UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th 2012 *Card*

Me vs Dres in the main event? Never expected that. Bring it on!


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th 2012 *Card*

Great card even though I'm left off it. Expect some promo dudes!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th 2012 *Card*

Main eventing with Prodigy in my Smackdown debut? Please and thank you! Hasn't been done since the Team Heyman versus Team McMahon storyline in UCW, but that was Austin versus Show, this is Sting and DiBiase for the first time ever! SBS and EoR want to be impressed? I say we do just that! So many other great matches filling up the card, Sam versus Blizzard, oh the material that has the potential to produce. Rey versus MrFetter, Lewb versus Chase, and that sweet triple threat. UWF! UWF! UWF!


Feb 1, 2012
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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th 2012 *Card*

Show looks stacked and I appreciate the night off, a promo will be enough!


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th 2012 *Card*

A little old school with Bully Ray and a little Trending, YouTube sensation...hmmm Double J has plenty of fodder!
Good start! Have fun boys!


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition


Tuesday June 12, 2012



The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to UWF Tuesday Night Raw, live from Charlotte, North Carolina. We are just five nights away from Starrcade and tonight, we will the contract signing between UWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin and Wade Barrett for their match on Sunday!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Not only that Cole. But both men will be in action. Steve Austin will go one on one with CM Punk, while Wade Barrett will team with his fellow European Antonio Cesaro to take on two members of the New World Order; Cody Rhodes and Christian in our main event.​

Cole: With Starrcade right aroud the corner, you have to figure that all these men are......


The theme music of Raw's General Manager; Theodore Long interrupts Michael Cole. Long comes out onto the stage to a huge pop from the fans. Long proceeds to do his trademark "Thuggin' and Buggin'" dance to the delight of the people. In his hand is the United States Championship, which unfortunately had to be vacated thanks to the attack on Brock Lesnar over the past week.

Cole: What's the deal with the United States Championship?

King: I don't know Cole. Maybe if you shut your mouth, we'll find out.

Long continues his way towards the ring, before finally climbing the steel steps on the outside and entering. He smiles and dances a little bit more before asking for a microphone from ringside. This is where Theodore Long starts his promo.

Theodore Long: Well playas to another exciting episode of Tuesday Night Raw. Usually, I don't come out here. I let the wrestlin' speak for itself. And anytime an announcement needs to be made, I'll gladly make it in private. 'Ya see, unlike other General Managers, I don't need the attention. But tonight, I do have to make this announcement in front of the entire world.

Cole: This can't be good.

Long: Now for those of 'ya who watched Smackdown last week, 'ya saw United States Champion Brock Lesnar suffering from Cody Rhodes' attack. Then to top it all off, The Miz ran through Lesnar Thursday Night, leaving The Next Big Thing in a very bad way. UWF doctors have informed both Desmond and myself that Brock Lesnar has suffered a major head injury. And this injury will keep him sidelined indefitenely. And that means, that this Sunday, the Brock Lesnar versus Cody Rhodes United States Championship Match will have to be cancelled.

The crowd boos that decision.. Long understands their disappointment, but continues speaking.​

Long: And as all of 'ya know, a Champion must defend his title every thirty days or the title will be vacated. And I have spoken with the UWF Board of Directors, and they have come to the decision that going that route is the only form of action we can take. So I'm here to inform all of 'ya, that at this moment, Brock Lesnar is officially stripped of the United States Championship.​

King: What?

Long: But Smackdown's lose is Raw's gain playas. 'Cause 'ya see, we may not have the Champion, but we do have the next best thing. We have the Number One Contender playa. And while I may not like some of the decisions that this man has made over the past week, I can not deny that he has all the talent in the world. There was a reason I used my third pick on this man, and it's 'cause I think he has the potential to be the biggest star in UWF, he just needs to work on his attitude. I've talked it over with the Borad, and they have given me the right to name this man the new Champion in Brock's abscnece, officially bringing the title to Raw in the process. So without further ado, allow me to introduce all of 'ya to the NEW United States Champion....​

Teddy Long turns towards the stage, holding the U.S Title in his arms waiting as the crowd is rustling a silence hovering around the arena for a while.

Whoa Oh


The nWo version of Cody Rhodes titantron hits the arena, and the crowd boos immediately following the ever distinct intro. As the lights in the arena flash on and off, Cody Rhodes emerges on stage standing on the stage he looks down on the ground looking at the microphone in his hand starting to make his way down the ramp way he lifts it to his mouth as he looks at Theodore Long in the ring waiting for him.


Cody Rhodes:

Teddy…Teddy…Teddy what a situation we find ourselves in, please stay right where you are as I have some matters to attend to before I accept My championship.

*Rhodes runs up the steps, he wipes his feet before stepping into the ring, Teddy tells him something off microphone as if trying to tell him that he needs to be elsewhere almost motioning for Rhodes to take his title but Rhodes simply turns his back to him ignoring him while he speaks out.*

As far as my involvement in the New World Order that is a matter I shall address later, what I need to talk about right now is a little history lesson.

*Rhodes takes his hood off his head showing his masked face as he takes a deep breath before lifting his microphone up.*


Cody Rhodes:

November 26, 1987: My father, “The American Dream†Dusty Rhodes, won his first and his only United States Championship. And he won it at the very first…Starrcade, I planned on doing the same at the first UWF Starrcade but alas I have proven myself better than he ever was as I already have in the past. Because he won it at Starrcade while I won it before I even got to Starrcade, I surpassed him in talent a while ago and now I have proved I am in every way better than my last name entails. I broke down the machine known as Brock Lesnar before he could even make it to Starrcade and now I get to bask in the moment, while I would have savored the chance to embarrass him in a one on one match this is so much more…meaningful. Because throughout my entire career spanning UCW before this company, and the World heavyweight Championship in this company I have been mistreated and overlooked. I defeated the great John Cena and the great Randy Orton in one match to become UCW Champion, and to top that I defeated an ENTIRE Roster to become UWF World Heavyweight Champion. I am every…single…thing I say I am.

*Cody cracks his neck calming himself down after getting a little worked up before continuing*

Some of you may remember what I said about this mask, for those who don’t this mask over my face shall stay on my face until I have found my redemption…I have not. This championship win is only the first step towards that, this championship is only the beginning. And I don’t mean I’m going to hold this title, drop it to someone else and then move on to bigger things, I never…Never plan on losing this championship because I want everyone to know what Cody Rhodes is capable of. Paul London, Kassius Ohno, Drew McIntyre, and now Brock Lesnar are all gone and they are gone because of Cody Rhodes. I will restore the prestige of this championship, and in doing so I will be systematically taking down one by one those who oppose me. I will be known as the Greatest United States champion in history, but that is only the start of the spreading of Cody Rhodes in UWF. That said, the reason this is much more meaningful is because of the way I am getting this championship, if I had won it a referee would of handed it to me and that would be the end of it. But tonight is special…

*Cody Rhodes turns towards Long*

Because those who are responsible are the ones handing the title to me, ironic isn’t Theodore? You and the people who help you run things here are so hell bent on keeping me off of any title off of even this microphone and yet after all that You literately have to hand me that championship.

*Teddy starts to shake his head, not knowing what Cody is talking about*

But Teddy I don’t want you to simply hand me that championship no I want you to do the right thing...

*Rhodes turns his back to Long once more this time more deliberate, he extends his arms out for a moment before returning on the hand with the mic to his mouth*

If you will be so kind Mr. Long, as to officially Award me the United States Championship by strapping it around my waist.

*Long looks up at Cody with a questioning look*

King: Why does he want him to do that
Cole: It’s called respect Jerry, if he is going to be awarded the title he needs to be awarded the right way.

Cody Rhodes: I'm waiting...

*Long shakes his head before he unstraps the title in his hands reaching around him with the title wrapping it around his waist, Rhodes holds on to the title in the front as Long buttons it up. Cody gets a smirk on his face as the crowd boos seeing Rhodes officially with the championship, Teddy nods his head and turns to leave when Cody lifts his microphone up.*

Whoa hold on there Mr. Long we have one last thing to address, well…actually two.

*Long turns around looking exasperated*

You see Mr. Theodore Long I need a little explanation, because following Monday Night Raw I received a letter reading something along the lines of:

“We would like to inform you, if you choose to strike an announcer again we in UWF will have no other alternative but to suspend you without pay with following violations possibly leading to terminationâ€

But that isn’t necessarily what I’m talking about..

*Long seems to be telling Rhodes off mic not to bring this up*

No you see this weekend I received a large fine from UWF headquarters for making an…Unscheduled appearance on Smackdown, in fact I was threatened with suspension should I make it a regular agenda to appear on said show. So why is it that I have to pay money to you for appearing on that waste of a show?

