Undertaker discusion

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Luke Flywalker

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Jan 28, 2009
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LMAO @ it does nothing for WWE to end the streak. He's still got 16-0 under his belt. It's not like that 16-0 is non-existent once he loses. He just gets a mark. Then you can push careers to see if anyone can manage anything near it, it would be a formidable measuring stick of his dominance. Quite frankly, after Edge losing to Undertaker, it's obvious how difficult it is for anyone to establish that kind of run.

It takes nothing away from WWE, Undertaker, or the Streak itself. What it does do is prevent the most heat ANYONE will ever take in the WWE in regards to Undertaker's career. As said before, it could cement a guy like Orton or Edge as the greatest heel ever.

People make too big a deal out of him losing. Who in the WWE is currently anywhere near that? Nobody. Again, it's a streak. Quite possibly the most impressive and greatest streak in all of sports. Building even more onto it probably wont do much for Taker's career, especially at this stage. Ending it could create a legend, and build the greatest heel of all.

I do imagine it to be Kane though, I can't picture WWE closing that storyline completely. Not to mention, it could build Kane for his final years. They still have Brother's of Destruction and refer to them as brothers in the game, storylines, random announcers facts, etc. So the fans know the history they've got.

Or maybe someone ends it and Kane takes it personally. Kane's had some GREAT rivalries in his career, nevermind if he's come up on the losing end at times. You can still go back to making him indestructible. Put the mask back on and have that be the "source of his power". There's plenty you can do in the 2-4 years he's got left, especially if he plays into Undertaker's streak losing.


As far as his streak goes, I'm still standing by my word that HBK will end his streak this year. An ultimate face/face matchup of the century, which will draw to be possibly match of the year imo if it all ends up how it should

Tsaalyo Phoenix

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Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
^ I hope not. Not only would the push be completely wasted on HBK, but there's been no buildup to it. Undertaker's streak, no matter who ends it, should end as the result of a well planned feud. Him losing it now to some random guy he's never even laid eyes on all year would be a waste.


^thats true though.. they need to build this match up in the next couple weeks, or the match will end up as sub-par shit, when it could be damn near perfect

The Rated R CMStar

Ya you HOPE ending the streak will push the guy who does it. I can say wihtout a shadow of a doubt that they're isn't a guy on the roster who could outdo the 16 who wrestled the undertaker at WM and lost. Looking at it through the lense of Kayfabe. Undertaker is undefeatable at WM and the guy who does it, is better then the other 16 before him. Old Generation paved the way for the new gen and this is the only thing still standing from that generation. You're going to give that up to push some untalented punks who can't get over?

First off, if it is an untalented punk who can't get over, he wouldn't even be in a feud with The Undertaker going into Mania on the first place.

Second, by the notion that there is nobody currently on the level to end the streak and the "old paved the road to the new, and if someone beats the streak it would mean they are better and blah blah blah", any streak would never end. HHH's streak in Hell in a Cell matches would have never been ended by Batista, rookies would never win championships.

The single fact that nobody is on that level makes ending the streak more valuable. Of course right now nobody is in position to end the streak, because nobody has been built to be believable, altough nice try dodging John Cena, who could very well end the streak any day, even making Taker tap out.

You can even count Edge, Randy Orton and Chris Jericho on that list (Y2J VERY far fetched, but he still counts) on the list of people who can end the streak.

And entering WM26, if built correctly, Ted DiBiase, Jack Swagger or CM Punk could become WWE's hottest commodity if they ended the streak. Not Kane, a guy who would probably just wrestle a year after ending the streak, but a DiBiase, who will be wrestling for the next 10 years.


Feb 17, 2009
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I really can't understand why people like DiBiase. Can someone please explain to me his appeal? No personality, avergage at best in the ring and an awful finishing move.


Feb 16, 2007
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He has enough charisma, his ring work is good enough for tv and is only improving and his finisher will probably be changed when he's rising. WM 26 could possible be a bit to early for me though.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
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First off, if it is an untalented punk who can't get over, he wouldn't even be in a feud with The Undertaker going into Mania on the first place.

