UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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May 29, 2012
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The Hell itself
UWF SmackDown 7/6/2012 - Raven vs Rey Mysterio

In a.. probably abandoned school, a probably abandoned classroom, we see the newest addition to the UWF Smackdown roster, Raven, sitting on a chair, looking at the floor. He starts speaking quietly, almost as if he were talking to himself.



Children, "cute" little things, liked, loved by everyone, no-one ever wanted to harm them, for they represent happiness, joy, they're supposed to be so fragile and innocent. Did someone ever told you, that the most cruel minds of them all are those possessed by children? Behind those blank little eyes.. the most cruel evil of them all hides.. Apparently, a childhood decides it all. You have a normal one, you act normal. You have a less normal one.. you go.. insane. My childhood was a pretty bad one. Imagine that.. your father is a person you look up to. The center of your world.. yet he.. doesn't care at all about who you are.. what you do. Imagine praying to all the powers that be, hoping that sooner or later, you'll hear his voice saying your name, you'll see him walking closer with.. toys.. in his hands, coming to play with you, or even, imagine you wanting him to come to you and beat the living soul out of you, just for bad behaving, just because that would mean he cares about what you do, that would mean he loves you, at least in his own way. I just told you my situation, then don't ask me why I am a sick twisted, as I called myself last week, "wolf with rabies".

Raven starts talking a bit louder than before.

Rey Mysterio.. is it.. you represent every single thing I despise. I'm not in a classroom without a reason, and moreover I'm not in an abandoned one without a reason too, Rey. This classroom, this place, is where a major part of your fans spends most of it's days. Children. There should be children around me, yet still. This room is empty. You know why are they empty? Because at the moment when I am in the room, they're simply.. gone. It doesn't matter where are they now; holiday resorts, living their happy lives in their stereotypical families, when there's Raven, there's no children, Rey. Why do you think, Rey Mysterio, that I shall allow you make childhoods happy? Why do you think.. that a beast with no boundaries, with flesh hanging from it's teeth.. should bring little progenies back to their caring mothers.. when beasts are meant to fulfill only their needs, and nothing else. I, myself, Rey Mysterio, am a beast.. and when I am able to decide so, there won't be any happy people.

Raven looks at the camera.


I don't think, Rey Mysterio, that anyone is capable of doing what I am. I don't think anyone's mind is twisted like mine is, and as a matter of fact, I like that. It's a part of me I can't imagine not having, it's something like my sixth sense, something you're either born with, or you're not. And I am. Come Friday, believe me, things will change. As per promise, the wolf has been set free, unleashed. He's ready for you, Rey-Rey. He can't wait for the moment when he sees you scream in agony, after I use The Raven Effect on you, he can't wait to see blood drooling out of your mouth, he can't wait for the moment when I rip your mask off and raise your beaten body high and showcase it to your little children fans, he can't wait for the moment when they will realize their idol, their "superhero", is nothing more than a failure, than a loser, the first victim of Raven. Truth be told, it's not about who I'll beat, it's about the beating. It's all about the feeling in your body, the satisfaction you feel, but even though I don't care who you are, Rey Mysterio, the sole fact that you are a zero, that you are who you are.. makes the whole fun even better.. even.. better.

Raven looks closer at the camera, as his voice shatters the deafening silence in the abandoned room..


Quoth the Raven, nevermore.

Raven pushes the desk and the chair, causing them to fall on the floor as he slowly walks out of the room.​


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Re: UWF SmackDown 7/6/2012 - Raven vs Rey Mysterio

The camera pans to an audience as all of them are frightened to what Raven had just said. All of a sudden on the titantron a 619 logo appears and the fans burst into cheers.


Fans cheer as all of a sudden Rey Mysterio comes out and he is wearing his superhero cape as he comes out and does the traditional cross arm raise as pyro goes off from behind him. Rey goes and he takes off his cape and he begins to interact with the fans and starts to make his way to the stage. Rey goes inside of the ring and he begins to pose some more as the fans cheer like crazy. Rey gets a microphone handed to him and he begins to speak


Rey Mysterio: Ladies and gentlemen, citizens do not worry. You have nothing too fear. Although the image you have seen on your screen was horrendous and frightening... The thing is there is nothing be afraid of... because the superhero of the UWF is here to save the day. I am here to make sure nothing goes wrong here in the UWF. For now though before I address you Raven, I must first address my familia which is the audience here today. You know it feels like I have let you all down as of late. Outside of the ring I have been doing miraculous things. I saved a little boy from getting his shirt stolen. I made sure that he left the arena happy. I saved a little girl's cat from a tree. As well last week I helped a lot of people who were stuck in a snow storm. As many of those outside of the ring accomplishments are great. Inside of this very ring, I feel like I let you guys down. It seems like I did not do the right thing, and I have been focusing on more of being a super hero outside of the ring, and instead of inside of the ring. Well let me tell you guys. The league of heroes will not accept it anymore. If I lose this match it will be my fourth straight loss, and really amigos I am tired of failing in front of all of you. All of you guys waste your hard earned money to see many great superstars... but a lot of you come to see me. The super hero Rey Mysterio, but I have been letting you down. No more though. I promise my actions that I perform outside of the ring will just be as great as my actions inside of this ring, and I vow that to you people. I mean I owe it too you. With out you people there would be no super hero. Every day I feel blessed form every single one of you, coming out here chanting 619. Saying Rey you are my son's favorite star. So from now on I vow that my in ring performance will improve. Now I am not saying I will go on a 'Goldberg' like streak, but things will change just like you Raven.

