Elimination Chamber This might get you excited for Rock/Cena at WM

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Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
The build was interesting but it lacked the pay off, tbh the match was never going to be great we all knew that but it didn't even have the Hogan / Rock feel with an epic crowd (big mistake with the location for 28 IMO, crowd should have been electric but it wasn't)

Senhor Perfect

Dec 5, 2012
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Crayo said:
It has potential to be personal, but it's not really any different from any other title feud apart from the length of the reign. Don't get me wrong, I preferred Punk/Rock build from Cena/Rock and it had shorter time, but it won't be as marketable as Rock/Cena.

I think it looks bad to have the same main event two years in a row. If I were a casual fan I'd think to myself, "Wow, its the same as last year, no reason to spend $60 to watch it again" As good as the matches were, I felt the same way for Taker/HBK II and Taker/HHH II. WM is supposed to be a PPV where you see a blow off to the year's hottest feuds. IMO it makes the WWE look bad to have to keep repeating matches from previous years. At least with a TTM it's different enough to attract people who want to see something new.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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Leo C said:
Don't want to see a repeat of something I didn't particularly enjoy the first time around.

Leo C has turned into a bitter hater recently.


Mar 4, 2012
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United Scotland of Ambrose
Well I managed to get 3 minutes in on 240p before my Internet fucked up. Yay.

No promo is gonna get me excited for this fued. It's just utterly pointless in every way. The reason the fued began to lose a little bit of momentum going into 'Mania IMO is because both guys began to run out of ammunition. They had been taking shots at each other for about 16 months and they just completely ran out of insults and couldn't rely on the novelty of Rock being back so much. I mean for fuck sake, Cena pointing out Rock uses notes was the 'dramatic' ending to one of the shows. The other issue is, as Seabs(and possibly others) pointed out, it's a lot of build only to have an inevitably poor pay-off.

Crayo said:
I too would want Punk added, but I do fear he would be some sort of "third wheel" like Miz was, and when Miz was the third wheel Rock wasn't even involved in the match (he was just the WM host). I just think building Rock/Cena part two will unfortunately sell more than a triple-threat.

I don't think Punk would be the third wheel personally. Miz went in with a short title reign and had gone over like Jerry Lawler or something? Punk will have already had two long matches with Rock, and carried the title for 434 days, he just can't be ignored IMO.

Senhor Perfect said:
I think it looks bad to have the same main event two years in a row. If I were a casual fan I'd think to myself, "Wow, its the same as last year, no reason to spend $60 to watch it again" As good as the matches were, I felt the same way for Taker/HBK II and Taker/HHH II. WM is supposed to be a PPV where you see a blow off to the year's hottest feuds. IMO it makes the WWE look bad to have to keep repeating matches from previous years. At least with a TTM it's different enough to attract people who want to see something new.


P.S. Wrote a long ass post for this and it deleted, in too much of a huff to bother proof reading what I just posted.
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Jan 27, 2012
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Crayo said:
I didn't compare them, I compared the situation. It's incredibly common within triple-threats for a personal feud to overshadow it. Anyway, I highly doubt the triple-threat is going to take place. I have no idea what Punk will be doing at this moment in time with The Undertaker rumoured to not be able to make it this year.

I wouldn't be surprised if he wins MITB which means that there will be a possible tease of him cashing it in later that night. CM Punk may even come running out but doesn't manage to cash it in. It seems like a possible scenario although I'd rather someone else win the MITB. (This is if the MITB takes place at WM which is a possibility.)


Nov 27, 2012
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Well . I wasn't here then but I'm sure at first u were excited then the match fucked everything up . Therefore the need to add punk . He will put the talent and the heel mic.
At this moment rock is the same superman guy as cena is .

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
Dolph'sZiggler said:
Leo C has turned into a bitter hater recently.