Second, by the notion that there is nobody currently on the level to end the streak and the "old paved the road to the new, and if someone beats the streak it would mean they are better and blah blah blah", any streak would never end. HHH's streak in Hell in a Cell matches would have never been ended by Batista, rookies would never win championships.

The single fact that nobody is on that level makes ending the streak more valuable. Of course right now nobody is in position to end the streak, because nobody has been built to be believable, altough nice try dodging John Cena, who could very well end the streak any day, even making Taker tap out.

You can even count Edge, Randy Orton and Chris Jericho on that list (Y2J VERY far fetched, but he still counts) on the list of people who can end the streak.

And entering WM26, if built correctly, Ted DiBiase, Jack Swagger or CM Punk could become WWE's hottest commodity if they ended the streak. Not Kane, a guy who would probably just wrestle a year after ending the streak, but a DiBiase, who will be wrestling for the next 10 years.

...You just don't get it?

First off, Taker's a nice guy, He feuds with garbage hoping to push some guys for the good of the company. He's a company man and always has been. Kennedy's only good feud is with Taker. Taker has faced Mark Henry and what's his nuts in Wrestlemania but he dominated them and pinned them. Big difference is Taker feuds with anyone, but anyone doesn't pin him or make him tap out. Especially at fucking WM. the most untalented piece of shit ruining wrestling reputation John Cena shouldn't even be in the same ring as Taker during the road to wrestlemania. And he hasn't been.

The streak is bigger then fucking wrestling. It's bigger then any other ridiculous stupid ass streak the WWE has ever came up with. And that's because it was started when Wrestling was just coming up. Wrestlemania cemented the WWE(F) and Taker and his streak are a BIG Part of Wrestlemania. Ending it just to give a guy a push would be a crime. It's all that Mark Callaway has for his work with the WWE. He's been the top guy ever time he steps into that ring, he's a great worker and this is his reward for it. It's as fabled as Wrestlemania itself. Why would you end that? John Cena, Jack Swagger, Cm Punk, Dibiase, Orton and Edge can all suck a big fat dink if they think they'll ever be able to share the same pedestal as Taker. That's a insult to the other 16 matches if you think that talent deserves to even pin Taker.

Jericho doesn't have enough history with Taker to do it. If it would of been Jericho would of been feuding with Taker the past two years instead of Edge, would be a possibility but that's as close as it gets.

Only guy who does is Kane. Would be a great way for Kane to go out, but they'res other way's to do it other then ending Kane's streak. Kane apparently doesn't have "IT" or else he'd have a lot more feuds under his belt, and would be the ideal person to take it from taker. but that's not the case.

If these guys were the 2nd gen, they'd do what their father's did and innovate professional wrestling. Find another way to get over, if you can't. Don't end the best thing in wrestling. Ever.

None of those you guys you listed are even remotely talented. When they came into wrestling they had a fanbase that was already built, A couple of them are 2nd gen guys, who do you think built that for them? Do you forget, or do you need to watch the hall of fame ads more? What has any of those guy's done, that even touches Undertaker's fame.

If they had any faith in any of their talent they would push them to the moon and keep them there. So by now, if they were talented they would have enough credentials where beating Taker would cement that legacy. But in reality, they haven't done shit all and that's because the fan's dont give a flying fuck about those hacks. The guy's who do get over fast are rewarded fast. They push barely mediocre guys like Lashley, Cena because they know that's all they got and you've had the likes of Taker, Triple H, HBK, Flair. (wow that's it eh) Doing everything they can to get these untalented fuck's over but they'll never reach the heights these guys did because they don't have "IT".

I don't even consider him an option but i'll humor myself and say John Cena is the newest guy who could end Taker's streak. It's just too bad Cena's serious face is often his silly face and no one can tell the fucking difference. The guy's a monkey and everyone who's had their balls dropped has been aware of that for a while now. Cena's rep is ruined and it's been on damage control for a long time now. so to say he's the one who'll end Taker's streak is a good way to piss off all of your old school fans.