*Rhodes holds out his microphone, Teddy is shaking his head telling him to keep this in private but Rhodes insist for him to take it. Teddy does so and lifts it up.*


Theodore Long:

Well playa I’d prefer to keep matters of the company out of the television screen but since you’ve brought it up, you appearing on Thursday night Smackdown was a breach of contract as you are a Raw Superstar. We just separated the brands and you already showed up on the other brand, we can’t let that become a regular trend amongst the superstars so officials wanted to make an example of what would happen if you did decide to show up where you are not allowed. And furthermore Mr. Rhodes-

*Cody suddenly snatches the microphone out of Longs hand, the crowd oohs as Long gets an angry look on his face, Rhodes lifts the mic up*


Cody Rhodes:

An EXAMPLE!? You wanted to Make an EXAMPLE out of CODY RHODES!?

*Rhodes takes a couple of deep breathes calming his temper before speaking again*

I want you to realize a couple things Long, just because you have awarded me this championship doesn’t excuse the things that have been happening to me. I was awarded this championship because Brock couldn’t compete, not because you opened you’re eyes to what I’ve been talking about. This championship isn't going to calm me down, you and those in charge aren’t “throwing me a bone†with this title to keep me satisfied, if anything this is going to drive me to make my point much…much clearer. I am the United States Champion and while that fact will be known for a long time, it will not be the ONLY fact next to my name that I will be achieving. Which brings me to one last history lesson for you Mr. Long…

*Rhodes walks right up to Long looking down at him*

My father never lost his championship; he was stripped of the championship…after he attacked Jim Cornette the promoter… so let that sink in, because I am now you’re United states champion…so congratulations I now represent you and this company…and I’ll be sure to do to this company what it has done to me…

*Rhodes turns around looking at the crowd as he looks down seeing the united states championship around his waist, he taps it with his fingers before getting a smirk on his face looking back up at he crowd*

Cody Rhodes 6:25.

*Rhodes drops his mic to the ground as he looks around the crowd, his music hits as he walks over to the ropes to leave. This is where Raw goes to its first commercial*



As always, Miss AJ Lee


Cole: Welcome back to Raw. We already have had huge news tonight. We have a brand new United States Champion in Cody Rhodes. But now it's time to have our first match of the evening.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow.

Justin Roberts: From Victoria, Texas. Weighing in at 252 pounds. He is the Undisputed Champion, Stone Cold Steve Ausssstiiiiiinnnnnn!

Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin raises his championship over his head, inspiring more booing from the crowd, as he lowers it and throws it over his shoulder as he waits for Punk.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent...

The camera pans over to the stage as there is nothing at first, but then...


The fans rise to their feet as "Miseria Cantare" by AFI begins to play over the PA system, meaning not only is CM Punk coming to UWF, he's coming with his old Ring of Honor attitude about him, complete with the theme music. An enthusiastic "C.M. Punk! C.M. Punk!" chant breaks out amongst the crowd as they anxiously await the arrival of the "Second City Saint".

Michael Cole: Could it be?

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Austin was banking on Punk not showing up, but he's here and he's going to put a sock in the Undisputed Champion's free running mouth!

The camera pans to Austin in the ring, who looks worried, as he now must face Punk, a man that he has faced several times and always failed to beat.


As the camera watches the stage, it soon becomes apparent that no one is going to come out. The music fades out to silence, as the crowd erupts into a booing frenzy, disappointed by not getting a pay-off from the hype. The camera pans back to Austin, who takes Justin Roberts' microphone and pushes him aside.


Stone Cold: Are ya disappointed? Did ya not enjoy my little prank? Well too damn bad, that's what ya get for putting yer Undisputed Champion in the opening match of the night, ya bastards, don't ever insult me like that again. That's also what ya get for signing someone like Punk, a sumbitch that held See Dubya Eff up for a damn ice cream bar. Punk doesn't wanna come here, and that's because he knows he can't cut the mustard around here. Not because of the "roster diversity" that sumbitch that reviews the product You Dubya Eff puts out talks about in his articles, not because of anyone in the back at all. The reason is me, Stone Cold Steve Austin. He's beaten me before, but he went away, and while he's been gone I've evolved and gotten better, gotten meaner, and now I can't be touched. He knows that if he came back I'd do what I did to his fellow Are Oh Aitch alumni Austin Aries, whip his sorry independent ass and put him out of the company with a pink slip and a heart full a' broken dreams. And since he was coming back as the Are Oh Aitch Punk, with the Are Oh Aitch Punk mindset and attitude, it wouldn't have been hard.

But since he's not going to be joining us this evening, I don't have ta' do that. He's no-showed yet another match, which means while most people get three strikes, he's being let go at two. Best of luck in all yer future endeavors kid, I'm sure Tee In Aye would gladly have ya back and feed yer ass ta' Hogan for all the shit you talked about him while you were in the Dubya Dubya E. What has happened to this roster? Have you taken my talk about how damn good I am so far ta' heart that you aren't even trying anymore? I squashed Edge, then I wasn't booked, and now my opponent doesn't even bother showin' up. Where's my competition? There's certainly plenty of you pieces of garbage talkin' about me, why isn't Teddy putting the likes of you in the ring with me instead of making me put up with this bullshit?

I'm going to leave you with this thought, Teddy. If the contract signing tonight gets physical, it might be because I put my hands on you instead of Wade.

Austin drops his microphone to the mat as "Badass" begins to play again. Austin prepares to leave the ring when....

Roberts: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illonois; CM Punk!

Cole: Looks like Austin was wrong! CM Punk is here and he looks ready to go!

Look In My Eyes! What Do You See?!


The crowd lets out a loud, LOUD mixed reaction as CM Punk slowly walks from the back. He smirks as he walks to the cameraman and says "Looks like I'm back!" into the camera.


He walks a few steps and kneels on his left knee and does the signature "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME" schtick, and that makes the crowd go crazy. He walks confidently to the ring and takes a microphone and starts rolling it in his hands. He then climbs the top turnbuckle and yells "WHAT'S MY NAME?", as the crowd goes even crazier and his music fades to silence. The crowd loudly expresses their emotions by chanting Punk's name, without Punk acknowledging it, because that's simply the way Punk behaves.

The bell rings and Austin and Punk meet in the center of the ring. Both men talk trash to one another before Punk swings and hits Austin with a roundhouse kick to the skull. Austin goes down like a sack of potatoes and Punk quickly goes for the first cover of the night…



Austin kicks out!

Punk jumps off Austin quickly, grabbing him by the arm and putting him in an armbar before throwing his elbows to the side of the Champion’s skull. One elbow, two elbows, three elbows, four elbows all to the temple of the UWF Champion.

Cole: CM Punk is really on his game tonight!

After Punk destroys Austin with the elbows, he quickly gets off the Champ. Punk talks down to his opponent, while the referee tells him to back up. Austin pulls himself up in the corner, with Punk staring at him from the opposing one. Punk charges at Austin and hits him with a running knee to the skull. The knee sends Austin’s skull backwards in a whiplash like movement, before Punk grabs him by the head and looks for a bulldog….

King: This is vintage Punk!

As Punk looks for the bulldog, Austin is able to counter by pushing Punk in the back, sending the Second City Saint forward. Punk stumbles, but maintains his composure. He turns around and charges at Austin. Stone Cold sees Punk coming and is able to lift him off his feet before slamming him down to the mat with a spinebuster. Punk’s body crashes and Austin goes for another cover…



Punk kicks out!

Austin quickly gets off Punk and bounces off the near ropes before dropping an elbow across Punk’s throat. Austin goes for yet another cover…



Punk kicks out!

Austin gets off Punk and quickly backs off. The Champion takes some time to talk trash to his opponent, as Punk tries to pull himself up. Punk does, and Austin quickly positions himself behind Punk, before grabbing Punk by the arm and intertwining his legs between his own and taking Punk down to the canvas with a side Russian Leg Sweep.

Cole: And now the Champion is in firm control.

Austin grabs Punk by the arm and drags him under the turnbuckle. Austin then proceeds to climb to the second turnbuckle before flipping Punk off and dropping a bionic elbow right across Punk’s skull. Punk grabs his head in pain as Austin goes for another cover…



Punk gets his foot on the bottom rope!

Austin gets to his feet and says it’s over!

King: Stone Cold’s got that look in his eye!

Austin begins stalking Punk. He’s ready to put this match behind him. Punk stumbles to his feet, before Austin quickly spins him around and kicks him in the gut, looking for the Stunner….

King: Stone Cold Stunner!

As Austin looks for the Stunner, Punk is able to underhook both of Austin’s arms and backslides the Champion into a pinfall...



Austin kicks out!

Both men get to their feet at the same time. Austin looks for a clothesline, but Punk is able to duck under, and hit Austin with a swinging neckbreaker. As Austin hits the mat and Punk goes for another cover…



Austin rolls a shoulder!

Punk quickly gets off his opponent and heads towards the turnbuckle. He starts climbing the top rope before looking down at Austin…

Cole: Punk’s going to fly!

