TNA iMPACT - 2009

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Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
TNA iMPACT: The Fifth Man
Orlando, Florida
April 8, 2010

Chris Sabin came out to start the show, and he explained that Foley managed to get him a temporary contract that will be made permanent if his team wins at Lockdown, but ended if his team loses, so there’s a lot in it for him. But more than that, it’s a chance to get his hands on Alex Shelley inside a steel cage. He talked shit about Shelley and pretty much made it sound like he wanted to kill him. Shelley came out, and Sabin immediately jumped out of the ring and started up the ramp, but it was an ambush, and all of Planet Jarrett came pouring out behind Shelley, and they all beat the shit out of Sabin on the stage! Foley, Styles, Collyer, and Tomko came out with pieces of wood and drove them away, and Dixie Carter came out. She booked Styles/Sabin/Collyer vs Nash/Roode/Monty, and, in the main event tonight, Kurt Angle vs Tyson Tomko in a non-title bout!

Commentary talked about these two big matches, and then ran down some of the rest of the card, including Daniels vs Sabu, London vs Young, and some more X-Scape Qualifying matches.

--Commercial Break--

Match 1:Brian Kendrick vs Eric Young w/ Tyson Dux
Kendrick hit his high-octane offense to start it off, and really caught Young off guard with a bunch of nearfalls. He went for the Sliced Bread #2, but EY shoved him off and then capitalized with a big running neckbreaker. He worked over his neck for a while, and didn’t hesitate to cheat, and Dux didn’t hesitate to get involved. He called for the Spike Piledriver, but Kendrick body dropped him out! He went off with a series of dropkicks, and then a big dropsault! He pulled EY up and went for the SB#2 again, but Young blocked it and countered with a Northern Lights Suplex! ONE! TWO! THRE – Kendrick kicked out! Young had Dux wave the Canadian flag, and then he locked the Sharpshooter in on Kendrick! He struggled for a while, and finally made it to the ropes! Young pulled him back to the center of the ring and tried to fight the Sharpshooter back in, but Kendrick pulled him into an inside cradle! ONE! TWO! THRE – Young got out! They both got up and traded blows, but Kendrick gained the advantaged after a bunch of fiery elbows! He ran off the ropes, but Dux grabbed his leg, and he stumbled right into a big lariat from EY! The Canuck pulled him up for the Spike Piledriver, but Kendrick shoved away and nailed a HUGE discus elbow! He grabbed Young’s head, and he hit the Sliced Bread #2! He climbed up to the top and hit the Shooting Star Press! ONE! TWO! THRE – DUX BROKE UP THE PIN WHAT!
Winner via disqualification: Brian Kendrick (6:04)

Dux stomped away at Kendrick, and Young eventually joined in. They beat him with the hockey stick, and then hit a Russian legsweep/lariat combination, which Tenay called the Slapshot.

Backstage, Elijah Burke was pumping up Davey Richards for his X-Scape qualifying match.

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: Volador vs Davey Richards w/ Elijah Burke [X-Scape Qualifying Match]
Davey jumped the lucha at the bell and beat the shit out of him with stiff chops and kicks. He tried to end it early with the Bankrupt Driver, but Volador floated over and grabbed a backslide! ONE! TWO! THRE – Davey got an arm up, but Volador transitioned it right into a la magistral! ONE! TWO! THRE – Davey got up! They both got up, but Volador tripped him up and then put him in the gedo clutch! ONE! TWO! THRE – Davey powered out! Davey tried a quick right hand, but Volador ducked under it and hit a hurricanrana, holding the pin! ONE! TWO! THRE – He kicked out! They both got up, and Volador exploded with a spinning wheel kick off the ropes! He ran up to the top rope and hit his Moonsaul – NO! DAVEY MOVED! He pounced and locked in a Kimura, but Volador was close to the ropes and he forced the break. Davey tossed the lucha to the outside, where Burke caused all kinds of problems, and distracted him long enough for Richards to snuck out and then toss Volador spine-first into the ring post. He rolled him back into the ring and brutally worked his back. He called for the end and tried a Tiger Suplex, but Volador kicked out of it and then grabbed Davey and hit a running powerbomb! ONE! TWO! THRE – He got an arm up! Volador went up top again, but Burke jumped up on the apron to distract him! Volador kicked him away, but Richards used the time to crotch him at the top, and he climbed up and hit a big superplex! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Davey Richards (7:44)

Richards and Burke celebrated in the ring.

Backstage, Sabin was talking about how he wants to get his hands on Shelley, but Foley said that he’s sure Jarrett has Shelley’s back, and Shelley will be able to avoid Sabin until absolutely necessary--at Lockdown.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Alex Viktor Koslov w/ The Axis Powers vs Ricky Steamboat Jr w/ Sean Morley [X-Scape Qualifying Match]
Commentary touched on the Morley/Ricky Jr partnership that has unfolded for the past year as a student-teacher relationship, and so that got some Impact exposure as to compared to it normally being secluded to Xplosion. Anyway, Koslov was a huge dick, which allowed for some brief pockets of Steamboat offense. Koslov shut him down with a huge leg lariat, and then went for the Red Scare, but Steamboat floated over! ARM DRAG! ANOTHER ARM DRAG! YEAH! He jumped to the second rope and came off with a flying elbow! He climbed to the top and tried a flying crossbody, but Koslov moved! Steamboat stumbled to his feet, and Koslov hit the Red Scare! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Alex Koslov (3:36)

Koslov celebrated in the ring, and then his stablemates paraded him to the back.

Shawn Hernandez and Chuck Taylor were talking backstage WHEN RHINO RAN UP AND ATTACKED THEM BOTH! He tossed Taylor to the side and began pounding away at Hernandez until officials could split them up.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, Rhino challenged Shawn Hernandez to a match, and called him a bittle litch, I mean little bitch.

Daffney and Chris Daniels made out as he came down to the ring with the Enlightened.

Match 4: Christopher Daniels w/ The Enlightened vs Sabu w/ Rob Van Dam
They went to the mat at first, but Sabu quickly got pissed and just straight started punching Daniels in the face. He knocked him around for a bit, but Daniels went to the eyes and then hit a leg-feed enzuigiri, and followed up with an exploder suplex! ONE! TWO! TH – Sabu got an arm up! Daniels started to wrench at his neck, but he fought back with big elbows. He made his comeback, but Skipper distracted him on the outside. Daniels charged at Sabu, but he low-bridged him and sent him flying to the outside and colliding with his stable! Sabu climbed out to the apron and floored them all with an Arabian Press to the outside!

--Commercial Break--

Sabu refused to let the fight go back into the ring, and he kept beating Daniels around the floor, despite him constantly trying to get back in. RVD did a good job of keeping the Enlightened away from the action, until Daffney snuck around the ring and kicked Sabu in the crotch while the ref wasn’t looking. Daniels capitalized with a brutal running STO on the outside, and then he rolled Sabu into the ring. He schooled him on the mat, and he kept tugging Sabu’s legs apart to work over the crotch. Yup. Sabu made his comeback after Daniels missed a second-rope dropkick, and he berated the Fallen Angel with big right hands. He climbed out the apron and nailed a springboard lariat, and then tried to lock in the Camel Clutch! Daniels evaded it for as long as he could, but as soon as Sabu looked to lock it in, Daniels grabbed Sabu’s legs and pulled them apart! Sabu held his crotch in the middle of the ring, and Daniels hit a running high knee off the ropes to the back of Sabu’s head! ONE! TWO! THRE – Sabu kicked out! Daniels pulled him up and tried the Angel’s Wings, but Sabu spun out and hit a snap suplex! He went up top, but Daniels jumped into the ropes and crotched Sabu at the top! He crashed to the mat and stumbled to his feet, right into the Blue Thunder Driver! ONE! TWO! THRE – He JUST got an arm up! Daniels was irate, but managed to keep his cool, and he went for the Best Moonsault Ever, but Sabu moved! They both fought to their feet, but Skipper jumped to the apron! RVD ran over and pulled him off, and they went at it on the outside! The ref tried to split them up, and Ravarian snuck into the ring! They looked poised to attack, BUT AMERICA’S MOST WANTED RAN DOWN! They tackled Ravarian out of the ring, and both teams traded blows on the floor! With the ref’s attention all over the place, Daffney snuck into the ring and tried to kick Sabu in the balls again, but Sabu caught her leg, threw it down, and clotheslined her to the outside! He turned around, RIGHT INTO THE ANGEL’S WINGS! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Christopher Daniels (14:22)

Daniels celebrated in the ring, but RVD was up and he charged in and caught Daniels with a big roundhouse! While Ravarian and AMW brawled on the outside, RVD went up top and called for the 5-Star Frog Splash! He about hit it, but Skipper ran over and pulled Daniels to safety on the outside, and then helped him up the ramp as RVD signaled he was “this†close.

Backstage, Jarrett complained about how big of a bitch Dixie was being, and said that it was time to “go all in.†Angle asked what he meant, but Jarrett told him not to worry about it, and for he, Nash Monty, and Roode to go get ready for their matches.

Jimmy Jacobs was backstage in the lounge, when Chris Sabin walked up. Awkward silence/stare. Jacobs started to speak up, but Sabin told him to save it. He said that, yeah, Jacobs never attacked him, but he also didn’t try to stop Shelley when he hospitalized him. And then, on top of that, he continued to be Shelley’s lackey ever since. Jacobs did apologized, but Sabin said it was too late for that, and he walked off.

--Commercial Break--

A piece of Angle propaganda played, this showing him burning down abortion clinics, and then him stating that he is the official defender of the unborn.

Match 5: AJ Styles/Chris Sabin/Chad Collyer vs Robert Roode/Monty Brown/Kevin Nash
A really fast sprint, pretty much starring Chris Sabin at the start. He ran through his offense on all three guys, and even managed to take Monty down to a knee! He, AJ, and Collyer made quick tags to try to keep the big man down, but he caught Collyer from behind and hit a big Pumphandle slam! The heels worked over young Chadwick for a while, and Roode and Nash were both really cocky about it. Nash nonchalantly went for the Jackknife Powerbomb, but Collyer rolled through and countered with a falling neckbreaker, then made the hot tag to Sabin! He cleaned house with big dropkicks and springboard moves, and he eventually got Nash with an Implant DDT! ONE! TWO! THRE – Roode ran in and pulled him off! Everybody rushed the ring and started unleashing on each other. Roode tried for the Roode Awakening on Styles, but he elbowed out and hit the Pele! He did his signature pose in the ring, but Monty grabbed him from behind and he hit the POUNCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! PERIOD! Sabin ran over and dropkicked Monty into the ropes, and then Collyer helped him clothesline him to the outside! Nash grabbed both guys from behind and tried a double clothesline, but they both kicked away and hit the big guy with a double DDT! Collyer pulled him up AND HE HIT THE SEVEN-FOOTER WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX! Chris Sabin climbed to the top, and he nailed his Flying Legdrop! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: AJ Styles/Chris Sabin/Chad Collyer (7:12)

Sabin and Collyer celebrated in the ring, but Alex Shelley snuck down with a steel chair! He got in the ring behind Sabin and went to swing it, but Styles slid in and tackled Shelley to the mat! Shelley slithered out of the ring and ran up the ramp, cursing at Sabin the whole way.

--Commercial Break--

Match 6: Kurt Angle vs Tyson Tomko [Non-Title]
Angle jumped on Tomko even before the bell, so the ref had to pull him off in order to start the match. When he did, Tomko EXPLODED with a falling lariat! He bounced Angle around some, but Planet Jarrett rushed down to the ring! Tomko was really distracted, and Angle snuck up and tackled him into the ankle lock! He struggled for a while, and before long Team Foley ran down to cheer him on! Tomko made it to the ropes, and shook Angle off. On the outside, a HUUUGE brawl broke out quickly, but Tomko and Angle both stayed focused on the match. Tomko powered Angle around, but the champion ducked under TEH BEWT~ and hit a big German Suplex! He continued to keep Tomko grounded for a bit, and he got off his Triple Germans! He pulled down the straps and went for the ankle lock again, but Tomko threw him off with his legs and when Angle came bouncing off the ropes, Tomko leapt up and HE NAILED TEH BEWT~!~! ONE!!!! TWO!!!! THRE – NO! KEVIN NASH SLID IN AND BROKE UP THE PIN! BOO!!!
Winner via disqualification: Tyson Tomko (5:28)

Nash kept stomping at Tomko, and soon all members of both teams stormed the ring. Planet Jarrett started to gain momentum due to a numbers advantage, and things started to get really ugly. Foley was busted up, and Jarrett was pummeling him in the corner, while Angle and Nash picked apart Tomko on the floor. Shelley was choking out Sabin with The James Gang’s help, and Roode, Monty, and Waltman were all stomping away at Styles and Collyer in the middle of the ring. Tenay begged for a savior, but nobody came! All was hopeless! Planet Jarrett was going to prove their dominance, until…




…No, not yet


……Keep waiting

……The anticipation is deadly!



The James Gang saw him first, and they were KILLED by a double lariat that sent them both spinning inside out! Shelley charged, but Joe hit him with a snap powerslam! Waltman got berated with chops, then knocked the fuck out with a huge headbutt! Roode charged, but Joe spun him around and hit a sick German Suplex! Monty tried to strike, but Joe ducked and came off the ropes with a running arched boot! Jarrett finally turned around and looked like he just saw a fucking ghost! He tried to run, but Joe grabbed him! MUSCLE BUSTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR~! Joe saw Nash and Angle on the outside and he began to boil with rage! He ran off the ropes and took out Nash with a suicide dive! Angle looked up and saw Joe, and he about shit his pants! He turned to run, but Joe ran after him! Angle ran up the ramp and tried to escape through the crowd, BUT THE FANS WOULDN’T LET HIM THROUGH!!! Joe grabbed Angle! MUSCLE BUSTER ON THE STAGE!!!! Planet Jarrett slowly came to their senses, and one by one got the fuck out of the Impact Zone. Team Foley regrouped in the ring, and Joe joined them, and they all celebrated as the show faded to the crowd going nuts shouting “JOE! JOE! JOE,†and there was much rejoicing.

Xplosion Results (4/10) – “Happy Birthday, Axis' Dog†Edition
The Bankrupt Brothers over Los Infernales
Awesome Kong over Taylor Wilde
Homicide/Amazing Red over The Young Bucks
Petey Williams over Sonjay Dutt [X-Scape Qualifying Match]
Rascal the Dog over Vince Russo

Lockdown - April 18, 2010

Lethal Lockdown
Planet Jarrett [Jarrett/Angle/Shelley/Roode/Monty] vs Team Foley [Styles/Tomko/Collyer/Sabin/???]

TNA Tag Team Championships [Six Sides of Steel]
America's Most Wanted[c] vs Ravarian

X-Scape Match [Winner gets an X-Division Championship match whenever and wherever they choose]
Homicide vs Low Ki vs Doug Williams vs Davey Richards vs Alex Viktor Koslov vs Petey Williams vs ???

Grudge Match
Rob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels

Shawn Hernandez vs Rhino​


Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
TNA iMPACT: Joe’s Gonna KILL You
Orlando, Florida
April 15, 2010

Jeff Jarrett came out and trolled the audience on it being tax day, and he thanked them all for being his sock puppets and earning him enough money to reach the tax bracket that gets out of everything. So, thanks. He did admit though that he’s found himself slowly losing power in this company, which is good for nobody. As such, he called out Dixie Carter.

She came out, and Jarrett cut right down to business; he has a deal. Dixie has put her neck out on a limb by going over everybody’s heads and offering Chris Sabin and Samoa Joe part-time contracts, that are supposedly renewable if Team Foley wins at Lockdown. Jarrett explained that the way things go down in TNA is that there are two sides fight for every decision, pretty much Jarrett’s allies against Dixie’s allies, and these recent decisions are making some people very displeased. He then talked about how things simply go easier when he and Dixie are on the same page, so he’s willing to let that happen by adding a huge stipulation to the Lethal Lockdown match on the PPV. Here’s the deal:

If Team Foley wins, Jarrett agreed to go along completely with the re-signing of both Chris Sabin and Samoa Joe. But, he’s willing to add more. If Team Foley wins, Mick Foley will also be reinstated full-time. Furthermore, there are title implications. If Team Foley wins, Chad Collyer will be named the official #1 contender to the X-Division Championship, and TYSON TOMKO will be named #1 contender to the TNA World Championship! Dixie was VERY intrigued and drawn in to his offer, but then backed down for a second and asked what was in it for Jarrett.

He grinned, and stated his stipulation: if Planet Jarrett wins at Lockdown, there will only be ONE head authority in TNA: him. No more splitting power, no more unified decisions, no more Dixie Carter. If Planet Jarrett wins, all power will be consolidated to Jeff Jarrett; he will be the President, CEO, Founder, General Manager, and whatever else you want to call it, of TNA Entertainment LLC.

Dixie thought it over and decided that she had full faith in the team that Mick Foley has put together. She said that Jarrett would lose virtually all his power if Planet Jarrett lost all their titles and some of Jarrett’s biggest enemies were signed back to TNA. So, she accepts. They shook on it and tensions were high as we went to the commentary booth. Oh, and Dixie said that since Jarrett hasn’t wrestled in about a year-and-a-half, he would need some practice, which is why she is booking him vs Tyson Tomko in the main event!

They talked about the HUGE announcement, and then ran down some of the card: Kendrick vs Young/Dux, some X-Division action, JEFF JARRETT VS TYSON TOMKO in the main event, and more!

--Commercial Break--

A replay of the bottom line of the stipulation played, and then we cut to Mick Foley talking to his team about it. They were all pumped up about it … except AJ Styles, who said it was kind of bullshit that Tomko gets the world title shit if they win, no offense.

Match 1: Brian Kendrick vs Eric Young/Tyson Dux
Right at the bell, Kendrick went nuts trying to punch away at both of his enemies, but eventually the numbers proved too much and he ended up being beat to the ground. Even when Dux was forced to his corner, EY kept up the offense and pretty much just pounded away at Kendrick on the mat. He started to work over his back, which made it easy to stop any Kendrick comebacks by a simple knee to the back from the apron by the non-legal man. Dux tried to fight Kendrick into the Sharpshooter, but he rolled out of it and then hit a jumping leg lariat! He ran off the ropes, and Young tried to knee him for what would have been the fifth time of the match, but Kendrick spotted it, dodged it, and hit Young with a dropkick to knock him off the apron! He turned around, and Dux tried a running back elbow, but Kendrick ducked and hurricanrana’d Dux into the corner, then followed up with his backflip kick! Dux stumbled out, and Kendrick connected with the Sliced Bread #2! ONE! TWO! THRE – Young pulled him off! Kendrick and Young brawled away, until the ref split them up and tried to force Young back to the apron. With the ref’s attention on Young, Kendrick turned around RIGHT INTO A HOCKEY STICK SHOT FROM DUX! He called over the ref and hooked a leg, ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Eric Young/Tyson Dux (6:03)

Dux and Young kept beating away at Kendrick, BUT PAUL LONDON RAN DOWN AND RAN THEM OUT OF THE RING! He helped Kendrick up and then they challenged Team Canada to a match at Lockdown, and since it’s Lockdown, it will be a SIX SIDES OF STEEL MATCH!

Lethal and Creed were backstage talking about how they have an X-Scape Qualifying match later, and they agreed to a fair match. Booker T told them both to go and give it their all, but to remember that in the end, they’re still brothuhs.

--Commercial Break--

Planet Jarrett convened around Jarrett’s desk backstage as Double J addressed the camera with a huge smile on his face. He said that for the past few months, TNA has been a bit…chaotic, probably because it’s being run by somebody who reacts based on a menstrual cycle. He assured TNA fans everywhere that TNA would soon return to stability once his team wins at Lockdown, and he’s instated as the unconditional leader of the company.

Match 2: Jay Lethal vs Consequences Creed [X-Scape Qualifying Match]
Booker T was on commentary here, talking up both of his protégés. Both guys tried their signature stuff right at the start, but they knew each other’s moves perfectly, so they avoided it all. Lethal grabbed Creed’s arm during the MontiFisto, and then turned it into a Springboard DDT! ONE! TWO! THR – Creed kicked out! Lethal managed to keep Creed down by working over his neck. Creed came back with some fast jabs and came off the runs, but Lethal caught him with a big leg lariat! He pulled him up and tried the Lethal Combination, but Creed spun out and big spinning sole kick to the back, and then dropped Lethal to the mat and locked in a half Boston Crab! Letha made it to the ropes, but Creed kept on his back with some basic holds and good old fashion clubberin’. He tried for tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but Lethal countered midair with a headscissors takedown! Lethal followed up with quick clothesline, and then he hit a big roundhouse! Lethal climbed up top and tried the Elbow, BUT CREED MOVED! Lethal stumbled up and Creed picked him up for the Fireman’s Carry Cutter, but Lethal whipped it back into a crucifix pin! ONE! TWO! THRE – Creed kicked out! They both got up and Lethal tried another roundhouse, but Creed ducked under this one and tried a superkick, but Lethal caught his leg, threw it down, and nailed an enzuigiri! Creed fell to his knees, and Lethal ran off the ropes and hit the Axe Kick! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Jay Lethal (7:20)

Lethal helped Creed to his feet, and then they shook hands.

Backstage, Collyer said that he’s spent a good year-and-a-half wrestling on Xplosion, and he’s finally starting to get noticed. He said that being on Team Foley with international stars like Samoa Joe and AJ Styles is a huge opportunity, and he’s going to take full advantage of it by helping secure a victory, and a subsequent X-Division title shot against Alex Shelley.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Shawn Hernandez vs TJ Perkins
Perkins played hit-and-run to the extreme, where his hits didn’t really do anything, so he spent most of the time running on the outside. Hernandez finally gave up chasing him around the floor, so Perkins finally had to get in to stop a ten-count, and he stood up right into a HUGE lariat, which gave Hernandez the win.
Winner via pinfall: Shawn Hernandez (24-0) (2:59)

Hernandez celebrated in the ring, but Rhino snuck down and rolled into the ring. Hernandez turned around and was met by a GORE~! Rhino celebrated over him then went to the back.

Tomko was with Lauren in the back, and he said that he’s pinned Kurt Angle TWICE in the past few weeks, and he was definitely poised to win last week before Nash caused the intentional DQ. He promised a win at Lockdown, and then promised Angle that he’d be taking the TNA Championship from him at the next possible opportunity.

