Total Nonstop Action by Tig

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
Reaction score

A pair of gloved hands are illuminated by the flickering white candle that they hold. The darkness shrouds everything else in the shot. A deep, booming voice rings out.

“The 8-Card Stud tournament.”

The camera continues to focus on the completely still candle.

“The prize? A TNA World Heavyweight Championship match at Against All Odds.”

A trickle of wax falls down the side of the candle and hardens on the right-hand glove.

“The competition?”

A rapid-fire montage of still images of Hernandez, Bobby Roode, Matt Morgan, Nigel McGuinness, Rob Van Dam, Samoa Joe, and Daniels.


We return to the image of the gloved hands holding the camera, slowly raising the candle aloft.

“As for me?”

The candle has been raised enough to show the masked face of Suicide holding the candle.

“Well… I’m still trying to figure that out.”

An instrumental version of NWA’s “
Chin Check” begins playing as a logo takes over the screen.



After the twenty-second intro of the song passes the camera cuts to Daniels standing in the chamber of a cave, leering over what appears to be a raised rock formation protruding from the cavern floor. He swirls around a black substance in an ornate bowl that rests atop the rock formation as the intro music continues to play in the background. He chuckles softly.

“For some… the words people choose to use are ultimately meaningless. They are simply sounds uttered in a certain pattern to convey a meaning that can be easily understood. To me though? Words mean everything. On Thursday night, eight lucky competitors get the chance to battle for an opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship at… Against All Odds.”

Daniels whips his head to stare intensely at the camera. He breaks from swirling the black liquid, his hand, however, remains submerged.

“Luck. Chances. Opportunities. The things that have evaded me my entire professional career. You can point to Tag Team Championships and X-Division Championship but in the grand scheme of things how does ‘The Fallen Angel’ really stack up when held against the best professional wrestling has to offer? Have I really been that lucky when compared to the World Heavyweight Championships? Have I gotten fair chances and opportunities? Three-way matches where even if I didn’t take the fall I could still walk away with nothing. Feast or Fired matches that I won twice… and both times received the pink slip for my efforts. Cast as the foil as Samoa Joe and AJ Styles rocketed to the top. Cast aside completely to make way for the legends of yesteryear’s turn with the belt. No luck. Feigned opportunity. Tell me… did a guy like me ever really have a chance?”

The Fallen Angel’s free hand trembles in anger as he slowly resumes stirring the black liquid with the other.

“Even now… as this latest… ‘opportunity’ presents itself, people question my inclusion. Even my involvement in this tournament is ridiculed; they say I’m only here because Jon Moxley got himself disqualified against me. The whispers grow louder that I shouldn’t be here, that I have 0% chance of coming out on top. It’s funny that the victor of this tournament will get his championship match at Against All Odds… because that’s exactly what I’ve been up against my entire life.”

Daniels withdraws his hand from the bowl, black goo dripping from his fingers.

“The tides are turning, the company is changing, and in less than two short months, I’ll be 40 years old. I’m not going to be here forever. I’m not going to get many more chances or opportunities. I’ve long since forgiven the idea of luck. Write ‘The Fallen Angel’ off at your own peril… ‘cause I’ve more to lose than anyone in this tournament.”

Daniels begins smearing the black substance underneath his right eye as the video cuts.


The camera cuts to a topless Hernandez standing in a red-brick alleyway. He’s wearing a black cap emblazoned with the word “SUPERMEX” with a red bandana tied around his neck. The veins pop in his neck as the amped-up Hernandez shouts at the camera.


Herandnez spits on the ground.

“Seems to me that damn near everybody got somethin’ they wanna say these days. Entitled little bitches who think they can jet in, make any demand they want, and walk on outta here like nobody is gonna check ‘em. It might be easier for people to look the other way, but not freakin’ me. Not freakin’ Supermex, esse.”

Hernandez slaps his bare chest a couple of times.

“See, I clawed my way here. I had to fight for my place. I had to fight for my fucking job. I got fired… TWICE! Two times I was released and shown the door but both times I kicked that door right freakin’ in and showed why I deserve to be here. I had to shed blood, sweat, and tears to earn the right to stand in between those six ropes but jumped up little putas like McGuinness get to be flown in on a first-class jet, paraded around in front of the fans like some kinda superstar, and then call his damn shots whatever way he please? Nawh-uh, dog, not on my watch. Not when I’ve had to sacrifice to be here. So, yeah, I took aim at McGuinness… ‘cause he couldn’t keep my name out of his mouth and he had what I wanted.”

Hernandez pulls his red bandana over his face and gets right up into the camera lens.

“But make no mistake… that shit shoulda already been mine.”


A hulking figure stands against a plain white backdrop, a small towel draped over his head. He breathes steadily, his heaving chest slowly rising up and down. Without looking at the camera or seeing his face, it is still clear that it is unmistakably Samoa Joe.

“You want a soundbite? You want something for your show? I mean what the hell do you expect me to say? You think I’m going to give credit to any other man in this tournament? Respect anybody else in this company? There was a time when nobody in the damn world would tell me that I had to do something. That I was needed to put together some promotional package. There was a time - not so long ago - the name Samoa Joe struck fear into the heart of every man, woman, and child on this planet. For some reason, the name Samoa Joe doesn’t seem to carry the same weight anymore.”

Joe shifts his head so that the camera can see the death glare he is casting.

“I hope to god that none of my opponents are stupid enough to think that. I pray none of you are being that foolish. Have you all been watching me ragdoll every wrestler that’s been put across from me? Have you all been watching as I tear my opponent limb from fucking limb? Have you all been watching Samoa Joe get back on track and get right back to where he should be? This ain’t slowin’ down boys, know your place, get down.”

Joe takes a step toward the camera.

“Or I’ll fucking put you down.”

Joe throws his towel at the camera.


“You know what they’re saying, James?”

Bobby Roode sits at a wooden table counting stacks of $100 dollar bills as James Storm takes a sip from a bottle of Bud - the latest in a long line of many judging by the empties littering his side of the table.

“What’s that, partna’?”

Roode sweeps his hand over the table between them.

“They’re saying this is all we are. Beer and money.”

Storm “tsk’s” and takes a long gulp from his beer bottle. Roode points at Storm and then himself.

“They’re saying that we can only succeed when we prop each other up. That we can’t stand on our own two feet.”

Storm shakes his head as Roode slams a closed fist into the table, spraying some money on the floor and causing some empty beer bottles to teeter on the edge of the table before falling and causing a light smashing sound.

“Well guess what!? This is us. We’re beer and we’re money and you can bet your last cent that there will always be two of us. But you know; I like beer, I love money, and I sure as hell would rather have James Storm in my corner than in my opponents. You think I’m a tag team wrestler? That I can’t cut it in this environment? You think I won’t do every damn thing I possibly can to win the 8-Card Stud?”

Bobby clutches at the notes raising a fistful of money.

“This is what I live for. Being the champion means I get a hell of a lot more just for doing what I do best - kicking people's asses. You can be sure when there’s a big payday around that I’ll put on my ass-kicking boots - and there’s gonna be a lot of ass-kickings dished out at 8-Card Stud! Don’t ever forget: it pays to be Roode. And if all else fails?”

Bobby looks over at James.

“Well, my buddy here is just gonna make sure I have a safety net. He won’t let me lose. He’s my insurance policy. If you’ve got a problem with that or think it’s unfair well… well, tell’em, James.”

Storm drains the dregs of his beer and slams it on the table.

SORRY… about your damn luck.”


Rob Van Dam is sitting on a luminous green beanbag, hunched over a small coffee table rolling a joint. He speaks as he begins spreading ground-up bud into the paper.

“Worried? About the tournament? You’ve gotta be kidding me. There’s no point getting worried, dude, I’ve been at this race a thousand times before, this stuff doesn’t phase R–V-D.”

Rob begins moving the paper between his fingers, shaping the joint in front of him.

