UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne

Incredible card, blue crew! Two championship matches, and a massive Royal Rumble to decide the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. I know all the matches are going to deliver, as the show will as well. Let's do this Lewb! :)


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Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Heatwave - Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H


"It's Time To Play The Game" by Motorhead can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, immediately signalling for the crowd to burst into cheers for the arrival of The Game, Triple H. The excitement in the arena is evident as everybody wants a glimpse of The King of Kings, and sure enough they get just that. The man of the moment emerges from the back with his hair tied back, multi-coloured lights fixed on his presence, and water bottle in hand, as he steps out to the top of the stage. Triple H stops at the top of the stage, staring down at his feet, while the arena remains drenched in cheers.


Triple H cuts an intimidating figure, as the camera is zoomed in on his face at the moment he slowly looks up and glares towards the ring. He takes a sip out of the water bottle and begins to make his way down the ramp in a very determined mood. Once he reaches the bottom of the ramp, Triple H pauses and looks around at the crowd as the cameraman pans around him, before Triple H takes another sip of water and walks over to the ring apron, which he climbs up onto. Triple H then proceeds to bounce off the ropes, spit water into the air, followed by an imposing roar, which gives the cheering crowd chills. Triple H then throws the water bottle into the crowd, enters the ring, and receives a microphone, as everything now quietens down so he can speak.


Triple H: Last night was a very successful night in the history of this great company, without a doubt. Whether or not your favourite superstar left victorious doesn't matter, because I'm sure we can all agree that Starrcade more than held up its end of the bargain entertainment wise, proving once again that UWF is the place to be for the best of the best, the absolute cream of the crop in the professional wrestling business. This company has begun to reach heights that many of us one day believed it could reach, but we haven't quite broken through to the level that UWF management aspires to one day reach. It's a level that requires consistency, it's a level that requires everything to go right, and it's a level that needs the undivided assistance of the UWF Universe week in, week out. I promise each and every one of you that if you continue to support UWF the way you have, you will continue to be given classic pay-per-view matches like what we witnessed last night, as well as special attractions like this Friday night's Smackdown turning up the heat on Tuesday Night Raw.

While the crowd pop for the growing brand rivalry, Triple H takes a moment to gather his thoughts.

Triple H: Starrcade was a night of firsts for many superstars in the back, but in particular it was a night of firsts for myself. See I've been in this business for about two decades now. I've seen it all, I've done it all, and I've heard it all, so I'm a guy that doesn't often get surprised when it comes to anything revolutionary. I know that may sound a little ridiculous, but it's the truth, and I'm a guy that speaks the truth, and the truth is something not a lot of guys in the back tend to use. I'm not one of those guys anymore. I used to be, but I'm not anymore, and I simply can't be one of those guys when I have so much weight on my shoulders. These shoulders used to only carry championships when I was a full-time competitor, but now they carry so much figurative weight it can become unbearable. See I've immersed myself in every aspect of this company, put my hands in every cookie jar and ensured nobody knew I was doing what I was doing. I may not have been surprised by a lot of what went on at Starrcade, but I'm pretty confident in suggesting you were all surprised to see me show up last night. Am I right?

Once again the crowd pops, but this time for the return of an adored King of Kings.


Triple H: That reaction actually means a lot to me, but there's a reason why it means more to me than usual, and frankly I'm just going to come straight out with it - it's because I can't handle the paperwork anymore. The ruthless competitor in me is beginning to bubble to the surface, and frankly I just can't hold it in any longer. I had my critics regarding whether or not I could handle the backstage crap of a wrestling company that often goes unnoticed and underappreciated, and honestly I was enjoying all of that, but now I need a break from it all. I need to get my hands dirty again, so a few days ago I sat down with the Board of Directors, I told them how I felt, and as of last night I am no longer the Chief Operating Officer of the Unified Wrestling Federation. Now before anybody freaks out and wonders if the company is in any sort of trouble, let me assure you it is in safe hands... they're just not mine anymore. In saying that, I wasn't going to sign any Legends deal, I wasn't going to sign any contract that only paid me for the occasional appearance. If I'm serious about lacing up my boots once again, it needs to be just the way it used to be... and that's with a full-time, no strings attached, Smackdown contract.

Everybody is excited for the permanent return of Triple H, and clearly Triple H is excited too as he cannot help but smile.

