down to 180, thanks to booze and limited food. Veggies and turkey with no bread or mayo ftw ninjas.
down to 180, thanks to booze and limited food. Veggies and turkey with no bread or mayo ftw ninjas.
It helps calm me down. But most work outs do that for me. Just putting in your headphones and wrecking it.I hate running, military ruined it for me
I lack the muscle part but I can do the rest.Still waiting for pictures of half naked muscly men. Stop, pix now pls. :gusta:
Get on some cellucor pre-workout. Makes your face melt. :blackshock:When I smoke it I feel like it helps just not as much as these capsules and tincture (liquid concentrate in an eye dropper that I drop on food) whether that be because my lungs are able to work at full function or what have you.
I've tried maca root before but I was a lot younger so I can't really remember the effects, I know it worked kinda but I think it didn't last too long was the thing. Perhaps I'll give it another go!
Eh my back was all fucked up for some reason today, I did manage to pop in like 30 minutes of Yoga though for a minor anxiety attack.