“The biggest prize in this company awaits whoever can come out the other end of this tournament, man. They’re looking at me as the guy with crazy athleticism, the guy who’ll take to the top rope and fly all over that six-sided ring. That isn’t all I am. I’m not just some exciting name that Heyman brought in to pop a short-term rating; I’m Rob Van Dam - the whole fucking show.”

RVD licks the top of his joint and begins sticking it together.

“There are some big names in the 8-Card Stud, no doubt about it, but none of them are as good as me. That’s not being cocky, that’s just a fact, dude. I wasn’t signed to TNA because I’m another big name, I was signed to TNA because I’m the best professional wrestler on this green planet. Come 8-Card Stud, everybody on the roster will know that’s a fact. Whoever has the TNA World Heavyweight Championship - AJ or Kurt - they’re gonna have a lot of sleepless nights. And the fans in the iMPACT Zone?”

Rob pauses to place his joint in between his lips, raise a lighter to it, and spark it up. He takes a long drag before exhaling the smoke in the camera's direction.

“Well, they’re gonna find out exactly why I’m ‘Mr. Thursday Night’.”


The reflection of Matt Morgan in an expensive-looking, navy suit can be seen in a full-length mirror. An elderly man in black slacks and a white shirt is on his knees holding a measuring tape against the inner leg of Morgan.

“Have you any idea how much it costs to have a tailor-made Sartorio Napoli suit commissioned? For a guy of my size? Heh, who am I kidding? There isn’t a hope in hell that any of you losers sitting in your mom’s basement have ever even heard of Sartorio Napoli.”

Morgan adjusts the sharp collars of the baby-blue shirt underneath his suit jacket.

“This is a little congratulations present from me to me. I think I deserve a little ‘thank you’ for all but securing the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. I want to look good when I walk out in two months' time with that championship around my waist.”

Morgan motions for a belt around his waist, smiling and nodding his head in approval.

“I can see it now and let me tell you; I look damn good. Call it premature if you want, but is there any point in being modest? I’m called ‘The Blueprint’ for a reason. I have been designed for success. I’m bigger, I’m stronger, and I’m genetically superior to every other man in the world. I was created better than everyone else and that’s not just conjecture.”

Morgan pulls away from the tailor and points into the mirror, gritting his teeth.

“That’s scientific fact.”


Nigel McGuiness is kneeling in the middle of a ring - an unbranded one - in an empty warehouse. He lightly runs his fingers across the canvas, his face pointed down.

“I was born the greatest fighter in my empire. First, I scrapped my way through the backstreets of London - dark alleyways off Camden and then up to brawl with the muggiest fuckin’ brutes Seven Sisters had to offer. My name carried weight. I said what I wanted. I did what I wanted. I wore what I wanted. I remember splittin’ a geezer open outside of Canary Wharf because he had the cheek to ask me if I was lost. London weren’t long for the lastin’ then, I tell ya that much.”

McGuinness continues to softly brush his hand against the canvas of the ring.

“Why would I have been satisfied with just London, though? There was a whole country there for the taking - so I took it. I was the most feared fighter in the whole of the United Kingdom, so why stop there? Next, I conquered Europe. Soon after, the bigwigs came callin’, the moneymen from the States.”

McGuinness rests his palm firmly on the ring mat.

“Do what I was already doin’ but be paid a fuck-load more cash? Easy decision. For years I was beating the best the independent circuit had to offer, if you were lucky enough to witness any of it you’d agree I was the purest talent to ever hit an American wrestling ring. But there was always a higher plane I could ascend to… and I did. I was the World Champion of the biggest independent company in United States history. It wasn’t a matter of if my phone was going to ring, it was when. The only question that remained was if it would be him or if it would be Heyman. In the end, they both called and I made my decision. Nobody should be surprised that every figurehead in this industry wanted me to sign for their company; I was born the greatest fighter in my empire after all.”

McGuinness raises his head, his obnoxious shades covering his eyes but not hiding the smirk on his face.

Oh? You arseholes actually thought I was talkin’ about England when I said I was born the greatest fighter in my empire? England isn’t my bloody empire.”

McGuinness smashes his open palm against the mat.

THIS IS MY BLOODY EMPIRE!!! This ring is the domain to which I belong. To which I rule. And in my empire… I'm the judge, jury, and bloody executioner!”

McGuiness flicks the two-fingered salute as the YouTube feed begins to glitch out.


The screen is encompassed by rather grainy footage, the type that looks like it was shot on a handheld camera phone. The up close and personal face of a seething Jon Moxley takes up so much of the view that it’s impossible to say where he is. For the first time, The Hardway theme music stops playing. It is completely silent until Moxley begins talking, his voice the only sound that can be heard.

“Hahaaa… suspend me? Sorry… suspend me without pay. Gotta be specific about the particulars, eh, Paul? I mean, that’s gonna sting me a whole lot more, ain’t it? Money… money… money makes the damn world go round booooys.”

Moxley lifts a fifty-dollar bill into the shot and waves it around while looking at it.

“This is what it’s all about, right? This is what makes everybody tick. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. Good little clocks, spinning their wheels over and over and over, trying to accumulate as much of this green dollar as humanly possible. I can imagine the conversations: Hit ’em where it hurts, Paul! Where’s that, Kev? THE POCKET, BROTHER! Hahaaa…”

Suddenly, Moxley holds the bill up to his forehead and in a lightning-flash motion staples it to his own skin, immediately drawing blood. He turns his head to the side and smiles crazily.

“You think that I… care about money? You think that I… care about being suspended? Do you have any fucking idea who you signed to your company, Paul? I’m Jon Moxley. I’m not like the rest of these megastars on your roster. I ain’t driven by TV time or where I am on the card or fucking money. That shit comes and goes.”

Moxley rips the fifty-dollar bill clean off his forehead, showing a sizeable slit with blood oozing from it. He tears the bill (further) in half with his teeth, snarling at the camera.

“Just like that; it’s worthless. You know what I want, Paul. Don’t play this stupid game with me. Get me your friend. Get me Foley. Get me ‘The Hardcore Legend’. Get me my match.”

Moxley smears the blood dripping from his self-inflicted head wound over his face.

“Or are you both just afraid I’ll show all you ECW nostalgic acts for what you really are… BITCHES!!!”


The music kicks back on, playing at a sped-up pace. Samoa Joe is glaring at the camera, his lip curled in anger.

“The person I feel really bad for is Suicide. You see, you’ve got the unfortunate pleasure of being my first victim at 8-Card Stud. Four will fall… but you’re the first. You’ve got to deal with me at my freshest, at my most vicious. A regular ol’ match with me would signal a trip to the hospital for most men. But a Texas Bull Rope match? I nearly feel sorry for you. You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. You’re freaking attached to me. A match like this doesn’t bode well for your health, Suicide. In fact, if I was gonna give you a prediction, I’d say…”

Joe stares intensely into the camera, you can hear the confidence oozing from every word he speaks.

“Joe’s gonna wrap that rope around your neck and… JOE IS GONNA KILL YOU!”


The candle-lit mask of Suicide encompasses the shot following a quick cut.

“I might not know who I am, Samoa Joe. I might be unsure of what my purpose is. I do know one thing though. I do know what I’m not. I’m not afraid. Not of you. Not of our match. Not of the fact that you can wrap a bull rope around my neck and try and squeeze the life out of me. See I’ve felt the noose tightening around my neck before and I’m still standing here. To me, it makes no difference if it’s by your hand or by my own hand, I’m not afraid of death and I’m not afraid of your threats. You’re a formidable competitor, Joe. But you’ve never had to face someone like me. Someone who isn’t afraid to put his body on the line and risk it… all.”

Suicide deftly uses his fingertips to extinguish the candle, plunging the shot into the darkness.


McGuiness is leaning over the top rope of the ring, pointing down at the camera.