Punk raises his arms in the sky in homage to “Macho Man†Randy Savage before screaming “Best in The World†before jumping off and dropping the trademark elbow across Austin’s chest. As soon as Punk hits the move, he quickly goes for another cover…



3…NO! Austin kicks out!

King: A high impact elbow from Punk still couldn’t put down the UWF Champion!

As soon as Austin kicks out, Punk grabs the Champion’s arm and wraps it around his neck in a headlock and taking his own arm and bending it backwards before applying the Anaconda Vice…

Cole: The Vice! The Vice is locked on the UWF Champion! Austin’s going to have no choice but to tap out!

Austin flops around the ring as Punk has the Anaconda Vice locked in tight. Austin is looking for the ropes as Punk has the submission wrenched in…

King: CM Punk may defeat the UWF Champion tonight!

Austin squirms trying to get free as the referee asks him if he wants to quit. Austin refuses and uses his legs to start pushing himself to the ropes. He inches closer and closer before finally wrapping his legs around the bottom rope. The referee then starts his count, forcing Punk to break the hold…





CM Punk breaks the hold before being disqualified!

Punk gets off Austin, who is gasping for air. Punk puts his palms together before placing them to his head, and telling everyone that it’s nap time….

Cole: Oh My! It might be time.

Punk is prepared to end this. He’s ready to put Austin to sleep. He begins stalking the Champion as Austin pulls himself up. CM Punk feels that this is his chance; he’s going to beat the Champion. Austin turns around just in time as Punk lifts him off the ground and onto his shoulders….

King: Go To Sleep?!

CM Punk has Austin in position for the Go To Sleep. Austin counters with elbows to the side of the head, trying to break Punk’s concentration. Austin hits about half a dozen before CM Punk actually drops him, and Austin lands on his feet behind Punk. From there, Austin lifts Punk off his feet and drops him on his head with a back body drop. Punk grabs his head immediately as he hits the canvas and Austin goes for another cover…



Punk kicks out!

Cole: Brilliant counter by the UWF Champion!

Austin gets to his feet, still feeling the effects of the Anaconda Vice. He quickly shakes it off though, and prepares to go back on the attack. He starts stalking Punk once.
CM Punk starts to get to his feet, unaware that Austin is behind him. Punk barely makes it up, before Austin wraps one around under Punk’s neck and the other under his arm, almost in a half Full Nelson submission…

King: The Million Dollar Dream!

Austin has the Million Dollar Dream submission applied. He’s pulling out all the stops. CM Punk tires to fight it off, but Austin has it locked in.
Cole: Austin is digging deep into his repertoire!

King: With Wade Barrett this Sunday, Austin is going to need to use every move in his playbook.

The submission is still locked in. Punk is starting to fade. The referee sees this and checks Punk. He lifts Punk’s arm once and it falls. CM Punk may be out. The referee checks it again, and it falls for a second time…

Cole: CM Punk may be unconscious! If the arm falls once more, the match is over!

The referee lifts Punk’s arm one more time, and he drops it! It doesn’t fall! There’s still life in CM Punk! The North Carolina crowd starts chanting and cheering “CM Punk†over and over again, before Punk starts fighting back. He shuffles his feet to the right, putting himself on the side of Austin, although the submission Is still applied. Punk then throws elbows to Austin’s stomach. One elbow, then two, then three to the abdomen of the Champion. The last one breaks Austin’s grip and allows Punk to grab Austin’s arm and hip toss him to the mat. Punk jumps right on Austin, going for the head, looking for the Anaconda Vice again…

Cole: The Vice again!

Austin quickly rolls to the ropes, preventing the submission from being applied again! Punk and Austin share a look, with Punk talking with his eyes, telling Austin “I’ve got you, and you know itâ€. Austin slowly heads back in the ring, where Punk is waiting for him.

King: I don’t think Austin was expecting Punk to be this game.

Austin smiles at Punk and says “Let’s Goâ€. Punk goes right on the offensive, hitting Austin with a jumping heel kick to the head. Austin goes down and Punk goes for another cover…



NO Austin kicks out!

Austin rolls over towards the turnbuckle, and picks himself up. Punk charges at him, looking for the running knee again, but Austin moves out of the way…

Cole: Punk went to the well one too many times!

Punk crashes into the turnbuckle and falls backwards to the mat. Austin is on his feet, waiting for Punk to recover. Punk pulls himself off the canvas, and as soon as he’s up, Austin spins him around and kicks him in the stomach, which doubles Punk over and allows Austin to hit him with the Stone Cold Stunner…

King: Stunner!!

CM Punk hits the canvas and Austin goes for the cover…




Roberts: Here is your winner; The UWF Champion; Stone Cold Steve Austin!


“Badass†by Saliva starts playing once more. Austin gets to his feet and has his hand raised by the referee, who also brings him his Championship. The timekeeper throws Austin a few beers from ringside and the Champion cracks them open before downing a few. Austin prepares to leave the ring, before stopping and looking at the fallen CM Punk. Austin shakes his head, before leaving one of the beers near Punk’s body and leaving the ring.

Cole: The UWF Champion just had one hell of a match with CM Punk. This is what makes Raw go great. Even the opening match is a show stealer. If he brings this same level of intensity to Starrcade, he’s going to retain is UWF Championship!

Raw heads to commercial as Stone Cold heads to the back.



Check out The Dresdon Dose: The Red Version!


King: Welcome to the longest running weekly episodic show in UWF history. We just witnessed our UWF Champion come out victorious over a very game CM Punk. Now it's time to keep the action coming.

Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Blackpool, England, weighing in at 246 pounds; William Regal!


The theme music of "Sir" William Regal starts to play and the fans begin to boo the Englishmen. Regal walks out onto the stage with his trademark grimace on his face. Regal looks disgusted with the fans that surrond him as he makes his way down the ramp. Regal soon enters the ring and stretches himself out, preparing for his upcoming match.

Roberts: And his opponent....



Anderson’s music hits to a decent reception and he comes out onto stage, in ring gear, ready to send a message to the locker room. At the top of the ramp he calls for his microphone in typical fashion and the lights go down. A spotlight rests on him as he waits for a calm to come across the arena.

Anderson: Are the any assholes in the building?

Pop from the crowd.

From Green Bay, Wisconsin; Go Packers! I weigh in at a very lean, very mean, very ass kicking 243 pounds! After this Sunday, you can all call me the Number One Contender to the UWF Championship!! My name…is MISTERRRRRRR


ANDERSONNNNNN! *pause* Anderson….

Anderson throws the mic in the sky where it retracts and he heads down to the ring, never taking his eye off his opponent. The fans pop as Anderson high steps into the ring before heading to a corner and posing for his loyal assholes. From there, he waits for the bell and match to start.

The bell rings and Anderson and Regal lock up. Regal gets the upper hand, grabbing Anderson by the arm with a spinning wristlock. Regal spins behind Anderson with his arm still intact, using the arm to take Anderson down to the mat. Regal then takes his knee and drops it down onto Anderson’s arm. Anderson clenches his teeth as Regal drops his knee down on him again. Anderson continues to grunt in agony as Regal then grabs Anderson by the arm and bends it back, applying a reverse Armbreaker…

Cole: Regal working on Anderson’s arm in the early going.

Regal reaches back and applies more pressure on the Armbreaker. Anderson screams in as the referee asks him if he wants to submit. Anderson declines and begins crawling towards the ropes. Anderson claws at the canvas, trying to use another to get a grip and use something as traction. He slowly makes his way towards the nearest sets of ropes before reaching out and grazing the bottom one…

King: Anderson is so close. All he needs to do is reach out and grab that rope.

Anderson can literally touch the rope, and finally he stretches out and gets a firm grip on it. The referee tells Regal to break the hold, but he doesn’t. This causes the referee to start his five count before he disqualifies Regal…





Regal breaks the hold, stopping himself from losing the match.

Regal gets off Anderson and the referee tells him to give Ken some space while he checks on Ken. The referee does indeed check on the asshole from Green Bay. He asks him if Anderson thinks he can continue, and Anderson confirms that he can. He starts pushing himself off the mat, and out of nowhere, William Regal comes running knee with a high knee to the side of Anderson’s head. Anderson goes back down to the mat and Regal goes for the first cover of the match…

Cole: That knee was sickening!



Anderson kicks out!

Regal quickly gets off Anderson before lifting him to his feet by the head. Regal rests Anderson on the ropes before Irish Whipping him towards the opposing ones. Anderson is able to counter and as Regal bounces of the ropes originally intended for Anderson, Ken is able to wrap both arms around Regal’s waist and lift him off his feet, spinning and taking him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. The impact of the move drives the air out of Regal’s lungs as Anderson goes for a cover…



Regal kicks out!

Cole: Close call for Regal!

