truth: See I never did trust though metalheaded freaks and now they're going to attack my lil' buddy Rey! Or worse they're going to attack us right here! Shit man we gotta go find him.

James rolls his eyes but decides to play along to R-Truths insane thoughts.

James: Alright this is the plan, I'll go inside and find Rey, meanwhile you stand guard to make sure they don't try and sneak up on me. Got it? And if I'm not back in say 30 minutes then come look for me inside. Alright?

R-Truth: Ight dawg, sounds good!

James turns around and smiles as he leaves R-Truth standing alone. Truth looks around paranoid still but doesn't move from his spot as the shot goes to somewhere else.


The fans erupt into fierce booing as "Bleeding Is A Luxury" by Atreyu begins to play, signaling the impending arrival of the villainous stable led by Vince Russo. Vince Russo comes out followed by Chris Masters and Layla, who are followed by Homicide and Hernandez, who are followed by Konnan and Sin Cara, who are followed by Shawn Michaels and Carlito, and Big Show is in the back. Coming out with them, as a further sign of Russo's wish to sign them, is G.E.N.E., the team of Alex Riley and Matt Morgan with Paul Heyman. Both groups make their way into the ring and all stand along the ropes, surrounding Vince Russo as he stands in the center of the ring, microphone in hand.


Vince Russo: In this ring with me right now is my Establishment and my hopeful future additions, and I bring them out here with me because at Bad Blood, I have something planned for each and every single one of them. Well, except for the other members of LAX and Layla, but you know what I mean. Last week, and I don't care if he's the champion or not, Seth Rollins showed up on my show uninvited and claimed that the Establishment was going to go down one by one and that he'll happily accept any challenge I throw at him. Well I'm going to give him exactly what he asked for, and give Homicide a chance to redeem himself after his failure, because in a Ladder match it's going to be Seth Rollins defending his International Championship against the former International Champion Homicide but also the "Blueprint" Matt Morgan, David Otunga, the King of the Ring Anarchy finalist Jeff Hardy, as much as I hate him, and the other Establishment member that will be in this contest, the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!

The crowd responds to this with a mixed reaction, booing each name except for Hardy, which causes them to pop huge.

Vince Russo: But that's not the only title I plan to bring back to Anarchy and Homicide isn't the only one being given a chance at redemption, because the Extreme Championship is going to be on the line as well. In what I call an Extreme Six Pack Challenge, Umaga will defend his Extreme Championship against the Big Show, Carlito, former Hardcore Champion Curt Hawkins, former Hardcore Champion Christopher Daniels, and the very first Extreme Champion R-Truth. What is an Extreme Six Pack Challenge you ask? Well it has nothing to do with beer before you redneck Stone Cold fans start that up. It involves six wrestlers, with two actively in the ring, and four others outside standing at the turnbuckles. Instead of tagging in and out to become legal, the outside wrestlers enter the ring as soon as another leaves. And since it's Extreme, weapons are allowed as well as encouraged.

The crowd responds with another mixed reaction, not happy that Russo has cooked up a way to try and screw Umaga, booing Big Show and Carlito, cheering Curt Hawkins and R-Truth, and giving a mixture of both to Christopher Daniels.

Vince Russo: Oh come on, I'm giving you gold here and you know it! Speaking of gold, that brings me to the third title that will be defended, the Ironman Championship. Chris, I want to get that "Show Off"'s rematch clause out of the way, so kindly pound him to a pulp when you face him in a rematch for the Ironman Championship.

The crowd outright boos this, further irritating Russo.

Vince Russo: But it doesn't stop there. You see, the Establishment is always looking for new members, and there were a couple men that caught my eye last week, the "Chosen One" Drew McIntyre and the "World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry. I was going to book them in a test to see who was worthy of being in the Establishment, but Mark Henry let me down this week and as a result, is not worthy, so the test will go to Drew McIntyre if he's interested. In a one-on-one contest, Drew McIntyre will face a man who is already a large pain in my neck, the Ultimate Warrior!