fans cheer as Rey Mysterio begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: Raven it seems like your childhood is once again haunting you, and making sure you do not have a clear output on life. Instead of doing what I am doing in trying to make things right in this world. Well you are trying to go deep down inside of everyone. You are trying to play and toil with people's emotions. You feel fear is your only way into putting things. You think if you can come out here and scare the bejeezus out of people you will get your way. Well Raven if you don't know fear wont work on me comprende'. You can be in a alleyway, a boiler room... or worst of all a laundry mat. I still won't fear you. You have nothing over me, but I do find it kind of funny on how you go inside of a class room and one of the reasons is because of my fan base. Yes I know Raven the little kids love me. Most of my good deeds have been too help the children, but the thing is Raven you are only looking at the glass half empty. You are not looking at the bigger picture. Look around you Raven, if you own a TV that is look around these fans love me, all ages.

fans chant "619" "619" "619"

Rey Mysterio: Raven these people love me in fact lets go look ask around.

Rey goes out of the ring and he finds a nice young gentlemen and he begins to speak with him

Rey Mysterio: Hola amigo... mind if I ask you some questions?

Fan: No I do not mind.

Rey Mysterio: So tell me sir. Are you a fan of the super hero Rey Mysterio be honest?

Fan: Why yes I am, and it is not only because you bring happiness into my sons heart, but you also bring the light that is missing here in professional wrestling fun. Rey no matter what Raven says. You are still a super hero in not only mine... but in my sons heart as well.

The fan hugs Rey as Rey goes and he begins to smile and he pats the kid on the head, the kid is happy as Rey goes inside of the ring and the fans cheer and Rey begins to speak once more

Rey Mysterio: Fun... you see Raven fun. That is what is missing today here in professional wrestling fun. You know Raven he said it best. No matter what you say I will always be a hero. Why? Because I bring the fun back into it. Too many now a days we see too many guys, always trying to be all serious. Always wanting the world title. They never want to have fun, the only think of themselves. You see I know wrestling is about trying to make it too the top, but you know what Raven I have been there already. I have succeeded in this business already. Would it be nice to hold the world title again... yeah. The thing is though I have done it numerous times and right now I want to give back to my fans, to the community of the '619', to the people of the United States, and the people south of the border. I want to make sure they are happy first, and too make sure they are happy I will have to vanquish you. I will have to make sure your evil will never plague here again. So come out here Raven, spew your evil words... because the 619 of truce will not be broken, nothing can affect me.

fans cheer as Rey awaits Raven.


Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

Darkness falls over the arena as the fans cheer, some of them out of anticipation, others out of lack of knowing how to react. Suddenly a young voice begins to recite a familiar poem.

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.
From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Icon".



As the crowd erupts into cheers, "Immortal" by Adema begins to play as the fans are joined by the one and only Sting as he makes his way from the backstage area and enters through the curtain, turning the corner and appearing on the stage before them all. Sting stops and outstretches his arms and leans back, letting out a loud and passionate, "Wooooo!" before making his way down the ramp.


He makes his way down the ramp, darting over to the steel steps as he reaches the end of it. He ascends the steps and walks along the apron, stepping through the ropes as he walks to the opposite side of the ring and retrieves a microphone from the ringside official. He turns around and faces his opponent, the music fading out to silence as he raises the microphone to his mouth.


Sting: Ladies and gentlemen, the "Icon" has arrived! Which means it's time to crank up the excitement in here, it's time to feel the electricity, it's time...WOO! To start the show! Last Friday night, my tag team partner, Samoa Joe fell victim to the same treatment I did a week prior when Eli Cottonwood cost me not only my match against Bray Wyatt, but my chance at competing for the World Heavyweight Championship, when Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow attacked him before the match like cowards, leaving him for dead in hopes that the numbers game would overwhelm me and I would be dealt another unfortunate defeat. Well the time for flukey losses is over, folks, the Stinger is done getting screwed over, and the events of last week that led to the here and now is living proof! For you see, even with two opponents out for blood and no one in my corner when my back was against the wall, I stood vigilant, and I matched the forces of evil. Only, I did not achieve victory alone, for when the young rookies least expected it, Samoa Joe joined the fray, and as a result, we are one...match...away from competing for the Ultimate Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championships!

Waiting for us at the Great American Bash will either be Almost Famous, the team of Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne, or the team of William Regal and Shark Boy. We will find out tomorrow night on Raw, but that's Raw, and the championship match is the Great American Bash, let's focus on the match before us. Batista decided his tummy hurt, or he needed to get a new tattoo, or whatever his excuse was so Desmond Wolfe gave Jeff Jarrett the choice of whatever replacement tag team partner he wanted, and he chose the high-flying Jeff Hardy. So to continue our revolutionizing of both UWF and tag team wrestling, Samoa Joe and I, the Black and White Machine, must defeat Jeff and Jeff. That sounds like a Fox sitcom, I can hear the theme song now.

He's the King of the Mountain,
he's wrestling's Anti-Christ.
Together they own a donut shop,
trying to start a life.
Along the way, they'll learn a lot
about the thick and thin.
Two guys with a name alike,
won't you come on in?

