Total Nonstop Action by Tig

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Sep 14, 2022
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Man this card is loaded. Really looking forward to the show, Tig. Love the spin you're putting on some of these guys. The Author gimmick for Kaz looks like it's gonna be fun. And Moxley debuting in a feud with Foley is awesome. Probably my favorite thing of the show. Danielson/Angle is nuts.

Motor City Machine Guns
Sarita & Wilde
Time Limit Draw
Marco Corleone
Kingston & Homicide
The Author
Jon Moxley
AJ Styles
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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Prediction Contest Template
1. Lethal Consequences
2. Circa 89
3. Bryan Danielson
4. Kiyoshi
5. Jeff Jarrett
6. Eddie Kingston & Homicide
7. Hamada
8. Nigel McGuinness
9. Amazing Red
10. Jon Moxley
11. AJ Styles
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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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1. Motor City Machine Guns - I like Lethal Consequences probably more than the next guy but the Guns I feel have more that can be done with their characters due to their ability to convincingly play either side of the line (especially Shelley), plus the matches are going to be better. Lethal can hold his weight but 2010 Xavier Woods still had a way to go in my opinion.
2. Circa 89 - I've really enjoyed their introduction and given they've had the more prominent featuring, signs point to them picking up the win here. Hoping that the women's tag division can become even more elevated than you've already done it here.
3. Kurt Angle/Danielson - DRAW - This is actually the hardest match on the card for me to call, but 20 minutes? I see the obvious benefits in having Dragon win here by giving him a huge win over a massive name. HOWEVER, I don't think Danielson is killed here with a loss, so wouldn't be averse to Kurt pinching it and setting up a rematch but I think a time limit draw is a better way to do it. This is gonna slap hard regardless of what you do here, though.
4. Marco Corleone - It has been great to see Kiyoshi get his flowers as it always is when a left field name who was underutilised irl gets a push in a BTB, However, I was surprised when Corleone didn't make it to the ten defences before and I know how much you love this concept, so it depends on whether you can wait to execute it fully or not.
5. Jeff Jarrett - Going with my heart as opposed to my head with this one.
6. Eddie Kingston & Homicide - I love these two as champions and I think just for it being a case of being something fresh, I think you keep the belts on them here. It is great to see Eddie utilised in a BTB set around this time given how late he got into the mainstream irl (ignoring his actual TNA run). A win against three established teams would be big and for a team like Beer Money where both are ready to break out, losing here makes sense.
7. Tara - Flipped a coin. I like both of them but Tara marginally more.
8. Nigel McGuinness - I know you like Hernandez and his theme song, but if you're not properly pushing Nigel in a TNA BTB set around this time you're doing something wrong as that is probably the most obvious misstep that they took to rectify. This feud has been really good between them and will do both wonders, but McGuinness should be winning here and moving on up towards the title.
9. Francis Benedict Geraldman - love love LOVE this. Gimmick of the fucking year and you've made me not view Kazarian as a boring bastard. Amazing Red is cool but he's got to gtfo for this stuff. Fucking INSPIRED, dude.
10. Jon Moxley - The Moxley stuff with bringing in Mick's kids is so dark and I love it. There is so much potential with this and really Foley shouldn't be beating anyone in 2010, let alone one of the biggest up and comers in the company. I can't wait to see how this plays out and where you go after it.
11. Samoa Joe - This was another extremely hard one to decide. It seems to me though that you're a sucker for dominant champions and they don't get more dominant than Samoa Joe. After his shaky 2009 I can see you fully fixing him with a win here that you've positioned him so well for. There's plenty for Styles to do without the belt so I'm not worried there.

Really really really looking forward to this mate.
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Sep 13, 2022
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1. Motor City Machine Guns - Always the pick
2. Sarita & Taylor Wilde
3. Bryan Danielson - What a match!
4. Marco Corleone - I have a soft spot for the time Mark Jindrak was not Mark Jindrak
5. Rob Van Dam - Two of my favorites, RVD should go over
6. The British Invasion
7. Tara - Always the pick
8. Nigel McGuinness
9. Amazing Red
10. Jon Moxley - No reason for Foley to go over
11. AJ Styles - Should be a great one
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Sep 13, 2022
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It's good to see you dedicate so much time to building Against All Odds. It's not what you come to expect from a show of that magnitude, but it comes across as far more speciaql than it ever truly was. The Top 10 Moments post is a rather interesting methodology to hyping your big events. It doesn't necessarily devalue your television, but it does raise questions as to how each particular show has been booked. I'd be very curious to know how you came to these results.

AJ Styles and Samoa Joe are two guys who can feud and team until the end of time. It helps that they have that kind of chemistry, but with that said I'm rather intrigued by how you have built this feud up and how that differs compared to their past feuds.

I was always a fan of Tara's work in TNA. She was always incredibly handy in WWE as Victoria, but her competence as a worker truly shone against stars who, you know, actually had experience in the ring. An interesting choice to have Hamada announce her next challenger on Xplosion - that said, it's clear that you have elevated this show as being an equal show to iMPACT. Deeming this a dream match is so Mike Tenay, haha.

I would be very curious to see how Eddie Kingston would have panned out as an active member of the TNA roster in the year 2010. He had a lot of personal issues to deal with, but that said I do like him and Homicide as a unit, and God knows after Hernandez, Kingston is the partner a guy like Homicide could use. I'm hoping you limit the use of Magnus from here on out, I never truly saw all that much in him.

You have Jeff Jarrett's verbatim down to a tee, but I am more intrigued at the idea he's working this program with Paul Heyman of all people. It fits his character, but I'm not sure about Heyman being brought up verbally when he's not present on-screen. I could see Jeff and Rob Van Dam having a great match by 2010 standards, but it does come across a little strange how this angle was portrayed.

Oh man, Kiyoshi. That's a name I haven't read in a time. Makes sense for a guy of his calibre to be the new Spike TV Champion, and I like that you framed it as a true culmination of a chase for Kiyoshi. Him and Marco Corleone is a crazy concept for a feud. I like the idea of this not only replacing the TNA Legends/Global Championship, but also serving as this company's answer to the Television Championship.

The Kurt Angle and Bryan Danielson rivalry has been a major selling point to this project, I feel. It's where your imagination can really be recognised in an instance, and it shows. I'd like to see this go beyond Against All Odds, with that said. I could see this exceeding going for match-of-the-year classic and getting brutal with say, Steel Cage match implications perhaps? Or Six Sides of Steel, if Paul Heyman is still rolling with that ring. It's clearly no coincidence Danielson debuted here rather than for WWE.

Frankie Kazarian's character is well done in that it gives him a new edge that gives him potential to achieve main event status. Hopefully the Amazing Red feud serves as a platform to allow that upward mobility to take place. The Francis Benedict Geraldman gimmick is...interesting. I read it in the Riddler's voice. Maybe a little camp, but it works for what's been done here.

Nigel McGuinness was always a real star in my eyes during this time as Desmond Wolfe. I don't know about the overuse of the term "wanker", but it sure reminds us of how British he is. I don't know necessarily how much chemistry he'd have with a guy like Hernandez though. Your version of Three Stages of Hell sounds cool, though. I just wonder how they'll go about setting the cage up in the iMPACT Zone for that third fall.

Grandiose Paul Heyman job in the Weigh-In, and it sets the scene for AJ Styles and Samoa Joe going at it for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. It is sadly overshadowed by Kurt Angle and Bryan Danielson no matter which way you spin it, but between those two feuds especially, I think Heyman's vision of TNA is in safe hands for the forseeable year in 2010.

Glad to see you pull the trigger on the Mick Foley and Jon Moxley angle. It really captured the effect of how sadistic and edgy this Moxley persona is. I think there is a lot that can be uncovered from this feud that hasn't been picked up on, with that said. I feel like there is a lot more story that can be uncovered using a more effective strategy, afforded by linear shows being posted.

Overall, this has piqued interest for Against All Odds beyond all kinds of proportions. It's Paul Heyman wishing to show the industry what his idea for TNA Wrestling is with one of his first major shows, and that just sits right.
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Sep 10, 2022
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TNA Against All Odds Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from February 28, 2010
Mahon DeLoren

March 1, 2010

Paul Heyman can proudly hang his hat on the success of the first pay-per-view to take place in his regime. The card was bursting at the seams and the entire locker room seemed fired up and motivated to give the paying customers their money’s worth in an event that Heyman himself had hyped up as showing the wrestling world how far TNA has come. Judging by some of his announcements on the night, Heyman seems hellbent on continuing the TNA expansion with plenty for fans to look forward to in the coming months.

In addition to a thirty-minute pre-show which aired for free on YouTube, Against All Odds clocked in at over three hours and those who fished over $29.99 will undoubtedly be pleased with their purchase. Aside from a couple of announcements about the coming months of TNA programming and some small interviews, this PPV broadcast was bell-to-bell action and just as well; because it wouldn’t have been possible to squeeze even one more minute of action into Against All Odds. Heyman still managed to sprinkle in a couple of BIG surprises though.

The pre-announced matches for the show:

  • Pre-show - Lethal Consequences vs Motor City Machine Guns
  • Pre-show - Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Sarita & Taylor Wilde © vs Circa 89
  • Kurt Angle vs Bryan Danielson
  • SpikeTV Championship: Kiyoshi © vs Marco Corleone
  • Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett in Loser Leaves Town
  • World Tag Team Championships: The British Invasion vs Eddie Kingston & Homicide © vs Beer Money vs Bad Intentions in an Elimination Match
  • Knockouts Championship: Tara vs Hamada ©
  • Nigel McGuinness vs Hernandez in Three Degrees of Pain
  • X-Division Championship: Amazing Red © vs Francis Benedict Geraldman
  • Jon Moxley vs Mick Foley in an Unsanctioned Match
  • World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles © vs Samoa Joe
Pre-Show - Lethal Consequences vs Motor City Machine Guns

Supposedly, the idea of running a pre-show is to give the people on the fence about buying the actual show a glimpse of the type of action they would be missing out on WITHOUT giving away draws for free. In that vein, this pre-show opener checked the boxes. It could be argued that it would be fair to expect more from these two teams given MCMG’s stock and the recent performances of Lethal Consequences but in reality, this was a good showing if a little lacking in the heat department.

Clocking in at just over ten minutes, it was maybe a little surprising for fans to see that Consequences Creed did the majority of the heavy lifting for his team, but his sequences with Shelley and Sabin were well-exchanged and fluid. Lethal did play a part and even got a near fall on Shelley after a springboard dropkick but seemed hesitant to really put himself about. This was never more evident in the closing stages when he did nothing to break up the 3-count on Creed after Sabin had planted him with a Cradle Shock.

The fans cheered for Motor City Machine Guns but the result was definitely a surprise given how well Lethal Consequences have performed recently. They’ve wrestled in back-to-back bangers at the New Year’s Impact and 8-Card Stud shows and while it is nice to see MCMG featured and pick up a big win, you have to wonder what the planned direction for Lethal Consequences is after this result.

Motor City Machine Guns


  • Creed and Shelley had a great striking exchange at the start of the match where they drilled each other with closed fists. Andrew Thomas had to break it up and it added some early heat to a match that had none attached to it.
  • Taz and Tenay were joined at the pre-show booth by “Uptown” D’Lo Brown, perhaps indicative of a potential incoming shift in personnel in the commentary booth.
  • Lethal wrestled for less than two minutes in total but his explosive offence was met with loud reactions. A point was definitely made of this as Brown insinuated that he was used to Lethal getting more involved.
  • Creed actually took quite a battering and was part of an awesome Skull and Bones spot when Shelley dived from the top turnbuckle to the outside of the ring.
Pre-Show - Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Circa 89 vs Sarita & Taylor Wilde ©

Part of me thinks that this should have gone on first rather than close out the pre-show as I can’t imagine this would draw many last-second buys from those watching. The four Knockouts performed well but it wasn’t a very exciting encounter and even the ending was a bit flat as Sarita & Taylor Wilde retained their championships cleanly.

McKay and Dashwood wrestled as underdog faces but it didn’t have the desired oomph as Sarita and Taylor are also faces. There were some decent exchanges, a mid-match flash-pin exchange between Dashwood and Sarita producing some innovative pin-attempts, and a near-fall for McKay when she drilled Wilde with a sit-out uranage. As the match wore on, Wilde and Sarita began fighting a little bit more viciously and were on top, but it was still unexpected that the end would come when Sarita locked Dashwood in a modified chickenwing armlock. Dashwood verbally submitted to referee Mark Johnson to a rather mild reaction.

