UWF 2012: Past NXT Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT Very First Edition!: 9/3/12

Thought this was a great debut edition of NXT, featuring some very well written matches and also alot of promos. Great job guys, looking forward to seeing next weeks!

The only thing I have a grievance over is the name of the World Championship. We now have two World Heavyweight Championships...


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Monday Night NXT Very First Edition!: 9/3/12

I was thinking the same is Ani reading through it. Maybe a different title name would be more beneficial. Especially when Bully Ray comes to hold the gold.

As for the show, great debut guys! Promo heavy as we were expecting with people picking up second char priv's after the card, but the matches duly delivered. Congrats to SBS, you now have a target on your back and believe me.... Bully Never Misses! Jerkoff!


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: NXT 9/10/12 PREVIEW! Sitting down with the Champ!

I Smell something..... AWESOME!

I might have gone with that. But what the hell, everyone's looking at the scramble! Bully Ray is poised boys, better take note! Gunna be starting a trash talk for this in a bit.


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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT Very First Edition!: 9/3/12

well I sure felt rusty writing again, mainly because I'm always writing so even though it was only a couple months or so since I've written that felt like a Long time. Glad people are liking the JBL dynamic, as it is the reason why I always thought JBL as gm would work. Can't wait to see where we take this thing.

oh and as far as the title

UWF Championship
UWF World heavyweight Championship
NXT World Heavyweight Championship

if it really is a problem the simple solution would be the one we used in UCW

UWF Champion
UWF World Heavyweight Championship
NXT World Championship

but that's just my say
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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT Very First Edition!: 9/3/12

Could always just go with "NXT Championship" so it's brand specific, just like what was done in UCW with ECW and WCW. That seemed to work, but I think flexibility is key as the changing of brands just left us with like 5-6 World Championships in total instead of like 3-4. Example of flexibility is what was done in ETW - Heat was the 3rd brand and it had the ETW Global Championship, so if that brand collapsed and a new brand was created then the Global Championship could just be revived. Can't do that if it's brand specific, meaning you get the UCW situation again.

Anyway, forgot to congratulate SBS on becoming champion, so yeah, congrats haha. Liking the introduction of a 2nd tier championship already in the form of the Extreme Championship. Also like the "nXtreme" nickname.


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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT Very First Edition!: 9/3/12

Just now getting around to reading this and I must say this was brilliantly done.
Orton/Miz and Orton/Roode were phenomanal. You had to pull for the viper with concussion and a broken arm and to come out on top was a great finish. Congratulations Mike.

I know from this point on, you guys are gonna do a great job.


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Re: NXT 9/10/12 PREVIEW! Sitting down with the Champ!

Will have my TT in tomorrow sometime.


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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT Very First Edition!: 9/3/12

This was hands-down an amazing show guys.

I am not going to lie...I don't like the idea of the first ever NXT Champion being crowned without letting people know that this was a tournament.

Matches were just phenomenal. I found at motivating that when I come and TT, I get rewarded like this.
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Re: NXT 9/10/12 PREVIEW! Sitting down with the Champ!

I thought that these shows would be a little shorter but I ain't complaining. Actually I'm happy.

This will be my fist multi-men match in a long time and I really look forward to this. I smell trouble :p

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT Very First Edition!: 9/3/12

Not going to lie, it's a bit disheartening to lose my NXT debut, especially since I'm taking Sting in a new direction and the matches ended up having championship implications, but the show goes on. Congratulations to SBS on becoming the top dog on Monday nights. On an interesting note, now two-thirds of the top tier are head writers.

Chris Dresdon

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Re: NXT 9/10/12 PREVIEW! Sitting down with the Champ!

Aww yeah, the return of the Championship Scramble and the introduction of a second title on NXT, that's going to be a lot of fun when I find time to join the party, which I promise will be soon. Hoov and Andrew square off again, Captain goes toe-to-toe against EoR, and Itch has his first match back against awesome_miz, and the cherry on top is SBS' first interview as champion. Sounds like an appetizing show, folks.


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UWF Monday Night NXT 9/10/12




The crowd go wild for the launch of the yellow brand of UWF. NXT. Pyro blasts out from the stage in every direction imaginable, lighting up the stage in a sea of yellow. As the pyro dies down the camera does a pan of the arena to show all of the excited fans in Denver, Colorado's Pepsi Center. The theme music of NXT continues to play until the camera centres on our commentary team of Joey Styles and Tazz.


Darkness falls over the arena, inspiring the fans in attendance to respond with a mixed reaction, as among them are people that are still fans of Sting, but there are also people that feel betrayed by the former "Icon". After a moment of being able to see nothing and only hear the sound of the crowd's reaction, suddenly a familiar voice, the voice that recited the former poem, begins to speak over the PA system​

The age of the old vision, has passed away.
The birth of a new way, has occurred.
This. Is. Sting.

Following the reciting of the new, much shorter poem there is silence, when a new theme begins to play.

The song is "No Reflection" by Marilyn Manson as the lights come up and the crowd comes alive with the same reaction they had earlier, but more energetic and more audible. The music plays for a moment on its own before Sting walks out from behind the curtain, wearing a long leather trenchcoat and the red and black face paint, making his way down the ramp quickly. As Sting ascends the stairs, moves along the apron, and steps into the ring, he removes a microphone from his trenchcoat pocket and raises it to his mouth, waiting on his music to die out entirely before he begins speaking.


Sting: If I may have your attention, ladies and gentlemen. The Sting you came to know and love for twenty-seven years is occupying a casket in an unmarked grave somewhere and I am his successor, here to replace him for good.

The fans boo in response to his question, causing Sting to laugh in response for a moment before continuing.

Am I on the stand at a murder trial or inside of a wrestling ring? I mean, you boo me as though I'M the one that killed him, when my hands and my conscience are entirely clean! You killed him, all of you that cheered him and willed him on, all of you that said you believed in him and knew he could accomplish anything he set out to accomplish, the blood is on your hands. Steve Borden thought of himself as a hero to his fans, friends, and family and everyone belonging to any of those categories is guilty of gluttonously eating it up, filling an aging man with false hopes and beliefs that were going to inevitably be dashed away. You set him up for failure, and after nearly three decades of watching dream after dream shatter, losing championship after championship and match after match, even watching his marriage come to an end, Steve Borden and every incarnation of Sting was put on their deathbed at Summerslam. Then Steve got drafted to NXT, and spoke of redemption and new opportunities, declaring a change of attitude and donning the very black and red that I am currently wearing, but he was an old pug trying to play fetch with a rottweiler and he was chewed up and spit out.

The damage he sustained to his arm brought him closer to death, but he still opted to try and stick to the script, this new chapter for Sting, so at the last possible chance he let everyone know that he would in fact be participating in the Championship Scramble, playing his new role to a tee by warning everyone that if he is to lose, beware. Ladies and gentlemen, there will be no consequences, tonight Steve Borden will lose that Championship Scramble and when he does it will be the nail in his coffin, the man that portrayed all those takes on Sting will join the characters he created in that unmarked grave I spoke of. Now, if I'm referring to Steve Borden and Sting in the third person, who am I? I am someone that intends to make the name Sting mean something, and not only the name, but these black and red colors adorning my appearance. After your hero undoubtedly fails in his quest for vengeance this evening and finally bites the dust, I will be the new and true Sting.

And then next week, in my first night on the job, I will begin to fulfill my promise, and the name and appearance of Sting will not only mean something, it will come to strike fear into those that witness it. This is my vow, I will show this brand and this company something that it has never seen before. Deem this what you will, because no matter how you view it, it is this and only this, the eulogy of Steve Borden. Enjoy the show.