“I’ve never understood this notion of people not having anything to lose. It doesn’t make sense. You’re Daniels, ‘The Fallen Angel’, a household American name. You’re regarded among your peers as one of the best bloody technical wrestlers of this generation. A pioneer of TNA’s own X-Division. A stalwart between the ring ropes. A genius at work. You can stand there and mouth off about how you’re an underdog in this tournament but you’ve admitted it yourself - you have more to lose than bloody anybody in this tournament. Not because your clock is ticking or because you’re running out of chances. No, it’s because you have to get in the ring with me. You have to get in MY ring and fight by MY rules. This is a pure rules match; you won’t be able to say you lost because I cheated, or I caved your ugly mug in with a steel chair. You’ll have to admit that you just weren’t up to it, you weren’t up to my standard, that you were outwrestled by the greatest professional wrestler in this industry and made to look like an amateur despite your twenty years of experience. Daniels, you think you understand what’s at stake here, you think you know what you have to lose…”

McGuinness whips his shades off and a look of intensity is etched upon his face.

“But it’s only when I’m stretching your arm from your shoulder blade, dislocating your fingers, and twisting your body into a bloody pretzel that you’ll realize what you really stand to lose.”

McGuinness flips off the camera and shouts.



Quick cut to Daniels in the cavern, he has manipulated the black substance on his face into the shape of an ankh around his right eye.

“You think I don’t realize the gravitas of the situation I find myself in, Nigel? Do you really think I don’t realize what is at stake here? Twenty years on the job and arguably I’ve never had a chance like this. For twenty years I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to show the world just how good I can be. Twenty years I’ve been waiting to step into the ring with somebody just like you and make everybody stand up and notice. You’re a cocky man, Nigel, it’s something that I respect about you in an absurd way. The thing you don’t realize yet is that you’ve hit your ceiling, you’ve reached your apex, and you can’t go any higher. For ‘The Fallen Angel’? Well… he can always fall further.”

Daniels uses a finger to trace the shape of the ankh around his eye.

“Our match might be contested under Pure Rules, Nigel, but trust me when I say… there’s nothing pure about ‘The Fallen Angel’.”


Matt Morgan is fully suited, and it must be said, looking rather dapper as continues to speak into the mirror, the camera focusing on the reflection.

“Hernandez is a pretty big guy, he looks after himself, I’ll give him that. Strong too, I’ve no doubt in my mind - I’ve seen him complete some pretty impressive feats of strength. There’s a difference between being big and strong and… well, being big and strong.”

Morgan flexes his arms, his biceps threatening to tear through the expensive fabric of his Sartorio Napoli suit.

“They had to get a custom-made mirror wheeled out to fit me in this shot. I’m seven freaking feet tall and three hundred pounds of pure muscle. You aren’t even going to be able to get me off my feet, Hernandez. As for lifting me? Putting me through a table? You need to put down the 40oz, amigo.”

Morgan stands to his fullest and then curls his shovel-like hand into a fist before smashing it into the mirror, shattering it into thousands of tiny fragments.



Hernandez is leaning against the red-bricked wall in the alleyway, his bandana still covering the lower half of his face.

“This gringo thinks he’s hot shit, doesn’t he? They’re all like that esse, they’re all like that up North. He struts around thinking the whole damn world owes him something, thinking that he’s better than everyone else. Guys like him are a dime a dozen up North, but down here in the South, guys like him are called ‘little putas’. We’re from very different worlds, Morgan, but I promise you SuperMex is gonna find some common ground with you.”

Hernandez steps forward from his relaxed position against the wall, spreads his arms, and screams in fury.



Cut to Beer Money sitting at the table, Storm’s “empty” pile has grown a little bigger and Roode’s cash has been stacked a little higher.

“Rob Van Dam, I’m going to say something that I don’t say about a lot of people: I respect the heck out of you and what you’ve done for this business. When I was working my ass off across Canada, toiling every night, hoping for that break - you were the inspiration. I watched you break out of a bingo hall in Philly, to sold-out arenas country-wide. You made me believe. But now… now it’s your turn to believe. Believe in what I can do. Believe in me. Believe in Bobby Roode. Believe that I will make you bleed. It’s nothing personal, Rob, you’re just standing in my way. When all is said and done and you’re getting the blood cleaned off your face… well we’ll be in the back celebrating with two things.”

Storm shoots up from the table, raising his arms above his head and shouting.


Roode stands up, flipping the whole table, sending smashing bottles and bundles of cash everywhere.



Rob Van Dam leans back on the beanbag, eyes closed, half-smoked joint dangling from his lips. He stretches widely and yawns before placing the joint on the ashtray in front of him. He smiles at the camera and speaks jovially.

“I’ve competed in some of the greatest matches of the last fifteen years against a lot of competitors, dude. Bobby Roode isn’t someone I’ve ever had to come across before, he isn’t somebody who has shared a ring with me. That doesn’t mean I don’t know a thing or two about you, Bobby. I know you hit hard, I know you dig deep, and I know James Storm will have your back at ringside. I know you’re going to try and hit me with that lariat off yours or dump me on my head with your suplex. I know you’re desperate to break through the glass ceiling and will do anything in your power to make that happen. Makes it seem like the odds are in your favor, man, but are you forgetting about where R-V-D is from? Do you forget where I started out? I’m not afraid to bleed man, and you know I’ve busted open a hell of a lot scarier dudes than you, Bobby.”

Rob Van Dam does his R-V-D taunt, pointing at himself with his thumbs.

“This type of match is designed for me, man. Bring James down to ringside all you want, dude, just make sure he’s got something to stitch you up with.”

RVD picks up the half-smoked joint and smiles coyly before popping it back into his mouth and sparking it up as the music and the camera feed begins to fade out…


“You all forget somethin’?”

The camera pans out to show Konnan standing outside a large building on a bustling New York street, the SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone is standing beside him.

“You all forget about ‘El Intocable’? This guy right here, he’s the damn SpikeTV Champion. You listen here, Paulie; you don’t get to run a live TV special on SpikeTV without their goddamn champion, ya hear? That kinda disrespect just won’t be tolerated. Don’t worry about it though, Paulie, we’ve just been to see the SpikeTV executives and they’ve agreed Marco needs to defend his belt at 8-Card Stud.”

Konnan points a thumb over his shoulder at the building behind him and Corleone.

“And they made it easy on your fat ass. They said they’ve got someone to face ‘El Intocable’, so ya don’t even have to worry about it - but don’t have us come lookin’ for a match again. Ya gotta realize what you got on your hands here, Paul, this guy is the freakin’ future of your company - whether ya want him to be or not. Thursday night we’ll see ‘El Intocable’ defend his title and collect his fourth star-chip against a special network representative… it ain’t gonna be long before he’s got all ten, Paulie, so I suggest gettin’ on board sooner rather than later, cause this guy, this guy is gonna be your biggest asset and if you can’t see it… well, let’s just say the network was very impressed.”

Marco Corleone doesn’t say a word, just narrows his eyes as the camera zooms in on his determined-looking face. He curls his upper lip slightly as the first edition of The Hardway actually comes to a close.

Author's Note: Well, that was something different for me with this project. It's the first time I've done dialogue on this site, and the first time in general in a long-ass time. Hope it was okay and hope it was enjoyable. The last update of this cycle will be the 8-Card Stud results and then we're onward to our third cycle which will feature the very first PPV of the Heyman regime! Thanks to all readers and supporters. Love u all tig x


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
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Hello beloved readers, I’m running my first prediction contest for this project. The winner will get to pick the debuting Bryan Danielson’s opponent at the first PPV of this project, Against All Odds! *insert swooning noises*

It’s pretty simple: simply predict the winners of the below matches and answer the two bonus questions to enter!

Thanks again for all the support on here and discord, it means the world to me.