If any of the guys who had "IT" were still around, then they'red be an actual list to see who can do it.

But there isn't and it just adds to the fable of all the guy's who actually had "IT"


Feb 17, 2009
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I think its a bit much to say the likes of CM Punk, Randy Orton and Edge aren't talented, or to say that none of their new stars are over because John Cena clearly is, whether you like him or not (I'm personally ambivalent towards him).

But I agree with you about everything else. Ending the streak to cement someone in the company is not right, there are better ways of doing it.


Seeing as that this is an undertaker discussion about him i think i got the perfect feud for taker in the year 2009. Cm punk now i know what your saying they are both faces and over with the crowd so the feud will probably hurt punk and he will turn heel. But i think punk vs taker can be good matches and promos and punk should go over taker making punk a bigger star than he is also. I say after the draft turn punk heel cause he isn't getting no where no on raw. He has fought all of the heels.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
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I think its a bit much to say the likes of CM Punk, Randy Orton and Edge aren't talented, or to say that none of their new stars are over because John Cena clearly is, whether you like him or not (I'm personally ambivalent towards him).

But I agree with you about everything else. Ending the streak to cement someone in the company is not right, there are better ways of doing it.
I'm still talking to anyone who thinks Taker should lose his streak not just you plachi. Cena's two year reign (pretty much) cements that. Granted back then they weren't two world championships but they're the one's who stretched out an already shitty roster. Though I stand by the comment that none of the new stars are over. Some are talented and some are good on the mic but they still don't have the size or the factor to make us buy the PPV every month to see their match. They're over as much as they can be I guess, but that's still not good enough to end the streak. We need a gift from god to end that streak.

I'm a Edge head and i love edge, i think he's awesome and he's been in my top two for the past 10 years (Jericho, edge) but let's be realistic here. The only reason he's not doing the mid card thang is because all of the talent is gone. Edge is a great talent, and he's doing great things in WWE now. Edge has gone through a metamorphosis on the mic and in the ring but it's still not good enough to end Taker's streak. Especially with how his persona has been portrayed the last couple of years, losing to the likes of Batista and Cena over and over.

You know who made Edge a legit threat in the ring? Taker. Did Edge have to end the streak to do it? No

You can say it's a new era if you want, but if any of the new talent had the "IT" factor like the guys of the past we wouldn't be referring to the attitude era as the good ol days. They'd be doing just as well if not better then John Cena, Bobby Lashley and Batista. You can say they don't have the "IT" factor because of their size and hell that's true. Wrestling has always been about the bodybuilders. Back in the day according to their size, Edge, Orton and CM Punk wouldn't even be allowed to graze the main event unless their in a stable with a guy with "IT". Ask Triple H how he was able to get noticed. It's guy's like Jericho and Rocky who won over the fans with the mic while being talented in the ring. Jericho was so good he was given a title DURING the era of the biggest draws in wrestling history. when the talent started to dwindle they looked to Benoit, Guerrero, Rey etc They were over like crazy and they did it in the ring over hard work.

Now that they're gone (Rey is a shadow of his former self) WWE is just looking to put the your #1 button on a guy and it's not working out for em and why do you think that is. cause they're more talented then the past which is why Taker's streak should be given to them on a silver platter.

When someone clearly earns the right to beat Taker we'll know about it since we've witnessed their rise. I ramble


...You just don't get it?

First off, Taker's a nice guy, He feuds with garbage hoping to push some guys for the good of the company. He's a company man and always has been. Kennedy's only good feud is with Taker. Taker has faced Mark Henry and what's his nuts in Wrestlemania but he dominated them and pinned them. Big difference is Taker feuds with anyone, but anyone doesn't pin him or make him tap out. Especially at fucking WM. the most untalented piece of shit ruining wrestling reputation John Cena shouldn't even be in the same ring as Taker during the road to wrestlemania. And he hasn't been.

First off, I'm sure Taker is a very nice man. However, sorry to burst your bubble, but more people pay to see John Cena then they do to see the Undertaker. That would make Cena the better professional wrestler. John Cena hasn't received a Mania program with Taker either because a) Taker is not willing to lose at Mania or b) The WWE hasn't decided to have Cena beat Taker yet. Because lets face it, there is no reason in the world for Taker, an aging veteran, to go over your companies biggest draw.