Sting drops his microphone to the mat as "No Reflection" begins to play again. Sting raises his arm slowly, and snaps his fingers once it's raised, sending the arena back into complete darkness as the music stops playing instantly and there is nothing but shocked silence. As the lights come back on, Sting is gone as NXT heads over to the announce table for their introductions to the show.

Joey Styles: Wow. That was strange, but none the less. Welcome!, ladies and gentlemen to the second edition of Monday Night NXT!, I'm Joey Styles and I'm sitting alongside 'The Human Suplex Machine' Tazz!.

Tazz: You're damn straight Joey and I can't believe the success of last week's show. Can you Joey? I mean, Randy Orton is the first ever NXT World Champion!

Joey Styles: That's right. The Viper went to war with The Miz then defeated a battle tested Robert Roode to win the NXT Title. The collateral damage may have been greater as Orton has suffered a concussion and a broken arm.

Tazz: And tonight, I'm sittin' down with the Champ to get some insight as to where his head is at right now. But right now, let's kick the show off with our first match.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a hardcore match!



Instrumental riffs are heard before vocals are heard.

'You're afraid like I make deals with the Devil,
You've been at it for years, but couldn't reach the next level'

Next comes out Jimmy Jacobs from behind the curtain as he walks down the entrance ramp, Jacobs soon slides onto the apron before getting onto the top rope as he poses.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, weighing in at 169 pounds, from Grand Rapids Michigan, Jimmy Jacobs!



The crowd pops as the “Billionaire Stuntman†Shane McMahon emerges from the back, still showing the effects from his match last week against Bully Ray. Shane walks down the ramp, never letting his eyes leave Jacobs. He climbs into the ring as Jacobs scoffs while Shane enters the ring and stands across the ring from him, not letting himself be intimidated by Jimmy.


Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Shane rushes at Jacobs looking to get things started quickly. Jacobs sees him coming however and kicks Shane-O right in the stomach. Shane-O falls over and Jacobs attempts to send Shane into the ropes, but the son of the Boss reverses it shooting Jacobs into the ropes instead. Jacobs comes back and ducks under an attempted clothesline from Shane who changes tactics and attempts to lift Jacobs into a side slam but Jacobs uses his athleticism to counter into a headscissors takedown that surprises the crowd very much. Shane falls to the ground but gets right back up only to be broken in half by a spear from the debuting Jimmy Jacobs. The impact sends Shane rolling out of the ring.

Tazz: Wow if this were a gutcheck match I’d be very impressed by what I’m seeing so far from young Jacobs. One minute he’s highflying with that beautiful headscissors and the next breaking Shane in half with a spear.

Jacobs is a former UCW European Champion Tazz and has been known to be dark yet exciting in the ring.

Jacobs cracks his neck before sliding outside of the ring to go get Shane. Hardcore rules are in effect here as Jacobs goes to pick up Shane, but Shane isn’t done yet as he tosses Jacobs hard into the steel steps. Jacobs lands shoulder first into the steel steps and falls to a seated position, Shane is no fool and wants to get back on a winning track bad and runs full speed before delivering a dropkick onto Jacobs that sends the back of his head and back into the steel steps. Being outside in a Hardcore match Shane goes for the cover.



Jacobs manages to get a shoulder up.

I was standing right here Tazz and the impact of Jacob’s head hitting the steel of those steps, well it didn’t sound good partner.

Shane is not going to be technical, he’s a fighter and he’s going to do stuff like that as he makes his career off of street fighting.

Shane gets up and immediately begins diving underneath the ring for anything he can use and finds himself a Kendo Stick! Shane looks pumped now as he has one of his favorite weapons in his hands as Jacobs crawls to his feet, Shane unloads onto the back of Jacobs with the Kendo and the crowd ooh from the impact. Shane is bouncing around now looking like a fool as he sends another shot into Jacobs back, before right in front of the announce table Shane breaks the Kendo Stick on Jacobs face. The crowd cheer slightly as some are clearly disturbed by this turn of events. Shane of course has something in mind as he turns towards the announcer’s table and begins tossing the monitors and anything he can find off of it. Once everything is off Shane grabs Jacobs and tosses him onto the table the crowd begin cheering knowing what Shane is going to be looking for here.

Oh no Tazz you don’t think!

We better move Joey, because I think Shane-O is heading to the sky!

Shane looks carefree yet determined as he hops up onto the apron the Monday Night NXT crowd cheering him on. Shane hops up to the very top turnbuckle just a little bit to the right of the announce table. Styles and Tazz are on the mic begging Shane not to do it but Shane isn’t listening. He takes a moment to make sure he has his balance and leverage before he leaps off the ropes and puts his elbow out looking to break Jacobs in half! Unfortunately Jacobs moves out of the way and Shane comes down on the announce table, what even makes it worse is the table doesn’t break, instead Shane just bounces off it with a sickening thud before falling into the empty chairs of the announcers. The crowd begins a traditional holy shit chant.

Shane McMahon’s body has just appeared to have imploded on our announce table Tazz. Good lord we need to get some help out here, Shane may have broken his back.

The table didn’t give Joey, plain and simple. Shane may need to be in traction in this match, but thanks to these hardcore rules the match will continue.

No one is sure what to do as Shane lays on the ground holding his back in pain, the official comes to check on him, Shane is responsive and moving his legs which is a good thing. Jacobs getting the signal from the official grabs Shane by the leg and drags him out in front of the announce table before getting down on top of Shane and going for the cover and the win.



3.. NO!

Shane gets the shoulder up to the cheers of the crowd. Jacobs even is surprised to see Shane didn’t just call it a day there.

I don’t know how wise it was for Shane to kick out there. There is no telling the damage done to his back, he might be moving but can he even stand.

You got to give it to this kid. His dad is the boss he doesn’t have to put his body on the line like this and yet he does it anyway. Heart Joey, that is what Shane McMahon has in spades!

Jacobs shakes his head in disgust as he heads over to the ring and begins to look under it, the crowd is quiet as they wait to see what Jacobs has in store for the Boss’s son. Jacobs pulls out a trash can that causes the crowd to give some interest. Shane is trying desperately to sit up but is having a hard time. Jacobs is making sure he doesn’t get up as Jacobs dents the trash can with Shane’s head. The crowd boo Jacobs now as he is clearly trying to destroy Shane. He drives the bottom of the trash can right into Shane’s lower back and Shane’s scream is horrifying. Jacobs has a smirk on his face that really sickens the sold out NXT crowd.

Why in the hell would Jimmy Jacobs be smiling here Tazz, he could very well be crippling Shane McMahon right before everyone’s very eyes.

I know I applauded him for his in ring style but this kid is one sick twisted son of a bitch. This is downright disgusting.

Jacobs isn’t done with Shane as he just begins stomping again and again right onto Shane’s lower back right in front of the announcer’s table, he is truly trying to cripple Shane McMahon. The referee does his job and grabs Jacobs and brings him off of him. Telling Jacobs to get Shane into the ring, hoping to buy the Son of the officials boss time to recuperate or at the very least allow him to walk again. Jacobs shoves the official aside like a cheap piece of meat but he listens to what the official has to say and tosses Shane into the ring. Jacobs takes his time getting into the ring inciting the crowd even more as a chorus of boos of hatred come down upon Jacobs. Jacobs mounts Shane once in the ring and transforms it into a Guillotine Choke, known simply as the End Time!

You’ve got to be kidding me, Jacobs has no heart whatsoever locking in this damn choke after nearly paralyzing McMahon.

I don’t know what his problem is but damn it to all I take back what I said. If this were gutcheck I’d say hell no. This kid has no respect.