The less-than-stellar reaction from the crowd might prompt Heyman and co to rethink match order on any future pre-shows, it must be said that Wilde and Sarita don’t seem to be very over but, equally, McKay and Dashwood’s reactions didn’t seem like those of a crowd baying for them to win the championships. While the Knockout Championship feuds seem to be garnering reactions, there is definitely some work that needs to be done in the tag team division,

Sarita & Taylor Wilde


  • McKay and Dashwood’s new vibrant purple, Circa 89 ring gear looked cool as hell and made them seem more legitimate as a tag team.
  • Dashwood and McKay both have some definite deficiencies but Dashwood’s energy and McKay’s character work point to some potential for the duo.
  • Taylor Wilde sold a running big boot by McKay particularly well, flipping herself inside out.
  • Sarita’s submission finish was unexpected, but it did look very effective - she had McKay trapped in a neckscissors as she yanked on her arms. The submission finisher could make her stand out amongst the Knockout roster.
Kurt Angle vs Bryan Danielson

Despite the average ending to the pre-show, the fans immediately came to life for the first official match of Against All Odds. Tenay and Taz really sold this as a dream match during the introductions and despite the result, the TNA faithful already seem to have gained a new fan-favourite in Bryan Danielson as the duo used every second of the twenty-minute time limit to tear the house down - and I mean every second.

Even though Angle cut a cocky figure in the build-up to this match, he seemed extremely cautious in the opening minutes, avoiding lock-ups and opting to concentrate on striking and some take-downs. Danielson was patient and withstood some stinging blows before exploding into the match when Angle tried to initiate a lock-up for the first time: Danielson worked his way behind Angle and dunked him on his head with a German suplex. From there, the match turned into an instant epic with Danielson working Angle over hard while withstanding all of Angle’s top moves. On three occasions, Danielson had Angle locked in a submission but The Olympic Medallist managed to power to the ropes each time. Angle was out-wrestled for large portions of the match but Danielson couldn’t seem to land a killer blow, Angle’s in-ring awareness coming in clutch several times With less than thirty seconds left, after lighting Angle up with kicks, Danielson bounced against the ropes and nearly took Angle’s head off with a running knee-strike which popped The iMPACT Zone in a big way. They popped again as Angle immediately got up from the vicious strike, screamed at Danielson, ducked a haymaker, planted him with the Olympic Slam, and collapsed over his body for a three count.

The fans cheered and clapped for fifteen seconds after the ring bell sounded, only stopping when Danielson pushed the dead weight of Angle off him before pulling himself to his feet. Danielson looked out at the crowd who gave him a round of applause before turning to assist Earl Hebner in dragging Angle to his feet. Angle seemed punch-drunk as he stumbled away, holding himself up with the ropes as Mike Tenay gushed about the classic we had just witnessed.

Kurt Angle


  • Angle rocked Danielson with hard rights early on, one causing the literal spit and blood to fly out of Danielson’s mouth. His blood-soaked teeth as he grinned in response provided a very good visual.
  • After Angle got the knees up on a Danielson moonsault attempt, he immediately took to the top rope and landed one of his own after mouthing to the camera that “This is how you freaking do it!!!”
  • Danielson awed the crowd and Angle after being Irish whipped to the corner; Angle followed in quick pursuit but Danielson ran up the turnbuckles and moonsaulted over Angle, slapping Angle with a stinging open hand when he turned around.
  • In an awesome spot, Danielson had Angle laid out on the ring apron after a vicious roundhouse; he got Kurt in a double-wrist clutch before stomping him in the chest, face, and head multiple times - this drew a loud response from the crowd.
Angle Knocked Loopy - There Won’t Be A Rematch

The camera cuts to the Gorilla position, where Kurt Angle stumbles to through the entry curtain. Angle falls forward but manages to prop himself up against a production crate. Jeremy Borash quickly approaches Angle for an interview, asking for his thoughts on the match but Angle pushes by him, delirious looking in the face. Good ol’ JB doesn’t throw the towel in and follows him saying that 19 minutes and 58 seconds had elapsed when Angle pinned Kurt, he was two seconds away from drawing with Angle - did Danielson surprise Angle tonight? Before Kurt can answer, a medic approaches and says he wants to run some tests on Kurt, but JB persists and shouts after Angle as he walks off asking when the rematch was, and when could the TNA fans expect American Dragon/Angle 2. Kurt looked irate, and with a flushed face screamed at Borash and told him that it was over - he won. There won’t be a freaking rematch. Not now. Not ever. No rematch.

SpikeTV Championship: Kiyoshi © vs Marco Corleone

Kiyoshi’s electric rise has been extremely well-received by the fans but many felt that his championship win came only by technicality as Corleone was trapped in Mexico and couldn’t make his mandatory defence. The feeling was that Corleone was being primed to go all the way and make ten defences of the SpikeTV Championship before the unfortunate cancellation of his flight from Mexico. That feeling seems to be correct as, despite a competitive fight from Kiyoshi, Corleone regained his championship at the first time of asking.

Kiyoshi has garnered a bit of a reputation for fighting on instinct and striking suddenly - even garnering the nickname “Lightning Flash” following an off-hand comment from Taz on commentary - and pure instinct was all he had to rely on as Corleone rag-dolled him. He had a few hope spots, the highlight being a catapult senton to the outside where he bundled Corleone to the ground momentarily. This brief contact with the floor of the ringside arena was the only time Corleone was knocked off his feet. Corleone was well protected so when Kiyoshi lashed out with a spinning heel kick and connected with nothing but the turnbuckle, the fans knew it was over before Corleone even had time to clench his fist together to deliver that dreaded Knockout Punch.

As expected, Corleone regained the SpikeTV Championship he probably wasn’t ever meant to lose decisively over Kiyoshi, but the Japanese star still looked competitive as has now come to be expected. Konnan took the opportunity after the match to hype up the 2-time SpikeTV Champion and said his boy is still undefeated and he’s gonna run through 10 bitches before coming for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Marco Corleone


  • Marco Corleone performed a twenty-second delayed suplex on Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi was puce in the face by the time Corleone drilled him into the canvas.
  • Konnan continues to add to the presentation of Corleone without ever really directly getting involved. He smack-talks and berates from ringside but very rarely gets physical (the only example I can think of is the Monty Brown match at 8-Card Stud).
  • Kiyoshi dodged an onrushing Corleone who got himself tangled in between the top and middle ropes; Kiyoshi innovatively took advantage by locking in a rope-assisted cross-face but had to break the count at 4.
  • There was a sick spot where Corleone powerbombed Kiyoshi off the turnbuckle and when he popped back out, decapitated him with a lariat. That could’ve legitimately been the finish and that particular sequence may be a nice alternative to the Knockout Punch.
Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett in a Loser Leaves Town Match

The crowd were suitably hot for the match that had been built up heavily on television over the past few months. RVD and Jarrett worked hard to put on a solid old-school face versus heel encounter that saw some interference in the finishing stretch before RVD sent Double-J seemingly packing.

The two were quick to fall to the outside of the ring and they brawled a bit amongst the fans which was well received. This match wasn’t no disqualification but Andrew Thomas certainly showed some leniency in allowing the men to brawl in the crowd and on the outside of the ring. The action descended into madness when Jeff Jarrett ducked a spinning wheel kick from RVD that ended up catching Andrew Thomas flush, knocking the referee unconscious but also to the outside of the ring. Jarrett’s allies Monty Brown, Sonjay Dutt, and Petey Williams immediately rushed the ring to take advantage of the referee bump but didn’t get very far into their 4-on-1 assault before the lights in the iMPACT Zone went out. When they returned, the crowd exploded as Sabu was standing in the middle of the ring. He tossed a fireball in the face of Monty Brown before laying into Williams and Dutt with chair shots. RVD took out Jarrett with the 5-Star and Sabu rolled Andrew Thomas into the ring to count the pin.
This was a little overbooked at the end but the fans in attendance certainly enjoyed the surprise appearance of Sabu. It felt like they really wanted this to be a no-disqualification match but kept it as a (very) loose standard rules match to save the big hardcore spots for the announced McGuinness/Hernandez and Moxley/Foley bouts. Jarrett was escorted out by security as RVD and Sabu embraced in the ring.

Rob Van Dam


  • Jarrett dumping RVD to the outside had a little extra “oomph” on it. RVD landed awkwardly and hard against the guardrail.
  • RVD nailed a great leg drop in the crowd from halfway up a flight of steps onto a prone Jarrett.
  • Referee Andrew Thomas took a stiff shot from RVD to set up the interference spot.
  • Questions need to be asked about Sabu’s validity as a high-end performer in 2010 but the crowd loved his appearance here. The fireball spot was also really well done and didn’t look hokey at all.
Don West Announces TNA Tour And Gets Summoned

Don West was on hand with the big announcement that TNA was going on the road and that the upcoming Destination X live television special would be the last to emanate from The iMPACT Zone. Texas, Nevada, and California were announced as the states being toured with the Victory Road PPV airing from Houston, Texas, the Sin City Showdown live television special airing from Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Slammiversary PPV airing from Venice Beach, California. West seemed pumped to be announcing the upcoming tour and billed it as a TNA takeover. As interesting as this development is, what was perhaps more immediately engaging was the fact that a backstage producer came scurrying up to him mid-announcement and told West that Taz had disappeared from commentary and that they needed him to fill in.

World Tag Team Championships: The British Invasion vs Eddie Kingston & Homicide © vs Beer Money vs Bad Intentions in an Elimination Match

Mike Tenay was joined by Don West for this match as Taz had taken it upon himself to leave the commentary area prior to the match starting. Tenay explained that although this was initially announced as one fall to the finish, with so many moving parts involved, Heyman had decided on an elimination format to ensure a definitive winner. One member from each team was allowed in the ring at any one time and until the numbers thinned, the match was absolutely chaotic.

The first elimination occurred when Douglas Williams climbed onto the turnbuckle, looking for a high-flying move on the prone Homicide. A cameraman jumped up on the apron and pushed Williams off which gave enough time for James Storm to nail Williams with a Last Call superkick and steal a pin. There was a mixed reaction as the cameraman removed his cap to show the crowd that it was none other than D’Angelo Dinero, the man who had helped Kingston and Homicide gain the Tag Team Championships in the first place. Bad Intentions were way more cautious than The British Invasion, and a ringside Giant Bernard big boot immobilized D’Angelo Dinero, but even then an outside distraction saved Kingston and Homicide once again. Karl Anderson had Eddie Kingston in a precarious position but was distracted as Brother Devon alongside a returning Brother Ray jumped the guardrail to lay into Giant Bernard. Robert Roode capitalised on the opening by drilling Anderson in the back of the head with a Northern Lariat and covering him. Beer Money were well on top in the closing exchange but once again, a team came undone by outside influences. This time D’Angelo Dinero brawled with James Storm on the outside of the ring - and even ate a Last Call for his trouble - before Taz who had come charging down the ramp, locked Storm in a rear naked choke. Roode couldn’t weather the two-on-one assault which led to Kingston and Homicide retaining.

This was probably too much considering the mass interference in the bout previous to this, but it did a superbly good job of firmly establishing Kingston and Homicide as heels. It also left no doubt in viewers' minds that Taz and D’Angelo Dinero are affiliated with the Tag Team Champions in some way. Additionally, the return of Brother Ray should see The Bad Intentions and Team 3D feud resume to prop up the tag team division alongside what one would expect to be a Beer Money/Kingston & Homicide championship feud.

Eddie Kingston & Homicide


  • The opening sections that had four men in the ring were bonkers. West and Tenay had a hard time calling the action as it unfolded and all eight men really went for it hammer-and-tongs.
  • An interesting wrinkle of The British Invasion’s elimination was Magnus shouting at Williams to get down when he scaled the turnbuckle. It seems the younger Brit wasn’t in favour of Doug’s ascent to the top rope even before cameraman Dinero got involved.
  • Ray and Devon were loud and brash in their attack on Giant Bernard, giving him a verbal tongue lashing as they extracted retribution on him for “injuring” Ray.
  • Taz looks in really good shape - he obviously won’t be in the ring - but he looks to have toned up for what appears to be his new on-screen role as the leader of a new stable. Dinero, Kingston, and Homicide all left with Taz after the celebrations ended.
Knockouts Championship: Tara vs Hamada ©

It could be argued that the scheduled Knockouts Championship match between Tara and Hamada was an encounter that didn’t have the same amount of heat as other matches on the card. That didn’t stop Tenay and West from billing the bout as a big deal, trying to sell it as a dream encounter. Both women got pyrotechnics in rather elaborate entrances. During Tara’s entrance, the camera panned to the ringside to rest on a red-haired woman who was VERY well-known by the TNA-chanting fans around her. A TNA logo-adorned chyron flashes up in the middle of the screen displaying the name “Xtreme” Amy Dumas and the woman pops a Hardy-style gun taunt at a scowling Tara as she passes by.

Hamada and Tara went out of their way to put on a good contest, perhaps buoyed by what commentary was referring to as a potential new acquisition for TNA watching on, and both women were notably stiff throughout. Hamada’s back was covered in red welts after being continuously whipped into the turnbuckles and ropes and a high-angle dropkick from Hamada left Tara with a swollen lump on her face. The finish came about rather quickly as Hamada managed to escape a Widow’s Peak attempt and drill Tara with The Hamada Driver in the middle of the ring for a clean - albeit hard-fought - victory. Hamada celebrated with the title and despite a flicker of irritation from Tara, The Black Widow ultimately shook Hamada’s hand in a sign of respect.