Yeah, gotta agree. Must say it's mostly when it involves Rock. Not trying to criticize him now or anything, but I just really dislike him being the champ so it brings a hater mark inside of me for some reason. Plus if he's involved with Cena it doesn't help. :downer:


The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
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United Kingdom of Ambrose
Saylor said:
I wouldn't be surprised if he wins MITB which means that there will be a possible tease of him cashing it in later that night. CM Punk may even come running out but doesn't manage to cash it in. It seems like a possible scenario although I'd rather someone else win the MITB. (This is if the MITB takes place at WM which is a possibility.)

I highly highly highly highly doubt the MITB match takes place at Wrestlemania,

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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Well put together video. Not one of the best I've seen but then again nothing's going to be the Summer Of Punk mixed with Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog so maybe I've been spoiled. It didn't change my opinion though.

Let me make something clear here, I don't hate the story behind Rock/Cena II. I actually really like it, well the idea of it. For one, it's ultimately another story of Cena over-coming the odds, it maybe more grandiose and not involve a heel, but we've still seen enough of this. But even that I could get over if it actually felt like Cena fell down as far as the build to Rock/Cena dictated he would. Okay, yeah I got it, he was Championship-less since losing to Rock, and I suppose you could call it was his worst year but that's like saying The Dark Knight Rises was the worst of the Nolan Batman movies, it was still an excellent film worthy of praise. Let's take a look at Cena's kayfabe year post-Rock; beat Lesnar with two moves, something Trips couldn't do in I don't know how many (didn't watch); got rid of John Laurinaitis; Won Money In The Bank; Got together with AJ, what it counts; beat Dolph Ziggler in pretty much every match but one. Maybe it's just me, but I need a little more to believe the impact that loss had at him instead of I just didn't win a Championship. Hell, most of that could've remained the same, they could've at least giving me Brock winning.

That aside, Cena losing a match he placed everything on against somebody who isn't a heel, just somebody he had a beef with from the past who ends up beating him cleanly. Then Cena would go on to have his worst year, while Rock will eventually go on to do what nobody could do in beating Punk. This would lead to the ultimate, large scale, underdog story you can convince for Cena or pretty much anyone. It's not a bad idea, hell I don't even mind the Once In A Lifetime crap we got last year because it ties into the story. To Cena, that was a once in a lifetime bout, that's why it meant so much to him. He didn't know then circumstances would lead to having a rematch with Rock next year. From a narrative point of it, that makes the story much better. Of course, as I've said prior, I don't think WWE is telling this story good but that's not my problem.

My problem was I never wanted to see it more than Once In A Lifetime. I knew way before their Mania match that the best their match was going to be was average with a lot of false finishes so I was content with it, outside the result since it meant a repeat. I'm not content with it again. I'm not content with The Rock winning the Championship from Punk and giving the rub to Cena's who's Vince & the WWE have already collectively rubbed out. I'm not content that this Mania is shaping up to be a re-match fest. I'm not content, that I doubt the promo's will have anything fresh in them. The only thing I can see them adding is Rock poking fun at Cena's "bad" year or that he did what Cena and the rest of the roster and beat Punk. Adding Punk to the match is preferable to the single's match but that doesn't say much and I don't really buy the whole Taker report since we get that yearly, like MITB. Yearly reports are high on my BS list but the Taker one's at least a plausible wolf.
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The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
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United Kingdom of Ambrose
Looks like my optimism and attempts at creating a positive vibe has disastrously failed. I just don't think it is as bad as people are making it out to be. I think I have seen some members refuse to watch Wrestlemania because of this main event, and that is something I simply can't fathom.

I do think this years match will be better for a number of reasons, for example: it looks like The Rock has more spare time now (can work on ring rust), their previous match had negative reviews, Cena is most likely winning so he'll probably try harder for it to be memorable, The Rock has competed in matches since their last encounter. I don't believe for a second they will let it be as crap as it was before, but it naturally all depends on how hard The Rock trains to get back into ring shape.