Triple H: But with that said, I'm not here to talk about the possible next World Heavyweight Champion in Ted DiBiase, because I don't have to worry about him until next week, because this Friday night I have a different opponent. I've gotta face a guy who competed in a two out of three falls match last night and was this close to leaving with the World Heavyweight Championship, but unfortunately couldn't get the job done. That man is Daniel Bryan, and although he may not show up to Smack... sorry, I mean Heatwave, in the best shape of his life, I'm not a guy to rest on my laurels. Daniel Bryan will come face-to-face with a man who is ready to unleash years of built up frustration, frustration that'll be taken out on him without an ounce of remorse. But before I begin to ramble on any further, I've just got one last thing to say - Daniel Bryan... it's time to play The Game!

And with that line brings huge cheers from the crowd, as well as a pumped up Triple H, who glares right down the barrel of the camera. Triple H breaks the stare and begins to pace the ring while facing the titantron, waiting for Bryan to surface.​


OOC - Hoov my friend, consider it brought ;)


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This is huge, will begin TT'ing after the WWE PPV.


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Feb 25, 2012
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A huge card indeed. I'm actually looking at the European Championship match to steal the show...

Quidk question though. Going through Starrcade, there was a Desmond Wolfe promo that gave Batista a slot in a Fatal Four Way for the World Championship. Does the winner of the Rumble get a one on one or does he earn a shot in the same match? If it's the latter, that's a little odd.

Either way, I know you guys will dleiver and remember if necessary, I will write a match for you.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Quidk question though. Going through Starrcade, there was a Desmond Wolfe promo that gave Batista a slot in a Fatal Four Way for the World Championship. Does the winner of the Rumble get a one on one or does he earn a shot in the same match? If it's the latter, that's a little odd.

I'm pretty sure the winner of the Rumble gets a spot in the Scramble match at GAB, joining Ambrose/DiBiase and Batista. That'd bring the total to 3 out of 5, and I think it says somewhere in the preview that the final 2 will be decided next week.


Feb 1, 2012
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Smackdown's Heatwave 6/22/12: European Championship, The Miz(c) versus RVD




Paul Heyman and the NEW European Champion, The Miz come out from the back. The Miz comes out with a cocky grin on his face as he heads for the ring while flashing off his title.


As the two get inside the ring, The Miz holds his belt up in the air while Paul Heyman grabs a microphone.


Paul Heyman:

What did I tell you all? I told you there was NO CHANCE IN HELL that Antonio Cesaro was going to beat my client at Starrcade. I guaranteed that my client would leave Starrcade with the European Championship and he did just that. It didn't matter what the former champion threw at my client because he just kept on fighting back and eventually caught Antonio Cesaro when he made one mistake that I talked about last week on Smackdown. I told you all that The Miz went through hours of footage from the mistakes Antonio Cesaro made and he capitalized on his biggest mistake on Sunday night and after that mistake happened, it cost him the championship. Look at him, look at your European Champion, he is what makes this title, he is what the title is all about, and my client will be keeping this title for a long long time!

The crowd boos Paul Heyman who smirks at the hatred

Paul Heyman:

But, what does my client get after winning? He has to put the title up against Rob Van Dam. A man who I am very familiar with. A man who I used to call my son. But, that was the old RVD, he is nowhere near the extreme level he once was and now he has to go up against the dominating force of UWF. Be alert RVD, be alert Dean Ambrose and pay close attention to my client because my client is coming for the World Title soon. Antonio Cesaro saw how great The Miz is and this, this is just the beginning. My client will be a fighting champion and will go through the locker room with ease.

The Miz all of sudden grabs the microphone from Paul Heyman which surprises him and the crowd


The Miz:

All of your negativity you all gave me fueled me. I took it all in and ignited a wrath against everyone in UWF, to become the star I am today. All the negativity I recieved when I came to UWF, I used it against my opponents. I used it against Brock Lesnar, I used it against The Undertaker, I used it against Antonio Cesaro, and this Friday, I am going to use it against RVD. What has RVD done to deserve a title match against me, he lost his match at Starrcade, but yet he gets a title match against me. Well tough luck for you RVD, you will not win. I am better than you ever were and ever will be. What makes you think that you are even close to being in my league. This is my show, this is my title, this is all me. I am here to stay and all of you will have to deal with it and will like it. All of you ingrates will respect me, everyone in that locker room will respect their European Champion, because I'm The Miz and I'M AWESOME!!