This was a definite change from the wild, hardcore feud that Hamada and ODB embarked on. This was technically much sounder and an impressive showing of technical nous and athleticism from both women, but perhaps it didn’t reach the crowd excitement and engagement shown during the ODB/Hamada series. Excitement was definitely high for the Amy Dumas sighting and if she has signed with TNA, that’s a sensational get for the Knockouts division.



  • If Amy Dumas has indeed signed with TNA, there’ll be a lot of intrigue surrounding who her first programme is with. She has the star power to jump straight into the role of challenger for Hamada’s title but she also has some history with Tara, who definitely seemed a little unnerved to see her at ringside.
  • Tara sprinting into the Hamada dropkick that left her face marked looked a little mistimed.
  • Tara showed great strength and technique in landing what can only be described as a twisting superplex to Hamada; a great near fall.
  • Hamada busted out her rarely-used La Ayakita submission but Tara managed to get her foot onto the bottom rope to break the submission attempt.
Heyman Announces X-Division Xtavaganza And Victory Road Tag League Classic

Paul Heyman sits behind a mahogany desk in his office and thanks everybody for tuning into Against All Odds, the first PPV of the new era in TNA. He praises the performances so far tonight and says TNA have a lot more in store in the coming months. He announces two tournaments that will take place over the coming months: The X-Division Xtravaganza that will finish at the Destination X special next month and the Victory Road Tag League Classic. Heyman said that the Victory Road Tag League Classic would feature the best tag teams from not only TNA, but all over the world, and would be a round-robin tournament. He touted The X-Division Xtravaganza as being completely revolutionary and a tournament the likes of which we have never seen before on a wrestling show. He said it would feature past, present, and future stars of the X-Division. He called TNA the wrestling alternative and said that it was time he let the X-Division and Tag Division loose to show everyone just how good they really are.

Nigel McGuinness vs Hernandez in Three Degrees of Pain

In what was probably one of the most anticipated matches in the Heyman-era of TNA, and one of the most hotly-built feuds, the dastardly Nigel McGuinness and the eye-patch-wearing SuperMex tore the house down in the first ever Three Degrees of Pain match. Tenay quickly ran over the rules: a cage match where the first fall was decided by pinfall, the second by submission, and the third by escaping the cage and the fans were already chanting “T-N-A! T-N-A! T-N-A!” before he even finished.

The crowd were crazy into both SuperMex as a face and McGuinness as a heel and both played their part with aplomb. As soon as the opening bell rang, McGuinness sprinted at Hernandez and kicked him square in the family jewels - a move which drew huge heat from the crowd. McGuinness tried to capitalize but ended up busted open as Hernandez lifted his fist to show the crowd he was wearing brass knucks, and wasted no time in drilling it into the head of McGuinness. Both men were playing dirty from the word-go and the crowd lapped it up. After nearly fifteen-minutes of action, Hernandez went to the top rope but ended up eating another low-blow followed by a Tower of London and the pinfall. Tenay and West made a lot out of this, saying Hernandez was in big trouble as he wasn’t exactly known for his repertoire of submission moves and the second fall was submission-only. Hernandez proved there’s more than one way to skin a cat by ripping the protective pad off the turnbuckle, exposing the hook, and forcing McGuinness face-first into it, carrying out a measure of ironic retribution on his nemesis. The eye of McGuinness seemed to be badly damaged and when SuperMex began grinding that side of Nigel’s face off the cage like a cheese grater, it was a matter of mere seconds before McGuinness verbally submitted. Tied at one apiece, the winner of the match was to be decided by cage escape. The crowd were at an absolute crescendo as McGuinness and Hernandez performed a death-defying bump from near the top of the structure. Hernandez was seated on the top of the cage battling with McGuinness who was fighting from below on the turnbuckle. McGuinness delivered a stiff uppercut with the brass knucks Hernandez had brought into the ring with him and then hit a modified Tower of London; Hernandez has his feet and lower legs draped across the corner section where two sides of the cage met and McGuinness precariously balanced on the top turnbuckle. It was ugly, it was brutal, it was huge. It was enough. Despite a near thirty-second down period, and a laborious slog to the top, amongst a cacophony of booing, Nigel McGuinness managed to fling his body over the top of the cage before collapsing all the way to the floor below.

Holy shit. As soon as McGuinness flopped to the floor from the top of the cage, EMT’s and trainers swarmed the ringside area and began working on Nigel’s eye. The ribs of Hernandez were quickly wrapped and the big man was taken out on a stretcher by paramedics, being loudly clapped to the back. Tenay and West said they have never seen the likes of it before and Tenay said he doesn’t know if he ever wants to see a Three Degrees of Pain match authorised in TNA again. The fans, however, had a different idea and continuously chanted “THAT WAS AWESOME!” as the production crew worked to clear the carnage at ringside ahead of the next match.

Nigel McGuinness


  • SuperMex dropped his cargo shorts slightly to show he was wearing a jockstrap after the opening spot. A clever and funny moment from Hernandez who has definitely shown more charisma since being placed in this feud.
  • A close-up camera shot showed that McGuinness had a deep cut around his eye following the turnbuckle spot, a nice callback to McGuinness injuring the eye of Hernandez in the build-up to this match.
  • Hernandez brutally performed a Border Toss into the cage wall but instead of opting to escape, he decided to inflict more punishment on his rival.
  • McGuinness sold the effects of the match extremely well in his match-winning escape, the flop from the top of the cage to the ground on the outside was crazy and in my opinion, dangerously unnecessary. I can’t deny it was a fantastic visual though.
Samoa Joe Guarantees He Will Walk Out As Champion; Old Joe, New Tricks

Samoa Joe cut a menacing backstage promo where he paced back and forth with a towel strewn over his head. He said that for all his dominance since he arrived in TNA all he had to show for it was one World Heavyweight Championship reign. He said ever since he lost it, he hasn’t been the same, but these last few months, he’s felt like the old Joe. The old Joe, whose music hitting made his opponents piss themselves in the middle of the ring. The old Joe, who would bloody and bludgeon anybody that got in his way and then choke their very last breathe out of them. The old Joe, who could not be felled, could not be stopped, and could not be beaten. He says that Heyman shook the company to the core when he took over, turned TNA upside down, and it resulted in the old Joe emerging. He says the old Joe was the best professional wrestler in the world… but the old Joe still lost the World Heavyweight Championship. He says he guarantees he will destroy AJ Styles tonight and walk out of Against All Odds as the World Heavyweight Champion. He snarls at the camera and says that this time, he’s guaranteeing he’ll keep it - no matter what. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks but AJ better be prepared for the old Joe with new tricks.

X-Division Championship: Amazing Red © vs Francis Benedict Geraldman

You would nearly feel bad for Red and Kazar- I mean, Francis Benedict Geraldman - having to follow up such a hot encounter but to be honest, with the Unsanctioned Match and World Heavyweight Championship still to come, this was probably the ideal placement for this X-Division Championship match to allow the fans cool down some.

That doesn’t mean that Red and FBG put on a slow, plodding match; in fact, they did the opposite. Both men wrestled an X-Division style with Red being the flippier and faster of the two and FBG hitting more impactful moves. At times, FBG would slow the match down to announce a whimsical, perhaps meaningless, Shakespearean quip to the crowd or even perform a little bow. This was always followed by a particularly nasty strike to the X-Division Champion. Red tried to springboard but FBG pushed the rope from under him, crotching him in the process. FBG hoisted Red up and whispered to the audience, “Fade… to black.” before performing the move of the same name, bowing, and pinning Amazing Red.

The character transformation and subsequent character work Kazarian has implemented has immediately made him stand out in a sea of X-Division wrestlers who are all incredibly talented but some who are perhaps lacking in the gimmick/charisma department. The result comes as no surprise to me and I’d wager on Francis Benedict Geraldman having a decent reign.

Francis Benedict Geraldman


  • Amazing Red continues to be a human highlight reel. A springboard shooting star press to a standing FBG on the outside had the iMPACT Zone on their feet.
  • FBG laid the character work on thick, he quoted Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” before a hangman’s neckbreaker transitioned into a DDT.
  • FBG flung Red into a turnbuckle with an impactful leg hook suplex that made the fans nearest the action wince.
  • It’ll be interesting to see who emerges as the first couple of challengers for FBG as I can’t see him losing the belt soon.
Earl Hebner’s Pre-“Match” Instructions

Earl Hebner goes into a locker-room and the live crowd cheer loudly as a tartan-jacket wearing Mick Foley sits, taping up his fists. Earl says that he has a lot of respect for Mick and that he’s partially the reason he’s agreed to do this. He stresses he can’t stop anything that is happening when it begins with Moxley and he’s literally there to count the pin. Everything else is fair game. Mick shakes Earl’s hand and remains silent, a steely gaze on his face. Earl makes his way into a locker-room where Dewey Foley sits on a chair, smoking a cigarette. Earl asks where Moxley is and Dewey simply blows smoke in his face. As Earl coughs, Noelle Foley emerges from the shower area of the locker-room in just a towel… a bare-chested Jon Moxley soon follows from the same area and the arena ERUPTS into a sea of cat-calling and booing. Earl says he’s here to talk about the rules of the match. Moxley smiles wickedly and says there are no rules, TNA haven’t even got the balls to call this an official match so he can do anything he wants to Foley. Earl nods his head and says that’s right - he just wanted to make both men aware that the only thing he will do is count the pin. Moxley smiles, puts an arm around Noelle, and winks at Hebner.

N/A - Hard to grade this but it was a nice way to emphasize the Foley/Moxley encounter and play into the gimmick.
Jon Moxley vs Mick Foley in an Unsanctioned Match

In a match that has been built since Moxley’s debut in the company back in November, the old and new of hardcore wrestling entertained and horrified the live crowd and all those watching at home. Prior to the “match” starting, a disclaimer was aired saying that the following was an unsanctioned match and not endorsed by TNA Wrestling. The ring aprons branding the TNA logo were traded in for plain black aprons, the canvas a worn white mat devoid of any sponsorships, and neither man were given entrance music nor entered from the backstage area. Tenay and West doubled down on not being in favour of the match and when Mick Foley emerged from the crowd clad in street clothes and brandishing a kendo stick, Tenay implored him not to go through with it. Foley simply stated that he “has no choice.” The rev of Jon Moxley’s motorcycle signaled his arrival and when the man himself rode out from the side entrance with Noelle Foley in tow, Don West stood up and excused himself from the commentary booth saying he’d play no part in this and wasn’t having his name attached to the disgrace that was about to unfold. Tenay hesitated for a moment but then “for the integrity of the sport” joined West in abandoning calling the action, leaving an arena full of seething fans shouting obscenities at Moxley the only audible sound on the airwaves. A nervous looking Earl Hebner signaled for the bell in what was a chilling start to this unsanctioned bout.

Foley immediately creased Moxley across the cranium with the kendo stick eliciting a loud roar from the fans in the iMPACT Zone. Foley then proceeded to rattle the stick repeatedly over the head of Moxley until he drew blood. “Please sir, CAN I HAVE SOME MORE!?” was the exclamation from Moxley before Foley snapped the kendo stick over Jon’s head, finally bringing him to the canvas. A wild, gory melee ensued in what those watching would be hoping was Foley’s final foray. The legend got suplexed from the top rope onto thumbtacks, took countless unprotected chairshots to the head, and was even put through a flaming table as Moxley cruelly picked him apart. Foley left Moxley with some scars of his own: he speared Moxley through a glass panel, launched him off the ramp through a production crate, and in an iconic callback to his own infamous injury, got Moxley in a hangman spot in the ropes and lacerated Moxley’s ear. The biggest spot was reserved for Foley - but not Mick. Moxley could have ended the match on several occasions but would not pin Foley until Foley uttered, “You’re hardcore.” After putting Foley through a flaming table, Moxley produced the baseball bat that had industrial sized nails jutting out from the curvatures of the weapon and demanded he say the words. Foley refused and as Moxley was about to drill Foley with the weapon, Dewey Foley entered the ring and told Moxley he’d done enough, he’d won. Moxley drilled Dewey with the weapon, DDT’d Foley, and then beat Dewey up the ramp. Trying to escape, Dewey scaled to the top of the tron with Moxley in pursuit. Once they got to the top, Moxley headbutted Dewey, leaving him knocked loopy atop the structure. Mick regained consciousness in the ring and begged Moxley to reconsider and even screamed “YOU’RE HARDCORE - YOU’RE HARDCORE!!!”. Moxley simply smirked and said, “I fuckin’ know.” before sending Dewey plummeting from the top of the set through the production crates below. Mick staggered up the ramp but by that time Moxley had climbed back down and met him with a kick between the legs. Covered in blood, Moxley announced himself the new King of Hardcore before drilling Foley with his own double-underhook DDT and FINALLY allowing Earl Hebner make the three count on the ramp.