Anderson gets to his feet, somewhat holding his arm in obvious pain. Regal starts to pull himself up and when he turns around, Anderson hits him with a short arm clothesline. Regal hits the mat, but get back to his feet just in time to have Anderson hit him with another. Regal takes the blow, but manages to stay on his feet and Anderson follows the clothesline up with a swinging neckbreaker. This time, Regal goes down and Anderson goes for another cover…



Regal kicks out!

Cole: Anderson is starting to heat up.

King: He has a very big match this Sunday against MVP. He needs all the momentum he can get.

Anderson gets off Regal and heads towards the ring apron. He starts climbing until he reaches the top turnbuckle…

King: Anderson heading to the high risk district.

Regal has been able to recover and heads to the turnbuckle to meet Anderson. As Anderson steadies himself on the turnbuckle, Regal meets him with a forearm to the skull. This stumbles Anderson and forces him to lose his balance. Regal hits Anderson one more time with a fist before climbing the turnbuckle and meeting Anderson at the top…

Cole: This could be dangerous!

Both men are perched on the top turnbuckle, with Regal firmly in control. He grabs Anderson by the arm, before taking it and throwing it over his shoulder and bringing both men off the top with a top rope superplex. The ring shakes as both men hit the canvas…

King: What a superplex!

Both men lie on the mat and the referee begins counting both men out…







Regal starts crawling over to Anderson



Regal throws an arm on top of Anderson and the referee begins to count.



Anderson rolls a shoulder!

Cole: Anderson kicks out at the very last second!

Regal struggles to get to his feet after Anderson kicked out. The Englishmen does though, and stands tall with that grimace on his face. He turns his attention back to Anderson, who is barely pulling himself up as well. Anderson uses the ropes to get to his feet, but does not know that Regal is behind him, ready to strike. Regal wraps his arm around Anderson’s waist and lifts him over head, slamming Anderson with a German suplex. Regal bridges the suplex and covers Anderson…



3…NO! Anderson kicks out!

King: Anderson needs to get back on his game. I talked about momentum earlier in the match; he can’t afford to lose this match.

Regal slaps the match in frustration. He can’t believe Anderson kicked out. Regal looks over towards the timekeeper and has a look of evil intention on his face. Regal rolls under the bottom rope, and heads over to the timekeeper, and grabs the chair that he was sitting on. Regal takes the chair and heads back into the ring…

Cole: What the hell is Regal doing with the chair?

Anderson is getting to his feet as Regal enters the ring with the steel weapon. Anderson makes it all the way up, and as he turns around, Regal swings backwards with the chair…

King: This isn’t good for Ken Anderson.

In the middle of Regal’s backswing, the referee grabs the chair out of his hands…

King: Thank goodness.

The referee tells Justin Roberts to get rid of the weapon. As the two of them have a conversation, Regal goes into his trunks and pulls something out before placing it on his hand…

Cole: Look! Regal’s got the Knucks!

William Regal has placed his trademark Brass Knuckles onto his left hand, and as Anderson comes to, Regal swings, looking for the Power of The Punch…

King: Here it comes!

Anderson has it scouted though. As Regal looks to knock Anderson out, Anderson ducks under the punch, grabbing Regal’s arm, and placing it on his shoulder and quickly bringing Regal down to the mat with a swift Mic Check!!!

Cole: Mic Check! Out of nowhere!

As soon as Regal hits the mat, Anderson shoots the half and goes for the cover…




Roberts: Here is your winner; Mister Anderson!


King: What a match by that young man. Ken Anderson could very well be the next UWF Champion if things go his way.

Anderson gets to his feet and has his hand raised by the referee. Anderson motions for the UWF Championship at the hard camera before rolling out of the ring and celebrating with his assholes. Anderson heads up the ramp and to the back. The cameras stay focused on the ring though.

The arena is suddenly plunged into darkness, as the fans wonder what the hell is going on as the titantron lights up.

The Following Announcement is brought to you by Off the Chain News.

The fans stand in amazement and suddenly erupt as the familiar face lights up the titantron but it's some what different as it's showing a highlight reel of a wrestler lifting the National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion. With a deep voiced actor speaking over the top of the video.




Finally the package ends with Roode saying one single line.

Robert Roode: It's pays to be Roode...

The Hype Package comes to ends as the fans in the arena go absolutely ballastic for the news that Robert Roode will be debuting live this sunday on Pay-Per-View as UWF Raw goes commercial!



UWF Thursday Night Smackdown! I hear it's ok. It's no Raw though :p


Raw returns from a commercial, not to go to a match, but instead, the titantron once again lights up.


The Feed goes backstage where you see all three nWo members standing side by side looking forward, it seems Randy Orton is about to speak when Rhodes steps forward.*

Cody Rhodes:

Over the course of the past week I’ve been asked more than once why I’ve joined the nWo, well the easy answer is I didn’t. You see none of us joined a group to join a group, none of us are looking to be a three man tag team, we all have a specific goal in mind and when we saw others looking for the same we simply saw the potential in three people doing it rather than one. While Randy Orton was taking time off, while Christian was looking to get a contract around here, I was busy making a name for myself here and yet no matter how many people I put on the shelf, no matter how many supposed UWF World Championship contenders I defeated in this ring, I was kept out of the screen I wasn’t given time to speak I was pushed down. I’ve been carrying those anchors around for years and while I’ve been able to carry them towards becomine a three time world champion in three different companies, and as you can see now a United States champion the weight is still far too much for me to control by myself or should I say for me to overcome as quick as I would like. That is why these two will help me as I will them, and bring about a new order. One where the people who deserve being at the top, are at the top, one where Theodore Long only post up the cards but isn’t the one who calls the shots, one where Those better are recognized as such. A new world order for everyone in UWF, and with me at the helm…I mean us at the helm, there will be no one who could ever hope to stop us.

*Rhodes takes a step back allowing someone to take the floor after he took it forcefully. Randy Orton begins to speak as the fans begin a NWO chant*

My name is Randy Orton, and what my over zealous colleague here was trying to say is that the New World Order isn't just about guys teaming together to take out superstars. No. It's much more. It's making things right in this company, and on this brand. It's taking what we want, what we deserved, and what we've been denied by a biast General Manager. We are the driving force of not only this brand, but the life of this company in itself. The three men standing before you lead by myself...Is the next generation and the future of this business. In due time we will set this company right, we will set this company into a direction that is indeed ground breaking. We are the New World Order, we are taking over.

Orton takes a step back, followed by Christian slowly stepping forward, eyes on the ground.

Christian: I know that there'll be many of you, including the European Revolution tonight, who are considering taking down the New World Order, but I'd advise all of you not to bother. See the three of us are sick and tired of being overlooked, sick and tired of being mistreated, and sick and tired of not being given what we deserve. I can't speak for Randy or Cody, but I can speak for myself, and all I want is one... more... World Championship match, and after I beat Chris Jericho at Starrcade for a second time in two weeks, a man who competed for the Undisputed Championship at Backlash, I shouldn't need to prove myself any further. Teddy Long will give me what I want, he will give Randy and Cody what they want after they beat John Cena and Brock Lesnar, and he will not reward the ass kissers in the back who continue to lose matches. We won't stop until justice is achieved, and that's a fact that everybody is going to have to live with until power hungry cowards like Teddy Long are pushed out the door, either mutually... or by force.

The three men all throw up the NWO hand sign, standing united, before they walk to the camera's left and out of the shot. We're taken back to the announce table.

The lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first: From Miami, Florida Montel Vontavious Porter...M...V...P

MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP leans back on the ropes waiting for his opponent.

Roberts: And his opponent, from St.Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 246 pounds, he is "The Viper"; Randy Orton!!


The crowd explodes as Randy Orton passes through the curtains and onto the main stage. He's wearing his usual smirk, but donning some new ring gear. Across his chest is no longer his corporate t-shirts sold on websites or in the arenas, but a black one bearing just three letters, N..W..O. He makes his way down to ringside, as Batista looks on. The fans reach out for Orton but he continues up the steel steps and into the ring. He climbs a turnbuckle and poses as the fans cheer. He jumps down and waits for the match to start.

The bell rings and MVP and Orton meet in the center of the ring. MVP talks a little trash, telling Orton how much better than him he is. MVP keeps talking, and Orton does nothing but listen. After a while, MVP’s rant gets old to Orton and out of nowhere, Orton leaps in the air, grabbing MVP by the lead, looking for the RKO….

Cole: An RKO already?

MVP is ready for the move. He pushes Orton away and Orton bounces off the ropes, and MVP takes the backdoor and slides under the opposing ropes to the outside of the ring…

King: MVP doesn’t want to taste that RKO. He knows that it spells disaster.

MVP stays on the outside with a look of annoyance on his face. He knows how close he was to taking an RKO. MVP quickly rolls back in the ring under the bottom rope and Orton is right on him. Orton lays the boots to MVP before leaving his feet and dropping a knee across MVP’s spine. MVP grabs his back in pain as Orton drags him away from the ropes and goes for the first cover of the match…



MVP kicks out!