It is only a matter of seconds before Shane McMahon taps out of the End Times and signaling a Jimmy Jacobs victory.


Here is your winner of the match: Jimmy Jacobs!

Jimmy stands up and jeers surround the arena. The man without a heart, the dark and twisted Jimmy Jacobs is at last here on NXT! Shane is being attended to by the medical examiners as quickly as possible as Jacobs just stands there and watches a sick smile on his face. NXT heads elsewhere.

As we head to the back, the camera is zoomed in on Derrick Bateman who is standing in front of a flag with the most patriotic look on his face.


Derrick Bateman
Ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow marks a tragic day in our nations history. Hundreds of lives were taken and it will always be remembered as the day our sweet sweet nation wept. However, that was also the day America as a whole stood up together and put our foot down! Tonight, I stand up and put my foot down the throat of Robert Roode, a shameless excuse for a man and I cement my legacy to become a champion. I ask of you America to stand with me and help me help this great nation! Once I beat the former number one contender, JBL will be forced to make me the new number one contender to Randy Orton and I will go on to SUCCEED TO BRAND NEW HEIGHTS!

What the hell are you doing!?

Maxine walks in with Johnny Curtis trailing behind, looking her up and down slowly with a lustful look on his face.

Johnny Curtis
Hey man what's all the ruckus.

Derrick Bateman
Oh hey guy's I'm just giving all of America a riveting pep talk.

Well at least you're doing something like I told you to unlike this person

Johnny Curtis
Hey you guys wanna go get something to eat? Maybe a like some chocolate or something?

Anyways, this is a huge opportunity and you'd better make the most of it!

Derrick Bateman
Ugh get of my case Maxine! Once I win this match, JBL will be forced to give me a title shot and then I'll win and then I’ll give the first shot to Curtis.

Johnny Curtis
Oh sweet! Thanks broseph!

Derrick Bateman
No problem. I always look out for my bros!

Bateman and Curtis fist bump.

Okay this little weird bromance thing is fine in the ring because but please stop doing these things when I'm around.

Derrick Bateman
Sorry Maxy, as much as I love chicks, I hate you.

Look, I'm glad that you've actually taken some of my advice but please focus on your match tonight. If you win, this could lead to big things for all of us. Big wins equal bigger opportunities and bigger opportunities equal more money.

Johnny Curtis
And more money equals more chances to really get weird.

Uhh yeah whatever. So just go out there and know that if you lose-

Derrick Bateman
I'm not gonna mess it up Maxine!

Alright fine!

Maxine storms out of the room as Johnny Curtis follows her out.

Johnny Curtis
Hey wait up a sec!

Derrick Bateman turns to the camera with a serious look on his face.

Derrick Bateman
America! Are you ready for some wrestling!



"Radio" by Downstait hits as the crowd pops loud as "The Long Island Iced Z" Zack Ryder emerges from the backstage area. The fans haven't sen Ryder in a while and they're giving him a great response. He then briskly walks to the ring with a purpose.


Zack throws up the LI hand gesture and hops onto the ring apron. As per usual, he scales the top rope and again throws up the LI signal, never forgetting where he came from.


Zack then gets into the ring and immediately calls for a microphone. He waits for the crowd to calm down a little, which is quite a bit of time but he finally gets the chance to speak.


Zack Ryder: Just in case you've all forgotten just who I am, let me remind you. I am the "Long Island Iced Z" and I am YOUR Internet Champion Zack Ryder and right now, looking out to all of my broskis here in the audience, I don't think one week will suffice for you guys. Now, the question remains is why I'm here on NXT and not on SmackDown. Well, the powers that be would have you believe that I asked for my release because of Jersey Shore being canceled and being distraught over it. Umm.....Are You Serious, Bro? I couldn't care less about those posers. They're going from pumping their fists to pumping my gas and I love every minute of it.​

The crowd loves the dig at Jersey Shore's expense. Zack is really eating up the attention here tonight as he keeps going.

Zack Ryder: No, I never asked for my release. I got fired, plain and simple. Desmond Wolfe thought there was no money in Zack Ryder, even though I have a victory over Ted DiBiase, the current World Heavyweight Champion and even though I came within inches of winning the biggest Money In The Bank match in UWF history and even though the reactions I get from you guys, my broskis, Desmond fired me because he's too busy playing with his man crush Daniel Bryan to see the bigger picture. He couldn't see that the name people are talking about isn't Daniel Bryan or Damien Sandow. It isn't Ted DiBiase or even John Cena. The most talked about and most controversial superstar on this roster was me and no one can deny that.​

The crowd begins to chant "WE WANT RYDER! WE WANT RYDER!"

Zack Ryder: You got him, guys. But, due to the powers that be, you had a lapse in your weekly dose of Vitamin Z. Well, I didn't have to spend too much time on the unemployment line because JBL signed me up pretty quick which just goes to show, you can stall it, but you can't stop the Ryder Revolution. And the powers that be want to try and stop it? Good luck because I'm not going anywhere. I will continue to be the most hard-working and most charismatic superstar on this roster and there isn't a damn thing Desmond Wolfe, JBL or anybody else can do about it. And sooner or later, UWF management will see their worst fears come to fruition. I'm putting the entire NXT locker room on notice. Zack Ryder is here. The Ryder Revolution is here and I guarantee that Zack Ryder will be the NXT Champion. WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!

Zack tosses the microphone down angrily as the fans go absolutely crazy. He exits the ring screaming "That title belongs to me!"




The cameras return from the last jam packed and exciting UWF commercial, to the backstage area where Matt Striker is standing against the NXT screen. He smiles then begins to speak on cue.


Matt Striker: Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time... The People's Champ; The Rock!

The crowd in the arena explode as The Rock appears on he screen then looks at Matt Striker unimpressed, then folds his arms in front of himself.

Striker: Now Rock, tonight you face The Miz in the wrestling main event of NXT. The people want to know what have you done to prepare yourself for this mat-

The Rock puts his finger over Matt Strikers lips shutting him up then brings the microphone to his mouth.


The Rock: First and for most... The Rock has a question for you jibbronie; Just who in the blue hell are you?

Matt Striker goes to answer The Rock, but he cuts him off once again.

Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU ARE! The Rock suggests you know your role, and shut your mouth, because... You come on The Rock's show! The people's program; and you ask The Rock how he prepares for his match? How he gets ready for Miz's fifteen minutes of fame; well let The Rock answer your question because The Rock's a classy guy.

Rock: The Rock did exactly what he does for eeeevvveeerrry single match he's in. The Rock woke up at four am this morning. Sent out a tweet to the millions..

The fans in the arena scream "And millions" despite The Rock being backstage.

Rock: And millions of The Rock's followers, then he hit the gym. The Rock talked to his agent, he flew to New York. Had a latte, came to the Arthur Ashe Stadium, and here we are.. Twenty minutes before The Rock's match. Twenty minutes before history re-writes itself and The Rock walks down the people's ramp, and into the peoples ring, and proceeds to beat Miz within an inch of his life! And then, and only then will there be without a shout of doubt in JBL's pea-sized little mind that The Rock should be the next World Heavyweight Champion... NOW IF YOU SMEEEEELELELEOWH! WHAT THE ROCK!

The Rock grabs the microphone from Matt Striker then brings it to his mouth as he pulls down his sunglasses, then raises the people's eyebrow and finishes his segment off..

Rock: Is Cookin!

The Rock flips the microphone up at Matt Striker then walks off sending the cameras back over to the ring, where Justin Roberts is standing for the next match.

There is a silence over the crowd as it's soon interrupted by the theme of Derrick Bateman.