The streak is bigger then fucking wrestling. It's bigger then any other ridiculous stupid ass streak the WWE has ever came up with. And that's because it was started when Wrestling was just coming up. Wrestlemania cemented the WWE(F) and Taker and his streak are a BIG Part of Wrestlemania. Ending it just to give a guy a push would be a crime. It's all that Mark Callaway has for his work with the WWE. He's been the top guy ever time he steps into that ring, he's a great worker and this is his reward for it. It's as fabled as Wrestlemania itself. Why would you end that? John Cena, Jack Swagger, Cm Punk, Dibiase, Orton and Edge can all suck a big fat dink if they think they'll ever be able to share the same pedestal as Taker. That's a insult to the other 16 matches if you think that talent deserves to even pin Taker.

Give me a fucking break. "Holy shit! Taker has a scripted winning streak in a scripted sport. I'm marking the fuck out!" The streak is only good for either a ready made storyline heading into Mania or for the push someone would get from breaking it.

An insult to the other matches? Are you fucking kidding? Yea, Orton pinning Taker would most certainly take away from Taker's epic matches with Giant Gonzalez, the Big Boss Man, and Marc Henry.

HBK is 10 times the worker Taker is. Where is his reward? Oh thats right, he doesn't need a reward for years of service. He just goes out there and puts on matches of the year at Mania each and every year, regardless of the fact that he loses most of them. HBK knows what is right for business, and what is right is that he can use his "legacy" to put people over.

Only guy who does is Kane. Would be a great way for Kane to go out, but they'res other way's to do it other then ending Kane's streak. Kane apparently doesn't have "IT" or else he'd have a lot more feuds under his belt, and would be the ideal person to take it from taker. but that's not the case.

I don't get it. Is this a contridiction? You claim the streak is the best thing going and noone is over enough to break it, yet you think Kane beating Taker would be a great way for them to go out. We are taking about the same Kane who has been made into a laughing stock over and over again, right?

If they had any faith in any of their talent they would push them to the moon and keep them there. So by now, if they were talented they would have enough credentials where beating Taker would cement that legacy. But in reality, they haven't done shit all and that's because the fan's dont give a flying fuck about those hacks. The guy's who do get over fast are rewarded fast. They push barely mediocre guys like Lashley, Cena because they know that's all they got and you've had the likes of Taker, Triple H, HBK, Flair. (wow that's it eh) Doing everything they can to get these untalented fuck's over but they'll never reach the heights these guys did because they don't have "IT".

Ok, so we are now talking about the mythical "IT" factor. Whatever the hell that is. Well I consider the "IT" factor the ability to draw money. As would probably every promoter in the business. Cena has proven over and over again to be a pretty big draw. That right, an even bigger draw then when Taker and HBK were the actual headliners in the WWE.

That aside, whats the point of having veterans on the roster if they shouldn't be putting the younger talent over. It makes no sense. Its also a two way street. You put all the blame on the up and comer. Well guess what, if the so called "legends" can't get someone over, its their fault as well.

I don't even consider him an option but i'll humor myself and say John Cena is the newest guy who could end Taker's streak. It's just too bad Cena's serious face is often his silly face and no one can tell the fucking difference. The guy's a monkey and everyone who's had their balls dropped has been aware of that for a while now. Cena's rep is ruined and it's been on damage control for a long time now. so to say he's the one who'll end Taker's streak is a good way to piss off all of your old school fans.

The Cena hate bandwagon left in about 2007, I think you missed your ride. He is the biggest name in the wrestling business, regardless of whether or not you think he looks like a monkey. if there is any man who should end that ridiculous streak, it is John Cena. He is the biggest draw since Austin and the Rock. The same can not be said for The Undertaker. Deal with it.

If any of the guys who had "IT" were still around, then they'red be an actual list to see who can do it.