Lockard 23

The WWF/E Guru
Feb 10, 2012
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Union City, Tennessee
For what it's worth, I've been keeping a positive vibe about the whole thing the last several weeks. Read my post (#35) here: http://wweforums.net/thread-19428-post-398533.html#pid398533

I think it's because I'm far less smarkish than I used to be and just accept most things if I understand them from an objective viewpoint, a reason I'm also warming up to seeing HHH/Brock again (other than the annoyance of HHH having to give himself a win, because otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep at night.) I said for weeks leading up to the Rumble that Cena should win and Rock should win the belt if they're going for the big rematch, and obviously they were. That makes the Rumble victory more relevant by connecting it to the match that headlines and it also gives (just to echo what Reginald mentioned, and what I've said many, many times before) an excuse for Cena and Rock fighting again despite their first match being marketed as "once in a lifetime." Them calling the match that shouldn't have meant anything anyway and I have no idea why people continue to harp on that, but yeah, for what it's worth, the kayfabe way of looking at it could be that they intended to fight only once (they didn't mention about ever fighting again on Raw after WM28) but the Rumble victory and title win (fate is what they'll refer to it as in the promos) brought them together again, which is of course what WWE has had planned all along in the real (non-kayfabe) world.

I still think it could be a triple threat with Punk but part of me hopes not because I'd have preferred if Punk walked in as champion if that was the case. Plus, I like the story of Punk/Undertaker if it happens - Punk lost his 'streak' with the WWE Title but he's gonna top it by ending the WWE's greatest streak ever by defeating Undertaker at on the big stage. (We know Punk would have no chance, but neither would Brock, which is the big match everyone keeps wanting Taker to have at Mania this year.)

Jose Tortilla

Feb 5, 2012
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Awesome video..

Tbh, I was exited from the moment it was announced.:eek:tunga:
Aug 30, 2012
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What I would love to see is The Rock V John Cena for the WWE Championship in an I Quit match. After a good 30-40 minutes The Rock finally quits and Cena can be WWE Champ again. I'm not a fan of Cena but I'm not gonna say he sucks because he doesn't. He's proved that over the years and has proved he really loves the business. That's the kind of champion people can look up to.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Crayo said:
Looks like my optimism and attempts at creating a positive vibe has disastrously failed. I just don't think it is as bad as people are making it out to be. I think I have seen some members refuse to watch Wrestlemania because of this main event, and that is something I simply can't fathom.

I do think this years match will be better for a number of reasons, for example: it looks like The Rock has more spare time now (can work on ring rust), their previous match had negative reviews, Cena is most likely winning so he'll probably try harder for it to be memorable, The Rock has competed in matches since their last encounter. I don't believe for a second they will let it be as crap as it was before, but it naturally all depends on how hard The Rock trains to get back into ring shape.

As one of those guys, it's more because WWE will push Rock/Cena II, Brock/God II, and Undertaker/Opponent like a big deal, and then just throw the crumbs to the actual roster like they did last year.

The problem with the match isn't the match itself as much as the buildup... instead of making Cena look like a second-rate legend (yet still a legend), they've used Cena for all sorts of silly stuff last year. It's hard to buy into him as an underdog when he's still SuperCena. Granted from here on out the promos should be fantastic again, but nothing will change that.

It's an overused cliche, but Rock isn't back for the fans... Dwayne may be, but Rock (the character) seems like a hypocrite with his ass-kissing, and Cena's problems have been discussed ad nauseum... when watching your little video package it reminds me of that more than the build.

The IWC is hoping for a triple-threat because Punk winning the belt in the main event of Wrestlemania, defeating the biggest star of today and one of the 3 biggest stars in WWE/F history, would do something for someone. The novelty of Rocky has worn off and him holding the title hostage would be silly, and there's no way we want Cena winning the belt again. Plus it's predictable.


Nov 24, 2012
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Nothing in this whole world will make me excited about this match.
I didn't like their first one, and I already know the result of this year's.

Why should be excited?