I applaud you for trying, but
@edge4ever can be a brick wall when he's trying to make a point.
He's clearly looking at this subjectively. You claim to want to benefit WWE when you're clearly centering your entire argument around Daniel Bryan.
You're such a mark for him that no argument would be valid unless that person admitted that Daniel Bryan was superior and is 'above' the fray.
You'll retort and reply over and over until the other person gives up or agrees with you.
I'm glad Majour didn't agree with you. She made it crystal clear that she sees Daniel Bryan as an asset, yet you bang her over the head with hyperbole.
Nobody is slighting Bryan, yet you're slighting any point that doesn't elevate Bryan to the degree that you'd prefer. That's not argumentation, it's tyranny.
When it comes to certain topics, yes, I can be a brick wall. I am passionate about superstars I like. Not only that, I feel that I should defend their cause when they're not being given what I feel and, hell, even most fans feel (for DB) they deserve.
I want WWE to benefit. Why would i want them to crash? Never made that claim. I discussed DB because, well, he's the topic of discussion, it's not like i said anything irrelevant and went off on a tangent. We were discussing Cena and DB holding the titles. I gave my opinion of DB holding them. Simply saying he should be in the main event scene and Ziggler, Ambrose, Orton can center around that belt. With booking and storylines backing them, this issue of mid card belts would've been resolved a long, long time ago: Aids even supported that. Yet, I also said i do see both sides of the fence on this. I just don't like that they feel it has to be DB as i feel there's more to him than that.
WE all "mark" for certain guys. To an extent. DB is simply a star i feel has been held back in so many ways, i just don't want a repeat. All my opinion.
I don't think i retorted.
You defend Majour and that's fine. But, even though she's "crystal clear" about him being asset, as many stars are assets of course, I felt that there's more to DB than that. And that's been the argument. No one on this thread denies he's an asset. But is he in the right spot in this scenario? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think so, personally.
It's not really about what I prefer (when, realistically, don't we all "prefer" things a certain way to an extent). Tyranny is a bit extreme, I just feel this spot (IC Title) could be for someone else. That's my case. It's booking and backing the man and storyline. Don't take some up and coming big time main eventer (DB) and just hand him the IC title in the name of "prestige" so that a somewhat lackluster (although improving Reigns) can get tons of glory.
AMF, this is just a topic i am passionate about, sorry for that. There's several topics where i can be more reasonable. But i just don't like this.
Edge <3