Derrick Bateman comes out from the back full of energy. He runs back and forth on the stage before calming down a bit and walking down the ramp. He slaps hands with the crowd in attendance before rolling into the ring and heading to the top rope where he throws his hands in the air to the cheering of the crowd.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is set for one fall, introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 222 pounds. This is Derrick Bateman!.


The former NWA Champion comes out to heat as he just smiles as he fixes his hair that is all the way down to his shoulder. Roode looks smug as he begins walking down to the ring. He doesn't look worried or afraid at all in fact he looks like he has a devious plan. He heads up the steel steps and onto the apron where he wipes his boots on it, before getting into the ring and preparing for his match.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is 'The IT Factor', Robert Roode!.


The bell sounds and Robert Roode slowly takes off his robe, Derrick Bateman tries to engage in some action, but Roode shoes him off, taking his time to take off his robe. Eventually Roode does take his robe off and walk towards the centre of the ring. Bateman offers a lock up, but Roode turns his nose up almost at Bateman and walks backwards into the corner as does Bateman. Both men then walk towards each other and lock up, Roode takes Bateman into a Headlock which he transitions into a Hammerlock, which he then transitions into another Headlock before taking him down to the mat with a Leg Trip, kicking Bateman's legs away from him as he falls down to the mat. Roode takes a step back and ridicules his opponent who he must surely see as little more than a rookie compared to himself, a former NWA Champion. Bateman nods as head as if to say 'alrighty then' and gets back to his feet. Bateman continues to nod his head as he and Roode now circle the ring preparing to lock horns again. This time when they do so Roode gets behind Bateman and hoists him up before slamming him back down with a Back Side Slam. Roode then slaps the back of Bateman's head before standing up, again, belittling his opponent.

Tazz: Bateman, experience wise, is no where near Robert Roode and that is showing right now because Robert Roode is all over him!.

Styles: I've got a feeling Roode might be underestimating his opponent.

Bateman gets back up, but Roode is already standing over head Roode kicks Bateman in the gut before running off the ropes and flipping over the body of Bateman and takes him down with an Overhead Neck Snap. Roode pushes Bateman across and covers.



Bateman kicks out. Roode wastes no time as he applies a Body Scissors on the now seated Derrick Bateman. Bateman tries to get Roode's legs seperated but Roode starts pulling at his hair for leverege. The referee gives him the count, but Roode releases at the count of 4. The crowd begin to chant 'Bateman!, Bateman!' and slowly but surely Bateman manages to sort of arch back into a pinning predicament with Roode's shoulders on the mat.



Roode in one movement gets the shoulder up and releases the hold, but before Bateman can get to his feet, Roode has already laid into him with the boot. However he gives it one two many as Bateman grabs Roode by the boot and gets to his feet, Bateman pushes the foot down, wraps his arms around the abdomen of Roode and lifts him up before slamming him to the ground with a Belly to Back Suplex!. Bateman gets up onto his feet as Roode grabs his back, grimacing in pain. Bateman throws his hands in the air in excitement, the crowd thoroughly behind the thoroughly 'Mantastic' Derrick Bateman!.

Styles: What a slam there by Derrick Bateman, that rocked Robert Roode, I told you he underestimated his opponent.

Tazz: Yeah, fair does Joey, Bateman surprised me with that.

Roode gets to his feet in a rage and goes after Bateman and takes him down with a Spear. Roode then begins to beat up Bateman on the mat with clenched fists, so much so that the referee has to reprimand Roode. Roode gets up and grabs Bateman by his barnet and drags him to his feet, he Irish Whips him across the ring and leans over, looking for the big Back Body Drop, but Bateman meets it with a surprisngly agile flip over Roode. As Roode turns around, Bateman meets him with a kick to the midsection causing Roode to double over. Bateman then grabs Roode around the neck and twists him round before dropping down with a Neckbreaker bringing Roode's head down to the mat below and causing his head to bounce off the mat in a sickening fashion. Bateman then points to the top turnbuckle. The crowd begin to cheer loudly as Bateman makes the climb towards the top turnbuckle. He perches himself up on the top turnbuckle before leaping off with an attempt at a Diving Leg Drop, however Roode has the ring savvy to roll out of the way and Bateman hits only the mat, possibly doing damage to his tail bone.

Tazz: Ouch!, that don't feel too good at all that one Joey, let me tell you that.

Styles: I wouldn't imagine it would Tazz, you could do a great deal of damage to your spine with misses like that!.

Roode says he has waisted enough time and signals that the end is near once he reaches his feet. Now at a vertical base he stands over Bateman as he now gets himself back to his feet. He wraps his arm around the head of Bateman and goes for the Pay-Off, however Bateman blocks him and beats him away, Bateman pushes Roode off of the ring ropes and when Roode rebounds Bateman leaps up and catches him on the jaw with a Dropkick. Bateman looks somewhat dazed as he works his way back up to his feet with the help of the turnbuckle. Bateman then decides to go for the finish when he walks over to Roode to lift him up, only to find himself entangled as Roode plays possum and brings him over into his signature Fujiwara/Cross Armbar!. Bateman clutches his hands together and refuses to let go as Roode tries to pull it down to fully apply the submission. However as Roode strains Bateman gets up to his feet and gets Roode onto his shoulders for a pinning situation.




Winner: Derrick Bateman!.


Styles: OH MY GOD!.

Tazz: What just happened Joey?.

Styles: In his NXT debut, Derrick Bateman just beat the former NWA World Champion!, where does this put Bateman in the pecking order now?!

Robert Roode releases the hold at the last minute and Bateman slides out of the ring, Johnny Curtis and Maxine come rushing out to check on him to see if he's all good. He raises a fist in the air as Roode is on his knees in the ring looking up at the referee as if it were his fault he lost.




The fans give off a mixed reaction as Coachman makes his way out from the back. He simply walks down the ramp with an almost cocky look on his face. As he makes his way into the ring he asks for a microphone and speaks.​

Jonathan Coachman:
Ladies and gentlemen we are about to make history here tonight. Not only does this mark the beginning of something great, but it also marks the beginning of my clients UWF career. Now, I know most of you are sitting there, wondering what I am talking about. For those of you who do not have the internet and don’t check UWF dot com frequently, you would have seen something of great interest. That is, the signing of the Man-Beast Rhino!

The crowd cheers slightly, obvious fans, but unsure of how to take the fact that Coachman is his manager.

Yes, it is indeed a great signing for UWF, which cannot be argued. He is quite possibly one of the toughest men in the business today. Some cringe at the mere mention of his name. When his opponents look him directly in the eyes, they see the savage in him. They see he is begging for the bell to ding so he may be let loose to tear them a part. I can’t tell you how excited I am to take part in this important moment in not only UWF, but in wrestling history. He will dominate here much like he did in all previous companies he has worked for. Now, I can see the indifference in your eyes. You’re wondering how he could possibly stack up to the impressive might of superstars such as Bully Ray, the man notorious for ending the careers of some former UWF superstars. Or a Superstar like Batista, who has been near unstoppable since arriving in UWF. And I know the name of Brock Lesnar is on the mind of some, well I can safely say that my client doesn’t see him as a threat. And of all the names mentioned, how could I forget Abyss? Abyss and Rhino have such a wonderful history don’t they?

Now, I know a lot of you may be thinking I am just being far too cocky, that I am putting my client on such a large pedestal. That couldn’t be further from the truth I tell you. I am merely confident in his skills and aggressive attitude that I feel he will overcome the odds against all who oppose him. And Mister Batista, I know you are lucky enough to be on Smackdown but my client is still a little miffed over what you did to him years ago in that Beat the Clock match in WWE.


Now, I honestly could stay here all night and tell you how amazing my client is, tell you how much NXT will thrive from his signing, but I honestly think the man himself should tell you. So, without any further delay, I give you, the MAN BEAST RHINO!