The reaction was absolutely toxic as fans hurled trash towards Moxley. Honestly, they were literally on the brink of rioting, even the security looked worried. This was a sickening spectacle that isn’t rated as highly as Hernandez/McGuinness because the wrestling was actually really good in that one, and because this might have been too much for some viewers. Moxley looked every bit the new big heel in town as Noelle joined him on the back of his motorcycle and he took off without so much as a backward glance at the carnage he left in his wake. This has to be the end for Foley, and if it is, he certainly left everyone with an ever lasting memory of just how hardcore he is… but hardcore has a new poster boy now, and his name is Jon Moxley.

Jon Moxley


  • The silence offered by the lack of commentary really enhanced both the crowd interaction and the trash talk between the two competitors.
  • Moxley delivered a disgusting line after licking the bleeding forehead of Mick Foley: “I prefer the taste of Noelle’s.” The fans reacted exactly how you would expect.
  • They really had to amp up the hardcore aspect of this one; Foley is past it as in-ring talent but Moxley did the heavy lifting and he was able to hide the deficiencies extremely well with the hardcore spots.
  • The match-closing sequence involving Dewey was a little long and convoluted, but the crowd were fully invested in it which is a testament to Moxley’s work during this feud. Perhaps it was a little unexpected to end with a DDT on the ramp given the increasing brutality of the spots in the match but the story was that Foley was already done and the last little resurgence he displayed was due to what had happened to Dewey. It worked but some may criticise it.
AJ’s Company - Bring EVERYTHING You Got

AJ delivered a passionate backstage promo where he told Samoa Joe that he wasn’t one bit afraid of him. AJ said that by being the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, he was the number one wrestler in the world. He said he was proud to carry the mantle of the world’s best wrestler and he was proud to be the champion of TNA. He said that this was his title, TNA was his company, and that Joe needed to bring absolutely everything he’s got to even stand a chance at beating him in the six-sided ring. AJ said that he turns into a different animal, unlocks a new level, goes to a gear that Joe doesn’t have when the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. AJ mentions Joe choking him out from behind at the press conference but tonight he has to look him in the eye and that’s when Joe is going to realise that in a fair fight, he can’t beat “The Phenomenal One” AJ Styles. AJ lifted the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in front of him as the pre-match promo concludes.

World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles © vs Samoa Joe

In what was probably an intentional move to allow the crowd simmer down from the Moxley/Foley encounter, a very snazzy video promo was played that showcased Joe and AJ’s TNA journeys before cutting to clips of their recent feud and encounters. Big props to the production theme on that one. Tenay and West returned to the booth and went into super-hype mode billing the main event of the evening for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship one of the biggest possible matches in the sport. Both man got loud reactions from the crowd during their entrance each drawing crowd chants and by the time Jeremy Borash introduced the two men, the crowd were at fever pitch.
This had a big fight feel and the opening five minutes was an absolute sprint with both men getting off a variety of their patented moves, truly living up to the nonstop action moniker of the company. An AJ Fosbury flop to the outside drew the first of many loud “THIS IS AWESOME” chants. Samoa Joe drilled AJ into the barricade with bullet-like suicide dive and the two brawled around ringside for a while before the action returned to the ring. AJ got an unexpected opening when he ducked under a huge Joe chop, Joe’s hand smashing against the turnbuckle in what looked a painful spot. It was an unorthodox mode of offence for AJ as he focused his assault on the right hand of Joe. It came into play in a strike for strike spot when Joe nailed AJ with a right hook but was left recoiling with the pain, allowing AJ to springboard off the top rope and nail Joe with an inverted DDT for a nearfall. As the action approached the twenty minute mark, AJ landed the Styles Clash but was shocked as Joe powered out at one to a big pop. AJ was reduced to attempting flash pins as Joe seemed to get on top of the encounter but after twice hitting a Muscle Buster and twice failing to get the pin, worry seemed to set in for Joe. He became a little sloppy and this allowed AJ to unexpectedly regain control - he soon found out Joe’s resilience matched his own as Joe kicked out after a Phenomenal Forearm and then a Superman 450 Springboard Splash. Knowing he had to reach deep into his bag of tricks as the match closed in on thirty minutes, AJ took to the top rope and performed an awe-inspiring Spiral Tap… into the knees of Samoa Joe. Joe quickly tore AJ to the ground with his Coquina Clutch, and despite a trashing AJ’s best efforts, he did not let go. A minute of titanic struggle passed before AJ’s arms stopped flailing and the life drained from his face. Mark Johnson had seen enough and called for the bell to a rather sizeable pop.

The “JOE! JOE! JOE!” chants only grew louder as Samoa Joe was announced the winner and announced as the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Joe held the title in his hands as he collapsed to his knees amidst a rain of confetti, the absolute classic he just embroiled in with AJ taking a massive toll on the new champion. AJ lay eagle-spread in the ring as Joe cradled the championship in what would have been a fitting image to end a spectacular first PPV outing… but the night wasn’t over yet.

Samoa Joe


  • The intensity from the opening bell was off the charts, everyone bought the early near falls, particularly when Joe was on the offence. The crowd felt like Joe was going to be crowned in this one and it showed in the early goings.
  • It’ll never cease to amaze me how explosive Joe looks when performing a suicide dive. AJ crashing into the barricade after it looked great on television.
  • AJ continued to show why he is considered one of the best in the world. His work on the injured hand of Joe showed off a whole new dimension to his in-ring work. Joe’s selling of the hand should be commended as well.
  • The natural alignment of both men seemingly went out the window with both getting huge ovations. The Spiral Tap into the Coquina Clutch finishing spot showcased this: the whole crowd were on their feet when AJ took to the top rope, willing him on, but when Joe locked in the submission the whole arena popped. A rare paradox but it made the World Heavyweight Championship fight feel huge.
It’s Not AJ’s Company, It’s Not Heyman’s Company … IT’S OUR COMPANY

The crowd grew silent as Taz emerged on the entrance ramp clapping his hands. Tenay suggested that Taz might be out to congratulate Joe on his monumental victory over AJ but West was altogether more suspicious than his broadcast counterpart. The arrival of D’Angelo Dinero and the TNA World Tag Team Champions, Homicide and Eddie Kingston, furthered West’s belief that the Taz-led group were up to no good. They descended upon the ring and immediately surrounded Joe and AJ Styles who had just come to his senses. The confetti stopped and the booing began as Taz started jaw-jacking the duo in the ring. AJ and Joe went back to back, motioning for the group to bring it on. Mild irritation turned to downright fury when Joe turned around and clocked AJ Styles with his newly-won TNA World Championship and Taz’s trio began laying the boot into AJ. Taz and Joe embraced in the ring to loud displeasure as Dinero and Homicide dumped AJ unceremoniously to the outside. Taz got on the microphone and said he’d put together the biggest group of killers the professional wrestling world had ever known. His message was simple: “It ain’t AJ’s company, it ain’t Heyman’s company… IT’S OUR FREAKIN’ COMPANY!!! And if ya gotta problem with that, well… maybe our champ will say it best.” Joe stepped forward and leaned into Taz’s mic before menacingly shouting, “Then Joe’s gonna KILL YOU!”. Samoa Joe’s music sounded as the group posed together to a loud, mixed reaction to end the PPV broadcast.


Final Thoughts
The addition of Samoa Joe - as the newly-minted TNA World Heavyweight Champion, no less - to the stable Taz has been putting together in the background instantly propels them to the number one act in TNA Wrestling. The segment got a loud reaction to end a fairly exceptional PPV outing for TNA. This was a tremendous night of action in Heyman’s first foray into the PPV world of TNA but looking back over the results, it seemed a little heel-heavy, especially in the latter stages of the PPV. It’ll be interesting to see who steps forward on the face side to combat the likes of McGuinness, Moxley, Francis Benedict Geraldman, and of course, Taz’s new stable.

Quick Results
Pre-show - Motor City Machine Guns def Lethal Consequences
Pre-show - Sarita & Taylor Wilde © def Circa 89 for the Knockouts Tag Team Championships
Kurt Angle def Bryan Danielson
Marco Corleone def Kiyoshi © for the SpikeTV Championship
Rob Van Dam def Jeff Jarrett in Loser Leaves Town
Eddie Kingston & Homicide © def Beer Money, The British Invasion, and Bad Intentions in an Elimination Match for the World Tag Team Championships
Hamada © def Tara for the Knockouts Championship
Nigel McGuinness def Hernandez 2-1 in Three Degrees of Pain
Francis Benedict Geraldman def Amazing Red © for the X-Division Championship
Jon Moxley def Mick Foley in an Unsanctioned Match
Samoa Joe def AJ Styles © for the World Heavyweight Championship

+Sabu and Amy Dumas
-Jeff Jarrett

Author's Note: Sheeeesh, that took a lot longer than expected to produce and put together. Delighted to crank that out and really looking forward to the coming months. As always, a huge thanks to all the supporters and I'll tally prediction contest scores very, very soon and be in touch with the winner about their prize. Love ya'll. TNA TNA TNA
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Neo Genesis
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I'm glad my suggestion lead to a great match and... Maybe a potential future longer term feud with the two. Lita being in the KO division is cool, and Taz leading a stable with Joe, Pope, Eddie, Homicide just seems to work. Surprised RVD is out, but I'm sure he'll be back.

Edit: I misread. RVD won. Derp
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  • Love
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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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10/10 on the reporter’s name. Sounds like a guy who really knows his shit. This format is very enjoyable and I think you’ve nailed the balance of being brief but giving us enough of a feel of what happened in each match. The notes section being used for specific spots is a clever touch. Apply for a job with Bleacher Report or Forbes or some shit, dude.

I won’t comment on every match but I think you clearly put a lot of thought into the show structure going into booking it and then how it translated into the show.

Angle/Danielson seems like it would have been a wild ride, and I won’t lie that I was pretty sure on the draw going in and we almost got it. I don’t think Bryan is hurt one bit by losing to Kurt Angle. Hell of a start to the show - YEAAAAHHHHH!

I think you made stars out of Nigel and Hernandez here and those two more than anyone stood out to me as the next big guys after that fucking mental ending to their match. Hernandez doesn’t lose anything in defeat and I’m very excited to see where both go next. One would usually assume Nigel would be propelled into the title scene after winning here, but given he’d be up against a brand new heel faction, I’m not sure.

Which brings me to probably my only real drawback on the show which was that it was very heel-heavy. The heels won in all of the big matches, and not to say that shouldn’t ever happen as it’s necessary for the bad guys to win sometimes, but with Angle, Moxley, Kingston/Homicide, Marco, Nigel, Francis and Joe all winning their matches it does leave a bit of a question mark over who can stand up to all of these lot. You’ve touched on it yourself with the comments post-show but I’m intrigued to see who stands up to Joe as the next challenger given that RVD was the only face to have picked up a singles win and that match would be a bit ehh. An AJ rematch makes the most sense in all honesty, but whether you want to revisit that so soon I’m not sure. But if this show is proof enough of anything it’s that you should be trusted, so I’ll just go ahead and shut my pretty little mouth up.

Moxley and Foley was insane. I loved the little touches of the TNA branding being removed and the commentators walking out in disgust. Really sells the unsanctioned stip. The ending was sick, only thing missing was a “Cane Dewey” callback, but yeeting him off the tron was good as well. I’m intrigued where Moxley goes next, perhaps RVD and Sabu kind of direction?

Only other criticism is getting rid of Jarrett. -5 stars, he should be the champion. Lita doesn’t do much for me either but that’s personal preference and regardless of my personal feelings that’d be a massive get for TNA around this time.

If not clear enough, I thought this show ruled. It seemed very statement-like as the first PPV in this new era of TNA and if that was the aim, you very much delivered. Very excited to have this project back. Well done bro.
  • Love
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
Reaction score
I'm glad my suggestion lead to a great match and... Maybe a potential future longer term feud with the two. Lita being in the KO division is cool, and Taz leading a stable with Joe, Pope, Eddie, Homicide just seems to work. Surprised RVD is out, but I'm sure he'll be back.

Edit: I misread. RVD won. Derp

Think Danielson/Angle in this time period is a dream match of my own so I’m extremely happy you picked it and there’s a definite chance this will continue down the line. The stable does seem right just somehow, doesn’t it? lol

probably would’ve been too soon for rvd to lose a loser leaves town tbf!

10/10 on the reporter’s name. Sounds like a guy who really knows his shit. This format is very enjoyable and I think you’ve nailed the balance of being brief but giving us enough of a feel of what happened in each match. The notes section being used for specific spots is a clever touch. Apply for a job with Bleacher Report or Forbes or some shit, dude.

I won’t comment on every match but I think you clearly put a lot of thought into the show structure going into booking it and then how it translated into the show.

Angle/Danielson seems like it would have been a wild ride, and I won’t lie that I was pretty sure on the draw going in and we almost got it. I don’t think Bryan is hurt one bit by losing to Kurt Angle. Hell of a start to the show - YEAAAAHHHHH!

I think you made stars out of Nigel and Hernandez here and those two more than anyone stood out to me as the next big guys after that fucking mental ending to their match. Hernandez doesn’t lose anything in defeat and I’m very excited to see where both go next. One would usually assume Nigel would be propelled into the title scene after winning here, but given he’d be up against a brand new heel faction, I’m not sure.