It's not the catchiest thing I've ever heard, but it's a sitcom that would have a short lifespan, so it doesn't matter how un-memorable the theme is. Because you see, much like the imaginary sitcom I just laid out, this team of Jeff and Jeff will be just as un-memorable once the Black and White Machine get through with them. It's no secret that I have never gotten along with or respected Jeff Jarrett, and the fact that he hasn't won a single match fairly since coming here gives me no reason to change my tune. Instead, my sincere hope is that he tries to strike me with his guitar so that I may strike him with my bat. And Jeff, well, we've got some unfinished business that I'm digging up because of your stance with the side of do-wrongers. And if Batista decides that he wants to show up after all, he's more than welcome to get involved, the King of the Mountain match may be short one contender if he does however. Because when it's showtime, Joe's gonna kill you.

Sting lowers his microphone as he, Joe, and Cornette converse amongst themselves as they and the UWF crowd wonder if either Jeff will show up.
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Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
UWF SmackDown: John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase Jr.


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “San Antonio, Texas! We gon’ do it big tonight folks!†before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring, grabbing a microphone before speaking.


John Cena: Ted – DiBiase – Jr.

The audience begins to boo the name “Ted DiBiase Jr.†as John Cena inserts a smirk on his face, as he nods his head in agreeing with the fans. Cena continues to nod as he raises the microphone up to his lips, speaking again.

John Cena: Ha-ha, don’t worry San Antonio, I don’t like him either. In fact, I find him pretty obnoxious, no – a lot obnoxious, annoying, and a little slime of nothin’. When you think of DiBiase, you think of the great Million Dollar Man. The man is one of the greatest professional wrestlers in history, if not the greatest. However, you have his son, Ted DiBiase Jr. who I’m not gon’ joke around, is a very talented superstar but his attitude sucks. That’s where I come in the picture. I’m gon’ adjust it! Ted and I? We have some business to attend to; we have a huge match at The Great American Bash with four other guys for the World Heavyweight Championship. That’s July 22nd, and this Friday night is what I need to worry about. Y’see, Ted – we have a match. A one on one match where if you a mistake, you lose it all. Bray Wyatt and Jeff Hardy both got the best of me and know they believe that’ll happen once again at The Great American Bash, congratulations to them – but I’m tellin’ you right now, Ted, you won’t be added to that list.

The audience cheers at John Cena and his promise toward Ted DiBiase Jr. as he raises a finger in the air, signifying for them to quiet down. Cena continues.

John Cena: I won’t let it happen, in fact I refuse to let it happen. You’re not the best, Ted. As much as you say you’re the best, newsflash – you aren’t. Your father was, no doubt about it, and as much as you’re tryin’ to also take that quality from him Ted, it’s not gon’ happen. Everyone has a price, ain’t that right Ted? Everyone remembers the men The Million Dollar Man bought, and the men you’re tryin’ to buy. From Andre the Giant to Big John Studd to Virgil, it seemed everyone had a price and now you’re takin’ up the qualities your father has and tryin’ to build them up for yourself. I’m tellin’ you right now, kid. You are not gon’ buy John Cena! There’s not enough money in the world you could give me to turn my back on what I believe. Some would call it dumb, but I call it loyalty. I’ve always been loyal to these fans and I’ll always be loyal until the day I die!

The audience somewhat cheers for John Cena, as he becomes very emotional at the moment. Cena takes a moment to reflect as he takes his hat off, brushes his hair back and rubs his chin. Cena puts the hat back on before continuing.

John Cena: Loyalty is a big quality for me. If you ain’t loyal, then how can people ever take you seriously? Think about it. All the talk could mean nothin’ if you’re not loyal. For me? Loyalty is one of the three words that represent the man that stands before you. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. Those three words describe who I am and will continue to do so! Ted, look yourself in the mirror. What words describe who you are? Rich, arrogant, a prick, I can go all night long but the point is your father is a legend. You can’t ride his coattail forever, Ted. It’s time for you to be your own man, start your own legacy and show the world the real Ted DiBiase! Until then, you’re a failure. You have the shortest title reign in history, homie. And until you grow a set, you’re gon’ stay a failure for the rest of your life! Believe it, or else I’m gon’ make you believe!

John Cena lowers the microphone by his side, as he raises up his signature hand pose, and his music begins to play. Then, all of a sudden...-​
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Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)


Step Up, I'm on it by MAYLENE AND THE SONS OF DISASTER plays and the crowd already starts to boo. Double J, Jeff Jarrett, steps out onto the stage WITHOUT his trademark guitar. He puts his hands out as if to show he's disarmed and begins to taunt the two in the ring! As the music plays on and the crowd begins to chant bad things about Jarrett, he ascends the steel steps and looks out over the angry crowd. He, then, turns his attention to the two in the far end of the ring waiting on him.


Stepping into the ring, Jarrett begins to speak: Well, lookie what we got here! I'm in the ring with Samoa Joe and Sting and I'm about to be joined by the ANTI-CHRIST of wrestling, Jeff Hardy! Have I died and gone to TNA HELL?

There are a few chuckles as the crowd begins to chant: JOE'S GONNA KILL YOU!

Jeff Jarrett addresses the audience: Oh, shut up! The only thing Samoa Joe's gonna kill tonight is a couple of footlongs down at Subway!


The crowd erupts as Joes face contorts a bit and Jarrett smiles.

Jeff Jarrett: I'm not a champion, JOE? Is that right? I built a company that stood for a decade against Vince and his monster, WWE, and you? You're a champion....ONLY because we made you one!

The crowd gets loud as Joe starts to step toward Jarrett. Sting talks him down.

Jeff Jarrett: Truth be known, if it wasn't for me and TNA, you couldn't have found work on TV anywhere. I mean, you were, after all, our TOKEN Samoan. That's all you were. Of course, after FATU kicked off, you mighta had a chance with Vince.