8-Card Stud Card
MATCH ONE//30 minute time limit
singles match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
AJ Styles © vs Kurt Angle
MATCH TWO//20 minute time limit
8-Card Stud second round - texas bull rope match
Samoa Joe vs Suicide
MATCH THREE//20 minute time limit
8-Card Stud second round - first blood match
Bobby Roode vs Rob Van Dam
MATCH FOUR//20 minute time limit
8-Card Stud second round - tables match
Matt Morgan vs Hernandez
MATCH FIVE//20 minute time limit
8-card Stud second round - pure rules match
Nigel McGuinness vs Daniels
MATCH SIX//30 minute time limit
tag team match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships
British Invasion © vs Lethal Consequences
MATCH SEVEN//30 minute time limit
full metal mayhem for the TNA Knockouts Championship
ODB © vs Hamada
MAIN EVENT//no time limit
8-Card Stud final round - four-way elimination match
? vs ? vs ? vs ?

1. AJ Styles or Kurt Angle
2. Samoa Joe or Suicide
3. Bobby Roode or RVD
4. Matt Morgan or Hernandez
5. Nigel McGuinness or Daniels
6. British Invasion or Lethal Consequences
7. ODB or Hamada
Bonus 1: Who will win the 8-Card Stud Final?
Bonus 2: Who will SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone defend his title against?

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Neo Genesis
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Hello beloved readers, I’m running my first prediction contest for this project. The winner will get to pick the debuting Bryan Danielson’s opponent at the first PPV of this project, Against All Odds! *insert swooning noises*

It’s pretty simple: simply predict the winners of the below matches and answer the two bonus questions to enter!

Thanks again for all the support on here and discord, it means the world to me.

8-Card Stud Card
MATCH ONE//30 minute time limit
singles match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
AJ Styles © vs Kurt Angle
MATCH TWO//20 minute time limit
8-Card Stud second round - texas bull rope match
Samoa Joe vs Suicide
MATCH THREE//20 minute time limit
8-Card Stud second round - first blood match
Bobby Roode vs Rob Van Dam
MATCH FOUR//20 minute time limit
8-Card Stud second round - tables match
Matt Morgan vs Hernandez
MATCH FIVE//20 minute time limit
8-card Stud second round - pure rules match
Nigel McGuinness vs Daniels
MATCH SIX//30 minute time limit
tag team match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships
British Invasion © vs Lethal Consequences
MATCH SEVEN//30 minute time limit
full metal mayhem for the TNA Knockouts Championship
ODB © vs Hamada
MAIN EVENT//no time limit
8-Card Stud final round - four-way elimination match
? vs ? vs ? vs ?

1. AJ Styles or Kurt Angle
2. Samoa Joe or Suicide
3. Bobby Roode or RVD
4. Matt Morgan or Hernandez
5. Nigel McGuinness or Daniels
6. British Invasion or Lethal Consequences
7. ODB or Hamada
Bonus 1: Who will win the 8-Card Stud Final?
Bonus 2: Who will SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone defend his title against?

1. AJ Styles or Kurt Angle: AJ Styles
2. Samoa Joe or Suicide: Samoa Joseph
3. Bobby Roode or RVD: Robert Van Donald
4. Matt Morgan or Hernandez: Matt Morgan
5. Nigel McGuinness or Daniels: Nigel
6. British Invasion or Lethal Consequences: Lethal Consequences
7. ODB or Hamada: Hamada
Bonus 1: Who will win the 8-Card Stud Final?: Samoa Joe
Bonus 2: Who will SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone defend his title against?: I'm looking at some free agents around this time for some interesting names, and I'll go with a strange choice. PAC.
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
Reaction score
1. AJ Styles or Kurt Angle: AJ Styles
2. Samoa Joe or Suicide: Samoa Joe
3. Bobby Roode or RVD: RVD
4. Matt Morgan or Hernandez: Matt Morgan
5. Nigel McGuinness or Daniels: McGuinness
6. British Invasion or Lethal Consequences: British invasion
7. ODB or Hamada: ODB
Bonus 1: Who will win the 8-Card Stud Final? McGuinness
Bonus 2: Who will SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone defend his title against?Frankie Kazarian
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Reactions: Tig


New Member
Oct 28, 2022
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
1. AJ Styles or Kurt Angle
2. Samoa Joe or Suicide
3. Bobby Roode or RVD
4. Matt Morgan or Hernandez
5. Nigel McGuinness or Daniels
6. British Invasion or Lethal Consequences
7. ODB or Hamada
Bonus 1: Who will win the 8-Card Stud Final? RVD
Bonus 2: Who will SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone defend his title against? D'Angelo Dinero
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Reactions: Tig


Sep 14, 2022
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
1. AJ Styles
2. Samoa Joe
3. Bobby Roode
4. Hernandez
5. Nigel McGuinness
6. British Invasion
7. ODB
Bonus 1: Joe
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Reactions: Tig

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
1. AJ Styles or Kurt Angle
2. Samoa Joe or Suicide
3. Bobby Roode or RVD
4. Matt Morgan or Hernandez
5. Nigel McGuinness or Daniels
6. British Invasion or Lethal Consequences
7. ODB or Hamada
Bonus 1: Who will win the 8-Card Stud Final? Joe
Bonus 2: Who will SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone defend his title against? Shark Boy!
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Reactions: Tig


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
1. AJ Styles or Kurt Angle - AJ Styles
2. Samoa Joe or Suicide - Samoa Joe
3. Bobby Roode or RVD - Rob Van Dam
4. Matt Morgan or Hernandez - Matt Morgan
5. Nigel McGuinness or Daniels - Daniels
6. British Invasion or Lethal Consequences- British Invasion
7. ODB or Hamada - Hamada
Bonus 1: Who will win the 8-Card Stud Final? - Let's say Rob Van Dam
Bonus 2: Who will SpikeTV Champion Marco Corleone defend his title against? - It looks like around the time Mr. Anderson would be around so him​
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Reactions: Tig


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
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TNA 8-Card Stud Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from January 28
Starla Keed

JANUARY 29, 2010

You would be forgiven for thinking that 8-Card Stud was a modern-day Extreme Championship Wrestling event with all the violence, hardcore stipulations, and bloodshed that took place last night but no, it was simply North America’s number two promotion chugging along in the right direction under the watchful guide of Paul Heyman.

This three-hour live television special was basically all wrestling and all action from start to finish, with little in the way of out-of-ring segments. It was probably a necessity as they tried to squeeze in nine high-stakes matches (all which were either gimmick or title matches) into an event which moved at a breakneck speed. The wildly entertaining live special did manage to squeeze in a couple of returning acts though, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

The pre-announced matches for the show:

  • World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles © vs. Kurt Angle
  • Second Round of 8-Card Stud: Daniels vs Nigel McGuinness in a Pure Rules Match
  • Second Round of 8-Card Stud: Samoa Joe vs Suicide in a Texas Bullrope Match
  • Second Round of 8-Card Stud: Matt Morgan vs Hernandez in a Tables Match
  • Second Round of 8-Card Stud: Bobby Roode vs Rob Van Dam in a First Blood Match
  • SpikeTV Championship: Marco Corleone © vs a mystery network representative
  • World Tag Team Championships: British Invasion © vs Lethal Consequences
  • Knockouts Championship: Hamada vs. ODB © in Full Metal Mayhem
  • 8-Card Stud Final: ? vs ? vs ? vs ? in a Four-Way Elimination Match
World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles © vs Kurt Angle

Heyman already seems to be setting a trend of kicking off TNA’s big events with a bang, and you don’t get much of a bigger bang than a World Heavyweight Championship match between AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Two of the best in the world were tasked with setting the bar for the rest of the show and they undeniably delivered in spades.

They were given just over twenty minutes to work their magic in The iMPACT Zone and they told a masterful story of Kurt doggedly working AJ’s ankle to set up the Ankle Lock only to fall victim to being too concerned with following his own gameplan. A flash-finish that is sure to be replayed for years to come saw AJ set up for the Styles Clash but Angle managed to wriggle out from underneath while holding the ankle of AJ to set up for the Ankle Lock, only for AJ to twist, and mule kick Angle into the ropes, before catching him in a tight small package on the rebound.