--Commercial Break--

Alex Shelley blabbered away in the back about being the best wrestler in the world, King of the World, having Talent on Loan from God, and being TNA’s Technical Messiah. He told everybody to expect big things from him, because in due time, this company would become Total Nonstop Alex. Also, fuck Chris Sabin, that useless piece of shit.

Commentary hyped the X-Scape match at Lockdown, and talked about how all six guys in the match, and here in the next match, are all legitimate threats to each other and to Alex Shelley.

Match 4: Low Ki/Homicide/Petey Williams vs Alex Viktor Koslov/Doug Williams/Davey Richards
SPRIIIIIIINT. That is, until Davey Richards straight punched Petey Williams in the face when he was flying off the top rope. He brutalized him in his corner, and AKV and Doug joined in as well. They were pretty brutal too, but come on, Davey Richards. He hit nasty kicks that drove Petey into the ropes and then charged, but Petey ducked it and sent him flying to the outside, and he followed up with a plancha to the outside! AKV and Doug got off the apron to attack Petey, but Homicide and Low Ki got into the ring and ran across to take them out with STEREO SUICIDE DIVES!!!

--Commercial Break--

From the commercial, it turned back into a sprint, but it was really only Ki and ‘Cide for their team, so the numbers eventually got to them. Homicide was isolated or a bit, but he blocked the Chaos Theory and hit the 187 out of nowhere! It took him a while to crawl over, so instead he just crawled to his corner, AND HE MADE THE HOT TAG! Low Ki came in and cleaned house, and he caught Koslov with a Tidal Krush in the corner! ONE! TWO! THRE – Koslov kicked out! They both got up and Low Ki tried the Ki Krusher, but Koslov floated over and elbowed at his neck. He went for a Dragon Suplex, but Ki powered out and nailed an enzuigiri, and followed up with a springboard roundhouse! ONE! TWO! THRE – Doug Williams broke it up! Shit broke down and all six guys ended up in the ring, and bodies started flying everywhere. Petey Williams went for the CANADIAN DESTROYER~ on Davey, but he went to back body drop out of it, but Petey held his weight and ended up hurricanrana’ing both he and Richards to the outside! In the ring, Homicide went for the 187 on Doug Williams, but he shoved him into the corner and countered with the Chaos Theory! Doug turned around, right into a huge high-impact front dropkick from Low Ki that sent Williams flying out of the ring! But Koslov immediately grabbed Ki from behind and hit a big Dragon Suplex! He quickly pulled him up and nailed the Red Scare, driving Ki’s neck back into the mat! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Alex Viktor Koslov/Doug Williams/Davey Richards (13:49)

Koslov celebrated in the ring and signaled for the title over all the carnage, but Jay Lethal ran down and hit Koslov with the Lethal Combination, then celebrated in the ring.

Sabin was backstage and he cut a really passionate promo about how he has a lot on the line this Sunday. He said that his entire career comes down to this match, and it would determine if he would be a footnote marking Shelley’s rise to independent greatness, or if he himself would get the chance to become a star. He guaranteed that the time that he and Shelley were together would be brutally ugly. He started to walk off, but Jimmy Jacobs walked up! He again tried to apologize, but Sabin just walked off.

--Commercial Break--

Samoa shouted into the camera about murder, torture, etc. He promised to end all of Planet Jarrett, not with some magical power of the people, or spirit, or passion, but with his own bare hands.

Match 5: America’s Most Wanted/RVD/Sabu w/ Jackie Moore vs The Enlightened w/ Daffney
Daniels refused to get in all together, and Ravarian eventually decided to avoid AMW when they could, so it ended up being a big effort by the faces to pinball Skipper around. Daniels finally made a blind tag when Sabu was in, and he hit him with a running high knee to the back of his skull. He wore away at his neck, and eventually Ravarian joined in, and they all isolated him via neck work, and continuously went back to the neck to stop his comebacks. Ravarian tried a double suplex on Sabu, but he countered with a double falling DDT! He crawled over, AND JAMES STORM GOT THE TAG! He took everybody else with big clotheslines, and tossed them out one-by-one to the outside, then took them all out with a STORM PLANCHA~! He rolled Skipper into the ring, and then tagged in RVD, who knocked him around. Daniels and Ravarian started to get up on the outside, so Sabu went over and took them all out with an Arabian Press! In the ring, RVD hit a big roundhouse that knocked Skipper right into Storm’s arms! Harris climbed to the top, and they nailed Skipper with the Death Sentence! RVD climbed to the top and connected with the FIVE! STAR! FROG SPLASH! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: AMW/RVD/Sabu (8:08)

The faces celebrated in the ring until the heels attacked. Finishers were traded until RVD was left standing after roundhouse kicking Daniels to the outside!

Backstage, Lauren asked AJ Styles about the Lethal Lockdown match. He said that nothing was really in it for him, but it would be cool to win, I guess.

Alex Shelley found Jimmy Jacobs and asked why the hell he was apologizing to that piece of shit Chris Sabin. Jacobs thought about it, and then apologized to Shelley.

--Commercial Break--

Team Foley came out with Tyson Tomko, and Planet Jarrett came down with Jeff Jarrett, so, yeah, a huuuuuge brawl broke out right away. Officials poured out, and along with various threats from Dixie, they FINALLY managed to settle everything down. She demanded that EVERYBODY but Jarrett and Tomko return to the back, and they’d try this again.

--Commercial Break--

Commentary underlined that the winner here gives his team the advantage at Lockdown of their next member coming out first in the Lethal Lockdown match.

Match 6: Jeff Jarrett vs Tyson Tomko
Jarrett tried to go to the mat first, but he kept messing up to play up his ring rust, and he got really frustrated. He kept rolling to the outside, so Tomko finally followed him and surprised him by tossing him into the barricade! They brawled around the floor, and Tomko’s power managed to give him a huge advantage. They ended up back in the ring, and Jarrett managed to get a low blow behind the ref’s back. He did everything in his power to keep Tomko grounded, but he fought back with huge punches. Tomko pinballed him around, but suddenly he looked up and saw Foley and Nash trading blows up on the ramp, and the James Gang came out to help Nash! Soon enough, all of Planet Jarrett and all of Team Foley were beating the shit out of each other, and the cameras kept cutting to that. Tomko climbed out of the ring to help Foley, and Jarrett made the ref count to ten! Tomko noticed it, but decided to help Foley in the three-on-on, so Jarrett got the win!
Winner via count out: Jeff Jarrett (5:11)

Jarrett grabbed a steel chair from ringside and met Tomko on the ramp, and soon everybody from both sides ended up fighting out around the ramp and in the ring. Everybody just beat the shit out of each other and it was CRAZY~! Jarrett ran away and grabbed a microphone and said that THIS is TNA with split authority! Finally, after Lockdown, everything will be united under HIM! And then Mick Foley ran over and punched him in the face. The huge brawl continued and closed out the show. HOW WILL THIS BE RESOLVED?! WHO WILL GET THE BETTER OF IT IN AN ACUAL MATCH, NOT TO MENTION A LETHAL LOCKDOWN?! WILL JEFF JARRETT TAKE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER TNA?! WILL HIS INFLUENCE BE MINIMIZED?! FIND OUT ALL THIS AND MORE AT TNA LOCKDOWN. We’ll see you on Sunday!

Xplosion Results (4/17)
Sean Morley/Ricky Steamboat Jr over No Limit
Raisha Saeed[c] over Christie Hemme
Booker T/Consequences Creed over The Bankrupt Brothers
Sean Waltman/The James Gang over Volador/Los Infernales

Lockdown – April 18, 2010[/b]

Lethal Lockdown
Joe/Styles/Sabin/Tomko/Collyer vs Jarrett/Angle/Roode/Monty/Shelley
If Foley’s team wins:
1. Foley is reinstated
2. Joe is reinstated
3. Sabin is reinstated
4. Collyer gets an X-Title match
5. Tomko gets a World Title match
If Jarrett’s team wins:
Jarrett becomes PRESIDENT of TNA

TNA Tag Team Championships - Six Sides of Steel
America’s Most Wanted[c] vs Ravarian

X-Scape Match – X-Division Title match guaranteed whenever the winner wants
Homicide vs Low Ki vs Doug Williams vs Petey Williams vs Jay Lethal vs Volador vs Koslov

Six Sides of Steel
The Hooliganz vs Eric Young/Tyson Dux

Rob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels

Shawn Hernandez vs Rhino


Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
TNA Lockdown
Orlando, Florida
April 18, 2010

Elijah Burke over Roderick Strong
Daffney over Jackie Moore
Sean Morley/Ricky Steamboat Jr over No Limit
Jimmy Jacobs over Amazing Red
Volador over Elix Skipper, Kenny King, Patrick Schulz
Awesome Kong over Tara to finally earn a shot at Raisha Saeed’s Knockouts Title!

Commentary welcomed us to the show and ran down the card, and they spent a while harping on the Lethal Lockdown main event and it’s huge implications.

Match 1: Rob Van Dam w/ Sabu vs Christopher Daniels w/ Elix Skipper & Daffney
They went with a traditional start, and Daniels managed to use his finesse and keep RVD in control on the ground. Van Dam started to try to quicken the pace of the match, but Daniels met him with that, and surprised him with a big enzuigiri off the ropes! He kept RVD down on the mat more and really worked over his neck with his fancy holds, but Van Dam started to fight back with his kicks, and then he began to throw his power advantage around. Daniels went to the eyes to stop the momentum, and he tried a running STO, but RVD blocked it and then hit a vertical suplex! He came off the ropes quickly for the Rolling Thunder, but Daniels got his knees up! He rolled to the outside, but RVD was quick to hit him with a suicide dive! They brawled around on the outside, and Daniels tried the Last Rites on the floor! RVD spun out though, and he whipped Daniels headfirst into the steel ring steps! He rolled Daniels in, and it was revealed that Daniels cut his forehead! Van Dam immediately climbed to the top rope and tried his split-legged moonsault, but Daniels moved! The Fallen Angel took a few minutes to regroup himself, but then he pounced on RVD and stomped away at his neck. He tried the Last Rites again, but RVD countered with an arm drag. Both guys got up, and RVD picked Daniels up to his shoulders, but he elbowed his way out, and then came off the ropes with a high knee to the back of Van Dam’s head/neck! ONE … TWO … THRE – RVD kicked out! Daniels tried to lock in a Koji Clutch, but RVD pulled him across into an inside cradle! ONE … TWO … THRE – Daniels kicked out! They both got right up, and RVD hit a big roundhouse, and then ran off the ropes and hit the Rolling Thunder! ONE … TWO … THRE – Daniels got an arm up! RVD pulled him up and planted him with a body slam, then went up top and hit his split-legged moonsault, but Daniels moved again! RVD splattered on the mat, and Daniels immediately jumped up, sprinted to the corner, and hit the BEST! MOONSAULT! EV – NO! VAN DAM MOVED! He fought his way to the top as Daniels was stumbling to his feet, and RVD HIT A FLYING SUPERKICK! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! DANIELS JUST KICKED OUT! Van Dam went up top again, but Skipper jumped onto the apron! RVD tried to fight him off, until finally Sabu just ran over and pulled him down. RVD turned back to the ring, and Daniels was getting to his feet, so RVD went for a crossbody, BUT DANIELS COUNTERED MIDAIR INTO A BLUE THUNDER DRIVER! ONE! TWO! THRE – RVD KICKED OUT!!! Both guys struggled to their feet, and Ravarian ran down! Kaz grabbed the ref’s attention while Jimmy Rave slid a steel cheer in to Daniels! RVD finally got up and turned around, and Daniels nailed him with the chair! He tossed it back out to Rave, and then hit the Best Moonsault Ever! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Christopher Daniels (14:06)

Daniels celebrated in the ring, but rolled out when Sabu came in to help RVD to his feet. Skipper helped him up the ramp, and Daffney licked the blood from Daniels’ forehead as they went back up the ramp. As Van Dam got up in the ring, he was clearly irate.

Samoa Joe, Tyson Tomko, Chad Collyer, and Chris Sabina arrived to the arena together and were greeted by Mick Foley. Foley asked where AJ was, and Tomko said he was coming on his own later.

Backstage, Chuck Taylor wished Hernandez good luck in his match with Rhino.

Rhino came down to the ring drinking a beer, and then topped it off before entering the ring.

Match 2: Sean Hernandez vs Rhino
Rhino actually gave Hernandez a lot of power problems up front, which clearly frustrated the bigger man. Hernandez just started swinging wildly, and Rhino was able to avoid his shots and come back with quick punches and kicks to the midsection. Hernandez finally connect with a big lariat off the ropes and he got a big head of steam, but Rhino blocked a Cracker Jack attempt, and he hit a big side belly-to-belly suplex! ONE … TWO … THR – Hernandez kicked out … WITH AUTHORITY!!!! He started to rage on Rhino with big strikes, and then a series of huge lariats. He went for the Border Toss, but Rhino slide down behind him! He ran off the ropes and tried a GORE~, but Hernandez jumped over him! He grabbed Rhino from behind and tossed him like a ragdoll with a modified Cobra clutch suplex! Hernandez picked him right back up and hit the Border Toss for the three-count.
Winner via pinfall: Shawn Hernandez (25-0) (6:53)

Hernandez celebrated in the ring, but he turned right around into a Gore! Gore! Gore! Taylor ran out and jumped on Rhino, but he tossed him off, and then nailed him with a Rhino Driver in the middle of the ring! He tossed Chuck on top of Hernandez, and then stormed to the back.

Jimmy Jacobs was walking backstage when Shelley walked up and asked him to talk to Sabin and try to figure out a game plan or strategy that he had for tonight. Shelley left before Jacobs responded, and Jacobs just sort of stood there.

The cages came down, and the gimmick matches began.

Footage of the build-up to Team Canada/Hooliganz played.

Match 3: Team Canada vs The Hooliganz – Six Sides of Steel
He wasn’t taped up or anything, but Tenay mentioned that he heard backstage that London was still having back problems after being put through a table by Team Canada a few weeks ago. Anyway, the faces were scrappy as hell here and just pinballed the heels around the ring, and they had nowhere to escape to in order to take a break. Eventually Dux punched Kendrick in the balls and drove him head-first into the cage. He ran over to help Dux with London, and he tackled him spine-first into the steel. London freaked out and held at his back, and Young’s eye lit up. He and Dux pounced on London and stomped at his back. Kendrick kept trying to come over and help, but the Canucks double-teamed him for a bit, and then went right back to beating down London. They took turns hitting basic backbreakers, and then Dux stepped it up with a half nelson backbreaker! ONE … TWO … THRE – London got an arm up. Young had Dux hold London in place, and then he climbed up in the corner, but Kendrick ran over and grabbed Dux from behind with a roll-up! ONE! TWO! THR – Young leapt off to break it up! Young pulled him up, but Kendrick exploded with an enzuigiri that sent him stumbling back into a backslide from London! ONE … TWO … THRE – Young kicked out. London and Young both got up, and Young gouged him in the eye and then tried for the Spike Piledriver, but London shoved away and hit a jawbreaker, and then topped it off with a dropsault! He held his back as he went up top and he hit the Shooting Star Press as Kendrick held Dux back! ONE! TWO! THRE – DUX BROKE FREE AND JUST BROKE IT UP! Kendrick tried a superkick on Dux, but he ducked, AND KENDRICK HIT LONDON! He looked shocked, and he turned around right into a flying leg lariat from Dux! ONE … TWO … THRE – Kendrick kicked out! Dux and Young picked Kendrick up and DRILLED him into the side of the cage! He was slightly busted open, so they started to shred his forehead on the steel, and worked together and hit his head over and over into the unforgiving steel! They taunted the crowd as a bloody Kendrick lay motionless in the middle of the ring, and then they called for the end. They pulled him up and hit the Slapshot and Young covered, ONE … TWO … THRE – LONDON BROKE IT UP! London tried to take on both guys with big elbows, but the numbers got to him and Team Canada began to double team him again. They tried to hit him with the Slapshot, but he broke free, shook Dux off with an arm drag, and then got EY with a huge jumping heel kick! He went up top again, but Dux ran over and crotched him! They both fought up top for control, but EY ran over to help his teammate. They set up for a double superplex, but London pulled out and knocked their heads together, then kicked them both down. He looked down at Young, and he leapt off with the SHOOTING STAR PRE – NO! YOUNG MOVED! London held at his midsection, and Young immediately pounced and locked in the Sharpshooter! He pulled back and London struggled, and he finally made it to the ropes, but it’s a cage match so it doesn’t matter! He pulled back harder and harder, and London looked to be about to tap, BUT KENDRICK FROM NOWHERE WITH A SUPERKICK TO ERIC YOUNG! Dux ran over to attack, but London surprised him with a superkick of his own! He crawled up to the top, and he connected with the Shooting Star Press to Dux! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: The Hooliganz (13:46)

Paul London helped a really beat-up Kendrick to his feet, and the two celebrated to the back.

Backstage, Jimmy Jacobs wished Chris Sabin good luck. Sabin reluctantly thanked him, and asked if there was anything else. Jacobs thought about it, then said no and walked off.

Clips of each guy in the X-Scape match winning their qualifying matches played.

Commentary went over the rules of the following match: two guys are legal at a time, and they can tag out to anybody else. It’s elimination rules, with two guys in at a time who can tag out, until it gets down to the final two, at which point the winner is the one who escapes. They also put over the stipulation, which is that the winner receives an X-Division Title match whenever and wherever he wants it.

Match 4: Low Ki vs Davey Richards vs Homicide vs Doug Williams vs Jay Lethal vs Alex Viktor Koslov vs Petey Williams – X-Scape Match
Doug Williams declared that, since he’s the best technical wrestler in the world, he would start. As such, Low Ki decided that he was still not done with Doug, so he got in. Doug immediately tried to tag out, but nobody would, so Low Ki raped him with HUGE strikes. Homicide got in, and Tenay mentioned the ‘Cide/Doug history as well. Homicide and Low Ki made frequent tags to each other to beat Doug Williams down, but after a few minutes, Koslov made a blind tag to Doug Williams, and he rolled Low Ki up with a handful of tights and a hand on the cage! ONE .. TWO … THREE! WHAT! WHAT! NO!
Low Ki has been been eliminated (3:06)
Low Ki went fucking nuts and started beating the shit out of Koslov, and then everybody else in the cage for the hell of it. A few different referees had to drag Ki out, and then he continued his rampage on the outside, throwing stuff around ringside and whatnot. Eventually he returned to the back, and stuff continued on the inside. Petey Williams and Jay Lethal ended up being legal, and they tried to go on the mat to slow things down, but Petey started to get pumped up and he tossed Lethal around like a rag doll. Lethal tagged out to Richards, who walked right into a big boot from Petey! Davey tagged out to Doug, who was met with by a huge biel! Homicide made the tag, but Petey hit him with a chokeslam! Koslov tagged himself in, and Petey tried a powerbomb, but Koslov rolled through with a sunset flip, and then grabbed the bottom rope to gain leverage! ONE … TWO … THRE – Petey just kicked out! They both got up, and Petey charged, but Koslov use a drop toe hold to send Petey face-first into the steel! Everybody got in to get their revenge on Petey, and it was Jay Lethal who finally whipped out his finisher and he connected with the Lethal Combination! He went up top and tried the Lethal Elbow, but Petey moved! Lethal stumbled to his feet, and Petey came off the ropes with the Polish Hammer~! ONE … TWO … THRE – Lethal kicked out! Petey pulled him up AND CALLED FOR THE CANADIAN DESTROYER, but Lethal shoved away and hit a big roundhouse! And he followed up with the Axe Kick! SUCKA! Lethal went up top and called for the Elbow again, BUT DOUG WILLIAMS SHOVED LETHAL OFF THE TOP! AND THAT COUNTS AS A TAG! Doug climbed up to the top and nailed Petey Williams with the Bombs Away! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Petey Williams has been eliminated (7:48)
Jay Lethal was just stumbling to his feet, and Doug Williams ran over to grab him, and he hit him with the Chaos Theory! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Jay Lethal has been eliminated (8:01)
Homicide kind of looked around and realized it was all douchebags left and gave an “fml” look. He and Davey Richards went at it first and they beat the shiiiit out of each other with huge strikes. Homicide gain the edge with some big elbows, so Davey shoved him off and began attacking with raw slaps to the face! He pinned Homicide in the corner, but didn’t let up! Homicide fell down in the corner, so Davey ran off the ropes and came back with a big face wash! He pulled ‘Cide up and nailed a snap DDT! ONE … TWO … THR – Homicide kicked out! Davey kept just kicking him in the face, and then he pulled him up for the Bankrupt Driver, but Homicide floated over and HE HIT THE 187 OUT OF NOWHERE! He was down on the mat for a while, but when he tried to make the cover, Richards went to tag out to Koslov, but Koslov backed off! Davey was irate, and he turned right around into the West Brooklyn Lariat! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Davey Richards has been eliminated (11:46)
Koslov got in now, but Homicide immediately tagged out to Williams. Doug tried to throw around his knees, but Koslov managed to dodge most of the stuff, and he pretty much out-heeled him overall. Doug started to come back by going to the midsection with big blows, but when he tried to come off the ropes with a dropkick, Koslov moved out of the way, and then grabbed his legs and catapulted him into the steel cage! He measured him up, and then came off the ropes with a big bulldog facebuster! ONE … TWO … THR – Williams kicked out. Homicide got in now and bounced Williams around some, and he went for the Gringo Killer, but Williams dropped down and grabbed a roll up, and Koslov held his arms from the outsider to give him leverage! ONE … TWO … THRE – Homicide JUST kicked out! Williams called for the end and he locked in the Britannic Bow and Arrow on Homicide! He refused to tap, so finally Koslov tagged in to Homicide, and then went up top and HE NAILED HOMICIDE WITH AN ELBOW DROP WHILE HE WAS STILL IN THE BOW AND ARROW! He covered Homicide, but you idiot he’s not the legal man you just tagged him out! Doug Williams grabbed Koslov from behind and tried the Chaos Theory, but Koslov held on in the corner, and then hit the Red Scare out of nowhere! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Doug Williams has been eliminated (14:48)
Koslov immediately sprinted to the side of the cage and tried to climb out, but Homicide stopped him right before he got there and fought him down to the turnbuckle. They fought for control up there, and Koslov raged with some nasty headbutts, but Homicide fought back with some of his own, and then he bit Koslov’s face wtf. Koslov was disoriented, and Homicide NAILED A SUPER 187!!!! Koslov was out, but Homicide hit the mat hard too, and he held at both his back that Williams destroyed and his arm that Koslov targeted earlier. He got to his feet and started to climb up the cage, but he moved really slowly with his injuries, and Koslov stopped him and pulled him down. He went for the Red Scare, but Homicide floated over and nailed a big German Suplex! They both struggled to their feet, but Homicide was up first and he hit the Three Amigos! He went up top, still holding his back, and went for the Frog Splash, BUT KOSLOV MOVED! He immediately went to climb up the cage, but Homicide stopped him, and they traded blows while standing on the top rope. Homicide got in some nice elbows, but Koslov went to the eyes and then bashed Homicide’s head into the steel! Homicide flew back down to the mat, and Koslov leapt off and hit the Russian Elbow! Koslov took a while to get up, but when he did, he started his slow climb. Homicide JUST grabbed his leg in time to stop up, and he pulled like crazy to keep him from getting over the top of the cage! Koslov was about to shoo him off, so Homicide began to bite his leg! Koslov came down, AND HOMICIDE HIT A SUPER BELLY-TO-BELLY!!! Both guys were down, and Homicide’s midsection was clearly killing him. He managed to get up, and he called for the Frog Splash. He went to the top rope, but then he GOT A LOOK IN HIS EYE~! He climbed to the TOP OF THE CAGE! He looked down at Koslov, flicked him off, laughed, and then climbed out of the cage to win it.
Winner via escape: Homicide (18:55)

Homicide celebrated out on the floor and shouted into the camera that he was coming for the X-Division title.