The fans get loud as Joe starts yelling at Double J.

Jeff Jarrett: And I never drew a dime? Is that right?

Double J pulls out a hundred dollar bill.


Jeff Jarrett: Here's a C-Note says your bark is tons worst that your bite ever was! In fact, I'd take Meth Hardy over a face painted has been and washed up Samoan any day!!

Cornette begins to add his two cents.

Jeff Jarrett: Don't think I've forgotten your goofy ass, Cornette. I just don't have time to waste on a dime store Vince Russo .


Jeff Jarrett turns to Sting: Sting, what in the HELL are you even doing in the ring? Time to face up, old timer! Go be somebody's mouthpiece or get the HELL outta the ring! You're DONE, Stinger! I mean, you're still draggin' around that tired ole nursery rhyme from the last time you mattered; a time when you had a chance at relevance and you blew it to Hollywood Hogan! Damn, that schtick murdered your 'ICON' image over a decade ago! Now you're just a tired old man in face paint going up against a younger man in face paint that can wrestle circles around you!


After a resounding chorus of boos, Jarrett continues.

Jeff Jarrett: In fact, Stinger, the only reason you keep ranting about getting the show started is you don’t know when to quit!

Jarrett pauses for a minute and he and Sting have a few words off camera.

Jeff Jarrett: But I tell ya what I’ma gonna do tonight. Seeing that, unlike the two of you, I have yet to be beaten, I’m gonna tag up with the Bizarre one, Jeff Hardy, and move on in this tag tournament, cause I know FOR SURE that neither you two yokels nor the two teams RAW has to offer can do a thing to stop us!


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

The original King of the Mountain gets interrupted by one of the men walking into the Great American Bash looking to be the latest King of the Mountain, his tag team partner for this weeks Smackdown, Jeff Hardy. Or his theme music, at least.



Boos fill the arena way before Jeff even makes his way onto the stage and when he does, the noise only intensifies.


Not showing an ounce of emotion he marches down to the already rather congested ring and he looks up into it as he gets to the bottom of the ramp. He waits for a stage-hand to bring him over a microphone before he slides in the ring. The Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling distances himself from his opponents as well as his tag team partner as his theme music stops playing and all that can be heard is the strong boos from the San Antonio faithful. Jeff laps it up for a few moments before getting down to business on the mic.


Jeff Hardy: Before I get onto the unfortunate business that Samoa Joe and Sting have yet to realize they are in for this Thursday night, there is something that need to be said between the both of us Jeff, and I think it would be best that it came out in the open now. I realize that I was your partner of choice for this match tonight, and I can see why, I not only showed I deserved to be in the main event at the Great American Bash but I also proved last week that given the chance I will take the opportunity and seize championships, and beat champions, and further my quest of ridding this company of poisons. And for that final reason Jarrett, is the only reason that I am going to let our storied past lie. I'm already going to the Great American Bash. I'm already becoming a champion when we get to Chicago Jeff. This is not about become the greatest tag team in wrestling today, I done that for over seven years of my career, I damn sure don't give a crap too much if I do that now. If I do it will be a side mission, but if you can keep your end of a bargain up on that, it can further my primary goal, and I'm happy to entertain it... "partner".

A cold look between the two gets cut short as Jeff turns to look at the two opponents for Thursday.

Samoa Joe... and Sting. Joe and Sting, I mean, what can I say about you two, that was never said to death by corporate's and works of TNA Wrestling huh? Let's see, I don't know.... Maybe not the pretentious bullshit they loved to spew about the two of you and get down to some truths that maybe the people signing your paychecks were too scared to say? Let's start with you Joe. First of all you never make a dime for yourself, every cent you earn is all thanks to the overweight uncle we all pretend we're not related to right there, Jim Cornette. Jim, for years you were everything that has ever been wrong about wrestling on a business side. That was until you came here to the UWF with Samoa Joe. Now, your even worse. Your in the corner of a man that only ever got pushed because he was the second companies answer to The Rock and Rikishi rolled into one. And don't take that as a compliment Joe, your way more of the latter. I'm going to survive if you let me huh? I'm going to be able to participate on MY world championship match that you failed to qualify for..... If you deem fit for me to do so. You see, there's nothing that adds up about that Joe, nothing at all. I have already proved I am top of the food chain around here, and you despite your size, are just a small fish in my pond. And when Smackdown is over, and I have denied you a spot on the under-cared of The Bash, people are going to realize that it's a good thing not having to see a bloated out oversize Bruno Mars for fifteen minutes on a Sunday evening.

Jarrett shares a snigger as Samoe joe starts pointing a shouting the odds. Jeff ignores him as he looks at Sting.


Fox comedy? That really the best you could come up with? Cute. Your brain cells are working just as fast as your body does in the ring nowadays. You see what's more of a comedy around these parts is not a tag team tandem that happen to have the same name, that's just coincidence. What's comedy gold, is your last couple of matches. Your pathetic showing in the Royal Rumble... the same Rumble I never had to even entertain the fact of entering... and your loss to Ted DiBiase, now that's just pitiful. Fitting that the face paint resembles a clown when you've been putting on performances the village idiot would be ashamed of. I hate to pick holes in my partners rant but he was wrong, you have never mattered. You were always that guy weren't you. That guy that you see across the street run for the bus that is already moving away, and then to avoid embarrassment, pretend you never wanted it anyway. Desperate to reach the success of others but putting on a brave face and looking content with what you have once you've failed. Well Sting, you just have to do that one more time... This Thursday once myself and Jarrett humiliate the two of you, looking content will all you have left when ultimately your left to deal with your failure once again.