Which brings me to probably my only real drawback on the show which was that it was very heel-heavy. The heels won in all of the big matches, and not to say that shouldn’t ever happen as it’s necessary for the bad guys to win sometimes, but with Angle, Moxley, Kingston/Homicide, Marco, Nigel, Francis and Joe all winning their matches it does leave a bit of a question mark over who can stand up to all of these lot. You’ve touched on it yourself with the comments post-show but I’m intrigued to see who stands up to Joe as the next challenger given that RVD was the only face to have picked up a singles win and that match would be a bit ehh. An AJ rematch makes the most sense in all honesty, but whether you want to revisit that so soon I’m not sure. But if this show is proof enough of anything it’s that you should be trusted, so I’ll just go ahead and shut my pretty little mouth up.

Moxley and Foley was insane. I loved the little touches of the TNA branding being removed and the commentators walking out in disgust. Really sells the unsanctioned stip. The ending was sick, only thing missing was a “Cane Dewey” callback, but yeeting him off the tron was good as well. I’m intrigued where Moxley goes next, perhaps RVD and Sabu kind of direction?

Only other criticism is getting rid of Jarrett. -5 stars, he should be the champion. Lita doesn’t do much for me either but that’s personal preference and regardless of my personal feelings that’d be a massive get for TNA around this time.

If not clear enough, I thought this show ruled. It seemed very statement-like as the first PPV in this new era of TNA and if that was the aim, you very much delivered. Very excited to have this project back. Well done bro.
Thaaaank you for the comments and praise. Been doing that with reporter names (Looking Glass and Starlight Kid were the first two iirc) but think you’re the first to pick up on it you narcissist. It’s a tough situation with it being heel heavy but hopefully I can conjure up some stuff. The path to the next live special is actually pretty focused on X-Division, so im more looking toward Victory Road to have some strong face opponents for these guys. I’m so sorry about Jeff, but never say never when it comes to JJ, slapnuts.

Thanks for the comms peeps. Here are the prediction results!


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Congestion Roy! I’ve already been in touch with Roy to talk about the prize - Roy will get to pick any non-WWE signed tag team to compete in the Victory Road Tag League Classic! Thanks to all for competing. Much appreciated.


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Sep 10, 2022
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End of Cycle 3 update.


On-Screen Personnel
Andrew Thomas - Match Official
Christy Hemme - Ring Announcer (iMPACT)
David Penzer - Ring Announcer (Xplosion)
Dewey Foley - Student of Jon Moxley
D’Lo Brown - Road Agent/Occasional Color Commentator
Dixie Carter - President
Don West - Color Commentator (Xplosion)
Earl Hebner - Senior Match Official
Jeremy Borash - Backstage Interviewer (iMPACT)
Konnan - Manager of Marco Corleone
Kip James - Road Agent
Lauren Brooke - Backstage Interviewer (Xplosion)
Mark Johnson - Match Official
Mike Tenay - PxP Commentator (Xplosion & iMPACT)
Noelle Foley - Student of Jon Moxley
Pat Kenney - Road Agent
Paul Heyman - Head of Creative/Official Matchmaker
Scott D’Amore - Road Agent
SoCal Val - Ring Attendant
Taz - Color Commentator (iMPACT)/Manager of D’Angelo Dinero, Eddie Kingston, Homicide & Samoa Joe


Male Roster
AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Amazing Red
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Brutus Magnus
Bryan Danielson
Chris Sabin
Consequences Creed
D’Angelo Dinero
Doug Williams
Eddie Kingston © Tag Team Champion
Eric Young
Francis Benedict Geraldman © X-Division Champion
Giant Bernard
Homicide © Tag Team Champion
James Storm
Jay Lethal
Jesse Neal
Jon Moxley
Karl Anderson
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
Marco Corleone © SpikeTV Champion
Matt Morgan
Monty Brown
Mick Foley
Nigel McGuinness
Petey Williams
Prince Devitt
Rob Terry
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe © World Heavyweight Champion
Scott Steiner
Sheik Abdul Bashir
Sonjay Dutt
Stevie Richards

Knockout Roster
Alissa Flash
Amy Dumas
Awesome Kong
Hamada © Knockouts Champion
Jessie McKay
Lacey von Erich
Madison Rayne
Rachel Summerlyn
Roxxi Laveuax
Sarita © Knockouts Tag Team Champion
Taylor Wilde © Knockouts Tag Team Champion
Tenille Dashwood
Traci Brooks
Velvet Sky


Bad Intentions - Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson
British Invasion - Brutus Magnus, Doug Williams & Rob Terry
Beer Money - James Storm & Robert Roode
Circa 89 - Jessie McKay & Tenille Dashwood
Lethal Consequences - Consequences Creed & Jay Lethal
Motor City Machine Guns - Alex Shelley & Chirs Sabin
Team 3D - Brother Devon & Brother Ray
The Beautiful People - Lacey von Erich, Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky
D’Angelo Dinero, Eddie Kingston, Homicide & Samoa Joe
Kevin Nash & Eric Young
Monty Brown, Petey Williams & Sonjay Dutt
ODB & Roxxi Laveuax
Sarita & Taylor Wilde


TNA World Heavyweight Champion
Samoa Joe | Won at Against All Odds | February 28, 2010 - Present

Former Champions: AJ Styles | Won at No Surrender | September 20, 2009 - February 28, 2010

TNA X-Division Champion
Francis Benedict Geraldman | Won at Against All Odds | February 28, 2010 - Present

Former Champions: Amazing Red | Won at iMPACT | October 5, 2009 - February 28, 2010

TNA SpikeTV Champion
Marco Corleone (0*) | Won at Against All Odds | February 28, 2010 - Present

Former Champions: Kiyoshi (0*) | Won on Xplosion | February 27, 2010 - February 28, 2010
Marco Corleone (4*) | Won at New Year’s Eve Impact | December 31, 2009 - February 27, 2010

TNA World Tag Team Champions
Eddie Kingston & Homicide | Won on iMPACT | February 11, 2009 - Present

Former Champions: British Invasion | Won at No Surrender | October 18, 2009 - February 11, 2009

TNA Knockouts Champion
Hamada | Won at 8-Card Stud | January 28, 2010 - Present

Former Champions: ODB | Won at No Surrender | September 20, 2009 - January 28, 2010

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions
Sarita & Taylor Wilde | Won at No Surrender | September 20, 2009 - Present

TNA Legends Champion *DEFUNCT*
Eric Young | Won at Bound for Glory | October 18, 2009 - November 19, 2009


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Sep 10, 2022
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a exclusive

The X-Division Xtravaganza
-airing from The X-Nation Complex on Navassa Island-

Xplosion will play host to a tournament that will help shape the future of the exhilarating, no-limit X-Division. Eight men will enter The X-Nation Complex on the uninhabited Navassa Island and stay there for nearly three weeks in harsh, unforgiving conditions. They will battle with and against each other on the island for the chance to win the X-Nation Trophy and lock up a guaranteed shot at the coveted X-Division Championship. Alliances will be formed, bonds forged, and of course, there will be a healthy dose of betrayal as only ONE man will leave the island with the prize… the others will leave with nothing but bruises, scars, and sob stories.

Taking place over four stages - the final stage which will air on video satellite at Destination X - these competitors all have something to prove, for some, the prize is secondary only to be given a window to showcase their worth. Expect vicious, awe-inspiring encounters as the eight men face off against each other and expect emotions to be running high as cabin fever undoubtedly kicks in. This is a tournament like no other before it and each man will have to push themselves to their limit if they wish to… Xscape The X-Nation.


Picking The Captains

Competitors will be introduced to the world… and each other. Any man taking part in the event has been forced to sign a legally binding NDA and a waiver regarding injuries obtained throughout the course of the tournament. There are some familiar faces and some will definitely know each other and there will be a couple of surprises in the way of former X-Division stars AND some completely unknown entities flown in to try and make a name for themselves in TNA. Before the captain-deciding matches, competitors will be locked in a room together for five minutes… will we see some early alliances be formed? Or will somebody use the opportunity to get an upper hand? The X-Division may be about no limits but The X-Nation is about no rules.

Battle Royal to Decide First Captain
??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ???

20-Minute 7-Man Scramble to Decide Second Captain
??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ???


Picking The Teams

Each captain will pick two of the other competitors to face off in a trial singles match. When the bout is over, the captain must decide which of the two men he wants on his team, the unpicked man goes to the opposing team. The first captain has the advantage, as he gets to pick first with the second captain getting to pick the competitors for the second trial match. He will get the privilege of picking between these two competitors to join his team. However… in the third and final trial, neither captain has priority and the winner of the match gets to choose which captain he joins with the loser rounding out the unpicked captain’s team.

First Captain Trial
??? vs ???

Second Captain Trial
??? vs ???

Final Trial
??? vs ???


Deciding The Order

The penultimate stage will see the newly minted teams face off against each other as they jockey for position of entry in the final stage. The first man eliminated will enter first for his team in the final stage, the second man eliminated will enter next, and so on. Will there be instructions from team captains? Will there be any semblance of strategy? Or will it all descend into chaos and prove to be every man for himself before the hellacious final stage?

To Decide Entry Order For Stage 4
??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? in an Elimination Match

To Decide Entry Order For Stage 4
??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? in an Elimination Match


Xscape The X Nation

Confined within a gruelling steel enclosure, the starting participant from each team will go one-on-one until somebody picks up a pinfall or submission. The person who takes the fall is instantly eliminated and the winner will have to face the second participant of the opposing team immediately. This will continue until one team is fully eliminated. But… there can only be one winner. Any remaining people on the winning team will continue to enter in order and they will face their own teammates and continue fighting until there is one winner. When we get down to the final two competitors, regardless of whether they are teammates or not, the only way to win the match is by escaping the steel enclosure.

The overall winner gets the first-ever X-NATION TROPHY and a guaranteed shot at the X-DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP at any event of their choosing.


The X-Division Contestants

“Big Stevie Cool”


ECW World Tag Team Champion x2
NWA National Heavyweight Champion x1
NWA World Light Heavyweight Champion x1
WWF Hardcore Champion x22

Despite being incredibly talented between the ropes, Stevie has never quite reached the heights his early career promised. He has never held any championship gold or achieved any accolades in TNA but Richards has thrown his hat into the ring for the first-ever X-Division Xtravaganza in the hopes that he can finally realize his long-touted potential.

“Ya know… I’m getting on a bit now. I’ve had a nice career, a constant solid paycheque, but if you ask any boy who had the same dream that I did - becoming a professional wrestler - they’ll tell ya the same thing: you don’t dream of being a solid, reliable worker that picks up a steady wage. You dream of the bright lights, the big moments, conquering the best, and having your name chanted by the fans. There’s no point in beating around the bush… those are experiences that have been few and far between in my career. It’s time to take destiny into my own hands… I’m getting on that boat to Navassa Island and I’m going to leave everything I have there. Maybe it’ll be enough. It usually hasn’t been… but I’m not gonna stop now. I’ve put too much into this.”




TNA World Tag Team Champion x1

One of the youngest members of the TNA roster, and one of the most talented, Consequences Creed has primarily been involved in the tag team division over the last year with his partner Jay Lethal. A recent string of impressive performances in tag team action has seen Creed come to the fore as somebody to keep an eye on and he will be hoping that this opportunity gives him a chance to show he can flourish in a singles capacity.

“I love Lethal Consequences - let me put that out there right away. Jay and I, we’ve had some amazing success and fought against some of the best wrestlers in the world. We’ve shared a ring with The Motor City Machine Guns, The British Invasion, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles… and that’s just been the last three months. I’m loving life in TNA right now and even though Jay and I are deadset on getting our hands back on the Tag Team Championships, I can’t forget that first year in TNA. I came in hoping to conquer the X-Division and I fell short. Way short. This tournament is where I’m going to make my mark on that division and right the mistakes I made as an X-Division competitor.”




NWA World Tag Team Champion x2
TNA World Tag Team Champion x1
TNA Legends Champion x1
TNA X-Division Champion x1*

*This reign is not recognized by TNA but Eric Young insisted it be listed in this article

As far back as his Team Canada Days - right through his Super Eric phase - Eric Young has always had a touch of paranoia. Eric seemed to shed this trait when he formed The World Elite but after their disbanding and Heyman’s takeover of TNA, the paranoia resurfaced in an ugly way. What was once a frightened paranoia has been replaced by a bitter, angry paranoia that seems to be driving Eric crazier by the day… and making him incredibly dangerous to boot.