The crowd reacts rather positively as Rhino makes his way from the entrance tarp and looks around with that always serious look. He raises both arms with his fingers clenched into fists, and the crowd seems to enjoy it as he runs down the ramp to the ring. Once inside the ring via sliding under the bottom rope he grabs the microphone that Coachman had in his hand. He waits briefly to speak, but finally opens his mouth.


I’ll keep this short and sweet. For too long I have been just scraping by. Getting by on whatever I was given. But now, now I have a chance to rise above the standards. To rise above all others who stand before me. For the longest time I have been very tame, tame because management in almost every company I worked for was afraid of what I might do to their precious talent. But thanks to my manager here, my very intelligent manager, I have a contract that pretty much states I can do whatever I want to the talent short of killing them. Basically, if I see fit to put you on the injury list, I will do it. Now, I know you all want to hear me talk smack on the names that Jonathan mentioned. I will only say that Batista is lucky isn’t here. But, I have a message for all the superstars here on NXT. I know you all thought you were safe when you signed up for this gig. Truth be told, you truly aren’t. Brock Lesnar, I do not fear you, and Bully Ray? That chump is all talk and no bite! Abyss will be shining my boots in no time. Now that I have that out of my system, I’d like to talk about my plans here on NXT. First things first, I will be the dominant force to be feared. Secondly, and I certainly hope you are all listening to me back there right now, I will be demanding respect. If I do not get the respect I deserve, consider yourself my enemy. And lastly, I will do whatever I want, however I want, whenever I want! I’ll challenge anyone whom I feel like, I will challenge for the Championship whenever I want!

Jonathan Coachman:
I think what my client is trying to say is...

What I’m trying to say is if you get in my way, you will suffer the consequences! I’m not playing any games here anymore. I will run by my own set of rules how I see fit. Layfield can do whatever he can to try and stop me, it won’t truly matter. I will show you what I am capable of every week, as I simply lay waste to anybody unfortunate enough to be in the same ring as me. You should all feel fortunate enough to be a part of something much bigger than anyone could have imagined. It is a new era in the wrestling business, the era of Rhino. The era of destruction!

The crowd start to show their support for the gritty wrestler as he seethed in the ring.


UWF Universe, fellow superstars, and anybody in management, please take note of what you see before you. Remember what you have heard here today before you make any rash decisions. There is reason I have been called the War Machine before. And there is even more reason why I am called the Man Beast. Anger me, and you will soon find out why.

And with that last statement, Rhino left the ring with a mischievous. The crowd showing their support with boisterous cheers as Rhino walks up the ramp. Coachman seemingly trying to plead with him to think about what he had just said.





"The Beaten Path" plays through the speakers and some New York wrestling fans cheer knowing whos about to come out, but as Bully Ray makes his way through the curtain and onto the ramp, the cheers get engulfed by tirading boos. Bully stands on the ramp, and taps his pockets looking for something. He mouths to the fans "Where's my phone?! Where's my damn cell phone?!" Then, with a smirk on his face he pulls a new iPhone out of his pocket, and starts to tweet something on the stage. He makes it to the bottom of the ramp and says into the camera "#BullyNation knows his watermelons.... Use phone insurance! Time to trend again NXT!". Bully Ray then rolls into the ring and hands the referee his phone to give to the time keeper for safety reasons.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, from Hell's Kitchen, New York, weighing in at 290 pounds, Bully Ray!.


All of sudden, an Irish rhytms starts to play throughout the arena. "Written In My Face" by Flatfoot 56 starts to play through the speakers placed all around the arena, fans stand up and hold up their signs, because it's time for their favourite superstar, The Great White, Sheamus. Sheamus emerges from the back after a while and he stands under the titantron, where he makes a crucifix pose, hits his chest with one hand and screams. Sheamus then continues his way down to the ring, over the steel steps, over the second rope.

Christy Hemme: And from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 272 pounds, he is 'The Celtic Warrior'... Sheamus!.


“THE TRUTH… SHALL SET YOU FREE!†are the words heard throughout the arena, as the fans erupt in boos! R-Truth makes his way out on the stage, with a huge smile on his face. R-Truth stops at the entrance stage, as he throws his arms up in the air, screaming out “WHAT’S UP!?†in the process. The fans respond with boos, as R-Truth is currently sporting a yellow “NXT†t-shirt, and his usual wrestling attire. R-Truth wastes no time in walking down to the ring and rolling into said ring.

Christy Hemme: And from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 226 pounds, R-Truth!.


'Down In The Catacombs' hits the PA system and the entrance ramp begins to burn and the whole arena is covered in red lights. "The Monster" Abyss walks through the fire and he makes his way to the ring. He shoves the camera which is situated in front of him out of the way as he proceeds to step up onto the ring apron and then over the top rope into the ring, ready for his match.

Christy Hemme: And from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 298 pounds, he is 'The Monster' Abyss!

Darkness falls over the arena, inspiring the fans in attendance to respond with a mixed reaction, as among them are people that are still fans of Sting, but there are also people that feel betrayed by the former "Icon". After a moment of being able to see nothing and only hear the sound of the crowd's reaction, suddenly a familiar voice, the voice that recited the former poem, begins to speak over the PA system

The age of the old vision, has passed away.
The birth of a new way, has occurred.
This. Is. Sting.

Following the reciting of the new, much shorter poem there is silence, when a new theme begins to play.


The song is "No Reflection" by Marilyn Manson as the lights come up and the crowd comes alive with the same reaction they had earlier, but more energetic and more audible. The music plays for a moment on its own before Sting walks out from behind the curtain, wearing a long leather trenchcoat and the red and black face paint, making his way down the ramp quickly. As Sting ascends the stairs, moves along the apron, and steps into the ring.

Christy Hemme: And from Venice Beach, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, 'The Icon' Sting!


15:00 remaining

The bell rings and all four men jump on Abyss. It seems obvious that the plan from the outset of the match is to take the big man down. Bully Ray and Sheamus beat Abyss into the corner with rights and lefts. The big man tries to cover up, with Daffney on the outside screaming directions, but it’s to no avail. Sheamus and Bull Ray beat on Abyss in the corner when from across the ring, Sting tells them to move out of the way. The three other men comply and Sting charges from one corner towards Abyss, leaving his feet and driving all the air out of Abyss with a Stinger Splash. The Stinger screams in primordial fashion as Abyss stumbles out of the corner and into the waiting arms of the Celtic Warrior; Sheamus, who grabs him by the waist and drops him onto the canvas with a sidewalk slam…

Styles: I never thought I’d see the day where Sting would work with Bully Ray and Sheamus.

As Sheamus slams Abyss onto the canvas, he hooks the far leg and covers the monster…



Sting breaks the pin up!

Tazz: So much for that Joey!

Sting just pulled the Celtic Warrior off Abyss, stopping Sheamus from becoming the “Interim Championâ€. Sheamus gets to his feet and stares at the red-paint ridden face of “The Iconâ€. The two exchange words before Sheamus levels Sting with a right hand, sending he Stinger to the canvas. Sheamus beats his chest proudly when from behind; R-Truth rolls him up…



Sheamus kicks out!