The Miz lowers his microphone and has a cocky look on his face while Paul Heyman is in the background laughing. The two then look at each other and shake hands while they wait for RVD


PPC: Good luck buddy! This should be fun!


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

NICE! I just got back from the weekend, but if TAPOUT can go 5-5. I can...LET'S DO THIS!


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UWF Heatwave: Batista vs. HBK

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp holding a chair in one hand as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring as he calls for a microphone as he indicates he wants spotlight and is given so as he takes a seat on the chair.



I told you so! I told each and every single ignorance members of the audience that I would make Rob Van Dam my bitch. I tore him apart without breaking a freakin' sweat! Rob, you never achieved anything in your career and I proved you why you will constantly be making mistakes.That's exactly the kind of animal I am Rob, you under-estimated me just like every frickin' person here. Jokes are something that I'd use in my early days of schooling, jokes are not to be made around here and when somebody chooses to crack jokes at me, they suffer pain like never before. Rob, you suffered everything, not just pain but you're suffering a mental breakdown from here on because management will NOT take you seriously. Unlike you, I'm now in the contendership for the World Heavyweight Championship, exactly what I said I'd be doing and it's taken management this freakin' long to realise that I'm the hot property around here! So while Rob's nursing his injuries, I'm off and onto better things, I'm made of money. I draw money to this company and it's about damn time somebody around here woke up and realized what I'm doing is best for business. I don't freakin' care who I'm facing for the damn Championship but I will allow myself to speak, you people need to listen up instead of pestering around like little freakin' schoolgirls.

The crowd begins booing.

WHEN I SPEAK, YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS! You bunch of people are just jealous because you're not me! It's making me sick and tired having to watch wrestlers try their hardest and fall flat on their freakin' ass, I'm currently one win, two losses here in my UWF career but I should be freakin' undefeated. You all know I was screwed out of my first two matches, but one win has earned me a right to the Championship. ONE FREAKIN' WIN! Unlike Shawn Michaels, last week... He lost. He lost to a person I've never heard of before, some Damien guy or whatever his name is, honestly I don't care. The fact is Shawn, you just don't know when to stop do you? These people don't need you anymore! You try so many times to come back and accomplish something you cannot do, I've lost count how many times you've tried to capture or even be a contender to a Championship. Shawn, please... go back to your retirement home before I severly hurt you and place you there for good. You're lucky, I'm in a generous mood tonight so you better not be coming down to the ring or else that's going to really piss me off! I didn't ask for a guy who retired to come back here and be a complete mockery and Shawn, when you lost last week... What went through your mind? That you don't have IT any more? I wonder if the guys in the retirement home knew that it was you that lost. This week, I'm gonna visit ya damn retirement home... Give them all some new freakin' glasses so they can watch and beg for more medicine when they watch you lose to me this week. You're depressed, just like every frickin' moron around here... They're all depressed because they're not earning the funds I am, they're not enjoying my success here Shawn. Your time's up, you're never going to cut it around here at all. You're just like Rob Van Dam, a couch potato... Look at your scrawny freakin' legs, your arms... the lot. You don't have the 'look'. I get rid of people who don't cut it to be a wrestler, I don't care if you're a freakin' legend around here, I don't care if these people are dying to see you compete Shawn. As far as I'm concerned, I'm getting rid of the 'legends', I'm getting rid of everybody who crosses my path. I certainly hope that Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose and the rest of the freakin' locker room are paying attention because Shawn, I'm going to end your career this week. You will not be heard, you'll just forever disappear into thin air Shawn, retired like you're supposed to be!

Batista goes to speak but all of a sudden he's interrupted.

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Feb 26, 2012
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Re: UWF Heatwave: Batista vs. HBK


The crowd erupts for The Heart Break Kid, as he passes through the curtains mic in hand. He runs to the edge of the stage pumping up the crowd, repeating the same task on the other side before stopping at the entrance of the ramp. He drops to two knees looking down and saying a little prayer, before pointing up to the sky as his pyro rockets off. He hops up clapping his hands, as he proceeds down the ramp slapping the hands of fans. He climbs the steel steps and enters through the ropes, as he stares at Batista sitting in his little event chair, climbing the turnbuckles and acknowledging the fans. He finally steps down as his music fades out, staring over at Batista shaking his head before lifting the mic to finally speak, the crowd interrupts with a huge HBK chant, he pushes through and speaks.​