Backstage, Chris Daniels told Ravarian to continue off of his momentum, and bring the TNA tag titles into the Enlightened.

Foley came up to Tomko frantically and asked where the hell AJ was. Tomko looked worried, but said he’d be here…but he didn’t sound sure about himself.

Match 5: America’s Most Wanted[c] vs Ravarian – Six Sides of Steel [TNA Tag Team Championships]
This turned into a brawl right away, and it was AMW who used their power to toss the smaller guys around. Ravarian saw pockets of offense by using cheap tactics, but it wasn’t enough to slow down the champions for any extended periods. Elix Skipper finally ran down and tried to slide a kendo stick to Rave, but Storm intercepted it and went insane with it on Rave! He didn’t let up until Kaz came over and started choking him out from behind! Storm finally shook him off, and Harris came over and they bounced Kaz back and forth with big punches! They grabbed him and then worked together to throw him full-speed the cage door, AND THE DOOR FLEW OPEN FROM THE IMPACT AND KAZ CRASHED TO THE OUTSIDE! Rave stumbled to his feet on the inside, and he walked right into the Death Sentence! ONE … TWO … THRE – ELIX SKIPPER BROKE IT UP! NO! With the door to the cage open, Skipper had free reign to get involved, but Jackie Moore came down and punched Skipper in the balls! Yeah! Daffney ran down too though, and she tackled Jackie, and they brawled around! CAT FIGHT! Storm pulled Rave back up and tried the Eye of the Storm, but Kaz was back in and he pulled Rave down, AND HE HIT STORM WITH THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE! Rave held Harris in the corner while Kaz covered! ONE … TWO … THRE – Harris JUST broke it up! Rave grabbed him from behind and tried a Reverse DDT, but Harris powered out and countered into a half nelson slam! He turned around, but he was met with a jumping DDT from Kaz! ONE … TWO … THRE – He got an arm up! Kaz pulled him up, but Harris shoved him backwards right into a Back Cracker from James Storm! ONE … TWO … THRE – Kaz kicked out! They picked him up and tried the Death Sentence, but Rave was up and he scaled the top rope and took Harris off the top with a hurricanrana! He charged at Storm, but Storm caught him mid-air, and then tossed him forward through the open door and onto Skipper on the outside! In the ring, Kaz got up and scouted Storm for something, but Harris came out of nowhere and leveled him with a flying shoulder block! Skipper and Rave were both on the apron climbing back through the door, BUT HARRIS RAN ACROSS AND TACKLED THEM BOTH OUT WITH A DOUBLE SPEAR!!!!! With those three down on the outside, Storm turned back to Kaz and tried the Eye of the Storm, but Kaz spun through! He ran off the ropes and came off with a springboard crossbody, but Storm caught him and transitioned it midair into the Eye of the Storm! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall and still TNA Tag Team Champions: America’s Most Wanted (12:33)

AMW and Jackie Moore celebrated up the ramp with the TNA Tag Team Championships.

Planet Jarrett was standing around when Jimmy Jacobs walked up. Shelley asked him what Sabin said, and Jacobs said that, uh, Sabin wouldn’t tell him anything. Jarrett said it didn’t matter, and he told Jacobs to scram while the real stars get ready for real business.

Team Foley was standing around getting ready for their match, and AJ Styles walked up. They were all kind of pissed, and he said sorry, he lost track of time. They were all speechless as he left to change into his gear.

In the back, London was with Kendrick, who was being tended to by a medic in the back. London held up Kendrick’s bloody face into the camera and shouted that THIS was passion for the sport. He issued a warning to AMW that they were coming for the tag team titles, and there was no ass-kicking brutal enough to stop them.

A huuuge video package played going over the history of the Lethal Lockdown match, the rules to the match, and then the story of how each man came to be in this match.

Commentary reiterated the rules that the first two members go at it for fives minutes, and then from then on another person enters every two minutes. They also mentioned that Planet Jarrett has the advantage due to Jarrett beating Tomko by CO on Thursday, so one of their guys will be the first one out, and they will have a one-man advantage on Team Foley for two minutes every two minutes. And the ONLY way to win is to pin somebody on the other team or make them tap out.

They then went over the HUGE implications of this match. If Team Foley wins, Samoa Joe, Mick Foley, and Chris Sabin all get back full-time contracts, Chad Collyer gets an X-Division title match, and Tyson Tomko gets a world title match. If Team Jarrett wins, Dixie Carter is gone, and Jarrett takes full control of TNA.

Match 6: Samoa Joe/AJ Styles/Sabin/Tomko/Collyer vs Jarrett/Angle/Roode/Monty/Shelley – Lethal Lockdown
Apparently Angle told his team that he didn’t trust any of them to start the match, so he decided to be the first one out for his team. Who from Team Foley demanded above anybody else to start one-on-one with Kurt Angle? CHAD COLLYER. They went at it on the mat for a while, and Angle generally was just better than him, but he started to get cocky and it led to some really nice takedowns from Collyer. Angle started to get frustrated and he started throwing punches, but Collyer dodged them all and kept taking Angle to the mat making him even more frustrated. Angle finally broke free and decided to just go for the Olympic Slam, but Collyer floated out of it and he nailed a bell-to-belly! Angle stumbled up, and Collyer hit a snap suplex! Angle was up again, but he walked right into a big exploder suplex! This time Collyer pulled Angle up and he hit his Bridging German! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! ANGLE KICKED OUT AT 2.9! WOW! They both got up, and Collyer was more concerned about the fact that he almost just pinned Kurt Angle and won the entire match, so Angle killed him with big right hands and then picked him up and drove him over and over into the steel cage! After about the fifth time, he was busted open, so Angle took him to the mat and drove his elbow into his forehead to drive the cut open more and more.
Next participant, for Planet Jarrett: Robert Roode (5:00)
Roode strolled down cheering for Kurt Angle, and when he got in he joined Angle in raping Chad Collyer. They both took turns driving him into the cage, and then one would hold him still while the other pounded him with big punches. Roode asked for the honors, and Angle granted it, so Roode went for the Roode Awakening, BUT COLLYER PULLED IT INTO A BACKSLIDE! ONE … TWO … THR – Angle pulled it apart! He smacked Collyer in the face and tried an Olympic Slam, BUT COLLYER COMPACTED IT INTO AN INSIDE CRADLE! ONE … TWO … THRE – Roode broke it up! Angle pulled Collyer up and dropped him with a belly-to-back suplex, and then he locked in the ankle lock! A bloody Collyer struggled for a while, but he held on until …
Next participant, for Team Foley: Tyson Tomko (7:00)
He sprinted down, and Angle and Roode tried to meet him with punches, but he powered them away and then leveled them both with a double lariat! He managed to pinball them around and ignored any numbers advantage they had, and he nailed Roode with TEH BEWT~! He shouted out for the fans, but then he turned around into some big European Uppercuts from the world champion. He went for a belly-to-belly, but Tomko shoved him off and came off the ropes with his Falling Lariat! Collyer was up by now, and he helped Tomko contain the heels, but Collyer’s weak-state made it hard for the faces to gain an advantage. Angle finally managed to take Tomko down with a German Suplex, and then he and Roode tried to tie him up in the ropes, but he broke free and took them both out with big blows! He avalanched them in the corner, and then followed up with a big shoulderblock to them both.
Next participant, for Planet Jarrett: Monty Brown (9:00)
Tomko stopped what he was doing and glanced down the ramp to Monty, who mouthed off to Tomko as he ran down. Tomko allowed him to get in, and they got in each other’s faces! THE TWO BIG MEN COLLIDED! They mouthed off for a bit, AND MONTY THREW A PUNCH! TOMKO THREW ONE BACK! MONTY AND TOMKO! They traded big punches for a while in the middle of the ring until Tomko switched to elbows and he pushed Monty back into the ropes! He threw to the other side and tried to catch him, but Monty exploded with a big lariat. Angle pounced on Tomko, but in the corner, Collyer was fighting off Roode, and he hit him with a big Gargoyle Suplex! He ran over to help Tomko, and eventually they started to do a good job in fighting off the heels.
Next participant, for Team Foley: AJ Styles (11:00)
AJ took his time coming down to the ring, possibly because he was still putting tape on his wrists. He leaned down to tie his boot before entering the ring, and by then the tide had turned on Tomko and Collyer. Styles got in and just sort of punched at Angle and Roode some, but he specifically avoided confrontation with Monty Brown. Styles focused on Angle in the corner, which allowed Tomko and Collyer to hit some power moves on Roode, and then double-team Monty. They dropped him with a double DDT, and then Tomko grabbed Roode. He called for AJ to do the Tornado-Plex to Roode like they did as tag team champions, and Styles thought about it, but instead he just grabbed Roode from Tomko and hit him with the Styles Clash! ONE … TWO … THRE – Angle broke it up! Angle laid into AJ on the mat, and Tomko hesitated, but he finally pulled him off.
Next participant, for Planet Jarrett: Alex Shelley (13:00)
Shelley ran down and spread his offense around to all of Team Foley, and when he got to AJ, he shouted something about being the Ace of TNA, and he slapped AJ in the mouth! For the first time of the match, AJ’s eyes lit up and he went bezerk on Shelley with big elbows, and then his discus clothesline! Roode came over, but Styles hit him with a discus clothesline too! He ran over to pull Angle off of Collyer, and he hit him with the Rack Bomb! ONE … TWO … THRE – Monty pulled AJ off! But AJ got in his face! Brown tried a big standing lariat, but AJ ducked it and came off the ropes with his Phenomenal DDT! ONE … TWO … THRE – Monty kicked out! Styles got up and turned around, right into the Shellshock! Shelley looked around, and only Collyer was also on his feet, so he ran over and grabbed him from behind and hit him with the Shellshock too! Instead of covering, he looked around at all the downed bodies and shouted, “I’M KING OF THE WORLD!”
Next participant, for Team Foley: Chris Sabin (15:00)
Oh shit. Shelley’s eyes bugged as he watched Sabin sprint full-speed down to the ring. He tried to stop him, but Sabin slid right in and tackled Shelley to the ground! He pulverized him with big punches, and then started to choke the life out of him with his bare hands! He went back to the punches, and then pulled Shelley up and drove his head into the cage, and again, and again! And again! AND AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AHHH!! He tossed a now-bloody Shelley to the matt, and rolled him against the cage. He signaled that he was going to dropkick Shelley’s head against the cage, so he ran against the ropes, but when he came back, HE GOT HIT WITH THE POUNCEEEEEEE …………… PERIOD! ONE … TWO … THRE – Collyer broke it up! He grabbed the monster and tried his Bridging German, but Monty powered him away and nailed the Alpha Bomb! ONE … TWO … THRE – Tomko pulled him off! This time, Tomko wasted no time, and he immediately came off the ropes and took Monty to the ground with a falling lariat!
Next participant, and final member of Planet Jarrett: TNA Founder Jeff Jarrett! (17:00)
Double J ran down with his acoustic guitar, but right when he got in, Styles blindsided him with a crossbody! He laid into Jarrett, and then Tomko came over and joined in. Sabin and Collyer stopped what they were doing, and all of Team Foley started to bat around the TNA Founder! After a little, Shelley snuck up and kicked Sabin right between the balls! Everybody turned to look at Shelley, and that allowed Monty, Roode, and Angle to come back and jump the faces. Jarrett finally got up too and joined in on the beat down, until…
Next participant, and final member of Team Foley: SAMOA JOE!!! (19:00)
SAMOA JOE RAN DOWN AND THE CROWD WENT NUTS. Lariat to Jarrett! Running headbutt to Roode! Snap powerslam to Monty! Running elbow to Shelley! Angle looked scared shitless, and he tried to climb up the cage, but the roof was lowering down, and he was trapped! Joe grabbed his tights and pulled him all the way down to the mat! Joe’s teammates started to come back and turn the tide, and all that jazz. Things hit a five-on-five stalemate for a bit, but Joe was still running shit. He pulled Angle up for the Muscle Buster, but Shelley came behind Joe and tried the Shellshock, but Joe shoved him off RIGHT INTO SABIN’S CRADLE SHOCK! Joe picked Angle back up for the Muscle, BUT JARRETT BASHED JOE OVER THE HEAD WITH HIS GUITAR! ONE … TWO … THRE – Joe kicked out! Jarrett immediately jumped on him and put in a sleeper hold, but Styles springboarded into the ring with his flying 450 Splash to Double J! ONE … TWO … THRE – Roode broke it up! He tried to hit the Payoff, but Styles turned it into an inside cradle! ONE … TWO … THR – Roode got out! Styles got up and Roode tried the Northern Lariat, but AJ ducked and hit the Pele, sending Roode right back into a Bridging German from Chad Collyer! ONE … TWO … THRE – Roode kicked out! Shelley came over to help Roode, but Sabin was there right after and started laying into Shelley again! Shelley fought back and the two traded chops, elbows, and kicks. Sabin tried to go for a flying elbow smash, but Shelley moved, and Sabin’s elbow hit the cage! Shelley started kicking the shit out of Sabin’s elbow, and then he used toe steel cage to bend the arm the opposite way of the elbow! Shelley pulled him out and dropped him with a DDT, and then locked in the Border City Stretch! The rest of Planet Jarrett kept cutting off everybody from Team Foley, and then they stood guard around the submission hold! Sabin struggled, and he finally broke free, but SHELLEY PUT IT RIGHT BACK IN! Sabin looked to be about to tap, BUT AJ STYLES SPRINGBOARDED OVER ROBERT ROODE AND BROKE IT UP WITH A SPLASH! Shit broke down and everybody got involved and started beating the shit out of each other, using the cage at their disposal. Styles and Tomko started hitting double team moves on Monty, and then they worked together to hit him with the Tornado-Plex! Yeah! They high-fived! Yeah! But Roode ran over and leveled Tomko with a Northern Lariat! Styles grabbed him, but Jarrett snuck up and hit Styles with The Stroke! ONE … TWO … THRE – Collyer pulled him off! He tried for a German Suplex, but Angle came over and pulled Collyer away. He went for the Olympic Slam, but Collyer rolled through AND HIT ANGLE WITH AN OLYMPIC SLAM OF HIS OWN! Collyer got up, and Shelley hit him with the Shellshock! He stood up, but Sabin nailed a big superkick! ONE … TWO … THRE – Shelley kicked out! Sabin picked Shelley up for the Cradle Shock, but Roode grabbed him from behind and hit the Roode Awakening! He turned around, AND WAS KILLED BY TEH BEWT~! AND A BEWT FOR SHELLEY~! Jarrett snuck up and kicked Tomko in the balls, then hit The Stroke! ONE … TWO … THRE – TOMKO KICKED OUT! Jarrett was irate and he thrashed about … right into Samoa Joe! JOE GRABBED JARETT BY THE NECK! He smacked the shit out of him, and tossed him into Tomko, who picked him up and hit the Argentine Neckbreaker! Joe laughed like a maniac, and then tossed Jarrett to the side, and pulled Angle to the middle of the ring and LOCKED IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH!!! HE HAD THE WORLD CHAMPION IN THE CENTER OF THE RING! ANGLE WRITHED ABOUT! Tomko stood guard to cut anybody off from breaking it up, but everybody else was pretty much dead! Angle had no choice! KURT ANGLE TAPPED OUT!!
Winners via submission: Samoa Joe/AJ Styles/Sabin/Tomko/Collyer (35:52)

The cage rose, and after a while Samoa Joe let go of Kurt Angle. The rest of Team Foley joined him in the ring, and then Mick Foley himself came down as well. Foley, Tomko, Sabin, and Collyer lifted Joe in the ring and paraded him around, and most everything was just grand.



Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
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TNA iMPACT: Free Ride
Orlando, Florida
April 22, 2010

Commentary welcomed everybody to the show and recapped what happened at Lockdown on Sunday. They announced some tag team matches to determine the new #1 contenders to the belts, the three newest full-time employees of TNA—Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin, and Mick Foley—in action, and a main event of Styles/Tomko vs Roode/Shelley.

They then shifted to the opening match, and said that Low Ki requested it off the heels of Koslov screwing him over in the X-Scape match on Sunday.

Match 1: Low Ki vs Alex Viktor Koslov w/ The Axis Powers
Koslov requested a lockup, but Low Ki kicked him in the face. He bumped him around the ring for a while, but the Powers started to get involved, and AVK used the distractions to make mount an offense. He hit a nice snap neckbreaker out the corner, and so followed up with mostly neck work. Ki came back with some elbows, but Kiyoshi grabbed his leg on the outside, and Ki stumbled into a swinging neckbreaker. But the ref saw the move, and he sent The Powers to the back! Koslov ran over to argue with the ref, which allowed Low Ki to pounce with a high-impact front dropkick, sending Koslov out of the ring! He rolled to his feet on the floor, but Ki ran over and took him out with a corkscrew plancha!

--Commercial Break--

They continued to fight around the ring until Koslov hit Low Ki with a reverse DDT on the floor, and then rolled him in, ONE … TWO … THR – Low Ki kicked out! Koslov kept on the neck, but Low Ki hit a dropkick off the ropes out of nowhere. He went for a quick DDT, but Koslov shoved him off and then tackled him into the corner. He backed up and then charged, but Low Ki moved and then used the ropes to put Koslov into the Bite of the Dragon, using his full five count. Koslov stumbled up and Low Ki hit a springboard roundhouse! ONE … TWO … THRE – Koslov kicked out! Low Ki turned him over and tried to put in the Dragon Clutch, but Koslov crawled over to the ropes to stop it. Low Ki pulled him up and tried the Ki Krusher, but Koslov floated over. He turned Ki around and tried the Red Scare, but Ki floated over that. He tried a Tiger Suplex, but Koslov elbowed out, and then got Low Ki with a Dragon Suplex! ONE … TWO … THRE – He kicked out! Koslov pulled him up and tried a piledriver, but Low Ki shoved him away and exploded a big roundhouse! He picked Koslov up for the Ki Krusher, but Koslov landed behind him and grabbed a roll-up with a handful of tights and the ropes for leverage! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Alex Viktor Koslov (11:40)

Low Ki couldn’t believe it! Koslov celebrated like crazy, but Low Ki attacked him! The Powers ran down to his aid and beat him down, but Homicide ran down and cleared them out! He helped Ki to his feet, and Koslov just laughed as he and his stable returned up the ramp.

--Commercial Break--

Jeff Jarrett came out and told the audience to ignore what happened at Lockdown. He said that, yeah, Joe, Foley, and Sabin are back, and there are some new number one contenders, but he’s still in charge. Oh, and he’s booking tonight’s main event: Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle … and Kevin Nash, the James Gang, and Sean Waltman—in a handicap match. Dixie Carter came out laughing and told Jarrett that it doesn’t work like that. She said that nobody backstage in TNA takes him seriously anymore, except for MAYBE his lackeys. She informs him that his booking abilities are hereby stripped, and so his position of authority is all but null and void. Jarrett was IRATE in the ring, and Dixie started to leave, but stopped, and told Jarrett to “have a nice day.â€

A pre-taped Chad Collyer interview played, and Chad announced that he was going to receive his X-Division Title shot next week against Alex Shelley, but this week Dixie said that he had earned the night off after sustaining minor injuries at Lockdown.

--Commercial Break--

Commentary announced that the winner of this match would face the winner of The Hooliganz vs RVD/Sabu later tonight, and that match would take place next week, with the winner of that facing America’s Most Wanted at Sacrifice for the TNA Tag Team Champions.

Match 2: Ravarian w/ Elix Skipper vs 2 Crazy Negroes w/ Booker T
Formulaic back-and-forth match here, except that Ravarian were even more aggressive than usual, which Cornette attributed to their frustration of not winning the belts last night. After a few minutes, Creed got sucked into interference from Kaz on the apron, and he fell into a big Pumphandle slam from Rave. The heels worked him over in their corner and managed to cut off most of his comebacks pretty easily. At one point, Creed ducked under a double clothesline and came off the ropes with a double crossbody! He crawled over to his corner, but Skipper jumped on the apron and the referee didn’t see the tag! Kaz dragged Creed made to their corner and clapped his hands to convince the ref he was the legal man. Skipper got down off the apron, BUT BOOKER T RAN OVER AND ATTACKED HIM! They brawled on the outside, and Kaz looked over, letting Creed grab a backslide! ONE … TWO … THRE – Kaz got out! They both up, and Creed exploded with a hurricanrana, AND THEN HE MADE THE HOT TAG! Lethal immediately went up top and took Kaz out with a flying sledge! ONE … TWO … THRE – Rave broke it up! He pulled Lethal up, but Creed ran over and pulled Rave the outside! Back in the ring, Lethal turned around and Kaz tried the Wave of the Future, but Lethal spun out and hit the Lethal Consequences! He climbed up top and nailed the Lethal Elbow! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: 2 Crazy Negroes (7:24)

The 3 Crazy Negroes celebrated up the ramp.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Samoa Joe/Chris Sabin/Mick Foley vs Kenny King/TJ Perkins/Lance Hoyt
Not really even a contest. Kenny King was cocky at the start, but even he got worked over. Every guy got to run through his offense, and then Sabin pinned TJ Perkins after the Cradle Shock.
Winners via pinfall: Samoa Joe/Chris Sabin/Mick Foley (3:52)

Joe, Sabin, and Foley celebrated in the ring. After a bit, Samoa Joe grabbed a microphone, and he called out Tyson Tomko! He came out, and Joe said that, with all due respect to the stipulation set in place for the Lethal Lockdown match, he felt it was necessary to point out that it was him who made Angle tap out to win the match, so if it weren’t for him, Tomko wouldn’t be #1 contender to the TNA title. Tomko asked where he was going, and Joe said that if Tomko wants to be TNA Champion, he needs to have more under his belt than being propelled into a title match and MAYBE getting lucky and beating Angle. Tomko started to get riled up, and Joe said it was simple—put his #1 contendership on the line next week. Tomko thought about it and told Joe that it’s been a while that he’s been gone, so he didn’t expect him to know that there’s a new big man on campus, and his name is Tyson Tomko. He agreed to put up his #1 contender spot, and he and Joe shook on it.