The fans popped loudly for AJ retaining, which is a testament to the underdog story they managed to tell throughout the match, as during the entrances the crowd was equally loud for both men. AJ sold the ankle damage extremely well, not taking to the top rope or performing springboards, and Kurt looked great being in control for large portions of the match. The finish doesn’t completely rule out a future championship match for Angle but one would think that AJ will have his sights set on the winner of the 8-Card Stud.

AJ Styles


-Despite being evenly matched in early technical exchanges, AJ’s pace saw him gain an advantage over Kurt early on.
-In a rather brutal spot Kurt Angle dropkicked a sprinting AJ right in the ankle to begin the prolonged period of ankle-based offence - seriously, the dropkick was so low it would probably be more accurate to call it a sliding tackle like they do in soccer.
-AJ attempted one springboard move but his ankle buckled, allowing Kurt to come from behind with a release German, and he attempted one top-rope move but spent too long getting set, allowing Kurt to fling him with an overhead belly-to-belly from up top.
-Despite all the ankle-based offence, Kurt didn’t manage to cinch in the Ankle Lock once in this match - AJ always had the move scouted and managed to break free.
8-Card Stud Second Round: Daniels vs Nigel McGuinness in a Pure Rules Match

An on-screen graphic quickly explained the three main rules of a “Pure Rules” Match: each wrestler has 3 rope breaks to use and after that pins and submissions on the ropes are legal, no closed-fist punches to the face, the first one a warning, the second an instant DQ, and there is a 20-count when on the outside of the ring. Despite the on-screen explanation, McGuinness went about bending the rules at every possible juncture on way to victory over a game Daniels.

The finish was a culmination of the three rules being bastardised by McGuinness and used to his advantage. He played a game of cat and mouse with Daniels wherein he would constantly leave the ring taking advantage of the 20-count to break The Fallen Angel’s momentum and wind him up. He left the ring after a Daniels flurry of offence and allowed the ref count to 19 while ripping on Daniels from outside the ring before returning to a close-handed fist to the mouth which drew Daniels first warning. While the referee admonished Daniels, McGuiness turned him inside out with a lariat before applying a grounded wristlock for the submission win. Daniels grabbed the ropes but it was in vain as he had already expired his three rope breaks.

The fans really let McGuiness have it at the closing bell but the Englishman seemed to revel in it, taking pride in how he had manipulated the ruleset to overcome Daniels. It must be said that the match was booked in a highly innovative fashion and whoever came up with the idea for McGuinness to break the rules in a match designed to not allow wrestlers to break rules has done wonders for his heel character.

Nigel McGuinness


-Nigel’s very first attack of the match resulted in him drawing a warning from the referee; he punched Daniels as hard as he could in the mouth mere seconds after the opening bell rang.
-Nigel went for submissions super early in the match but he always pulled Daniels towards the ropes before locking it in, encouraging Daniels to use up his rope breaks. It seemed that the eventual finish was part of Nigel’s game plan from the get-go.
-Other than the close-handed punch towards the end of the match, Daniels wrestled this match to the letter of the law and arguably, was the better man for the majority of these stretches. The Fallen Angel can certainly still go.
-Daniels offered McGuinness a handshake at the opening bell (as is customary in these match types) but got met with a fist to the face. In the end, McGuinness offered a handshake but as soon as Daniels looked at him he laughed and did the “wanker” hand gesture.
8-Card Stud Second Round: Samoa Joe vs Suicide in a Texas Bull Rope Match

In a match that was viewed as the biggest foregone conclusion of the second round, Suicide really put it up to The Samoan Submission Machine with a valiant performance - but ended up paying dearly for trying to step to Joe.

A surprisingly violent affair came to an end after Suicide drilled Samoa Joe with an explosive springboard dropkick and climbed to the top rope. His biggest mistake was turning his back to Joe - a grave mistake in any situation - and finding himself unceremoniously ripped from the top by the bull rope attaching the two competitors. Joe wrapped the rope around Suicide’s neck and choked him out for the win.

The crowd were surprisingly into this match, despite the bull rope sometimes hindering Suicide’s high-flying arsenal, it played cleverly into the finish. The violence on display was probably over the top given that there has typically been little heat between the two. The rope was used in a vicious fashion by Joe, and smartly by Suicide as evidenced by the numerous red welts across Joe’s face and chest. Joe ripped Suicide's mask - not clean off but with a notable tear that exposed his lower face.

Samoa Joe


-As soon as the bell rang, Suicide ducked a lariat and tried to rebound off the ropes but Joe just pulled him back in with the rope, clobbering him with a ferocious headbutt that drew a large pop.
-After what looked like a bull rope-induced botch when Suicide took to the ropes for his first attempted springboard, they decided to weave it into the story of the match: on more than one occasion Suicide would go for high-flying offence only to be pulled down by Joe tugging the rope.
-After avoiding a Joe charge into the corner, Suicide would show surprising intensity by whipping a cornered Joe numerous times with the rope across his chest and back. It was quite a sight to see Joe attempt to scurry away from Suicide.
-After managing to wriggle free from a Muscle Buster attempt, Sucide tried to wrap the rope around Joe’s neck but Joe managed to burst out powerfully and laid waste to Suicide, ripping his mask in the process. He may have ripped it a bit too much though as a lot of his face was exposed and even led to chants of “Kaz! Kaz! Kaz!”.
Suicide Injured And Revealed

After the jubilation of the fans died down, it was replaced by a sombre silence in The iMPACT Zone; the fans in attendance grew concerned as Suicide lay unmoving on the canvas following Joe’s exit. Mark Johnson threw up the “X” while Tenay and Taz discussed how grim the situation looked on commentary. As medics rushed the ring and carted him out, a worried-looking Paul Heyman rushed to his side and could be audibly heard asking “Are you okay, Frankie?”. As the cameras followed the medics backstage toward the awaiting ambulance, an EMT ordered Suicide’s mask to be fully removed so that he could assess the damage - confirming what most of the fans knew following the match: Suicide is Frankie Kazarian. And he does not look good. Frankie’s real-life partner, Traci Brooks, accompanied him in the ambulance.

N/A - it didn’t seem like this was a planned segment and all here at Bleacher Report wish Frankie a speedy recovery.
8-Card Stud Second Round: Hernandez vs Matt Morgan in a Tables Match

The match-up between Hernandez and Matt Morgan had one overwhelming positive going for it: it was two beefy men trying to throw each other through a table and that’s always a fun time. Hernandez had been the beneficiary of the bigger push between the two since Heyman took charge so it might have been surprising to some to see Matt Morgan find his way into the final - or not at all if you factored McGuinness into the equation.

This match didn’t stay in the ring for very long with the vast majority of the brawl taking place on the outside following Hernandez clotheslining both Morgan and himself over the top rope. The two behemoths were evenly matched in their brawl with the advantage regularly switching from one to the other before McGuinness hopped the guardrail and punched Hernandez in the face with brass knuckles. It was elementary from there as Morgan quickly set up a table on the outside and powerbombed Hernandez through the wood for the dub.

Morgan didn’t seem to care that there was a sizeable assist to his win but the fans in attendance certainly let McGuinness have it as he scurried to the back. Hernandez was understandably irate when he came to and shoved off any assistance before storming to the back screaming for McGuinness.

Matt Morgan


-Hernandez did an impressive stalling suplex spot where the fans counted to ten only to be outdone by Morgan mirroring the move for a count of twenty.
-There was a nasty spot that could’ve resulted in some serious damage before the outside brawl when Morgan went for the Carbon Footprint on a cornered Hernandez but met nothing but turnbuckle.
-Hernandez popped the crowd when his Biel throw sent Morgan three-quarters of the way across the ring. SuperMex is freakishly strong.
-The clothesline that sent both men to the outside was a great spot due to the impact of two large men clattering onto the floor. The spot was also surprisingly fluid for such large men.
8-Card Stud Second Round: Rob Van Dam vs Bobby Roode in a First Blood Match

The crowd were absolutely lit for Rob Van Dam and you would nearly feel bad for Roode as RVD was the overwhelming fan favourite in this second-round match. The fans were kept happy as RVD got the win despite a gutsy performance from Roode and the semi-interferences from James Storm who accompanied Roode to the ring.