But there isn't and it just adds to the fable of all the guy's who actually had "IT"

Again, with the mythical "IT" factor. Can you even explain what the "IT" factor is?

The Rated R CMStar

I'm a Edge head and i love edge, i think he's awesome and he's been in my top two for the past 10 years (Jericho, edge) but let's be realistic here. The only reason he's not doing the mid card thang is because all of the talent is gone. Edge is a great talent, and he's doing great things in WWE now. Edge has gone through a metamorphosis on the mic and in the ring but it's still not good enough to end Taker's streak. Especially with how his persona has been portrayed the last couple of years, losing to the likes of Batista and Cena over and over.

You know who made Edge a legit threat in the ring? Taker. Did Edge have to end the streak to do it? No

All the talent gone? I'm sorry, but from the time Edge was midcarding and now, only The Rock and Stone Cold are gone.

Now, in his feud with Cena and Batista, first, Edge has NEVER lost to Batista, so nice try, and with Cena, he has only lost twice during his 2006 feud, and on their encounters in drafts WWE goes out of their way to make both men look even. In fact, we have never had a winner in those encounters.

Taker didn't make Edge. Not by a longshot. If you want to give the credit to someone of making Edge a main eventer, give it to Mick Foley and John Cena. Hell, even Vickie Guerrero, but not Taker.

First off, Taker's a nice guy, He feuds with garbage hoping to push some guys for the good of the company. He's a company man and always has been. Kennedy's only good feud is with Taker. Taker has faced Mark Henry and what's his nuts in Wrestlemania but he dominated them and pinned them. Big difference is Taker feuds with anyone, but anyone doesn't pin him or make him tap out. Especially at fucking WM. the most untalented piece of shit ruining wrestling reputation John Cena shouldn't even be in the same ring as Taker during the road to wrestlemania. And he hasn't been.

The streak is bigger then fucking wrestling. It's bigger then any other ridiculous stupid ass streak the WWE has ever came up with. And that's because it was started when Wrestling was just coming up. Wrestlemania cemented the WWE(F) and Taker and his streak are a BIG Part of Wrestlemania. Ending it just to give a guy a push would be a crime. It's all that Mark Callaway has for his work with the WWE. He's been the top guy ever time he steps into that ring, he's a great worker and this is his reward for it.

You may not like Cena, but he is sure more valuable to the business to all the other 16 other wrestlers that have tried to end the streak. (maybe not HHH and Flair)

And ok, let's go with your scenario. The streak never ends. Taker gets to keep his little numbers, retires in 2 years and...who wins? Taker walks out with his streak and? Nobody benefits from it.

And lol at the "this is his reward" line. Taker is doing the job he loves, does whatever he likes, participates on the storyline he likes, takes a damn break whenever he pleases.

Besides, I mean, being 6 time World Champion isn't reward enough.

None of those you guys you listed are even remotely talented. When they came into wrestling they had a fanbase that was already built, A couple of them are 2nd gen guys, who do you think built that for them? Do you forget, or do you need to watch the hall of fame ads more? What has any of those guy's done, that even touches Undertaker's fame.

If they had any faith in any of their talent they would push them to the moon and keep them there. So by now, if they were talented they would have enough credentials where beating Taker would cement that legacy. But in reality, they haven't done shit all and that's because the fan's dont give a flying fuck about those hacks. The guy's who do get over fast are rewarded fast. They push barely mediocre guys like Lashley, Cena because they know that's all they got and you've had the likes of Taker, Triple H, HBK, Flair. (wow that's it eh) Doing everything they can to get these untalented fuck's over but they'll never reach the heights these guys did because they don't have "IT".

I listed Orton, CM Punk, Jericho and Edge on that list, I am going to go on a limb and say all of them are better than The Undertaker.

As for "their fathers build their paths from them"...

Bob Orton never did anything. Thats the cold truth. Nobody gives a flying fuck as you said, about him. Tell me how whatever he did help his son do what he does except giving him his last name, thing that has stopped caring since 2005.

Also, I would want to know what fanbase Edge had when he debuted? I mean, it was already built.