Yah know Batista, weeks before I even arrived to this company; I sat at home in my ranch home and I've watched you come to this ring. I've watched you sit in this same little event chair every week with your one little spotlight, and I've watched you cut the same promo week in and week out. You come to this ring in front of these people and complain and whine about how you're not respected, how everyone makes jokes about Dave Batista. Well Batista you ARE a joke, and no one respects you. I couldn't quite place what it was Dave, I couldn't figure out why you were turned into such a little bitch, but then I realized it. I realized that it was your lost to Randy Orton and your eventual draft to Smackdown that caused you to be this way. Cause you see Batista it was The Show Stoppah's choice to come to Smackdown, to help a new brand excel past it's mentor. It was my choice to bring this brand into becoming the best brand this company has to offer, while on your side of things you were forced off a brand cause in all honesty Batista you have nothing to offer. You were floundering and going no where, and it took beating a mid-carder over on Smackdown to finally get your groove back. You were out casted for your inability to exceed in your matches on RAW, so you were shipped out just like you were shipped out of the WWE.

The crowd is fully behind Shawn Michaels as he continues​

My lost last week Batista shouldn't be what worries you. I said last week that these old wheels have another run in them, and tonight I will prove to the upper brass why it's The Heart Break Kid, The Show Stoppah, The Headliner, The Main Event, The Icon that should be granted the next opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship not yourself Dave. The ring rust is gone and tonight I show why Batista, that the better man stands before you in this ring, not sits when he pees.

Batista tosses the chair aside with this comment as the two men are now standing face to face​

Batista I want you to come to this ring underestimating me, you'll be like every other men who has stood before me in this ring and has fallen to Sweet Chin Music. Hunter, Chris Benoit, Hulk Hogan and the list goes on and on. I've beaten Legends and best friends and have always stood victorious in this ring. My time is far from being up Dave, because tonight my journey to another championship begins with you. If you want to kill a Legend Mr Orton.. I mean Batista I stand before you. Tonight you claim that you'll retire me, that you'll be the one to finally end The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. When you're staring up into the lights after I connect with Sweet Chin, and you're laying dazed as I pin you and my hand is raised in victory, I want you to remember one thing Batista. The Heart Break Kid is BACK, and he isn't going anywhere! If you're not down with that..I got two words for YOU!

The Shawn raises the mic and the crowd follows with SUCK IT!!!​

OOC: Still trying to get use to HBK, never used him before.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: HEATWAVE: Jeff Hardy vs. John Cena


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “I’m gettin’ a tan later tonight with Triple H, there’s no place better than the hottest place on earth! Wish me luck, ha-ha!†before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring, grabbing a microphone before speaking.


John Cena: First of all, I’m sorry.

The audience continues to stay quiet, as they’re all curious of what John Cena means by ‘I’m sorry’. Most likely, it has something to do with his loss at Starrcade. John Cena continues.

John Cena: All of you know this by now, I never back down and I never quit. When I see something that’s wrong, I’ll do anything in my power to get rid of it. The New World Order has been raising havoc all over U.W.F. Christian, Cody Rhodes, and Randy Orton as a whole have been raising havoc. Randy and I have been enemies and we’ll always be enemies, and at Starrcade, I took the challenge. I took the ultimate challenge of destroying the New World Order. If I defeated Randy Orton at Starrcade, the New World Order would be done and dusted. I had the power in my palms to do that, and I failed. And for that, I apologize. The Punt Kick was too much, and that ended my strength and sadly, the match. Randy Orton walked out of Starrcade the victor and The New World Order stayed strong. And, it’s safe to say The New World Order is nowhere near being destroyed. But, despite the fact I lost, I’m not gonna’ let that destroy my enjoyment comin’ out here every Friday night, despite the cheers and boos I hear! This is my life, and I’m not gonna’ let one loss ruin it! Randy Orton, you won the match, but I won the war. You tried to keep John Cena down, but you can’t do it! No one can do it, and that’s a fact!

John Cena cracks a smile across his face, as he looks around the ring and notices Jeff Hardy, tipping his cap toward ‘The Enigma’ before raising the microphone to his lips, continuing.