I'm not going to try and be cute, mix catchphrases up with my partner, you know the deal. Hate will be twisted and it will be served to the both of you.

Jeff is quickly interrupted by ______________________.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

Samoa Joe looks at both Jeff Hardy & Jeff Jarrett, kinda displeased their dribble; never the less, Jim Cornette whispers in his WRESTLER's ear before Samoa Joe approaches the situation.


You two 'boys' are quite something, if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours... Well, that isn't gonna work against me and the Sting because we don't expect eachother to be debt, quite the opposite, 'cause quite frankly; we ain't looking some little cheap victory to win OUR matches, quite the opposite, we don't need help we do just fine on our own! Hell, last week the Stinger proved he could handle two punks on his own and this week, now the battle field is even, you two ain't got a chance in hell.

Samoa Joe smirks as he looks at both men, Joe looks at Sting and the Icon doesn't even batter an lid but that doesn't bother Joe but never the less, the Samoan continues.

Ya know what's kinda funny Jarrett, is that you truly believed you made a champion? I was already the Champ before John Cena was the champ, hell the Champ is Here came from my old Ring of Honor entrance music, your company was quickly becoming little more than Cannon Fodder before you gave the belt and slowly the company raised out obscurity but quickly fell when you felt the need to be involved all over again, then UCW came around and Me and Sting both went when they called our names because we both agreed we would join the Big Boy's league leaving the kids behind to play with toys, pretending to be champions.

The fans pop for Samoa Joe as he glances across at Jeff Hardy, taking a deeper breathe before tackling the issue of Jeff Hardy.

And lookie what we got here, it's the "superstar" Jeff Hardy!

The fans pop for Joe's mockery of the term superstar as he stares down with Jeff Hardy before continuing.

The man who turns up and expects everyone to kiss his ass and make sure he's the top dog! But that isn't gonna happen is it Jeff because not only will you get your ass handed back to ya by me, but you ain't got a chance in the King of the Mountain Ladder Match; you're just that extra guy and hell, if even ever managed to get past us, no doubt you'd gas out after your first match at the Great American Bash because you sure as hell aren't a wrestler, you just another superstar! The pretentious bullshit about being the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling is true, you're everything a professional wrestler shouldn't be, so kiss my ass and get the hell out of my damn ring because I'm gonna run circle around ya before making you tap out like a little bitch in the middle of the ring, because you're just gonna be another victim!

The fans pop as Samoa Joe does his own variation of the cut-throat taunt as another man steps up to plate and responds himself.​


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: U.W.F. SmackDown: John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase Jr.

I come from Money....


I come from money hits the PA system and Ted DiBiase Jr comes out from the back with a cocky grin on his face. He gets a boos from the crowd as he walks down the ramp, blowing off their attempts to give him abuse. Ted flexes his muscles at the bottom of the ramp before grabbing a mic off one of the ringside crew and climbing the steps to the ring to enter it. Once in the ring DiBiase points to himself in a cocky manner before bringing the mouth to his mic and speaking...


Ted DiBiase Jr.

Although I've bashed management in recent weeks, I'd just like to thank them for giving me an EASY opponent this week... That's right ladies and gentlemen, this Friday I go one on one with John Cena, and I guarantee you that this is going to be one of the easiest matches I've had in UWF for a long time. Now I know most of you will think I'm stupid for saying that, because my opponent has achieved so much in his career, but I'm not fooling around, I've never been more confident about something in my life. I mean come on, John Cena may have have some success in the past, but look at him now, he's past his prime and he can't catch a victory for love nor money. I'm being deadly serious guys, John Cena is past his prime, and the only reason he doesn't see that is because of the hype you pathetic people give him. This Friday all of you going to see something that's become a regular occurrence for John, and it's going to be his most painful one yet, that's right, this Friday John Cena will suffer another loss at the hands of me....

DiBiase finally turns to face Cena and he looks extremely hacked off with what Cena has said. He pauses for a second as the crowd boo, before beginning to break down what Cena has said.

Just typical, I'd expect better from someone who is seen as the face of the business, but I guess even the MIGHTY John Cena can't refrain from mentioning my father when they see me. Maybe if you'd of told me something fresh about me and my father I'd be interested John, but it's the same old garbage and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing it. A man of my class doesn't have the time to listen to pathetic people like yourself waffle on about how my father was better than me, I've heard it all before, so why not tell me how you're going to beat me, rather than get down on two knees for my father? I get it, you, and every of lousy piece of trash in this building, thinks that my father is better than me John, but that's a lie and you know it! In my small amount of time in this business, I've achieved more than my father did, and unlike my father, I didn't pay for it I EARNED it. I don't get where you got the idea that I want to buy everything like my father did from, unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you'll of realized that I've done as much as I can to distance myself from my father. Sure, I still want to live the life of a a rich man, and bring all my class to the company, but that's where the comparisons end, because I'd rather earn things then buy them. I mean come on, if I was like my father I'd of paid the referee to make sure I won and kept the World Heavyweight Title, but I didn't, and I was screwed...

DiBiase smiles as he suddenly edges closer to Cena...