Also, you say that if they were talented enough they would have enough credentials for them to beat Taker. Edge, Cena, and Orton have already done more than The Undertaker. Hell, I'd add batista in there too, as he is already bigger than Taker.

Of course they don't have the credentials. And that's the entire point of it, put a guy main eventing but not in a super stardom level of someone like Cena and give him the streak, so he can reach that level.

They push barely mediocre guys like Lashley, Cena because they know that's all they got and you've had the likes of Taker, Triple H, HBK, Flair. (wow that's it eh) Doing everything they can to get these untalented fuck's over but they'll never reach the heights these guys did because they don't have "IT"

I won't even comment on your first statement due to the stupidity coming out of spite on it. As for the rest, these untalented fucks, in cases like Batista and specially Cena, have already become bigger than most of the names you listed in there.

I don't even consider him an option but i'll humor myself and say John Cena is the newest guy who could end Taker's streak. It's just too bad Cena's serious face is often his silly face and no one can tell the fucking difference. The guy's a monkey and everyone who's had their balls dropped has been aware of that for a while now. Cena's rep is ruined and it's been on damage control for a long time now. so to say he's the one who'll end Taker's streak is a good way to piss off all of your old school fans.

Talk by yourself and your old school fans. Old School doesn't have a problem with Cena. Listen to any interview with old school wrestlers. They respect the fuck out of Cena and praise his work. Also, his reputation is ruined...in the IWC, and even that is arguable, because if you talk to any other kind of fan, they'll say he's the best thing in WWE.

It's even funny you say his reputation is ruined when his reactions are getting more and more pops instead of boos as he weeks pass.

You can say it's a new era if you want, but if any of the new talent had the "IT" factor like the guys of the past we wouldn't be referring to the attitude era as the good ol days. They'd be doing just as well if not better then John Cena, Bobby Lashley and Batista. You can say they don't have the "IT" factor because of their size and hell that's true. Wrestling has always been about the bodybuilders. Back in the day according to their size, Edge, Orton and CM Punk wouldn't even be allowed to graze the main event unless their in a stable with a guy with "IT". Ask Triple H how he was able to get noticed. It's guy's like Jericho and Rocky who won over the fans with the mic while being talented in the ring. Jericho was so good he was given a title DURING the era of the biggest draws in wrestling history. when the talent started to dwindle they looked to Benoit, Guerrero, Rey etc They were over like crazy and they did it in the ring over hard work.

Now that they're gone (Rey is a shadow of his former self) WWE is just looking to put the your #1 button on a guy and it's not working out for em and why do you think that is. cause they're more talented then the past which is why Taker's streak should be given to them on a silver platter.

No, we talk about the Attitude days as the good ol days because of the writing and storylines, not the talent itself.

You keep mentioning workers who have left who had IT. Please tell me who are them, because I can only recall The Rock and Stone Cold.

Also, just for your info, and since you say pushing Cena hasn't worked for the WWE...Cena vs Michaels draw the biggest buyrate in history for WM23, and his T-shirts are the top sellers in HISTORY, only behind 3:16 and Hogan Rules.

I respect the fact that you dont want the streak to end, right or wrong, but your last posts depict how wrong you are about anything else. In the Attitude Era the main event were Rock, Austin, Angle, Taker, Triple H, Mick Foley and to some extent Jericho. Out of all of them, 4 of them are still around, and 2 are still main eventin in the WWE, yet, you keep rambling about main eventers leaving the WWE as if a freaking list of 10 main eventers had left.

Also, as for thr streak, like I said before, who does it benefit that the streak never ends? Taker? Mark Calloway? He has gotten more out of wrestling than winning a match in a yearly event for it to be as you call it, a reward. And with Taker gone, nobody will even remember The Streak.

Also, by your notion, only a guy with a shit load of history with Taker can end his streak? Why? A 6 month feud is more than enough to have someone end the Streak, and even that is stretching it.

