Re: Unpopular opions
I can't stand patriotism. I feel it's just a tool for a country to brainwash its citizens into believing they live in the greatest place in the world despite the obvious flaws in the government and society as a whole.
Also, as far as America goes, I can't stand our educational system that would rather push kids through and promote the numbers, rather than focus on the quality of the student's academic abilities.
I agree with everything you just typed up. I could write a Damn book about The truth of Patriotism and what have you, but I'm sure no one wants to read my political banter here, lol. Although I do have a really good feud going with a poser anarchist and his towel head booty buddy at WF....
There is so much wrong with our Education system that I don't even know where to begin. It just doesn't even just happen in high school either. It happens in colleges too. As long as you can play a sport you get passed. I would share an interesting story but I'm on my Droid and not my comp.
Also, we really need to stop all the political correct bullshit in America. Stop putting so many restrictions on the strong to spare the weaker people's feelings. Making everything equal is hurting our nation.
America should go back to being introverted rather than helping every stinking ungrateful country in the world.
Obama is a horrible president. His ObamaCare is fucking bullshit! I already pay over $1200 in taxes a month why should my fucking premiums go up? That's right! So all these fat lazy welfare Bitches can get free insurance!
There are too many sensitive fuckers on this forum too. Which is surprising... Guess some forgot what LXG meant. Yeah, I went there.