AJ Styles was watching backstage, and he said aloud that all these stipulations being passed around are just awesome.

--Commercial Break--

Jimmy Jacobs congratulated Chris Sabin on the six-man tag earlier, and he brought up the idea of them tagging together in the future. Sabin excused himself, but said that he has trust issues right now.

Winner of this match gets the 2 Crazy Negroes, so yeah.

Match 4: The Hooliganz vs Rob Van Dam/Sabu
This started out as a sprint, but Sabu started to fall behind with the fast pace, so he just started punching people. Kendrick got isolated after a big roundhouse from RVD that knocked him loose, and Tenay mentioned how Kendrick was in bad shape after Sunday’s cage match. Sabu was especially brutal and kept pounding Kendrick’s face into the turnbuckle, but Kendrick fought back with reverse elbows, and then he hit a Tornado DDT from the corner! Sabu and Kendrick both crawled to their corners, and they both made the tag! RVD and London traded arm drags and dropkicks, but when RVD tried a backslide, London flipped over it and hit a hurricanrana! ONE … TWO … THR – Van Dam got an arm up! London pulled him up and tried the Waffle Face, but RVD countered into a Victory Roll! ONE … TWO … THR – London kicked out! They both got up and RVD tried a roundhouse, but London ducked and tried a dropsault, but RVD moved and came off the ropes with a Rolling Thunder, but London got the knees up! RVD held his back as he got up, and London hit a big heel kick! ONE … TWO … THR – RVD kicked out! London stood right up and hit a standing Shooting Star Press! ONE … TWO … THR – Sabu pulled him off! London elbowed at Sabu, but Sabu shoved him off and then NAILED him with a closed right hand, and he stumbled back into a mafia kick! ONE … TWO … THR – Kendrick broke it up! Sabu and Kendrick went at it now, as RVD and London both got up. Van Dam grabbed him and tried a Steamroller Slam, but midway through London countered into a crucifix pin! ONE … TWO … THR – RVD just out! He tagged in Sabu, who told RVD to go cut off Kendrick. He did, and then Sabu tried to put London in the Camel Clutch, but London countered into a Gedo Clutch! ONE … TWO … THR – Sabu got out! London went for a hurricanrana, but Sabu countered into a powerbomb! ONE … TWO … THR – London kicked out! Sabu went up top for his a moonsault, but London moved! London climbed up top, where RVD cut him off, but Kendrick ran over and pushed RVD to the outside! Kendrick held Sabu down on the mat as London reared up and hit his Shooting Star Press! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: The Hooliganz (7:53)

London and Kendrick celebrated to the back. Post-match, Van Dam called out Chris Daniels for being a little bitch and using the steel chair on Sunday. He called Daniels down, but nobody came out.

--Commercial Break--

RVD was walking backstage and Daniels blindsided him! The rest of the Enlightened ran over and helped beat him down, and Daniels grabbed a steel chair and started beating RVD with it! He started laughing in RVD’s face and shouting that he thought RVD’s was hardcore! HA! HA! NOT SO HARDCORE NOW! HA! YOU SAID YOU WERE HARDCORE! HA! Guess not. Dickhead.

Match 5: Team Canada vs No Limit
No Limit controlled the pace at the start, but the more experience EY shut them down by keeping them grounded. He and Dux worked over Yujiro on their side, and he made a brief comeback after some stuff chops to Dux and then a running facebuster, but he only got the two. He tried to make the tag, but Dux pulled him back and nailed a big half nelson backbreaker, then tagged in EY who immediately locked in the Sharpshooter to make the young Jap submit.
Winners via submission: Eric Young and Tyson Dux, Team Canada (3:56)

Young and got on the stick and say it was BS that their tag team match wasn’t for this little tag team title tournament. They blamed it on how unfair America is, and they began to talk shit about America in general. Eventually AMW came down and told them to shove it, and then Dux cheapshotted Storm! Both teams traded blows until the tag team champions drove them from the ring.

Backstage, Homicide calls out to Alex Shelley and tells him to always be ready for ‘Cide to cash-in his X-Title opportunity. Just then, The Axis Powers ran up and laid him out, then ran off!

--Commercial Break--

Footage from Lockdown played of Hernandez winning, but then being attacked by Rhino after the match.

Match 6: Sean Hernandez vs Todd Blayton
Hernandez was not in a good mood. Cracker Jack. Lariat. Border Toss. Done.
Winner via pinfall: Sean Hernandez (26-0) (0:38)

Hernandez started to leave the ring, but he turned right into a big Gore! Rhino spat on him, then returned to the back.

Styles and Tomko were getting ready for their match, and Tomko asked Styles if something was bothering him. He said no, so Tomko said okay, whatever. He started to walk off, but Styles said that, no, something WAS wrong. He said it’s bull hokey that he’s spent the last SEVENTEEN MONTHS fighting BS politics in this god forsaken company, yet somehow he’s found himself on the side of Dixie Carter, who is just as willing to give out favors to guys like Foley and Sabin and Collyer and Joe and, and, and, and … you. He stormed off toward the ring in a hurry. Tomko was blown back, but then just scoffed and did his trademark eye roll and head shake, and the he followed AJ out to the arena.

--Commercial Break--

Before the match, commentary plugged Raisha Saeed vs Awesome Kong for the Knockouts Title this week on Xplosion!

Shelley’s head was still bandaged from when Sabin shredded his skin on the cage on Sunday, so yeah.

Match 7: AJ Styles/Tyson Tomko vs Alex Shelley/Robert Roode
Styles wanted to do everything by himself at the start, and Shelley welcomed the challenge. They sparred on the mat but it reached a stalemate, so Shelley went to the eyes. He tried to followed up with a big right hand, but Styles ducked and then HE went to the eyes. He followed up with some elbows of his own, and then planted him with a body slam, then tagged out to Tomko. He was slow to get in, so he was met by Robert Roode with a flurry of punches, but Tomko shoved him off and then caught him off the ropes with a sidewalk slam! ONE … TWO … TH – Roode got an arm up. Tomko tossed Roode around some, and then Styles demanded to get in. He immediately tried for the Styles Clash, but Roode body dropped him away, and then worked with Shelley to isolate him in the corner. Shelley got really cocky, but Roode was always there for a distraction to stop any comeback that Styles made. Shelley finally tried to lock in the Border City Stretch, but Styles rolled away and then caught Shelley with a kip-up hurricanrana! He crawled over and made the hot tag! Tomko cleaned house with big punches and then some lariats, and Shelley finally just tagged out to Roode. Tomko pulled him in and tried the Argentine Neckbreaker, but Roode gouged at the eyes to break free. He tried the Roode Awakening from behind, but Tomko elbowed him away and then hit a big chokeslam! He signaled for TEH BEWT~, but Kurt Angle ran down! He distracted Tomko and the ref, and Alex Shelley snuck into the ring with a steel chair! He wait for Tomko to turn around, BUT CHRIS SABIN RAN DOWN AND TACKLED SHELLEY TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING! Kurt Angle tried to climb into the ring, but Tomko tackled him out and then chased him up the ramp! Styles got in the ring and shouted for Tomko to come back, but Roode snuck in and nailed Styles with the Northern Lariat! He called for the ref, who was completely confused at who was the legal man, and then he picked Styles up and hit the Payoff! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Robert Roode/Alex Shelley (9:49)

Roode got up and celebrated like he just won the World Series. Shelley and Sabin kept brawling down on the floor, and Tomko realized he lost so he turned away from Angle and ran back down to the ring. Roode kept celebrating to the back, and Tomko tried to help AJ up in the ring, but Styles shoved him away! He stormed to the back, and Tomko was left confused in the ring.

As he was looking up after AJ, he missed Angle sneak into the ring! Tomko finally turned around, and Angle ran and smashed him in the face with the TNA Championship! Joe ran down to the ring and chased Angle out, and Joe helped Tomko up in the ring. They stared up the ramp at Angle, who held up his title to close out the show.

Xplosion Results (4/24)
Daffney over Christy Hemme
Kenny King over Ricky Steamboat, Jr w/ Sean Morley
The Bankrupt Brothers over Los Infernales
Sean Hernandez (27-0) over El Dragon
Sonjay Dutt w/ Bashir over Roderick Strong
Awesome Kong over Raisha Saeed[c] to win the Knockouts Championship!!

TNA Sacrifice

TNA World Championship
Kurt Angle vs Tyson Tomko OR Samoa Joe​


Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
TNA iMPACT: Colossal Collision
Orlando, Florida
April 29, 2010

Commentary welcomed us to the show and ran down tonight’s big card of 2 Crazy Negroes vs The Hooliganz in a #1 contender’s match, Alex Shelley vs Chad Collyer for the X-Division title, Tyson Tomko vs Samoa Joe with a TNA title match at Sacrifice on the line, and, of course, more! But first, we’re starting with the X-Title match omg!

Match 1: Alex Shelley[c] w/ Jimmy Jacobs vs Chad Collyer [X-Division Championship]
They went to the mat at first and Shelley tried to use technical holds, but Collyer kept wrestling him away and getting out of stuff. This struggle went on for a while and upped in intensity, but Collyer consistently came out ahead. Finally Shelley rolled to the outside, but Collyer followed him! They played cat-and-mouse until Jacobs stepped in front of Collyer, so Collyer laid him out with a clothesline! He turned around, and Shelley leveled him with a dropkick into the barricade! Jacobs got up, but the ref sent him to the back! Shelley argued with the ref, which allows Collyer to hit a belly-to-back suplex on the outside! He rolled him in and covered! ONE … TWO … TH – Shelley got a foot on the rope. Collyer tried to pull him up, but he went to the eyes and escaped the ring again. Collyer went to follow him, but this time Shelley saw it coming so he hit a big enzuigiri while Collyer was halfway out of the ring. He fell out to the apron, so Shelley got up there and planted him with a DDT onto it! He rolled Collyer back in and covered! ONE … TWO … THRE – Collyer slid his foot under the rope! Shelley got up and looked pissed as it went to the first commercial break.

--Commercial Break--

Back in the ring Shelley had some good success controlling Collyer by using the ropes to work over the neck and arm. He finally tossed him to the middle and tried to put in the Border City Stretch, but Collyer rolled away, grabbed Shelley on the mat and hit him with a Karelin Lift! Both guys got to their feet, and Collyer immediately nailed an Exploder Suplex! ONE … TWO … THRE – Shelley kicked out! The champion tried to roll away, but Collyer grabbed him from behind and hit a Saito Suplex, holding the bridge! ONE … TWO … THR – Collyer lost the bridge and had to let go, then got up holding his neck. He pulled Shelley up, but he exploded with an enzuigiri and then chopped him into the corner. He set him up top and climbed up, but Collyer punched him away and then shoved him off! Shelley got up and Collyer leapt off, but Shelley countered with a single knee facebreaker in midair! ONE … TWO … THRE – Collyer kicked out! Shelley rolled Collyer over and wrestled with him on the mat. He hit some big elbows to the back of his beck, and then managed to put him into the Border City Stretch! Collyer struggled for a while, and finally made it to the ropes! Shelley picked him up and went for the Shellshock, but Collyer shoved him into the ropes, and caught him coming back with a belly-to-belly! ONE … TWO – Shelley kicked out! They both staggered to their feet, and Collyer hit another belly-to-belly, this time with a float over pin attempt! ONE … TWO … THR – Shelley kicked out! He went to sit up, but Collyer pulled him back down and hooked the legs! ONE … TWO … THRE – Shelley kicked out! Collyer did it again! ONE … TWO … THRE – He kicked out again! Collyer did it once more! ONE ... TWO … THRE – Shelley kicked out and rolled away! He used the ropes to get up, but Collyer grabbed him from behind and HE HIT THE BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX! ONE! … TWO! … THRE – NO! SHELLEY KICKED OUT! All the suplexes really took a toll on Collyer’s neck, so he held at it, but he was obviously still the first one to his feet. He looked really frustrated, but then picked Shelley up and tried another German Suplex, but Shelley was up against the ropes and he held on. Collyer tried to peel him off, but Shelley kicked backwards with an undetected low blow! Collyer doubled over, and Shelley leapt over and got him with a sunset flip! ONE … TWO … THRE – Collyer JUST kicked out! Shelley pulled Collyer’s arm back for the Border City Stretch, but Collyer rolled away and stood up, but his back was to Shelley, so Shelley nailed him with the Shellshock! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall and still TNA X-Division Champion: Alex Shelley (14:28)

Alex Shelley laid on the mat for a while after his long battle, but then finally got up and took his title belt from the referee. He rolled out of the ring and celebrated up the ramp with his belt. When he got to the top of the stage, Chris Sabin ran out and attacked! He beat him down to the ring, then rolled him in and nailed the Cradle Shock! He held up the X-Division Title and then laid it across Shelley’s chest. He started to head to the back…

BUT HOMICIDE CAME OUT!! He demanded that the referee stay in the ring, and then he hit the 187 on Alex Shelley, and the crowd was going nuts! Collyer and Sabin looked kind of irked as Homicide demanded that the ref start the match, but before he could, The Axis Powers ran down and leveled Homicide from behind! They beat him down, but Low Ki ran down for the save! All the X-guys went at it, until Dixie came out and sent them all to the back except for Homicide and Brutus Magnus, who would have a match NEXT!

--Commercial Break--

Footage of the cluster of a segment that went down before the break played, leading to the following match.

Match 2: Homicide vs Brutus Magnus
Homicide was piiiiiissed, and so he beat the crap out of Magnus around the ring. The Modern Day Gladiator rolled out of the ring, but Homicide hit him with a tope suicida right away! He knocked him around the outside, and then rolled him in. Homicide went to the top and went for a Frog Splash immediately, but Magnus moved! He hopped on Homicide put him into an abdominal stretch on the mat and dug his elbow into his ribs. Homicide finally made it to the ropes, but Magnus kept working over his midsection. ‘Cide fought back with big elbows and punches and then came off the ropes and tried a hurricanrana, but Homicide turned it into a powerbomb, keeping the prawn! ONE … Magnus pulled him back up and nailed a second consecutive powerbomb! ONE … TWO … THR – Homicide kicked out! Magnus pulled him up and went for his Italian Stallion Kick (short-arm superkick), but Homicide ducked under it, ran off the ropes and hit the West Brooklyn Lariat out of nowhere! He went up top, but the rest of the Axis Powers ran down to ringside. Homicide kicked Kiyoshi and Schulz off the apron and turned back to the ring, but Magnus was up and he tossed Homicide down to the mat! All the Powers climbed onto the apron, BUT LOW KI RAN DOWN TO FIGHT THEM OFF YEAH! Homicide and Magnus got distracted, but Magnus shrugged it off and grabbed a roll up! ONE … TWO … THR – Homicide got out! They both got up, AND HOMICIDE HIT THE 187 OUT OF NOWHERE! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Homicide (6:04)

Low Ki kept fighting off Schulz and Kiyoshi on the outside, which allowed Koslov to sneak in and hit Homicide with his Dragon Suplex! Meanwhile, Sabin and Shelley were still throwing raw punches up the ramp as officials and Jimmy Jacobs tried to split them up. Back in the ring, The Axis Powers continued to stomp away at ‘Cide and Ki, and Kiyoshi finally hit them both with his Butterfly Crescent Kick, and the Powers celebrated to the back.

--Commercial Break--

Commentary announced some big X-Division matches that had been booked. Next week, we’d see Low Ki/Homicide/Sabin/Jacobs vs The Axis Powers! And at Sacrifice, we’d see an X-Division title match of … ALEX SHELLEY VS CHRIS SABIN!

Match 3: Sean Hernandez vs Dave Taylor
Taylor tried to stretch Hernandez out, but he never had much success due to being unable to take him to the mat. Hernandez finally got sick of it all and shoved Taylor into the corner, and then avalanched him there. Taylor staggered into the middle of the ring, right into a HUGE Lariat for the 1, 2, and 3.
Winner via pinfall: Sean Hernandez (28-0) (2:10)

As soon as Hernandez got up, he turned around right into a GORE! GORE! GORE! Rhino kicked at his ribs some, and then returned to the back.

Lauren asked Chris Sabin about his thoughts on facing Shelley for the strap at Sacrifice, and he said that he would love for nothing more than to beat the shit out of Shelley like he did at Lockdown, and take away his X-Division title at the same time.

Kurt Angle was backstage with Kevin Nash, and they talk about Joe vs Tomko later tonight, and how they should approach it. Nash said he had an idea about how to make sure he didn’t have any title match at Sacrifice, and Angle told him to not even think about doing whatever he’s thinking, because it NEVER works. Angle then asked Nash where Jarrett was, and Nash said that he was throwing a hissy fit earlier, so he’s not sure.

--Commercial Break--

Clips of 2CN beating Ravarian and the Hooliganz beating RVD/Sabu played.

Match 4: The Hooliganz vs 2 Crazy Negroes w/ Booker T [#1 Contenders Match to Tag team Championships]
SPRIIINT. This was unashamedly a spotfest, but there was never a down moment. The end came when Kendrick went for the Sliced Bread #2, but Lethal shoved him off and hit the Lethal Combination! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! London broke it up! Creed rushed the ring, but London caught him with a powerbomb! Lethal got up and grabbed London from behind, but London exploded with a discus elbow! Lethal stumbled back into Kendrick, and The Hooliganz hit the Get Well Soon (Reverse STO/Jumping Enzuigiri combination)! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: The Hooliganz (5:56)

Ravarian kept beating away at 3CN, until the Hooliganz ran them off and helped the colored people to their feet. THIS IS POST-RACIAL AMERICA, PEOPLE.

AMW was watching backstage, when Team Canada ran up and attacked them! They shouted stuff about America, and I could have sworn that Dux said the words “★★★★★★†and “President†in the same breath.

--Commercial Break--

Jarrett was storming toward the exit with a box labeled “stuff,†shouting the cameraman that he was done, and cursing this company. Before he got there, he ran into Mick Foley! Mick informed him that, yeah, his run as a leader of the company was over, but he was still a contracted employee, thus he still had to go through with wrestling commitments that he was booked in. Jarrett asked what he meant, and Foley told him that he had a match at Sacrifice in Philadelphia, PA … AGAINST MICK FOLEY HIMSELF! Jarrett’s jaw dropped, and then his box of stuff did too, as Foley walked off whistling.

Backstage, Jimmy Jacobs asked Alex Shelley to be in his corner for his match up next. Shelley asked if he would be in his corner for his title match with Sabin at Sacrifice, and Jacobs told him that he wanted to be impartial between Shelley and Sabin, so he wouldn’t be in either corner. Shelley retorted that he wouldn’t want to be impartial between Jacobs and Rob Van Dam, so no, he wouldn’t stand in his corner.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, AJ Styles sarcastically wished Tomko good luck against Samoa Joe, but Tomko ignored him and left to get ready.

Match 5: Jimmy Jacobs vs Rob Van Dam w/ Sabu
Jacobs got RVD off-guard with his fiery punches and chops right off the top, but Van Dam finally shoved him off and caught him charging with a big roundhouse. He pinballed him around with some more kicks, then hit the Rolling Thunder! ONE … TWO … THR – Jacobs kicked out! RVD went up top and went for the split-legged moonsault, but Jacobs was up and attacked him up top. He pulled him down into a tree of woe position, and then nailed the Hesitation Dropkick! He pulled RVD into the middle of the ring and then went up top. He jumped off with his Diving Senton, but RVD moved! Jacobs stumbled up holding his back, and Van Dam caught him with a spinning wheel kick off the ropes! He climbed up top and he hit the FIVE! STAR! FROG SPLASH! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam (5:42)

RVD and Sabu celebrated in the ring, but The Enlightened ran down and attacked them! Ravarian held Sabu in the corner while Daniels and Skipper killed Van Dam with a steel chair while Daniels shouted, WHO’S HARDCORE NOW?!

Backstage, Styles also sarcastically wished Joe good luck, but Joe straight up told him to quit being a bitch, and he walked off. Styles was left alone, and Robert Roode walked up and asked him how it felt for HIM be the lackey? Styles got in his face, and Roode sarcastically wished him luck in being important, so Styles decked him across the face and walked off! Roode glared after him and said he’d regret that.

--Commercial Break--

Match 6: Samoa Joe vs Tyson Tomko [#1 Contenders Match to the TNA World Championship]
Commentary built this up as the fast rising big man versus the current standing big man, and the two played it up. There were lots of power-offs and stand-offs. Tomko started to show that he had an advantage in the power game, so Joe tried to increase the speed of the match. Tomko managed to keep Joe close to counteract that, but Joe surprised him with tons of quick chops, and then ran off the ropes and hit a big single leg running dropkick. Tomko stutter stepped, and Joe exploded with more chops, and then came off the ropes with a big lariat! Tomko went down to the knee, and Joe ran off the ropes again, but Tomko exploded with his falling lariat! He pulled Joe up and tried to life him to his shoulder, but Joe slid down and then dumped Tomko to the outside. Tomko stood up and turned around RIGHT INTO AN ELBOW SUICIDA!!!!