Despite not physically touching RVD, Storm certainly made his presence felt. Fans gasped when Roode smashed one of James Storm’s beer bottles over the head of RVD in what was the closest Roode got to drawing blood. Soon after the beer bottle spot, Storm slid Roode a steel chair but this proved to be his undoing as it allowed RVD to hit a Van Daminator for the win after he evaded Roode’s attempted steel chair strike.

The fans popped all of RVD’s moves; the Rolling Thunder, the split-legged moonsault, hell, even some of his kicks were getting huge reactions. Roode settled into the role of pseudo-heel quite well and played up to the crowd in a performance that shouldn’t be underrated due to the immense popularity of his opponent.

Rob Van Dam


-Bobby Roode had to stop James Storm from physically getting involved a couple of times, though he was fine with some minor assists.
-Rob Van Dam got some serious air on Coast-to-Coast. Seriously, check a clip of it out.
-Roode more than held his own with Mr Thursday Night, the first few months of Heyman’s regime have definitely shown Roode and Storm to be very capable in a singles competition.
-Despite playing a heel for the match, RVD got the fans back on side by shaking Roode’s hand and even drinking one of Storm’s beers after the bout.
Tag Division Heating Up - New Challengers To The Fore

Paul Heyman issued a statement that Suicide/Frankie Kazarian was being attended to at a local hospital in Orlando and that things were looking good. He wished him well and said that despite having the best intentions with the 8-Card Stud tournament, he could never guarantee safety when there was a chance at the biggest prize in professional wrestling up for grabs. This was well worked to turn Suicide’s injury into a vehicle to propel the World Heavyweight Championship as prestigious but the main talking point came when Karl Anderson and Giant Bernard interrupted and said to hell with the best intentions, what about Bad Intentions? They said that they took out the most decorated tag team in the company in their very first match and that they felt they should be the next challengers for the TNA World Tag Team Championships. Heyman didn’t have a chance to respond as Eddie Kingston and Homicide appeared on the scene and laughed at Bad Intentions, claiming they didn’t know what bad really was. Heyman simply smiled and said that it looks like the two tag teams might have to sort their business out first before coming asking for a title match.

SpikeTV Championship: Marco Corleone © vs Monty Brown

Making his return to wrestling to challenge Marco Corleone following a two-year absence - a three-year absence from TNA as Tenay was quick to point out on commentary - was “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown. The fans were full of cheers for Brown in his return but even they couldn’t will him on to victory.

Corleone found himself in more trouble than ever before in his fourth defence of the SpikeTV Championship - his reputation of being near impossible to be knocked off his feet flung out the window as Brown more than matched him in the power department. The fans even thought Brown was going to seal the win with an awesome Pounce but Konnan pulled Corleone out from under the bottom rope to save him. In the end Brown’s power couldn’t overcome Corleone’s right hand as he sent Brown packing with his Knockout Punch.

It is unknown at the time of writing what type of deal Monty has come to with TNA but he looked great in the ring and judging by the fan reaction, TNA would be crazy to miss the boat on signing him to a permanent deal. Despite Brown’s strong performance, El Intocable got to place the fourth star-chip in his belt and inch closer to a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Marco Corleone


-Konnan did a great job selling Brown as a credible threat, rushing to discuss a gameplan with Corleone as soon as The Alpha Male’s music hit.
-One of the loudest pops of the night occurred when just three minutes into the match Brown tossed Corleone across the ring with an exploder suplex. Fans instantly bought into the idea of Brown winning from this point on.
-The fans went crazy when Brown hit the Pounce. The move looks as good as ever.
-Corleone’s Knockout Punch looks like one of the most legitimate moves in professional wrestling. Brown’s eyes were closed before he even hit the canvas.
Loggerheads In The British Invasion

In a pre-match segment, Brutus Magnus dressed down Rob Terry as Doug Williams taped up his fists. Magnus insulted Terry and told him that attacking Lethal Consequences on the go-home show didn’t make up for all of his mistakes that had “cost them” these past two months. Brutus said that he had half a mind to pull the rug from under Terry right now and expel him from The British Invasion. Williams doubled down and said he hadn’t half a mind - his mind was made up: Rob Terry was out of The British Invasion and he’d find himself queuing for a welfare check next Thursday, not getting ready for iMPACT. Terry began to plead his case but the tag champs simply walked out of the locker room leaving a distraught-looking Rob Terry with his head in his hands. Magnus is still green when talking and Terry… well, let’s just say his acting skills aren’t great.

World Tag Team Championships: The British Invasion © vs Lethal Consequences

The British Invasion and Lethal Consequences are teams comprised of very capable wrestlers but nobody could have expected the twenty-minute barnburner that took place at 8-Card Stud. In what was the surprise match of the night, all four men put their bodies on the line in the six-sided ring and reminded the world how strong the tag team division in TNA really was.

The match was wrestled in a surprisingly clean fashion - aside from both members of The British Invasion maybe overstaying their welcome when they weren’t the legal man - and the contested ebbed and flowed in a manner that had fans guessing at each turn who was going to walk away with the gold. The referee got caught in the corner when Doug ran Creed into the turnbuckle while attempting a Chaos Theory and everyone knew that the ref bump meant that the finish was near. With Creed neutralised and the ref down, Magnus and Williams began a two-on-one assault on Jay Lethal but quickly exited the ring as a furious, chair-wielding Rob Terry sprinted down to the ring. With the ring clear, Terry helped Jay to his feet before waffling him with the steel chair as Doug and Brutus laughed on the outside. Rob pulled the ref to his feet and slapped him awake so that he could count Doug’s pin on Jay.

The heat was toxic in the arena as Terry lifted the champions on each shoulder, their titles held aloft from atop the giant Terry. Logically speaking, Terry’s interference probably wasn’t needed as The British Invasion had Lethal in a two-on-one situation but I get wanting to “protect” Lethal Consequences and putting more heat on The British Invasion.

The British Invasion


-Lethal and Williams had some cracking exchanges that wouldn’t have looked out of place in an X-Division match.
-Magnus and Creed covered each other's deficiencies well having a brawl in between hitting their big moves.
-The British Invasion hit more double-team moves than Lethal Consequences, it may have appeared in real-time as being heel tactics, but in hindsight, it just feels like they are more cohesive and experienced as a tandem.
-Lethal Consequences got clapped to the back by the fans. This won’t be the last we see of this duo in high-profile match-ups.
Knockouts Championship: ODB © vs Hamada in Full Metal Mayhem

People already knew what to expect from these two Knockouts following their steel cage match last month but that didn’t make this any less groundbreaking for women's wrestling and the fans ate up everything that these two served in Full Metal Mayhem.

ODB put Hamada through two tables, Hamada nailed a front-flip leg drop from atop a ladder, and there were literally dozens of chair shots in this hard-hitting Knockout Championship match. Roxxi Laveaux of course tried to get involved but was neutralised by Tara on the outside who nailed her with a sidewalk slam onto an open steel chair. The pop for that spot was matched and then some when Hamada nailed The Hamada Driver onto a row of open chairs and scaled the ladder to unhook the Knockouts Championship.

The fans went crazy when the closing bell rang; a mix of Hamada being crowned the champion and the match that was put on by two women competitors being the reasons for the adulation. Hamada celebrated wildly alongside Tara as she captured her first Knockouts Championship and also ensured her name would be in the history books as the recipient of the first championship change in Heyman’s TNA.