“I see what’s going on here. I’m not stupid. Heyman thinks by giving me a place in this tournament that it can make up for what he has done to me. He thinks by sending me to Navassa Island he can silence me. People think I’m a conspiracy nut but here’s a list of offences committed against me since Heyman took over the company: 1) I was unduly and for NO REASON WHATSOEVER stripped of my TNA Legends Championship 2) I had to enter and win a 16-man tournament to obtain the replacement championship 3) I was made fight Samoa Joe in the 8-Card Stud Tournament WITH A BAD BACK 4) I was given no notice of an impromptu SpikeTV Championship match against Kiyoshi AND the match official didn’t follow procedure and let me know the match had started which resulted in Kiyoshi cheap-shotting me for the win 5) Heyman ordered catering to remove poutine from the food menu 6) I was kept of the Against All Odds PPV and did not receive the PPV bonus that comes with it 7) I am now being forced to enter ANOTHER tournament for an X-Division Championship match - a privilege I already hold as I beat the then X-Division Champion in January and did not receive a championship match. Who’s crazy now, huh? Not only that BUT I have already in the past been SCREWED out of the X-Division Championship and I didn’t even get to hold it for a day before it was STRIPPED from me. Let me tell you something - this conspiracy against me in TNA started long before Heyman got here. He-”

(EDITOR’S NOTE - Our transcriber stopped typing at this point as we had only asked them to obtain a few lines from each entrant to print in this article. She informs us that Eric went on like this for several minutes and revised his list of offences to include a further 23 misdemeanours against him.)


“The Irish Hand Grenade”


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion x3

One of the most explosive wrestlers in the sport, Prince Devitt already made his name known to the TNA faithful at the tail-end of last year as he wowed them during the SpikeTV Championship tournament. Devitt had to return to Japan for obligatory IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship defences but he has been flown back in for this tournament and is looking to make his mark on the rest of the field.

“Yiz got a little taster of what The Irish Hand Grenade is all about back in December but trust me, that was only the start of it. These fools coming to this island with me have no bleedin’ idea just how good I am. I sell out arenas in Japan and nobody wants to face me. I’m already considered wrestling royalty over there and now it’s time for me to expand my empire to include TNA and the X-Division. I’m comin’ for this trophy and then the belt - tell Franny boy to watch his back. The Prince has his number.”


“The New F’N Show”


ECW World Heavyweight Champion x1
ROH World Champion x1
NWA World Tag Team Champion x2
TNA X-Division Champion x2
World X Cup 2004
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion x1

The New F’N Show is actually the oldest wrestler in the field but nobody will be complaining to see the decorated Jerry Lynn return to TNA to take part in this tournament. A pioneer of the X-Division, Lynn helped put the X-Division on the map and has returned to TNA to reclaim his spot at the top of the division. Being described by people on the independent wrestling circuit as someone who is entering his “second prime”, Lynn will be a major player in this one-of-a-kind tournament.

“It’s good to be back! I don’t think anybody else in the competition will be too happy to see me listed though! You know what’s great about getting old? You really stop caring about what other people think and, to be frank, I don’t give a shit about what any of these young bucks think of me. I was the X-Division before there even WAS an X-Division and I didn’t come here to make up numbers. I’m here to show everyone that this old dog’s still got it and if you have any reason to doubt me… why don’t you go ask Nigel McGuinness? He’s been making quite a stir here and he knows what it’s like to face me… and be beaten by me. Rule me out of this at your peril, The New F’N Show is a constantly evolving machine and on Navassa Island, I’m going to remind everyone why I’m the greatest superstar to ever be part of the X-Division.”


“The Notorious”

ECW World Television Champion x1
NWA World Tag Team Champion x2
TNA X-Division Champion x1
WWE Cruiserweight Champion x1

Controversy follows the infamously hard-hitting Kid Kash wherever he goes and having already had a very impressive run in TNA in the mid-noughties, Kash is back and as controversial as ever. Kash claims to not give a damn about the current state of the X-Division and that he’s here solely for the money and to clean up the X-Division “trash”.

“Ya’ll want to get a few words for your little article? Try this - these punks should be worshippin’ the ground I walk on. I look at the X-Division, the supposed home of no limits, nonstop action, the best professional wrestling in the damn world and ya know what I see? I see a lack of any true talent. These jack-offs couldn’t lace my damn boots. You think this is the first time TNA have asked me to come back? They’ve been beggin’ me to come back and save the X-Division for months now. Why have I finally decided to come back now? They emptied the damn coffers. You wanna pay me thousands to knock these little pieces of shit out… be my guest. Just don’t come cryin’ to me when I end up as the X-Division Champion and wipe my ass with that worthless, trash belt.”


“Wings of Gold”


Luchando Por un Sueño 2006
Alas de Oro 2009

A young stalwart of Mexican wrestling, and a regular in TNA-affiliate company Asistencia Asesoría y Administración, Laredo Kid is coming to the States for the first time with the opportunity of a lifetime. Despite having never held championship gold, Laredo Kid is known for his prowess in tournaments having won two and gotten to the finals of several more during his four-year stint in Mexico’s top promotion. How will he fare against the elite of the X-Division on Navassa Island?

“This is a dream for me. It is a really big deal. I grew up with wrestling from a young age and though the tradition is strong and Mexico will always have my heart, my family and friends will be so proud to see me wrestling for a big company in America on television. I want to do them proud. I want to do Mexico proud. I will give this tournament everything I have, and hopefully, you will get to see more of me.”

(EDITOR’S NOTE - A big thank you to TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champion Sarita for translating for us!)




TNA X-Division Champion x1
X-Division King of the Mountain 2009

Perhaps the most baffling and bizarre entry in the whole tournament. Francis Benedict Geraldman was revealed as the man behind the Suicide mask, and publicly ditched the mask, yet, Suicide has been announced as a competitor in the upcoming tournament. We’re not quite sure what’s going on here at and we guess we’ll just have to tune into Xplosion and The X-Division Xtravaganza like everyone else over the coming weeks to find out!


(EDITOR’S NOTE - Our transcriber informs us that Suicide didn’t answer any questions nor speak at all but made note of the fact that the costume and mask looked unkempt and dishevelled.)


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Sep 10, 2022
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Against All Odds did a smashing buy rate comparatively to TNA’s historical PPV numbers. The number has been put in the 50’000-55’000 buys category and that instantly propels Heyman’s first PPV venture into the top 5 PPV buy rates in TNA history. The affordable price point, the strong and lengthy build, and the intriguing match-ups are believed to be the key components in obtaining a strong number of buys. Heyman hopes to keep the PPV buys at a 50’000 buy minimum and believes the bi-monthly PPV model he has designed will assist in that. There is a hope among the company that within a couple of years they may break 100’000 buys on PPV. Another big change was on the horizon: the move out of the iMPACT Zone and the upcoming tour of Texas, Nevada, and California. The booking committee were already looking ahead to the Victory Road Pay-Per-View that would emanate from Houston, Texas, but Heyman wanted to shine some light on the X-Division and X-Division-like competitors in the build to the three-hour live television special Destination X and wanted to make the most of the three short weeks they had to promote that event. The X-Nation Xtravaganza was going to take up the entirety of their Xplosion time slot, so Heyman wanted to make the most of the iMPACTs he had available to draw eyes to the live special. However, not everything was as rosy as Heyman would have liked, with a slew of short-term injuries and one BIG injury the fallout from a brutal and hard-hitting Against All Odds. Heyman was forced to improvise to put together a fun, X-Division-themed card for Destination X.

A lot of interest had been generated at the close of the Against All Odds pay-per-view when the Taz-backed stable aligned with the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Samoa Joe. Joe had been booked astoundingly strong coming into the event and Heyman wanted to keep the wheels turning with his hot new champ. Unfortunately, what was slated to be a rather lengthy feud with AJ Styles had to be iced as the medical report coming out of Against All Odds meant that AJ was not cleared to compete for a minimum of three months. Still, AJ, ever the consummate professional, appeared on the first iMPACT following Against All Odds demanding a rematch against Joe and challenging Taz’s stable and their claim that it was their company. The stable came out and Taz gave some motivation behind them coming together. He said that they’re guys who are the biggest killers in the sport but don’t get the breaks other guys get “cuz they ain’t as pretty, ain’t as controllable, ain’t the suits idea of a poster boy”. Taz said when Heyman took over the company that he thought all that would change due to Heyman’s past and the type of guys he promoted before but Taz said if it weren’t for him going to bat for his boys then Kingston wouldn’t have been signed and Homicide would still be a bit-part in a joke stable that was going nowhere. Taz continued the tirade saying that D’Angelo Dinero had been ready to go for months but creative “had nothin’ for him”. Taz says how can you look at a guy like Dinero and not use him. Finally, he came to Samoa Joe and he stated that despite being the most unstoppable force in professional wrestling, he wasn’t even being considered for the 8-Card Stud tournament until Taz DEMANDED he be put in. Taz said he’s had his boys back from the start, and now that they’re in a position of power and relevance, they’re not ever letting anyone tell them what to do or how to act again. Dinero and Joe also got quite healthy amounts of mic time during this segment. Dinero challenged AJ to a fight - a real fight - right here, right now. AJ got a backhanded pimpslap before he could respond and a vicious beatdown occurred. This continued until Christopher Daniels - AJ’s real-life best friend - exploded down the ramp for the save. AJ and Daniels held them at bay and Taz then challenged them to a handicap tag team match for the following week: AJ and Daniels versus Dinero, Kingston, and Homicide and if AJ won, Joe would give him a rematch. Joe destroyed AJ backstage at the beginning of the show - effectively writing him out due to his injury - and Heyman called the match off until a protesting Daniels declared he wanted the match to go ahead. In what was a now 3-on-1 handicap match, Daniels took the stable by surprise, coming through the crowd and nailing chair-shots on Dinero, Kingston, and Homicide. The crowd were massively behind Daniels but Joe ended the broadcast by putting Daniels through a table. The angle reached a crescendo the following week when Daniels attacked Joe with a steel chair, laid a ladder across his body to assist an aerial attack, and announced that Heyman had made a match official for next week’s Destination X live three-hour special… Samoa Joe defends his TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Christopher Daniels in Full Metal Mayhem.

Rob Van Dam chased Jeff Jarrett out of town at Against All Odds thanks in part to an assist from his long-term frenemy, Sabu. With Jarrett seemingly gone from TNA, Monty Brown took up the mantle of de facto leader of the grouping containing Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt. The first mission on Monty’s mind was obtaining revenge against Sabu. The trio attacked him during his SpikeTV Championship match against Marco Corleone - which Sabu had leveraged into a no-disqualification match - and costing him a championship opportunity. The following week, the trio again attacked Sabu backstage but Rob Van Dam made the save. This set up a 6-man tag team match - Monty, Petey, and Sonjay versus Rob Van Dam, Sabu, and a returning Rhino. Rhino looked extremely sharp in his return from injury and the crowd seemed hot when he interacted with Monty. The ECW originals got the win and after the match, RVD said he appreciated Sabu’s help but he was getting an itch - an itch to run back RVD versus Sabu one more time… and he couldn’t think of a better place for it to happen than Destination X. Sabu agreed to the match on the condition that they do it the old way, they do it the extreme way, they do it the right way. In addition to Sabu vs Rob Van Dam in a no-disqualification setting being announced for Destination X, off the back of some heavy complaining from Monty’s crew about constantly being held down, Heyman told Dutt and Williams that he’d find them a team to face at the live special. Heyman promised Dutt and Williams that the tag team would live up to the X-Division billing and they better be ready.

An interesting development occurred within The British Invasion following Against All Odds. Brutus Magnus approached Douglas Williams to talk about how they would go about obtaining another shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championships but was left shocked when Williams rebuffed the idea. Williams told Magnus that they were entering the Victory Road Tag League Classic the following month and that is how they would regain their lost championships, but for now, Williams had something he wanted to do at Destination X… alone. Williams suggested that Magnus and Rob Terry could perform as a tandem while he was preparing for Destination X, an idea the big man liked but an idea Magnus wasn’t so hot on. The first iMPACT after Against All Odds, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson conducted an in-ring interview with Jeremy Borash. He received a hero’s ovation for his performance against Kurt Angle at Against All Odds and JB continued to try and will Danielson/Angle 2 into existence. Danielson stated that he has unfinished business with Kurt but Kurt hasn’t been cleared to compete until after Destination X following a concussion received during their match. Danielson said he would once again challenge Kurt for the moniker of best professional wrestler in the world when he recovered. Somewhat surprisingly, The British Invasion music hit, and Douglas Willams came out alone to confront Danielson. Williams said that he was the best wrestler in the United Kingdom and he’d like to put American Dragon to the test. Danielson accepted the match and in the 19th minute of an iMPACT main event, Danielson managed to submit Williams for the win in a very well-received match-up. The two shook hands following the bout, but Williams then cheap-shotted Danielson and lay a beatdown on Danielson - his British Invasion counterparts were only too happy to get involved. The following week Danielson demanded a match with Williams at Destination X, a match that Williams agreed to on one condition: they were fought on his terms. Danielson immediately agreed to any stipulation Williams had in mind and Williams announced that they would face off at Destination X under British Round Rules - a massive advantage to the UK grappler in his quest to topple Danielson.