The crowd responds by outright booing again.

Vince Russo: And lastly, earlier tonight we heard Santino talk about how he wants a match but then tried to backtrack and say he doesn't want one. Well I'm booking just that. At Bad Blood, it will be Goldberg versus Santino Marella. Now, as for what I've got planned for Anarchy next week...

Suddenly the lights go out as the crowd gasps. When they come back on, all of the members of the Establishment as well as the members of G.E.N.E. are laid out on the mat, each of them with a letter spray painted on them. The camera is shooting from behind Russo, angled in a way that it can be seen that there are four grouped together, one on their own to the far right, four more grouped below the first four, and another three spaced off to the right, forming four words. Homicide has an, "H" spray painted on him while Hernandez next to him has an, "A" while Konnan has a, "V" and Sin Cara has an "E". Carlito has an, "A" spray painted on him. Matt Morgan has an, "N" spray painted on him while Alex Riley has an, "I" and Paul Heyman has a, "C" while Big Show has an, "E". Masters has a, "D" spray painted on him while Layla has an, "A" and lastly, Shawn Michaels has a, "Y". Vince Russo looks on in disbelief and shock as he sees what is spelled out before him isn't just a group of words, but a phrase, "Have A Nice Day". Anarchy fades to black as Russo falls to his knees and grabs the sides of his head, looking panicked and muttering, "No, no, no. It can't be."

Santino promo-Andrew
Heyman promo, Reigns vs. RVD-Cwalker
3LK promo-natlav
Brotunga promo-Killz
Big Show promo-Doink
LAX promo, Goldberg vs. Henry, Warrior vs. Otunga, Main event, Tag match-Chase
Everything else-Chris Dresdon


International Championship
Ladder Match
Seth Rollins(c) vs. Homicide vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan vs. Shawn Michaels vs. David Otunga

Ironman Championship
30 Minute Ironman
Chris Masters(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Extreme Championship
Extreme Six Pack Challenge
Umaga(c) vs. Big Show vs. Carlito vs. Curt Hawkins vs. Christopher Daniels vs. R-Truth

Drew McIntyre vs. Ultimate Warrior

Santino Marella vs. Goldberg

OOC: Alright guys, I respect all of you so I'm going to be honest, I can't write matches anymore. All of the time I've been dedicating to the shows and booking on top of playing three characters on top of trying to be instrumental in keeping the peace on top of work has finally caught up to me and is now causing me marital problems. Therefore, I am stepping down as the head writer of Anarchy effective immediately. Chase is the new head writer and CliqueClacks is the new co-head writer. I will continue playing Vince Russo, but that will be my only contribution going forward. Thanks for a great year! Next week's card and Bad Blood are my final booked cards.

P.S. Champ has a strike for no-showing.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Thank you Dresden. I hope people are excited for what Anarchy has in store under my reign. I will be doing my best, and before any one ask already found someone to help me out welcome [MENTION=10991]CliqueClacks[/MENTION] to the team buddy. I feel Clacks and I will do well, and hope we can keep up the good work the Dresden did for you guys for so many years.

As well Anarchy will be moving to Thursday Nights for now on. Thank you for everything Dresden.

The ladder match is going to be fun to be in, and the 6 man extreme title match seems like it is going to be awesome. Those threads seems like they are going to be killer.


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UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Preview


After an unusual ending to last week's Anarchy, Vince Russo is definitely on edge and so are the members of the Establishment. With Bad Blood ten days away, will the General Manager and the targeted talent be able to focus on maintaining momentum?


After learning his lesson in last week's main event, Homicide is ready to get back to his winning ways, but to do that Vince feels he needs to use his anger in a more constructive way and on those that actually deserve it, which is why his tag team partner this week is none other than Mistico. Their opponents? None other than Roman Reigns, who manhandled Rob Van Dam last week, and the "Italian Stallion" Santino Marella. When these two unorthodox teams do battle, will it be the muscle and the cobra that pick up the victory, or the "Notorious 187" and his punching bag?


