Maddox reminds me of Adamle, I'm sure WWE know he's beyond shit but keep him around as some rib on whoever hired him.
You know, fuck it. Michael Cole. Straight away I thought of Brad Maddox but then I remembered how much I hate Michael Cole.
Fuck him for not letting me watch two minutes of Raw without him trying to sell me something. Fuck his catchphrases and buzz words. Fuck him for taking all the little things about wrestling to the extreme until all the chants and slogans we enjoy are completely mechanical. Fuck his awful segways into social media. Fuck his voice. Fuck his face. Fuck his phone and his app.
Which is why he's good at what he does. He just does his job and goes under the radar and doesn't ruin or distract you from what's going on which can't be said for the other three.Voting Josh Mathews he's got no major personality.