John Cena: Starrcade is done and dusted, folks. Let’s focus on more important issues, and that’s the future. SmackDown decided to take a break if you will, and this Friday night, instead we’re having Heatwave. Heatwave and Phoenix, what a feisty combination if ya’ ask me! Ha-ha, in all seriousness, this is a massive card. We have two championship matches in the European Title and the World Heavyweight Title being contested, and then, the Royal Rumble match. I’ve had my fair share of Royal Rumble matches, so I’m not in any way shape or form a stranger to em’. The only problem is, if you indeed win the Royal Rumble match, you’re the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. And, there’s no doubt that I will be focusin’ on the big prize. Ever since I stepped in this company, I wanted to be at the top of the food chain and If that means goin’ through you, Jeff Hardy then you better bet your ass I’mma’ do it!

John Cena keeps a straight face and swallows hard, keeping his thoughts in check as the audience continues to cheer. John Cena nods his head before continuing.

John Cena: Jeff, I don’t have any problem goin’ through you just to get a step closer at that World Heavyweight Championship. I don’t have a problem with you dislikin’ me because I’m everythin’ you hate, I don’t. I do have a problem; however is your desire to give me a twist of hate. Ya’see, Jeff, you can tell yourself you Rise Above Hate all you want, because the truth of the matter is you don’t. You embrace hate, and I rise above it. I don’t have any problem rising above your hate at Heatwave, so Jeff, if you want some!

John Cena raises the microphone up in the air, as the audience finish off his famous catchphrase. John Cena cracks a smile across his face, as he awaits for Jeff Hardy’s response.​


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
UWF Heatwave- Zach Ryder Vs. Jeff Jarrett

[video=youtube;myQLg8d4Ono]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myQLg8d4Ono [/video]

Suddenly, the crowd begins to clap along with the song. Most of them have no idea what significance the song has. Then, suddenly, Jeff Jarrett steps out on stage with his DOUBLE J hat and sunglasses and outlandish outfit!


The crowd begins to boo after they realize it's Jeff Jarrett. Apparently, they all saw the last Smackdown and what he did to Bully Ray and Zack Ryder! He comes out with a big guitar in his right hand and pretends to play along with the song. He stops on the top of the ramp and strutts half way down. He then laughs and swishes his hand as if to say he was joking. Jarrett ascends the steel stairs and gets into the ring. He gets a microphone from one of the ring hands.

Jeff Jarrett: Is this what you want, Phoenix?

He gets a light pop.

Jeff Jarrett: I mean, I got the flashy costume and the country and western gimmick. Hell, I got my guitar right here. I strut like Ric Flair and cut promos with the best of them. I mean, I'm the real deal here! I could come down the ramp and hand out JJ glasses like Brett Hart or wear a damned fruity color t-shirt like Cena! Yeah, I could do all of that. But, it will be a cold day in hell before I prance around here in this monkey suit for you morons!

Jarrett throws his hat into the audience.

Jeff Jarrett: There ya go. Sell it on ebay and buy you some teeth!

Jeff rips off the jacket and throws it out of the ring as the crowd turns on him.

Jeff Jarrett: Nah, you people want me to parade around here and act like a damned idiot for your entertainment. WHAT? Like Zack Ryder?

The crowd boos louder as Jarrett smiles devilishly.


Jeff Jarrett: That's right! You're internet champion. Damned if I'm gonna take that Jersey Shore knockoff seriously. Hell, you don't. That's why he's stuck in gimmick storylines with no championship around his waist. And he always will!

Jarrett looks right into the camera.

Jeff Jarrett: Listen, Zack. I'm gonna try one more to give you a word of advice. Take it from a champion; somebody who was the face of his company. This clown getup you're wrestling in is only missing the rubber nose and the clown car. So, last chance Zack! Drop the gimmick! Turn off the internet! Put up the damned camcorder! And just learn to fight, boy!​


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: Smackdown's Heatwave 6/22/12: European Championship, The Miz(c) versus RVD

For a moment there’s a big silence in the arena when suddenly ...



After a while "One Of a Kind" by Breaking point hits the PA System of the arena as the crowd goes crazy. With the first guittar riff hits, one of the most loved UWF superstars Rob Van Dam appears under the titantron with with a wide smile on his face as the crowd chants his name. Huge ovation for Rob Van Dam. RVD goes down the ramp and making his way towards the ring.


When he's at the ring he slides in it, then stand up points at himself with his thumbs and jumps around. RVD then grabs the microphone and starts to talk ...

Hey dude, I just met you and this is crazy, but that belt you got, I’m getting that exact same one Friday Bro, so you might as well just give yours and save me the trouble?

Crowd errupts and bursts into laugh, when they hear Rob's reference to a famous song ...