Both Sheamus and Truth get to a vertical base but unfortunately for Truth, it doesn’t last too long. From behind, Bully Ra almost takes Truth’s head off with a clubbing blow, sending the deranged rapper from Charlotte back to the mat. Sheamus and Ray stare intently at one another and it seems as if the two mastodons are about to go at it. That is until Abyss comes from behind Bully Ray and drops him in similar fashion to the way in which Ray dropped Truth. And from behind Sheamus, Sting turns the Irishman around and delivers several cops directly to the chest. The crowd “Woos†with each chop delivered to the Celtic Warrior until Sting switches his offense up and starts throwing right hands. Sting drives right hand after right hand into the face of the Celtic Warrior while Abyss and Truth are on the other side of the ring, laying the boots to Bully Ray. Sting decides to back up off the ropes, looking to clothesline Sheamus of is feet, but the Irishman sees it coming and ducks under Sting’s right arm, lifting him off the canvas with a ura nage onto his knee…

Styles: Sheamus just hit the Irish Curse backbreaker on the Icon!

Sheamus hits the Irish Curse and you can hear Sting’s back crack. The Celtic Warrior wastes no time going for a cover…




Hemme: Sheamus is the Interim nXtreme Champion!

Now remember folks; Sheamus is only the Interim Champion. There’s still a little less than thirteen minutes to find out who the first real nXtreme Champion is.

12:47 remaining

Sheamus gets off of Sting, having taken the Icon out for the moment. Sheamus turns his attention towards the other three men in the match, but when he turns around, Abyss takes him out with a rib-cracking spear! You can hear Sheamus scream “Oi†as all three-hundred and thirty pounds off the mat drive the wind out of him. Abyss quickly goes for a cover on Sheamus…



R-Truth drops a leg on the back of Abyss’ head.

The leg shocks the monster, but it also infuriates him. He gets to his feet and R-Truth immediately throws a right hand, hitting him in the face. This doesn’t affect Abyss, so Truth throws another. Again, no effect. Abyss taunts R-Truth, and seems read to attack, when from behind; Bully Ray delivers a steel chair directly to the spine of the monster. The chair shot has minimal effect on the monster and he turns to see who has the audacity to strike him. Bully Ray isn’t afraid and as soon as Abyss turns, Ray delivers a sickening chair shot to the skull. This blow does have effect and sends the big man to the mat. Ray follows suit, covering Abyss…



Truth pulls Ray off and goes for the cover himself…



Sting pulls Truth off and goes for a cover…



Sheamus pulls Sting off and goes for a cover…



Abyss kicks out!

Styles: Unbelievable! All four men just tried to take Abyss out and none could get the job done!

Tazz: And the clock is ticking Joey. Sheamus is still “Championâ€

11:00 remaining

Truth, Sting, Sheamus and Bully Ray all get to their feet as Abyss rolls under the bottom rope and to the floor. Sting and Truth begin to fight amongst themselves as Sheamus and Bully Ray. The two bigger men begin throwing soup bones at each other while the two smaller wrestlers try a more conventional wrestling style. Truth takes Sting down with a beautiful arm drag, only to have the Icon get back to his feet rather quickly. Sing swings wildly at Truth, and Truth is able to duck under by performing a swift split. Sting’s own momentum sends him into the ropes where he bounces off and comes back at Truth who hits him with a standing side kick. Sting goes down and Truth turns his attention to Sheamus and Bully Ray just in time to see Bully Ray Irish whipping the Irishman towards Truth. Truth is ready and hits the Irishman with a side kick of his own. R –Truth stands tall and looks over towards Bull Ra, who motions for him to “Come Get Someâ€. But before Truth can get him some, Abyss re-enters the ring, but he’s not alone…

Styles: What in the hell is that?

Abyss has brought his old friend; Janice. For those who don’t know Janice is, she’s a 2x4 filled with nails. Abyss goes right after Bull Ray, driving Janice directly into Ray’s stomach. Ray doubles over in pain and Abyss brings Janice down onto his back. This sends Ra to the canvas and Abyss turns his attention towards Truth…

Tazz: If I’m R-Truth, I’m gettin’ the hell out of dodge.

9:40 remaining

Truth takes the alternate route, trying to attack Abyss head on. It’s not too smart as Abyss immediately drives Janice into Truth’s midsection. Truth screams in pain as Abyss drops Janice and picks Truth up onto his shoulders in a Torture Rack position before dropping to his backside, hitting what Abyss calls the “Shock Treatmentâ€. R-Truth grabs his midsection and ribs in pain as Abyss beds down to pick him up. But what Abyss does not know is that Sting is right behind him. Sing quickly puts his arm around Abyss’ neck and drops the monster with the patented Scorpion Death Drop. The fans pop as Sting goes for the cover…




Hemme: Sting is the Interim nXtreme Champion!

And the Icon shocks the monster!

Tazz: And with less than 8 minutes remaining, Sting just needs to play defense!

7: 45 remaining

Sting gets to his feet, prod of himself. This is without a doubt the highlight of his UWF career so far. Too bad it doesn’t last long, because as soon as Sting turns around, Sheamus almost takes is head off with a Brogue Kick! The Celtic Warrior stands tall before looking around, realizing that everyone else is out of it. He quickly covers the Icon…




Hemme: Sheamus is the interim nXtreme Champion!

Sheamus gets to his feet, knowing that he has pinned “The Icon†Sting twice in this contest. He has been the MVP of this match so far. But he’s not done yet. Sheamus looks out of the corner of his eye and notices that Abyss is pushing himself to his feet. Sheamus prepares for another Brogue Kick, slapping his chest with his fist. The repetition of Sheamus hitting himself gets quicker and quicker the closer Abyss gets to a vertical base. Abyss makes it up and Sheamus lunges at him, going for the Brogue Kick…

Styles: Here comes another Brogue Kick!

At the last minute, Abyss moves out of the way and Sheamus gets tangled up with the top rope. Sheamus is able to free himself and turns back to Abyss.

Tazz: It looks like Abyss just outsmarted Sheamus!

Styles: When has Abyss been known to outsmart people?

Sheamus is angry that Abyss just tricked him. He charges towards the monster in a blind fury, but Abyss catches him, spinning him inside out and driving him spine first onto the canvas with a Black Hole Slam! Abyss wastes no time hooking the leg…



R-Truth hits a low dropkick to the side of Abyss’ head, breaking the pin and sending Abyss through the bottom rope and to the floor. Truth then overs Sheamus...




Hemme: R-Truth is the Interim nXtreme Champion!

Truth just stole one from Abyss!

5:00 remaining!

Truth looks at the clock and realizes that he just needs to keep his opponents down. He starts making his way over to every opponent and begins laying the boots to them. First to Sting, then to Bull Ray, then to Sheamus. Between every stomp, he fans scream “What?†This irritates Truth and he yells back at them “Don’t What Me!†As all of this transpires, Abyss reenters the ring, wielding a manila bag. Abyss takes Truth down with a sick clothesline before taking the back ad emptying its contents all over the ring…

Tazz: No way!

Styles: Thumbtacks! Thousands and thousands of thumbtacks!

Abyss pours the thumbtacks in the ring in a straight line, kicking some to make sure they’re lined up properly. As the thumbtacks are revealed, Abyss looks for his first victim. Whoever the first man to get to his feet will be the one to taste the tacks. In this case, that man appears to be Bully Ray…

2:30 remaining.

Bully Ray gets to his feet, having no idea as to what’s going on. Abyss wastes no time driving a few fists into Ray’s face, which knocks him back onto the ropes where Abyss grabs Ray by the arm and whips him off onto the opposing ropes. And as Ra comes back towards Abyss, the monster lifts Ra off the mat before winding him up and slamming him down back first onto the thumbtacks with a Black Hole Slam!

Styles: OH MY GOD!

Bully Ray screams in obvious pain as he collides with the tacks. Abyss covers Bull Ray...




Hemme: Abyss is the Interim nXtreme Champion!

