Undertaker discusion

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Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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I hate the idea of Taker retiring with his streak broken, he needs to have his streak in tact otherwise what most people know the name for would be pointless. Can you imagine(for you Aussies I can have an example), Geelong went 21-1 last year in the normal season, do you realize how weird that looks. It should stay at 17-0 in my honest opinion, the streak does not need to be ended but that is just me.


Mar 31, 2007
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I want his streak to stay in tact period, Shawn just ended Flairs career last year and now your saying you want him to do the same to Taker? Why doesn't he just adopt the legend killer gimmick. Undertaker only is a what... 6 time champion? He won't be remembered for his title runs, he will be remembered as Mr. Wrestlemania, he deserves one thing to be known as, and thats all he has left at this point.

Leave the streak alone

If you wanna put over a mid carder, have them go over Taker some other time of the year, it doesn't need to be Mania for the guy to be solidified as a main eventer
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I dont get why people constantly talk about 'an upcoming guy who's going to be with WWE for years to come' etc, breaking the streak. how its going to 'put this person over big time' and 'HBK doesn't need to end the streak, he's already way over'.

Ever occured to you, that people like Taker, much like Flair, may get a lot of say in these types of scenarios? You've got the two biggest names in the WWE, two men who can pretty much be named Mr WrestleMania, who've both held the major titles (several times), who have beaten them all, and done it all. You don't think these two guys want to go into this match and want to put a fucker of a shower on, for the fans? Fuck this backstage politics ... fuck putting people over, this is a once of thing - they will want to what they want. Taker, I don't think, is going to want to have someone who HE wants to end the streak, not someone the company wants to put over. I say it will be HBK who ends his streak - because they want to do it - HBK and Taker will want to do it.

Lets think back - everyone said the same thing about Flair retiring. 'It has to put someone over' ... bullshit! It had to come down to who WWE and Flair were both comfortable with ... HBK.

Plus, I'm sure WWE are by now learning that you can't put this kind of shit on someone. Someone, anyone, getting this win will never be set in stone to stay with the company for years and years to come. I think it's too big of a risk to put on some young guns shoulders, like Punk etc. With a HBK or HHH, they know that the 'guy who broke Taker's streak' wasn't someone no one who happened to have a measely WHC title run, and an IC run then left the company a few years later. Would you risk that?

Beer Money Army

i beg to differ. taker has never beaten HBk in a singles match within WWE..

This could be Taker biggest WM test... HBK..

HBK would be a good choice, But then again Taker WM streak is cementally to WWE...


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
I have to agree with chessarmy and Knicky on this one. I love Taker and believe that his streak is one of, if not the main thing that holds up the mystique of Taker, but I think his dominance throughout his career can withstand losing the streak to HBK. I don't see the E putting the 'end of the streak' in the hands of an up and comer/noob to get them pushed. HBK ends it this year. Then HBK can be Mr. Wrestlemania all alone and say he screwed Bret, retired Flair and ended Taker's streak. The ultimate bad-ass if you ask me. All heel feats too, tbqfh.

The only way I would want to see Taker win over HBK this year is if they faced again next year and had a year long feud where HBK wants to prove to himself and everyone else that he IS Mr. Wrestlemania and wins at WM26. I see no one else who should end the streak, not even HHH.


Yup, I think you'll find almost everyone agrees. It makes sense.


I don't know... after 16 years what would be the point now. It's one of those few legendary things we still have floating around in WWE. Neither HBK or Undertaker would have anything to gain by HBK ending the streak. HBK is already the guy who screwed Brett and ended Flair's career, do we really want him ending the streak as well? As someone else said, why not just slap the Legend Killer gimmick on HBK if he does go over Taker.
I also don't think if they ever choose to have him lose that it should be a young talent. Some kid who could possibly leave two years later for a failed move career or get busted for steroids? No.
The match will draw regardless, and will honestly probably be the most anticipated match on the card this year. Let Taker go out with his streak in tact, it's not like the guy has an insane amount of title wins under his belt either, I believe at this point Edge has more.
HBK is by far the biggest threat they've thrown at Taker over the past few years. Taking the pin isn't going to hurt Michaels in the least bit, but I really think Taker losing after 16 would have a lot of loyal fans feelings left down and with a sour taste in their mouths.