Now seriously. Miz, I didn't think that somebody with your character and microphone skills will need somebody like Paul Heyman. Whatever. Miracles happens, just like one that ... no, two that happened at Starrcade. First, Dave Batista surprisingly defeated me, even thoug it was after my mistake and second ... you actually won European Championship! But dude, not for a long time, because Rob Van Dam got a title shot, which means you should say goodbye to that title. And the greatest thing is, that after Rob Van Dam is gonna win European title aaand that battle royal in one night, I'm gonna win World Heavyweight Championship! And that's great because, everybody knows I can wear two belts at a time right? The thing is, Rob Van Dam was born to be a champion. Wanna be like me? Your mistake, you should have borned better. By the way, why am I asking you? Everybody wants to be just like ROB ... VAN ... DAM!

Fans says RVD's name simultaneously with him and then cheers for Rob. However Van Dam continues ...

You see, I was trying to find some reason, why I still wasn't able to win a match here in UWF. But then I suddenly realized, that I miss something. Well, it took me some time, to realize what is the thing I am missing, but then I got it. I miss somebody, who's gonna support me, cheer for me, scream for me, maybe looses all the rest of his teeth for me. But I don't know if I'm ready to listen to that guy again, but I gotta admit ... we were fuckin' awesome. But still, the spotlight was always shining brightly on Rob Van Dam and Rob Van Dam only. Well and you Paul. I don't know what to say, you're just somebody that I used to know. And Miz, well you deserve a big kick in the nuts, just because of who you are. You may be European "chump" dude, but since Rob Van Dam is in the play for that title, your chances are as small as Paul's penis. Well, obviously tonight is gonna be another great night for Rob Van Dam. I guess you know, how this last sentence goes, ha? You don't know? Well, then ... let me tell you. Rob Van Dam 4:20 says ... it will be the end of your days. Just kidding, your ass is about to get smoked dude ...

Van Dam waits for any response from Heyman or Miz ...
OOC: Good luck to you too champ! ;)


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Re: Heatwave 6/22/12: Rey Mysterio vs. Damien Sandow

The arena is quiet when all of a sudden a spotlight is shown on the titantron. It begins to read 619 when all of a sudden...

Who's the Jumping out the sky


Fans cheer as Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring, Rey is wearing a cape with the 619 from his back to show that he is here to stop the evils in wrestling. Rey goes and he takes off his cape and he begins to point at Sandow and he begins to interact with the fans, Rey goes and rubs against the kids heads and he makes his way into the ring sliding and looks at Sandow as he goes and begins to speak


Rey Mysterio: Hola de all my comrades, your hero is here in Rey Mysterio and it seems we have another righteous villain here to spread his evil here in the UWF. You know Mr. Sandow I must say this, you look like a good common man, a man who would take care of his family and would not do any harm. So when I heard we were going to compete one on one in this very ring I was excited. To compete with a man who knows the difference between right and wrong. It turns out though I was wrong and you like many of the no good criminals here in the UWF are looking to rob people of there fun and entertainment. That is why I... The superhero of the UWF must come and stop your no good antics and make this ring a safe place once again.

fans cheer as some chuckle at Rey talking like a superhero in a truth voice and Rey goes and he begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: See Damien I hear a lot of talk about people becoming world champions here in the UWF. Whether it be on Raw and Smackdown, and although you may be a formidable foe. Let me tell you something ese' you will not come close at becoming world champion as long as I am here in the UWF. You see people like you who only look for success and glory, it rots and rids your mind of absolute wonder, and it blinds you of what is truly important. The true importance in Lucha Libre is not the glory that you accomplish, but what you do in this ring. These people right here they know, they understand that I am here to not only entertain them, but get rid of the righteousness of evil, and show that good conquers over all.

fans cheer when all of a sudden Rey starts to get a trouble look in his face

Rey Mysterio: Hold up Sandow... it looks like there is a thief with in the vicinity.

Fans cheer as Rey goes and he jumps over the barricade, there is a man who stole a little kids shirt and he is looking to walk away with it. Rey goes after the man as the man makes his way out of the crowd. The camera cuts Rey to chasing him. The camera cuts off and it shows the man outside of the arena holding the limited heatwave edition shirt for SD. He is smiling as they sold out right when they heard and could not get his hands on it, All of a sudden as he is walking away he falls. Rey caught up in time and the fans laugh and cheer as Rey kicks him while he down

Rey Mysterio: Security... take this no good scum out of the area. I got a job I need to complete.