....Talking of being screwed, how you coping without Liz, John? Yeah, I'm going there John, because I'm sick and tired of these fans worshipping you like you're a hero, and never seeing anything you do wrong. I know it's a little low to rip on your personal life, but you guys do it to me all the time, and it's about time I gave you a bit of your own medicine... That's right John, you talk about hustle, loyalty and respect, yet you chose to disrespect and be disloyal to your wife, and you certainly won't be hustling when you have to pay Liz's divorce settlements. You see, that's one big issue I have with you, you talk about me being wrong, and encourage people to follow what you do, yet you're the biggest culprit of doing the wrong things in life. You're not a role model John, you're a hypocrite, and the sooner these people realize that the better.... When I beat you this Friday John, I hope these people see the real side of you, and stop cheering you for being nothing more than a pathetic coward. I plan to send you down dream street, and when I do, make sure you dream long and hard about the World Heavyweight Title, because that's the closest you will get to it....

DiBiase lowers his mic as the crowd boo when suddenly...



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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

Jeff Jarrett has had about as much as he can stand!


Jeff Jarrett: Ya know, I've about had it up to here with the UWF's KING OF THE MOUNTIAN BULLSHIT MATCH! No sooner do they sign me than they pull this Russonian bit of gold out of their asses and flaunt it in my face!

Jarrett turns toward one of the cameras.

Jeff Jarrett: Wolf! You think this is funny? Having a KING OF THE MOUNTIAN match with out THE KING of the mountain!!? Well, how about I come and slap that stupid, crooked-tooth grin off your sorry, tea suckin' face? Cause I'm not here to play games with management! I know how that works!

Jarrett looks a little hot as he turns back to Samoa.


Jeff Jarrett: And, JOE, that Cannon Fodder is still on television. You were a champion where? Ring of Honor? Really? Bingo halls and internet pay per views? Oh, my, what an astounding milestone of a career. SO, if Ring of Honor is so damned good, why are you still hanging around that Cannon Fodder, sucking up what ever bit of tv time you can get? Or why are you even here? Ya know, if you hurry, maybe you can fight on the internet with the NecroButcher!

The crowd is hot and so is Jarrett as he starts to pace around the ring. Suddenly, he drops the mic and pulls his sleeveless coat off.


Jeff Jarrett: Ya know, I'm tired of yappin' here. How about we get down to the business of Hardy and myself sending you two on your merry little way so you can go play BROKEBACK KING OF THE MOUNTIAN!


Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)


Sting: Look everyone, it's Jeff Jarrett. That's J-E-Double F, J-A Double Are, E-Double T. Jeff, as much as I dislike you, it saddens me to see you desperately claw for verbal leverage in this dispute. I mean, don't get me wrong, you sounded confident but only if your comments were accurate would they have the intended sting, no pun intended. Samoa Joe is the longest reigning UPW Heavyweight Champion ever, he and Keiji Sakoda were the first NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Champions, he was ROH champion for twenty-one months, he was ROH's fifth Pure Champion, so by my math he was a champion four times before coming to TNA. TNA, a company that you were indeed the founder of, but only with the help of daddy and Mr. Carter. While in TNA, you were NWA World Heavyweight Champion six times, so it was you that was the champion because TNA made you one, but since you're the founder, you made yourself champion. There's nothing sadder than someone that books themselves, especially when it's to dominant everyone else on the roster and not help a solitary one of them.

That's why I stayed with TNA for so long, Jeff. That's why I went to UCW, that's why I'm here in UWF, so I can help the young talent and make UWF a company of righteous opportunity, with no back stabbing and treachery and weaseling of one's way to the top. Bray Wyatt speaks of himself as if he is the second coming of The Lord, which is boasting that comes from the highest plain of arrogance, and the only reason he wasn't defeated by me, the only reason he's in the King of the Mountain match, the ONLY reason he still appears as a contracted performer for this company is because of outside interference. That's what vile men of no merit like him do, and by Desmond Wolfe putting him in a title match, he is throwing his brand's pearls to swine. Damien Sandow is guilty of similar sin, claiming that he is bestowed with an enlightenment unique to him and has been chosen to come to UWF and share this enlightenment, so that he may save us all. The only difference is where Bray had his help on the outside of the ring, Sandow's ally stood on the ring apron and actually participated in the match. That man was Daniel Bryan, someone else guilty of arrogance, but rather than claiming to be the Messiah, he just boasts that he is the greatest wrestler ever.

These young men need help, this company needs help, so how dare you make fun of me and tell me that I can't keep doing this because of my age. You aren't in power here, Jeff, you have absolutely no pull, so if I want to wrestle until I'm eighty-five years old, guess what? I'm going to put my dentures in, paint my face up, come out here and wrestle! But if the face paint bothers you that much...

Sting grabs the towel off of Joe's shoulders and rubs his face quickly with it, dropping the towel to the mat and turning to face Jeff.

I can get rid of it, because I have nothing to hide, from you or these people. I am here with a purpose, Jeff, one that can be respected, one that is actually favorable and will do my peers a service. You? You're here to boost your ego, you're here to cheat your way back into the public eye, you're here to hold everyone else back and hold them down, and you're here to whine and complain that there's a King of the Mountain match happening in a few weeks without your name on it! As for telling me and Joe to play Brokeback King of the Mountain, that's cute, because there's a certain Rattlesnake over on Raw saying the exact same thing about you. I understand why you would make the suggestion though, you like cowboys and you like seeing other people's significant others get stolen away. And by that I mean I'm married and engaging in such an act would mean myself belonging to another, please try to keep up.

Sting turns his attention to Hardy.