--Commercial Break--

Joe was wearing down Tomko’s neck in the ring, and he tried to put in the STF, but Tomko shoved him away. They both got up and Joe charged with an elbow, but Tomko ducked and then grabbed him from behind and hit a sidewalk slam! ONE … TWO … TH – Joe kicked out. Tomko started to work over Joe’s make, but Joe kept hitting at Tomko’s neck to get away. Joe tried a leg-feed enzuigiri, but Tomko ducked the kick and then countered by putting Joe into a Boston Crab! After a good struggle, Joe finally made it to the ropes. Tomko pulled him up and tried a powerbomb, but Joe shoved him away. He ran off the ropes, but Tomko caught him coming back and put him into an abdominal stretch. When Joe started to break away, Tomko turned it into a Pumphandle Slam! ONE … TWO … THRE – Joe kicked out! Tomko rolled away and measured Joe up, then went for TEH BEWT~, but Joe ducked and caught Tomko off the ropes with a Samoan Drop! ONE … TWO … THRE – Tomko kicked out! Joe tried to fight him into the Coquina Clutch, but Tomko elbowed him away and grabbed Joe for a two-handed chokeslam, but Joe smacked him away and hit an Exploder Suplex! ONE … TWO … THRE – Tomko kicked out! Joe pulled him up and berated him with chops into the corner, and then turned around and hit his jumping twisting enzuigiri! Tomko slumped down in the corner, so Joe pumped up the crowd, ran to the other side, and came back for the Ole Kick, BUT TOMKO DUCKED TO DODGE IT! Joe’s leg got stuck in the bottom rope, so Tomko ran off the ropes and hit a sliding elbow to dump Joe out of the ring! Tomko followed him out and knocked him around the outside barrier. The two brawled around the outside for control for a while until Joe hit him with a powerslam on the floor! Joe rolled him back in and went to follow, but he has hit by somebody jumped the barricade and hit Joe in the back as he was climbing in, and the ref didn’t see! Joe turned around to see what happened, AND HE SAW KEVIN NASH RUNNING TO THE BACK COME ON! Joe shouted at him, then turned around, RIGHT INTO TEH BEWT~! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Tyson Tomko (14:54)

Joe kicked out right after three, but it was too late! Tomko celebrated in the ring, but Joe got up and tried to tell him what happened. Tensions were high, but then Kurt Angle ran down to the ring! He tried to attack Tomko with his title belt, but Tomko ducked, and Angle walked into Joe! JOE EXPLODED WITH RIGHT HANDS! MUSCLE BUSTERRRR~!~! Joe got in Tomko’s face, then draped the TNA Title over Angle’s chest and went to the back. Tomko looked down at Angle, then picked up the title and held it up to close the show.

Xplosion Results (4/24)
The Bankrupt Brothers of The Young Bucks
Sean Hernandez (29-0) over Roderick Strong
Jihad over No Limit
Awesome Kong/Roxxi Laveaux over Raisha Saeed/Tara
Robert Roode over Ricky Steamboat Jr w/ Sean Morley

Sacrifice – May 16, 2010

TNA World Championship
Kurt Angle[c] vs Tyson Tomko

X-Division Championship [Special Guest Ref: Jimmy Jacobs]
Alex Shelley[c] vs Chris Sabin

TNA Tag Team Championships
America’s Most Wanted[c] vs The Hooliganz

Hardcore Grudge Match
Christopher Daniels vs Rob Van Dam

Mick Foley vs Jeff Jarrett

Rhino vs Sean Hernandez​


Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
May 6, 2010

Commentary welcomed us to the show and ran down the card, topped off by a main event of Tyson Tomko/Samoa Joe/Mick Foley vs Kurt Angle/Jeff Jarrett/Kevin Nash.

Match 1: Low Ki/Homicide/Chris Sabin/Jimmy Jacobs vs The Axis Powers
Low Ki demanded to start, and he killed everybody. The Powers kept tagging each other out after taking a big move, and Ki would freely let them. He took each one out with big kicks and strikes, until Koslov distracted him from the apron long enough for Kiyoshi to hit him with a big roundhouse to the back of the head. The Powers contained him for a bit, but he eventually floated over a Schulz powerslam attempt, and he followed up with a springboard roundhouse! He crawled over, and made the tag to Homicide! ‘Cide took Schulz down with a series of clothesline, but soon all of the Powers rushed the ring! The faces returned the favor by getting in, and soon everybody was throwing punches and throws. Homicide dropped Magnus with a bulldog, and then tagged in Jacobs who went up top. He started to jump off, but Kiyoshi ran over to him. Jacobs kicked him away and then turned back to Magnus for the Senton, but he moved and Jacobs hit the mat! Magnus pulled Jacobs over to the Axis Powers side, and started choking him out in the corner. CAN JIMMY JACOBS AND HIS TEAM MAKE A COMEBACK?!

--Commercial Break--

Yes. Jacobs made his comeback while in a Schulz sleeper hold, and he finally through him off with a snap suplex and then tagged in Chris Sabin! Sabin bounced Schulz around for a bit, and then he, Ki, and Homicide made quick tags to each other to beat him further. When Jacobs was ready to go back in, he and Sabin started to tag to each other only, and they showed some awesome teamwork and double team moves. Schulz finally bailed to the outside, but Sabin took him out with his Leap of Faith dive! Stuff broke down on the outside and everybody brawled around the floor. Sabin decided to try to end it and rolled Schulz into the ring and followed him, but the ref was still trying to break people up on the outside. Sabin pulled Schulz up anyway and he hit the Cradle Shock! He turned around, BUT SHELLEY WAS IN AND HIT SABIN WITH THE SHELLSHOCK! He pulled Schulz on top of Sabin, and the ref turned around to see the cover! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: The Axis Powers (14:25)

While Ki and ‘Cide brawled with the Powers on the outside, Shelley rolled back in and picked Sabin up for another Shellshock, BUT JACOBS PULLED HIM OFF! They got in each other’s faces, but before anything could happen, Sabin ran over and tackled Shelley! Jacobs tried to split them up, but it took a bunch of officials to help him do so.

Backstage, Angle asked Nash if he thought he’s scared of Joe. Nash just said that everybody’s afraid of Joe, but Angle said that facing Tomko isn’t something to get excited about either.

--Commercial Break--

Jacobs was frantically pacing backstage when Dixie Carter came up to him. She said that Shelley vs Sabin is a huge match, so she needs it to be controlled at Sacrifice. Since a normal referee obviously can’t control those two, she is naming Jimmy Jacobs the special referee for the title match!

Match 2: Sean Hernandez vs Sonjay Dutt w/ Sheik Abdul Bashir
Sonjay literally did a backflip in the middle of the ring at the start of the match for no reason, and then got killed by a Lariat. Bashir jumped up on the apron, so Hernandez gave him a Lariat as well to send him flying. Dutt stumbled to his feet, and got the Cracker Jack/Border Toss treatment.
Winner via pinfall: Sean Hernandez (30-0) (0:48)

Post-match, Hernandez celebrated but Rhino snuck into the ring! He went for a Gore, BUT HERNANDEZ MOVED! Rhino turned around, Hernandez hit him with a Cracker Jack, and then celebrated up the ramp.

Backstage, Chad Collyer asked AJ to be in his corner tonight against Robert Roode, since they have a match at Sacrifice. Styles thought about it, and asked if there was any sort of stipulation for it if he did, and then walked off.

--Commercial Break--

Tyson Tomko found Samoa Joe backstage and said that they needed to work together tonight to take on Planet Jarrett. Joe agreed, but said that coming out of Sacrifice, the title is his.

Robert Roode came down before his match and revealed that he and Styles were booked in a match together at Sacrifice. He said that Styles sure has been explaining a lot lately, and he’d have even more when he loses to The Wizard of Wall Street, Robert Roode.

Match 3: Robert Roode vs Chad Collyer
They went to the mat to start, and Collyer schooled Roode, which really pissed him off. He “accidentally” elbowed Collyer in the eye, and then threw him shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. He bent at the shoulder some, but Collyer used his amateur maneuvers to slip through. He went for his Bridging German, but Roode shoved him away and rolled to the outside for safety.

--Commercial Break--

Back in the ring Roode was still working over Collyer’s shoulder, and whenever he made a comeback, Roode would go to the eyes to stop him. He went for the Roode Awakening, but Collyer kicked away and hit a big belly-to-back suplex! ONE … TWO … TH – Roode kicked out! They both got up and Roode tried a big elbow, but Collyer ducked and connected with a big belly-to-belly! ONE … TWO … THR – Roode got an arm up! Collyer turned him over and picked him up for his German again, but Roode blocked it and countered into a victory roll! ONE … TWO … THR – Collyer got out! They both got up and Collyer struck with some big punches, and then ran off the ropes, but Roode caught him with the Double R Spinebuster! ONE … TWO … THRE – Collyer kicked out! Roode pulled him up and tried a Payoff, but Collyer shoved him off into the ropes. Roode bounced back and Collyer tried another belly-to-belly, bur Roode poked him in the eye to get out, and then he hit the Payoff! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Robert Roode (10:08)

Roode celebrated in the ring, until AJ Styles ran down and attacked him! They brawled around the ring and Roode looked to gain the upper hand, but Styles kicked him in the balls and then hit the Styles Clash!

Joe was watching on the TV in the back, and he looked disappointed in Styles.

--Commercial Break--

The Hooliganz came out and said that they don’t like how they beat the 2 Crazy Negroes last week, but they’ll take it since their number one goal is to get the tag team titles. America’s Most Wanted came down and the teams traded words until the Negroes came out! They talked about how they were screwed over by Ravarian, so they should be in the title match as well. This brought out Ravarian who climbed into the ring, and 2CN immediately attacked! AMW and the Hooliganz watched on, until Team Canada snuck down and attacked AMW! All five teams went at it in a huuuuge ten-man brawl. Suddenly…

ABYSS AND MATT MORGAN MARCHED DOWN TO THE RING!! THE MONSTERS ARE BACK! They laid out everybody with chokeslams, and then celebrated on the stage!

Mick Foley was backstage and he said that as GM, the Main Event Mafia gave him bigger headaches than chair shots ever could, and finding out that Jarrett was behind it the whole time was infuriating. He said that he came to TNA because he loved the idea of talent without a glass ceiling, and now Jarrett has been doing everything in his power to put up a glass ceiling that benefits himself. He said that they were both out of power positions, and now they’re right back to how they were when they joined the dance—wrestlers. Foley said that he enjoys being in charge, and he thinks he does a good job, but his true passion is wrestling, as is obvious by the gross amount of sacrifices that he’s made over his career. At Sacrifice, he would not go easy. He promised to make Jarrett’s head hurt on Sunday more than Foley’s has hurt his entire tenure in TNA. Have a nice d – No. No, BANG! BANG! He said that he can’t wait to face Jarrett in Philadelphia, because Philly always brings out the best in him. He laughed maniacally as he walked off the shot.

--Commercial Break--

Commentary announced that AMW vs The Hooliganz for the tag titles would actually go through at Sacrifice, but a #1 contenders four-team tag match had been added to the card as well pitting Team Canada, Ravarian, 2 Crazy Negroes, and Abyss/Morgan against each other!

Match 4: Sabu vs Elix Skipper w/ Daniels & Daffney
Skipper kept stalling, but Sabu finally caught him in the corner and berated him with big punches. He pulled Skipper out and hit a vertical suplex, then locked in the Camel Clutch! He pulled back, but Chris Daniels got in the ring and nailed Sabu from behind with a steel chair!
Winner via disqualification: Sabu (1:28)

Daniels kept beating the shit out of Sabu with the steel chair, and commentary reiterated that RVD wasn’t in the arena tonight. Skipper grabbed a chair of his own and beat Sabu with it. By now, he was busted wide open, but they didn’t stop. Daniels continued to kill Sabu and shouted “HOW ARE THESE UNPROTECTED CHAIR SHOTS, LANCE?! HOW HARDCORE IS THIS, ROB?!” Skipper held a motionless Sabu up as Daniels hit one more SICK chair shot, and then Daniels hit Sabu with the Angel’s Wings on the steel chair! He, Skipper, and Daffney celebrated up the ramp, and Daniels shouted into the camera that he DARES Van Dam to even try to be that hardcore at Sacrifice. Medics ran down past the Enlightened and loaded Sabu onto a stretcher.

--Commercial Break--

Match 5: Tyson Tomko/Samoa Joe/Mick Foley vs Kurt Angle/Jeff Jarrett/Kevin Nash
Jarrett and Nash didn’t want to get in, so Angle told them to shut up and stand on the apron. He and Tomko went at it, and Angle tried to ground him, but Tomko kept overpowering him. Angle got really frustrated, so he started throwing punches, but Tomko met him with big strikes of his own! He cornered Angle, but Angle slipped around and grabbed a roll-up! ONE … TWO … THRE – Tomko just got out. Angle challenged him to “come on,” but Joe demanded to get in. ANGLE AND JOE! ANGLE AND JOE! They stared off for what seemed like forever, AND THEN THEY JUST STARTED TRADING PUNCHES. During it all, Nash made a blind tag and then clothesline Joe from behind. Planet Jarrett tried to contain him in their corner for a bit, but he blocked a Jarrett vertical suplex, and hurled him all the way over to his corner! He tagged in Foley, who went nuts on Jarrett and gave a Bang! Bang! Jarrett went to the eyes and then backed up into the ropes, but Foley ran over and took him to the outside with a Cactus Clothesline! Angle and Nash ran over to help Jarrett up, so Joe sprinted across and took everybody out with his ELBOW SUICIDA!!!

--Commercial Break--

Back from the break, Foley was getting beat down in the ring by all three guys pretty good. Jarrett especially was a huge dick, and he even teased going for the Mandible Claw, but Foley kicked him away and hit a big swing neckbreaker. Both guys crawled to their corner, and Jarrett tagged in Nash, AND FOLEY TAGGED IN JOE! Joe cleaned house on everybody, and then Tomko got into the ring to join in. They pinballed all three opponents around the ring, and then Foley ran across and tackled Jarrett to the outside. Joe clotheslined Nash to outside, but Angle snuck up on him and grabbed him from behind. He tried a German, but Joe turned around and headbutted Angle away! The world champion staggered back right into the Argentine Neckbreaker from Tomko! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Tyson Tomko/Samoa Joe/Mick Foley (13:33)

Tomko got up and celebrated, and commentary noted that this is the FOURTH time that Tomko has pinned TNA Champion Kurt Angle. Joe complained to Tomko that HE was the legal man, not Tomko, but Tomko shrugged it off. Joe turned him around again and yelled in his face, and the two guys stood off … and Angle attacked them both! Jarrett and Nash came in to help, and Foley rolled in to come to their aid, but he got beaten down to. The faces started to make a comeback, so Planet Jarrett bailed and escaped to the back.

Xplosion Results (4/24)
The Bankrupt Brothers of The Young Bucks
Kenny King over Roderick Strong
Sean Hernandez (31-0) over Naito
Awesome Kong/Roxxi Laveaux over Raisha Saeed/Tara
Monty Brown over Ricky Steamboat Jr w/ Sean Morley

Sacrifice – May 16, 2010

TNA World Championship
Kurt Angle[c] vs Tyson Tomko

X-Division Championship [Special Guest Ref: Jimmy Jacobs]
Alex Shelley[c] vs Chris Sabin

TNA Tag Team Championships
America’s Most Wanted[c] vs The Hooliganz

Hardcore Grudge Match
Christopher Daniels vs Rob Van Dam

#1 Contenders Tag Team Fourway
Ravarian vs 2 Crazy Negroes vs Team Canada vs Abyss/Matt Morgan

AJ Styles vs Robert Roode

Mick Foley vs Jeff Jarrett

Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash

Rhino vs Sean Hernandez​

G 3

Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Kingdom of Kush
First time reading
I like what you're doing with Hernandez, and the Tomko push, good stuff. The build up to Christopher Daniels VS RVD was pretty good. I'll be checking out Sacrifice.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
TNA iMPACT: A Little Less Conversation
Orlando, Florida
May 13, 2010

Commentary ran down some of tonight’s card: Paul London vs James Storm, Chris Sabin vs Jimmy Jacobs, both Foley and Jarrett in singles matches, a big main event of Angle/Nash vs Tomko/AJ vs Joe/Low Ki, and more!

Match 1: Paul London w/ Brian Kendrick vs James Storm w/ Chris Harris
A handshake to start, and then a lockup. Storm used his power to handle London, who tried to fight back with elbows and chops. London transitioned to kicking at Storm’s legs and made some progress, but Storm tossed him into the ropes and caught him coming back with a sidewalk slam. He pulled London up, but London drop to his knees and started elbowing at Storm’s knee. Storm went down to a knee, and London exploded with an enzuigiri! ONE … TWO … THR – Storm shoved London off him. London kept kicking at Storm’s leg, but he powered up and hit London with a leg-feed enzuigiri! London stumbled around, and Storm went for the Eye of the Storm, but London slid over and rested on the ropes. Storm charged, but London low-bridged him to the outside! London reared up and tried a baseball slide, but Storm moved out of the way and pulled London out, sending him into the barricade. Storm ran back into the ring, and when London got to his feet, Storm took him out with a STORM PLANCHA~!

--Commercial Break--

Back in the ring, Storm was bumping London around. He pulled London up for a powerbomb, but London countered into a sunset flip! ONE … TWO … THRE – Storm got out! Storm was up first and went for a lariat, but London ducked and nailed a dropsault. Storm got up, and London hit an inverted atomic drop, and followed up with a frankensteiner! ONE … TWO … THR – Storm kicked out! He sat up, but London nailed him with a kick to the side of the head. Standing shooting star press! ONE … TWO … THRE – STORM just got an arm up! London powered Storm up and tried a Brainbuster, but Storm overpowered him and countered with an inverse suplex! ONE … TWO … THRE – London kicked out! Storm pulled him up and tried the Eight Second Ride, but London countered into a Tornado DDT! He went up top and went for the Shooting Star Press, BUT STORM MOVED! London stumbled to his feet, and Storm hit him with the Eye of the Storm! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: James Storm (12:05)

Harris got in the ring, and he and Storm celebrated. Kendrick helped London to his feet, and commentary wondered if London would have won if Kendrick had been in the ring holding Storm down like he usually does.

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: Jeff Jarrett vs Chuck Taylor
Jarrett pretty much tossed Chuck Taylor around, and mixed in a lot of taunting. He went for the Stroke, BUT TAYLOR GRABBED AN INSIDE CRADLE! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! Jarrett JUST got out! They both got up, and Taylor hit a dropkick! Another one! Oklahoma Roll! ONE … TWO … THRE – Jarrett got out! Taylor tried a suplex, but Jarrett shoved him off and caught him coming back with a Harley Race knee. He pulled Taylor up and hit the Stroke to win.
Winner via pinfall: Jeff Jarrett (2:58)

After the match, Jarrett grabbed a microphone and said that he’s not scared of Mick Foley, or whoever the hell shows up at Sacrifice. He said that he’s sacrificed more for this company than anybody could dream of, and nobody can take that away from him.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, Rob Van Dam cut a promo from a room by himself. He said that Daniels has been a thorn in his side for a while, but last week, it became personal. You don’t just beat the shit out of a guy just because he’s best friends with somebody you’re trying to piss off. He told Daniels that he can’t even begin to imagine how much “hardcore†has been bottling up inside of him, pretty much since ECW folded in 2001. Nine of years of waiting to TRULY go nuts. Not just jumping off ladders and sending people through tables, but raw, terrifying violence. He told Daniels to thank whichever god simply cast him out of heaven, because RVD won’t have that much mercy.

Daniels was watching the TV backstage and almost looked worried, but then he shoved the camera out of the room.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Mick Foley vs Sean Waltman w/ The James Gang
Foley exploded with big punches, and cornered Waltman with them but didn’t back up. Waltman fell down in the corner, so Foley hit him with a running knee. Foley called for the Mandible Claw, but The James Gang jumped on the apron! Foley ran to knock them off, and then he turned around into a wheel kick from Waltman! ONE … TWO … TH – Foley kicked out. Waltman stayed on him and tried to keep him grounded, and he had some success due to James Gang shenanigans. Foley finally caught Waltman off the ropes with a back body drop and built some momentum with big clotheslines. He went for the Double Arm DDT, but Waltman pushed away. He tried the Comedown, but Foley spun out and hit the Double Arm DDT! He started to cover, but smiled, and then locked in the Mandible Claw! Waltman had no choice but to tap.
Winner via submission: Mick Foley (5:41)

Foley grabbed a microphone and called Jarrett out, but he never came, so he pulled Waltman up and hit him with another Double Arm DDT.

--Commercial Break--

Chris Daniels was walking backstage when Lauren came up to him. She asked him if he was scared to face RVD at Sacrifice, and Daniels said that he’s never been scared a day in his life, and that hasn’t changed now.

Commentary hyped the four-team tag match at Sacrifice to determine who would become #1 contenders to the tag team titles.

Match 4: Eric Young/Frankie Kazarian vs Jay Lethal/Matt Morgan
Formulaic tag match. Morgan looked really unstoppable, but Lethal ended up getting isolated for a good stretch. Young and Kaz both showed off their offense, but they never melded well as a team. When Young went for the Sharpshooter, Lethal shoved him away and caught him coming back with a snap DDT. He crawled over and made the hot tag! Morgan cleaned house with his power, and eventually Lethal joined in to help. Morgan laid Kaz out with a chokeslam, and then tagged in Lethal who immediately climbed up to hit the Lethal Elbow! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Jay Lethal/Matt Morgan (6:59)

Lethal celebrated in the ring, but Morgan immediately grabbed him and planted him a chokeslam. Everybody started brawling, and then all the tag team partners came down to join in. In the end, Abyss and Morgan killed everybody with chokeslams, and then celebrated up the ramp.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, Samoa Joe told the fans that they would want to see Joe vs Nash at Sacrifice. Not because it will be an awesome, competitive match. But because he was going to destroy Kevin Nash, and these people would never see another beating like it again.

Match 5: Latin America Exchange/Chad Collyer vs The Axis Powers [Kiyoshi/Magnus/Schulz] w/ Alex Viktor Koslov
LAX ran through their double team stuff at the top, and Collyer joined in for some fun three-man offense. Koslov started to get more involved from the outside though, and dirty tricks from the fascist four allowed them to isolate Collyer in their corner. They worked over his neck a lot, but he managed to fight out of a Magnus powerbomb, and he nailed a big belly-to-belly! Collyer crawled over to make the tag, but Schulz got in first and dragged Collyer back over to their corner JUST before he tagged out to Homicide. They continued their neck work, and Schulz hit three impressive rolling neckbreakers for a nearfall. Kiyoshi got in and tried his Butter Crescent, but Collyer ducked and hit a release German! He crawled over and made the hot tag to Hernandez! The big man rushed in and cleaned house, and Homicide springboarded in to take out Schulz with a flying lariat. Hernandez hit Kiyoshi with a Cracker Jack, and then Homicide climbed up top! Koslov jumped onto the apron, but Low Ki ran down and pulled him off! Homicide dove off the top and took out Koslov, and they bounced the Russian around the outside. In the ring, Collyer hit Kiyoshi with a big Gargoyle Suplex, and then Hernandez pulled him up and hit the Border Toss! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: The Latin American Exchange [Hernandez: (32–0)] (6:33)

Hernandez celebrated in the ring, but Rhino snuck in and hit the GORE! While Homicide and Low Ki brawled with the Powers up the ramp, Rhino grabbed a steel chair from ringside and began bashing Hernandez’ ribs with it! Officials finally ran down to pull him off and take him to the back.