1:00 remaining

Abyss gets to his feet, unaware that Sting is right behind him. Sting wraps his arm around Abyss’ neck, trying to hit the Scorpion Death Drop for the second time in the match, but Abyss is ready for him this time. Abyss is able to spin around, blocking Sting’s finisher. Abyss then sends Sting overhead with a back bod drop. Abyss has had enough of Sting on this night. He’s ready to put him out of is misery. Abyss throws his right arm in the air, signaling for a chokeslam. Sting gets to his feet and Abyss wraps his gigantic hand around Sting’s neck lifting him up in the air and slamming him back down…

:10 remaining

Sting hits the mat hard and Abyss goes for a cover but what he doesn’t see is that R-Truth has crawled over towards Bully Ray and covers him…




Hemme: R-Truth is the interim nXtreme Champion!

Abyss can’t believe it! He goes right after Truth who rolls out of the ring and watches the time tick down..

:5 remaining

:4 remaining

:3 remaining

:2 remaining

:1 remaining

Time expires!


Here is your winner and the first ever nXtreme Champion; R-Truth!


Clash of The Champions! September 25th!

Somebody make me a poster please!


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall... Already in the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio; The Miz

Miz stands in the ring to soem boos...As Miz awaits his opponent for over half a minute, the fans begin to grow impatience and shuffle around in their seats, when suddenly the lights drop to complete darkness, and the most electrifying thing to ever happen to NXT happens...



Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 260lbs ; THE ROCK!

The lights come back on, and the titantron lights up as every single fan in the arena rises to their feet, and begin to cheer as if they've seen Jesus. After a brief moment of waiting The Rock steps out from behind the certain, and stands on the ramp smelling the arena ring. He looks to the left, then the right as the fans cheer louder when he looks in their section. The Rock begins to walk down the isle to the ring, and the fans await for him to get to the ring and once again make another return to the UWF ring. Once he reaches the bottom of the ramp Rock looks up at the ring, then walks over to the steps and climbs them with ease. He walks on the apron to the turnbuckle then climbs to the second rope; looking into the crowd at the fans still going completely crazy for the brahma bull. The Rock throws his arm into the air sending the fans to cheer even louder.


The Rock smiles as he climb into the ring and the crowd give him yet another standing ovation as he stares over at The Miz.


The Miz rushes at The Rock, but Rock dodges ducks the clothesline attempt from Miz. The crowd are on their feet as Miz once again rushes at The Rock, he leaps in the air but Rock catches him with one arm, uses the other for leverage and smashes Miz with a powerful ROCK BOTTOM. Rock smiles as he quickly transitions into the cover...




Christy Hemme: The winner of this match as a result of a pinfall, THE ROCK.


The fans go wild as Rock climbs to the top rope and does his trademark pose.

Joey Styles: EASY win for The rock here tonight, he's on fire right now.

Tazz: Well Rocky only return tonight, but he just dismantled The Miz in easy fashion.

Joey Styles:
And it seems like he has his sites set on something here.

Rock motions for a title around his waist, as NXT goes to commercial.......




We're back live on NXT as the camera focusses on Ring Announcer Christy Hemme

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentleman, it's time for our main event interview. Please allow me to introduce to you the highly acclaimed former Wrestler, and current NXT Color Commentator; TAZZ!

Tazz smiles as he recieves a sizeable pop from the crowd. He removes his headset whilst standing up from his chair. The crowd cheer as he climbs the ring steps and enters the ring. H e takes the mic off Hemme and begins to speak


Tazz: Ladies and gentleman, I can't freakin' wait for what's about to go down! It's only my second week here on NXT, and I've already been given the opportunity to interview our NXT World Champion! This man overcame the odds last week and left our general manager with a sour look on his face. Not only does he have a broken arm, but he also has concussion. For most men that would mean weeks on the sidelines, but Orton is an animal, and I'm pleased to welcome him out here as my guest, right now!


The theme song of the NXT World Champion hits the arena and the crowd rise to their feet. Out comes the 4 Time World Champion, left arm in a sling, the World Championship at his side being held by his good arm. The champion takes his time heading down to the ring, maybe because his body is still hurting from the beating he suffered last week, or because he is just enjoying the moment. He takes the steps into the ring pausing on the apron to look out at the sold out crowd. He steps in the ring and nods to Tazz who moves out of his way as Orton climbs up the turnbuckle and with his good arm shows off the brand new shiny gold NXT World Championship. After a moment he steps down and is handed a mic from Christy Hemme. Orton turns towards Tazz and waits for the first question to be asked, all business now.

Tazz: Randy, thanks for joining me out here, it's obvious you're in some pain, but you've showed up here tonight, unlike a lot of fresh superstars this week and that's a testament to how much of a humble human being you are... Now, let's get the most obvious question out of the way first, how does it feel to be UWF NXT World Champion?


Randy Orton: Humble? That's the first time I've ever heard someone tell me that. And I could be Humble right now and say what a great honor it is to carry this belt, I mean hell I earned it. Since the beginning of UWF I have put this company on my back and shined brighter and brighter every single week. I look at this Championship and know that no one will EVER be able to say besides myself that I am the first NXT Champion in the history of UWF. Being Champion Tazz is a terrific feeling, you know it, you've been there. To be the first champion is an honor, an honor only someone of my level of greatness can achieve. I know JBL isn't very happy that his little poster boy couldn't get the job done, but then I'm not carrying this around for JBL, I'm carrying this around for Robert Roode, hell I'm not even carrying this around for myself, it is for them Tazz, the fans. Who now know after last week, after a broken arm and a concussion, how great, how perfect Randy Orton truely is.

Tazz: Robert Roode is CERTAINLY not the poster boy of this company Randy, you are. That's right Randy, you are the true poster boy of NXT and there's nothing right now that Robert Roode and JBL can do about it. How do you feel having that name tag hanging over your head Randy, as the poster boy of NXT?

Randy Orton: I'd say its about time! Don't get me wrong there are plenty of people in this company that could be the poster boy of this show. But only one person has that it factor, has the skills, and the abilities to not only do the job, but leave no doubt in anyone's mind. I am Randy Orton, third generation superstar, viper, legend killer, it matters not because at the end of the day, broken arm or not, concussion or not, I will have my hand raised in victory, that's a guarantee. I've felt my entire time here in UWF that I haven't been handed what people call the ball. I've watched guys in the back less talented then me like Stone Cole and Dean Ambrose grab that ball and run with it! Now its my turn, now I have the target on my back, I'm a wounded animal so to speak, but while I don't have arms, like my namesake, I still have a poisonous, deadly bite! I am honored to have the ball now, I am privileged to be the poster boy of NXT and you know Tazz, these fans know it, and even that cowboy in the back knows it. It comes with a lot of responsiblity, and Randy Orton NEVER shriks away, he confronts. You can only believe that before it is all said and done, I will be the longest reigning World Champion in the history of ALL the UWF!

Tazz: Saying you will be the longest reigning World Champion in the history of UWF is certainly a bold statement, espescially with your broken arm and concussion. How are you going to overcome those issues to ensure you become the longest reigning World Champ? And how are your injuries at this moment in time?

Randy Orton: As I proved last week, I only need one arm to get the job done. People have always doubted me, always critcized me because I'm not flashy, I'm not a talker. I let my actions do the talking for me. I could have both arms broken and I could punt your head in. As long as I am breathing getting me to lay down for the 1. 2. 3. will be a feat like climbing mount everest because i am that great! And as I proved last week and I'll keep proving week in and week out, to beat me you are going to have to kill me, and last week half the roster failed to get the job done! As for my injuries the concussion will be healed by next week, the arm, if I able to keep it from breaking more along with my heavy heavy physical therapy the doctors say it should be good as new by Vengeance. The doctors haven't cleared me to wrestle until then. *The crowd boos at this news which Orton smiles* But somehow I have a feeling I'm not going to get time off, so for all those booing don't worry. If I have to fight with arm tied behind my back, I will, and I'll do it gladly, and without a doubt I WILL win!

