This forum is turning gay

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Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Possibility homosexual, must investigate further


I'm sorry if people don't like it cause I'm probably the main cuase lolz


Legendkillerpunk said:
Sorry for being naive but what happened to TDK?

He'll be alright , he's just going through his monthly cycle.

Beer said:
They're saying that the forum is much worse to what it used to be. Out new breed Dylan, is failing the older guys.

Can't say I understood that post...

I'm one of the older guys and I'd like to damn well know if I'm being "failed". ;o] (....and ironically, I generally know the term to "out" as to meaning revealing an individuals homosexuality! LOL)

So, what's the prob with the rest of the forum?

HIAT for racism, homophobia, Aussie circle jerks and random bullshit....

And the various wrestling sections for.... YOU GUESSED IT!

Not while he's 'on the rag'.


Replace Out with Our and you should get it :)

I guess I'm not as 'down' as a lot of ya'll....

Who's the "New Breed Dylan"?

(Then again, I don't really know what the old Dylan was particular synonimous with. LOL)


lol @ probing lol. Airfixx ive been hearing good things about you man. But i also hear your our swollen member.


I guess I'm not as 'down' as a lot of ya'll....

Who's the "New Breed Dylan"?

(Then again, I don't really know what the old Dylan was particular synonimous with. LOL)

I was saying, Our New Breed, Dylan (HTK) is failing the older members. Since tehy say the forum is getting badddd.


I was saying, Our New Breed, Dylan (HTK) is failing the older members. Since tehy say the forum is getting badddd.

I have no idea what you're on about with all this Dylan shit.... Are you talking Welsh?

(S'cool though, my interest is passing. ;o] )

EDIT: Just clicked... You're talking longer standing members rather than age aren't you? ...So was the rest of the forum full of dicks jokes too in the 'good old days' then?


Swollen and bigger? Ouch that must hurt. I remember once when i ran over a donkey with a motorbike named mikey.