Jimmy Jacobs was walking backstage when Alex Shelley ran up and hugged him. He told Jimmy that he’s excited to be in his corner tonight, and that he knows he can beat Sabin. Jacobs looked uneasy, but went with it.

--Commercial Break--

Match 6: Chris Sabin vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Alex Shelley
Sabin and Jacobs shook hands to start, and Shelley looked pissed, and Cornette accused Sabin of brown-nosing. Anyway, they went to the mat for a little while and it was fairly even so they upped the speed of the match. Jacobs got off a series of arm drags, but Sabin surprised him with a big dropkick. He measured him up from the corner, but Shelley slid in and tackled Sabin to the mat.
Winner via disqualification: Chris Sabin (1:54)

Shelley kept laying into Sabin, and then pulled him up for the Shellshock, but Jacobs pulled Shelley away! They got in each other’s faces … until Sabin ran over and tackled Shelley to the mat! The two brawled around the ring, and then the outside, until refs and Jacobs could finally split them up.

Backstage, Joe found Low Ki and told him to forget about the Axis Powers tonight, because he needs him. Ki nodded his head.

Lauren asked Tomko how he was feeling going into his match with Kurt Angle, and Tomko said he felt great, and pinning Kurt Angle again tonight would make him feel even better.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, Roode told Lauren that he was going to watch peacefully from the back, and beat AJ cleanly at Sacrifice, unlike the coward AJ Styles.

Match 7: Kurt Angle/Kevin Nash vs Tyson Tomko/AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe/Low Ki
The rules were that one guy from each team could be in at a time, so yeah. Angle, Tomko, and Joe started out and they were slow to tie up. Finally Tomko took the move to grab Angle, but Joe immediately took him from behind and tried to lock in the Coquina Clutch! Angle tackled both to the mat, and from there it was a lot of wild brawling, with both guys from each team getting involved. At one point, Nash went for the Jackknife Powerbomb on Styles, but Low Ki springboarded in and killed him with a flying leg lariat. Styles grabbed Ki and went for the Styles Clash, but Ki body dropped him to the outside and followed up with a corkscrew plancha! Tomko and Nash climbed to the outside to join in that brawl, and Joe ran across and took them all out with an elbow suicida! Those five brawled on the outside, and Kurt Angle climbed up to the top turnbuckle AND TOOK THEM ALL OUT WITH A FLIPPING SENTON FROM THE TOP!!!

--Commercial Break--

Some more aimless brawling with everybody involved. All four of the Axis Powers strolled down to ringside, and caught Ki’s eye. They all stood at ringside and watched the match, BUT LOW KI SPRINTED ACROSS AND TOOK THEM ALL OUT WITH A SUICIDE DIVE! Homicide ran down and helped Ki fight them to the back, and suddenly Joe was left without a partner. The other two teams sort of teamed up with each other, but then Nash tossed AJ to the outside and pulled Joe up for the Jackknife. Joe powered him away and got him in the Coquina Clutch, but Angle made the blind tag. Nash tapped so Joe got up to celebrate, but he turned around into the Olympic Slam! ONE … TWO … THRE – Tomko broke it up! Tomko and Angle went at it, and Tomko ended up clotheslining Angle to the outside! He followed him out and tossed him around the floor, and Joe watched it and missed Nash sneak back into the ring. He clotheslined Joe from behind and choked him out in the corner. He went for a chokeslam, but Joe slapped him away and hit a big German Suplex! He set Nash up top for the Muscle Buster, BUT AJ STYLES SLID IN AND ROLLED UP JOE FROM BEHIND, HOLDING ONTO THE ROPES! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Tyson Tomko/AJ Styles (10:04)

AJ Styles got up and celebrated, but Joe spun him around and punched him in the face! Tomko ran over and tackled Joe, and Angle joined in! Nash called to the back and Planet Jarrett came running out, but Foley and Collyer were on the stage and met them all with 2x4’s to drive them back! Yeah! Styles finally just left the ring, and that distracted Tomko, who was caught by a German Suplex from Angle! Angle stood tall until Joe grabbed him from behind and tried to put him in the Coquina Clutch! Angle just broke free and rolled out of the ring, then grabbed his title and escaped up the ramp. Joe stared up after him, and didn’t see Nash stalking him from behind. Nash ran up behind him, but Tomko intercepted him with a flying Lariat! Joe saw what happened and thanked Tomko, who just nodded, then turned to Angle and motioned for the belt.

Xplosion Results (5/15)
Ricky Steamboat Jr over Wahoo McDaniel Jr
Hernandez (33 – 0) over Max Buck
Angelina Love over Daisy Haze
Awesome Kong/Hamada over Taylor Wilde/Velvet Sky
Monty Brown over Roderick Strong

Sacrifice – May 16, 2010

TNA World Championship
Kurt Angle[c] vs Tyson Tomko

X-Division Championship [Special Guest Ref: Jimmy Jacobs]
Alex Shelley[c] vs Chris Sabin

TNA Tag Team Championships
America’s Most Wanted[c] vs The Hooliganz

Hardcore Grudge Match
Christopher Daniels vs Rob Van Dam

#1 Contenders Tag Team Fourway - Elimination Rules
Ravarian vs 2 Crazy Negroes vs Team Canada vs Abyss/Matt Morgan

Grudge Match
Mick Foley vs Jeff Jarrett

The Rematch, Undefeated Streak on the Line
Sean Hernandez vs Rhino

AJ Styles vs Robert Roode

Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash​


Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
TNA Sacrifice
The Arena
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 16, 2010

The Bankrupt Brothers over No Limit
Booker T over Lance Storm
Masato Tanaka over Stevie Richards
Taz/Chad Collyer over The Redcoats

Taz, usually on the Xplosion commentary team, came out and replaced Don West at the booth for tonight only.

Commentary welcomed us to the show and then ran down the card. They talked a lot about the main event, and how Tomko has come a long way in working his way up the ranks and how Angle has sacrificed his entire life to be on top.

Backstage, an agent went up to Styles and told him to hurry up because his match was now. Styles flipped out, saying he had no idea that he was in the OPENING match. He told the agent that he’s NOT a curtain-jerker, and that this better never happen to the Phenomenal One again.

Robert Roode came out first and sort of had to wait for AJ to come out, who was still in a t-shirt and hoodie, so he had to take those off before the match started.

Match 1: AJ Styles vs Robert Roode
They went to the mat and it was pretty even, so Styles upped the pace of the match. He caught Roode with a bunch of dropkicks and heel kicks, but Roode caught him in the middle of a hurricanrana and powerbombed him into the turnbuckle! He wrenched at the neck for a bit, so Styles rolled to the outside, but Roode was right behind him and laid him out on the floor with a knee that sent AJ head-first into the steel post! Roode bashed AJ’s head into the post over and over, and then began to pry his shoulder against it. He tossed Styles back into the ring, but Styles caught him with a quick kip up frankensteiner! ONE … TWO … THR – Roode kicked out! Styles pulled him up and tried a Brainbuster, but Roode blocked it and hit a huge shoulder breaker! ONE … TWO … THR – Styles was forced to get up his bad arm, and Roode grabbed it and put it into a cross arm breaker! Styles writhed about and finally made it to the ropes. Roode pulled him up and tried another shoulder breaker, but Styles floated over and grabbed a roll up! ONE … TWO … THR – His arm gave out and he lost it. They both got up, and Styles struck first with a spinning sole kick, and then hit his big discus clothesline (with his healthy, but weaker arm)! ONE … TWO … THRE – Roode kicked out! Styles went up top, but Roode was up and met him there. They traded punches at the top, but Styles scored a big kick to the side of the head, and then shoved him off. SPIRAL TA – NO! Roode moved! Styles stumbled up, and Roode came off the ropes with the Northern Lariat! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! Styles kicked out! Roode picked him up and went for the Payoff, but Styles pulled it into an inside cradle! ONE … TWO … THRE – Roode kicked out! They both got up, and Styles grabbed a roll-up, and used the ropes for leverage! ONE … TWO … THRE – Roode kicked out! Styles delivered some big elbows and went for another discus clothesline, but Roode ducked and grabbed a roll-up, and used the ropes as well! ONE … TWO … THRE – Styles kicked out! They both jumped up and Styles tried a crossbody, but Roode dodged it. Styles staggered up, and Roode went for the Roode Awakening, but Styles elbowed him away and hit the Pele Kick! Roode staggered in place, and AJ pulled him in and hit the Styles Clash! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: AJ Styles (11:21)

Styles immediately got up and left the ring to go to the back.

The Hooliganz were backstage, and they both talked about how bad they want the TNA Tag Team Championships, because holding the tag titles in a company that actually cares about tag teams would mean the world.

Clips played of the matches and brawls that led to this match.

Match 2: Team Canada vs 2 Crazy Negroes vs Ravarian vs Abyss/Matt Morgan – Elimination Rules [#1 Contenders’ Match]
Rules are that two guys can be in at one time, and Tenay mentioned the Outlaw Rule being in place. Everybody got involved for the first few minutes. It settled down into Abyss and Morgan beating Ravarian around the ring, and Cornette brought up their extensive history. Kaz tagged out to Lethal, and the Negroes worked together to finally take Morgan down! Lethal went up top for the Elbow, but Morgan moved and crawled over to tag in an unsuspecting Rave. He rushed the ring and covered Lethal, but he kicked out at two. He pulled him up and tried the All the Rave, but Lethal spun out and hit the Lethal Combination! ONE … TWO … THREE!
First team eliminated: Ravarian (6:48)
Kaz broke it up, but it was too late! Ravarian were irate, and the ref had to force them out of the ring. While the ref was busy with Kaz, Rave snuck around and hit Lethal with the All the Rave! Young got in the ring and covered Lethal while Dux held Creed back! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Second team eliminated: 2 Crazy Negroes (7:02)
Ravarian and 2CN brawled the back, and Team Canada celebrated in the ring. Abyss and Morgan climbed in, and Dux and Young got “oh shit” looks on their faces. The monsters batted them around, and they bumped huge, including being tossed out of the ring. They brawled on the outside, and the Canucks actually got the advantage after working together to send Morgan into the ring post. They tried to contain him on the inside, but he eventually fought back and hit Dux with a sidewalk slam! Fallaway slam to Young! HOT TAG TO ABYSS! Abyss came in and cleaned house, killing the heels with his big clubs. He got Dux up for a chokeslam, but Dux countered midair into a falling DDT! ONE … TW – Abyss kicked out, WITH AUTHORITY! Young got into the ring, BUT MORGAN TOOK HIM OUT WITH A FLYING CROSSBODY FROM THE TOP! Dux stumbled up, right into a chokeslam from Abyss! ONE … TWO … THRE – Dux got a foot on the ropes! Abyss pulled him up and went for the Black Hole Slam, but Young pulled him outside to safety. Abyss went to climb out, but Young jumped up on the apron and hung him up on the top rope. He stumbled back, and Young charged, but Abyss lifted him into a military press, then swatted him down to the mat. He covered, but Young wasn’t the legal man, and Dux came off the top rope with a flying leg drop to the back of the head! ONE … TWO … THRE – Abyss kicked out! Dux pulled him up, but Abyss shoved him away and into the corner. He charged, but Dux moved, and then caught him with a roll-up, with his feet on the ropes! ONE … TWO … THRE – Abyss kicked out! They both got up, and Abyss killed him with a lariat. He called for the Black Hole Slam, so Morgan ran across to shove Young off the apron, but Young kicked him in the balls and pulled him to the outside. Young got in the ring and ran at Abyss, BUT HE HIT THE BLACK HOLE SLAM! He got up, and Dux grabbed another roll-up, with his feet on the ropes again! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall and number one contenders to the tag team titles: Eric Young and Tyson Dux, Team Canada! (12:38)

Dux got up and couldn’t believe it. He dragged Young to the outside, and told him what happened, and Young was very proud. Abyss got up and was irate, and he and Morgan regrouped in the ring. Young and Dux signaled for the belts on the way up the ramp.

Backstage, Rhino said that he would end Hernandez’ undefeated streak, and then he’ll also know what it’s like for your career to spiral downward.

Match 3: America’s Most Wanted[c] vs The Hooliganz [TNA Tag Team Championships]
Back-and-forth match, with Harris being worked over for a bit, and London being worked over for a little longer. Storm went for the Eye of the Storm on London, but he spun out and hit a big superkick! They both fell to the mat, and made the tags at the same time. Harris charged with a lariat, but Kendrick ducked and came off the ropes with a flying forearm, then a standing moonsault! ONE … TWO … THR – Harris kicked out! Kendrick pulled him up and tried a suplex, but Harris shoved him away. Kendrick bounced off the ropes and Harris tried a Spear, but Kendrick dodged it and caught him from behind with a sitout rear slam! ONE … TWO … THR – Kendrick couldn’t hook the leg, and Harris kicked out! Storm got in the ring, but London intercepted him with a springboard clothesline! He baseball kicked Storm to the outside, and then followed up with a plancha! In the ring, Kendrick went up to the apron and went to springboard in, but he slipped on the top rope and crashed into the ring. He tried to get up right away, but Harris immediately grabbed him and hit the Catatonic! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: America’s Most Wanted (6:40)

AMW grabbed their belts and went to the back. Kendrick got up and was really pissed at himself, but London calmed him down and they returned to the back as well.

Backstage, Rob Van Dam told Daniels that tonight he would see violence at a level that he could never imagine.

Brief recap and discussion of the Hernandez/Rhino feud.

Match 4: Sean Hernandez vs Rhino
Hernandez had his ribs taped up due to the chair that Rhino used on him on Impact. The crowd was actually pro-Rhino here due to his ECW ties, but general heelishness made that not last long. Hernandez tried to strike at Rhino while keeping a distance, but Rhino charged him into the corner and beat over his ribs. He immediately went for an abdominal stretch, but Hernandez hip tossed him away and followed up with quickly clotheslines, and then hit the Cracker Jack! ONE … TWO … THR – Rhino kicked out! Hernandez pulled him up, but Rhino struck at the ribs again, and then tackled him through the ropes and to the outside. The brawled around the floor, and Rhino kept getting the advantage by hitting at the ribs. He hit a big slam on the outside, and then tossed Hernandez into the guardrail. He charged with a Gore, BUT HERNANDEZ MOVED AND RHINO NAILED THE RAIL! Hernandez fought up and threw him into the ring and draped his body over! ONE … TWO … THRE – Rhino kicked out! Hernandez tried the Border Toss, but stretching his body out killed his ribs, and let Rhino slip behind and hit a Pumphandle Slam! ONE … TWO … THRE – Hernandez got an arm up! Rhino picked him up and tried the Rhino Driver, but Hernandez body dropped him away! He knocked Rhino around for a bit, and set him up top. He climbed up, but Rhino kicked at his ribs and shoved him off. Hernandez got up, and Rhino dove off, but Hernandez moved! Rhino stumbled up, AND HERNANDEZ KILLED HIM WITH A GORE/SPEAR! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Sean Hernandez (34-0) (8:09)

Hernandez held at his ribs, but managed to celebrate to the back.

Backstage, Christopher Daniels promised that tonight, he would become famous.

Match 5: Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash w/ Waltman, Monty, & The James Gang
Nash asked for a lock-up, but Joe laughed and smacked him across the face. He exploded with punches, slaps, elbows, and kicks. Nash kept trying to escape to the outside, but Joe kept him in the ring and killed him with power moves. Waltman finally jumped on the apron for a distraction, allowing the James Gang to sneak in, but Joe hit them with a double STO! Monty got in as well, BUT JOE PICKED HIM UP AND HIT A POWERSLAM! Waltman looked scared shitless on the apron, and Joe pulled him into the ring and chucked him clear across into Nash! Joe set Nash up on the turnbuckle and nailed the Muscle Buster! He pulled him up and hit a German Suplex, then a Dragon Suplex. He finally locked in the Coquina Clutch and Nash tapped out.
Winner via submission: Samoa Joe (4:56)

Joe got up and celebrated with an eerie grin on his face, and then signaled for the belt.

A hype video played, outlining all the problems between Foley and Jarrett.

Match 6: Mick Foley vs Jeff Jarrett
Foley was waaaaay over here. Jarrett jumped Foley at the bell, but Foley fought back with big punches, and a Bang! Bang! Foley bounced him around, but Jarrett caught him coming off the ropes with a dropkick! He put in a sleeper hold, but Foley fought up and tossed him overhead to the mat. He hit a big suplex on Jarrett, and then went for the Double Arm DDT, but Jarrett dropped down and rolled to the outside. He escaped up the ramp and welcomed the ref’s ten-count.
Winner via count out: Mick Foley (3:46)

Jarrett immediately split, but Dixie Carter came out! She demanded that the match be restarted, and that it be contested under hardcore rules!

Match 7: Mick Foley vs Jeff Jarrett – Extreme Rules
Jarrett was pissed, but he turned right around into a clothesline from Mick Foley on the floor. He tossed Jarrett into the ring, looked under the apron, AND PULLED OUT BARBIE! He climbed into the ring, but Jarrett met him with a Harley Race knee. He grabbed Barbie and went to hit Foley, BUT FOLEY USE THE TESTICULAR CLAW! Foley pulled him back up and hit the Double Arm DDT! He picked up Barbie and played to the crowd, and when Jarrett got up, FOLEY NAILED HIM OVER THE HEAD! A bloody Jarrett hit the mat, and Foley pulled out Mr. Socko! He put in the Mandible Claw, and Jarrett tapped!
Winner via submission: Mick Foley (2:12)

Foley got up and then celebrated through the Philly crowd.

Backstage, Chris Sabin told Shelley that the X-Division Title always put a slight wedge between them, and tonight, winning it from Shelley would be the storybook ending to toppling him.

Shelley was watching what Sabin said on TV, and he just scoffed. He turned to the camera and told Sabin that the only edge between them during MCMG was Sabin’s inferiority.

Match 8: Alex Shelley[c] vs Chris Sabin – Special Guest Ref: Jimmy Jacobs [X-Division Championship]
They went right into it and started pounding away at each other. Jacobs tried to separate them every time, but he finally gave up and just let the slugfest go on. It eventually spilled to the outside, where Sabin sent Shelley into the ring steps, and then hopped on the apron and came off with a big kick to the skull. Jacobs forced them back in, and Sabin immediately hit a DDT and covered! ONE … TWO … THR – Shelley kicked out, but Sabin grabbed his arm and put it into a cross arm breaker. Shelley eventually made it to the ropes, but Sabin continued with some really aggressive arm work. Shelley countered with some unique holds, and then went right into big elbows and stiff punches, which Jacobs called him out on. Shelley used tons of heel tactics to cheap shot Sabin behind Jacobs’ back, but the guest ref finally caught Shelley choking Sabin with his wrist tape, and pulled him away for a reprimand. Shelley laughed at him, and then turned around into an enzuigiri from Sabin! ONE … TWO … THR – Shelley kicked out. Sabin pulled him up and elbowed him into the corner, then backed up to charge, but Shelley moved out of the way and Shelley stunned him with a reverse STO to the middle turnbuckle! ONE … TWO … THR – Sabin kicked out! Shelley wore down Sabin’s neck with no remorse, to the point that Jacobs periodically asked for a submission, but Sabin refused. Shelley pulled him up and tried the Shellshock, but Sabin spun out and went for a superkick, but Shelley ducked it and hit one of his own! He climbed to the top, and when Sabin got up, Shelley came off with a flying hurricanrana! ONE … TWO … THRE – No! Sabin kicked out! Shelley argued about the count, but then finally turned back to Sabin and worked over the neck some, but Sabin began to kick at the arm again to create some space, and he eventually got off a Tiger Suplex! ONE … TWO … THRE – Sabin’s neck gave out and he lost the bridge so Shelley got out. Sabin held at his neck and pulled Shelley up, but the champion hit a spinning sole kick, then tried a hurricanrana, but Sabin caught him in mid-air and ran forward with a powerbomb into the top turnbuckle!!! Both men hit the mat, but Sabin crawled over to drape an arm across! ONE … TWO … THRE – Shelley got a foot on the rope! Both guys got up and started trading punches in the middle of the ring! Sabin finally got the better and went for the Cradle Shock, but Shelley floated over and got Sabin with a Backpack Stunner! ONE … TWO … THRE – Sabin got an arm up! Shelley grabbed his arm, AND HE LOCKED IN THE BORDER CITY STRETCH! He pulled back, but he couldn’t hold it with his hurt arm, and Sabin broke out! Shelley held at his arm as Sabin got up, and he tried a superkick, but Sabin ducked and came off the ropes with a flying forearm! And another one! Sabin got all fired up as Shelley stumbled around, and Sabin hit a superkick! ONE … TWO … THRE – Shelley kicked out! He got up, but Sabin immediately met him with a Tiger Suplex, holding the bridge this time! ONE … TWO … THRE – Shelley kicked out! Shelley crawled over to the ropes, but Sabin climbed out to the apron and smacked him off, then came in with a springboard Tornado DDT! ONE … TWO … THRE – Shelley JUST got an arm up! Sabin went up top and came off with his Flying Leg Drop! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! Shelley kicked out! Sabin called for the end and went for the Cradle Shock, but Shelley floated over AND HE HIT THE SHELLSHOCK OUT OF NOWHERE! After a few seconds, he rolled over and covered Sabin! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! WHAT CHRIS SABIN GOT AN ARM UP! Shelley covered again! ONE … TWO … THRE – Sabin kicked out again! Shelley couldn’t believe it! He got up and screamed at Jacobs, demanding that it be counted as three. Jacobs stood by his count, so Shelley shoved him! And Jacobs shoved him back! Shelley scoffed then went to turn, BUT HE TURNED BACK AND SLUGGED JACOBS ACROSS THE FACE! He rolled to the outside and grabbed a steel chair and brought it into the ring, and Sabin was up. Shelley swung, and nailed Sabin in the face! He kept hitting him, and when Jacobs got up, he called for the bell.
Winner via disqualification: Chris Sabin (13:22)

Shelley kept nailing a bloody Sabin with the chair, UNTIL JIMMY JACOBS TACKLED SHELLEY TO THE MAT! Shelley escaped up the ramp with his belt, and Jacobs went over to help Sabin. He seemed nonresponsive, so Jacobs called down EMTs, who helped Sabin to the back.