You, Jeff, are my polar opposite. I am here to promote fairness, friendship, love, success, fortune, and fun for everyone. You on the other hand are here to promote hate, you're like Kane minus the mask, a few inches off the top, and some pounds of muscle off your frame. You aren't under the influence of alcohol or abusing substances from what I can tell, no, but your body is still intoxicated by a drug, and that drug is this absence of love you speak about and deliver. Your heart is intoxicated by the hatred, and because it's been your driving force and motivation for so long, your body craves it, so you say damaging things and you commit hurtful acts, all to feed your addiction. I can help you, Jeff, that's what I'm here for. And I'm not talking out of my butt like Sandow and Wyatt, I actually have the ability, and I truly have your best interests in mind. But, even as I say these things to you, I know they're falling on deaf ears, so I much reach you another way, by handing you defeat on Smackdown. Because maybe once you see that associating yourself with a guy like Jeff Jarrett leads you nowhere, we'll start seeing the Jeff that was once World Heavyweight Champion, and not this one.

Sting turns so that he is facing both Jeffs.

As confident as you two are, remember why it is that you are together, be aware of the fact that you are nothing more than a one-shot makeshift duo. Me and Joe, however, we are what we bill ourselves as, we are more than just a tag team, we are a machine. And this machine will keep rolling until all the Bray Wyatts, Damien Sandows, Daniel Bryans, Jeff Jarretts, and other wicked men are either brought to the true path of enlightenment to take their first steps of goodness, or are driven out by justice because of their refusal to change. I won't lie, this mission will not be an easy one to accomplish, and as superheroes must sometimes vanquish their rivals and opposers to a permanent end, so may we have to get violent to ensure that you are all compromised. There will be Stinger Splashes, there will be Death Drops, there will be Death Locks, there will be Muscle Busters, and there will be Koquina Clutches. Men will be pinned, men will submit, and the Black and White Machine will be the most successful tag team UCW, UWF, CWA, GZW, UWA, WCW, TNA, as well as all of the other wrestling companies not mentioned because I wasn't part of them, has ever seen! Jarrett, here's a new rhyme for you. He may be chubby, I may be old. But come the Bash, we'll get the gold! WOO! It's SHOWTIME, folks!

The arena comes alive with "Sting!" chants as he drops his microphone and heads to the nearest turnbuckle, ascending it and cupping his hands around his mouth, "Woo"-ing, the adrenaline clearly pumping through him.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

Jeff looks solid at Sting and grins.


Jeff Jarrett: Did I strike a nerve Sting? Did I step all over your wittle feelings? Cause I really don't give a damn how you feel about what I do or did. If you ask me, sounds like someone's a bit jealous. I built that company and whole army of young talent that wouldn't be who they are today without me. What have you done, Steve? Run around, playing the hero; trying to get back what you lost in the WCW? Trying desperately to hold on to the glory days? I really don't know what you're belly-achin' about! You got your Hall of Fame spot when it shoulda been me and Dad! Part of the reason I'm standing here and not in a TNA ring!

The crowd isn't happy with Jarrett and they let him hear it!


Jeff Jarrett: Ya know, I didn't come here to be Jeff Jarrett the HEEL with the guitar who steals wins and runs from opponents. I did too much of that to BUILD all of that young talent you're so desperately trying to defend. What I came here to do was put a man in the midst of this sea of mediocrity and yellow-bellied bunch of actors! You wanna get real, STEVE? Huh? DO YA? Cause if you're gonna stand there and insult me while beatin' your chest about what JOE did in the indys, well lets just do this! Cause I didn't get seventy world titles in more companies than Joe here will ever grace by cheatin' my way to the top. Hell, and I didn't own but one of those companies! And I bet that C-note, that I got more titles than the two of you put together!

Jeff stops long enough to get back on track.

Jeff Jarrett: The point is that I fought my way there, STEVE! Like I'm gonna do tonight! Like I'ma gonna do right now!


Jeff throws the microphone and just tells the Black and White to come get some!


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: U.W.F. SmackDown: John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase Jr.

John Cena chuckles to himself as Ted DiBiase Jr. lowers the microphone. Cena shakes his head in amusement as he reflects on what DiBiase Jr. said, before raising the microphone up to his lips, continuing.


John Cena: “Deadly seriousâ€? That’s funny, Ted. Y’know what else is funny, Teddy boy? Is the fact you’re still standin’ here and why I haven’t beaten you down to a pulp. Ted, you might think you’re funny but the CeNation and I don’t. This isn’t a stand up club, this is a wrestling match. This is a fight, and come Friday night on SmackDown, when we fight? The only one that’s gon’ be laughin’ is me and these people after I make you tap out. Believe all you want that I’m “easyâ€, Ted. Soak it all in, because we all know you’re tryin’ to look tough. You’re tryin’ to look all big and bad when in reality; everyone knows you won’t hurt a fly. It might have worked on other people but it’s not gon’ work on John Cena! I’ve wrestled bigger guys than you’ll ever imagine and came out on top! So while you keep bein’ “deadly seriousâ€, I’m gon’ keep bein’ me and that’s kickin’ ass and provin’ why my name is John Cena. And, after I kick your ass Ted, I’m gon’ prove my dominance on the road to the World Heavyweight Championship!

The audience cheers at John Cena as he temporarily pauses to soak in the appreciation from the fans. Cena raises a hand in the air trying to calm them down with a smile on his face. As the cheers die down, Cena continues.