Rey goes and it shows a bunch of random camera cuts later and Rey is in the crowd as he gives the shirt back to the little kid. Rey goes and he smiles as the kid says "thank you" to Rey. Rey gets a loud cheer from the fans as Rey goes back in the ring and speaks to Sandow

Rey Mysterio: Sandow, what you saw right there... that is what it is all about. Putting a smile on the people faces. I make sure that no one leaves the arena sad, and come Friday night. Not only will you feel my west coast pop, but you are going to be one move away from the 619... the move of justice for everyone in this arena. So Sandow I hope you understand, that it will be I who will bring righteousness here once again in the UWF, and you will soon understand.


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Jun 4, 2010
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Re: Heatwave 6/22/12: Rey Mysterio vs. Damien Sandow


Damien Sandow:

You poor addled, credulous ignoramus. My words have simply floated high above your diminutive stature, and as a result you simply could not grasp a single thing I spoke. It is the only way to explain your breviloquence, so please do me the favor of listening I do know there are so many factors against such a task. Whether it be the masquerade, the language barrier, the vernacular barrier, and the fact that I am not all to certain you can make out what I say from such a lesser height. However please do your best for you have labeled me falsely a quote unquote “righteous villainâ€, while my message may be righteous, every definition of villain does not even resemble myself in any which way. For unlike all those on the roster, my purpose is to serve these people, my passion is to enlighten these fans and the deplorable truth is your purpose is to do quite the opposite.

*the crowd boos in disagreement, Sandow puts one finger up looking towards the crowd*

Thank you for your irrelevant opinion.

*the crowd boos even louder as Sandow turns back towards Mysterio*

For you Mysterio are nothing more than an ignorant fool, the minds and lives of these people should not be in the hands of an ignorant fool. For you Mysterio just as those very…â€heroes†you like to compare yourself too have a deluded view of the world. You witness a man stealing and you accost them, while an intellectual such as myself sees this and ask why he has stooped to doing so. You look to fix the problem for a week until they are able to do it again, while I look to help said criminal and in doing so helping everyone else living in the same populous as him. Rey Mysterio is a shot to the arm, that fixes the cold they have only to provide the stronger viruses with a set goal to hit knowing you have already become as strong as you can, while I learn from the virus and therefore help the world. You save one child, I save an entire fan base,

*The “fanbase†show their hatred for Sandows holier than thou speech as Sandow continues*

Your greatest issue is you leave these people with a smile upon their faces, and the fact of the matter is they have no reason to smile. I may not put a smile on their face, but that is because they need to learn to appreciate said smile. You are a hero I am a savior, and I do this not for myself as you seem to believe I do. Everything that I do is for each and every single one of you here this evening, I do not do this for glory I do this to enlighten the ignorant and to save you all from your own self-imposed inadequacy’s. Mr. Mysterio you are simply enthralled by the thought of helping these people, you however are doing more damage than good therefore I am taking it upon myself to impose my wisdom towards you. And if you really are this so called hero you claim to be, you would remove your mask and join my message as we enlighten all the unwashed masses. Either way Mr. Mysterio as far as this lesson I shall be teaching you, while you may believe it be against your own message let me assure you it is not. Consider yourself…that child however do not consider myself Rey Mysterio no consider me the man who stole his shirt for in that moment that child learned a valuable lesson that anything can be taken away from him at the snap of his fingers. These people need to learn that when something wrong happens to them, a hero will not step in to help them, that is why I am setting them free so that they may help themselves. So Mr. Mysterio…

*Sandow bends over mocking Reys smaller size in doing so*


You’re Welcome

*Sandow keeps a smirk on his face as he stays bent over looking at Rey with a smug look on his face*


Jun 3, 2010
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Heatwave World Heavyweight Championship - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Ted DiBiase Jr

I come from Money....


I come from money hits the PA system and Ted DiBiase Jr comes out from the back with a cocky grin on his face. He gets a mixed reaction from the fans as he walks down the ramp, blowing off their attempts to give him. Ted flexes his muscles at the bottom of the ramp before grabbing a mic off one of the ringside crew and climbing the steps to the ring to enter it. Once in the ring DiBiase points to himself in a cocky manner before bringing the mouth to his mic and speaking...