The Streak will be of no good once Taker isn't around. It doesn't do anything for him 10 months of the year, it shouldn't do it for the rest of his career.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
First off, I'm sure Taker is a very nice man. However, sorry to burst your bubble, but more people pay to see John Cena then they do to see the Undertaker. That would make Cena the better professional wrestler. John Cena hasn't received a Mania program with Taker either because a) Taker is not willing to lose at Mania or b) The WWE hasn't decided to have Cena beat Taker yet. Because lets face it, there is no reason in the world for Taker, an aging veteran, to go over your companies biggest draw.

Give me a fucking break. "Holy shit! Taker has a scripted winning streak in a scripted sport. I'm marking the fuck out!" The streak is only good for either a ready made storyline heading into Mania or for the push someone would get from breaking it.

An insult to the other matches? Are you fucking kidding? Yea, Orton pinning Taker would most certainly take away from Taker's epic matches with Giant Gonzalez, the Big Boss Man, and Marc Henry.

HBK is 10 times the worker Taker is. Where is his reward? Oh thats right, he doesn't need a reward for years of service. He just goes out there and puts on matches of the year at Mania each and every year, regardless of the fact that he loses most of them. HBK knows what is right for business, and what is right is that he can use his "legacy" to put people over.

I don't get it. Is this a contridiction? You claim the streak is the best thing going and noone is over enough to break it, yet you think Kane beating Taker would be a great way for them to go out. We are taking about the same Kane who has been made into a laughing stock over and over again, right?

Ok, so we are now talking about the mythical "IT" factor. Whatever the hell that is. Well I consider the "IT" factor the ability to draw money. As would probably every promoter in the business. Cena has proven over and over again to be a pretty big draw. That right, an even bigger draw then when Taker and HBK were the actual headliners in the WWE.

That aside, whats the point of having veterans on the roster if they shouldn't be putting the younger talent over. It makes no sense. Its also a two way street. You put all the blame on the up and comer. Well guess what, if the so called "legends" can't get someone over, its their fault as well.

The Cena hate bandwagon left in about 2007, I think you missed your ride. He is the biggest name in the wrestling business, regardless of whether or not you think he looks like a monkey. if there is any man who should end that ridiculous streak, it is John Cena. He is the biggest draw since Austin and the Rock. The same can not be said for The Undertaker. Deal with it.

Again, with the mythical "IT" factor. Can you even explain what the "IT" factor is?

your post makes no sense. I'm not even going to go on a huge ramble or quote you and try and break it down. what a waste of time if you're not going to read what i wrote anyway.

I've already said why Cena can't do it. and saying he's the guy who's been making them money over the past years is ridiculous. Cena was being the "biggest" draw while sharing the same shows as Dgeneration Xor whoever it was sharing the spotlight. Cena never does it alone and to think he does is laughable. He was getting boo'd out of buildings and it was the guy's he was working with who built him back up again and again. It was his opponents who made him get that pop not him. That's a fucking laugh. Cena is a comedy act from start to finish. His fans are kids. This was proven once again during Batista vs Cena.

I said the sentence after why Kane can't end the streak. I like the guy but he doesn't have "IT" and then you say something different. ok.

The thing with HBK is, is that he doesn't have anything close to significant as "The streak". Oh and don't act like HBK has been putting over guy's his entire career. I think after his third finding of christ he realized that he's getting too lazy n old to win cleanly and lose dirty all the time. It's been said plenty of times without his career that the reason he doesn't want the title is because he doesn't want to defend it and lose it. Fucking jackass, nice way to look like a saint.

The "IT" factor, give me a fucking break. Selling, Pscycology FUCKING ETC. You know what it is, just not it's entirety it seems, if you think Cena has "IT" more then taker. I just refreshed and now i have to respond to CMS God damnit lol

EDIT: After reading what CMS said, I just can't bring myself to respond to it. Google WWE's roster during 2001 or w/e roster you like the most or even during the glory days, then you'll see the name's your missing.

No one will EVER forget about Taker. NEver EVER. WWE simply won't let you. ESPECIALLY how his streak has carried Wrestlemania every year. Could you imagine a WM without Taker and his streak? You think they won't remind you to show how prestigious WM actually is?