While Taz’s stable was primarily preoccupied with AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, the TNA World Tag Team Champions were set to do battle with a formidable team that was well-versed in X-Division lore - Motor City Machine Guns. A match that was announced by Paul Heyman in the Against All Odds press conference to take place at Destination X had created a buzz around the internet as fans looked forward to both teams clashing. MCMG dispatched of the odd-pairing team of Jesse Neal and Sheik Abdul Bashir and the forced-together pairing of Amazing Red and Francis Benedict Geraldman en route to the three-hour live TV special and got plenty of mic-time in backstage interviews. MCMG claimed that they had bided their time and kept going out and taking the chances when they got presented them and that at Destination X they’d be living proof that being patient pays off. They made shots at Taz’s stable for complaining about the perceived unfair treatment they received and told them to “nut up and get on with it”. Kingston and Homicide took this as a slight and at the close of an iMPACT, attacked MCMG in the parking lot. On the go-home show, the two teams met in the ring and MCMG told Kingston and Homicide that they wanted all that the duo could offer and requested the match to be fought under tornado rules at the Destination X special. Kingston warned them that it’d be their funeral and ‘Cide told them that he accepts and that “the good people of Detroit better be ready for two of their own bein’ sent back in a bodybag”. Shelley and Sabin launched a surprise attack upon acceptance of their match conditions and expelled the TNA World Tag Team Champions from the ring to stand tall a week out from the championship match. Shelley and Sabin got very loud reactions throughout the three-week programme.

Paul Heyman announced another huge match in the post-Against All Odds press conference and named it as the main event for the X-Division-themed Destination X. Heyman said that the X-Division Championship would be up for grabs in Ultimate X in three weeks and the newly-minted champion, Francis Benedict Geraldman would defend against the man he had just defeated, Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, and a newly signed competitor that was worthy of being thrown straight into the main event of Destination X. You would think that of the three participants announced, Francis Benedict Geraldman would be full of complaints but the new champion took it in his stride and cut more whimsical promos atop his three-legged stool about how all tragic heroes must overcome obstacles, and how this was merely going to be a memorable chapter in the story of which he is the author. His camp nature continued to draw the crowd’s ire and irritate his opponents - specifically Amazing Red who wanted “Kaz” to snap out of it and stop acting like he was above everyone else. FBG and Red were forced to team together (unsuccessfully) and following their loss, Red questioned if FBG’s grandfather was actually a playwright. FBG rubbed Red the wrong way by saying that he had a “plebian mindset” and asked how would Red feel if he questioned his grandfather about his claims. Red said his grandfather came from nothing, had nothing and wouldn’t make any grandiose claims to which FBG replied “Alas, I knew your family were poor, Red, you are Puerto Rican, after all.” This exchange really lit the spark between Red/FBG and Red’s frustrations boiled over with the two fighting until the lights went out and the sounds of wolves howling, wings flapping, and an unidentifiable screech sounded out through the arena. Nobody appeared but the distraction had been enough to pull the brakes on the fight between the two.

Lethal’s main threat during the build was neither Red nor FBG, but rather, his own mind. On the iMPACT following Against All Odds, it was revealed that Heyman had offered Lethal a spot in the Ultimate X match prior to the PPV starting. This led to Consequences questioning Jay Lethal’s performance in their tag team match against Motor City Machine Guns on the pre-show - a performance that was, it must be said, way below Jay’s usual standard. Creed accused Lethal of protecting himself for his upcoming TNA X-Division Championship shot. Not only that, it was revealed that Jay Lethal would be challenging Marco Corleone for the SpikeTV Championship that night on iMPACT. Creed was equal parts devastated and equal parts frustrated. He questioned how Lethal could receive two championship shots and he had none. He asked Lethal to be straight with him - did he hold back in the match against MCMG? It was an awkward but heartfelt exchange between the duo and Lethal eventually conceded he had been looking ahead to his singles shots and phoned it in at the PPV, but could Creed blame him? Creed said that he couldn’t and walked off. Later that night, Creed approached Heyman and got himself inserted in The X-Division Xtravaganza, leaving immediately to catch the ferry to Navassa Island. This left Lethal alone to face Marco Corleone who had Konnan in his corner, and El Intocable dispatched him in under five minutes, making short work of the challenger. The next two weeks Lethal backed down in confrontations against Red and FBG, seriously questioning his own abilities and morals, feeling like he left Creed high and dry. These thoughts were compounded during backstage segments which would show Lethal hanging out in remote spots backstage and talking aloud to himself - only stopping when a strange gust of wind would blow through whatever area he was standing in and low, frantic whispering began. This would further serve to freak Lethal out and describing his mindset as “paranoid” was putting it lightly when he interrupted a war of words between Red and FBG on the iMPACT before Against All Odds and attacked them both. There is a lot of emotion, juice, and tension surrounding the upcoming Destination X main event and the addition of the mystery entrant is sure to cause the match to descend into even more chaos.

The 7-match card would be rounded out by the final stage of The X-Nation Xtravaganza featuring Eric Young, Stevie Richards, Consequences Creed, Prince Devitt, Jerry Lynn, Kid Kash, Laredo Kid, and “Suicide”. For those who missed Xplosion during the build to Destination X but wish to check the action of the first stages of the tournament, be sure to check out the TNA channel on YouTube for a video entitled “The X-Nation Xtravaganza Xclusive”* that highlights all of the major happenings of the 8 men and their journey on Navassa Island. Other interesting developments in the three week period between Against All Odds and Destination X included Marco Corleone defending his SpikeTV Championship three times: against Jay Lethal, Sabu, and Brutus Magnus of The British Invasion. Mick Foley’s announced retirement speech had to be postponed as he decided to spend time with his son, Dewey, who was recovering from the fallout of his father’s unsanctioned match with Jon Moxley at Against All Odds. Speaking of Moxley, he was not present in the iMPACT Zone but a series of satellite video played showing him scouring the United Kingdom - alongside Noelle Foley - in search of his next student to join the Jon Moxley School of Hard Knocks. These videos were extremely suggestive and implied that Noelle and Jon were sharing the same hotel room and were often met with widespread booing upon the videos beginning on the large screen in the iMPACT Zone. Team 3D got a tangible measure of revenge against Bad Intentions by defeating them in a tables match on the final iMPACT before Destination X. Interestingly, this was the last iMPACT from the iMPACT Zone for the foreseeable future and TNA had a strong sendoff for the iMPACT Zone as in addition to this tables match, Hernandez made his first appearance since Against All Odds, defeating Matt Morgan in front of a very appreciative crowd and the Knockouts got some big highlighting with two championship matches.

On the Knockout side of things, Sarita and Taylor Wilde continued facing off against Circa 89. The two Australian-born superstars each recorded single victories over the reigning champions and this set-up a ⅔ Falls match for the final iMPACT from the iMPACT Zone. Despite taking an early lead in the match, Sarita and Taylor Wilde rallied back from 1-0 to win the match 2-1 and retain their championships. Despite backstage segments with Tara suggesting it was heading that direction, “Extreme” Amy Dumas actually had her first match on this final iMPACT, defeating ODB following a top-rope moonsault on the show. Tara watched on from the crowd and it seems almost certain the two will end up in a programme together. Awesome Kong continued to squash local talent and The Beautiful People began targeting reigning champion Hamada. Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne tried to embarrass the champion into changing up her look and even went as far as to cut her ring gear into a skimpy fashion prior to a match against Alissa Flash, but it didn’t deter the champion who still recorded the win. In an unusual title defence, Hamada put up her Knockouts Championship in a no-disqualification match against the “Queen of the Deathmatch” Rachel Summerlyn who had been quietly impressing in her outings since signing with the company. Summerlyn put Hamada through the mill but ultimately the champion retained over Summerlyn in a bloody, hellacious affair. The Beautiful People leader Angelina Love attacked Hamada post-match and made clear her intentions to cleanse the Knockouts Division and become a record-breaking three-time Knockouts Champion.

Heyman and creative found themselves stretched a little thin due to the extensive injury list as a result of the hard-hitting Against All Odds AND the fact that 8 competitors were competing on Navassa Island as part of the X-Division tournament but they still managed to produce an entertaining three-weeks of television in putting together an X-Division themed card for Destination X. The Knockouts, in particular, had quite a lot of shine. It has to be said they delivered when called upon and that division seems to be shaping up. You would think that the TNA roster change-ups may be starting to settle down nearly 5 months into Heyman’s reign but there is still work to be done - and this may have been evidenced by some of the featured stars this month - and Heyman continues to dangle carrots in front of potential viewers by promising a new tag team and a mystery entrant into the main event at Destination X on the live-three-hour TV special next week.

*This will be available to read before the next monthly update

Destination X
March 25th, 2010
live from The iMPACT Zone
Orlando, Florida

OPENING MATCH//no time limit
full metal mayhem match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

“The Nation of Violence” Samoa Joe © vs “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels
MATCH TWO//20 minute time limit
tag team match

Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams vs ???
MATCH THREE//18 minute time limit
British rounds rules

Doug Williams vs “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson
MATCH FOUR//30 minute time limit
tornado tag team match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships

Eddie Kingston & Homicide © vs Motor City Machine Guns
MATCH FIVE//30 minute time limit
xscape the x nation

Eric Young vs Stevie Richards vs Consequences Creed vs Prince Devitt vs Jerry Lynn vs Kid Kash vs “Suicide” vs Laredo Kid
MATCH SIX//no time limit
no disqualifications

“Suicidal, Genocidal” Sabu vs “The Whole Fucking Show” Rob Van Dam
MAIN EVENT//no time limit
ultimate X match for the TNA X Division Championship

“The Author” Francis Benedict Geraldman © vs Amazing Red vs Jay Lethal vs ???

EDITOR'S NOTE: Quite happy with how this real-life month has panned out in terms of output and hoping to keep up this level of activity over the summer. Small window between Against All Odds and Destination X (only three weeks of television) so may seem like a slightly shorter update. Cheers as always for all the support and following, keeps me going. - Love ya'll, Tig.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
Card for Destination X is pretty damn good once again. Joe/Daniels should be fun and Daniels stepping in due to his friendship with AJ works well. My only concern is that within three weeks suddenly this feud is hot enough for Full Metal Mayhem? I feel this type of stip should be used to kill off a blood feud, or a feud running for months, not one that's been happening for three weeks. With that being said, I'm sure the match itself will be great.

A big thumbs up on the Taz stable for me, awesome use of the talent, and Taz. Also it's certainly different, but I'm digging the Xdivision Xtravaganza concept as well. Really fun.

I've honestly no idea who the mystery participants are going to be If I'm honest, although assuming they'll be X Division talent.

Sabu/RVD in 2010 is somthing I wouldn't want to actually have to watch lol. I do get the idea on playing off their history for a quick match here though.

The Author FBG is still the man, and just to circle back, the segment you wrote before Against All Odds involving Moxley, and the way you're booking Mox is freaking awesome. Right up top with best things going in the section.

I just noticed one last bit of criticism or feedback or whatever. You've got a 7 match card which includes: Full Metal Mayhem, xscape the x nation, no DQ and an ultimate x match. Maybe feels a bit of overkill on the special match types, making them individually all feel a little less special.

I mentioned a couple of things above but don't want that to take away from how much I'm loving the updates. So glad this is back. You're doing a terrific job.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
TNA Against All Odds - February 28, 2010:

Very fascinating presentation to this post, derived from the Bleacher Report articles that seemingly ran rampant during this time period. It was an interesting time for the industry, on the verge of becoming so deeply embedded in the social media landscape we now know it to be.

It is a shame to see Lethal Consequences and the Motor City Machine Guns reduced to working the Pre-Show, but with such an inflated card and less a story to run off of, it worked fine for what it was. I think that Consequences Creed, obviously, has promise. Perhaps more than WWE have had us believe in the last decade. I think the right team won, and Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are clearly geared towards standing out in the tag team division this decade.

I maybe wouldn't have had two tag team matches on the Pre-Show, but as it was for the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship, I think it was fair enough. A big task of this going forward is surely how you plan on making this division truly mean something. I feel like American promotions have been unable to capitalize on the potential of a women's tag team scene. With such talent boasted in the men's tag ranks, it's hard to find much substance in the women's division. Sarita and Taylor Wilde were always a fond favorite team of mine back then, so I'm glad to see them get the win.

I was very surprised to see Kurt Angle and Bryan Danielson open the card, but again we are dealing with a major card and it's highly volatile what position on the show this goes on. Either way, I feel bad for the guys who have to follow this. Angle winning was the right decision, but based on the post-match interview, clearly the long-term indicates we will see Danielson not only get his rematch one day, but almost assuredly get the win.

Marco Corleone did some cool things down in Mexico, but I can't say the TNA SpikeTV Championship match did a lot for me. It's cool to see Kiyoshi had a run with some gold, though. He was always so overlooked.

It was a little early for me to see a Loser Leaves Town match on the card, but of course, there's much still to come. I don't know where we go from here, with there clearly being an ECW entity present, opposing Jarrett's TNA Originals angle. A little soon after the Main Event Mafia debacle for me, but I'm fine with seeing how we go on from this. Rob Van Dam was obviously a marquee talent for the company in 2010, and I do hope Sabu's appearances are limited long-term. Good for a pop if anything.

