Scum of the earth, they are...
You blueberries realize the media and paparazzi are two very different things, right??
I'll try to summarize my thoughts on this as I have followed it very closely.
-Fuck cops not being held responsible for actions. The system is broken, and by that I mean I am sick of cops shooting people and then the department he works for carries out the investigation. There needs to be an outside body that investigates the police to restore some balance and take away their power. They are here to protect and serve, not rule with an iron fist.
-Federal funding providing tanks, armored vehicles, AR15s, ect to local law enforcement is despicable. Why are we militarizing our local police units and teaching them to treat civilians like an opposing force? We are in this shit together. Seeing tanks on American streets makes me sick. Simply put there is no reason for it.
-These assholes at the St Louis County PD are all scumbags, especially the chief of police. They legitimately need to fire them all from top to bottom. Don't give me any BS about how the cops were just following orders, they were attacking civilians, refusing to follow protocol and even infringing on people's constitutional rights..
-Which leads to perhaps my biggest issue, as many huge issues as there are here, where the fuck was the local legislation during all of this? How did the Blue STL county PD chief of police wind up with all of that power to call the shots like he was? Where were the city council members? State Representatives? Governor? He showed up about 3 days too late and we saw the results in the meantime
Massive props to the Missouri state troopers who deescalated the situation almost immediately by.... treating humans like human instead of animals. Amazing what happens when they say "we are in this together" instead of being divisive.
I'm so scatterbrained on the issue because like I said, this really encompasses so many different things.
Anyhow, if you thought there was civil unrest before just wait and see how the town reacts when this cop gets off scott free, which I would bet a hefty amount of money he will get at WORST a slap on the wrist.