Orton stays right on MVP. Orton starts stomping away on MVP’s appendages. Orton starts with MVP’s left arm, then his left hand, then down to MVP’s midsection, before reaching the left lower side of MVP’s body. Orton then heads over to MVP’s right leg and starts stomping on his leg and now working his way up MVP’s body. Once Orton reaches MVP’s head, Orton simply drops an elbow across MVP’s throat, before going for another cover…


Cole: That was vintage Orton!


MVP kicks out!

Orton quickly gets off MVP before heading towards the ring apron and making his way to the top turnbuckle. Orton climbs to the top as he waits for MVP to get to his feet. MVP does, and when Orton’s ready, he leaps off the top rope, taking MVP down with a beautiful Crossbody….

King: What a move!

Orton goes for a cover after the move, but the momentum of the Crossbody allows MVP to roll through and cover Orton…



Orton kicks out!

Both men get to their feet at the same time and MVP almost takes Orton’s head off with a vicious clothesline. MVP quickly goes over to Orton and covers him…



Orton kicks out!

Cole: MVP was so close to beating Randy Orton right there.

MVP gets to his feet as Orton drags himself over the corner before picking himself up. MVP’s eyes light up…

King: I don’t know what MVP has planned here, but I bet it isn’t good!

Orton’s standing in the corner now, and MVP runs right at him, looking for the Drive By Kick! Orton sees it coming though and moves out of the way. MVP crashes chest first into the corner and this gives Orton the chance to go behind MVP and hit an inverted backbreaker. The move puts more pressure on MVP’s spine that Orton worked over previously and Randy goes for another cover…



MVP kicks out!

Cole: MVP was looking for pay dirt with the Drive By, but Orton was able to avoid it!

Orton sees that MVP has rolled over to the ring apron and is laying on his back. MVP rests momentarily on the apron, before trying to get back into the ring through the middle rope. As MVP tries to enter, Orton catches him with a boot to the face, which staggers MVP and gives Orton time to apply a rope-assisted front face lock…

King: Oh No! We all know what’s coming!

Orton’s got that look in his eye as he falls backwards, taking MVP down with a Hangman’s DDT. MVP’s head spikes off the mat and Orton goes for the cover…



MVP rolls a shoulder at the last minute!

Orton gets back to his feet, and everyone knows what time it is. Orton looks out into the sea of people, before spinning back towards MVP and falling to his knees. Orton begins pounding the mat, waiting for MVP to get to his feet…

Cole: The end may be near for MVP.

MVP starts pushing himself up, still feeling the effects of the DDT, but he does manage to get up, and when he does, Orton leaves his feet and grabs MVP by the skull, looking for the RKO…

King: Here it is!

But for the second time in the match, MVP has the move scouted! This time, while Orton is in mid-leap, MVP wraps his arms around Orton’s waist and back suplexes Orton to the mat. Randy grabs the back of his head as soon as he hits the canvas an MVP goes for another cover…



Orton kicks out!

Cole: That’s twice now that MVP has been able to counter the RKO!

Orton rolls towards the near ropes. This is perfect for MVP, as his opponent is now in position. MVP outstretches both arms before smiling at the hard camera and running off the far ropes; he comes back before doing a two-step and delivering the Ballin’ elbow drop onto the chest of Randy Orton.

King: Ballin’!!

Cole: Don’t ever say that again!

After MVP hits the elbow, he then proceeds to cover Orton…



Orton rolls a shoulder!

MVP gets off Orton before quickly throwing a fist to the Viper’s face. MVP then proceeds to lift Orton off the mat by the head, resting him on the ropes. MVP then grabs Orton’s arm and tosses him to the opposing ropes, but Orton manages to counter and he whips MVP instead. MVP bounces off the ropes and comes back at Orton, who lowers his head. MVP sees this put the brakes on before putting his knee on the back on Orton’s neck and grabbing his arm, before swinging backwards, hitting the Playmaker…

Cole: Playmaker!! It’s Over!!

After MVP hits his former finishing move, he rushes to the cover…



3…NO!!! Randy kicks out!

King: No!!…it’s not! Randy kicks out again!!

MVP can’t believe it. He looks at the referee, holding three fingers up, begging that it was a three count. The referee in return only holds up two fingers, signaling that Orton kicked out. MVP shakes his head, before getting back to his feet. He signals that the end is near. He begins jumping in place, pumping himself up. MVP is ready to finish Orton off. Randy pulls himself up with the help of the ropes, and MVP comes right at him, charging, before leaping in the air, grabbing Orton’s head, looking for the Jumping STO finisher known as The Play of The Day…

Cole: Play of The Day! If MVP hits this, it’s over for sure!!

As MVP attempts the Play of The Day, Randy Orton wraps his arm around the top rope, stopping MVP from taking him to the canvas. MVP instead leaps and simply falls to the canvas. This is the opening that Orton needed. MVP recovers fast enough, but as soon as he gets up, Orton meets him with a short arm clothesline. MVP hits the mat, but gets back up, only to eat another clothesline. MVP gets up one more time, this time wildly swinging at Orton, only for the Viper to duck and MVP’s own momentum sends him into the ropes where he bounces off and Orton catches him with a Powerslam…

Cole: Scoop Slam!!

King: It’s a powerslam you idiot!!

Orton’s feeling it now. He’s hearing those voices in his head. He once again spins round and falls to his knees, pounding the mat in the process. Orton is literally begging MVP to get up. Montel does start to stagger, and pull himself up, with his back to Orton. The Viper is ready to strike when….

Cole: What is that??!!

King: It Can’t Be!!!

The music of Smackdown Superstar John Cena starts playing and it immediately catches Orton’s attention. Orton looks back towards the entrance ramp, waiting for Cena to show himself. Orton’s ready for Starrcade to come early, he’s not backing down.

Cole: Where’s Cena?

King: I think with the state that Orton is in, it may be best that Cena waits until Sunday.

The music keeps playing but Cena is nowhere to be seen. Eventually, the music begins to fade out. Orton has a smile on his face, because he knows Cena is smart enough to not show up on his show after Orton gave him a concussion. Orton turns his attention back to MVP, but as soon as Orton turns around, MVP meets him by leaping in the air and slamming his head on the mat!!

Cole: Play of The Day!! MVP hit it this time!!

Orton’s skull crashes on the canvas as MVP quickly turns Orton over and goes for the cover…




Roberts: Here is your winner; Montel Vontavious Porter; M.V.P!!


Cole: John Cena just cost Randy Orton this match!!

King: Calm down Cole. For all we know, Cena had nothing to do with that. It was probably a technical error.

MVP has his hand raised by the referee as “I’m Comin’†starts playing. MVP is exhausted, and deservedly so. MVP says he’s going to be Champ real soon as he exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp; finally securing his first win.

Cole: So earlier tonight, Mister Anderson was victorious, and now MVP is victorious. Which one of these two men will be the Number One Contender after Sunday?

As MVP walks up the apron, who should walk out from behind the curtain but Mister Anderson. Anderson throws his arm in the air and his trademark mic falls from the rafters. Anderson starts speaking to MVP.


Mister Anderson: This Sunday, when I whip your ass all over Baltimore, you're going to find out just how big of an asshole I really am. And when it's all said and done, all the dust has settled, all the smoke has cleared, there will only be one Number One Contender. And his name is Mister ANDERSON!!!!....

Anderson holds the mic up and lets his fellow assholes throw their two cents in.

Anderson: ANDERSON!!!

Anderson throws his mic up and "Feedback" starts playing again as MVP and Anderson stare each other down. This is where Raw heads to another commercial.



Starrcade! This Sunday!


Raw comes back with Todd Grisham and he begins to speak

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, with me at this time... the self proclaimed saviour of the UWF Chris Jericho

fans cheer as Jericho is shown

Todd Grisham: So Chris... why are you calling yourself a saviour all of a sudden?


Chris Jericho: You know what Todd that is funny, why am I calling myself a saviour all of a sudden. You see Todd I did not give myself this name to boost my already huge ego. I did not me this name to make myself bigger than I already am, I am still the sexy beast, the ayatollah of rockin rollah, and many other names it is just I realized why I am here in the UWF, and what I need to accomplish. You see Todd there is all these groups that are not only looking to affect my career, but affect the career of many others here in the UWF, so what I am looking to do here is to save the whole UWF from scums like the N.W.O and looking to make sure that everyone gets a fair shot at the UWF world title.


Chris Jericho: It just seems like no one will be able to sleep, or stay awake with the NWO running around so my goal is to get rid of the NWO one by one, I want to make sure they do not cause any more havoc. I do not care if they are on Smackdown or Raw. I am looking to save the UWF, and you know this brings a good opportunity because at Starrcade I finally get my rematch with Christian. You know last Monday night on Raw Christian, I had him on the ropes, he was sleeping, I could have won and got back on track. Than Randy Orton came out and ruined it all. Randy Orton, Christian, and Rhodes. No matter who they are, no matter what they do. They will be pulling this bullshit to every single other superstar...and I can not sit by and watch this continue to happen. Time after time again. So Todd this is why I am the saviour of the UWF. I am looking to make sure all is right in this damn company.