Cena get's a reaction because we're simply sick of fighting a lost cause. He's not going nowhere, and we're getting use to it. He sells because he's easily the most invested project the WWE has ever had. He's focused around kids but that's obvious. He's recorded cd's been in two movies, had everything given to him in the WWE matches and promo wise. He's had every "dream matchup" thrown at him and built around him making him look good out of it.

For as much that has been invested in him he should be Hulk fucking Hogan relate to Edge's Promo last week.
i'll be damned if i'm going to be silent while you list him along with the greats of all time and say he should end the streak. that's a fucking joke

The Rated R CMStar

I've already said why Cena can't do it. and saying he's the guy who's been making them money over the past years is ridiculous. Cena was being the "biggest" draw while sharing the same shows as Dgeneration Xor whoever it was sharing the spotlight. Cena never does it alone and to think he does is laughable. He was getting boo'd out of buildings and it was the guy's he was working with who built him back up again and again. It was his opponents who made him get that pop not him. That's a fucking laugh. Cena is a comedy act from start to finish. His fans are kids. This was proven once again during Batista vs Cena.

Explain to me how that logic works for Cena vs Khali, Cena vs JBL and Cena vs Umaga.

Also, do you really are going to believe that it was because of HBK WM 23 got that amount of buyrates?

By the notion that Cena doesn't do it alone, neither does Hogan or Stone Cold.

BTW, the fact that he got booed doesn't even matters. That didn't make people stop tuning in or buying PPVs or attending events. In fact, those numbers increased in his reign.

The thing with HBK is, is that he doesn't have anything close to significant as "The streak". Oh and don't act like HBK has been putting over guy's his entire career. I think after his third finding of christ he realized that he's getting too lazy n old to win cleanly and lose dirty all the time. It's been said plenty of times without his career that the reason he doesn't want the title is because he doesn't want to defend it and lose it. Fucking jackass, nice way to look like a saint.

First off, this has to be the first time I have heard that as the reason HBK has not won the belt once again, which BTW not only sounds idiotic but I don't find it true,

Give it all the reasons you want, but at least HBK puts people over and loses to them. When was the last time Taker lost a feud?

In summary, you just confirmed CM54's case. HBK doesnt have something as the streak, and yet, he's far more known that Taker, far a bigger draw and he doesnt even need the streak for you to buy he is Mr. Wrestlemania. Just goes to show the streak isnt necessary.

The "IT" factor, give me a fucking break. Selling, Pscycology FUCKING ETC. You know what it is, just not it's entirety it seems, if you think Cena has "IT" more then taker. I just refreshed and now i have to respond to CMS God damnit lol

Selling...Cena beats Taker in that. Unless you want to count sitting up out of 10 minutes of beating good selling.

Psycology: Cena knows how to fight big time matches better than Taker. Apart from that, one could say they are rather even.

As for the rest of it, how about being the Number One Guy and not failing, in fact, becoming the Third Biggest Draw in history. Cena can say that, can The Undertaker?

Also, ETC... includes making money, and Cena makes much more for the WWe than Taker.

No one will EVER forget about Taker. NEver EVER. WWE simply won't let you. ESPECIALLY how his streak has carried Wrestlemania every year. Could you imagine a WM without Taker and his streak? You think they won't remind you to show how prestigious WM actually is?

Oh yeah, so Taker won't be forgotten...in the hype for Mania. God knows the Streak will make for a nice 5 minute video in Raw, Smackdown and ECW.

That's what you want for the streak? A way WWE can hype Wrestlemania? You know, because that is far better than pushing a guy to super stardom.

After reading what CMS said, I just can't bring myself to respond to it. Google WWE's roster during 2001 or w/e roster you like the most or even during the glory days, then you'll see the name's your missing.

OK. Let's use Survivor Series 2001 for this one:

Al Snow
William Regal
Kurt Angle
Stone Cold
Rob Van Dam
Booker T
Shane Mcmahon
Chris Jericho
The Rock
The Undertaker
The Big Show

I'll see it again. Only The Rock and Stone Cold that are valuable have left.