Tazz: Randy you are certainly fighting against the odds, and I'm sure all your fans are keeping their fingers crossed for you to be fit and healthy by the time Vengence comes around. Recovering from a broken arm in less than a month, would be a mircaulous recovry, but I'm sure you can do it and I think your fans are sure you can do it too... And talking of your fans, I'm intrigued to know a little bit more on your recent change of heart, I mean just less than a month a go you were in the nWo, a stable which prided itself on breaking the rules and not really doing what the fans liked. Within a matter of weeks you seem to have changed your standpoint, the nWo has now disbanded and your a good guy again, please tell me more about this.

Randy Orton: The NWO was my vision of the future. Make a very boring show into greatness. But I made a mistake. I choose my partners poorly, for all they cared about was themselves. And I watched them get title shots while I ended Austin Aries career. I was getting no where and it was all thanks to my greed, my bloodlust, and my craving for power. And I realized where did it get me, playing third string in a faction that I was leading. Randy Orton isn't going to bow down to anyone, he isn't going to play second string much less third! So I did the only thing I could do, the thing I'm good at. I evolved! And look what happened. I finally destroyed CM Punk at the Elimination Chamber. And then only a week later became the NXT World Heavyweight Champion. I pride myself on my ability in this ring, and I will do whatever it takes to improve. I stopped thinking about power and I decided to focus on winning and sure enough like everything I set my mind to I passed with golden colors! The fans agreeing with me for once, is merely a very welcomed side effect.

So I guess with those words, we could say you're still the same old Randy Orton?

Randy Orton: No Tazz. I am not the same Randy Orton, I am more evolved, more dedicated, in other words I am better than EVER!

Tazz: A better than ever Randy Orton sounds like something myself and all these fans, are throughully going to enjoy over the next few months. However, one person who isn't going to enjoy it is Robert Roode, the man who you forced into vacating his NWA Heavyweight Title, before beating him for the NXT World Championship. What are your thoughts on Mr. Roode Randy?

Randy Orton: Robert Roode is a smug, overrated businessman. Sound familiar Tazz? I call him little JBL. Because like JBL he's all talk. I'm sorry if I talked him out of vacating his championship but that just shows how stupid Robert Roode really is. I know I'm better than Robert Roode, I'm smarter, better looking, and last week I proved it. Should he decide it pays to continue sucking off JBL, and earns another shot at my title, I'd welcome it. Because I would enjoy taking the man who broke arm, and breaking his skull with my boot!

Tazz: Talking of JBL, what are your thoughts on NXT's first ever general manager?

Orton bursts out into laughter before answering.

Randy Orton: JBL is a business man Tazz first and foremost. And in that sense I don't doubt anyone can truely blame him. I mean in today's business world if you aren't speaking Chinese you have to be shrewd and a jackass. But without JBL there would probably not be NXT. So in that aspect I can somewhat agree. But if you think I'm going to thank him for it, than you don't know me very well. Because when it comes down to wrestling, when it comes down to General Managing, JBL is as good as the Pittsburgh Pirates Managing office. He puts his money into guys who either never were, or have potential that they will never reach. JBL struck gold when I became his World Champion. Because I am the Babe Ruth of professional wrestling. And what does he do, he backs the Pete Rose! But don't worry JBL, all baseball references aside, I will continue to make this brand great inspite of your ridiculous decisions. And you want to why JBL hates my guts so much Tazz. Its not because I stood up and said no, its because on his best day I am ten times more of a wrestling god than he will EVER be!

Tazz: After what went down on, tonight's show who do you see as being the biggest threat to your world championship?

Randy Orton: When I think of challenges I always think of my old friend the Rock. The so called Most Electrfying man in sports entertainment today! He's always hungry and always looking for a Championship match. And after what he did to the Miz tonight, well had I not done it better last week I would be impressed. Otherwise one man did stand out tonight, and that was R-truth. I look forward to the day he and I stand toe to toe in this ring, because he has potential. After all he is the new...

A voice is heard over the PA Sytsem as a figure that is clearly non other than Brock Lesnar climbs through the crowd, and makes his way up the ring steps.

Brock Lesnar:
Look at that! Our champion is in the ring! Applause for him ladies and gentlemen. Like i said some moments ago, i don't have match scheduled tonight and also no time for promos! And so called champ is standing here and talks a lot of trash... Very good for show and business Mr. General Manager... But that doesn't matter for this moment. I want to make one thing very clear. You Randy are just a lucky man who had a very nice start of career but you forgot on one guy who can destroy you very easily... ME!
Now Lesnar steps in the ring and he looks straight to the eyes of champ.


You little cobra... sorry viper i made a mistake because you and that Italian fool are on the same page. Both of you don't have skills to impress me or any professional competitor. I am not a speecher so i will tell you one more thing Randal... You're done, your times as champions will end as quick as they started!
Lesnar grabs Orton, gives him F5 and then locks the Kimura lock on Randy Orton's arm!

Joey Styles: NO. JUST NO. How the hell can Brock Lesnar do this to Orton's already broken arm?

Lesnar continues to apply pressure to his Kimura Lock as the World Champion yells in agony. All this pressure on an already broken arm is no good for Randy Orton. The fans continue to boo as there seems to be no remorse in Brock Lesnar. The boos become even louder as NXT's General Manager JBL comes out from the back, appluading Brock Lesnar's attack. JBL has a microphone in hand and begins speaking just as Lesnar releases the submission.

JBL: Hey Champ, how are 'ya enjoying your celebration? Well, I've got some news for 'ya that I'm sure is going to make it even better. First in regards to next week, it seems as if Brock Lesnar is the one man that can tame the Viper, so next week Brock Lesnar will go one on one with "The Viper" Randy Orton! I hope your arm heals by then Randy.

The fans keep booing JBL as he mocks Randy Orton.

JBL: But that's not it Randy. See, you may have shocked the world when you won the NXT World Heavyweight Championship, but all you proved is that miracles can indeed happen. I'm here to tell all of you that at Vengeance, everything will be right in the NXT world again. Because on that night Randy, you will be defending that Championship against the rightful Champion; Robert Roode. And at Vengeance, Robert is going to show you, that it pays to be....well, you know the rest. Have a good night Champ!

The cameras pan to Randy Orton who is grabbing his broken arm in pain. Orton stares down JBL as Lesnar stands tall over him. This is the last thing we see before NXT goes off the air.

Confirmed for Vengeance

NXT World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton(c) versus Robert Roode

Promos: Respective TTers
Scramble Match: Cwalker
Rock versus Miz: Prodigy
Bateman versus Roode: Sam
McMahon versus Jacobs: SBS​

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT 9/10/12

NXT episode 2 delivered. It doesn't matter if it was late because it was a good show. One door closes and one door opens. Orton/Roode at Vengeance, I'm down. Also congrats to Blizzard. Them scramble opponents of his got GOT!


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT 9/10/12

Great show there NXT crew!
That scramble match was written very well, even though it was kinda short, so props to Cwalker. Otherwise I enjoyed that Orton's interview, it was quite a good read.
The show could have been even better, if Awesome_Miz showed up ... shame.
Good show NXT crew, let's roll on to next week!


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Monday Night NXT 9/10/12

Shout out to cwalker who helped finish this show I had a hangover this morning after being drunk last night. Shame I couldn't do more with Rock vs The Miz, but Itchweed will be rewarded for showing up and sending in a promo.
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