Chris Jericho: Todd I have been in the locker room back in the day with the original NWO. With Hogan, Hall, and Nash. It was corrupt they were controlling every single motion anyone made. Back then I was young and only worried about myself. I did not care about anyone else or there damn careers, but by doing so I was hurting myself. I had no bonds nor ties with anyone and I eventually snapped. I left WCW, and you saw where my career went on from there. I could easily say no screw the NWO. Focus on just me, and going for that UWF world title, but I decided no... with the NWO lurking about who knows what they can be doing. Corrupting the damn GM, telling them to give em what they want, I will not allow it. So this Sunday Todd watch closely, because Christian he will know what it feels like. He will know what I mean by getting rid of all the NWO. It will be done, and I will make sure the corrupt idea and policy will end. Thank you for your time Todd, but there is a certain Rated R Superstar I got to take care of.

Jericho leaves and Todd looks surprised by Jericho's answer. We soon head ringside just in time for Jericho's match.

Roberts: The following match is schuedled for one fall. Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 236 pounds, the "Rated R Superstar";' Edge!

"You Think You Know Me...."


"Metangilus" by Alterbridge starts to play and the stage fills up with grey smoke. A figure can soon be seen in that grey smoke, it belongs to the "Rated R Superstar"; Edge. Edge makes his way down the ramp to a chorus of boos. He stops about halfway down, before throwing up the horns and setting the pyro off. Edge then starts running towards the ring, before sliding in under the bottom rope and climbing the turnbuckle, throwing up the horns one more time. He then waits for the arrival of his opponent.

Roberts: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds; "Y2J" Chris Jericho!



the Walls


Jericho does his old trademark pose. He spins around to the delight of the fans. Y2J makes his way down the ramp, slapping a few hands along the way. He soon heads to the steel steps before posing on the ring apron and entering the ring, ready for the match to start.

The bell rings and Jericho and Edge lock up. Edge grabs Jericho by the arm and performs a go behind, in which Jericho counters by elbowing Edge right in the face. The forces Edge to let go of Jericho’s arm and Chris tries to run towards the near ropes, but Edge grabs Jericho by the hair and slams him to the mat…

Cole: That’s why they call him the Ultimate Opportunist!

Edge sees that Jericho is down and runs of the near ropes before dropping a leg drop across Jericho’s throat. Edge quickly acts and covers Jericho…



Jericho kicks out!

Edge quickly gets off Jericho before dropping another leg across Jericho’s throat. Edge then heads over to the ring apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Edge reaches the pinnacle just as Jericho pulls himself to his feet. Jericho doesn’t see Edge anywhere around, so he turns around and looks up, just in time to see Edge coming off the top rope and hitting Jericho square in the chest with a Missile Dropkick. Jericho goes back down to the mat and Edge goes for another cover…



Jericho rolls a shoulder!

King: Edge has not been himself over the past few weeks, but he seems to have corrected whatever the problem was.

Edge gets off of Jericho quickly before lifting him to his feet by his neck. Edge kicks Jericho in the stomach, before applying a front face lock…

Cole: We’ve seen Edge use this Edgecution DDT throughout his career. Is that what he’s going for?

Edge tries to lift Jericho for the Impaler DDT, but Jericho blocks it. Edge tries again, but Jericho is able to wrap his arms around Edge’s waist and bring Edge over head with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex. The referee goes and counts Edge’s shoulders down…



Edge kicks out!

Both men manage to get to their feet at the same time with Edge looking to regain the advantage with a clothesline. Jericho ducks under and Edge turns around looking to stay on the offensive, but Jericho strikes out of nowhere with a standing enziguiri. Edge goes down and Jericho goes for another cover…



Edge rolls a shoulder!

Jericho gets back to his feet, but Edge is still shaken. Jericho notices this, and realizes that Edge is in perfect position. Edge runs at the far ropes before springboarding off them and moonsaulting….

King: Lionsault!!

Jericho looks for the Lionsault, but Edge manages to get his feet up, driving them into the ribs of Y2J.

Cole: I think Edge was playing possum there!

Edge gets to his feet with a smile on his face. He knows he outsmarted Jericho. Edge goes over to Jericho, who is rolling around the ring in pain and grabs him by the head before applying a front face lock and slamming Jericho face first into the mat with an Impaler DDT!

King: Edgecution!

Jericho’s skull bounces off the canvas as Edge goes for a cover…



Jericho kicks out!

After Jericho kicks out, Edge heads over to the nearest corner. He gets in the three point stance that he’s become so known for…

Cole: The end may be near for Chris Jericho.

Edge starts pulling at his hair, ready to Spear Chris Jericho out of his boots. Jericho starts pulling himself up, a little groggy from that DDT. Jericho is able to regain his composure though and turns around, just in time to see Edge running at him looking for the Spear…

King: Spear! Spear! Spear!

As Edge’s head is down for the Spear, Jericho is able to counter by leaping the air and driving both of his knees into Edge’s face…

Cole: Codebreaker! What a counter!!

Jericho hits the Codebreaker and Edge goes down. Jericho quickly rolls to the cover and goes for the win…



3…NO! Edge kicks out!!

King: Edge just kicked out of the Codebreaker!!

Jericho can’t believe it, so he covers Edge again…



Edge rolls a shoulder!

Jericho is astounded. He grabs Edge by the arms before dragging him to the center of the ring. He makes sure Edge is in perfect position before once again running towards the ropes and moonsaulting off…

Cole: Jericho looking for the Lionsault again!

Edge is able to catch Chris Jericho’s leg as Jericho goes for the Lionsault. This causes Jericho to lose his balance as Edge gets to his feet. With Edge in full control, he separates Jericho’s legs before stepping through and applying the reverse Sharpshooter known as the Edgecator…

King: Edgecator!! Will Jericho submit?

Edge fully applies the submission and you can hear Jericho grunting in pain. He screams as he tries to crawl to the bottom rope. Edge takes a page out of Jericho’s book, and screams for the referee to “Ask Himâ€. The referee complies, but Jericho refuses to submit…

Cole: Jericho may have to submit. He can’t afford an injury with Starrcade just days away.

Jericho starts crawling towards the bottom rope, looking for any sort of reprieve from this submission. He inches towards the bottom rope before diving out and grabbing onto it. This causes the referee to demand Edge break the submission. Edge doesn’t adhere, so the referee must begin counting him…





Edge breaks the hold right before five!

Jericho is in obvious pain, but Edge looks to keep it coming. He heads to the ring apron and waits for Jericho to get to his feet. Jericho pulls himself up, but is unable to put weight on his left leg now. That doesn’t bother Edge whatsoever, as he leaps from the ring apron back into the ring, looking for a sunset flip…

Cole: Beautiful move by Edge!

Unfortunately for Edge, the momentum of the move is a little too much and Jericho is able to roll through, grabbing Edge by the legs as the Rated R Superstar lies on his back. Jericho does everything in his power to turn over on his stomach…

King: Y2J looking for the Walls of Jericho!

Jericho continues to struggle to turn Edge over. The Rated R Superstar fights it with everything in his power to not end up on his stomach. Edge continues to fight, but Jericho seems to be too strong and eventually gets him over, fully applying the Walls of Jericho...

Cole: The Walls! Jericho’s got him!

Edge cries out in pain as Jericho has the Walls locked in tight. Edge tries to decide which set of ropes is closest to him, so that he can break the hold. He decides to head north due to it being close. Edge crawls and makes his way towards the ropes, even placing his fingertips on it before Jericho drags him back towards the center of the ring…

King: That’s got to be it! Edge is going to have to tap!

Edge screams in pain as Jericho applies as much pressure as he can. Edge starts crawling back towards the ropes, hoping to break the hold once more. You can hear Jericho scream “Ask Him†over and over again. The referee checks to see if Edge wants to quit. Edge shakes his head “no†and keeps crawling to the ropes. The rabid fans chant “Y2J, Y2J†trying to will their savior to victory. Jericho fills Edge getting closer and closer to the ropes, and in an act of desperation; Edge reaches out and gets a firm grip on the bottom one. This forces Jericho to break the hold, but not without adding a few more seconds of pain…





Jericho breaks the hold at the very last second!

Jericho says it’s over. He waits patiently for Edge to get to his feet. Y2J stalks his opponent, as Edge slowly pulls himself up, being very cautious due to all the pain his back is in. Edge makes it to a vertical base and Jericho quickly spins him around, before leaping in the air and trying to drive both knees into Edge’s face for another Codebreaker…

King: Codebreaker!

Edge is able to counter though. He wraps his arms around Jericho’s waist and takes full control of his face, before swinging him and bringing Jericho face first onto the top rope. This stumbles Jericho and gives Edge the opportunity to run off the ropes and come back at Jericho, looking for a Spear, only to have Jericho catch him again with the Codebreaker!!!

