The Rated R CMStar

You don't know Colt Cabana's gimmick. You haven't seen his ROH work so practically you haven't been exposed to anything he has done. Yet, you want to use him? What's the point of it?
You don't know Colt Cabana's gimmick. You haven't seen his ROH work so practically you haven't been exposed to anything he has done. Yet, you want to use him? What's the point of it?
I've seen him wrestle and i like his style but only ever seen one promo from him.
It's a good idea but definitely intriguing or controversial. I also thought of a storyline one time where I am going to give Ted Dibiase Jr. the "million dollar" gimmick where he starts a feud with a black wrestler by doing some racist remarks but then I decided not to use it 'coz people might not like the idea...
Controversy Creates Cash. I've got a tag team called "Jihad" and a tag team called "Two Crazy Negroes." No big deal. For every one person who can't lighten up, there are five people who love shit like that. Watching Ted DiBiase beat up Kofi Kingston for being poor, black, and dependent on welfare would be awesome.
I'm going to create a backstory, I was wondering if anyone wanted to write my show and I would come up with match up's and the creative sit new gimmick and tag teams etc. If anyone does want to write my shows pm me