
I am going to do a few recapped shows because I have slightly lost motivation for my BTB and I am using it to catch-up to fresh shows and where I have champions and I can focus on storylines.
I don't see personally MVP as a stable guy. It would only work if he's kept as the wild card, with him constantly dropping comments that he's too good for the stable, things like that
Took the words right out my mouth. Thanks though ninja, but I already have a predetermined members for the faction. These guys are going to rock GWF very hard.
Also, if I were to post the pay per view up now, who would actually review, or comment? I appreciate reading, but I'd be much more appreciative with some comments to give me direction as to where I head with my writing.
reviews will come, just be patient. just look at y2j-legend and his BTB. He still posts shows here, even though he gets only one review a show, or none at all. It's all a matter of patience. Someone just needs to mention it, and people will pay attention.
I'll review some shows tomorrow, I just finished the show before a Special, so I'll have a little time.
yeah this section is getting more alive again. Hopefuly this increases, I woke up today and went into the section and there were eight highlighted threads that had new posts in them. That is the most I have seen in a long long time.