Taker needs the streak honestly. What has he really done the last few years? Nothing very impactful. Sure he won the WHC 2 times but that was imo just a way to keep his streak in-tact. HBK has already pretty much screwed alot of people over. Not just Bret and Flair, there are i am sure countless others behind the scenes as well. The Undertaker has always been known to be undefeatable at Mania. He never beating HBK can make a brilliant storyline going into the match. With a few HBK heel-ish promos (I think he will be more of the heel in the match. but it will be a classic face/face match like HBK/Cena and Warrior/Hogan) This could be a main event calliubur match and will likely be the 4th last match with MITB and WHC following with the Orton/HHH being the main event. If booked right it could steal the show. and with the particpants I believe that it will, HBK and Taker in another classic battle.


Yep hbk should be the one to beat the undertaker. But he wont, but instead we will have an awesome one on one match up with these two awesome future hall of famers. I can see kick out after kick out and near falls galore. This may steal wm25.


Taker needs the streak honestly. What has he really done the last few years? Nothing very impactful. Sure he won the WHC 2 times but that was imo just a way to keep his streak in-tact. HBK has already pretty much screwed alot of people over. Not just Bret and Flair, there are i am sure countless others behind the scenes as well. The Undertaker has always been known to be undefeatable at Mania. He never beating HBK can make a brilliant storyline going into the match. With a few HBK heel-ish promos (I think he will be more of the heel in the match. but it will be a classic face/face match like HBK/Cena and Warrior/Hogan) This could be a main event calliubur match and will likely be the 4th last match with MITB and WHC following with the Orton/HHH being the main event. If booked right it could steal the show. and with the particpants I believe that it will, HBK and Taker in another classic battle.

How the hell did Shawn Michaels screw over Ric Flair?


^^^ I think he meant in wwe terms in wrestling. Not person man, we all know its prefabricated.

The Rated R CMStar

Not even in kayfabe Shawn screwed Ric, so that made no sense.

I still don't see the benefit of Taker retiring the streak. You are taking it all to unrealistic levels. You are telling me that if it weren't for the streak (which most of you don't care about the rest of the year) you would think lesser of The Undertaker? Give me a break. You are painting the Streak as if it was all Taker has for his legacy and that if he lost him, nobody would care of him, which is far from the truth
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia

Taker is just as much a legend with the streak, as he is withoout it! The guy's been in the business for what? 20 years, he's done it all, he's faced them all! HBK is exactly the same! They're two guys who can say they've done it all in this business, and not one thing can make them legendary!

I don't think this match is about who 'gains' from it, and who gets 'screwed'. Frankly, no one will get either. Whoever wins, whoever loses, both men will put on that wrestlemania match which will be a high possibility for MoTN, and both men will leave the exact same way they entered - legends. This one match isn't going to hurt them professionally, in anyway!

I still think, if they want Taker to lose the streak, now's the time. They seem to have had a miracle putting the HBK/Taker Mania match off. Michaels has cemented himself as Mr WrestleMania. Taker's streak has gotten to an unsurpassable point. Both men are going to their home state of Texas. It's a big time moment in Wrestling, 25th Anniversary! Both men are hurting, and could be considered for retirement - making this a possible 'last match' scenario.

The pieces fit for an ending to the streak, imo.

The Rated R CMStar

I would agree with that...if they would have built HBK vs Taker better. HBK could be the man to end the streak, but this is not the build up for the streak to end.


Shawn Michaels you say?

No, no it shouldn't be Shawn Michaels.

Why, you ask?

Simple, because it should be John Cena.