TNA going on the road for iMPACT tapings was very much a death sentence for the company financially, especially live. The ambition-driven management from Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff definitely hurt the company in many regards, this being a key one. That said, it's promising for growth if the venues across the Texas, Nevada and California states are of proper size capable of drawing.

The TNA World Tag Team Championship match was fine for what it was, pulling together four teams. At least there is the caveat that it was elimination rules, as opposed to the standard multiman sudden death affair. Eddie Kingston and Homicide are the keys to the division moving forward, I feel. It's a team that works and is different enough, albeit it does remind me of a sequel to LAX after Hernandez. I feel there is more life to Beer Money, Inc. as top drawers in the tag team division in 2010.

Hamada retaining the TNA Women's Knockouts Championship against Tara was fine, and it's different enough to allow for the division to move in different ways. I don't know about Amy Dumas coming in, but it did strike me as realistic straight down to the "Xtreme" nickname. The company definitely does need the right boosts if they are to go on the road. Oddly I wouldn't mind seeing Dumas and ODB mix it up.

I am glad you have minimized the onscreen presence of Paul Heyman overlooking the company. It's good to see a neutral authority segment like this in a time where the world was starting to grow tired of it. The X-Division Xtravaganza sounds exactly like the type of innovation TNA was known for, for better or worse.

On paper, Nigel McGuinness and Hernandez looks to be a styles clash. Maybe the influx of weapons matches helped plenty. I would have maybe positioned this a little lower on the card, perhaps dividing up the succession of title matches that came before it. That said, McGuinness' horizons knew no bounds before the Hogan-Bischoff Administration arrived, and it left Desmond Wolfe in an awkward predicament moving on from that.

A fresh coat of paint was something Frankie Kazarian often needed to freshen his character up. Maybe this Francis Benedict Geraldman is the answer to that, albeit that is an absurdly comical name. The X-Division was at a crossroads around this time, as it still held the credibility and the athleticism of younger stars, but a lot of the original drivers behind the division had since moved up the card. Amazing Red, as great a talent as he was, often made the division seem like second-nature to the rest of the card. As more titles were introduced, the more it came to fall to the wayside, at least to me. Sure, Ultimate X matches helped, but there's only so many times you can see a guy fall off cable ropes for a sweet pop. Hopefully the character-driven Geraldman monicker will help the TNA X-Division Championship regain importance.

Earl Hebner is a black hole of charisma, but the rules being explained was a neat aesthetic to add to the Unsanctioned match. That match itself was awesome, and I really admired the writing behind it. Jon Moxley bringing up Mick Foley's family was a lovely little note, though the finish as you explained left a fair bit to be desired. It almost gave me reason to believe there is room for a rematch.

After such an epic and long show, I have to feel for AJ Styles and Samoa Joe to go on last. It's great that Joe regained the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, but hopefully this time his reign is given the due it deserved back in 2008. I do like the sound of Taz forming a group to dominate, and it has a lot of historical purpose. Joe and Taz's alliance was definitely underplayed in the grand scheme of things. D'Angelo Dinero is obviously the odd man out here, but I would hazard a guess he is there to take any falls needed to be taken.

Overall, this was a masterpiece of work, but I can't help but feel this will be absurdly difficult to top. It feels like a very peak show for the company, in a time where pay-per-views came monthly. There was absolutely some matches on here that could have used time to breathe and stand alone near the top of the card, and putting them on one show felt like an implosion of ideas. All I'll say is with your creative touch, I've no doubt you'll deliver on future big shows, but it wouldn't surprise me if Destination X is overlooked, coming only four weeks off of a series of big blowoffs and surprises.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
Reaction score
Card for Destination X is pretty damn good once again. Joe/Daniels should be fun and Daniels stepping in due to his friendship with AJ works well. My only concern is that within three weeks suddenly this feud is hot enough for Full Metal Mayhem? I feel this type of stip should be used to kill off a blood feud, or a feud running for months, not one that's been happening for three weeks. With that being said, I'm sure the match itself will be great.

A big thumbs up on the Taz stable for me, awesome use of the talent, and Taz. Also it's certainly different, but I'm digging the Xdivision Xtravaganza concept as well. Really fun.

I've honestly no idea who the mystery participants are going to be If I'm honest, although assuming they'll be X Division talent.

Sabu/RVD in 2010 is somthing I wouldn't want to actually have to watch lol. I do get the idea on playing off their history for a quick match here though.

The Author FBG is still the man, and just to circle back, the segment you wrote before Against All Odds involving Moxley, and the way you're booking Mox is freaking awesome. Right up top with best things going in the section.

I just noticed one last bit of criticism or feedback or whatever. You've got a 7 match card which includes: Full Metal Mayhem, xscape the x nation, no DQ and an ultimate x match. Maybe feels a bit of overkill on the special match types, making them individually all feel a little less special.

I mentioned a couple of things above but don't want that to take away from how much I'm loving the updates. So glad this is back. You're doing a terrific job.

Yeah, I agree with the criticism of the stipulation being unnecessary. I guess the way I’m looking at this project is that things won’t be perfect - akin to the real world - and that Heyman and co doubted the sell of a straight up Joe/Daniels match for a WHC live tv special so hastily added the stip to potentially draw eyes. I tried to subtly get across that they were a little bit panicked with the depleted roster for this cycle and jumped the gun a bit. Three weeks is definitely not an ideal amount of time for this match stip being added.

On the topic of the mystery entrants - more will come on this in a later update - their planned debuts were moved up as a result of the roster shortage this month and can again be viewed as Heyman trying to patch up perceived gaps so that his three-hour live specials keep a “must watch” reputation.

You know, one thing I hadn’t intended/noticed was the plethora of stip matches on this show. It’s definitely overkill. Appreciate that feedback particularly. Gonna look at that going forward.

Thanks for the feedback and review, Stojy, greatly appreciated as always.

TNA Against All Odds - February 28, 2010:

Very fascinating presentation to this post, derived from the Bleacher Report articles that seemingly ran rampant during this time period. It was an interesting time for the industry, on the verge of becoming so deeply embedded in the social media landscape we now know it to be.

It is a shame to see Lethal Consequences and the Motor City Machine Guns reduced to working the Pre-Show, but with such an inflated card and less a story to run off of, it worked fine for what it was. I think that Consequences Creed, obviously, has promise. Perhaps more than WWE have had us believe in the last decade. I think the right team won, and Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are clearly geared towards standing out in the tag team division this decade.

I maybe wouldn't have had two tag team matches on the Pre-Show, but as it was for the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship, I think it was fair enough. A big task of this going forward is surely how you plan on making this division truly mean something. I feel like American promotions have been unable to capitalize on the potential of a women's tag team scene. With such talent boasted in the men's tag ranks, it's hard to find much substance in the women's division. Sarita and Taylor Wilde were always a fond favorite team of mine back then, so I'm glad to see them get the win.

I was very surprised to see Kurt Angle and Bryan Danielson open the card, but again we are dealing with a major card and it's highly volatile what position on the show this goes on. Either way, I feel bad for the guys who have to follow this. Angle winning was the right decision, but based on the post-match interview, clearly the long-term indicates we will see Danielson not only get his rematch one day, but almost assuredly get the win.

Marco Corleone did some cool things down in Mexico, but I can't say the TNA SpikeTV Championship match did a lot for me. It's cool to see Kiyoshi had a run with some gold, though. He was always so overlooked.

It was a little early for me to see a Loser Leaves Town match on the card, but of course, there's much still to come. I don't know where we go from here, with there clearly being an ECW entity present, opposing Jarrett's TNA Originals angle. A little soon after the Main Event Mafia debacle for me, but I'm fine with seeing how we go on from this. Rob Van Dam was obviously a marquee talent for the company in 2010, and I do hope Sabu's appearances are limited long-term. Good for a pop if anything.

TNA going on the road for iMPACT tapings was very much a death sentence for the company financially, especially live. The ambition-driven management from Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff definitely hurt the company in many regards, this being a key one. That said, it's promising for growth if the venues across the Texas, Nevada and California states are of proper size capable of drawing.

The TNA World Tag Team Championship match was fine for what it was, pulling together four teams. At least there is the caveat that it was elimination rules, as opposed to the standard multiman sudden death affair. Eddie Kingston and Homicide are the keys to the division moving forward, I feel. It's a team that works and is different enough, albeit it does remind me of a sequel to LAX after Hernandez. I feel there is more life to Beer Money, Inc. as top drawers in the tag team division in 2010.

Hamada retaining the TNA Women's Knockouts Championship against Tara was fine, and it's different enough to allow for the division to move in different ways. I don't know about Amy Dumas coming in, but it did strike me as realistic straight down to the "Xtreme" nickname. The company definitely does need the right boosts if they are to go on the road. Oddly I wouldn't mind seeing Dumas and ODB mix it up.

I am glad you have minimized the onscreen presence of Paul Heyman overlooking the company. It's good to see a neutral authority segment like this in a time where the world was starting to grow tired of it. The X-Division Xtravaganza sounds exactly like the type of innovation TNA was known for, for better or worse.

On paper, Nigel McGuinness and Hernandez looks to be a styles clash. Maybe the influx of weapons matches helped plenty. I would have maybe positioned this a little lower on the card, perhaps dividing up the succession of title matches that came before it. That said, McGuinness' horizons knew no bounds before the Hogan-Bischoff Administration arrived, and it left Desmond Wolfe in an awkward predicament moving on from that.

A fresh coat of paint was something Frankie Kazarian often needed to freshen his character up. Maybe this Francis Benedict Geraldman is the answer to that, albeit that is an absurdly comical name. The X-Division was at a crossroads around this time, as it still held the credibility and the athleticism of younger stars, but a lot of the original drivers behind the division had since moved up the card. Amazing Red, as great a talent as he was, often made the division seem like second-nature to the rest of the card. As more titles were introduced, the more it came to fall to the wayside, at least to me. Sure, Ultimate X matches helped, but there's only so many times you can see a guy fall off cable ropes for a sweet pop. Hopefully the character-driven Geraldman monicker will help the TNA X-Division Championship regain importance.

Earl Hebner is a black hole of charisma, but the rules being explained was a neat aesthetic to add to the Unsanctioned match. That match itself was awesome, and I really admired the writing behind it. Jon Moxley bringing up Mick Foley's family was a lovely little note, though the finish as you explained left a fair bit to be desired. It almost gave me reason to believe there is room for a rematch.

After such an epic and long show, I have to feel for AJ Styles and Samoa Joe to go on last. It's great that Joe regained the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, but hopefully this time his reign is given the due it deserved back in 2008. I do like the sound of Taz forming a group to dominate, and it has a lot of historical purpose. Joe and Taz's alliance was definitely underplayed in the grand scheme of things. D'Angelo Dinero is obviously the odd man out here, but I would hazard a guess he is there to take any falls needed to be taken.

Overall, this was a masterpiece of work, but I can't help but feel this will be absurdly difficult to top. It feels like a very peak show for the company, in a time where pay-per-views came monthly. There was absolutely some matches on here that could have used time to breathe and stand alone near the top of the card, and putting them on one show felt like an implosion of ideas. All I'll say is with your creative touch, I've no doubt you'll deliver on future big shows, but it wouldn't surprise me if Destination X is overlooked, coming only four weeks off of a series of big blowoffs and surprises.

Yeah dude, I used to always check out Bleacher Report back then and have always liked the way they presented show results. Less of a burden on me too tbh!! I agree with the pre-show comments and in the report I even mentioned the placing of the KO Tag match being questionable. The Corleone match isn’t particularly one I think I’d ever personally rewatch if it happened irl - it very much served the purpose of just getting the belt back on Marco after the forced vacating of it.

Sabu won’t be around for long…. Or will he :s completely agree with the live touring comments about irl TNA. I haven’t actually decided how it’ll fully play out in terms of being a gate success or not. Something I’m giving real thought to. Y’know - good spot on the Homicide/Kingston tag team feeling like another version of LAX. Had not considered that but completely see it now you’ve mentioned it. Hopefully the Taz stable plans sets them apart from being an LAX-lite.

Don’t know how a Lita signing would have looked irl but it feels like a Heyman signing if he had have taken over TNA. ODB/Lita is something I definitely have plans for - also think they’d be an interesting mesh.

The card placement for Hernandez/McGuinness was definitely something I went back and forth on. It is probably the longest running feud (or maybe 2nd) I have and it has been presented as being a hot feud. I did originally have it in an earlier slot but I wanted it to go on later as I -probably incorrectly - perceived that as being a “bigger” placement.

Moxley/Foley was pencilled in as the main event but then I decided that an unsanctioned match probably shouldn’t close the show AND that in the first PPV of Heyman’s era, the whc should be the last match. If this was a live three hour TV special like the events that came before it, I probably wouldn’t have had Joe/AJ on last. Glad you liked the stable formation and the show dude. I really appreciate the super long and helpful comments and review. Owe both you and Stojy one and they’re coming soon as I get my laptop back.

PS - I’ll take that as a challenge to top Against All Odds in the future!
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