Backstage, Tomko was on the phone, and thanked the other person for wishing good luck. He ended it with “Again, thanks Christian,” and hung up.

Lots of hype for the RVD/Daniels match next.

Match 9: Rob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels – Hardcore Match
As Daniels was coming down for his entrance, RVD met him at the ramp with wild punches and IT WAS ON! They brawled to the top of the stage, and Van Dam ended up tackling him into the wall. He pulled him away and hit a vertical suplex on the hard ground, and then went to toss RVD off the stage, but he stopped himself and fought Daniels back with stiff elbows. Daniels charged, but RVD caught him and planted him with a DDT on the floor. Daniels tried to crawl back to the ring, but RVD stalked him all the way down, kicking and stomping when he could. He tried to get into the ring, but RVD pulled him out and tossed him into the crowd! Daniels tried to escape, but the fans kept him there. RVD followed him there and beat him around the floor, despite brief comebacks by Daniels. The Fallen Angel ended up snatching a soda from a fan and tossing it in RVD’s face, then tackling him back-first into the steel barricade. He clotheslined him to the floor around the ring, and then the wild brawl continued there. Daniels again got the advantage after a Blue Thunder Driver on the floor, and then rolled Van Dam into the ring. From there, it was mainly Daniels’ ballgame, and he was able to control his opponent within the confines of the ring ropes. RVD had brief comebacks and he kept trying to get out of the ring, but Daniels always cut him off. After some traditional work over the neck, Daniels went for the Last Rites, but RVD spun off the ropes and did a baseball slide to get out of the ring. Daniels ran to follow him out, BUT RVD NAILED HIM ACROSS THE FACE WITH THE RING BELL! Daniels was immediately busted open, and RVD jumped on him and kept hit him in the face with the bell. He covered, ONE … TWO … THRE – Daniels kicked out. RVD pulled him up and dragged him to the announce booth. He high-fived Taz and then set Daniels up on the table. He climbed back to the ring and got up on the turnbuckle closest to the table, but Daniels rolled off the table to save himself. Van Dam tried to climb down from the top, but Daniels met him up there and delivered some stiff elbows, then came off with a sunset flip powerbomb from the top! Both men were down, and instead of going for a pin, Daniels rolled out of the ring and looked under the ring apron, and pulled out a steel pipe, and Mike Tenay said he misses Scott Steiner :( . Daniels got back and the ring and swung, but RVD ducked and came off the ropes with a springboard dropkick! Daniels stumbled up and RVD hit his Steamroller Slam, then followed up with the Rolling Thunder, but Daniels got the knees up! RVD held his back and staggered around the ring, then turned around RIGHT INTO A STEEL PIPE TO THE SKULL! ONE … TWO … THRE – Van Dam kicked out! Daniels wiped some blood from his eyes and then dragged a now-bloody RVD to the floor, and immediately nailed a swinging neckbreaker. He pulled up the mat on the ground to reveal the concrete underneath, and then got RVD to his feet. He went for a piledriver, but RVD back body dropped out! Daniels got up, but Van Dam tackled him an drove him all the way back to the announce booth. He laid him on again, and then asked for a chair from a fan, who obliged. Daniels was starting to stand up on the table, BUT VAN DAM CHUCKED THE STEEL CHAIR INTO DANIELS’ FACE! Van Dam immediately climbed up to the top rope AND LEAPT OFF AND DROVE DANIELS THROUGH THE TABLES WITH A FLYING SPLASH! Bullshit “TNA! TNA!” chants from the crowd as both men took a while fighting to their feet. Van Dam met Daniels with stiff elbows and tossed Daniels into the ring, and followed up with a springboard frog splash! ONE … TWO … THRE – Daniels kicked out! RVD pulled him up, but Daniels kicked him in the nuts! LAST RITES! ONE … TWO … THRE – VAN DAM GOT UP A SHOULDER! Daniels was irate, and he went to cover again, but RVD rolled out of the ring! RVD eventually got to his feet, and Daniels took him out with a suicide dive WITH A STEEL PIPE TO HIS FACE HOLY SHIT! Daniels picked him up and went for the Angel’s Wings, but RVD dropped down and crawled through Daniels’ legs! He kept crawling up the ramp, and Daniels stalked after him with the steel pipe, a menacing smile on his bloody face. Daniels went to smash him with it, but RVD grabbed it with his feet and tossed it away! Daniels went to pounce on him, but RVD moved and tackled Daniels further up the ramp, then followed up with unblocked punches! He picked Daniels up and went for a DDT, but Daniels spun out. He went for another Last Rites, but RVD shoved him away and hit a big roundhouse. Daniels staggered back, and RVD killed him with a Spear on the steel! They both slowly got up, and RVD went for a superkick, but Daniels grabbed his leg and countered with an enzuigiri. RVD staggered and Daniels went to tackle him on the side of the stage, but RVD sidestepped him. Daniels tried to keep his balance on the side, and RVD tried to hit him with a roundhouse, but Daniels ducked. He kicked him in the balls from behind and went for the Angel’s Wings, but RVD spun out. RVD hit some stiff kicks to the midsection then went for a piledriver, but Daniels shoved away and hit some stiff slaps. RVD stutter-stepped, and Daniels nailed him with a HUGE spinning back fist! Blood went flying out of RVD’s mouth holy shit! DANIELS HIT THE RUNNING KNEE TO THE BACK OF THE SKULL AND VAN DAM FELL OFF THE STAGE AND ONTO THE FLOOR ALL THE WAY BELOW, THROUGH A TABLE AND ALL OF THE PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT! Daniels followed up with a SPLASH FROM THE STAGE! ONE … TWO … THREE!

Short version: big moves, blood, and guts. Daniels wins after kicking Van Dam off the stage.
Winner via pinfall: Christopher Daniels (18:58)

A bloody Daniels rolled off, got his breath, then slowly got to his feet and celebrated on the floor. He shouted that HE is hardcore, and then pulled RVD up! He smacked him across the bloody face, and then hit him with the Angel’s Wings! The crowd began to throw at Daniels as he escaped to the back.

Split-screen of Angle and Tomko headed out to the arena.

Clips of Tomko pinning Angle several times over the last couple of months played, along with the rest of the build to the main event.

Match 10: Kurt Angle[c] vs Tyson Tomko [TNA World Championship]
Tomko wanted to go right into punches, but Angle refused to get the match going until Tomko quit throwing strikes. They finally went for a lockup, and after a long struggle Angle managed to take Tomko to the mat. He tried to keep him in control, but Tomko powered up and put Angle into a headlock of his own. Angle kept trying to use the ropes and corners to break free, but Tomko would just yank Angle back into the middle of the ring and wear him down. Angle finally tried an Olympic Slam to get out, but Tomko powered behind him and hit a big back suplex! He delivered some big elbows to Angle’s back, and tried to keep on him, but he managed to crawl to the ropes and roll to the outside. Angle was hesitant to get back in, but when he did Tomko immediately started to bounce him around the ring, so Angle escaped to the outside again. Rinse and repeat, as far as Angle consistently escaping to the outside to stop Tomko’s momentum, which Cornette attributed to the fact that Tomko has pinned Angle four times right on the eve of Tomko hitting Angle around the ring. After the third time of bailing to the outside, Tomko got fed up and followed him to the floor. Angle got a cheap shot to the throat and charged Tomko into the steel post. Angle ran at Tomko and went for his flying lariat, but Tomko moved and Angle’s arm nailed the post! Tomko tossed him back into the ring and immediately pounced on his arm, kicking, elbowing, hitting, and stomping at it. He put in a fujiwara armbar, but Angle rolled through and got Tomko with a DDT! ONE … TWO … THR – Tomko got an arm up. Angle jumped on Tomko and hit some crossfaces, then locked in a rear naked choke. Tomko fought to a vertical position, but Angle hit a German Suplex! ONE … TWO … THR – Tomko got his arm up. Angle pulled him up by the neck and went for another DDT, but Tomko held onto the ropes to block it, and the body dropped Angle away. Angle got up, but walked right into Lariat that sent him stumbling backwards into the corner. Tomko charged and went for TEH BEWT~ into the corner, but Angle moved and Tomko’s leg got caught up top. Angle got a bright look on his eye and started to torque Tomko’s ankle over the top rope. The ref forced him off, but with Tomko’s leg still on the top, Angle grabbed him from behind and hit a German Suplex, holding the bridge … ONE … TWO … THR – Tomko kicked out! Angle got up and put in the ankle lock, but Tomko quickly made it to the ropes. Angle followed up with some big European Uppercuts, but Tomko shoved him away. Angle charged again, but Tomko body dropped him, but Angle landed on the apron. He tried to pull Tomko to the outside, but Tomko overpowered him, picked him up over the apron, OVER HIS HEAD, and INTO A MILITARY PRESS! He tossed him up in the air, and then swatted him down! ONE … TWO … THRE – Angle kicked out! Tomko got up, and Angle grabbed at his ankle from the mat, but Tomko reached down to pick Angle up from the throat, and then he nailed a double-arm chokeslam! ONE … TWO … THRE – Angle kicked out! Tomko picked him up for the Argentine Neckbreaker, but Angle floated over and hit the Olympic Slam! But Tomko was near the ropes, and he rolled to the outside! Angle slowly got up in the ring, AND HE HIT A TOPE SUICIDA, BUT NO! TOMKO MOVED AND ANGLE HIT THE STEEL BARRICADE! Tomko took a second to regroup, but then quickly rolled Angle into the ring and covered! ONE … TWO … THRE – Angle kicked out! Tomko went to the corner and measured Angle up, and when Angle got up, Tomko went for TEH BEWT~, but Angle grabbed his BEWT~ and put it into the ankle lock!!! Tomko struggled for a long while and nearly shoved Angle off, but Angle put it into a grapevine! Tomko struggled even more, but finally got a burst of adrenaline and powered to the bottom rope to force the break. Angle pulled him up and immediately went for the Olympic Slam, but Tomko powered out and hit some big right hands. He picked Angle up for the Argentine Neckbreaker, but his ankle gave out, and Angle slipped behind! OLYMPIC SLAM! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! TOMKO KICKED OUT! Angle couldn’t believe it! He picked Tomko up and hit another Olympic Slam, and then pulled him up to hit a third! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Kurt Angle (15:08)

Angle slid out and grabbed his belt from ringside and then celebrated up the ramp. Tomko eventually got up and was upset, but Angle threw on his cocky smile as he posed for the camera, still TNA Champion.


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TNA iMPACT: Extreme Team
The Arena
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 20, 2010

To start the show, ROB VAN DAM~ came out and the Philadelphia crowd went nuuuuuts. He talked about his match with Daniels last night, and said that the fact that he came up short revealed to him that he’s just not as hardcore as he thought he was. He want on kind of a long tirade about his career, and then announced that the rumors were buzzing backstage, so he wanted to make it official for everybody: Rob Van Dam is retiring. The crowd booed his announcement, but he said that it was necessary.

Kurt Angle came out to big heat and told RVD to stop trying to steal his thunder. HE’S the world champion and HE defended his belt on Sunday; HE is the star of the night. They got in each other’s faces, and RVD said that he would LOVE to face Angle on his final night in TNA, RIGHT HERE IN PHILDELPHIA! Angle said that he would love to beat RVD on his last night in TNA, so that sounds good, but no. Lol.

Mick Foley came out and said that RVD and Angle in a match sounded like a good idea, but he had an even better idea. How about Foley and Van Dam team up to take on Angle and Jarrett. Angle started to say no, but Jarrett came out! He said that he wanted Foley in the ring again, so they accepted. That’s when Taz stood up from the announce booth to enter the ring, and he wanted into the match! The crowd went nuts, and Jarrett and Angle agreed that they could add a third member to their team. All the guys faced off until…

RAVEN~ came out! The Philly crowd went ballistics!! He insisted that he be put into the match, and everybody agreed, so it became an eight-man tag. But Raven told them to hold on just one second, because he returned to TNA in Philadelphia today with a friend. Angle and Jarrett shrugged it off and agreed to an ten-man tag, so long as their fifth teammate was as useless as Raven. Raven smiled and said that they would find out tonight if his friend was useless, or useful, or maybe a little INNOVATIVE! Either way, Philly knows the guy, Raven definitely knows the guy, and soon enough, Planet Jarrett would meet the guy. Jarrett and Angle became uncomfortable and left up the ramp, leaving RVD, Foley, and Raven to talk in the ring.

--Commercial Break--

Footage of the big announcement played, along with commentary’s take on it.

Before the match, the ref sent Schulz and Magnus to the back.

Match 1: Homicide/Low Ki vs Alex Viktor Koslov/Kiyoshi
‘Cide and Ki looked really good here knocking around both of their opponents. Koslov finally got a lucky break and caught Ki off the top with a dropkick to him in mid-air. Ki’s air got knocked out of him, so AVK started to squeeze the life out further with abdominal and sleeper holds. He began to fight back with his big kicks, so Koslov let Kiyoshi get in, and he returned the kicks. Low KI clearly had the stronger kicks, however, and he began to put Kiyoshi on the defense. He let off a big roundhouse, but Koslov elbowed Ki from the apron, and that allowed Kiyoshi to capitalize with a running wheel kick! The Powers used quick tags to keep Low Ki in control, but Ki eventually ducked under a double clothesline and springboarded back off the ropes to take them both out with a double dropkick! He tagged in Homicide, who came in ON FIRE~! He cleaned house on both guys, and then sent Koslov flying to the floor. He grabbed Kiyoshi and went for the Gringo Killer, but Kiyoshi spun through AND HIT HOMICIDE WITH HIS BUTTERFLY CRESCENT KICK! ONE … TWO … THRE – Homicide kicked out! Kiyoshi pulled him up, but Low Ki springboarded into the ring and nailed the Jap with a flying roundhouse! Homicide went up top, but Koslov leapt onto the apron and shoved Homicide to the mat below, but he fell right on Kiyoshi! ONE … TWO … THRE – Kiyoshi got an arm up! They both crawled to their corners, and Koslov and Low Ki got tagged in at the same time! Koslov charged with a clothesline, but Low Ki ducked it and came off the ropes with a stiff one of his own! Koslov got up, right into a body slam from Low Ki, who followed up with a jumping double stomp! He tried to put in the Dragon Clutch, but Koslov elbowed out. He got up and tried the Red Scare, but Ki floated over AND HIT THE KI KRUSHER! ONE … TWO … THRE – Kiyoshi broke it up! Homicide charged the ring, but Kiyoshi bridged him to the outside. Ki went to pulled Koslov up, but Kiyoshi grabbed him from behind and hit a Dragon Suplex! He pulled Koslov to his side and tagged in. He picked Low Ki up and tried the Butterfly Crescent, but Low Ki ducked and ran off the ropes to hit his high-impact front dropkick! Kiyoshi flew across the ring, so Ki climbed to the top and came off with the GHETTO STOMP! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Homicide/Low Ki (7:33)

Homicide and Low Ki celebrated in the ring together, and then headed up the ramp. Koslov got up in the ring and was pissed at Kiyoshi.

Backstage, AJ Styles told Lauren that he was feeling good off the heels of beating Robert Roode at Sacrifice. He said he was really excited, because tonight marks the path to Slammiversary, which means a King of the Mountain match. Lauren told him that Dixie was on her way out to the Impact Zone to make an announcement about KOTM, and Styles said he would be listening intently to find out who his other opponents would be in the match.

--Commercial Break--

Dixie came out to the ring announced that this year, there would be four different KOTM qualifying matches--two this week, and two next week--to determine the four challengers to join Angle in the match. Things would be a bit different this time though. She put over all of the up-and-coming talent in TNA, and said that she decided to make it so that all eight guys in the qualifying matches will have never held the TNA Championship before! She said that she’d reveal next week’s matches later tonight. As for tonight, later in the night we would see two behemoths go at it: Monty Brown vs Tyson Tomko! But the first match starts now: Christopher Daniels vs Booker T!

Match 2: Christopher Daniels vs Booker T [KOTM Qualifying Match]
K, rest of the matches will be shorter until the main event. The crowd HATED Daniels for beating, then disrespecting RVD at Sacrifice on Sunday. As for the match, it was a back-and-forth bout with Booker T using his veterancy to outmaneuver Daniels on the mat. He had to up the speed a bit, but Booker’s agility proved to be a bigger problem than he expected. He finally had to resort to dirty tricks to gain control, but Booker came back with big chops. He went for the Axe Kick, but Daniels ducked it and kicked him in the balls behind the ref’s back. Book doubled over, and Daniels hit the Angel’s Wings.
Winner via pinfall: Christopher Daniels (6:42)

Daniels celebrated in the ring and motioned for the title. Booker got up and got in Daniels face, but Daniels just laughed and celebrated to the back.

The camera cut backstage to find Ravarian and 2CN being pulled apart by referees, and Dixie told Jimmy Rave and Jay Lethal to get ready, because they would be in a match tonight.

--Commercial Break--

The Hooliganz were backstage. Kendrick admitted that he messed up on Sunday, but he said that he and London were looking for another title match with AMW, and this time they wouldn’t make a mistake.

Match 3: Frankie Kazarian w/ Rave vs Jay Lethal w/ Consequences Creed
Lethal charged right at the bell, and took Kaz down with wild punches. Kazarian used outside interference to create space, and managed to control Lethal for a while by going after his arm. Lethal dodged a top rope crossbody and tried the Lethal Combination, but he only got half of it off, and Kaz countered into a falling shoulder breaker. He went for the Wave of the Future, but Lethal spun out and hit a reverse DDT. He went up top, but Rave jumped on the apron to distract him. Lethal kicked him away, but it gave Kaz enough time to meet Lethal at the top and nail the Flux Capacitor! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Frankie Kazarian (5:57)

Ravarian and 2CN brawled around the ring until Ravarian laid them both out with the respective finishers.

Backstage in her office, Dixie Carter announced that next week’s two KOTM qualifying matches would be Sean Hernandez vs Robert Roode and Homicide vs Low Ki! Just then her door slammed open and AJ Styles came in enraged. He went off about it being bullshit that he gets left out just because he’s been successful before. Dixie stood up and “strongly encouraged†AJ to turn around and leave her office, and Styles’ face got red, but he eventually turned and left.

--Commercial Break--

Styles was still pacing backstage, and Samoa Joe walked up! They shared a stare for a while, and Styles started to talk, but Joe told him to shut up. And stop being a little bitch. Joe said he was pissed too about being left out, but he wasn’t going to complain about it. Styles started to go off about being looked over despite defending TNA, but Joe told him to shut up again. He told AJ to put up or shut up, and then challenged him to a singles match at Slammiversary! Styles thought about it, and accepted!

Out in the Impact Zone, Chris Sabin was making his way to the ring with a bandage over his head. He said that he’s NEVER hated anybody like he hates Alex Shelley, and so despite the fact that the doctors are telling him not to wrestle due to a serious concussion at Sacrifice, he’s DEMANDING Alex Shelley one more time. Jacobs came out and tried to convince him not to, but Sabin told him to go to the back and mind his own business. He told Shelley to stop being a pussy and come down. Shelley came down casually and got in the ring without saying anything. Sabin asked him for a match, and challenged him to be a man. Sabin shouted for a long time about loyalty, being a man, being a fighting champion, all of which Shelley responded with silence. Sabin finally stopped and just asked, “What do you say ‘King of the World’?†and Shelley looked at him, AND BASHED HIM IN THE HEAD WITH THE X-DIVISION TITLE! Sabin hit the mat hard and seemed knocked out while Shelley just returned to the back. Jacobs ran down to the ring with some EMTs and they helped Sabin to the back.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, AMW was talking about how excited they were to be in Philadelphia until Team Canada ran up and attacked them, and both teams had to be separated by officials. Commentary hyped that match for Slammiversary.

Match 4: Monty Brown vs Tyson Tomko [KOTM Qualifying Match]
Huge power-offs, and they tried to create the sense of this really being monster vs monster. Both guys traded huge power moves after long struggles to lift each other up. After some brief brawling on the outside, Monty hit a running powerslam on the floor. He continued some ruthless back work on the inside, but Tomko made his comeback after a falling lariat off the ropes. He went for the Argentine Neckbreaker, but his back gave out and he couldn’t keep the big man up. Monty tried to whip Tomko for the POUNCE~, but Tomko reversed it and caught him bouncing off the ropes with TEH BEWT~! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Tyson Tomko (8:03)

Tomko got up and was psyched, and he celebrated up the ramp. Monty got up and was pissed, so he POUNCED~~~~~~ the ref.

Backstage, Christopher Daniels promised to win the TNA Championship at Slammiversary. But, more importantly, he was going to make an impact that this company would never forget. Sooner than you might think.

--Commercial Break--

RVD, Foley, and Raven came out first and played to the crowd a bit. Angle, Jarrett, Roode, and Waltman came out next and asked who their fourth man was. Raven took his time introducing, or reintroducing, to Philadelphia in The Arena …

TOMMY DREAMER~!~!~!~!~!~!

Nobody else in the world cares really, but the roof blew off the arena in Philly! Dreamer came out and the people went nuts as he came into the ring and was welcomed by Foley and RVD. He got to Raven and they stared at each other for a while, then smiled and hugged!

Match 5: Rob Van Dam/Mick Foley/Taz/Raven/Tommy Dreamer vs Kurt Angle/Jeff Jarrett/Robert Roode/Kevin Nash/Sean Waltman
Jeff Jarrett and RVD started, but Jarrett refused to wrestle and pretty much just trolled the Philly crowd the whole time. Angle finally got pissed and tagged himself in, and he and Van Dam went to the mat for a bit. Roode and Nash joined in to help keep him down, but when Waltman got in, RVD spun out of the Comedown and nailed a huge roundhouse! Foley tagged in and hit him with some jabs, then a Bang! Bang! Taz got in and nailed a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Raven’s turn, and he connected with a running bulldog! Dreamer tagged in! DREAMER DDT! ONE … TWO … THRE – Jeff Jarrett broke it up! Everybody stormed the ring and bodies started flying everywhere. In the end, RVD took everybody out with a suicide dive to the floor!!