After a week off, the Three Man Band is back in action as Curt Hawkins competes in singles action against one of the men that will challenge for the International Championship at Bad Blood, the "Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy. When these two respective musicians meet on a collision course, will Hawkins give a solo performance that blows Jeff out of the water, or will his chances of winning be a whisper in the wind?


Even though there have been a lot of matches booked with various combinations of Establishment team members facing members of the rest of the Anarchy roster, no one has truly challenged the Establishment yet. This week, Christopher Daniels approached Vince Russo and told him he wants to be that man, and now he has his wish in the form of a match against the Big Show. When the "World's Largest Athlete" goes toe-to-toe with the "Fallen Angel", will it be an upset victory for the high flyer or will he be struck down for his heroism?


In last week's main event, Shawn Michaels stole the victory for his team when he superkicked Matt Morgan and took the pinfall for himself. Vince was none too happy about this since Morgan is his top prospect for joining the Establishment, but on the other hand is conflicted because Shawn has already joined, so he has decided to let the two men battle it out. When the "Heartbreak Kid" and the "Blueprint" step into the ring to settle their differences, will the "DNA of TNA" leave his opponent picking up his teeth, or will Shawn stop the big man's show for the second consecutive week?



Vince Russo is demanding answers for what happened last week.


The former Ironman Champion may have the night off, but that dosen't mean he dosen't want to steal the show. Dolph Ziggler will come out to challenge the Champion Chris Masters to a challenge? What kind of Challenge will it be?


"DA MAN" showed us what kind of damage he can do. Easily handling Mark Henry his first defeat here in the UWF. What does Goldberg think of facing Santino Marella at Halloween Havok?


Raw maybe the home of the Samoan Bulldozer, but the Extreme Champion has a tough test on his hands, how does he feel defending his title in the six pack challenge come Halloween Havok.


The International Champion will talk about his recent successes as of late, as well the challenge of taking on 5 other men in a ladder match

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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

I'm bout to head to bed, & will post on the entire show tomorrow.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to Dredson. It's going to be weird going forward without you as HW but I know Chase is going to kill it as well. Glad to see you'll still be here with Russo.

Also I tried to spell the ending out, still stumped xD


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Preview

Damn. Huge challenge this week with Shane. Been a long time since I've faced off with him.

Michaels vs. Morgan could be thread of the week. If both turn up it will be great.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Thank you Dredson! You will be missed as head writer but I know Anarchy is in good hands.

Anarchy is always the must read show in the UWF. This is where it at. I am ecstatic to get a title shot at Bad Blood. Thanks for that.

And um..DAT ENDING! Mankind? I think yes.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Chris, you and I talked about this last week and I think you stepping down is the right thing to do. When you have so much on your plate, it's best not to compound on it with other trivial things. I will thank you though for all our hard work and dedication. I'm sure Chase and Clique will do a great job.

The show itself was good and worth the wait. A lot of surprising announcements made for Badd Blood. Two big title matches and quite the undercard. As always, the BroTunga finds a way to entertain and that main event segment was something else. Guess Foley is back and it'll be interesting to see in what capacity.

Now to find a way past my hatred of multiman matches and post for the PPV


Aug 5, 2012
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Shit, Im so tired right now, so my comment wont be very long buuuut

Lots of crazy news today man.. Dres, thanks for everything man. Anarchy wouldnt be what it is without ya man. HBK confuses the shit out of me once again. huge ladder match at the ppv! glad to get a shot, right there with Cwalker though. Really good build for anarchys side of things. Slim has his work cut out for him in the six pack challenge.

Okay im super dead. Also, Chase/Clique will do a great job Im sure. Cant wait to see the product.

Roll on Green team
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