John Cena: Oh, what – Ted? Did I hack you off when I mentioned your father? That’s pretty difficult to not do considerin’ he’s one of the best and you’re well – you. It’s inevitable that every single time you’re in this ring, your father’s gon’ be mentioned. He’s the Million Dollar Man for Christ sake. But, it’s alright, you want me to talk about how I’m gon’ beat the snot outta’ you? Sure, I’m gon’ beat the snot outta’ you. That’s also inevitable, but what really matters is how you looked me dead in the eye and said you’re better than your father – what? When your father actually won a championship, he kept it for more than five minutes. You two have your differences but you two definitely have your similarities, and your father is definitely on the wiser side. But, y’know – enough of your father, we know how great you’re and how great you aren’t so why shove it down everyone’s throat? Let’s talk about the mistakes you make, Teddy boy – includin’ the mistake of bringin’ my personal life in this.

The audience grows silent as John Cena walks toward Ted DiBiase Junior, taking off his cap and brushing his hair back, before showing a bit of aggression toward the Million Dollar Boy. Cena slowly raises the microphone up to his lips, as he continues.

John Cena: Kid, if you don’t want me to make your life a livin’ hell, I’d suggest you shut up right now. I’m not the man to usually mix personal life and business life, but this is my life. You might think it’s funny to do that, Ted but I find it ass kickin’ worthy. Come Friday night, I want you to try using that and walkin’ over me like I’m nothin’. I want you to walk toward me, look me in the eyes and show me that you still got a set! Because when push comes to shove, and the lights are bright and the time is then and there, I want you to prove yourself. I want you to prove the type of guy you are, I want you to prove exactly why you shouldn’t be livin’ in your father’s shadow anymore. I want you to show me exactly why you should be World Heavyweight Champion right now and why you aren’t as a fightin’ man! Because tonight is your chance, your opportunity, your moment, your night! And, tonight I’m holdin’ nothin’ back! Because the only name that matters tonight is not Ted DiBiase Junior. The only name that matters tonight is the name that you will remember for the rest of your life and that name is – John Cena!

John Cena lowers the microphone by his side, as his emotion rises up to a ten – awaiting for Ted DiBiase Jr.’s response.​

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

Sting is quick to respond.


Sting: Think about this, Jeff, do you really want to fight us right here and now and not wait for Friday night? If you're serious, I'm more than game, but just remember that there's three of us and only two of you. Jimmy's not a wrestler but he's got a mean swing with that tennis racket, I'd hate to see him come upside your head with that thing. Before me and Joey get the chance to get our hands on you, I mean. I'm not belly aching, Jeff, I'm calling you out for what you really are, a bully. That army of talent you supposedly built, the ones that wouldn't be anything without you, just like I said, you stepped on every single one of them. You put NWA title after NWA title after NWA title on yourself until you got bored, then you went home and while you were gone, someone else took the reigns. Then you tried to come back, but it was too late, they took everything from you but the kitchen sink, and after creative was out of things to do with good ol' Double J, they wrote you off television and sent ya packin'.

That Hall of Fame induction that you're so sour about, Jeff, I didn't even want it. But Dixie and TNA management were appreciative of the work I did for them, they were appreciative of what I tried to do for their company, so as not to come off unappreciative or rude, I accepted the induction. But there was nothing that could be done for that company, Jeff, it was doomed from the very first day because it was you that had the vision. A few shows outside of the iMPACT Zone here, a few more pay-per-views buys than you had in the beginning there, and a television deal, that's all they were able to do with TNA. It was never going to garner the interest everyone involved hoped, finally I realize that, and that's why I've come to this company because it is a living, breathing entity that continues to go up as the weeks go by. And me being a part of it has nothing to do with me trying to hold on to my glory days or desperately trying to stay relevent, and I'm not after whatever you say it is that I lost in WCW. I already told you, I'm here to wipe out the sinful forces that are out to corrupt the youth that watch the product and the talent that compete here.

You are one of those forces, Jarrett. And I knew that despite your claims, you wouldn't quit talking, because it's simply not in your nature to stop. You weren't sick of yapping, you love to hear the sound of your own voice, moreso than you love the sound of your current wife's voice, more than you love to hear the sound of the voices belonging to your children, and here's a bitter taste of truth, more than you loved the sound of your former wife's voice. There's no room in the mind of Jeff Jarrett for outside thoughts, there's no room in the heart of Jeff Jarrett, if you have one, for the consideration of others. In every sense that you exist: spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally...there is only room for one person, you. And you're angry right now because you know it's true, and you know that because I'm here, you won't succeed in holding anybody back or down, I simply refuse to stand by and allow it to happen. You won't even let your tag team partner say another word on the matter. What, you think you're going to get to the Great American Bash on your own? It doesn't work that way, Jeff, this isn't WWE Monday Night Raw of the 2000's where Kane singlehandedly defended the belts, you need to rely on the Hardy boy.

As for me, well, Joe seemed to be content remaining the strong, mostly silent type that he is and you just kept running your mouth, so I decided I would be the one to either shut you up or continue this verbal jousting match. And since you're never content with silence, my money is on my role being the latter, your verbal jousting opponent. If Joe and Jeff jump back in, that's fine, but until then, let's fire up the band and hear what else you have to say, cowboy.

Sting lowers his microphone, waiting to see if Jarrett responds, Hardy steps back in, or Joe has something else to say.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

Okay, this has gotten too fucking blueberry and messy for liking.

Lewb once you get a TT up, I'm locking the thread till I worked out how equal it really is.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)

OOC: Well each team will have five TT's each once Lewb gets another one up as Hardy, so yeah it got crazy, but there is still some sort of order present at least.
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