Ted DiBiase Jr

I told you all I'd make it didn't I? But you just didn't want to listen. Countless times you people told me that I wasn't going to get anywhere in this company, you said that my career would never amount to anything compared to my fathers, you also said that I'd be a flop on Smackdown and lose to my first two opponents Zack Ryder, and then Sting... Well, I say this with great joy that you were ALL wrong! That's right ladies and gentleman, I proved every single one of you wrong, and stayed true to my word in saying that I would not only bring class to this company, but also have one of the fastest rises to the top that any of you have witnessed. I beat Zack Ryder in the classiest of manners on my first night here on Smackdown, before embarrassing the legendary Sting the following week. I thought all those things would be enough to gain me a number one contenders shot at the Pay Per View for the title I so badly cherished and deserved, however management had other ideas. For some reason that washed up bum Desmond Wolfe decided it would be funny to leave me off the Pay Per View Card altogether, which really pissed me off. However, instead of keeping quiet about it, like so many of the roster would of done, I demanded an interview on the Pay Per View with Jim Ross, so I could give my thoughts and feelings on the situation. I put my heart and soul into that interview, and fortunately for me it paid off, Desmond Wolfe took note, and here I stand today the number one contender to the UWF World Heavyweight Championship! This isn't a dream people, I am you're number one contender, and this Friday I will walk out of UWF Heatwave the UWF World Heavyweight Champion!

The crowd boo Ted's words, but he's in a happy mood and he smiles before continuing on.


It's all well and good you booing me, but your boo's aren't going to stop me achieving what I set out to do just a few weeks ago.... It has always been my goal to win this title, ever since I was in UCW, and although I never came close there, my desire to capture the gold never stopped. I had numerous knock backs, heck, I even had a spell where I actually hung out with you fans, but I soon saw the light. In fact, ever since I distanced myself from all of you low life scum, I've become more focused and determined than ever, and it's clearly paid off. I am delighted Mr Wolfe has given the opportunity to finally win the title, and I promise that I won't let him down. In fact, when I win that title, I am going to restore it's prestige, by bringing the class to it that it deserves. That's right, for far too long the World Heavyweight Championship has been carried by nobodies who got lucky, and simply got title shots because they were loved by the fans, I plan to change all of this and be a TRUE Champion. For that to happen, I have to knock off one of those people who got a shot because he was an internet darling, that's right, this Friday on Heatwave I will face the current UWF Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose for the title....

The crowd cheers for Ambrose's name, but boo's DiBiase's bashing of him. DiBiase gets all serious as he looks to the top of the titantron.

Dean, I not usually one for praising people, but let me just say Congratulations for becoming the first UWF Heavyweight Champion, you put up a great fight and walked out of No Way Out the deserved winner...

DiBiase looks pissed as the crowd pop like hell for the credit DiBiase just given Ambrose. It seems like DiBiase hadn't finished speaking and had been drowned out.


Woah, Woah, Woah, I'm not finished yet you pathetic pieces of trash. As I was saying before you guys rudely drowned my voice out, Dean Ambrose you were deserved winner at No Way Out, and I give you credit for that, but when it comes down to it, I still don't like you! I bet you're sat there wondering why Dean, but it's pretty simple, people like you, and your opponent Daniel Bryan weren't cut out to be in this company. This company is part of the entertainment industry, you've got to have the IT factor as well as wrestling skills, and whether you like it or not you haven't got the IT factor. Sure, you might be one of the greatest in ring workers this company has ever seen, and I'm not going to deny that, but the problem is you're boring, I know you and all your internet darlings will deny that, but it's the truth. Nobody wants to see someone who leads a boring life as the face of this company, they want someone who who leads a life of glitz and glamor, and who does that the best? ME! That's right Dean, I'm cut out for being Champion, I've got all the tools and the look to carry this company on my shoulder, whereas you haven't. Don't deny it Dean, because you know it's one hundred percent true. If you were as good as your internet fans made you out to be, you'd be the one on the Heatwave, poster not me, instead you're probably the one one who's putting the poster for this show up in street corners. Seriously Dean, you're nothing more than a glorified Indy wrestler, who got lucky, and by Friday you will of lucked out, when I beat you become the UWF World Heavyweight Champion. That's right Dean by Saturday, people won't remember you for having a great match at No Way Out, they will remember you for having the shortest World Title reign in UWF History!

DiBiase grins as the crowd boo his disrespect for Dean Ambrose. When suddenly......


OOC: Let's do this bumout. Old School TT session! Also I changed DiBiase's text to blue to help everyone out :p.

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