Top 25 Entrance Themes

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New Member
Aug 18, 2008
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Crap. That bullshit that they have for the Road Warriors is NOT their original badass theme....they used to come out to Iron Man and that was definitely a RUSH!!! Plus how did Jimmy Garvin coming out to Sharped Dressed Man by ZZ Top not get a mention???? What a shitty list


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
They missed Blue Meanie and New Age Outlaws themes.

Not to mention they missed the incredible strings into the amazing guitar riff of Funaki's theme song.
Feb 27, 2006
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I told you guys. This list wasn't created from an objective outside source. It was compiled by itself. Grain of salt, or the whole shaker really. This list has no merit. HBK's music is funny but hardly any good. And it's #2? Seriously...


I told you guys. This list wasn't created from an objective outside source. It was compiled by itself. Grain of salt, or the whole shaker really. This list has no merit. HBK's music is funny but hardly any good. And it's #2? Seriously...

Actually, Vince is at #2, HBK is at #3.

I had to laugh at Vince being at #2. He obviously made this list himself or has someone sucking his dick to get a raise because his song doesn't even deserve to be there. Neither does fucking Tatanka's.

I can't believe DiBiase's theme is so far down the list. His song is awesome.

This list sucks dick.


^lol, Vince's song is annoying as hell, NO CHANCE!!! NO CHANCE IN HELL!!! The whole damn song, and it gets #2? That doesnt make sense
Feb 27, 2006
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What about Slick's "Soul Brotha" theme?! That was great years ago. I was very young back then and still believed in good guys and bad buys but even then I knew his music was ultra suave and cool.


Hogan should be #1 on that list, it was played during some of the biggest moments in wrestling history. Hogan if you like it or not, is the biggest wrestler in the history of professional wrestling...his song may suck, but it's memorable.

Wrong. Hogan is not the biggest wrestler in history. Stone Cold is. Firstly, how many people actually like Hogan now? Most people look at him now as just a guy who was a wrestler, and have some respect, but bag on him fully. Austin? He is STILL the mos tpopular. Secondly, when Hogan was in wwe, ratings sucked int he 80's (his glory days) while Austin made wwe have the attitude era. And finally, Auin did more to actually expose wrestling to the mainstream, get it huge, etc... Neither were great in the ring, but we can judge from promos and entertainment that Austin was better, and from producing fans, Austin was better.

But anyways, as for this, the list is fucked. Notjust cause Hogan is firs,t but there's some noticeable screw up's in the list, at least that I can see, but I guess Hogan's would have to be top 3 or 4, just not number one.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
I disagree on Hogan being the best wrestler but he's the most recognizable. Hogan was the hero that fought against evil back in the 80's and 90's until his big heel turn when he went to WCW.

Wrong. Hogan is not the biggest wrestler in history. Stone Cold is. Firstly, how many people actually like Hogan now? Most people look at him now as just a guy who was a wrestler, and have some respect, but bag on him fully. Austin? He is STILL the mos tpopular. Secondly, when Hogan was in wwe, ratings sucked int he 80's (his glory days) while Austin made wwe have the attitude era. And finally, Austin did more to actually expose wrestling to the mainstream, get it huge, etc... Neither were great in the ring, but we can judge from promos and entertainment that Austin was better, and from producing fans, Austin was better.

But anyways, as for this, the list is fucked. Notjust cause Hogan is firs,t but there's some noticeable screw up's in the list, at least that I can see, but I guess Hogan's would have to be top 3 or 4, just not number one.

Now that's wrong. Hogan did way more to expose wrestling from TV apperances to starring in movies, sure they weren't great but he was the first to star in his own movie. What child wasn't rockin the Hogan yellow and red in the 80's? Merchandise god he was, don't think anyone else has made a bigger impact when it comes to merchandise and in wrestling. That's why Hogan is number one.

I don't even know the lyrics to McMahon's theme song, cept the hook. The guy singing says something bout politicians and tying a string around your finger, I really don't know the song.


Now that's wrong. Hogan did way more to expose wrestling from TV apperances to starring in movies, sure they weren't great but he was the first to star in his own movie. What child wasn't rockin the Hogan yellow and red in the 80's? Merchandise god he was, don't think anyone else has made a bigger impact when it comes to merchandise and in wrestling. That's why Hogan is number one.
Look at ratings for wwe tv during Higan's run in the 80's and they are wayyy down compared to Austin's run. That is what I meant by exposing it to the mainstream, and making it popular to people who weren't wrestling fans and gainiong more.
Fact: Up until 1996, ratings for wwf were consistently anywhere from 1.5-2.6 range, and then, out of nowhere, they climbed up a bit as wwe went more edgy, to the mid 3's range, and then, as Austin became the face, WWF began getting ratings from 6.5 to 8.1, consistentaly.

That proves my point as to who was more in the mainstream, so if we're talking from a fact purpose, it would be Austin as the bigger draw.
If we are talking from personal opinions, then everyone can have your opinion, but IMO, Austin was much more watchable.


Wrong. Hogan is not the biggest wrestler in history. Stone Cold is. Firstly, how many people actually like Hogan now? Most people look at him now as just a guy who was a wrestler, and have some respect, but bag on him fully. Austin? He is STILL the mos tpopular. Secondly, when Hogan was in wwe, ratings sucked int he 80's (his glory days) while Austin made wwe have the attitude era. And finally, Auin did more to actually expose wrestling to the mainstream, get it huge, etc... Neither were great in the ring, but we can judge from promos and entertainment that Austin was better, and from producing fans, Austin was better.

But anyways, as for this, the list is fucked. Notjust cause Hogan is firs,t but there's some noticeable screw up's in the list, at least that I can see, but I guess Hogan's would have to be top 3 or 4, just not number one.

Are you fucking kidding me? The Rock>>>>>>>>Austin.

Whether you want to believe it or not, Hogan will always be bigger than Austin.


Are you fucking kidding me? The Rock>>>>>>>>Austin.

Whether you want to believe it or not, Hogan will always be bigger than Austin.

Again, that's your PREFERENCE, and that's perfectly fine. But I am talking about from a fact standpoint, Austin>Hogan.
Ratings were bigger for Austin in his prime than Hogan in his prime.
And Austin has more fans back in the day, as well as more fans now, which proves his legacy is bigger...

Now, as for promo's and matches, that's all up to you. You can like whoever in the world you like, whatever matches you like, etc, and that will end up determining who you like better, which I'm guessing is Hogan. but from facts, Austin was the bigger star.


Wait...did Austin ever draw 85,000 people at a WM?...nope...didn't think so.

Hogan did more for professional wrestling than Austin. WWE didn't have a huge main stream regular TV deal in the Mid/Late 80's when Hogan was if they wasn't on a huge network like it was in the Late 90's...

Hogan > Austin.


Wow a WWE list without any inkling of Cena or Batista? Wow, and I thought WWE was corrupt.

Goldberg's march should have been up there, that's intimidating as hell.


Errrrrm, btw, all you guys debating who the biggest wrestler of all time is, who had the best entrance etc....


"W-e-e-e-e-l-l... Looks like we got ourselves a reader..." :roll: