
Basically what do you think, love it or hate it? I know it's early to tell, but from what you seen and know as of now, how do you think it will end up?
^^You know what was one of the best moments of unintentional gold during Impact last monday? When Bubba the Spooge Sponge was interviewing the TNA fans outside the building and asking what they wanted to see and some dipshit answered something like "I don't want to see some PG kiddie crap. I want to see good wrestling like back in the day like Ultimate Warrior and Andre the Giant" that was real wrestling? I'm certain that was kiddie crap and it was one of the most successful periods in the biz and everyone remembers that time so fondly.
It's not like TNA would be crippled if their version of the Radicalz left for WWE, they don't have a Malenko, Guerrero or Benoit on their roster.