Edge goes down and Jericho goes for the cover…




Roberts: Here is your winner; Y2J Chris Jericho!!


Jericho’s theme music starts playing again and the referee raises his hand. The crowd cheers for their savior as he rolls under the bottom rope and leaves the ring. He’s ready for Christian this Sunday and looks back at Edge before heading behind the curtain and leaving everyone’s sight.

Cole: If Jericho can bring that momentum to Starrcade, he will complete his goal of taking out the first member of the New World Order!

Raw heads to commercial as soon as Jericho leaves sight.



Last week it was Evolution of A Predator. This week, it's Breaking The Code


Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back. You're just in time for our Main Event of the evening.

Roberts: The following match is a tag team contest, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Marietta, Georgia, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is the New UWF United States Champion; Cody Rhodes!

Whoa Oh


The nWo version of Cody Rhodes titantron hits the arena, and the crowd boos immediately following the ever distinct intro. As the lights in the arena flash on and off, Cody Rhodes emerges on stage standing on the stage he looks down on the ground looking at the brand new United States Championship wrapped around his waist. Rhodes soon enters the ring, where he waits for his opponent.

Roberts: And his tag team partner, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 220 pounds; Christian!


The version of "Just Close Your Eyes" by Waterproof Blondes can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signalling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Although many UWF fans are gearing themselves to sing along with the theme music - not due to their enjoyment of the arriving Christian, rather due to the fact they just enjoy the song - their hatred for Christian grows when it cuts to the New World Order's theme just five seconds in. About ten seconds after the commencement of the NWO theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience. Christian only momentarily stands on the stage before choosing to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


Fans can be seen hurling abuse at the charismatic man, but Christian doesn't acknowledge the jeers whatsoever, as he is focused on his objective. Christian reaches the bottom of the ramp, rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps, before approaching the ring ropes. Christian walks along the ring apron, wipes his feet and enters the ring, where he waits for his opponent.

Roberts: And their opponent, first From Lucerne Switzerland, weighing 108 Kilo he is the European Champion, Mr. Antonio…Cesaro

Suddenly a familiar song fills the arena with immediate disdain.



'Amerika' by Rammstien hits the PA system. Before long Antonio Cesaro steps out onto the entrance stage from behind the curtain and has the sourest of expressions plastered all over his face. Seemingly infuriated, Cesaro wastes no time walking down to the ring. He walks up the ring steps and along the outside of the ring apron and does his signature pose before turning towards the ring.




The crowd let out a sigh of disappointment, barring a selection of fans that have taking a liking to the former Undisputed champion, as Wade Barrett walks out from the back and smirks at the UWF Universe at the top of the ramp, before forcing the jacket off his back and punching the air. a confident smirk fills his face as he makes his way down to the ring ready for to try and get a shot at his former championship

Roberts: And his tag team partner, From Manchester, England. Weighing in at 250 pounds, Wade Barrett.


Wades enters the ring via the steps on the far side. He waits inside the ring for his entrance theme to be cut and then he waits a further few moments more, affirming his importance, before lifting his hands up with a finger pointing up from each hand.

The bell rings and Christian decides to start off against Wade Barrett. The two lock up and Barrett uses his superior strength to simply shove Christian down to the mat. Christian gets to a knee before trying to lock up with Barrett again, and Barrett again shoves Christian on his ass. Christian gets to his feet a third time and tells Barrett to lock up once more, only this time, Christian goes low with a kick to the abdomen before hitting Barrett with a Snap DDT. Barrett’s skull hits the mat and Christian goes for the first cover of the match…



Barrett kicks out!

Christian wastes little time. He quickly gets off of Barrett before lifting him to his feet by his head and throwing him into the corner where his partner; Cody Rhodes resides. Christian tags in Rhodes, and both men remain in the ring, laying the boots to the chest and sternum of the Number One Contender. The boots force Barrett into a seated position in the corner, where he rests as the referee forces Christian to leave the ring. Rhodes eyes Barrett before taking a step back, creating distance between the two before he charges back in and kicks Barrett square in the face…

Cole: God! That’s how Rhodes took Lesnar out!

Barrett’s body goes limp as Rhodes drags him out the corner before pinning him, hooking both legs…



Barrett kicks out!

King: That was a sickening kick by Cody Rhodes. I’m surprised Barrett doesn’t have a concussion!

Rhodes drags Barrett to the nearest turnbuckle before he himself hops from the mat to the middle turnbuckle. Rhodes poses before jumping off, but as he is in mid-flight, Wade Barrett is able to get a foot up and drive it right into Rhodes’ face…

King: Mask or not, that looked like it hurt!

Both Barrett and Rhodes are down in the ring. The referee begins counting both men out…







Barrett inches closer towards Cesaro



Rhodes inches towards Christian


Both men extend their arms and dive, tagging in their respective partners.

Both Antonio Cesaro and Christian enter the ring at the same time. Cesaro looks to attack first, going for a clothesline, only to have Christian duck under it and grab Cesaro by the neck, bringing him down to the canvas with a reverse neckbreaker. Christian then heads to the corner, where he climbs to the second turnbuckle and waits for Cesaro to get up. Once the European Champion does, Christian leaps off the turnbuckle and hits him with a reverse back elbow. Cesaro goes down and Christian goes for the cover…



Out of nowhere, Barrett enters the frame, breaking up the pin.

This brings Cody Rhodes into the fray, and he takes out Barrett with a beautiful standing dropkick. Barrett falls to the mat and rolls under the bottom rope to the outside, and now both members of New World Order turn their attention to Antonio Cesaro. Christian grabs Cesaro off the mat and throws him into the nearest corner. From there, Cody Rhodes charges in and connects with an Avalanche Splash that drives all the air out of Cesaro’s lungs. There is no rest for Cesaro though, because as soon as Rhodes hits the splash, he also grabs Cesaro by the back of the head and takes him down with a snapmare. Cesaro lays in a seated position I the center of the ring, when Christian adds insult to injury by hitting him with a low dropkick to the face…

Cole: Rhodes and Christian have worked better together than I originally thought they would!

After the dropkick, Christian goes for a cover on Cesaro as Rhodes leaves the ring…



Cesaro kicks out!

Christian quickly lifts Cesaro off the mat before placing him on the nearest set of ropes. Christian then whips Cesaro of said ropes to the opposing ones, but what he does not see is that Barrett tagged himself in as Cesaro was hitting the ropes. Christian takes Cesaro down with a huge back body drop, but is unaware that Barrett is now legal. Barrett quickly enters the ring and as soon as Christian realizes this, Barrett hits him with a big boot. Christian goes down to the mat and Barrett quickly covers him…



Christian kicks out

Barrett lifts Christian off the mat, before placing both his arms around Christian’s waist and lifting him up and slamming him on the canvas with a sidewalk slam. Barrett hooks the leg and goes for another cover…



Christian kicks out again!

Barrett quickly gets up before heading to his corner and tagging in Cesaro. Both men soon turn their attention back to Christian, who Barrett lifts off the canvas before tossing towards the ropes. Both Europeans look to clothesline Christian as he comes back, but Christian manages to duck under. He keeps running, bouncing off the ropes he was originally thrown off of before taking both members of The Revolution down with a dual Crossbody…

Cole: Christian is on fire!

All three men are down in the center of the ring. The referee has no choice but to start counting again…







Christian starts crawling towards Cody Rhodes



Cesaro grabs hold on one of Christian’s legs, stopping his momentum. Christian manages to get to his free foot and staggers, trying to get to his corner. He realizes that this isn’t going to work, so he turns his attention back to Cesaro, before quickly hitting him with an enziguiri. Cesaro goes down and Christian is able to make the tag to Rhodes.

Cole: And here comes the new United States Champion!

Rhodes comes in the ring just as Barrett is getting up. Rhodes hits him with a quick clothesline, before turning his attention to Cesaro who is recovering from the enziguiri and hits him with a clothesline too. Barrett is trying to use the ring ropes to get to his feet, and Rhodes sees this. Rhodes lifts Barrett’s legs off the mat, and Wade has to use the ropes to keep himself safe. Rhodes then kicks Barrett a little low, but the referee couldn’t call exactly where it was…

King: Homage to Hardcore Holly there!

Rhodes stands tall, before tagging in Christian. Christian enters the ring, and sees Antonio Cesaro about to attack Rhodes, so Christian quickly enters the ring and intercepts Cesaro with a Spear…

Cole: Spear!!

Rhodes sees Christian take Cesaro down, and he decides that he’s going to take care of Barrett. Wade is starting to pull himself up, and Rhodes runs at the ropes, before springboarding off, looking for the Disaster Kick…

King: Disaster Kick!!

As Rhodes comes in looking for the kick, Barrett is able to catch him in midair, spinning and slamming him on the mat with a Winds of Change Side Slam…

Cole: And now Barrett with the Winds of Change!!

Barrett stands tall momentarily until out of nowhere, Christian underhooks both of Barrett’s arms from behind, before spinning around and slamming Barrett’s head onto the mat with The Killswitch! Christian turns Barrett over before going to the cover…


Cole: Will it be?



Roberts: Here are your winners; Christian and the United States Champion Cody Rhodes; The New World Order!!


King: And the New World Order just displayed their dominance. They plan on taking over the entire company. Who can stop them?

Raw then heads to a commercial as all four men head to the back.



WWE Championship Triple Threat Match! This Sunday!


As Raw returns from commercial, the camera pans back to the arena, getting a shot of the ring that is set up for the contract signing. Teddy Long is standing at the head of the table, that has a black tablecloth draped over it and a chair on each side, as well as the contract itself with two microphones, one for both Austin and Barrett. The camera begins to shoot Teddy from closer range.


Theodore Long: Ladies and gentlemen, in five days, UWF will hold its next pay-per-view event, Starrcade. At that event, the situation with the Undisputed Championship will come full circle as Wade Barrett gets his rightful rematch, even though the man currently holding the title, Stone Cold Steve Austin, isn't the man that won it from him. Either way, that's on Sunday, tonight we make things official, playas!

Despite the fact that both Barrett and Austin are passionately despised heels, the crowd erupts with a positive reaction to what Teddy Long has just made reference to.

Theodore Long: Making his way to the ring first, the challenger and former Undisputed Champion, Wade...Barrett!

Teddy motions to the stage with an outstretched arm and pointing finger as the music of the man he introduced begins to play over the PA system.



The packed out Starrcade crowd let out a sigh of disappointment, barring a selection of fans that have taking a liking to the former Undisputed champion, as Wade Barrett walks out from the back and smirks at the UWF Universe at the top of the ramp, before forcing the jacket off his back and punching the air. As one of the biggest tests in his career approaches, a confident smirk fills his face as he makes his way down to the ring.


Wades walks around the ring to get a microphone and then enters the ring via the steps on the far side. He waits inside the ring for his entrance theme to be cut and then he waits a further few moments more, affirming his importance, before lifting his arms up in the air once more, forcing more boos from the paying customers. He moves the microphone up to his voices proximity and lets the UWF know exactly what he's thinking.

Wade Barrett: Teddy, what exactly were you thinking when you arranged this contract signing? You have the volatile mix of the Barrett Barrage and Austin 3:16 occupying the same ring, do you actually think this will be able to go off without a hitch? Me, I'm a businessman, and I have no problem signing the contract and waiting until Starrcade to get physical. Austin, however, is your typical redneck, it doesn't take much to piss him off and, because he has no regard for consequences, will wreak havoc just because he can. This is insulting enough to me as it is, because it is nothing more than formality. Everyone knows that at Starrcade, I'm going to take back the Undisputed title and return civilization and class to this brand, I don't need to sign a piece of paper to prove that. But I'm not the General Manager, Teddy, you are, and you have set aside time for this arrangement and drawn up the paperwork, so I'll sign it.

Wade walks over to the farthest side of the table and sits down in his chair. He grabs the ink pen and flips some pages up, clicking the bottom of the pen as he looks down at the contract. As Barrett goes to sign his name, Teddy stops him.

Theodore Long: Hold on there, Wade. Before you sign that contract, we've got to bring Steve out here, because it can't be an official contract signing unless both men are present. So ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the UWF Undisputed Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin!


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow. Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin walks over to the opposite ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone, and is granted one. Austin turns and walks towards the middle of the ring as his music cuts off, making the reaction of the crowd more audible. Stone Cold looks at Barrett as he sits down in his own chair and grabs the microphone off the table.

Stone Cold: You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, son, you'll damage the value of yer word that way. 'Course, with you talkin' out of both sides of your mouth and straight out of your ass all at the same time ninety-nine percent of the time, your word isn't that valuable anyway. The In Dubya Oh must've knocked yer English ass silly if you honestly think that at Starrcade, you're walking away with my title. We do agree on one thing though, and that's the sheer pointlessness of havin' this contract signing.

Austin turns his attention to Teddy/

Stone Cold: Maybe if you spent more time with yer talent and less time watchin' the Nielsen ratings, you wouldn't need to resort ta' gimmicks like this contract signing, me and Wade could just talk trash and never pick the pen up once. Instead, you want us ta' do more of what we've been doin', talk. I have nothing to say ta' Wade Barrett except the point I'm getting across, that I'm going to whip his ass. So let's sign this stupid thing and get things movin'.

Barrett signs the contract and slides it across the table to Austin, handing off the pen as well. Stone Cold flips the papers up and grabs the pen, clicking it open as he signs his name on the dotted line. Austin and Wade stand up as Teddy takes the contract in his hands.

Long: Now it's official playas. This Sunday, Stone Cold Steve Austin will defend the UWF Championship aganist Wade Barrett. Now playas, there ain't gonna be any violence tonight. What I want 'ya to do is shake hands and do 'ya seperate way.

Both Barrett and Austin look at Long like he's crazy. Barrett then flips the table over and gets right in Austin's face.​

Barrett: Listen to me Austin. This Sunday, I will take back what is mine. And after I do, I will get rid of that ridicoulous Championship that you've brought back. It, like you is nothing but a disgrace. And I will save UWF by relinquishing you of that title. God Save The Queen...

With that, Austin kicks Barrett in the gut, looking for The Stunner. Barrett pushes Austin in the back as he reaches for his head and Austin bounces off the far ropes. As Austin comes back, Barrett lifts him off the mat and hits the Winds of Change side slam. Barrett then goes to pick up the table he just flipped over. He sets it up, before turning his attention back to Austin. Austin is still struggling to recover, and Barrett lifts him off the mat and places him on his shoulders. Barrett walks over to the table before screaming and bringing Austin down through the table with Wasteland. Austin's body crashes through the wood and Barrett stands tall. Barrett then turns around, and spots Austin's title. He picks it up and holds it high. This is the last thing we see before Raw goes off the air.


Promos: Respective TTers
Contract Signing: Chris Dresdon/Cwalker
Everything Else: Cwalker​


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

Bit of bad timing maybe but I literally just finished a contract signing. I appreciate you had nothing to work with man, but with the time of the other shows going up i thought it'd be okay finishing it this morning. I apologize for not being around though, I coulda made things easier, just my life got a bit hectic on the weekend. It's a good contract signing though all the same bro.

Onto the show, and the nWo is looking to become mighty dominant. Congrats to Albo knocking Orton off though, his MVP is going from strength to strength. MVP and Anderson is going to be awesome.

Hope everyone works hard on TT'ing for Starrcade now, it has potential to be a great great PPV. Gunna start working on a TT soon.


Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

Shows like these are what solidified my decision to return to fedz.. really good show Cwalker. Really like what you and your crew have done with the UWF.

I just got here, so I'm not very up to date on current storylines, but this nWo thing seems pretty legit. Rey and AK in the same faction, don't think I've seen that before in the many years we've all been efedding, so that's pretty cool. Also diggin' the main event scene, Dresden's always played an amazing Austin and from what I've read, Lewb's Barrett isn't very far off.

Great show red team, glad to be back.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

Shows like these are what solidified my decision to return to fedz.. really good show Cwalker. Really like what you and your crew have done with the UWF.

I just got here, so I'm not very up to date on current storylines, but this nWo thing seems pretty legit. Rey and AK in the same faction, don't think I've seen that before in the many years we've all been efedding, so that's pretty cool. Also diggin' the main event scene, Dresden's always played an amazing Austin and from what I've read, Lewb's Barrett isn't very far off.

Great show red team, glad to be back.
Glad too see you back on board.

Great show as usual Cwalker, and a good read.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

Good read. Cwalker did an awesome job as always. I enjoyed reading every bit of it, especially the MVP/Orton match.

I'll be back in a week or two so I'm finally going to be able to have some great TTing.

Ellis, albo...say hello to Austin Aries. *evil laughter*


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

Very enjoyable show as usual. Very unfortunate that the whole United States title situation was ruined a week or so ago, but good to see it's sorted out now. Congrats to RIR on becoming champion, even if it's by default. Still thought he would've pulled it off at Starrcade anyway.

Happy to have won my match, especially against Lewb and Sam, who are a tough combination. Still, a 3-0 styart for Christian, looking to make it 4-0 at Starrcade.

Awesome to hear that Dom is back e-fedding. Welcome back mate!


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

*cough* screw job *cough*

Just kidding :D congrats albo.

Great show from everyone, we are on our way to Starrcade -WOOT-


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th 2012 *Card*

OH, BEN, PLEASE drop. I SO want to answer! lol!


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

Raw under this new management will never fail to amaze me. Can't wait to join the Raw family now.


Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw June 12th Edition

The Dresden Dose is coming! When I get home from work tonight I will finish it up. Amazing show!
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