-This was a fiery affair from right out the gate with chairs coming into play less than a minute into the contest. To be fair they were strewn around everywhere at ringside.
-Despite being seen as technically inferior to ODB, she arguably had the most impressive spot of the match when she fluidly nailed a wrist-lock sitout sideslam through a table.
-In a messier spot, ODB also hit a Thesz press through a table that was set up against a turnbuckle.
-Fans literally held their heads in their hands as Hamada flipped off the top of the ladder to deliver a leg drop to ODB.
Da Pope Returns Daddy-O

Jeremy Borash was joined backstage by “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero in a return segment for the young star who was sidelined just prior to Bound For Glory. Although Dinero appeared to be performing as a heel prior to the return, his charismatic interview and “Pope is pimpin’!” catchphrase seemed to indicate that he may be positioned as a face in his return. He said he had worked hard in rehabilitation and had come back with one goal in mind: to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Borash declared that it was a lofty target to set so early in his TNA career and that while he wouldn’t rule it out, he couldn’t see it happening for a few years. The Pope responded by saying he was being well backed by some important people, Daddy-O and that The Pope always makes good on his promises. Dinero said that we wouldn’t have to wait long - he’d be the champion in a matter of months not years. Despite the likelihood of that being small, it was hard not to root for Dinero who came across like a natural on the microphone in this segment.

A - if only just for the sheer charisma on display.
8-Card Stud Final: Nigel McGuinness vs Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan vs Rob Van Dam in a Four-Way Elimination Match

The whole month's booking and tournament came down to this match that is likely going to have huge repercussions as TNA move towards their first PPV of the Heyman Era - Against All Odds. The elimination nature of this match was designed to leave no doubt in the minds of the fans as to who truly deserved to be named the number one contender and for the most part, this match delivered.

I, for one, was definitely surprised to see McGuinness being the first man eliminated in this match but it seems like TNA are all-in on the McGuinness/Hernandez feud going to Against All Odds as SuperMex interfered less than five minutes into the bout to Border Toss Nigel McGuiness and allow RVD to nail him with a 5-Star Frog Splash for the elimination. Around the ten-minute mark, after a period of prolonged dominance from Matt Morgan, RVD nailed “The Blueprint” with a Van Daminator and sent him right into the awaiting arms of Samoa Joe who forced the big man to pass out with a Coquina Clutch. As a lifeless Morgan was rolled off Joe, RVD immediately soared through the air and nearly stole the win from Joe with a 5-Star Frog Splash but Joe kicked out at the very last millisecond. From there the duo had about ten minutes (the best stretch of the match by far) to trade near-falls before Joe finally put RVD to bed with a Muscle Buster.

Joe has been on a tear since Heyman took over and has plenty of fanfare, but such is RVD’s popularity that some in attendance seemed disappointed that Joe came away with the win. When AJ Styles came out holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship above his head to stare down a murderous-looking Joe, that all changed, with a rapturous chant of “Joe is gonna kill you!” ringing out around the arena to sign off a fantastic 8-Card Stud event.

Samoa Joe


-McGuiness got a chance to shine despite having limited time in the match. It’s a testament to his work that he had the fans booing at the top of their voices several times despite being in the match for less than five minutes. The guy is primed to be the big breakout heel of the Heyman regime.
-Morgan had many feats of strength, the most impressive being either a double chokeslam to RVD and Joe or managing to nail Joe with a Carbon Footprint whilst carrying RVD in a torture-rack position before slamming RVD into the canvas.
-RVD is super over and there is a general excitement in The iMPACT Zone that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. It makes you wonder what some of the reactions would sound like in a bigger arena.
-Despite the show sounding off to the fans chanting in favour of Joe, AJ is by no means seen as a heel in the situation, when his music first hit at the close of the main event he got a monstrous pop from the crowd. They’re just excited to see the two clash at Against All Odds. And so am freaking I.

Quick Results
AJ Styles © def Kurt Angle for TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Nigel McGuinness def Daniels in a Pure Rules Match
Samoa Joe def Suicide in a Texas Bull Rope Match
Matt Morgan def Hernandez in a Tables Match
Rob Van Dam def Bobby Roode in a First Blood Match
Marco Corleone © def Monty Brown for SpikeTV Championship
The British Invasion © def Lethal Consequences for World Tag Team Championships
Hamada def ODB © for Knockouts Championship in Full Metal Mayhem
Samoa Joe def Nigel McGuinness, Matt Morgan, & Rob Van Dam in 8-Card Stud Final

+Monty Brown

Author's Note: Woooo! Second live special out and with that, the second cycle of shows in TNA by Tig is complete! Thanks so much for all the predictions, comments, and of course votes in the BTBOTM! I hope you guys enjoy the report of the show! Will reveal prediction contest winners tomorrow. Love ya'll - Tig.
Last edited:


E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Opener between AJ and Kurt seemed really fun; I like the story that you told here with Kurt’s game plan working up to a point and it being AJ’s ability to deviate and think on his feet as the deciding factor in the match. I can presume that Kurt would move down a bit now to make way for Joe, but you could have one hell of a three way there if you decided to keep Angle in the mix. Loved this going on first to make the tournament seem like more of a big deal.

The tournament was a good thread throughout the night, and even though my dumb arse forgot to predict, I would have gone for Samoa Joe to win it. You can rarely go wrong with Joe and AJ together. From a personal standpoint, I’m a much bigger fan of Hernandez than I am Morgan, so it was a shame for him to lose but the Hernandez and Wolfe feud feels fresh and I dig it. Enjoyed Suicide and Roode making good accounts of themselves in their matches too. Kaz angle is cool.

Big fan of how you’ve booked Marco Corleone here so far and HUGE hype for Monty Brown. I always wished he found himself back in TNA and I like that it seems he’s sticking around too. Was good to see he got some good offence in which means he’s not just here for a pop and to put Corleone over, but there’s more from him to come. I’m backing Corleone to go all the way.

This was a top show and I love the way you’ve been presenting these with the BR updates. Very clever. Can’t wait for the next instalment mate.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Off to a fascinating start here. I like the vision with Paul Heyman being in charge of the book during what was a tumultuous time in TNA Wrestling history. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff coming in really devastated the company on a wide margin of fronts, especially when TNA 2009 was incredibly solid in those fleeting few months. I get the decision behind why it's the Spike TV Championship, but I'm not sure how I feel about that as the name, or Marco Corleone getting in another run. Good for the Latin demographic, if anything, I guess.

Elsewhere, the concept of the 8-Card Stud Tournament is a good call to shuffle the deck and allow for more creative avenues. I'd like to really see you influence the booking with some things reminiscent of what Heyman would do.

I'll be watching.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
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Opener between AJ and Kurt seemed really fun; I like the story that you told here with Kurt’s game plan working up to a point and it being AJ’s ability to deviate and think on his feet as the deciding factor in the match. I can presume that Kurt would move down a bit now to make way for Joe, but you could have one hell of a three way there if you decided to keep Angle in the mix. Loved this going on first to make the tournament seem like more of a big deal.

The tournament was a good thread throughout the night, and even though my dumb arse forgot to predict, I would have gone for Samoa Joe to win it. You can rarely go wrong with Joe and AJ together. From a personal standpoint, I’m a much bigger fan of Hernandez than I am Morgan, so it was a shame for him to lose but the Hernandez and Wolfe feud feels fresh and I dig it. Enjoyed Suicide and Roode making good accounts of themselves in their matches too. Kaz angle is cool.

Big fan of how you’ve booked Marco Corleone here so far and HUGE hype for Monty Brown. I always wished he found himself back in TNA and I like that it seems he’s sticking around too. Was good to see he got some good offence in which means he’s not just here for a pop and to put Corleone over, but there’s more from him to come. I’m backing Corleone to go all the way.

This was a top show and I love the way you’ve been presenting these with the BR updates. Very clever. Can’t wait for the next instalment mate.

Thanks for the support and comments, Man!

A Joe/Angle/AJ three-way would be sick and it makes me wonder if we ever got that in real life? Seems like a missed opportunity for sure… might have to do something about that.