--Commercial Break--

Things calmed down and became more formulaic. Foley, Dreamer, and Raven all took their times being worked over by the heels. Everybody in Planet Jarrett except Angle was doing a whole lot of crowd taunting, which pissed Angle off, so he kept insisting on getting in. Over time, he ended up overextending himself and getting isolated by the EXTREME~ faces. Angle made a comeback after hitting Taz with a belly-to-belly, but oshit. Mistake. Taz no-sold it and immediately stood up then hit Angle with three overhead belly-to-belly suplexes in a row! ONE … TWO … THR – Angle kicked out! Taz pulled him right up and nailed a T-Bone Suplex! ONE … TWO … THRE – Angle got an arm up, but Taz grabbed the arm AND LOCKED IN THE TAZMISSION!!! The heels rushed the ring, but all the faces cut them off and tackled them out of the ring! Taz had Angle in the Choke alone in the ring, but Robert Roode escaped away from Foley on the outside and broke it up! He pulled Taz up and hit the Roode Awakening, and Angle crawled over on top of Taz! ONE … TWO … THRE – TAZ KICKED OUT! Angle dragged Taz over to his corner, AND CAN HE SURVIVE?!

--Commercial Break--

All five guys from PJ were trying to contain Taz, but it’s Taz on the juice of ECW, so no. He got Jarrett sick overhead underhook suplex, and then tagged in Tommy Dreamer, and the crowd went nuts as he bumped Jarrett around, and topped it off with a sitout piledriver! ONE … TWO … THRE – Jarrett kicked out! Dreamer picked him up for the Dreamer Driver, but he gouged at the eyes to break free and then immediately jumped over to tag in Waltman. He climbed to the top and leapt off, but Dreamer countered midair into the Sky High! ONE … TWO … THRE – Waltman kicked out! Dreamer tagged out to Raven and they WORKED TOGETHER~ to knock Waltman around. Raven went for the Even Flow, but Waltman spun out and HIT THE COMEDOWN (Pedigree), and the crowd pissed on the move! ONE … TWO … THRE – Raven got a foot on the bottom rope! Waltman tagged in Nash, who went for the Jackknife, but Raven rolled through into a sunset flip! ONE … TWO … THR – Nash got out! They both got up, and Nash went for a big boot, but Raven ducked under it. Taz tagged himself in while Nash wasn’t looking, so when Nash went for a chokeslam on Raven, TAZ HIT NASH WITH A TAZMISSION-PLEX~! ONE … TWO … THRE – Angle broke it up! Angle kept stomping at Taz, but Foley ran over and took Angle to the outside with a Cactus Clothesline! Nash tagged in Jarrett, who kicked Taz in the balls behind the ref’s back! THE STROKE! ONE … TWO … THRE – NO! TAZ KICKED OUT! Jarrett picked him up, BUT TAZ HIT HIM WITH A TAZZMISSION-PLEX! Raven got in and laid Jarrett out with the Even Flow, and then ran and took the remaining Planet Jarrett members off the apron with a flying crossbody! Jarrett stumbled to his feet, RIGHT INTO THE DREAMER DRIVER! DREAM TAGGED IN RVD! FIVE! STAR! FROG SPLASH! ONE … TWO … THREE!!!!!
Winners via pinfall: Rob Van Dam/Mick Foley/Raven/Tommy Dreamer (25:58)

YEAHHHH! The crowd went nuts as the faces got together in the ring and the fans kinda shouted “ECW! ECW!†but then when the others patted Rob Van Dam on the back and left to leave him alone in the ring, it changed to “RVD! RVD!†He grabbed a microphone and thanked the fans for all the years, the ups and downs, etc. He thanked the guys he’s gotten close to in TNA, Dixie Carter, Dreamer, Heyman (pop!), Sabu, Booked T, Jerry Lynn, and more that he’s probably forgetting. He said before he left, he wanted to do this one more time. With the hand motions, he did his signature taunt:

“ROB! VAN! DA - “ SMASH! WTF! CHRISTOPHER DANIELS KILLED HIM WITH A CHAIR SHOT FROM BEHIND! WHAT THE HELL?! The crowd exploded in boos as Daniels smashed RVD over the back of the skull over and over again! Foley, Raven, and Dreamer ran back out, but the rest of the Enlightened was hiding on the ramp and they jumped out and attacked them to stop them from coming down!

Daniels kept killing Van Dam with the chair, and then tied him up in the ropes to kill him some more! He shouted at the crowd some and started laughing at them as they threw tons of garbage at him. He ran against the opposite ropes and came back and KILLED Van Dam with a running chair shot! By now, RVD was an absolute bloody mess, completely nonresponsive to anything Daniels did. Daniels threw the chair on the mat and laid RVD headfirst onto it, then climbed up and hit RVD with the Five Star Frog Splash, driving his face into the steel chair! Commentary was completely silent as EMTs rushed out, and Daniels returned up the ramp.

Xplosion Results (5/22)
Sean Hernandez (33 – 0) over Brock O. Bomber
Abyss over Shark Boy
Daisy Haze/Roxxi Laveaux/Sarita over Angelina Love/Velvet Sky/Taylor Wilde
Consequences Creed over Seth Delay
Awesome Kong[c] over Raisha Saeed

TNA Slammiversary – June 13, 2010

TNA World Championship – King of the Mountain
Kurt Angle[c] vs Christopher Daniels vs Tyson Tomko vs Low Ki OR Homicide vs Sean Hernandez OR Robert Roode

TNA Tag Team Championships
America’s Most Wanted[c] vs Team Canada

Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles

2 Crazy Negroes vs Ravarian​


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:lmao @ Brock O. Bomber

Haven't read this in a while, but good stuff once again. Really cool what you're doing with the ECW invasion.

And just so you know, Hernandez's first name is spelled SHAWN, not SEAN.


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Mar 30, 2010
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Yeah, but Shawn is a girl's name, if you're not Shawn Michaels. I decided to man him up a little bit.


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I know more guys named Shawn than Sean tbf.


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Mar 30, 2010
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And they all fantasize about you imo.


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Internet Rumors

- Rob Van Dam has indeed been released by TNA. They parted ways on good terms, and RVD expressed that he really wanted to put somebody over on his way out, which is why Daniels was given the angle of killing him. RVD may be back in the future, but not for some time.

- Creative apparently went back-and-forth several times in trying to decide if Shelley or Sabin should win at Sacrifice. They seem to have finally decided on a direction for the feud, which is not expected to be over very soon.

- TNA management has been trying for a while to get one of their workers involved in the Hollywood projects, and their efforts have seemingly paid off. Robert Roode will play a small, but credit role in the upcoming action film, Machete.

- The entire Knockouts division was sold to SHIMMER for a very large sum of money. The title belt, the rights to the name, and most of the contracts were sold. TNA chose to keep Raisha Saeed, Daffney, Jackie Moore, and Angelina Love, probably for managerial roles. Pwnt 2 women.

TNA iMPACT: The Rising Angel
Orlando, Florida
May 27, 2010

Commentary talked about how Impact ended last week, and on that note Foley and Raven came down to the ring. They said that Daniels was despicable, which drew out The Enlightened. Daniels said that they’re talking about the next TNA Champion, so they should watch their mouths. Angle came out and objected to that, saying that he sees no reason why he should lose his title at Slammiversary. Tomko came out and said he had one reason: him. Dixie Carter came out and booked Angle/Jarrett vs Daniels/Tomko in the main event. She also booked Ravarian vs Foley/Raven … NOW!

Match 1: Ravarian vs Mick Foley/Raven
Foley and Raven worked together very well and had Ravarian on their toes for a long stretch. Kaz raked at Raven’s back and went to help Rave with Foley, but Raven ran over and took them both out with a double bulldog! Both guys staggered up, and Foley took them both out with a double Cactus Clothesline! Foley celebrated on the outside as Ravarian got up on the outside, but Raven ran over and took them both out with a plancha! Foley and Raven played to the crowd as it went to the first commercial.

--Commercial Break--

Foley was bumping Rave around, but Kaz kneed him from the apron and Rave got him with a standing neck snap. He and Kaz used quick tags to keep him isolated. He nearly made the hot tag after moving out of the way of a Rave crossbody, but Kaz got tagged in first and ran over to knock Raven off the apron. Raven rolled into the ring, but the ref fought him back out. While the ref was busy with him, Rave snuck in and the two hit Foley with an aided Brainbuster! Rave called for the ref while Kaz covered! ONE … TWO … THRE – Foley kicked out! Kaz set Foley up in the corner and went up for the Flux Capacitor, but Foley bit his forehead and then shoved him down to the mat! FLYING ELBOW, ONE … TWO … THRE – Rave broke it up! Raven ran into the ring and nailed Rave with a Knee Lift! Rave spilled to the outside, and Foley and Raven batted Kaz around. Foley picked Kaz up for a powerbomb, and Raven went to aid him, but Rave grabbed Raven from the outside and pulled him to the floor! The brief distraction let Kaz flow over and grab Foley with a sunset flip! ONE … TWO … THRE – Foley got out! They both got up, and Foley struck first. He went for the Double Arm DDT, but Kaz spun out and hit the Wave of the Future! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Ravarian (9:48)

Ravarian celebrated in the ring and then backed up the ramp, but the 2 Crazy Negroes came out and threw them back into the ring! They worked with Foley and Raven to pinball them around, but they both managed to escape and run to the back.

Commentary ran down the rest of tonight’s card, including Hernandez vs Roode and Low Ki vs Homicide in KOTM Qualifying Matches.

A pre-taped Chris Sabin promo played saying that he’s been refused entry to the arena tonight on doctors’ orders, but he will be there at Slammiversary for a fight with Shelley. That’s right--a fight. They’ll have an Unsanctioned Match together, because Dixie is too scared that Sabin will do serious damage to herself, and she doesn’t want that on TNA’s hands.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, Angle went to Dixie and said that Jarrett didn’t even show up tonight. Dixie asked if this was a scheme, and Angle told her that he was just as pissed off at Jarrett as she was. She said fine, and made it Angle/Nash vs Tomko/Daniels instead. Angle asked for his teammate to be Monty instead, but Dixie said that Monty was suspended indefinitely for attacking a referee last week, and walked off.

Match 2: Alex Shelley/Rhino vs Jimmy Jacobs/Ricky Steamboat Jr
Shelley wanted to start, so Jacobs did too, and Shelley laughed at him. They went to the mat, and Shelley severely underestimated him, so Jacobs consistently outworked him. The X-Division champion finally got frustrated and tagged out to Rhino, who refused to go to the mat, and instead just started punching. Steamboat got in and hit some ARMDRAGS~, but Rhino quickly turned the tide with a jumping shoulder block that turned Steamboat inside out. Shelley was fine to get back in now, and he stretched Ricky out on the mat, and loudly told Jimmy, “That’s how it’s done!†Shelley went for the Border City Stretch, but Ricky rolled (rickrolled) away and connected with a dropkick off the ropes! Shelley tried to run over and make the tag, but Steamboat dragged him from behind and planted him with a neckbreaker on his side, then tagged in Jacobs! He came in on fire and batted Shelley around and the crowd loved it. He hit a really nice swinging backbreaker for a nearfall, and then went for the Detroit Code, but Shelley shoved him away. He pulled Jacobs up for the Shellshock, but Jacobs spun out and came back with a big Spear! He went to the top, but Shelley rolled away and tagged in Rhino. Rhino charged, but was met by a flying tilt-a-whirl headscissors from Jacobs! ONE … TWO … THRE – Rhino kicked out! Ricky tagged in and went up top as well. He leapt off, BUT RHINO HIT A GORE OUT OF MIDAIR! He went to cover, but instead tagged in Alex Shelley, who slapped Steamboat across the face some and then locked in the Border City Stretch, forcing the submission.
Winners via pinfall: Alex Shelley/Rhino (6:59)

Shelley celebrated in the ring, and then Rhino came in and patted him on the back. Shelley smiled and they left together.

--Commercial Break--

Backstage, Shelley confirmed with Rhino that he was from Detroit. Shelley said that he and Rhino should stick together more, and Rhino agreed.

Match 3: Robert Roode vs Sean Hernandez w/ Chuck Taylor [KOTM Qualifying Match]
Roode kept getting overpowered, so he constantly rested on the outside. He finally got up and grabbed a microphone, and began listing off guys that he had beaten, insisting that it was more than 33. By the time he got to D-Ray 3000, Hernandez grabbed him military pressed him back into the ring. He went for a Spear, but Roode sidestepped it and caught him with a Side Russian Legsweep. He stomped at the neck and tried to keep him down with a rear naked choke, but Hernandez fought up and tossed him down. He bounced Roode around some, and avalanched him in the corner, then followed up with a huge Spear! Hernandez pulled him up and nailed the Cracker Jack, and got the three-count.
Winner via pinfall: Sean Hernandez (34-0) (6:03)

Hernandez celebrated in the ring, but Roode attacked him from behind. He punched at his back until Taylor ran up and jumped on Roode’s back! Roode finally fought him off, but he turned right into a big Lariat from Hernandez!

Clips of a bunch of epic Styles/Joe encounters played, and at the end, Dixie announced from her office that Joe vs Styles at Slammiversary would be for the #1 contendership!

--Commercial Break--

Team Canada came out and talked crap about America before their match.

Match 4: Team Canada vs The Naturals
So, these guys are back on TNA television. Don West marked out, but not for long before it became obvious that they’re enhancement talent. Team Canada beat them both down and shut down any sort of HIGH FLYING~ spurts of offense they had. Dux hit his North of the Border Brainbuster on Andy Douglas, and then Tyson Dux strapped in the Sharpshooter to make him tap.
Winners via submission: Team Canada (2:45)

Young and Dux celebrated in the ring, but then a promo came on the titan tron. It was America’s Most Wanted, from Canada! They were in the official hockey arena of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and Chris Harris was singing “O’ Amerrrricuh†while James Storm was pissing on the ice. Team Canada was pissed, and they stormed to the back.

--Commercial Break--

Alex Viktor Koslov came down before the match to join the commentary team at the booth.

Match 5: Low Ki vs Homicide [KOTM Qualifying Match]
Handshake. Scattered throughout, Koslov talked shit about both guys. They went to the mat for a long while and it got increasingly aggressive. When it became obvious that neither man would gain an advantage, Homicide said something to Ki, and he nodded his head. They shook hands one more time, and then Homicide hit a stiff chop, and Ki returned the favor. They went back and forth with stiff strikes, again increasing in intensity. Low Ki managed to gain some steam after a bunch of shoot kicks, but Homicide caught one and fought back with some big elbows to the side of the skull. He got Low Ki in the corner and tried to whip him across, but Ki reverse the momentum. He charged and tried the Tidal Krush, but Homicide scouted it, and caught Low Ki in midair and tossed him to the apron. He ran off the opposite ropes and tried to spear Low Ki through the middle ropes, but Low Ki sidestepped it and nailed a huge upwards kick to Homicide’s exposed head! ‘Cide slumped to the outside, and when he got up, Low Ki hit him with a jumping hurricanrana from the apron! Low Ki got back in the ring and went for a tope suicida, BUT HOMICIDE MOVED! He slowly got up, and then drove Low Ki backwards into the ring steps when he stood up as well! Homicide climbed into the ring and went for a plancha, but Low Ki moved! But no, it was a fake, and Homicide landed on the apron! Homicide then leapt off and KILL and unsuspecting Low Ki with a huge side kick to the skull! He rushed back into the ring, and when Low Ki staggered back to his feet, Homicide took him out with a TOPE CON HILO!!

--Commercial Break--

Back on the inside, Homicide was really going after Low Ki’s neck, but Ki caught a break after breaking away from a Dragon Suplex and nailing a big roundhouse, following by a springboard roundhouse. He began to drive by elbows into Homicide’s face, and then got off a big sitout facebuster for a two-count. He tried to put in the Dragon Clutch, but Homicide slapped his way out. He went for a flash 187, but Low Ki shoved him off. Homicide bounced off the ropes and tried the Brooklyn Lariat, but Low Ki used a Matrix Bridge to avoid it, and then caught Homicide coming back with a Butterfly Suplex! He went up top for the Ghetto Stomp, BUT HOMICIDE MOVED! Low Ki limped around, which allowed Homicide to capitalized with a shin breaker, and he followed up by locking in an STF! Low Ki struggled for a while, and finally made it to the ropes, but the damage to his leg and neck was evident. Homicide picked him up for the Gringo Killer, but Low Ki floated through. He landed on his leg and stuttered, which let Homicide go for a belly-to-belly, but Low Ki fought out with headbutts! Homicide fell back, and Low Ki hit another headbutt! Then a knife-edge chop! Another chop! Elbow! Chop! Headbutt! Elbow! Elbow! Chop! Elbow! Homicide went down to a knee! Elbow! Elbow! Chop! Homicide went down to both knees! Elbow! Elbow! ELBOWELBOWELBOWELBOWELBOWELBOW! He ran off the ropes! SHINIG WIZ – NO! BLACK MAGIIIIC! ONE … TWO … THRE – HOMICIDE KICKED OUT! Low Ki pulled him up for the Ki Krusher, but Homicide hit at the neck to break free. He pulled his weight down and tried a Brainbuster, but Low Ki fought down and got off a snap suplex! Both guys got up, and Low KI struck first with a discus elbow!! He pulled himself to the top rope AND HIT A CORKSCREW ELBOW! ONE … TWO … THRE – Homicide just got an arm up! Low Ki quickly turned him over and locked in the Dragon Clutch! Homicide couldn’t reach the ropes, but he wouldn’t tap! He began to fade, ONE … TWO … THR – No, his arm stayed up! He got a final burst of energy and fought over to the ropes to break the hold! Low Ki tossed him into the corner and went for the Tidal Krush, but Homicide caught his leg and distorted it with a big Dragon Screw! He hopped up to the second rope! FROG SPLASH! ONE … TWO … THRE – Low Ki kicked out! Homicide climbed all the way up to the top this time, and hit another FROG SPL – NO! LOW KI MOVED! Homicide stumbled up, and Low Ki hit a bridging Exploder Suplex! ONE … TWO … THRE – Homicide kicked out! The suplex hurt Ki’s neck too, so he held at it as he got up. He measured Homicide up, and when he got to his feet, Low Ki went for a Yakuza Kick, but Homicide ducked and swept his bad leg out from under him! Low Ki sat up, but Homicide nailed a Shining Wizard! ONE … TWO … THRE – Low Ki kicked out! Homicide immediately went up top! FROG SPLASH! ONE … TWO … THRE – LOW KI KICKED OUT! Homicide pulled him up. He went for the Gringo Killer, but Low Ki floated out. Ki tried a roundhouse kick, but Homicide ducked and HIT THE 187! He went up top again! FROG SPLASH! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Homicide (16:03)

Homicide slowly got up, and then helped Low Ki to his feet and the two got a standing ovation. Low Ki left the ring to leave Homicide alone, but on his way up he noticed Koslov sitting at the announce booth, and he dove across and attacked him! Koslov and Ki brawled until refs could break them up.

Christopher Daniels was walking backstage, and everybody kind of glared at him as he walked. Finally Booker T walked up to him and they stared at each other for a long while. Daniels finally broke his straight face and laughed, and Booked asked what the hell is so funny. Daniels said he found it funny that Booker T--a guy doing nothing right now, and who was kinda sorta friends with RVD nine years ago--is the one to finally stand up. Booker told him that he and Rob have been friends for years, but more than that, he RESPEC~ed Rob, something he’ll never do for Daniels. Daniels grinned and said that Booker would have something to respect after Slammiversary when he wins the TNA Championship.

--Commercial Break--

Match 6: Kurt Angle/Kevin Nash vs Tyson Tomko/Christopher Daniels
Angle didn’t want in with either guy, but when Nash got worked over by both Tomko and Daniels, he insisted on getting in. He had a whole new confidence with Tomko, and that match-up was a dead heat. Daniels wanted to get in, and Tomko was hesitant, but let him in. Daniels turned and, in the middle of the match, went on a tirade to Tomko about how he shouldn’t be overlooked just because he’s smaller, because he’s still the most intense wrestler is this whole damn compa – GERMAN SUPLEX FROM KURT ANGLE! ONE … TWO … THRE – Daniels got out! Angle kept Daniels in the ring to bump him around, and Nash got involved at points as well. Angle went for the Olympic Slam, but Daniels rolled through and came off the ropes with a high knee to the back of the skull. He almost tagged in Tomko, but decided against it and turned back to Angle, who caught him with a belly-to-belly! He locked in the ankle lock, and Tomko started to climb into to break it up, but decided against it! Daniels struggled, and FINALLY shoved Angle away with his legs. Angle came bouncing off the ropes, and Daniels caught a small package! ONE … TWO … THRE – Angle got out! They both got up, and Daniels connected with a swinging neckbreaker. He finally tagged in Tomko, who immediately went for the Argentine Neckbreaker, but Angle floated over. He tried a German Suplex, but Tomko powered out and hit a Chokebomb! He signaled for the TEH BEWT~ and measured Angle up, BUT DANIELS GRABBED TOMKO AND HIT THE LAST RITES! Angle looked confused, but immediately pulled Tomko up and hit the Olympic Slam! ONE … TWO … THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Kurt Angle/Kevin Nash (7:58)

Daniels climbed back into the ring and stomped at Tomko, but Angle grabbed him from behind and hit him with the Olympic Slam! He stood tall in the ring with his title, but he turned around RIGHT INTO A 187 FROM HOMICIDE! YEAH! Homicide grabbed the TNA Championship and held it up in the ring, UNTIL HE WAS SPUN AROUND … by Hernandez. Homicide and Hernandez faced off in the ring with the TNA Championship between them to close the show.

Xplosion Results (5/29)
Sean Hernandez (35-0) over Don Pablo
Doug Williams over Roderick Strong
The Bankrupt Brothers over No Limit
Chad Collyer over Volador

TNA Slammiversary – June 13, 2010

TNA World Championship – King of the Mountain
Kurt Angle[c] vs Christopher Daniels vs Tyson Tomko vs Homicide vs Sean Hernandez

#1 Contender’s Match
Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles

TNA Tag Team Championships
America’s Most Wanted[c] vs Team Canada

Unsanctioned Match
Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley

Grudge Match
Low Ki vs Alex Viktor Koslov

2 Crazy Negroes vs Ravarian​