It is not necessarily more important, though it is still important. My point was that they didn't just have Orton choke him out to fill out a five-count; THAT would have made Sheamus look weak. Sheamus actually looked stronger here in the sense that he only lost due toe interference.
No aparently it was more important. Orton had Sheamus down for the 1 2 3. The only thing that saved him was the interference. Sheamus looked weak. In order for him to not look weak, he could have atelast had Orton down after the kick, the Razor's Edge, or the Irish Curse, THEN have Legacy come in. At least during the time of the interferrence, Sheamus was in controll and could have had the match won.
Everybody is too up-in-arms that Sheamus doesn't look legitimate enough as the champion. They are obviously trying something unqiue with him and not going for the usual route of "I'M BIG BE SCARED OF ME!" He'll eventually drop the belt and be re-pushed slower, but at least he'll have this under him, something that pretty much every other big guy they push cannot say.
What's so unique about his title reign? You don't talk someone up all the time about being dominant/strong and then have a reign like this. Who has he beat clean? Bourne? Evan Bourne? That's how you build up your champ? Make him look great against jobber Bourne but when it's someone big make him look weak? He doesn't even have to always when clean, he's a heel. But a DOMINANT HEEL! Him getting a dq when he was clearly beatin' isn't unique. It makes him look weak. Him getting a dq in a title match just to furthur another storyline that has nothing to do with him or the title isn't unique. It makes him as well as the title look weak. Like I said before, on house shows he can't even get a pin fall. He gets dq'd in all the one's where he's going against someone big. Why have him go against a big name when he's going to look weak? Mr. Big dominant champ is looking weak.
His build-up to winning the title was weak. Beating the crap out of Jamie Noble? Attacking a commentator? Slamming a guest host threw the table when he could have shown his dominance in throwing Cena (the champ) threw the table? The Raw before his title match. WOW. So what if he slammed Cena threw the table the week before, he's dominant right? DO IT AGAIN!! He's an after thought on the show. How many times was he mentioned last night? The opening segment? That's just because Edge was there. The only time he looks any good is during some segments or after matches where he attacks the big name. That's it. His title reign isn't unique. It's a joke.