I think that I too feel that Hernandez has more upside than Morgan but I don’t know how popular an opinion that is. Morgan is someone I’m struggling to book tbh, he’s huge and decently high up the card at this point irl, but I haven’t thought of anything too hot for him yet/thought of a good feud partner. I think he’ll likely be an upper card floater tbh.

“El Intocable” Marco Corleone was one of my favourite pre-BTB ideas I had and I’m excited to see it come to life. 4/10 star-chips too, maybe he will go all the way ;)

Once again, thanks for commenting

Off to a fascinating start here. I like the vision with Paul Heyman being in charge of the book during what was a tumultuous time in TNA Wrestling history. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff coming in really devastated the company on a wide margin of fronts, especially when TNA 2009 was incredibly solid in those fleeting few months. I get the decision behind why it's the Spike TV Championship, but I'm not sure how I feel about that as the name, or Marco Corleone getting in another run. Good for the Latin demographic, if anything, I guess.

Elsewhere, the concept of the 8-Card Stud Tournament is a good call to shuffle the deck and allow for more creative avenues. I'd like to really see you influence the booking with some things reminiscent of what Heyman would do.

I'll be watching.

Thanks for the comment, RDT!! Yeah, I’m a big TNA fan historically, and I think sometimes people forget that the latter half of 2009 was actually some really solid stuff and the roster was pretty talented. I thought I was being soooo clever naming the Television Championship after the network and then someone told me/reminded me that AEW have already done it :/ oh well. I actually don’t think Corleone/Jindrak is a great worker tbh, but I think he’s a decent look, and in-universe it strengthens the relations with Mexico significantly, and one of Heyman’s visions for the company is strong ties to Mexico, Europe, Japan, etc.

Definitely going to try have some Heyman influences, “The Hardway” was loosely based on “Pulp Fiction” from 90s ECW. Hope I can deliver some entertaining stuff for you! Thanks for tuning in.


Now, prediction results!

@Starlight Kid
AJ Styles ✅
Samoa Joe ✅
Matt Morgan ✅
Nigel McGuinness ✅
Lethal Consequences ❌
Hamada ✅
Samoa Joe ✅

@Roy Mustang
AJ Styles ✅
Samoa Joe ✅
Matt Morgan ✅
Nigel McGuinness ✅
British Invasion ✅
Nigel McGuinness ❌
Frankie Kazarian ❌

AJ Styles ✅
Samoa Joe ✅
Matt Morgan ✅
Nigel McGuinness ✅
British Invasion ✅
D’Angelo Dinero ❌

@Dubble J
AJ Styles ✅
Samoa Joe ✅
Hernandez ❌
Nigel McGuinness ✅
British Invasion ✅
Samoa Joe ✅
Mr Anderson ❌

@Jeff Valley Driver
Kurt Angle ❌
Samoa Joe ✅
Bobby Roode ❌
Matt Morgan ✅
Daniels ❌
British Invasion ✅
Samoa Joe ✅
Shark Boy ❌

AJ Styles ✅
Samoa Joe ✅
Matt Morgan ✅
Daniels ❌
British Invasion ✅
Hamada ✅
Mr Anderson ❌

Congratulations to @Starlight Kid for winning the first prediction contest! Hit me up on Discord to let me know who you’d like to see Bryan Danielson face at his first PPV - Against All Odds!

Thanks a million for all the prediction and engagement everyone, really appreciate it.


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I promise a banger.
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End of Cycle 2 Update.


On-Screen Personnel
Andrew Thomas - Match Official
Christy Hemme - Ring Announcer (iMPACT)
David Penzer - Ring Announcer (Xplosion)
D’Lo Brown - Road Agent
Dixie Carter - President
Don West - Color Commentator (Xplosion)
Earl Hebner - Senior Match Official
Jeremy Borash - Backstage Interviewer (iMPACT)
Konnan - Manager of Marco Corleone
Kip James - Road Agent
Lauren Brooke - Backstage Interviewer (Xplosion)
Mark Johnson - Match Official
Mike Tenay - PxP Commentator (Xplosion & iMPACT)
Pat Kenney - Road Agent
Paul Heyman - Head of Creative/Official Matchmaker
Scott D’Amore - Road Agent
SoCal Val - Ring Attendant
Taz - Color Commentator


Male Roster
AJ Styles © World Heavyweight Champion
Alex Shelley
Amazing Red © X-Division Champion
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Brutus Magnus © Tag Team Champion
Bryan Danielson
Chris Sabin
Consequences Creed
D’Angelo Dinero
Doug Williams © Tag Team Champion
Eddie Kingston
Eric Young
Giant Bernard
James Storm
Jay Lethal
Jeff Jarrett
Jesse Neal
Jon Moxley
Karl Anderson
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
Marco Corleone © SpikeTV Champion ****
Matt Morgan
Monty Brown
Mick Foley
Nigel McGuinness
Prince Devitt
Rob Terry
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Scott Steiner
Sheik Abdul Bashir
Stevie Richards

Knockout Roster
Alissa Flash
Awesome Kong
Hamada © Knockouts Champion
Jessie McKay
Lacey von Erich
Madison Rayne
Rachel Summerlyn
Roxxi Laveuax
Sarita © Knockouts Tag Team Champion
Taylor Wilde © Knockouts Tag Team Champion
Tenille Dashwood
Traci Brooks
Velvet Sky


Aussie Open - Jessie McKay & Tenille Dashwood
Bad Intentions - Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson
British Invasion - Brutus Magnus, Doug Williams & Rob Terry
Beer Money - James Storm & Robert Roode
Lethal Consequences - Consequences Creed & Jay Lethal
Motor City Machine Guns - Alex Shelley & Chirs Sabin
Team 3D - Brother Devon & Brother Ray
The Beautiful People - Lacey von Erich, Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky
Eddie Kingston & Homicide
Kevin Nash & Eric Young
Sarita & Taylor Wilde


TNA World Heavyweight Champion
AJ Styles | Won at No Surrender | September 20, 2009 - Present

TNA X-Division Champion
Amazing Red | Won at iMPACT | October 5, 2009 - Present

TNA SpikeTV Champion
Marco Corleone (4*) | Won at New Year’s Eve Impact | December 31, 2009 - Present

TNA World Tag Team Champions
British Invasion | Won at No Surrender | October 18, 2009 - Present

TNA Knockouts Champion
Hamada | Won at 8-Card Stud | January 28, 2010 - Present

Former Champions: ODB | Won at No Surrender | September 20, 2009 - January 28, 2010

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions
Sarita & Taylor Wilde | Won at No Surrender | September 20, 2009 - Present

TNA Legends Champion *DEFUNCT*
Eric Young | Won at Bound for Glory | October 18, 2009 - November 19, 2009
Last edited:


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Opening the show with Styles/Angle makes a lot of sense. Starts the show off with a bang but also puts the emphasis on the namesake event of the PPV. AJ winning definitely make sense but really fun way to start the sohw.

Digging the style you have here as it's an easy read but also gives us the info we need to get into what's going on and the story of each match. Booking of the tournament is really solid, besides perhaps the Matt Morgan push, haha. I probably shouldn't have gone so hard on the Bobby Roode prediction at this point but I was a big Bobby Roode TNA fan so I guess my fandom got the best of me here. The developments with Suicide were also a big interesting take away from this round.

Ahhhh yeaaaahhh Monty Brown! Though kinda stinks he does the job in his return but it does a really good job of continuing to put over Corleone, who I am a fan of so I'll allow it. But yeah, as you mentioned in the highlights, that definitely helps solidify just how devistating that Knockout Punch is.

Tag and Knockout Matches seemed to be good matches but were probably the matches I was least invested in on the show.

Joe winning was definitely the right call in the finals to set up some Styles/Joe greatness and as Man said, I wouldn't argue with Angle still being around in that title scene mixing it up with both of them.

Love what you got going on here Tig. Like I said, the format is great and I can't wait to continue to see where this goes.
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